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Put Your Phones Away at the Dinner Table


(upbeat music) Welcome back to a new week of episodes with John Piper on the Ask Pastor John podcast. We have a question here from Eileen, a listener, who writes in to ask this, "Hello Pastor John. "How should a wife who desires to be godly "react to her husband's habit of spending "about 70% of mealtimes together communicating "with others via texts and social media on his phone?

"It irritates me so much that sometimes I lose myself. "Thank you." So Pastor John, what counsel would you offer to Eileen? I think Eileen is not alone here in her concern, and I don't know what the proportions are, but there are many men, as well as women, who are frustrated when their wives are distracted by something during a time when it seems like the two of them should be paying attention to each other, so I just wanna make sure that women know that we men like to be paid attention to, as well.

(laughs) And it is right that her husband pay attention to her. There are a couple of questions here in Eileen's concern, I think. One is what might be said to her husband.