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Navigating College Costs Without Need-Based Aid

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Probably half the people I work with don't qualify for need-based aid per se,
00:00:04.000 | but they still send their kids to college. Sometimes the colleges you're looking at
00:00:08.160 | will ultimately be full price, and you have to decide, well, am I going to write a check for 90,
00:00:12.800 | or am I going to pursue other schools, or maybe you get some merit aid, or, you know, again,
00:00:18.000 | your local state school might only be 30, and kind of finding that balance. But there's still a lot
00:00:23.440 | you can do, right? There's tax planning, there's saving and investing, there's merit aid, there's
00:00:28.800 | negotiating with the schools, there's a lot of planning, just realizing that need-based aid is
00:00:34.400 | not on the list. And that's where I think a lot of people get a little confused, is there's a lot
00:00:39.040 | more to it than, will I qualify for need-based aid or not? Because even if you don't, you know,
00:00:43.040 | again, we didn't qualify for need-based aid. College is canceled? No, we're still going,
00:00:47.760 | and now it's going to be expensive. So how are we going to raise those kind of funds?