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Lesson 6: Practical Deep Learning for Coders

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00:00:00.000 | We talked about pseudo-labeling a couple of weeks ago and this is this way of dealing
00:00:07.080 | with semi-supervised learning.
00:00:09.960 | Remember how in the state-farm competition we had far more unlabeled images in the test
00:00:16.160 | set than we had in the training set?
00:00:19.040 | And so the question was like how do we take advantage of knowing something about the structure
00:00:22.880 | even though we don't have labels?
00:00:26.040 | We learned this crazy technique called pseudo-labeling, or a combination of pseudo-labeling and not
00:00:29.920 | a knowledge distillation, which is where you predict the outputs of the test set and then
00:00:38.120 | you act as if those outputs were true labels and you kind of add them in to your training.
00:00:45.360 | And the reason I wasn't able to actually implement that and see how it works was because we needed
00:00:50.080 | a way of combining two different sets of batches.
00:00:54.320 | And in particular, I think the advice I saw from Jeff Hinton when he wrote about pseudo-labeling
00:01:01.840 | is that you want something like 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 of your training data to come from
00:01:08.720 | the pseudo-label data and the rest to come from your real data.
00:01:13.720 | So the good news is I built that thing and it was ridiculously easy.
00:01:21.280 | This is the entire code, I called it the mix iterator, and it will be in our utils+ from
00:01:29.000 | tomorrow.
00:01:31.000 | And all it does is it's something where you create whatever generators of batches you
00:01:36.720 | like and then you pass an array of those iterators to this constructor and then every time the
00:01:46.240 | Keras system calls Next on it, it grabs the next batch from all of those sets of batches
00:01:52.760 | and concatenates them all together.
00:01:55.200 | And so what that means in practice is that I tried doing pseudo-labeling, for example,
00:02:00.440 | on MNIST.
00:02:01.440 | Because remember on MNIST we already had that pretty close to state-of-the-art result, which
00:02:07.360 | was 99.69, so I thought can we improve it anymore if we use pseudo-labeling on the test set.
00:02:20.240 | And so to do so, you just do this.
00:02:24.040 | You grab your training batches as usual using data augmentation if you want, whatever else,
00:02:31.440 | so here's my training batches.
00:02:33.760 | And then you create your pseudo-batches by saying, okay, my data is my test set and my
00:02:45.320 | labels are my predictions, and these are the predictions that I calculated back up here.
00:02:51.960 | So now this is the second set of batches, which is my pseudo-batches.
00:02:57.720 | And so then passing an array of those two things to the mix iterator now creates a new
00:03:02.480 | batch generator, which is going to give us a few images from here and a few images from
00:03:08.680 | here.
00:03:09.680 | How many?
00:03:10.680 | Well, however many you asked for.
00:03:12.520 | So in this case, I was getting 64 from my training set and 64/4 from my test set.
00:03:25.080 | Now I can use that just like any other generator, so then I just call model.fitGenerator and
00:03:35.840 | pass in that thing that I just created.
00:03:39.240 | And so what it's going to do is create a bunch of batches which will be 64 items from my
00:03:48.400 | regular training set and a quarter of that number of items from my pseudo-labeled set.
00:03:56.000 | And lo and behold, it gave me a slightly better score.
00:04:00.320 | There's only so much better we can do at this point, but that took us up to 99.72.
00:04:05.520 | It's worth mentioning that every 0.01% at this point is just one image, so we're really
00:04:11.400 | kind of on the edges at this point, but this is getting even closer to the state-of-the-art
00:04:17.120 | despite the fact we're not doing any handwriting-specific techniques.
00:04:21.440 | I also tried it on the fish dataset and I realized at that point that this allows us
00:04:28.040 | to do something else which is pretty neat, which is normally when we train on the training
00:04:33.780 | set and set aside a validation set, if we don't want to submit to Kaggle, we've only
00:04:39.520 | trained on a subset of the data that they gave us.
00:04:42.340 | We didn't train on the validation set as well, which is not great, right?
00:04:47.120 | So what you can actually do is you can send three sets of batches to the MixCederator.
00:04:52.820 | You can have your regular training batches, you can have your pseudo-label test batches,
00:04:59.800 | and if you think about it, you could also add in some validation batches using the true
00:05:04.240 | labels from the validation set.
00:05:06.080 | So this is something you do just right at the end when you say this is a model I'm happy
00:05:10.800 | with, you could fine-tune it a bit using some of the real validation data.
00:05:15.920 | You can see here I've got out of my batch size of 64, I'm putting 44 from the training
00:05:20.260 | set, 4 from the validation set, and 16 from the pseudo-label test set.
00:05:26.080 | And again, this worked pretty well.
00:05:28.520 | It got me from about 110th to about 60th on the leaderboard.
00:05:42.720 | So if we go to cross-documentation, there is something called sample weight.
00:05:47.120 | And I wonder if you can just set the sample weight to be lower for...
00:05:52.680 | Yeah, you can use the sample weight, but you would still have to manually construct the
00:05:58.240 | consolidated data set.
00:06:00.920 | So this is like a more convenient way where you don't have to append it all together.
00:06:14.800 | I will mention that I found the way I'm doing it seems a little slow.
00:06:19.640 | There are some obvious ways I can speed it up.
00:06:22.560 | I'm not quite sure why it is, but it might be because this concatenation each time is
00:06:29.440 | kind of having to create new memory and that takes a long time.
00:06:33.420 | There are some obvious things I can do to try and speed it up.
00:06:37.520 | It's good enough and seems to do the job.
00:06:39.560 | I'm pleased that we now have a way to do convenient pseudo-labeling in Keras and it seems to do
00:06:46.360 | a pretty good job.
00:06:51.840 | So the other thing I wanted to talk about before we moved on to the new material today
00:06:56.800 | is embeddings.
00:06:57.800 | I've had lots of questions about embeddings and I think it's pretty clear that at least
00:07:05.560 | for some of you some additional explanations would be helpful.
00:07:09.160 | So I wanted to start out by reminding you that when I introduced embeddings to you,
00:07:16.680 | the data that we had, we looked at this crosstab form of data.
00:07:22.800 | When it's in this crosstab form, it's very easy to visualize what embeddings look like,
00:07:27.000 | which is for movie_27 and user_id number 14, here is that movie_id's embedding right here
00:07:34.000 | and here is that user_id's embedding right here and so here is the dot product of the
00:07:38.920 | two right here.
00:07:41.760 | So that was all pretty straightforward.
00:07:44.920 | And so then all we had to do to optimize our embeddings was use the gradient descent solver
00:07:51.000 | that is built into Microsoft Excel, which is called solver, and we just told it what
00:07:58.320 | our objective is, which is this cell, and we set to minimize it by changing these sets
00:08:05.280 | of cells.
00:08:08.520 | Now the data that we are given in the movie lens dataset, however, requires some manipulation
00:08:16.960 | to get into a crosstab form, we're actually given it in this form, and we wouldn't want
00:08:20.920 | to create a crosstab with all of this data because it would be way too big, every single
00:08:25.960 | user times every single movie, and it would also be very inconvenient.
00:08:29.480 | So that's not how Keras works, Keras uses this data in exactly this format.
00:08:35.560 | And so let me show you how that works and what an embedding is really doing.
00:08:41.200 | So here is the exact same thing, but I'm going to show you this using the data in the format
00:08:46.840 | that Keras uses it.
00:08:48.360 | So this is our input data.
00:08:51.520 | Every rating is a row, it has a user_id, a movie_id, and a rating.
00:08:57.420 | And this is what an embedding matrix looks like for 15 users.
00:09:02.600 | So these are the user_id's, and for each user_id, here's user_id 14's embedding, and this is
00:09:10.360 | 29's embedding, and this is 72's embedding.
00:09:12.760 | At this stage, they're just random, they're just initializing random numbers.
00:09:16.880 | So this thing here is called an embedding matrix.
00:09:20.880 | And here is the movie embedding matrix.
00:09:23.720 | So the embedding matrix for movie_27 are these 5 numbers.
00:09:29.360 | So what happens when we look at user_id 14, movie_id for 17, rating number 2?
00:09:37.340 | Well the first thing that happens is that we have to find user_id number 14.
00:09:41.840 | And here it is.
00:09:42.840 | User_id 14 is the first thing in this array.
00:09:46.820 | So the index of user_id 14 is 1.
00:09:50.760 | So then here is the first row from the user_embedding matrix.
00:10:01.240 | Similarly movie_id 4.1.7, here is movie_id 4.1.7, and it is the 14th row of this table.
00:10:15.600 | And so we want to return the 14th row, and so you can see here it has looked up and found
00:10:21.280 | that it's the 14th row, and then indexed into the table and grabbed the 14th row.
00:10:26.640 | And so then to calculate the dot product, we simply take the dot product of the user
00:10:32.120 | embedding with the movie embedding.
00:10:35.120 | And then to calculate the loss, we simply take the rating and subtract the prediction
00:10:40.680 | and square it.
00:10:42.040 | And then to get the total loss function, we just add that all up and take the square root.
00:10:48.240 | So the orange background cells are the cells which we want our SGD solver to change in
00:10:58.600 | order to minimize this cell here.
00:11:03.880 | And then all of the orange bold cells are the calculated cells.
00:11:09.160 | So when I was saying last week that an embedding is simply looking up an array by an index,
00:11:17.360 | you can see why I was saying that.
00:11:18.800 | It's literally taking an index and it looks it up in an array and returns that row.
00:11:24.560 | That's literally all it's doing.
00:11:27.600 | You might want to convince yourself during the week that this is identical to taking
00:11:32.720 | a one-hot encoded matrix and multiplying it by an embedding matrix that's identical to
00:11:39.040 | doing this kind of lookup.
00:11:41.440 | So we can do exactly the same thing.
00:11:44.040 | In this way, we can say data solver, we want to set this cell to a minimum by changing
00:11:54.560 | these cells and if I say solve, then x_l will go away and try to improve our objective and
00:12:03.040 | you can see it's decreasing, it's up to about 2.5.
00:12:07.160 | And so what it's doing here is it's using gradient descent to try to find ways to increase or
00:12:12.680 | decrease all of these numbers such that that RMSE becomes as low as possible.
00:12:20.400 | So that's literally all that is going on in our Keras example, here, this .product.
00:12:33.320 | So this thing here where we said create an embedding for a user, that's just saying create
00:12:37.280 | something where I can look up the user_id and find their row.
00:12:41.600 | This is doing the same for a movie, look up the movie_id and find its row.
00:12:45.760 | And this here says take the .product once you've found the two, and then this here says train
00:12:51.600 | a model where you take in that user_id and movie_id and try to predict the rating and
00:12:56.400 | use SGD to make it better and better.
00:13:04.000 | So you can see here that it's got the RMSE down to 0.4, so for example the first one predicted
00:13:14.960 | 3, it's actually 2, 4.5, 4.6, 5 and so forth, so you get the idea of how it works.
00:13:25.020 | Word embeddings work exactly the same way.
00:13:28.360 | So inspired by one of the students who talked about this during the week, I grabbed the
00:13:35.920 | text of Green Eggs and Ham.
00:13:39.800 | And so here is the text of Green Eggs and Ham.
00:13:41.640 | I am Daniel, I am Sam, Sam I am, that's Sam I am, etc.
00:13:47.920 | And I've turned this poem into a matrix.
00:13:55.280 | And the way I did that was to take every unique word in that poem.
00:14:03.080 | Here is the ID of each of those words, just index from 1.
00:14:07.480 | And so then I just randomly generated an embedding matrix, I equally well could have used the
00:14:14.560 | downloaded glove embeddings instead.
00:14:18.880 | And so then just for each word, I just look up in the list to find that word and find
00:14:23.360 | out what number it is, so I is number 8, and so here is the 8th row of the embedding matrix.
00:14:31.040 | So you can see here that we've started with a poem and we've turned it into a matrix of
00:14:37.960 | floats.
00:14:38.960 | And so the reason we do this is because our machine learning tools want a matrix of floats,
00:14:45.240 | not a poem.
00:14:47.680 | So all of the questions about does it matter what the word IDs are, you can see it doesn't
00:14:54.920 | matter at all.
00:14:55.920 | All we're doing is we're looking them up in this matrix and returning the floats.
00:15:01.880 | And once we've done that, we never use them again, we just use this matrix of floats.
00:15:07.520 | So that's what embeddings are.
00:15:12.840 | So I hope that's helpful.
00:15:13.840 | Feel free to ask if you have any questions either now or at any other time because we're
00:15:18.800 | going to be using embeddings throughout this class.
00:15:23.960 | So hopefully that helped a few people clarify what's going on.
00:15:33.980 | So let's get back to recurrent neural networks.
00:15:39.240 | So to remind you, we talked about the purpose of recurrent neural networks as being really
00:15:50.920 | all about memory.
00:15:58.360 | So it's really all about this idea of memory.
00:16:02.880 | If we're going to handle something like recognizing a comment start and a comment end, and being
00:16:09.760 | able to keep track of the fact that we're in a comment for all of this time so that
00:16:14.120 | we can do modeling on this kind of structured language data, we're really going to need
00:16:18.560 | memory.
00:16:20.920 | That allows us to handle long-term dependencies and it provides this stateful representation.
00:16:27.240 | So in general, the stuff we're talking about, we're going to be looking at things that kind
00:16:30.360 | of particularly need these three things.
00:16:32.840 | And it's also somewhat helpful just for when you have a variable length sequence.
00:16:39.960 | Questions about embeddings?
00:16:41.840 | One is how does the size of my embedding depend on the number of unique words?
00:16:46.280 | So mapping green eggs and ham to five real numbers seems sufficient but wouldn't be for
00:16:51.100 | all of JRR Tolkien.
00:16:54.000 | So your choice of how big to make your embedding matrix, as in how many latent factors to create,
00:17:01.680 | is one of these architectural decisions which we don't really have an answer to.
00:17:08.880 | My best suggestion is to read the Word2Vec paper which introduced a lot of this and look
00:17:22.240 | at the difference between a 50 dimensional, 100 dimensional, 200, 300, 600 dimensional
00:17:28.240 | and see what are the different levels of accuracy that those different size embedding matrices
00:17:33.120 | created when the authors of that paper provided this information.
00:17:38.840 | So that's a quick shortcut because other people have already experimented and provided those
00:17:42.960 | results for you.
00:17:44.840 | The other is to do your own experiments, try a few different sizes.
00:17:48.700 | It's not really about the length of the word list, it's really about the complexity of
00:17:54.640 | the language or other problem that you're trying to solve.
00:17:59.960 | That's really problem dependent and will require both your intuition developed from reading
00:18:05.720 | and experimenting and also your own experiments.
00:18:09.500 | And what would be the range of root mean squared error value to say that a model is good?
00:18:16.760 | To say that a model is good is another model specific issue.
00:18:21.980 | So a root mean squared error is very interpretable, it's basically how far out is it on average.
00:18:29.800 | So we were finding that we were getting ratings within about 0.4, this mini Excel dataset
00:18:38.000 | is too small to really make intelligent comments, but let's say it was bigger.
00:18:43.180 | If we're getting within 0.4 on average, that sounds like it's probably good enough to be
00:18:49.280 | useful for helping people find movies that they might like.
00:18:53.880 | But there's really no one solution, I actually wrote a whole paper about this.
00:19:09.640 | If you look up "Designing Great Data Products" and look at my name, this is based on really
00:19:16.040 | mainly 10 years of work I did at a company I created called Optimal Decision Group.
00:19:22.240 | And Optimal Decision Group was all about how to use predictive modeling not just to make
00:19:30.060 | predictions but to optimize actions, and this whole paper is about that.
00:19:35.460 | In the end, it's really about coming up with a way to measure the benefit to your organization
00:19:42.120 | or to your project of getting that extra 0.1% accuracy, and there are some suggestions on
00:19:48.040 | how to do that in this paper.
00:19:57.760 | So we looked at a kind of a visual vocabulary that we developed for writing down neural
00:20:08.660 | nets where any colored box represents a matrix of activations, that's a really important
00:20:17.360 | point to remember.
00:20:18.360 | A colored box represents a matrix of activations, so it could either be the input matrix, it
00:20:25.880 | could be the output matrix, or it could be the matrix that comes from taking an input
00:20:31.840 | and putting it through like a matrix product.
00:20:37.280 | The rectangle boxes represent inputs, the circular ones represent hidden, so intermediate
00:20:44.360 | activations, and the triangles represent outputs.
00:20:49.200 | Arrows, very importantly, represent what we'll call layer operations.
00:20:54.760 | And a layer operation is anything that you do to one colored box to create another colored
00:20:59.560 | In general, it's almost always going to involve some kind of linear function like a matrix
00:21:04.000 | product or convolution, and it will probably also include some kind of activation function
00:21:08.880 | like ReLU or softmax.
00:21:13.960 | Because the activation functions are pretty unimportant in terms of detail, I started
00:21:19.560 | removing those from the pictures as we started to look at more complex models.
00:21:25.560 | And then in fact, because the layer operations actually are pretty consistent, we probably
00:21:29.320 | know what they are, I started removing those as well, just to keep these simple.
00:21:35.560 | And so we're simplifying these diagrams to try and just keep the main pieces.
00:21:40.200 | And as we did so, we could start to create more complex diagrams.
00:21:43.520 | And so we talked about a kind of language model where we would take inputs of a character,
00:21:50.800 | character number 1 and character number 2, and we would try and predict character number
00:21:57.360 | And so we thought one way to do that would be to create a deep neural network with two
00:22:03.200 | layers.
00:22:05.040 | The character 1 input would go through a layer operation to create our first fully connected
00:22:10.280 | layer.
00:22:11.920 | That would go through another layer operation to create a second fully connected layer.
00:22:15.820 | And we would also add our second character input going through its own fully connected
00:22:21.600 | layer at this point.
00:22:23.440 | And to recall, the last important thing we have to learn is that two arrows going into
00:22:28.160 | a single shape means that we are adding the results of those two layer operations together.
00:22:34.360 | So two arrows going into a shape represents summing up, element-wise, the results of these
00:22:41.960 | two layer operations.
00:22:45.440 | So this was the kind of little visual vocabulary that we set up last week.
00:22:51.060 | And I've kept track of it down here as to what the things are in case you forget.
00:22:56.760 | So now I wanted to point out something really interesting, which is that there's three kinds
00:23:03.760 | of layer operations going on.
00:23:07.440 | Here I'm expanding this now.
00:23:08.480 | We've got predicting a fourth character of a sequence using characters 1, 2 and 3.
00:23:13.400 | It's exactly the same method as on the previous slide.
00:23:18.640 | There are layer operations that turn a character input into a hidden activation matrix.
00:23:26.240 | There's one here, here's one here.
00:23:29.480 | There are layer operations that turn one hidden layer activation into a new hidden layer activation.
00:23:36.920 | And then there's an operation that takes hidden activations and turns it into output activations.
00:23:43.360 | And so you can see here, I've colored them in.
00:23:45.040 | And here I've got a little legend of these different colors.
00:23:49.240 | Green are the input to hidden, blue is the output, and orange is the hidden to hidden.
00:23:56.560 | So my claim is that the dimensions of the weight matrices for each of these different
00:24:03.360 | colored arrows, all of the green ones have the same dimensions because they're taking
00:24:07.480 | an input of vocab size and turning it into an output hidden activation of size number
00:24:15.840 | of activations.
00:24:17.360 | So all of these arrows represent weight matrices which are of the same dimensionality.
00:24:22.640 | Ditto, the orange arrows represent weight matrices with the same dimensionality.
00:24:28.800 | I would go further than that though and say the green arrows represent semantically the
00:24:33.920 | same thing.
00:24:35.320 | They're all saying how do you take a character and convert it into a hidden state.
00:24:41.200 | And the orange arrows are all saying how do you take a hidden state from a previous character
00:24:46.240 | and turn it into a hidden state for a new character.
00:24:49.660 | And then the blue one is saying how do you take a hidden state and turn it into an output.
00:24:55.920 | When you look at it that way, all of these circles are basically the same thing, they're
00:25:00.240 | just representing this hidden state at a different point in time.
00:25:04.400 | And I'm going to use this word 'time' in a fairly general way, I'm not really talking
00:25:09.360 | about time, I'm just talking about the sequence in which we're presenting additional pieces
00:25:13.600 | of information to this model.
00:25:15.360 | We first of all present the first character, the second character and the third character.
00:25:21.840 | So we could redraw this whole thing in a simpler way and a more general way.
00:25:28.400 | Before we do, I'm actually going to show you in Keras how to build this model.
00:25:35.640 | And in doing so, we're going to learn a bit more about the functional API which hopefully
00:25:39.480 | you'll find pretty interesting and useful.
00:25:47.240 | To do that, we are going to use this corpus of all of the collected works of niche shape.
00:25:54.040 | So we load in those works, we find all of the unique characters of which there are 86.
00:26:03.440 | Here they are, joined up together, and then we create a mapping from the character to
00:26:09.640 | the index at which it appears in this list and a mapping from the index to the character.
00:26:15.720 | So this is basically creating the equivalent of these tables, or more specifically I guess
00:26:24.160 | this table.
00:26:25.160 | But rather than using words, we're looking at characters.
00:26:29.400 | So that allows us to take the text of Nietzsche and convert it into a list of numbers where
00:26:37.320 | the numbers represent the number at which the character appears in this list.
00:26:42.360 | So here are the first 10.
00:26:45.320 | So at any point we can turn this, that's called IDX, so we've converted our whole text into
00:26:50.880 | the equivalent indices.
00:26:54.040 | At any point we can turn it back into text by simply taking those indexes and looking
00:26:58.680 | them up in our index to character mapping.
00:27:02.480 | So here you can see we turn it back into the start of the text again.
00:27:07.080 | So that's the data we're working with.
00:27:08.280 | The data we're working with is a list of character IDs at this point where those character IDs
00:27:13.600 | represent the collected works of Nietzsche.
00:27:18.060 | So we're going to build a model which attempts to predict the fourth character from the previous
00:27:28.140 | three.
00:27:30.040 | So to do that, we're going to go through our whole list of indexes from 0 up to the end
00:27:39.560 | minus 3.
00:27:41.920 | And we're going to create a whole list of the 0th, 4th, 8th, 12th etc characters and
00:27:52.240 | a list of the 1st, 5th, 9th etc and the 2nd, 6th, 10th and so forth.
00:28:00.320 | So this is going to represent the first character of each sequence, the second character of
00:28:03.920 | each sequence, the third character of each sequence and this is the one we want to predict,
00:28:07.440 | the fourth character of each sequence.
00:28:11.080 | So we can now turn these into NumPy arrays just by stacking them up together.
00:28:16.560 | And so now we've got our input for our first characters, second characters and third characters
00:28:22.160 | of every four character piece of this collected works.
00:28:27.440 | And then our y's, our labels, will simply be the fourth characters of each sequence.
00:28:33.680 | So here you can see them.
00:28:35.800 | So for example, if we took x1, x2 and x3 and took the first element of each, this is the
00:28:43.640 | first character of the text, the second character of the text, the third character of the text
00:28:50.560 | and the fourth character of the text.
00:28:52.240 | So we'll be trying to predict this based on these three.
00:28:56.960 | And then we'll try to predict this based on these three.
00:29:01.460 | So that's our data format.
00:29:06.800 | So you can see we've got about 200,000 of these inputs for each of x1 through x3 and
00:29:17.000 | for y.
00:29:18.600 | And so as per usual, we're going to first of all turn them into embeddings by creating
00:29:23.320 | an embedding matrix.
00:29:25.120 | I will mention this is not normal.
00:29:29.840 | I haven't actually seen anybody else do this.
00:29:33.360 | Most people just treat them as one-hot encodings.
00:29:37.440 | So for example, the most widely used blog post about car RNNs, which really made them
00:29:46.800 | popular, was Andre Kepathys, and it's quite fantastic.
00:29:51.280 | And you can see that in his version, he shows them as being one-hot encoder.
00:30:03.040 | We're not going to do that, we're going to turn them into embeddings.
00:30:10.080 | I think it makes a lot of sense.
00:30:13.240 | Capital A and lowercase a have some similarities that an embedding can understand.
00:30:17.880 | Different types of things that have to be opened and closed, like different types of
00:30:21.640 | parentheses and quotes, have certain characteristics that can be constructed in embedding.
00:30:27.520 | There's all kinds of things that we would expect an embedding to capture.
00:30:31.560 | So my hypothesis was that an embedding is going to do a better job than just a one-hot
00:30:47.120 | encoding.
00:30:48.880 | In my experiments over the last couple of weeks, that generally seems to be true.
00:30:54.960 | So we're going to take each character, 1-3, and turn them into embeddings by first creating
00:31:01.680 | an input layer for them and then creating an embedding layer for that input.
00:31:07.160 | And then we can return the input layer and the flattened version of the embedding layer.
00:31:12.880 | So this is the input to an output of each of our three embedding layers for our three
00:31:19.680 | input characters.
00:31:22.300 | So that's basically our inputs.
00:31:26.280 | So we now have to decide how many activations do we want.
00:31:38.320 | And so that's something we can just pick.
00:31:40.680 | So I've decided to go with 256.
00:31:43.040 | That's something that seems reasonable, seems to have worked okay.
00:31:47.840 | So we now have to somehow construct something where each of our green arrows ends up with
00:31:57.720 | the same weight matrix.
00:31:59.680 | And it turns out Keras makes this really easy with the Keras Functional API.
00:32:05.200 | When you call dense like this, what it's actually doing is it's creating a layer with a specific
00:32:14.960 | weight matrix.
00:32:16.880 | Notice that I haven't passed in anything here to say what it's connected to, so it's not
00:32:20.680 | part of a model yet.
00:32:22.400 | This is just saying, I'm going to have something which is a dense layer which creates 256 activations
00:32:33.920 | and I'm going to call it dense_in.
00:32:36.280 | So it doesn't actually do anything until I then do this, so I connect it to something.
00:32:41.160 | So here I'm going to say character1's hidden state comes from taking character1, which
00:32:47.000 | was the output of our first embedding, and putting it through this dense_in layer.
00:32:53.660 | So this is the thing which creates our first circle.
00:32:58.760 | So the embedding is the thing that creates the output of our first rectangle, this creates
00:33:02.480 | our first circle.
00:33:04.080 | And so dense_in is the green arrow.
00:33:08.960 | So what that means is that in order to create the next set of activations, we need to create
00:33:14.880 | the orange arrow.
00:33:16.560 | So since the orange arrow is different weight matrix to the green arrow, we have to create
00:33:20.920 | a new dense layer.
00:33:22.240 | So here it is.
00:33:23.240 | I've got a new dense layer, and again, with n hidden outputs.
00:33:28.500 | So by creating a new dense layer, this is a whole separate weight matrix, this is going
00:33:32.000 | to keep track of.
00:33:34.800 | So now that I've done that, I can create my character2 hidden state, which is here, and
00:33:43.040 | I'm going to have to sum up two separate things.
00:33:45.980 | I'm going to take my character2 embedding, put it through my green arrow, dense_in, that's
00:33:53.200 | going to be there.
00:33:54.200 | I'm going to take the output of my character1's hidden state and run it through my orange
00:34:01.840 | arrow, which we call dense_hidden, and then we're going to merge the two together.
00:34:08.280 | And merge by default does a sum.
00:34:12.040 | So this is adding together these two outputs.
00:34:16.880 | In other words, it's adding together these two layer operation outputs.
00:34:21.080 | And that gives us this circle.
00:34:24.600 | So the third character output is done in exactly the same way.
00:34:28.160 | We take the third character's embedding, run it through our green arrow, take the result
00:34:32.880 | of our previous hidden activations and run it through our orange arrow, and then merge
00:34:36.920 | the two together.
00:34:38.000 | Question- Is the first output the size of the latent fields in the embedding?
00:34:44.800 | Answer- The size of the latent embeddings we defined when we created the embeddings up
00:34:55.600 | here, and we defined them as having nFAT size, and nFAT we defined as 42.
00:35:07.200 | So C1, C2 and C3 represent the result of putting each character through this embedding and
00:35:13.280 | getting out 42 latent factors.
00:35:18.800 | Those are then the things that we put into our green arrow.
00:35:25.240 | So after doing this three times, we now have C3 hidden, which is 1, 2, 3 here.
00:35:33.160 | So we now need a new set of weights, we need another dense layer, the blue arrow.
00:35:39.280 | So we'll call that "dense out".
00:35:42.240 | And this needs to create an output of size 86, vocab size, we need to create something
00:35:48.360 | which can match to the one-hot encoded list of possible characters, which is 86 long.
00:35:54.520 | So now that we've got this orange arrow, we can apply that to our final hidden state to
00:35:59.800 | get our output.
00:36:02.400 | So in Keras, all we need to do now is call model "passing in" the three inputs, and so
00:36:09.560 | the three inputs were returned to us way back here.
00:36:14.160 | Each time we created an embedding, we returned the input layer, so C1 in C2 in C3 input.
00:36:23.640 | So passing in the three inputs, and passing in our output.
00:36:28.220 | So that's our model.
00:36:29.640 | And so we can now compile it, set a learning rate, fit it, and as you can see, its loss
00:36:35.900 | is gradually decreasing.
00:36:39.080 | And we can then test that out very easily by creating a little function that we're going
00:36:43.680 | to pass three letters.
00:36:46.520 | We're going to take those three letters and turn them into character indices, just look
00:36:52.000 | them up to find the indexes, turn each of those into a numpy array, call model.predict
00:36:58.960 | on those three arrays.
00:37:02.960 | That gives us 86 outputs, which we then do argmax to find which index into those 86 is
00:37:14.240 | the highest, and that's the character number that we want to return.
00:37:18.400 | So if we pass in PHI, it thinks that L is most likely next, space th is most likely next,
00:37:27.640 | space an, it thinks that d is most likely next.
00:37:31.480 | So you can see that it seems to be doing a pretty reasonable job of taking three characters
00:37:36.480 | and returning a fourth character that seems pretty sensible, not the world's most powerful
00:37:42.800 | model, but a good example of how we can construct pretty arbitrary architectures using Keras
00:37:52.880 | and then letting SGD do the work.
00:38:00.640 | This model, how would it consider the context in which we are trying to predict the next
00:38:06.520 | context, it knows nothing about the context, all it has at any point in time is the previous
00:38:12.960 | three characters.
00:38:13.960 | So it's not a great model.
00:38:16.960 | We're going to improve it though, we've got to start somewhere.
00:38:21.200 | In order to answer your question, let's build this up a little further, and rather than
00:38:38.560 | trying to predict character 4 from the previous three characters, let's try and predict character
00:38:43.120 | n from the previous n-1 characters.
00:38:46.920 | And since all of these circles basically mean the same thing, which is the hidden state
00:38:51.040 | at this point, and since all of these orange arrows are literally the same thing, it's
00:38:55.520 | a dense layer with exactly the same weight matrix, let's take all of the circles on top
00:38:59.640 | of each other, which means that these orange arrows then can just become one arrow pointing
00:39:04.280 | into itself.
00:39:06.040 | And this is the definition of a recurrent neural network.
00:39:10.400 | When we see it in this form, we say that we're looking at it in its recurrent form.
00:39:15.280 | When we see it in this form, we can say that we're looking at it in its unrolled form, or
00:39:21.080 | unfolded form.
00:39:22.080 | They're both very common.
00:39:24.000 | This is obviously neater.
00:39:27.840 | And so for quickly sketching out an RNN architecture, this is much more convenient.
00:39:33.040 | But actually, this unrolled form is really important.
00:39:35.880 | For example, when Keras uses TensorFlow as a backend, it actually always unrolls it in
00:39:42.560 | this way in order to compute it.
00:39:47.160 | That obviously takes up a lot more memory.
00:39:50.760 | And so it's quite nice being able to use the Theano backend with Keras which can actually
00:39:55.200 | directly implement it as this kind of loop, and that's what we'll be doing today shortly.
00:40:03.160 | But in general, we've got the same idea.
00:40:04.360 | We're going to have character 1 input come in, go through the first green arrow, go through
00:40:11.640 | the first orange arrow, and from then on, we can just say take the second character,
00:40:17.760 | repeat the third character, repeat, and at each time period, we're getting a new character
00:40:23.680 | going through a layer operation, as well as taking the previous hidden state and putting
00:40:28.200 | it through its layer operation.
00:40:31.440 | And then at the very end, we will put it through a different layer operation, the blue arrow,
00:40:35.800 | to get our output.
00:40:37.960 | So I'm going to show you this in Keras now.
00:40:40.640 | Does every fully connected layer have to have the same activation function?
00:40:50.560 | In general, no, in all of the models we've seen so far, we have constructed them in a
00:41:01.200 | way where you can write anything you like as the activation function.
00:41:07.440 | In general though, I haven't seen any examples of successful architectures which mix activation
00:41:14.120 | functions other than at the output layer would pretty much always be a softmax for classification.
00:41:22.080 | I'm not sure it's not something that might become a good idea, it's just not something
00:41:27.840 | that anybody has done very successfully with so far.
00:41:32.560 | I will mention something important about activation functions though, which is that you can use
00:41:39.360 | pretty much almost any nonlinear function as an activation function and get pretty reasonable
00:41:44.360 | results.
00:41:45.360 | There are actually some pretty cool papers that people have written where they've tried
00:41:48.680 | all kinds of weird activation functions and they pretty much all work.
00:41:52.760 | So it's not something to get hung up about.
00:41:55.280 | It's more just certain activation functions will train more quickly and more resiliently.
00:42:02.360 | In particular, ReLU and ReLU variations tend to work particularly well.
00:42:10.560 | So let's implement this.
00:42:15.320 | So we're going to use a very similar approach to what we used before.
00:42:20.840 | And we're going to create our first RNN and we're going to create it from scratch using
00:42:25.520 | nothing but standard Keras dense layers.
00:42:29.920 | In this case, we can't create C1, C2 and C3, we're going to have to create an array of
00:42:38.840 | our inputs.
00:42:39.840 | We're going to have to decide what N we're going to use, and so for this one I've decided
00:42:44.480 | to use 8, so CS is characters, so I'm going to use 8 characters to predict the 9th character.
00:42:52.880 | So I'm going to create an array with 8 elements in it, and each element will contain a list
00:43:00.280 | of the 0, 8, 16, 24th character, the 1, 9, 17, etc. character, the 2, 10, 18, etc. character,
00:43:11.400 | just like before.
00:43:12.400 | So we're going to have a sequence of inputs where each one is offset by 1 from the previous
00:43:20.480 | one, and then our output will be exactly the same thing, except we're going to look at
00:43:27.960 | the index to cross by CS, so 8.
00:43:31.800 | So this will be the 8th thing in each sequence and we're going to predict it with the previous
00:43:36.480 | ones.
00:43:39.640 | So now we can go through every one of those input data items, lists, and turn them into
00:43:44.960 | a NumPy array, and so here you can see that we have 8 inputs, and each one is at length
00:43:56.560 | 75,000 or so.
00:43:59.560 | Do the same thing for our y, get a NumPy array out of it, and here we can visualize it.
00:44:09.200 | So here are the first 8 elements of x, so in looking at the first 8 elements of x, let's
00:44:19.280 | look at the very first element of each one, 40, 42, 29.
00:44:23.460 | So this column is the first 8 characters of our text, and here is the 9th character.
00:44:31.560 | So the first thing that the model will try to do is to look at these 8 to predict this,
00:44:36.480 | and then look at these 8 to predict this, and look at these 8 and predict this and so forth.
00:44:41.400 | And indeed you can see that this list here is exactly the same as this list here.
00:44:48.360 | The final character of each sequence is the same as the first character of the next sequence.
00:44:53.040 | So it's almost exactly the same as our previous data, we've just done it in a more flexible
00:44:59.040 | We'll create 43 latent factors as before, where we use exactly the same embedding input function
00:45:05.960 | as before.
00:45:06.960 | And again, we're just going to have to use lists to store everything.
00:45:11.960 | So in this case, all of our embeddings are going to be in a list, so we'll go through
00:45:15.400 | each of our characters and create an embedding input and output for each one, store it here.
00:45:25.400 | And here we're going to define them all at once, our green arrow, orange arrow, and blue
00:45:30.200 | arrow.
00:45:31.200 | So here we're basically saying we've got 3 different weight matrices that we want Keras
00:45:35.720 | to keep track of for us.
00:45:39.960 | So the very first hidden state here is going to take the list of all of our inputs, the
00:45:49.200 | first one of those, and then that's a tuple of two things.
00:45:52.960 | The first is the input to it, and the second is the output of the embedding.
00:45:56.320 | So we're going to take the output of the embedding for the very first character, pass that into
00:46:01.840 | our green arrow, and that's going to give us our initial hidden state.
00:46:08.240 | And then this looks exactly the same as we saw before, but rather than doing it listing
00:46:14.160 | separately, we're just going to loop through all of our remaining 1 through 8 characters
00:46:19.400 | and go ahead and create the green arrow, orange arrow, and add the two together.
00:46:27.900 | So finally we can take that final hidden state, put it through our blue arrow to create our
00:46:33.400 | final output.
00:46:35.280 | So we can then tell Keras that our model is all of the embedding inputs for that list
00:46:42.040 | we created together, that's our inputs, and then our output that we just created is the
00:46:46.880 | output.
00:46:48.280 | And we can go ahead and fit that model.
00:46:51.000 | So we would expect this to be more accurate because it's now got 8 pieces of context in
00:46:57.720 | order to predict.
00:46:59.080 | So previously we were getting this time we get down to 1.8.
00:47:11.200 | So it's still not great, but it's an improvement and we can create exactly the same kind of
00:47:15.160 | tests as before, so now we can pass in 8 characters and get a prediction of the ninth.
00:47:20.640 | And these all look pretty reasonable.
00:47:24.160 | So that is our first RNN that we've now built from scratch.
00:47:30.440 | This kind of RNN where we're taking a list and predicting a single thing is most likely
00:47:38.160 | to be useful for things like sentiment analysis.
00:47:44.160 | Remember our sentiment analysis example using IMDB?
00:47:47.880 | So in this case we were taking a sequence, being a list of words in a sentence, and predicting
00:47:52.840 | whether or not something is positive sentiment or negative sentiment.
00:47:56.400 | So that would seem like an appropriate kind of use case for this style of RNN.
00:48:06.300 | So at that moment my computer crashed and we lost a little bit of the class's video.
00:48:13.000 | So I'm just going to fill in the bit that we missed here.
00:48:23.440 | So I wanted to show you something kind of interesting, which you may have noticed, which
00:48:27.620 | is when we created our hidden dense layer, that is our orange arrow, I did not initialize
00:48:40.160 | it in the default way which is the GLORO initialization, but instead I said "init = identity".
00:48:48.600 | You may also have noticed that the equivalent thing was shown in our Keras RNN.
00:48:57.320 | This here where it says "inner init = identity" was referring to the same thing.
00:49:02.360 | It's referring to what is the initialization that is used for this orange arrow, how are
00:49:09.040 | those weights originally initialized.
00:49:12.120 | So rather than initializing them randomly, we're going to initialize them with an identity
00:49:18.040 | matrix.
00:49:19.040 | An identity matrix, you may recall from your linear algebra at school, is a matrix which
00:49:24.740 | is all zeros, except it is just ones down the diagonal.
00:49:30.320 | So if you multiply any matrix by the identity matrix, it doesn't change the original matrix
00:49:36.800 | at all.
00:49:37.800 | You can write back exactly what you started with.
00:49:40.440 | So in other words, we're going to start off by initializing our orange arrow, not with
00:49:47.660 | a random matrix, but with a matrix that causes the hidden state to not change at all.
00:49:56.880 | That makes some intuitive sense.
00:50:00.040 | It seems reasonable to say "well in the absence of other knowledge to the country, why don't
00:50:04.520 | we start off by having the hidden state stay the same until the SGD has a chance to update
00:50:11.320 | that."
00:50:12.320 | But it actually turns out that it also makes sense based on an empirical analysis.
00:50:18.360 | So since we always only do things that Jeffrey Hinton tells us to do, that's good news because
00:50:23.680 | this is a paper by Jeff Hinton in which he points out this rather neat trick which is
00:50:29.960 | if you initialize an RNN with the hidden weight matrix initialized to an identity matrix and
00:50:39.960 | use rectified linear units as we are here, you actually get an architecture which can
00:50:51.260 | get fantastic results on some reasonably significant problems including speech recognition and
00:50:59.840 | language modeling.
00:51:00.840 | I don't see this paper referred to or discussed very often, even though it is well over a
00:51:07.600 | year old now.
00:51:09.240 | So I'm not sure if people forgot about it or haven't noticed it or what, but this is
00:51:13.200 | actually a good trick to remember is that you can often get quite a long way doing nothing
00:51:19.560 | but an identity matrix initialization and rectified linear units in just as we have
00:51:25.680 | done here to set up our architecture.
00:51:29.780 | Okay, so that's a nice little trick to remember.
00:51:36.440 | And so the next thing we're going to do is to make a couple of minor changes to this
00:51:45.120 | diagram.
00:51:47.200 | So the first change we're going to make is we're going to take this rectangle here, so
00:51:51.160 | this rectangle is referring to what is it that we repeat and so since in this case we're
00:51:57.320 | predicting character n from characters 1 through n minus 1, then this whole area here we're
00:52:06.040 | looping from 2 to n minus 1 before we generate our output once again.
00:52:13.480 | So what we're going to do is we're going to take this triangle and we're going to put
00:52:17.540 | it inside the loop, put it inside the rectangle.
00:52:21.700 | And so what that means is that every time we loop through this, we're going to generate
00:52:26.200 | another output.
00:52:27.440 | So rather than generating one output at the end, this is going to predict characters 2
00:52:32.120 | through n using characters n1 through n minus 1.
00:52:37.980 | So it's going to predict character 2 using character 1 and character 3 using characters
00:52:44.200 | 1 and 2 and character 4 using characters 1, 2 and 3 and so forth.
00:52:50.440 | And so that's what this model would do.
00:52:51.840 | It's nearly exactly the same as the previous model, except after every single step after
00:52:58.760 | creating the hidden state on every step, we're going to create an output every time.
00:53:03.040 | So this is not going to create a single output like this does, which predicted a single character,
00:53:09.120 | the last character, in fact, the next after the last character of the sequence, character
00:53:14.480 | n using characters 1 through n minus 1.
00:53:18.880 | This is going to predict a whole sequence of characters 2 through n using characters
00:53:22.640 | 1 through n minus 1.
00:53:25.480 | OK, so that was all the stuff that we'd lost when we had our computer crash.
00:53:31.120 | So let's now go back to the lesson.
00:53:34.400 | Let's now talk about how we would implement this sequence, where we're going to predict
00:53:38.400 | characters 2 through n using characters 1 through n minus 1.
00:53:44.520 | Now why would this be a good idea?
00:53:47.120 | There's a few reasons, but one obvious reason why this would be a good idea is that if we're
00:53:51.800 | only predicting one output for every n inputs, then the number of times that our model has
00:53:59.520 | the opportunity to back-propagate those in gradients and improve those weights is just
00:54:05.400 | once for each sequence of characters.
00:54:08.880 | Whereas if we predict characters 2 through n using characters 1 through n minus 1, we're
00:54:15.280 | actually getting a whole lot of feedback about how our model is going.
00:54:18.840 | So we can back-propagate n times, or actually n minus 1 times every time we do another sequence.
00:54:27.600 | So there's a lot more learning going on for nearly the same amount of computation.
00:54:35.240 | The other reason this is handy is that as you'll see in a moment, it's very helpful
00:54:38.960 | for creating RNNs which can do truly long-term dependencies or context, as one of the people
00:54:47.480 | asking a question earlier described it.
00:54:49.920 | So we're going to start here before we look at how to do context.
00:54:53.800 | And so really anytime you're doing a kind of sequence-to-sequence exercise, you probably
00:55:00.000 | want to construct something of this format where your triangle is inside the square rather
00:55:05.920 | than outside the square.
00:55:10.240 | It's going to look very similar, and so I'm calling this returning sequences, rather than
00:55:15.840 | returning a single character, we're going to return a sequence.
00:55:19.200 | And really, most things are the same.
00:55:22.400 | Our character_in data is identical to before, so I've just commented it out.
00:55:28.600 | And now our character_out output isn't just a single character, but it's actually a list
00:55:34.520 | of 8 sequences again.
00:55:36.480 | In fact, it's exactly the same as the input, except that I have removed the -1, so it's
00:55:43.360 | just shifted over by 1.
00:55:47.320 | In each sequence, the first character will be used to predict the second, the first and
00:55:51.720 | second will predict the third, the first, second and third will predict the fourth and so forth.
00:55:58.000 | So we've got a lot more predictions going on, and therefore a lot more opportunity for
00:56:01.600 | the model to learn.
00:56:04.380 | So then we will create our y's just as before with our x's.
00:56:12.400 | And so now our y dataset looks exactly like our x dataset did, but everything's just shifted
00:56:18.520 | across by one character.
00:56:21.360 | And the model's going to look almost identical as well.
00:56:24.160 | We've got our three dense layers as before, but we're going to do one other thing different
00:56:31.160 | to before.
00:56:32.160 | Rather than treating the first character as special, I won't treat it as special.
00:56:37.400 | I'm going to move the character into here, so rather than repeating from 2 to n-1, I'm
00:56:42.960 | going to repeat from 1 to n-1.
00:56:45.040 | So I've moved my first character into here.
00:56:47.520 | So the only thing I have to be careful of is that we have to somehow initialize our
00:56:51.640 | hidden state to something.
00:56:53.440 | So we're going to initialize our hidden state to a vector of zeros.
00:56:59.200 | So here we do that, we say we're going to have something to initialize our hidden state,
00:57:04.080 | which we're going to feed it with a vector of zeros shortly.
00:57:06.680 | So our initial hidden state is just going to be the result of that.
00:57:11.180 | And then our loop is identical to before, but at the end of every loop, we're going
00:57:16.720 | to append this output.
00:57:20.080 | So we're now going to have 8 outputs for every sequence rather than 1.
00:57:24.960 | And so now our model has two changes.
00:57:27.400 | The first is it's got an array of outputs, and the second is that we have to add the
00:57:33.480 | thing that we're going to use to store our vector of zeros somewhere, so we're going
00:57:38.640 | to put this into our input as well.
00:57:41.040 | The box refers to the area that we're looping.
00:57:51.880 | So initially we repeated the character n input coming into here, and then the hidden state
00:57:59.680 | coming into itself from 2 to n-1.
00:58:02.040 | So the box is the thing which I'm looping through all those times.
00:58:07.000 | This time I'm looping through this whole thing.
00:58:09.360 | So a character input coming in, generating the hidden state, and creating an output, repeating
00:58:14.780 | that whole thing every time.
00:58:18.500 | And so now you can see creating the output is inside the loop rather than outside the
00:58:24.960 | loop.
00:58:25.960 | So therefore we end up with an array of outputs.
00:58:30.920 | So our model's nearly exactly the same as before, it's just got these two changes.
00:58:34.680 | So now when we fit our model, we're going to add an array of zeros to the start of our
00:58:45.320 | inputs.
00:58:46.320 | Our outputs are going to be those lists of 8 that have been offset by 1, and we can go
00:58:52.800 | ahead and train this.
00:58:55.160 | And you can see that as we train it, now we don't just have one loss, we have 8 losses.
00:59:04.400 | And that's because every one of those 8 outputs has its own loss.
00:59:08.000 | How are we going at predicting character 1 in each sequence?
00:59:10.440 | 2, 3, 4.
00:59:11.880 | And as you would expect, our ability to predict the first character using nothing but a vector
00:59:18.500 | of zeros is pretty limited.
00:59:20.640 | So that very quickly flattens out.
00:59:23.880 | Whereas our ability to predict the 8th character, it has a lot more context.
00:59:28.760 | It has 7 characters of context.
00:59:31.840 | And so you can see that the 8th character's loss keeps on improving.
00:59:37.200 | And indeed, by a few epochs, we have a significantly better loss than we did before.
00:59:44.160 | So this is what a sequence model looks like.
00:59:46.800 | And so you can see a sequence model when we test it.
00:59:50.760 | We pass in a sequence like this, space this is, and after every character, it returns
00:59:58.200 | its guess.
00:59:59.200 | So after seeing a space, it guesses the next will be a t.
01:00:02.600 | After seeing a space t, it guesses the next will be an h.
01:00:05.840 | After seeing a space th, it guesses the next will be an e and so forth.
01:00:12.080 | And so you can see that it's predicting some pretty reasonable things here, and indeed
01:00:18.120 | quite often there, what actually happened.
01:00:21.080 | So after seeing space par t, it expects that will be the end of the word, and indeed it
01:00:27.040 | So after seeing par t, it's guessing that the next word is going to be of, and indeed
01:00:30.760 | it was.
01:00:32.560 | So it's able to use sequences of 8 to create a context, which isn't brilliant, but it's
01:00:40.400 | an improvement.
01:00:44.360 | So how do we do that same thing with Keras?
01:00:47.600 | With Keras, it's identical to our previous model, except that we have to use the different
01:00:55.560 | input and output arrays, just like I just showed you, so the whole sequence of labels
01:01:01.360 | and the whole sequence of inputs.
01:01:05.720 | And then the second thing we have to do is add one parameter, which is return_sequences_equals_true.
01:01:11.920 | return_sequences_equals_true simply says rather than putting the triangle outside the loop,
01:01:17.880 | put the triangle inside the loop.
01:01:19.960 | And so return an output from every time you go to another time step rather than just returning
01:01:25.920 | a single output at the end.
01:01:28.740 | So it's that easy in Keras.
01:01:30.800 | I add this return_sequences_equals_true, I don't have to change my data at all other
01:01:37.360 | than some very minor dimensionality changes, and then I can just go ahead and fit it.
01:01:45.720 | As you can see, I get a pretty similar loss function to what I did before, and I can build
01:01:53.100 | something that looks very much like we had before and generate some pretty similar results.
01:01:58.880 | So that's how we create a sequence model with Keras.
01:02:07.600 | So then the question of how do you create more state, how do you generate a model which is
01:02:15.920 | able to handle long-term dependencies.
01:02:19.620 | To generate a model that understands long-term dependencies, we can't anymore present our
01:02:26.880 | pieces of data at random.
01:02:28.780 | So so far, we've always been using the default model, which is shuffle=true.
01:02:36.960 | So it's passing across these sequences of 8 in a random order.
01:02:42.800 | If we're going to do something which understands long-term dependencies, the first thing we
01:02:46.160 | are going to have to do is we're going to have to use shuffle=false.
01:02:50.920 | The second thing we're going to have to do is we're going to have to stop passing in
01:02:56.000 | an array of zeros as my starting point every time around.
01:03:01.820 | So effectively what I want to do is I want to pass in my array of zeros right at the
01:03:12.000 | very start when I first start training, but then at the end of my sequence of 8, rather
01:03:18.000 | than going back to initialize to zeros, I actually want to keep this hidden state.
01:03:24.680 | So then I'd start my next sequence of 8 with this hidden state exactly where it was before,
01:03:29.960 | and that's going to allow it to basically build up arbitrarily long dependencies.
01:03:37.360 | So in Keras, that's actually as simple as adding one additional parameter, and the additional
01:03:46.260 | parameter is called stateful.
01:03:53.360 | And so when you say stateful=true, what that tells Keras is at the end of each sequence,
01:04:01.280 | don't reset the hidden activations to zero, but leave them as they are.
01:04:07.320 | And that means that we have to make sure we pass shuffle=false when we train it, so it's
01:04:12.960 | now going to pass the first 8 characters of the book and then the second 8 characters
01:04:16.560 | of the book and then the third 8 characters of the book, leaving the hidden state untouched
01:04:22.640 | between each one, and therefore it's allowing it to continue to build up as much state as
01:04:27.040 | it wants to.
01:04:30.720 | Training these stateful models is a lot harder than training the models we've seen so far.
01:04:38.240 | And the reason is this.
01:04:39.920 | In these stateful models, this orange arrow, this single weight matrix, it's being applied
01:04:47.920 | to this hidden matrix not 8 times, but 100,000 times or more, depending on how big your text
01:04:57.400 | And just imagine if this weight matrix was even slightly poorly scaled, so if there was
01:05:03.120 | like one number in it which was just a bit too high, then effectively that number is
01:05:08.920 | going to be to the power of 100,000, it's being multiplied again and again and again.
01:05:15.560 | So what can happen is you get this problem they call exploding gradients, or really in
01:05:20.900 | some ways it's better described as exploding activations.
01:05:24.560 | Because we're multiplying this by this almost the same weight matrix each time, if that
01:05:30.520 | weight matrix is anything less than perfectly scaled, then it's going to make our hidden
01:05:36.520 | matrix disappear off into infinity.
01:05:40.360 | And so we have to be very careful of how to train these, and indeed these kinds of long-term
01:05:45.920 | dependency models were thought of as impossible to train for a while, until some folks in
01:05:54.640 | the mid-90s came up with a model called the LSTM, or Long Short-Term Memory.
01:06:03.520 | And in the Long Short-Term Memory, and we'll learn more about it next week, and we're actually
01:06:07.040 | going to implement it ourselves from scratch, we replace this loop here with a loop where
01:06:12.960 | there is actually a neural network inside the loop that decides how much of this state
01:06:20.240 | matrix to keep and how much to use at each activation.
01:06:25.480 | And so by having a neural network which actually controls how much state is kept and how much
01:06:31.320 | is used, it can actually learn how to avoid those gradient explosions, it can actually
01:06:39.640 | learn how to create an effective sequence.
01:06:44.560 | So we're going to look at that a lot more next week, but for now I will tell you that
01:06:50.000 | when I tried to run this using a simple RNN, even with an identity matrix, initialization
01:06:57.120 | and reuse, I had no luck at all. So I had to replace it with an LSTM. Even that wasn't
01:07:03.880 | enough, I had to have well-scaled inputs, so I added a batch normalization layer after
01:07:09.800 | my embeddings.
01:07:11.320 | And after I did those things, then I could fit it. It still ran pretty slowly, so before
01:07:20.600 | I was getting 4 seconds per epoch, now it's 13 seconds per epoch, and the reason here
01:07:25.200 | is it's much harder to parallelize this. It has to do each sequence in order, so it's
01:07:31.560 | going to be slower. But over time, it does eventually get substantially better loss than
01:07:40.200 | I had before, and that's because it's able to keep track of and use this state.
01:07:44.800 | That's a good question. Definitely maybe. There's been a lot of discussion and papers
01:08:01.620 | about this recently. There's something called layer normalization, which is a method which
01:08:06.920 | is explicitly designed to work well with RNNs. Standard batch norm doesn't. It turns out
01:08:16.000 | it's actually very easy to do layer normalization with Keras using a couple of simple parameters
01:08:21.880 | you can provide for the normal batch norm constructor. In my experiments, that hasn't
01:08:27.960 | worked so well, and I will show you a lot more about that in just a few minutes.
01:08:38.200 | Stateful models are great. We're going to look at some very successful stateful models
01:08:43.120 | in just a moment, but just be aware that they are more challenging to train. You'll see
01:08:48.120 | another thing I had to do here is I had to reduce the learning rate in the middle, again
01:08:53.840 | because you just have to be so careful of these exploding gradient problems.
01:09:04.840 | Let me show you what I did with this, which is I tried to create a stateful model which
01:09:12.720 | worked as well as I could. I took the same Nietzsche data as before, and I tried splitting
01:09:19.920 | it into chunks of 40 rather than 8, so each one could do more work. Here are some examples
01:09:28.840 | of those chunks of 40.
01:09:33.120 | I built a model that was slightly more sophisticated than the previous one in two ways. The first
01:09:37.800 | is it has an RNN feeding into an RNN. That's kind of a crazy idea, so I've drawn a picture.
01:09:49.480 | An RNN feeding into an RNN means that the output is no longer going to an output, it's
01:09:57.080 | actually the output of the first RNN is becoming the input to the second RNN. So the character
01:10:05.680 | input goes into our first RNN and has the state updates as per usual, and then each
01:10:11.200 | time we go through the sequence, it feeds the result to the state of the second RNN.
01:10:19.040 | Why is this useful? Well, because it means that this output is now coming from not just
01:10:25.640 | a single dense matrix and then a single dense matrix here, it's actually going through one,
01:10:36.960 | two, three dense matrices and activation functions.
01:10:41.760 | So I now have a deep neural network, assuming that two layers get to count as deep, between
01:10:48.180 | my first character and my first output. And then indeed, between every hidden state and
01:10:54.520 | every output, I now have multiple hidden layers. So effectively, what this is allowing us to
01:11:00.080 | do is to create a little deep neural net for all of our activations. That turns out to
01:11:09.200 | work really well because the structure of language is pretty complex and so it's nice
01:11:15.560 | to be able to give it a more flexible function that it can learn.
01:11:22.120 | That's the first thing I do. It's this easy to create that. You just copy and paste whatever
01:11:28.380 | your RNN line is twice. You can see I've now added dropout inside my RNN. And as I talked
01:11:38.160 | about before, adding dropout inside your RNN turns out to be a really good idea. There's
01:11:44.200 | a really great paper about that quite recently showing that this is a great way to regularize
01:11:51.240 | an RNN.
01:11:52.840 | And then the second change I made is rather than going straight from the RNN to our output,
01:11:59.600 | I went through a dense layer. Now there's something that you might have noticed here
01:12:05.920 | is that our dense layers have this extra word at the front. Why do they have this extra
01:12:11.800 | word at the front? Time distributed. It might be easier to understand why by looking at
01:12:18.760 | this earlier sequence model with Keras.
01:12:23.160 | And note that the output of our RNN is not just a vector of length 256, but 8 vectors
01:12:32.200 | of length 256 because it's actually predicting 8 outputs. So we can't just have a normal
01:12:38.040 | dense layer because a normal dense layer needs a single dimension that it can squish down.
01:12:48.040 | So in this case, what we actually want to do is create 8 separate dense layers at the
01:12:53.260 | output, one for every one of the outputs. And so what time distributed does is it says whatever
01:12:59.680 | the layer is in the middle, I want you to create 8 copies of them, or however long this
01:13:07.160 | dimension is. And every one of those copies is going to share the same weight matrix,
01:13:11.880 | which is exactly what we want.
01:13:13.940 | So the short version here is in Keras, anytime you say return_sequences=true, any dense layers
01:13:21.880 | you have after that will always have to have time distributed wrapped around them because
01:13:27.120 | we want to create not just one dense layer, but 8 dense layers. So in this case, since
01:13:35.280 | we're saying return_sequences=true, we then have a time distributed dense layer, some
01:13:41.120 | dropout, and another time distributed dense layer.
01:13:44.280 | I have a few questions. Does the first RNN complete before it passes to the second or
01:13:51.760 | is it layer by layer?
01:13:53.800 | No, it's operating exactly like this. So my initialization starts, my first character
01:14:02.880 | comes in, and at the output of that comes two things, the hidden state for my next hidden
01:14:09.020 | state and the output that goes into my second LSTM. The best way to think of this is to
01:14:21.240 | draw it in the unrolled form, and then you'll realize there's nothing magical about this
01:14:28.080 | at all. In an unrolled form, it just looks like a pretty standard deep neural net.
01:14:33.880 | What's dropout_u and dropout_w?
01:14:38.240 | We'll talk about that more next week. In an LSTM, I mentioned that there's kind of like
01:14:44.040 | little neural nets that control how the state updates work, and so this is talking about
01:14:48.640 | how the dropout works inside these little neural nets.
01:14:53.280 | And when stateful is false, can you explain again what is reset after each training example?
01:15:01.800 | The best way to describe that is to show us doing it. Remember that the RNNs that we built
01:15:12.720 | are identical to what Keras does, or close enough to identical. Let's go and have a look
01:15:19.120 | at our version of return sequences.
01:15:24.480 | You can see that what we did was we created a matrix of zeros that we stuck onto the front
01:15:33.360 | of our inputs. Every set of 8 characters now starts with a vector of zeros. In other words,
01:15:43.800 | this initialize to zeros happens every time we finish a sequence. In other words, this
01:15:51.360 | hidden state gets initialized to 0 at the end of every sequence. It's this hidden state
01:15:58.280 | which is where all of these dependencies and state is kept. So doing that is resetting
01:16:05.920 | the state every time we look at a new sequence.
01:16:09.760 | So when we say stateful = false, it only does this initialize to 0 once at the very start,
01:16:19.920 | or when we explicitly ask it to. So when I actually run this model, the way I do it is
01:16:28.120 | I wrote a little thing called run epochs that goes model.resetStates and then does a fit
01:16:34.800 | on one epoch, which is what you really want at the end of your entire works of Nietzsche.
01:16:41.320 | You want to reset the state because you're about to go back to the very start and start
01:16:52.360 | again.
01:16:55.760 | So with this multilayer LSTM going into a multilayer neural net, I then tried seeing
01:17:03.640 | how that goes. And remember that with our simpler versions, we were getting 1.6 loss
01:17:10.600 | was the best we could do. After one epoch, it's awful. And now rather than just printing
01:17:19.840 | out one letter, I'm starting with a whole sequence of letters, which is that, and asking
01:17:26.280 | it to generate a sequence. You can see it starts out by generating a pretty rubbishy
01:17:30.160 | sequence.
01:17:31.160 | One more question. In the double LSTM layer model, what is the input to the second LSTM
01:17:39.840 | in addition to the output of the first LSTM?
01:17:45.960 | In addition to the output of the first LSTM is the previous output of its own hidden state.
01:17:55.440 | Okay, so after a few more epochs, it's starting to create some actual proper English words,
01:18:08.480 | although the English words aren't necessarily making a lot of sense. So I keep running epochs.
01:18:15.120 | At this point, it's learned how to start chapters. This is actually how in this book the chapters
01:18:20.680 | always start with a number and then an equal sign. It hasn't learned how to close quotes
01:18:26.040 | apparently, it's not really saying anything useful.
01:18:29.920 | So anyway, I kind of ran this overnight, and I then seeded it with a large amount of data,
01:18:39.560 | so I seeded it with all this data, and I started getting some pretty reasonable results. Shreds
01:18:46.360 | into one's own suffering sounds exactly like the kind of thing that you might see. Religions
01:18:52.000 | have acts done by man. It's not all perfect, but it's not bad.
01:18:57.520 | Interestingly, this sequence here, when I looked it up, it actually appears in his book.
01:19:05.120 | This makes sense, right? It's kind of overfitting in a sense. He loves talking in all caps,
01:19:14.440 | but he only does it from time to time. So once it so happened to start writing something
01:19:21.040 | in all caps that looked like this phrase that only appeared once and is very unique, there
01:19:27.200 | was kind of no other way that it could have finished it. So sometimes you get these little
01:19:32.880 | rare phrases that basically it's plagiarized directly from each of them.
01:19:39.080 | Now I didn't stop there because I thought, how can we improve this? And it was at this
01:19:43.440 | point that I started thinking about batch normalization. And I started fiddling around
01:19:47.840 | with a lot of different types of batch normalization and layer normalization and discovered this
01:19:54.400 | interesting insight, which is that at least in this case, the very best approach was when
01:20:03.320 | I simply applied batch normalization to the embedding layer.
01:20:14.840 | When I applied batch normalization to the embedding layer, this is the training curve
01:20:19.800 | that I got. So over epochs, this is my loss. With no batch normalization on the embedding
01:20:25.940 | layer, this was my loss. And so you can see this was actually starting to flatten out.
01:20:31.840 | This one really wasn't, and this one was training a lot quicker. So then I tried training it
01:20:36.960 | with batch norm on the embedding layer overnight, and I was pretty stunned by the results. This
01:20:45.560 | was my seeding text, and after 1000 epochs, this is what it came up with. And it's got
01:20:59.160 | all kinds of pretty interesting little things. Perhaps some morality equals self-glorification.
01:21:06.680 | This is really cool. For there are holy eyes to Schopenhauer's blind. This is interesting.
01:21:15.400 | In reality, we must step above it. You can see that it's learnt to close quotes even
01:21:19.580 | when those quotes were opened a long time ago. So if we weren't using stateful, it would
01:21:23.760 | never have learnt how to do this. I've looked up these words in the original text and pretty
01:21:32.320 | much none of these phrases appear. This is actually a genuinely, novelly produced piece
01:21:39.400 | of text. It's not perfect by any means, but considering that this is only doing it character
01:21:48.240 | by character, using nothing but a 42 long embedding matrix for each character and nothing
01:21:56.040 | but there's no pre-trained vectors, there's just a pretty short 600,000 character epoch,
01:22:03.760 | I think it's done a pretty amazing job of creating a pretty good model.
01:22:09.680 | And so there's all kinds of things you could do with a model like this. The most obvious
01:22:13.320 | one would be if you were producing a software keyboard for a mobile phone, for example. You
01:22:20.600 | could use this to have a pretty accurate guess as to what they were going to type next and
01:22:24.600 | correct it for them. You could do something similar on a word basis. But more generally,
01:22:31.800 | you could do something like anomaly detection with this. You could generate a sequence that
01:22:38.000 | is predicting what the rest of the sequence is going to look like for the next hour and
01:22:42.760 | then recognize if something falls outside of what your prediction was and you know there's
01:22:47.760 | been some kind of anomaly. There's all kinds of things you can do with these kinds of models.
01:22:54.660 | I think that's pretty fun, but I want to show you something else which is pretty fun, which
01:23:01.720 | is to build an RNN from scratch in Theano. And what we're going to do is we're going
01:23:10.680 | to try and work up to next week where we're going to build an RNN from scratch in NumPy.
01:23:18.920 | And we're also going to build an LSTM from scratch in Theano. And the reason we're doing
01:23:26.900 | this is because next week's our last class in this part of the course, I want us to leave
01:23:34.680 | with kind of feeling like we really understand the details of what's going on behind the
01:23:39.560 | scenes. The main thing I wanted to teach in this class is the applied stuff, these kind
01:23:44.960 | of practical tips about how you build a sequence model. Use return equals true, put batch null
01:23:51.160 | in the embedding layer, add time distributed to the dense layer. But I also know that to
01:23:59.760 | really debug your models and to build your architectures and stuff, it really helps to
01:24:05.440 | understand what's going on. Particularly in the current situation where the tools and
01:24:12.120 | libraries available are not that mature, they still require a whole lot of manual stuff.
01:24:19.680 | So I do want to try and explain a bit more about what's going on behind the scenes.
01:24:27.800 | In order to build an RNN in Theano, first of all make a small change to our Keras model,
01:24:36.560 | which is that I'm going to use One Hot encoding. I don't know if you noticed this, but we did
01:24:41.240 | something pretty cool in all of our models so far, which is that we never actually One
01:24:49.240 | Hot encoded our output.
01:24:51.840 | Question 3. Will time distributed dense take longer to train than dense? And is it really
01:24:57.920 | that important to use time distributed dense?
01:25:01.240 | So if you don't add time distributed dense to a model where return sequence equals true,
01:25:06.840 | it literally won't work. It won't compile. Because you're trying to predict eight things
01:25:13.080 | and the dense layer is going to stick that all into one thing. So it's going to say there's
01:25:16.360 | a mismatch in your dimensions. But no, it doesn't really add much time because that's
01:25:26.240 | something that can be very easily paralyzed. And since a lot of things in RNNs can't be
01:25:32.040 | easily paralyzed, there generally is plenty of room in your GPU to do more work. So that
01:25:38.760 | should be fun. The short answer is you have to use it, otherwise it won't work.
01:25:46.000 | I wanted to point out something which is that in all of our models so far, we did not One
01:25:52.760 | Hot encode our outputs. So our outputs, remember, looked like this. They were sequences of numbers.
01:26:08.400 | And so always before, we've had to One Hot encode our outputs to use them. It turns out
01:26:16.160 | that Keras has a very cool loss function called sparse-categorical-cross-entropy. This is identical
01:26:26.080 | to categorical-cross-entropy, but rather than taking a One Hot encoded target, it takes an
01:26:34.360 | integer target, and basically it acts as if you had One Hot encoded it. So it basically
01:26:40.440 | does the indexing into it directly.
01:26:44.240 | So this is a really helpful thing to know about because when you have a lot of output
01:26:50.100 | categories like, for example, if you're doing a word model, you could have 100,000 output
01:26:57.120 | categories. There's no way you want to create a matrix that is 100,000 long, nearly all
01:27:02.960 | zeros for every single word in your output. So by using sparse-categorical-cross-entropy,
01:27:09.880 | you can just forget the whole One Hot encode. You don't have to do it. Keras implicitly
01:27:15.800 | does it for you, but without ever actually explicitly doing it, it just does a direct
01:27:20.280 | look up into the matrix.
01:27:23.960 | However, because I want to make things simpler for us to understand, I'm going to go ahead
01:27:30.160 | and recreate our Keras model using One Hot encoding. So I'm going to take exactly the
01:27:38.280 | same model that we had before with return_sequences=true, but this time I'm going to use normal-categorical-cross-entropy,
01:27:49.320 | which means that -- and the other thing I'm doing is I don't have an embedding layer.
01:27:53.120 | So since I don't have an embedding layer, I also have to One Hot encode my inputs. So
01:27:58.200 | you can see I'm calling 2-categorical on all my inputs and 2-categorical on all my outputs.
01:28:06.760 | So now the shape is 75,000 x 8, as before, by 86. So this is the One Hot encoding dimension
01:28:16.960 | with which there are 85 zeros and 1 1. So we fit this in exactly the same way, we get
01:28:24.160 | exactly the same answer. So the only reason I was doing that was because I want to use
01:28:31.920 | One Hot encoding for the version that we're going to create ourselves from scratch.
01:28:39.960 | So we haven't really looked at Theano before, but particularly if you come back next year,
01:28:47.640 | as we start to try to add more and more stuff on top of Keras or into Keras, increasingly
01:28:57.240 | you'll find yourself wanting to use Theano, because Theano is the language, if you like,
01:29:03.640 | that Keras is using behind the scenes, and therefore it's the language which you can
01:29:09.200 | use to extend it. Of course you can use TensorFlow as well, but we're using Theano in this course
01:29:15.920 | because I think it's much easier for this kind of application.
01:29:23.520 | So let's learn to use Theano. In the process of doing it in Theano, we're going to have
01:29:30.360 | to force ourselves to think through a lot more of the details than we have before, because
01:29:37.720 | Theano doesn't have any of the conveniences that Keras has. There's no such thing as a
01:29:42.920 | variable. We have to think about all of the weight matrices and activation functions and
01:29:47.720 | everything else.
01:29:49.360 | So let me show you how it works. In Theano, there's this concept of a variable, and a
01:29:58.680 | variable is something which we basically define like so. We can say there is a variable which
01:30:05.000 | is a matrix which I will call T_input, and there is a variable which is a matrix that
01:30:10.480 | we'll call T_output, and there is a variable that is a vector that we will call H0.
01:30:16.520 | What these are all saying is that these are things that we will give values to later.
01:30:25.280 | Programming in Theano is very different to programming in normal Python, and the reason
01:30:29.800 | for this is Theano's job in life is to provide a way for you to describe a computation that
01:30:37.560 | you want to do, and then it's going to compile it for the GPU, and then it's going to run
01:30:43.740 | it on the GPU.
01:30:45.880 | So it's going to be a little more complex to work in Theano, because Theano isn't going
01:30:49.880 | to be something where we immediately say do this, and then do this, and then do this. Instead
01:30:55.400 | we're going to build up what's called a computation graph. It's going to be a series of steps.
01:30:59.840 | We're going to say in the future, I'm going to give you some data, and when I do, I want
01:31:05.800 | you to do these steps.
01:31:08.200 | So rather than actually starting off by giving it data, we start off by just describing the
01:31:13.640 | types of data that when we do give it data, we're going to give it. So eventually we're
01:31:18.400 | going to give it some input data, we're going to give it some output data, and we're going
01:31:24.640 | to give it some way of initializing the first hidden state.
01:31:29.600 | And also we'll give it a learning rate, because we might want to change it later. So that's
01:31:35.240 | all these things do. They create Theano variables. So then we can create a list of those, and
01:31:41.600 | so this is all of the arguments that we're going to have to provide to Theano later on.
01:31:45.960 | So there's no data here, nothing's being computed, we're just telling Theano that these things
01:31:50.920 | are going to be used in the future.
01:31:54.680 | The next thing that we need to do, because we're going to try to build this, is we're
01:32:02.480 | going to have to build all of the pieces in all of these layer operations. So specifically
01:32:07.800 | we're going to have to create the weight vector and bias matrix for the orange arrow, the weight
01:32:13.560 | vector and the bias matrix for the green arrow, the weight matrix and the bias vector for the
01:32:18.400 | orange arrow, the weight matrix and the bias vector for the green arrow, and the weight
01:32:22.080 | matrix and the bias vector for the blue arrow, because that's what these layer operations
01:32:26.120 | are. They're a matrix multiplier followed by a non-linear activation function.
01:32:33.120 | So I've created some functions to do that. WH is what I'm going to call the weights and
01:32:41.080 | bias to my hidden layer, Wx will be my weights and bias to my input, and Wy will be my weights
01:32:47.120 | and bias to my output. So to create them, I've created this little function called weights
01:32:52.920 | and bias in which I tell it the size of the matrix that I want to create. So the matrix
01:33:00.320 | that goes from input to hidden therefore has n input rows and n hidden columns. So weights
01:33:10.320 | and bias is here, and it's going to return a tuple, it's going to return our weights,
01:33:18.600 | and it's going to return our bias. So how do we create the weights?
01:33:23.600 | To create the weights, we first of all calculate the magic Glorow number, the square root of
01:33:29.480 | 2 over fan n, so that's the scale of the random numbers that we're going to use. We then create
01:33:36.800 | those random numbers using the numpy_normal_random_number function, and then we use a special Theano
01:33:47.420 | keyword called 'shared'. What shared does is it says to Theano, this data is something
01:33:55.680 | that I'm going to want you to pass off to the GPU later and keep track of.
01:34:00.840 | So as soon as you wrap something in shared, it kind of belongs to Theano now. So here
01:34:06.280 | is a weight matrix that belongs to Theano, here is a vector of zeros that belongs to
01:34:13.500 | Theano and that's our initial bias. So we've initialized our weights and our bias, so we
01:34:19.800 | can do that for our inputs and we can do that for our outputs.
01:34:26.080 | And then for our hidden, which is the orange error, we're going to do something slightly
01:34:32.480 | different which is we will initialize it using an identity matrix. And rather amusingly in
01:34:38.640 | numpy, it is 'i' for identity. So this is an identity matrix, believe it or not, of size
01:34:47.320 | n by n. And so that's our initial weights and our initial bias is exactly as before. It's
01:34:55.280 | a vector of zeros.
01:34:58.320 | So you can see we've had to manually construct each of these 3 weight matrices and bias vectors.
01:35:08.200 | It's nice to now stick them all into a single list. And Python has this thing called chain
01:35:13.120 | from iterable, which basically takes all of these tuples and dumps them all together into
01:35:17.920 | a single list. And so this now has all 6 weight matrices and bias vectors in a single list.
01:35:30.400 | We have defined the initial contents of each of these arrows. And we've also defined kind
01:35:37.280 | of symbolically the concept that we're going to have something to initialize it with here,
01:35:43.360 | something to initialize it with here and some time to initialize it with here.
01:35:48.080 | So the next thing we have to do is to tell Theano what happens each time we take a single
01:35:55.160 | step of this RNN.
01:36:00.680 | On the GPU, you can't use a for loop. The reason you can't use a for loop is because
01:36:07.000 | a GPU wants to be able to parallelize things and wants to do things at the same time. And
01:36:11.800 | a for loop by definition can't do the second part of the loop until it's done the first
01:36:16.120 | part of the loop.
01:36:17.120 | I don't know if we'll get time to do it in this course or not, but there's a very neat
01:36:22.600 | result which shows that there's something very similar to a for loop that you can parallelize,
01:36:28.320 | and it's called a scan operation. A scan operation is something that's defined in a very particular
01:36:37.960 | A scan operation is something where you call some function for every element of some sequence.
01:36:48.040 | And at every point, the function returns some output, and the next time through that function
01:36:55.320 | is called, it's going to get the output of the previous time you called it, along with
01:37:00.800 | the next element of the sequence.
01:37:03.600 | So in fact, I've got an example of it. I actually wrote a very simple example of it in Python.
01:37:17.920 | Here is the definition of scan, and here is an example of scan. Let's start with the example.
01:37:24.000 | I want to do a scan, and the function I'm going to use is to add two things together.
01:37:31.840 | And I'm going to start off with the number 0, and then I'm going to pass in a range of
01:37:36.940 | numbers from 0 to 4.
01:37:39.600 | So what scan does is it starts out by taking the first time through, it's going to call
01:37:45.000 | this function with that argument and the first element of this. So it's going to be 0 plus
01:37:51.160 | 0 equals 0.
01:37:53.520 | The second time, it's going to call this function with the second element of this, along with
01:38:00.440 | the result of the previous call. So it will be 0 plus 1 equals 1. The next time through,
01:38:08.040 | it's going to call this function with the result of the previous call plus the next
01:38:13.320 | element of this range, so it will be 1 plus 2 equals 3.
01:38:18.640 | So you can see here, this scan operation defines a cumulative sum. And so you can see the definition
01:38:26.600 | of scan here. We're going to be returning an array of results. Initially, we take our starting
01:38:32.920 | point, 0, and that's our initial value for the previous answer from scan. And then we're
01:38:40.400 | going to go through everything in the sequence, which is 0 through 4. We're going to apply
01:38:45.240 | this function, which in this case was AddThingsUp, and we're going to apply it to the previous
01:38:50.640 | result along with the next element of the sequence. Stick the result at the end of our
01:38:56.400 | list, set the previous result to whatever we just got, and then go back to the next
01:39:02.520 | element of the sequence.
01:39:04.800 | So it may be very surprising, I mean hopefully it is very surprising because it's an extraordinary
01:39:10.000 | result, but it is possible to write a parallel version of this. So if you can turn your algorithm
01:39:18.640 | into a scan, you can run it quickly on GPU. So what we're going to do is our job is to
01:39:25.360 | turn this RNN into something that we can put into this kind of format, into a scan. So let's
01:39:35.640 | do that.
01:39:45.640 | So the function that we're going to call on each step through is the function called Step.
01:39:52.500 | And the function called Step is going to be something which hopefully will not be very
01:39:56.600 | surprising to you. It's going to be something which takes our input, x, it does a dot product
01:40:02.520 | by that weight matrix we created earlier, wx, and adds on that bias vector we created earlier.
01:40:10.400 | And then we do the same thing, taking our previous hidden state, multiplying it by the
01:40:15.240 | weight matrix for the hidden state, and adding the biases for the hidden state, and then
01:40:19.760 | puts the whole thing through an activation function, relu.
01:40:24.000 | So in other words, let's go back to the unrolled version. So we had one bit which was calculating
01:40:31.860 | our previous hidden state and putting it through the hidden state weight matrix. It was taking
01:40:40.040 | our next input and putting it through the input one and then adding the two together.
01:40:47.880 | So that's what we have here, the x by wx and the h by wh, and then adding the two together
01:40:54.780 | along with the biases, and then put that through an activation function.
01:40:59.980 | So once we've done that, we now want to create an output every single time, and so our output
01:41:07.980 | is going to be exactly the same thing. It's going to take the result of that, which we
01:41:11.720 | called h, our hidden state, multiply it by the output's weight vector, adding on the
01:41:17.480 | bias, and this time we're going to use softmax. So you can see that this sequence here is
01:41:25.600 | describing how to do one of these things.
01:41:31.480 | And so this therefore defines what we want to do each step through. And at the end of
01:41:37.400 | that, we're going to return the hidden state we have so far and our output. So that's what's
01:41:46.400 | going to happen each step.
01:41:48.560 | So the sequence that we're going to pass into it is, well, we're not going to give it any
01:41:55.040 | data yet because remember, all we're doing is we're describing a computation. So for
01:41:59.160 | now, we're just telling it that it's going to be, it will be a matrix. So we're saying
01:42:06.560 | it will be a matrix, we're going to pass you a matrix. It also needs a starting point,
01:42:14.080 | and so the starting point is, again, we are going to provide to you an initial value for
01:42:21.100 | our hidden state, but we haven't done it yet.
01:42:26.080 | And then finally in Theano, you have to tell it what are all of the other things that are
01:42:29.520 | passed to the function, and we're going to pass it that whole list of weights. That's
01:42:34.480 | why we have here the x, the hidden, and then all of the weights and biases.
01:42:45.360 | So that's now described how to execute a whole sequence of steps for an RNN. So we've now
01:42:55.560 | described how to do this to Theano. We haven't given it any data to do it, we've just set
01:43:02.120 | up the computation. And so when that computation is run, it's going to return two things because
01:43:09.640 | step returns two things. It's going to return the hidden state and it's going to return our
01:43:16.320 | output activations.
01:43:19.040 | So now we need to calculate our error. Our error will be the categorical cross-entropy,
01:43:25.160 | and so these things are all part of Theano. You can see I'm using some Theano functions
01:43:28.920 | here. And so we're going to compare the output that came out of our scan, and we're going
01:43:35.520 | to compare it to what we don't know yet, but it will be a matrix. And then once you do
01:43:43.040 | that, add it all together.
01:43:45.880 | Now here's the amazing thing. Every step we're going to want to apply SGD, which means every
01:43:51.560 | step we're going to want to take the derivative of this whole thing with respect to all of
01:43:59.480 | the weights and use that, along with the learning rate, to update all of the weights. In Theano,
01:44:07.360 | that's how you do it. You just say, "Please tell me the gradient of this function with
01:44:14.600 | respect to these inputs." And Theano will symbolically, automatically calculate all
01:44:20.240 | of the derivatives for you. So that's very nearly magic, but we don't have to worry about
01:44:26.700 | derivatives because it's going to calculate them all for us.
01:44:31.200 | So at this point, I now have a function that calculates our loss, and I have a function
01:44:36.240 | that calculates all of the gradients that we need with respect to all of the different
01:44:40.000 | weights and parameters that we have.
01:44:43.720 | So we're now ready to build our final function. Our final function, as input, takes all of
01:44:51.640 | our arguments, that is, these four things, which is the things we told it we're going
01:44:57.360 | to need later. The thing that's going to create an output is the error, which was this output.
01:45:07.360 | And then at each step, it's going to do some updates. What are the updates going to do?
01:45:12.680 | The updates it's going to do is the result of this little function. And this little function
01:45:17.240 | is something that creates a dictionary that is going to map every one of our weights to
01:45:24.880 | that weight minus each one of our gradients times the learning rate. So it's going to
01:45:33.840 | update every weight to itself minus its gradient times the learning rate.
01:45:41.480 | So basically what Theano does is it says, it's got this little thing called updates,
01:45:46.760 | it says every time you calculate the next step, I want you to change your shared variables
01:45:53.720 | as follows. So there's our list of changes to make.
01:45:58.960 | And so that's it. So we use our one hot encoded x's and our one hot encoded y's, and we have
01:46:05.520 | to now manually create our own loop. Theano doesn't have any built-in stuff for us, so
01:46:11.440 | we're going to go through every element of our input and we're going to say let's call
01:46:19.320 | that function, so that function is the function that we just created, and now we have to pass
01:46:24.480 | in all of these inputs. So we have to finally pass in a value for the initial hidden state,
01:46:32.320 | the input, the target, and the learning rate. So this is where we get to do it is when we
01:46:37.880 | finally call it here. So here's our initial hidden state, it's just a bunch of zeros, our
01:46:44.920 | input, our output, and our learning rate, which we set to 0.01.
01:46:50.880 | And then I've just set it to something here that says every thousand times, print out
01:46:54.720 | the error. And so as you can see, over time, it learns. And so at the end of learning, I
01:47:05.800 | get a new theano function which takes some piece of input, along with some initial hidden
01:47:13.080 | state, and it produces not the loss, but the output.
01:47:19.160 | Are we using gradient descent and not stochastic gradient descent here?
01:47:27.240 | We're using stochastic gradient descent with a mini-batch size of 1. So gradient descent
01:47:32.920 | without stochastic actually means you're using a mini-batch size of the whole data set. This
01:47:37.400 | is kind of the opposite of that. I think this is called online gradient descent.
01:47:45.320 | So remember earlier on, we had this thing to calculate the vector of outputs. So now
01:47:54.120 | to do our testing, we're going to create a new function which goes from our input to
01:47:58.760 | our vector of outputs. And so our predictions will be to take that function, pass it in
01:48:05.600 | our initial hidden state, and some input, and that's going to give us some predictions.
01:48:13.640 | So if we call it, we can now see, let's now grab some sequence of text, pass it to our
01:48:27.280 | function to get some predictions, and let's see what it does. So after t, it expected
01:48:31.200 | h, after th, it expected e, after th e, expected space, after th en, expected the space, after
01:48:40.880 | th en, question mark, it expected the space. So you can see here that we have successfully
01:48:55.080 | built an RNN from scratch using Theano.
01:49:00.040 | That's been a very, very quick run-through. My goal really tonight is to kind of get to
01:49:10.400 | a point where you can start to look at this during the week and kind of see all the pieces.
01:49:16.240 | Because next week, we're going to try and build an LSTM in Theano, which is going to
01:49:22.320 | mean that I want you by next week to start to feel like you've got a good understanding
01:49:27.560 | of what's going on. So please ask lots of questions on the forum, look at the documentation,
01:49:34.680 | and so forth.
01:49:36.560 | And then the next thing we're going to do after that is we're going to build an RNN
01:49:42.920 | without using Theano. We're going to use pure NumPy. And that means that we're not going
01:49:48.040 | to be able to use t.grad, we're going to have to calculate the gradients by hand. So hopefully
01:49:55.960 | that will be a useful exercise in really understanding what's going on in that propagation.
01:50:09.120 | So I kind of want to make sure you feel like you've got enough information to get started
01:50:13.600 | with looking at Theano this week. So did anybody want to ask any questions about this piece
01:50:21.160 | so far?
01:50:24.960 | So this is maybe a bit too far away from what we did today, but how would you apply an RNN
01:50:37.920 | to say something other than text? So that's something that's worth doing, and if so, what
01:50:42.680 | would change it about it?
01:50:43.960 | Yeah, sure. So the main way in which an RNN is applied to images is what we looked at
01:50:51.020 | last week, which is these things called attentional models, which is where you basically say,
01:50:57.680 | given which part of the image you're currently looking at, which part would make sense to
01:51:03.960 | look at next. This is most useful on really big images where you can't really look at
01:51:23.120 | the whole thing at once because it would just eat up all your GPU's RAM, so you can only
01:51:28.600 | look at it a little bit at a time.
01:51:32.200 | Another way that RNNs are very useful for images is for captioning images. We'll talk
01:51:49.680 | a lot more about this in the next year's course, but have a think about this in the meantime.
01:51:56.440 | If we've got an image, then a CNN can turn that into a vector representation of that
01:52:06.620 | image. For example, we could chuck it through VGG and take the penultimate layers activations.
01:52:14.480 | There's all kinds of things we could do, but in some way we can turn an image and turn
01:52:19.900 | it into some vector representation of that.
01:52:26.240 | We could do the same thing to a sentence. We can take a sentence consisting of a number
01:52:30.520 | of words and we can stick that through RNN, and at the end of it we will get some state.
01:52:41.680 | And that state is also just a vector. What we could then do is learn a neural network
01:52:51.440 | which maps the picture to the text, assuming that this sentence was originally a caption
01:53:02.320 | that had been created for this image. In that way, if we can learn a mapping from some representation
01:53:13.820 | of the image that came out of a CNN to some representation of a sentence that came out
01:53:21.040 | of an RNN, then we could basically reverse that in order to generate captions for an
01:53:28.360 | image. So basically what we could then do is we could take some new image that we've
01:53:32.840 | never seen before, chuck it through the CNN to get our state out, and then we could figure
01:53:40.000 | out what RNN state we would expect would be attached to that based on this neural net
01:53:48.360 | that we had learned, and then we can basically do a sequence generation just like we have
01:53:54.680 | been today and generate a sequence of words. And this is roughly how these image captioning
01:54:03.160 | systems that I'm sure you've seen this work.
01:54:10.680 | So RNNs, I guess finally the only other way in which I've seen RNNs applied to images
01:54:18.200 | is for really big 3D images, for example, like in medical imaging. So if you've got
01:54:27.000 | something like MRI that's basically a series of bladers, it's too big to look at the whole
01:54:32.720 | thing. Instead you can use an RNN to start in the top corner and then look one pixel
01:54:42.440 | to the left, then one pixel across, then one pixel back, and then it can go down into the
01:54:47.200 | next layer and it can gradually look one pixel at a time. And it can do that and gradually
01:54:53.000 | cover the whole thing. And in that way, it's gradually able to generate state about what
01:55:01.720 | is contained in this 3D volume.
01:55:06.000 | And so this is not something which is very widely used, at least at this point, but I
01:55:13.640 | think it's worth thinking about. Because again, you could combine this with a CNN. Maybe you
01:55:19.440 | could have a CNN that looks at large chunks of this MRI at a time and generates state
01:55:28.160 | for each of these chunks, and then maybe you could use an RNN to go through the chunks.
01:55:33.560 | There's all kinds of ways that you can combine CNNs and RNNs together.
01:55:45.600 | So can you build a custom layer in Theano and then mix it with Keras?
01:56:14.460 | There's lots of examples of them that you'll generally find in the GitHub issues where
01:56:23.400 | people will show like I was trying to build this layer and I had this problem. But it's
01:56:30.840 | kind of a good way to see how to build them.
01:56:33.600 | The other thing I find really useful to do is to actually look at the definition of the
01:56:49.400 | layers in Keras. One of the things I actually did was I created this little thing called
01:57:03.200 | PyPath which allows me to put in any Python module and it returns the directory that that
01:57:16.880 | module is defined in, so I can go, let's have a look at how any particular layer is defined.
01:57:29.560 | So let's say I want to look at pooling. Here is a max_pooling1d layer and you can see it's
01:57:39.000 | defined in nine lines of code. Generally speaking, you can kind of see that layers don't take
01:57:49.160 | very much code at all.
01:57:53.400 | Could we, given a caption, create an image?
01:58:02.040 | You can absolutely create an image from a caption. There's a lot of image generation
01:58:07.040 | stuff going on at the moment. It's not at a point that's probably useful for anything
01:58:13.480 | in practice. It's more like an interesting research journey I guess. So generally speaking,
01:58:23.400 | this is in the area called generative models. We'll be looking at generative models next
01:58:28.440 | year because they're very important for unsupervised and semi-supervised learning.
01:58:32.520 | What could get the best performance on a document classification task? Is CNN, RNN, or both?
01:58:41.080 | That's a great question.
01:58:43.040 | So let's go back to sentiment analysis. To remind ourselves, when we looked at sentiment
01:58:50.560 | analysis for IMDB, the best result we got came from a multi-size convolutional neural
01:58:57.400 | network where we basically took a bunch of convolutional neural networks of varying sizes.
01:59:03.000 | A simple convolutional network was nearly as good. I actually tried an LSTM for this
01:59:18.280 | and I found the accuracy that I got was less good than the accuracy of the CNN. I think
01:59:29.320 | the reason for this is that when you have a whole movie review, which is a few paragraphs,
01:59:40.000 | the information you can get just by looking at a few words at a time is enough to tell
01:59:44.880 | you whether this is a positive review or a negative review. If you see a sequence of
01:59:51.360 | five words like this is totally shit, you can probably learn that's not a good thing,
01:59:57.520 | or else if this is totally awesome, you can probably learn that is a good thing.
02:00:01.840 | The amount of nuance built into reading word-by-word an entire review just doesn't seem like there's
02:00:11.200 | any need for that in practice. In general, once you get to a certain sized piece of text,
02:00:21.240 | like a paragraph or two, there doesn't seem to be any sign that RNNs are helpful at least
02:00:30.600 | at this stage.
02:00:35.240 | Before I close off, I wanted to show you two little tricks because I don't spend enough
02:00:39.840 | time showing you cool little tricks. When I was working with Brad today, there were two
02:00:44.760 | little tricks that we realized that other people might like to learn about. The first
02:00:50.720 | trick I wanted to point out to you is, if you want to learn about how a function works,
02:01:11.080 | what would be a quick way to find out? If you've got a function there on your screen
02:01:17.000 | and you hit Shift + Tab, all of the parameters to it will pop up. If you hit Shift + Tab twice,
02:01:26.440 | the documentation will pop up. So that was one little tip that I wanted you guys to know
02:01:32.240 | about because I think it's pretty handy.
02:01:35.640 | The second little tip that you may not have been aware of is that you can actually run
02:01:39.560 | the Python debugger inside Jupyter Notebook. So today we were trying to do that when we
02:01:45.040 | were trying to debug our pure Python RNN. So we can see an example of that.
02:01:58.240 | So let's say we were having some problem inside our loop here. You can go import pdb, that's
02:02:05.480 | the Python debugger, and then you can set a breakpoint anywhere. So now if I run this
02:02:14.600 | as soon as it gets to here, it pops up a little dialog box and at this point I can look at
02:02:21.720 | anything. For example, I can say what's the value of 'er' at this point? And I can say
02:02:26.960 | what are the lines I'm about to execute? And I can say execute the next one line and it
02:02:33.080 | shows me what line is coming next.
02:02:35.520 | If you want to learn about the Python debugger, just Google for a Python debugger, but learning
02:02:41.640 | to use the debugger is one of the most helpful things because it lets you step through each
02:02:46.600 | step of what's going on and see the values of all of your variables and do all kinds
02:02:53.000 | of cool stuff like that. So those were two little tips I thought I would leave you with
02:02:57.440 | so we can finish on a high note.
02:02:59.080 | And that's 9 o'clock. Thanks very much everybody.
02:03:01.800 | (audience applauds)