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Put Your Phones Away at the Dinner Table

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | (upbeat music)
00:00:02.580 | Welcome back to a new week of episodes
00:00:07.080 | with John Piper on the Ask Pastor John podcast.
00:00:10.040 | We have a question here from Eileen, a listener,
00:00:11.880 | who writes in to ask this, "Hello Pastor John.
00:00:14.920 | "How should a wife who desires to be godly
00:00:18.060 | "react to her husband's habit of spending
00:00:20.480 | "about 70% of mealtimes together communicating
00:00:24.560 | "with others via texts and social media on his phone?
00:00:28.560 | "It irritates me so much that sometimes I lose myself.
00:00:32.660 | "Thank you."
00:00:33.500 | So Pastor John, what counsel would you offer to Eileen?
00:00:36.520 | I think Eileen is not alone here in her concern,
00:00:41.060 | and I don't know what the proportions are,
00:00:43.360 | but there are many men, as well as women,
00:00:48.360 | who are frustrated when their wives are distracted
00:00:53.680 | by something during a time when it seems
00:00:56.760 | like the two of them should be paying attention
00:00:58.840 | to each other, so I just wanna make sure
00:01:00.760 | that women know that we men like
00:01:03.480 | to be paid attention to, as well.
00:01:05.140 | (laughs)
00:01:06.340 | And it is right that her husband pay attention to her.
00:01:09.940 | There are a couple of questions here in Eileen's concern,
00:01:14.760 | I think.
00:01:15.600 | One is what might be said to her husband.