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E38: Bestie brawl, Robinhood's $70M fine & S-1, Delta variant, next gen candidates & more


0:0 Jason & Sacks hash out their Twitter beef
20:58 Robinhood $70M FINRA fine signals & S-1 news, plus how GPs think about IPO distributions
35:29 Delta variant: reason for concern or fear porn?
57:25 Trump not taking credit for Project Lightspeed, Trump CFO indicted, will Dems prosecuting Trump backfire & help him gain steam for 2024?
66:11 Future of Republican & Democratic parties
71:17 FTC takes a hit in Facebook case dismissal & Amazon requesting Lina Khan's recusal, does Facebook have the best case against being a monopoly?
79:42 Sha'Carri Richardson Olympic suspension

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.400 | is is jay cal here i can't see him
00:00:02.560 | maybe i've been blocked i don't know i'm getting static on the line i can't hear anything
00:00:09.440 | i can't hear anything why do the two fat guys have to ruin everything i mean get your
00:00:13.520 | together youtube i'm not we have something good don't save it for the show the show started
00:00:17.920 | freeburg you're lost in full already here we go here we go you guys ready i'm not bad anymore
00:00:26.480 | let your winners ride brain man david sacks
00:00:30.480 | and it said we open sourced it to the fans and they've just gone crazy
00:00:36.800 | if you'd like to skip the bestie twitter drama and get right into the episode jump to 20 minutes and
00:00:48.160 | 48 seconds hey everybody hey everybody we've got a great show for you today what a treat this is
00:00:54.800 | going to be here at the all in podcast we're going to be here at the all in podcast we're going to be
00:00:56.460 | here at the all in podcast we cover everything technology business market politics science and
00:01:00.480 | of course the besties emotions and their feelings i'm dave friedberg the king of cannolis joining me
00:01:07.320 | today are the guys that used to be besties first joining us from burlusconi's boomba boomba palace
00:01:13.840 | the pied piper of spax himself chamath polyhapabuyu welcome you look great today thank you and uh from
00:01:23.440 | one of his many houses the uh
00:01:26.440 | sass bully himself david sacks and of course our former moderator and host the one and only
00:01:36.740 | the internet famous the bronx bully jason calacanis everybody jcal welcome you're looking great you
00:01:46.420 | look like you're ready to do a little uh jab and a hook so for those of you joining us today that
00:01:50.780 | haven't been following on twitter i'm sorry chamath did did you get kermit the frog to host the show i mean
00:01:56.420 | jesus christ that opening was the worst most painful thing i've ever heard it really was not
00:02:00.900 | very good okay well welcome sacks and jcal not really feeling great about this you can't it's
00:02:08.100 | a failed experiment already i thought the opening was good good job free bird i think you're doing
00:02:12.580 | well it's a four of ten stop prejudging his performance it just began and by the way
00:02:18.820 | interrupting already stop interrupting stop interrupting calcanis so the moderator is
00:02:23.300 | moderating and jcal has to take the money
00:02:25.300 | i love her
00:02:26.100 | i'm gonna mute him thank you so gentlemen welcome as we know over the past week there has been a
00:02:34.500 | twitter feud between jason and um david sacks and i'm going to give you guys a little bit of this
00:02:40.820 | background for those of you who haven't followed online which i'm assuming is the vast majority of
00:02:44.660 | you but there's a twitter account called all in stats and they publish an analysis showing
00:02:50.340 | that jcal has been talking a lot on our podcast and sacks uh for the last couple of weeks has been
00:02:55.780 | kind of you know kind of quote tweeted and said you know here is statistical proof of jason's piss
00:03:01.140 | poor moderation of the all-in pod jcal if you were moderating correctly you would be fourth place in
00:03:06.100 | air time entire airtime instead of tied for first your job is to facilitate discussion not dominate
00:03:11.300 | it stop interrupting and let the grown-ups talk jcal immediately jumps up with a response maybe
00:03:17.540 | you could start your own pod with peter thiel and keith or boys and have tucker carlson moderate
00:03:22.180 | sack says i know it's rough doing 10 years of this week and
00:03:25.460 | startups and never getting to number one then shemagh friedberg and i do it effectively on
00:03:29.540 | the first date on the first take but this is why you need to stick to your lane and stop
00:03:35.220 | talking over us oh my god so brutal sax jcal then responds with a niche podcast about just
00:03:42.420 | startups it's never going to be number one it's not for a general audience like all in by design
00:03:47.540 | number two sure trash the guy who has relentlessly supported you for decades
00:03:51.380 | because you're obsessed with your stats and forget about the quality of the conversation
00:03:55.700 | then jcal blocks david sachs on twitter publicly sax tells everyone jcal blocked him
00:04:01.460 | and this whole thing escalates and snowballs so the besties have they broken up are they
00:04:08.500 | going to get back together is this podcast going to continue my mom sent me a text this morning
00:04:13.220 | has the pod disintegrated jason pulled out question mark question mark question mark
00:04:18.180 | the drama ensues so gentlemen um i leave it to you sax with your opening remarks and then jcal you're going to be the besties
00:04:23.140 | may respond i'm here to moderate this opening of today's all in pod so we can kind of get past this
00:04:27.300 | and hopefully get the besties back together and continue our conversations that i think many
00:04:30.260 | people find valuable and are super helpful and useful for us and for our listeners sax please
00:04:36.020 | well i mean i i can see on jason's face that he's he's hurt that by my my tweets um you know i uh
00:04:44.260 | maybe he should go first and explain what's so hurtful i mean look the reality is about this show
00:04:49.700 | that you know breaking balls is part of it we've been doing it for you know a year and a half and
00:04:55.780 | nobody does it more than jason and then all of a sudden you know he's on the receiving end of a
00:05:01.620 | couple of mean tweets and he's like the schoolyard bully who finally gets popped in the nose and goes
00:05:06.660 | running to the teacher and he can't stop bawling so you know where is it that somehow the word
00:05:13.860 | piss poor crosses the line and he's like oh my god i'm gonna go to school i'm gonna go to school i'm gonna go to school
00:05:18.660 | piss poor crossed a red line for you after all of the you know ball busting you've been doing for
00:05:24.260 | the last year that somehow that's out of bounds and now you're gonna block me and potentially end
00:05:29.860 | the show in our friendship so explain that to me big baby all right number one i want to talk about
00:05:42.820 | the statistics in my role on my perception of you david
00:05:47.220 | is that
00:05:48.580 | you got a taste of fame and celebrity and it's gone to your fucking head and you're out of your
00:05:57.220 | ego is out of control you now have stopped doing your job every day and you are obsessed with your
00:06:04.900 | statistics and how you're perceived on the pod as seen by your obsession and your bromance with
00:06:13.220 | henry or harvey bell caster whatever you're sitting there obsessing
00:06:18.100 | over what percentage each of us talk none of the other besties are reading all in stats
00:06:24.020 | or getting obsessed with henry belcaster and how they're perceived on the pod
00:06:28.340 | you have taken a championship show which i pulled together with my decades of experience and team
00:06:37.940 | as the point god i am the chris paul of moderating the reason this show is number one
00:06:45.620 | is because i created a super team there are four people on this podcast who bring a lot to the table
00:06:51.620 | and you have asked for decades for air cow i will not pull out a list but the time that you were
00:06:59.460 | going to get canceled because of beep and the other time that your company was in the beep because
00:07:06.580 | the beep was investigating it you called air cow you called an air cow you can't deny it and nobody
00:07:16.180 | has benefited more from my skills in media than you are you are you speaking in an accent i'm not
00:07:24.420 | speaking in an accent i'm getting uh this is when i get upset what he's getting for clem he's
00:07:28.980 | getting for clients he's controlling it okay i'm not speaking in an accent i'm getting uh this is
00:07:32.100 | when i get upset what he's getting for clem he's getting for clients he's controlling it okay i'm
00:07:34.660 | not speaking in an accent i'm getting uh this is when i get upset what he's getting for clem he's
00:07:34.660 | getting for clients he's controlling it okay i'm bringing the ball up court and i pass the
00:07:40.020 | ball to everybody i am white chocolate on this team i am the professor i am chris paul okay and
00:07:47.060 | i pass the ball now if you want to be a point guard like me and throw crisp passes that make
00:07:53.380 | the audience laugh and make them cheer and bring down the whole goddamn stadium well sometimes i'm
00:07:59.940 | going to do a no-look pass it's going to hit you in the back of the head or it's going to bounce
00:08:03.380 | off you can't
00:08:04.580 | and cry about it constantly david and if you're looking at the minutes
00:08:08.340 | i have to read the story and prep the story so i can put it in your lap
00:08:14.740 | which i love to do i love my role here and you're taking my min account which is at least two-thirds
00:08:22.580 | moderation and you're saying that's indicative of me being piss poor now if it's all a goddamn
00:08:28.020 | joke that's fine but you're messing with my business my business is podcasting and performing
00:08:34.500 | if you got a problem with me as the moderator you have my fucking phone number you can call me
00:08:40.260 | but don't go out and start some fight with me and then go start hanging out with henry belcaster
00:08:46.260 | when i'm your boy okay and then everything with you is about your call-in clubhouse killer and
00:08:53.620 | we've got to move the pawn to that you're getting out of control david you need to realize we
00:08:59.460 | started a podcast that went to number one instantly and be grateful about that and
00:09:04.420 | stay the course the end i'm done well all right good all right so can i respond so first of all
00:09:10.740 | j cal i agree you put the the super team together for this pod you're an indispensable part of it
00:09:17.940 | i'm not questioning that you know i don't think we should i don't think well let me come to that
00:09:23.060 | the adults talk let me first uh let me i'm actually saying some positive things about you
00:09:27.460 | before i get into my uh critique okay so look you deserve credit for putting this thing together
00:09:33.860 | along with the podcast and the podcast is a great podcast and i'm going to put it in the description
00:09:34.340 | so you can read the podcast and the podcast is a great podcast and i'm going to put it in the description
00:09:34.420 | with with chamath uh it wouldn't be the same without you you do bring an element of
00:09:39.700 | entertainment to it uh lord knows if it was just freberg moderating all the time it'd probably be
00:09:44.500 | extremely boring so um look i although we're gonna give him a chance today so who knows
00:09:50.660 | um but rough start and it's not that i was angry or upset or concerned about my air time or any of
00:09:55.940 | that stuff i was frustrated okay because your moderation i have a couple of um concerns about or
00:10:04.260 | i guess complaints okay one is that you do tend to interrupt and i'd say you interrupt me
00:10:09.700 | more than the others okay and specifically not true let's talk about the the issue the the issue
00:10:17.620 | where this came up was the eric adams issue last pod okay so you didn't even go to me this this
00:10:23.460 | issue the eric adams issue is all about the crime issue what the audience doesn't know is that you
00:10:28.660 | went to chamath like three times then you moved on and we had to come back i said no listen i raised
00:10:33.140 | my hand to get back to the point where i was like i'm gonna go back to the point where i was like i'm
00:10:34.180 | gonna go back into the conversation we edited that part out you skipped over me completely i don't
00:10:38.420 | know how that was good passing where was the dish okay to me on that issue okay let me explain to
00:10:44.260 | you can i respond to that sure you've got three people on the team who can score i come down the
00:10:51.140 | court i pass it sometimes there's two open guys you're the guy who was open who didn't get the
00:10:57.940 | pass and now you're walking down the court complaining no instead of keeping your head in
00:11:04.100 | be like not going to freeburg on a science issue all right okay i understand any chance for you
00:11:10.160 | to defend the cops beating up criminals i understand that's your wheelhouse next time
00:11:15.420 | when it comes to that i'll make sure it would be it would be a conspiracy i agree with you i agree
00:11:20.240 | with you it's an oversight i can't hit every perfect pass you're expecting perfection so then
00:11:25.620 | it's a miss pass and now you're upset about it okay okay so then so then i basically say listen
00:11:30.840 | i want to talk to this issue i have three points to make i'm not through point number two before
00:11:35.440 | you're interrupting me and taking the ball away the specific reason why i said i have three points
00:11:40.820 | is to telegraph to you don't interrupt me bitch i got three points to make okay what do you do you
00:11:46.200 | cut me off in the middle of point two how is that good moderation i don't think you do that to
00:11:50.480 | chamath or even freeburg this really is about this really is about chamath versus you and my
00:11:56.480 | relationship with each i love you both no no and the reason why i brought up
00:12:00.820 | the all-in stats okay is not because i'm concerned about my air time but but to show
00:12:04.820 | i'm a little concerned no because i i they broke down that i was like fourth in air time and so the
00:12:10.100 | only point about that is why are you giving me the hook when i'm not talking too much if i were
00:12:15.300 | talking too much if i were monologuing it'd be a whole different story but you're yanking the mic
00:12:20.020 | away from me in the mid-sentence before i even had a chance to finish and there's and there's one more
00:12:24.500 | thing okay which is as soon as i bring up any concern with a moderation where do you go you start calling me
00:12:30.800 | tucker you know you start labeling me in this way okay you had dinner with tucker in the last year
00:12:35.760 | just like just like a year have you had dinner with tucker you're proving you're proving my point
00:12:39.760 | where do you go where do you joke yes but why i'm trying to keep the show entertaining and keep it
00:12:44.960 | moving part of keeping the show entertaining moving is keeping you guys from monologuing
00:12:49.680 | i have to cut you off and make jokes a year and a half ago at the beginning of the pod we had to
00:12:54.800 | have the last time we had a sort of session like this it was because you kept trying to paint me as
00:13:00.780 | a trump supporter which is not my agenda okay now you're doing it for trump now you're trying to hang
00:13:06.040 | did you vote for tucker label on me why aren't you saying hey let's hear from george will let's hear
00:13:10.320 | from william buckley the reason why you're choosing those labels is because you know they are anathema
00:13:17.080 | to most people in silicon valley and you're trying to stigmatize me with them no that is
00:13:21.440 | you're trying to are you reading from your notes are you reading from you you're trying to hang
00:13:24.800 | that albatross points over my neck okay and that is you're trying to anathematize me in
00:13:30.760 | in the in the view of most people in silicon valley you're causing that's not what i'm trying
00:13:34.420 | to do you're trying to make a joke but you are causing the audience to prejudge my message my
00:13:39.820 | points before i've even had the chance to say that's what i'm trying to do by by attacking
00:13:44.020 | the boogie men of the left to me okay the result of that is the audience is going to pre-judge what
00:13:49.020 | i have to say and probably a third of the audience will never want to hear what i have to say because
00:13:53.220 | you've pre-labeled and prejudged me that is a serious problem and that is with my business
00:13:58.460 | that is with my business is it really a lot more
00:14:00.740 | a lot more than me calling out your moderation on one show oh so now it is moderation oh okay
00:14:07.620 | i thought it was great moderation now we're back to it being moderation let me ask you
00:14:11.380 | you know what you're doing did you know what you're doing did you have to talk about you
00:14:15.380 | know what you're doing how have you had dinner with tucker answer the question all right i'm
00:14:19.220 | gonna mute both of you now okay i'm in the moderator chamath do you want to weigh in
00:14:22.900 | on these two idiots and talk a little bit about how we can move the show forward and at this point
00:14:26.420 | i'm thinking about vetoing the publication of the show so we can just have this conversation
00:14:30.720 | this was this was so stupid nick edit all this nonsense out and make it 30 seconds and move on
00:14:39.760 | hey guys this is a really important powerful thing that we accidentally stumbled into
00:14:46.000 | i'll make two points david does get labeled and i don't think it's fair and jason does an excellent
00:14:53.280 | job of moderating and sometimes i think that jason does get excited and in getting excited you know
00:14:59.680 | he's also not just moderating but moderating and moderating and moderating and moderating and
00:15:00.700 | moderating and moderating and moderating and moderating and moderating and moderating and
00:15:00.720 | just there to moderate he's there to contribute as well and so i think that if you look at the the
00:15:06.560 | number of minutes as a guide it's not going to be accurate because he does have two jobs to do
00:15:11.160 | whereas the rest of us only have one and david does bring an enormous amount of clarity to what he says
00:15:18.040 | in a very fair way and it is unfair to him that he gets basically slathered with here's the crazy guy
00:15:24.800 | on the right so i think what i would just say is just let's just tone it the down and conch
00:15:30.680 | down okay we're at a million people a week we could be at 10 million people a week
00:15:36.100 | and we could own the distribution of our ideas to millions and millions of people
00:15:41.260 | let's just stay the course and calm the down well i i agree with all that actually i i agree
00:15:47.300 | with you i'm 100 in agreement i want to address the labeling issue i want to address the label
00:15:51.540 | issue i am joking nine out of ten times when i talk about trump because it's hilarious and
00:15:56.940 | your relationship with tucker i think it's hilarious that you're part of the
00:16:00.660 | keith raboy and teal thing and and i don't think it's damaging for your business at all and i think
00:16:05.780 | people are telling me i'm purple viewed we're moving to the center here so i believe that we're
00:16:10.260 | doing something noble by bringing all these voices together it's all a big joke and you know what i
00:16:15.220 | don't care what you say about me on twitter i know i'm good at what i do there's nothing you could
00:16:20.100 | say that can change that why is your accent change i i think in general you are good at what you do
00:16:26.580 | and i and i and the reason why i have two of the top ten tech podcasts
00:16:30.640 | is go put your podcast player don't tell me to get my shoes anymore foreign number four
00:16:37.460 | and number eight nobody's saying that so i think i think what what david literally what
00:16:41.800 | he said that's literally what he's doing right now is showing why i had to tweet which is
00:16:46.120 | you won't take a note i can't tell the guy hey listen you gotta know for me it's not
00:16:51.720 | gonna happen on twitter you got my phone number well it doesn't happen in private
00:16:55.240 | either we know that you could call me oh really you're gonna take a note in private
00:17:00.360 | i've tried we've had this conversation before we had this specific conversation about the
00:17:05.740 | trump thing a year ago we haven't talked about trump in six months you're back to all your
00:17:10.320 | bad habits can we just hear an apology from one to the other and tell the other yeah i'm
00:17:16.200 | absolutely willing to hear sax's apology tell him what you appreciate about him and what
00:17:20.080 | you like about him go ahead yeah go crisis is therapy all right i unblocked
00:17:24.760 | sax and i'm following him enough thank you move on we move forward apologize to each
00:17:29.080 | other
00:17:30.080 | i'm sorry you tweeted that sax i'm sorry come on seriously david apologized to him
00:17:34.840 | let's just move on jason tell sax you're sorry for labeling him and you know you'll be more
00:17:39.560 | conscientious in the future please i'm sorry that i brought up your relationship with tucker
00:17:46.200 | and that i labeled you a trump disciple i don't even need an apology i just want him
00:17:53.300 | to recognize me too so i'm trying to be the bigger man it i take it back okay i unblocked
00:17:59.800 | you and you're followed i unblocked you and you're followed that's enough sax jason his
00:18:03.180 | feelings were hurt by you telling him that his podcast sucks and yeah piss poor piss
00:18:07.960 | poor okay look you asked me to have 10 of your founders on the podcast in the last two
00:18:12.540 | years i counted your team is in the mix trying to get people booked on the show we're not
00:18:18.040 | gonna we're not gonna keep it going you've benefited from this relationship as well so
00:18:22.060 | thank you for that i never said i didn't thank you for the person is thank you to you all
00:18:26.560 | right we good look my frustration with the podcast is that i'm not gonna keep it going
00:18:27.800 | look my frustration over your moderation boiled off into a couple of tweets last week i did not
00:18:35.020 | mean to hurt your feelings i was just trying to give you a note okay if you would take the notes
00:18:39.740 | in private i would give you them to you in private i do think that overall you're a great moderator
00:18:45.340 | your contribution to the show is absolutely necessary and essential never disputed that
00:18:52.060 | i think we should keep doing the show um i didn't expect you to block me honestly i didn't expect
00:18:57.260 | your feelings to be hurt by me i didn't expect you to block me i didn't expect you to block me
00:18:57.780 | to be so hurt by what I said
00:18:59.580 | and so yeah
00:19:01.960 | look I apologize for that all I wanted
00:19:03.940 | to do is give you a note and I would
00:19:05.840 | appreciate if you could try and respect
00:19:07.980 | my note not mischaracterize it
00:19:09.940 | I think you know what I'm saying right
00:19:11.840 | I just want the chance to be able to
00:19:13.960 | present my views without the audience
00:19:15.900 | prejudging them because you know
00:19:17.620 | that certain labels will not
00:19:20.000 | go over well with our audience okay
00:19:21.960 | it'd be like introducing Chamath
00:19:23.780 | as the Michael Milken of SPACs
00:19:26.060 | okay there is
00:19:27.580 | I edited that out
00:19:28.700 | I'm not saying he is
00:19:32.700 | I'm saying it would be as if you
00:19:35.920 | did that right you understand what you'd
00:19:37.940 | be doing if you labeled him that way
00:19:40.060 | I don't think that is a fair label
00:19:42.000 | in fairness I thought the labeling
00:19:43.900 | and the joking about you being the token
00:19:45.720 | Republican was a meta joke about
00:19:47.980 | the fact that Silicon Valley doesn't have too many
00:19:49.960 | of you and Teals and Reboys
00:19:51.980 | etc there's a small cohort
00:19:53.340 | I think the whole point of what we were trying to say is Silicon Valley's
00:19:55.620 | heads up their ass I agree
00:19:57.380 | so maybe so maybe the problem maybe the problem we've we've identified is
00:20:01.740 | all these left-leaning people are just sniffing their own balls basically
00:20:05.500 | running to a cliff
00:20:06.980 | sweating balls
00:20:08.100 | yeah a lot of my views like on free speech are the old
00:20:11.140 | center left
00:20:12.460 | exactly and now you're for universal health care look at you
00:20:15.500 | I haven't moved the whole world's gone crazy I mean
00:20:18.660 | everyone supported free speech until five minutes ago okay that's what I went on Tucker
00:20:22.420 | to discuss
00:20:23.420 | you were free market about uh education and you were free market about about the whole world
00:20:27.180 | about health care and now you're like I mean we should have health care and safety nets
00:20:29.940 | I I am I am a believer in in markets all right Jason let's start go let's start the show
00:20:34.500 | three two hey everybody hey everybody the all-in podcast is back besties unblocked with
00:20:40.300 | us again the rain man himself David Sachs and David Freeburg the queen of kinwa and
00:20:50.060 | from his Italian hideaway gallivanting in Italy Chamath Polyharmonic University and
00:20:56.980 | the dictator big news for besties this week Robinhood um has filed their s1 and paid a
00:21:05.760 | fin refine 70 million dollars for outages and misleading customers multiple days of
00:21:11.020 | outages back in March 2020 we talked about here and poor communications around options
00:21:16.720 | trading risks Robinhood's s1 highlighted some extraordinary uh growth during that period
00:21:24.200 | as we discussed on the pod
00:21:26.780 | 18 million funded accounts and they're on a two billion dollar run rate 522 million dollars in
00:21:33.980 | revenue in the first quarter up 4x and uh monthly active users have more than doubled 8.6 million
00:21:41.060 | accounts to 17.7 million uh just for in the last year revenue was up 300 percent any thoughts on
00:21:48.860 | Robinhood's s1 obviously I'm an interested party it's the largest fine ever I think of this type
00:21:55.400 | but on the dinner's largest fine I think of this type but on the other hand it's the largest fine
00:21:56.580 | yeah yeah so it should be a black eye for the company but the reality is that they're happy to
00:22:01.440 | pay the fine and just move on so they don't have this issue hanging over their heads anymore and
00:22:05.040 | now they're going to be able to IPO at like a 50 60 70 billion dollar valuation and so for them
00:22:10.980 | it's just sort of cost of doing business I think there's something a little bit off about that but
00:22:15.420 | um that's kind of how it works freeburg anything I mean congrats to you J Cal looks like you're
00:22:20.760 | gonna do really well with this deal huh it will return roughly this one deal will
00:22:26.380 | do three or four times the value of the first fund the launch fund one which was 11 million
00:22:32.560 | dollars did you invest in the seed round or the a or what round did you invest in I think it was
00:22:36.640 | the seed round um and so what's your multiple going to be on a 50 billion dollar market cap
00:22:42.460 | you know uh it would be 500x amazing amazing congrats big boy yeah it's a congrats Jake Allen
00:22:52.480 | I'm happy to see that you're successful I'm really happy for you your success is finally catching up
00:22:56.180 | to your ego and so I think here we go I think that's it too soon too soon too soon your net
00:23:04.880 | worth is catching up to your waist size congrats oh God uh well actually between this and the
00:23:11.900 | composition uh I'm uh you know listen it's a long way to go before we distribute obviously
00:23:17.360 | but that first fund I did which came after the Scouts fund my Sequoia Scouts portfolio
00:23:21.740 | my only advice to you Jason is talk talk to a few seasoned GPs like girly Fred
00:23:25.980 | Wilson and figure out the right distribution strategy one of the biggest things that I see
00:23:29.580 | these folks do is early stage Venture investors thinking that they're public market investors
00:23:34.560 | trying to time the market trying to figure out how to do distributions and it never works
00:23:38.820 | which means do you hold the shares for another year or two I would distribute them I would
00:23:45.120 | distribute them immediately book the win move on yeah you know it's interesting a lot of the
00:23:49.620 | top firms that I'm in are holding their shares and I I had a firm that had uh Square and they
00:23:55.780 | held some number of them until it's 7x and then distributed so I guess technically they get to
00:24:00.820 | book that win what are your thoughts on that sax of when to distribute and how are you doing in your
00:24:06.280 | fund yeah I mean it's a good question um the reality is that you know let's say that you're
00:24:12.460 | in year four or five of a 10-year fund you could hold the shares for another five years and if the
00:24:18.400 | shares go up over that five-year period you'll you'll do better so I think the question on IR your
00:24:25.060 | numbers will look better well I mean you're you're compensated on the absolute amount of return that
00:24:30.220 | you generate and so it might be if you distribute the shares and then if you're in carry and you
00:24:34.960 | just hold the shares you'll realize the same gains you know you're not well it depends what happens
00:24:38.800 | to the stock price I guess I guess what I would say is hold on a second if the stock were to go
00:24:42.220 | 10x and you get 20 of those shares if there were 100 shares you had 20 if a 10x you're
00:24:46.720 | still getting 20 percent right Shama so it nets out to the same if you hold the shares
00:24:50.560 | yourself personally this is why I think that if you're in the business of running uh a multi-faceted
00:24:54.860 | defund business I think you're better off generally and I think again if you talk to the
00:25:00.380 | best firms out there they typically will not try to guess what's going to happen in the public
00:25:05.960 | markets they distribute and they move on to their next fund um and then because you have to remember
00:25:10.700 | the IRRs you know you go through these rough patches it decays quickly and all of a sudden
00:25:15.800 | something that looks great can start to look not so great and the example of that might be snowflake
00:25:20.300 | or something going down after it went public and if you had distributed it you would have booked the
00:25:24.660 | fund at that high multiple yeah and then then you're thinking to yourself wow I hope it goes
00:25:29.220 | back up and then you're like well when do I distribute it's all if these are all not things
00:25:32.880 | that Venture Capitalists should be engaged in they should be there to help build the next the
00:25:36.600 | next David versus Goliath I think the the counter argument to that is if you really believe in the
00:25:41.100 | company and think you understand it better than the public markets do or or because you've been
00:25:45.420 | on the board and you have information you know if you hold it for another yes there's going to be
00:25:50.340 | ups and downs but let's say that you plan to hold it for another four or five years um yeah
00:25:54.460 | you'll still get the same 20 25 carry but um the point at which that carry will crystallize would
00:26:00.040 | be at like a much higher level and so essentially you're preventing your LPs from selling is what
00:26:05.140 | you're doing and so you may get an extra turn of your fund by doing that how do we feel as
00:26:10.360 | LPs David freeberg but there's sorry there's also isn't there like a um I'm just trying to pull up
00:26:16.360 | the Goldman Sachs report they did in 2019 where they analyzed 4 500 IPOs over a 25-year period
00:26:24.260 | um and I think that and I could be wrong on this but if I remember some summary of this I'm trying
00:26:29.900 | to find it so I can't find it right now um but that they uh basically highlighted that IPOs as
00:26:35.660 | an index generally outperform the market over some period of time whether it's one year or three
00:26:39.920 | years and so if you have access to those IPO shares assume you're a venture investor you can
00:26:45.500 | beat the S P by 10 15 points just generally without having any thought about the business
00:26:51.320 | itself or the company itself um and you know
00:26:54.060 | you know participate in 20 carry on the upside from there or 25 carrying the upside from there
00:26:58.800 | um and so generally the rule of thumb becomes well you shouldn't distribute right away you
00:27:03.780 | should hold is that not kind of a common dogma amongst GPs nowadays look at Square look at Square
00:27:10.680 | I mean Square had all like most of the appreciation happened in the public markets I think Sequoia held
00:27:16.560 | onto their Square shares did way way better because nobody sold effectively for several years and I mean
00:27:23.860 | they do this right I mean like you you hear from girly and others that you know they hold
00:27:27.460 | onto these shares for years and you know a good business going public uh has a much better chance
00:27:34.360 | of uh performing well as a public company than you know just tracking the S P uh after an IPO
00:27:40.120 | regardless of the valuation it exits at well how do we feel as LPs Chamath your LPs in a lot of
00:27:45.460 | terrible I'm in 15 terrible you you want your shares I I don't know no offense to any GP out
00:27:50.320 | there but I don't think they're as good of a public market investor as I am so give me the shares
00:27:53.660 | I'll manage it myself uh and get out of the way um I I give money to a lot of to your point a lot
00:28:01.460 | of GPs because I want private market exposure I don't want them speculating in the public markets
00:28:07.340 | for me I do that for myself and so I would rather just get the shares and make my own decision
00:28:12.080 | um you know a lot of foundations for example are in the situation where they're there to fund
00:28:17.420 | programs so if they have a you know multi-hundred million dollar position in a great company and they
00:28:23.460 | can't fund a program or the you know a hospital system can't do what they need to do because some
00:28:28.140 | GP is speculating in the public markets I think it's insane so give you give it give give the LPs
00:28:34.860 | the money and move on it's not your job otherwise you should run a generalized fund and most people
00:28:40.860 | don't because they can't generally how do you guys when you are a large owner in a company that goes
00:28:47.040 | public or just say the pool of Venture investors or owners in a company that goes public and the lock
00:28:53.260 | up is expiring you know typically six months after the IPO and you can now distribute your shares to
00:28:57.700 | your LPs do those um you know investors take note of or have concern about the impact it might have
00:29:05.620 | on the stock price when they're making those distribution decisions typically I think they
00:29:09.640 | think about that but a lot of these LPs particularly the non-profits they're forced day one sellers the
00:29:15.520 | minute that they get the stock that just like as soon as the stock gets distributed everyone's
00:29:19.060 | selling and the stock takes a hit right and I think yeah you know what there's something happening
00:29:23.060 | I mean uh this is speculation um that I don't have so just you know take it as that but my
00:29:30.560 | understanding was some investment banks went to the uh and Shamath might know the background on
00:29:36.440 | this went to some of the major LPs in the world I'll leave it at that and said hey you have a
00:29:41.420 | position in I don't know this cab company um it's going public it's fully valued or
00:29:47.360 | it's very well valued would you like to collar your shares uh before that and we
00:29:52.860 | will take them off your hands uh and and lock you into a certain price for some percentage of it
00:29:57.660 | basically end running the GP's decision-making process of course there's a lot about that
00:30:03.960 | happens this is why I'm saying I think the GP is better off if you're in the Venture Fund business
00:30:07.680 | be in the Venture Fund business do a great job at that raise funds distribute cash do what you're
00:30:12.840 | supposed to do but please don't try to do some it's kind of like asking you know the firemen to
00:30:16.920 | also operate on you no I don't want that take me to the hospital and let the doctor do the job I
00:30:22.660 | think from a perspective I think it's probably the baseline that VC should operate from but I
00:30:26.740 | do think there are exceptions where if the VC has been on a company board for a while it feels like
00:30:31.000 | they have they understand the company better than the public markets especially during the first two
00:30:35.140 | years as a public company when the markets can be really choppy and the company's trying to find its
00:30:40.000 | level and people don't really understand it I think there is an argument for the VC having expertise
00:30:46.240 | in in that initial public run then they might be doing their LPs a favor by holding but but look I
00:30:52.460 | think Tremas point is well taken also uh companies are going public earlier so this is going to become
00:30:59.300 | a bigger issue because it's an easy decision in year 11 if you were an Uber investor an Airbnb
00:31:05.180 | investor to say okay it's been 11 years we're going to give you your shares but if you're in
00:31:09.860 | year five and the company goes out so early you know you could make an argument hey maybe we hold
00:31:14.660 | it for two or three years just going back on the previous topic Jcal the um the FINRA news on Robin
00:31:20.120 | right so FINRA just so everyone understands it's not a government regulator it's a private entity
00:31:26.240 | yeah it's called a self-regulatory organization and these SROs are basically they have a board
00:31:31.760 | and a you know a bunch of people that run them but they're pooled and managed by all
00:31:36.080 | the participants the private participants in the markets of Goldman Sachs and Morgan
00:31:39.740 | Stanley JP Morgan and all the banks they are all part of the FINRA SRO and so the way that
00:31:45.380 | these SROs are set up is to avoid government regulation and to avoid government intervention
00:31:49.920 | in markets and allows the markets to effectively self-regulate themselves in a way that everyone in
00:31:55.800 | the market is kind of keeping an eye on each other and making sure that this is being taken care of
00:31:59.760 | and I think one thing to take note of from this fine is that it telegraphs that FINRA and the
00:32:05.880 | markets in general the market participants in general may be rather concerned and rather
00:32:11.340 | worried about government intervention in some of these new markets and emerging fintech practices
00:32:17.100 | because they wanted to say look we put the gauntlet
00:32:19.720 | down on Robin Hood we made them pay the biggest fine ever we made them pay 70 million dollars
00:32:23.920 | stay away we're taking care of it because the concern everyone's had is that AOC and Elizabeth
00:32:29.080 | Warren and a bunch of people on Capitol Hill are waving flags saying we need to step in we need to
00:32:33.520 | regulate these companies we need to regulate these practices we need to protect consumers and so this
00:32:37.900 | fine really signals that the market is a bit concerned that the government is going to come in
00:32:44.140 | and start trying to tell fintech companies how to practice and how to operate and generally tell all
00:32:49.520 | the company you know market participants how to operate which is a very scary prospect for them
00:32:53.960 | so to me this was really this this was really big news about what it telegraphs the backdoor
00:32:58.760 | conversations are you know that are going on with market participants right now what you're almost
00:33:03.500 | saying is that this is a benefit to Robin Hood to pay the largest fine because it it says to the you
00:33:09.740 | know to the politicians look we've already been punished in this you know maximal way you don't
00:33:14.540 | need to layer it on top so in a way it's better for Robin Hood that they paid 70 million instead of
00:33:19.320 | 10 million yeah and it's not it's not by the way it's not even for Robin Hood I think all the market
00:33:24.000 | participants JP Morgan Goldman Sachs they all have huge you know tech teams and they all have acquired
00:33:29.400 | fintech companies and they are all trying to go digital and everyone is worried about the government
00:33:34.200 | intervening and changing how this business is transforming because as soon as the government
00:33:38.580 | gets involved it's going to slow down the transformation it's going to you know make
00:33:41.640 | things much more challenging and I think that everyone's trying to keep the government at
00:33:45.000 | bay while the great digital transformation of markets is underway
00:33:49.120 | um and uh and I think that's like the biggest signal from this this fin refine
00:33:52.960 | and there's there's some interesting nuances there that they brought up something like the confetti so
00:33:59.200 | when you buy something on Robin Hood it used to explode confetti gamification they're like oh we're
00:34:05.380 | going to take that out and you know if you go to Vegas they've got bells and whistles going off
00:34:09.940 | everywhere when you place a bet uh and so it is a little bit of window dressing I think it's also
00:34:14.860 | interesting that you bring up the self-regulatory organizations there's two other equivalents
00:34:18.920 | for people who are thinking about this the MPA motion picture Association uh which was formed
00:34:24.260 | back in 1922 because people had the same fear about movies and Valentini I think was the the
00:34:31.460 | guy who really uh changed uh how movies were perceived in the PG-13 era allowing a lot more
00:34:37.700 | violence Terminator those kind of movies and then you had a similar thing happen in the video game
00:34:43.820 | industry in 90s does Robin Hood still have like the lawsuits with like the the the the the the
00:34:48.720 | like uh Massachusetts uh there's like 10 other lawsuits class actions Etc about um no no no but
00:34:56.400 | these are more like with with government entities right like like didn't Massachusetts try to stay
00:35:00.840 | to state attorney general yeah something like that I think right yeah I don't know um but the
00:35:07.140 | other one that was very interesting was the um esrb which is the entertainment software ratings
00:35:12.900 | board because video games like Mortal Kombat and those and Doom were you know had to self-regulate
00:35:17.940 | right um
00:35:18.520 | um so either you regulate yourself Jason tomato's asking a question about losses at Robin Hood I know
00:35:23.920 | I was trying to deflect them I noticed come on man can we move on to the Delta variant because I'm
00:35:31.480 | supposed to be hysterically afraid of getting covet now because I've been vaccinated people
00:35:36.640 | keep talking about there's this Delta variant it's spreading and then I'm hearing one set of
00:35:41.560 | information which is if you're vaccinated it's not an issue and then uh other folks are going on TV
00:35:48.320 | saying this is going to be like we're going to have to put masks back on in California I can't
00:35:53.780 | find any data about how many actual cases there are but according to the uscdc 46 percent of the
00:36:01.280 | total U.S population has been vaccinated now uh and New York New Jersey California all well above
00:36:06.440 | 50 some people are in the 60 of adults 70 of adults Florida is still trailing but I can't and
00:36:13.100 | people are saying this is going to become the dominant variant freebreak how should we look at
00:36:16.160 | the Delta variant if you're vaccinated
00:36:18.120 | and then how should we look at it in terms of are we going to go through mandatory masks again which
00:36:24.480 | people are starting to signal already in certain uh coastal cities yeah so Trevor Bedford's a great
00:36:31.200 | guy to follow on this uh he's a epidemiologist virologist who um on Twitter on Twitter yeah
00:36:37.920 | uh trvrb is his uh Twitter handle and so he's aggregated a bunch of good data so there was a
00:36:44.460 | paper published two days ago out of the UK where they are trying to
00:36:47.920 | estimate the um uh you know the reproduction rate of the Delta variant and it looks like it's
00:36:54.880 | about 1.3 that means for every person that gets infected with the Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2
00:37:00.820 | virus that's the are not you're talking about that's that's yeah some people call are not yeah
00:37:04.840 | and so um it turns out that you know that number is higher than what we saw with the original SARS
00:37:10.180 | CoV-2 which I think was probably closer to 1.1 or so and so um you know what that means is this
00:37:16.060 | Delta variant is much more infectious right it could spread through the air the proteins could
00:37:20.260 | last in oxygen much longer and not degrade all these different reasons why it might be kind of
00:37:25.000 | more infectious um and there are some cases of people that have been vaccinated but this is not
00:37:30.580 | the predominance of what we're seeing that have tested positive for having this Delta variant but
00:37:36.160 | are having mild to moderate symptoms there aren't at this point a lot of people there's not a lot of
00:37:40.840 | data to indicate that this is actually kind of like a lethal risk or fatal risk to people that
00:37:45.040 | have been vaccinated in case of Delta variant and so there's a lot of data to indicate that this is
00:37:45.860 | the case in fact that seems to be not true and one way that that data is kind of demonstrated right
00:37:51.500 | now is there was another analysis that was done where they showed what is the reproduction rate
00:37:56.540 | of this variant based on what percentage of the population has been vaccinated by state and they
00:38:03.140 | show that you know for a state that's had maybe 30 percent of its population vaccinated the are not
00:38:08.300 | is closer to 1.35 when 60 of the state is vaccinated the are not is just at one and so there's this you
00:38:15.660 | know this is a you know negatively correlated kind of relationship between how many people have been
00:38:20.220 | vaccinated and how much this variant is transmitting and that makes intuitive sense
00:38:24.060 | right like if people are vaccinated they're not going to get infected the virus isn't going to hop
00:38:27.960 | from person to person to person now when you do the analysis of what percentage of the U.S population
00:38:33.000 | is unvaccinated and how reproductive this virus is a lot of epidemiologists are saying that the
00:38:40.500 | models indicate that we could see up to 10 percent of the U.S population now get hit with this variant
00:38:45.460 | and what we don't know is what percentage of people actually had you know SARS-CoV-2 in the
00:38:49.960 | first run around last year but we are seeing this this variant pop up now the fatality rate doesn't
00:38:55.420 | appear to be much higher than what we saw with SARS-CoV-2 the first time around and and so there's
00:39:00.760 | no indication to say like hey this is going to be much more lethal so when you combine those
00:39:04.420 | factors it seems like at this point you know the the death rates in the U.S are remaining flat and
00:39:09.880 | stable while we are going to see and may expect to see a continuing upsurge surge up in terms of the
00:39:15.260 | number of cases are we going to require masks this goes back to kind of my previous point about I
00:39:20.120 | think we've kind of normalized ourselves to masks and shutdowns and lockdowns and all the stuff that
00:39:24.440 | we did last year thinking that it had an effect a recent paper showed that lockdowns had no effect
00:39:29.000 | on the reproduction rate in the United States because at the end of the day what if a government
00:39:32.960 | says lockdown or government says put masks on people still have a tendency to do whatever
00:39:36.920 | the hell they want to do and at least in the United States that is the case that is not the
00:39:40.640 | case likely in Asian countries where we did see an effect of lockdowns and masks
00:39:45.060 | um but in the United States these uh these restrictions uh obviously had adverse economic
00:39:49.980 | effects but didn't seem to have a strong epidemiological effect um based on a recent
00:39:55.380 | paper that I will share uh in this thing so so what are we going to do I don't know I feel like
00:39:59.760 | we've normalized mass we've normalized lockdowns we've normalized these responses but SARS-CoV-2 is
00:40:04.080 | going to be here forever and it is going to cycle through variants and that's the concern right in
00:40:08.160 | the world let me make a prediction I think that what at the end of this thing what I think I
00:40:14.860 | have come to the conclusion of is there was a lot of unknowns that got perverted into hysteria and
00:40:25.900 | mania by a handful of organizations to basically uh sequester power and what we realized is that
00:40:34.840 | these people were incompetent and they didn't know what they were doing because you ended
00:40:40.480 | up in the same place with all of these different distributions of actions and
00:40:44.660 | so now I think when you have this other variant I think there's a growing sensation by a lot of
00:40:50.180 | people not just Americans that the CDC the who whoever it is is probably at best guessing and
00:40:59.120 | at worst making it up and the ultimate result is there this it's almost as if they like being
00:41:05.180 | drunk with power and so I think the last part of what you said freeburg is what I
00:41:09.920 | really agree with which is that this is not going to be tolerated anymore and the
00:41:14.460 | reason is because they are also politicizing science and what they're doing is when they
00:41:20.340 | don't know they're making poor guesses in the name of science which is just as bad
00:41:25.500 | so you know I don't know what's going to happen with the Delta variant maybe a lot
00:41:30.300 | maybe a little but as far as I can tell I think people are tired of uninformed
00:41:36.540 | impacts to their lives and they're not going to put up with it anymore Saks chances California goes back
00:41:44.260 | to lockdowns or some sort of mask mandates uh well well they are they're they're imposing mass
00:41:50.260 | mandates indoors in places like LA and you have the teachers unions the the National Education
00:41:56.380 | Union is now putting down all these conditions on going back to school in the fall so I think
00:42:03.940 | you could be in a situation where we do not have they will call it school reopening but we will not
00:42:08.860 | have five day a week in person learning and the schools the public schools that have it are going
00:42:13.480 | to have all sorts of incentives and I think that's going to be a big issue for the rest of the world.
00:42:14.060 | I think that's going to be a big issue for the rest of the world.
00:42:14.120 | of insane restrictions and conditions like making kids who really aren't at risk for
00:42:19.580 | covid even even the Delta variant they're going to force them to wear masks they're going to
00:42:24.320 | um enforce this ridiculous social distancing they're talking about making the kids who
00:42:28.820 | aren't vaccinated sit at a separate table like the outcasts I mean it's insane what
00:42:33.800 | they're talking about doing so why is that insane David not to interrupt you but I'm
00:42:38.180 | just curious how much you unpack that because so so look I I'm I'm pro vaccine you know
00:42:43.860 | I think adults should get vaccinated I don't think my kids need to get vaccinated I don't
00:42:48.780 | think that is a wise policy to to force kids to get vaccinated they're at very low risk for getting
00:42:55.260 | the virus they're very low risk for transmitting the virus if they get it and even if they get it
00:42:59.580 | they're at almost no risk for it being harmful or you know to cause serious illness or death
00:43:06.000 | and so to impose all these restrictions on kids it's like we're living in a time warp
00:43:10.560 | you know back to last summer when we didn't know as much about the virus
00:43:13.660 | I mean to chamas point they're imposing all these restrictions which are just unscientific
00:43:19.180 | and it really seems like the real point is to create excuses for the teachers not to have to
00:43:25.180 | go back to work and you know you know a school system is borked when the truancy is on the part
00:43:31.660 | of the teachers not the students the students want to go back the teachers want to be truant
00:43:36.640 | it's like they want to be on permanent vacation forever it is a really broken system by the way let
00:43:43.460 | me just highlight um you know to support uh the concern that I think people like like people that
00:43:51.080 | sax is kind of speaking to might be having um a research letter was published in the Journal
00:43:56.420 | um of the American medalist Medical Association two days ago a lead researcher was a guy named
00:44:02.180 | Harold Walsh and this paper is going viral amongst kind of the um you know the the scientific and
00:44:08.720 | medical Community right now and what these guys did is they measured the carbon dioxide content
00:44:13.260 | of children's lungs um from wearing masks and so they were trying to identify like is this a risk to
00:44:21.060 | children to actually be wearing masks health-wise and the results are pretty scary it turns out that
00:44:27.600 | you know um in in in air in in ambient air 0.07 percent by volume is carbon dioxide when a normal
00:44:35.340 | and then they measured kids you know randomized control double blind you know here's we're not
00:44:40.260 | double blind but randomized control there's kids that have masks and kids that don't
00:44:43.060 | have the kids that don't have masks their carbon dioxide when they exhale is about 0.28 percent
00:44:49.600 | when you have to wear a surgical mask your carbon dioxide increases to 1.3 percent
00:44:55.840 | um and uh you know when they looked at this in a more detailed way it turns out that it could
00:45:01.060 | be as high as 3.8 percent and so this starts to reach a medical level that is concerning for
00:45:06.340 | doctors that having these kids wear masks for hours a day could actually be having an adverse
00:45:12.860 | health effect because it is increasing the carbon dioxide content of their blood because you know
00:45:17.360 | their lungs aren't strong enough to breathe all this carbon dioxide out it builds up in their body
00:45:20.720 | and so there is a now a counterpoint that is being made by scientists and doctors that maybe
00:45:26.660 | the benefit of the safety we might get from kids wearing masks and spreading the virus is um outweighed
00:45:32.660 | uh by the uh um the cost of their health as a result of wearing these masks and to ask kids
00:45:37.940 | to wear masks for eight hours a day or five hours a day for nine months a year
00:45:42.660 | um we're just now waking up to the fact that there may actually be consequences to this and I'm not
00:45:46.620 | making a strong it's like it's like it's like child abuse so we sent our five-year-old to a
00:45:51.120 | summer camp in LA okay and the camp is outside and all the the adults are vaccinated okay but
00:45:57.180 | they're making the kids wear masks and it's no fun you know and they can't play sports the way
00:46:03.300 | they need to and we just said the hell with this and we took them out now what I don't
00:46:07.140 | understand is why people aren't laying this at the feet of Gavin Newsom this is a hundred percent
00:46:12.460 | his order you know all he has to do is say listen we don't need these rules anymore it's kids it's
00:46:18.640 | outside and all the adults are vaccinated what is the point of this and you know and I think we
00:46:24.340 | have this recall election now that's been scheduled for mid-September you know right
00:46:28.960 | now it looks like Newsom's going to cruise to to to winning but if we had a candidate in California
00:46:34.780 | who could say listen we need five day a week in you know in person schooling in the fall no exception
00:46:42.260 | all the teachers need to go back to work or they're going to need to be looking for new jobs
00:46:46.400 | we're not going to kowtow and give in to all these unnecessary unscientific restrictions okay because
00:46:52.400 | Newsom will not make that guarantee I think they could they could basically steal this thing we
00:46:57.680 | don't have anyone standing up saying that and I think the closer we get to the start of school
00:47:02.120 | if we don't have that kind of five day a week instruction I think parents are going to be up
00:47:06.800 | in arms about this I think they will be and I think what we're going to prove is none of these folks
00:47:12.060 | really know what they're talking about and so they will make it up and someone will have some
00:47:18.000 | shred of evidence about something on either side of any topic and all it'll do is obfuscate and
00:47:24.780 | confuse and the end of it will be somebody imposing something onto you that will have a
00:47:32.220 | negative impact on your life but for their benefit in the teachers for their benefit like I don't
00:47:37.440 | want to go back there's I mean listen I want to say all teachers don't want to go back to school
00:47:40.560 | I know a lot of teachers
00:47:41.860 | want to go back to school and teach kids and take the masks off because it's insufferable no
00:47:46.000 | you I think you can say the union and separated from teachers exactly yeah I don't think it's all
00:47:51.580 | teachers it's some percentage of teachers but I think we're going to move David freeberg correct
00:47:56.200 | me if I'm wrong here we're going to move to a two-class system here if you're vaccinated you
00:47:59.860 | get one set of rules and if you're not vaccinated you get another and this is where David I think
00:48:04.300 | kids who are over the age of 11 or 12 who do get vaccinated they shouldn't have to wear a
00:48:09.400 | mask at school but then well sorry can I just say something
00:48:11.660 | this is what the insanity of this thing is it's like okay we're going to throw around again we're
00:48:15.860 | probably going to use the word equity uh when we make these new rules but then fine why don't you
00:48:21.560 | just create a school that has everybody in it who is vaccinated well I don't I don't even understand
00:48:29.720 | I don't understand this because all of us are vaccinated so our we don't need to worry about
00:48:33.800 | it so in other words we're going to impose restrictions on people and force kids or
00:48:38.720 | whoever to get vaccinated to protect whom
00:48:41.460 | if all the adults are vaccinated we're not protecting anybody all we're doing is protecting
00:48:45.300 | I guess unvaccinated adults that makes no sense to me well they're taking the risk right I mean
00:48:50.520 | if you're choosing to not get the vaccine at this point freeberg you're taking some significant level
00:48:57.360 | of risk or some moderate level does the government have a responsibility to protect that person I
00:49:02.520 | don't think it matters what I think matters is remember like the societal responsibility
00:49:07.500 | is not and cannot be to protect every individual
00:49:11.260 | the societal responsibility is to make sure that society functions and um and if we take a zoom back
00:49:18.220 | and I just want everyone to reset your brains go back to March of last year and we were talking
00:49:23.800 | about the surge of deaths in hospitals and hospitals were going to be overwhelmed and that
00:49:28.060 | was the reason we needed to go into lockdowns and the reason we needed to stop the surge
00:49:31.720 | even if this Delta variant is highly infectious there are enough people
00:49:37.000 | and people vaccinated in the United States at this point that this Delta variant is
00:49:41.060 | not going to crush our hospital system it's not going to cause massive amount of fatalities which
00:49:45.740 | is the reason we went into lockdowns in the first place all of the concerns that we had last year
00:49:50.300 | that rationalized a lot of the extreme behavior that we undertook no longer exists and we are now
00:49:56.060 | talking about continuing those those behaviors under a different set of standards and the set
00:50:01.580 | of standards is now I can't put a teacher at risk I can't put an individual at risk
00:50:05.420 | and even if that individual got infected if the fatality rate is so low I can still say well they
00:50:10.860 | should die therefore I can't have them exposed right and that has become the new standards what
00:50:15.540 | I think Saxon that that article kind of talked about a zeroism you know you get to a point if
00:50:20.280 | you're if you're fighting a war on a battlefield and you're like well I can't let any of my soldiers
00:50:25.320 | die we can't move down the field you're not going to move down the field you're not going to win the
00:50:29.940 | war and I'm not saying that this is a war the point is society has to progress the economy has
00:50:34.680 | to progress people's lives have to progress people have to be educated life is about progress and if
00:50:40.660 | we progress because of the concern that any individual might get harmed because of the
00:50:44.680 | progress of the group as a whole we will not go anywhere and we've created a new set of standards
00:50:49.180 | that I think creates that very reality and it is frightening let me let me let me put a finer point
00:50:55.120 | on this which is just this coat this Delta variant is just more covid fear porn okay
00:51:01.240 | this is the third variant of concern where they've been you know running around alarm
00:51:06.400 | saying that you know we have to worry the truth is is it more transmissible yes
00:51:10.460 | it is going to I think sweep through areas of the country in the fall that aren't vaccinated but the
00:51:16.940 | question is how does it perform against the vaccines and so far the vaccines are holding up
00:51:22.400 | the the variants none of the variants have really punched through the vaccines in a meaningful way
00:51:27.500 | I think the stats on Pfizer were it's it was it maybe reduced the effectiveness from 95 to 88 or
00:51:34.700 | something like that but it wasn't a material difference if you are double Vax with Pfizer
00:51:38.660 | you are protected against the Delta
00:51:40.260 | variant and so this is just more fear porn that they keep pumping I'm agree I'm in agreement with
00:51:45.420 | you and I think this reminds me of when we were growing up in the 80s they tried to scare us about
00:51:51.960 | sex and HIV and were you not going to have sex if you were in your 20s in the 90s and into the 80s
00:52:00.720 | no you learned about HIV you learned to use condoms you learned that you you probably couldn't do uh
00:52:07.080 | you know what people did in the 60s and 70s which had many many partners
00:52:10.060 | you maybe had to have fewer partners maybe longer term partners but you could you could take your
00:52:14.860 | own risk by putting on a condom you could make that decision for yourself here I think there's
00:52:19.180 | a group of people who don't want anybody to make any decisions for themselves and in this case the
00:52:23.860 | vaccine is wearing a condom if you're wearing a condom like your chance of getting HIV go down
00:52:28.780 | dramatically is just a known fact and we're at 263 people on average dying a day how many of
00:52:36.400 | those Friedberg do you think are with covid versus
00:52:39.860 | from covid if you had to take a guess I have I have always I I hate doing this because then
00:52:45.140 | people think it's like an inhuman analysis but the way that um actuaries or economists would
00:52:49.340 | kind of take a look at this sort of decision tree and this sort of data is the number of
00:52:54.680 | life years lost okay um so imagine someone is going to die tomorrow if someone's going
00:53:00.260 | to die tomorrow and they catch covid today and they die a day early you have lost a life day
00:53:05.600 | and everyone yes that is absolutely devastating and it is awful emotionally but
00:53:09.660 | like when we're making big decisions we have to think with the data and so um if someone catches
00:53:15.120 | covid and they and they lose five years and they die five years early then they statistically would
00:53:19.260 | have died that's five life years lost when a child dies you are losing 68 life years right
00:53:25.260 | that is an incredible loss of life is one is one way to kind of think about this statistically
00:53:29.280 | and so um you know part of I think what's been missing in the equation and it's easy to tell
00:53:34.800 | the narrative by speaking about people that have dead that have died that tested positive
00:53:39.460 | for covid when they died is it now speaks to the fact that this is a binary experience and there's
00:53:45.160 | a binary number of lives lost but the statistical the data-driven exercise which may sound inhuman
00:53:50.500 | and may sound awful but again we have to make these decisions using data if we're going to
00:53:54.820 | make large decisions that are going to impact everyone in a meaningful way is to look at the
00:53:58.720 | number of life years lost and I think if you were to do that you would still find that the vast
00:54:04.000 | majority of deaths associated with covid are very elderly people who are already very close to
00:54:09.260 | dying and that's why we are seeing the fatality rates so low right now in the United States even
00:54:13.460 | though covid is still spreading with the Delta variant it is because almost 90 percent of people
00:54:18.740 | over 70 have been vaccinated and as a result the people that are most at risk of dying are well
00:54:25.100 | protected and we are not seeing a significant loss of life associated with this terrible virus the
00:54:29.540 | terrible virus is still spreading but the life loss is still not there now someone might raise
00:54:33.320 | their hand and say well we don't know the long-term implications long-term ramifications
00:54:36.260 | long-haul covid yeah I would raise my other hand and
00:54:39.060 | say show me what the data is that says that there are those long-term implications ramifications
00:54:44.520 | because I can say the what ifs about anything and then implement any policy decision I want
00:54:48.840 | by just saying what if and we don't know we have to say we do know here's the data in order to
00:54:53.820 | make a tough decision versus saying we need to be you know protective and use the protective you
00:54:58.620 | know principle of um of precaution or the precautionary principle and be really careful
00:55:03.900 | in these circumstances uh because at this point the impact and the damage associated
00:55:08.860 | with some of our practices to quote unquote guard against covid and and you know protect people it's
00:55:14.380 | turning out there real consequences to those decisions all right freeberg final question on
00:55:18.700 | covid uh should you wear two condoms in other words should you get materna and Pfizer or J&J
00:55:24.940 | and Pfizer there are studies coming out now to say one plus one equals three there is some super
00:55:30.640 | effect of getting two I am looking into this I'm thinking I'm going to get a second vaccine
00:55:35.800 | I might get you to get a modern or a Pfizer or J&J just
00:55:38.660 | don't wait don't waste the vaccine shots let them go to other countries you know not needed
00:55:44.720 | not needed even though the studies are starting to show it gives you increased
00:55:48.920 | I mean do you need your test do you need your Tesla to go from 180 to 185 miles an hour I mean
00:55:53.840 | like you know that's a good point I mean look everything we learn about the vaccines makes
00:55:59.000 | them look better and better the protection lasts longer than we thought the um they're
00:56:04.100 | more effective against variants than people were afraid of and now we
00:56:08.460 | have learned that there is even more protection by sort of this mix and match idea so the vaccines
00:56:13.020 | have worked there are still I think a couple of groups in America that are very vaccine hesitant
00:56:18.060 | um evangelicals and African Americans are the two groups I thought it was male Republicans
00:56:24.420 | it's it's more like evangelicals and so in a place like Mississippi where you have large numbers of
00:56:30.060 | both the vaccine rates only like 29 30 it's actually pretty low in a place like that you
00:56:35.520 | could see the Delta variant sweep through
00:56:38.100 | in the fall and you could see a lot of cases I you know let me let me buck your labeling
00:56:44.820 | categorization of me Jake by saying that I don't think the leaders on the right are doing anyone
00:56:51.660 | any favors any of their voters any favors by not coming out and saying look the vaccines work you
00:56:58.020 | know I think Trump could do a lot of good by coming out and just saying listen I got the
00:57:01.800 | vaccine I'm pretty sure he did right he did he did and so you know I think if you are
00:57:07.200 | in one of those groups you know and certainly you're over like 40 you should be getting the
00:57:12.660 | vaccine I mean they work not to harp on this but what did Trump say when you suggested he
00:57:16.800 | come out publicly about nobody's listening to me nobody's no it's fine nobody's listening to me
00:57:23.220 | obviously I mean it is very weird that Trump spent massive amounts of money on the vaccine
00:57:33.660 | and now doesn't want to take credit for Project Lightspeed by telling everybody
00:57:36.960 | to get it I think he's got a lot of other issues I think he's got a lot of other issues on the
00:57:42.120 | plate to deal with including an indictment that just landed yesterday so maybe you know maybe he
00:57:47.040 | just doesn't know what to focus on because he he sees his uh his budding Empire unraveling before
00:57:52.680 | him did you see the report that said that Trump was extremely thrilled by the fact that his CFO
00:57:58.200 | was indicted for two reasons one is it kind of um indicates that they didn't have enough to
00:58:03.540 | go after him and two is it's going to make Joe Biden look bad
00:58:06.900 | and his administration look bad uh because it looks like they're being kind of prosecuted
00:58:11.880 | and persecuted now but that he views this as a positive and it and it and he's thinking about
00:58:16.320 | it as a way to kind of stage a 2024 run well I didn't I didn't see that particular story but
00:58:22.320 | I do think that okay well what the charges show I think is that they got nothing on Trump directly
00:58:30.180 | um I mean this turned out to be a big nothing burger after years of investigation just like
00:58:36.420 | the whole Russia thing and so it's 15 felony counts
00:58:40.320 | let's finish this point Trump was not let me finish Trump Trump was not named they didn't
00:58:47.580 | get close to Trump all they got was they're trying to charge uh wesselheim who's a CFO with basically
00:58:53.400 | receiving certain perks as compensation violations it was crazy yeah this is penny Annie stuff it
00:59:00.000 | does look like persecution rather than prosecution and what they're trying to do is they're going
00:59:05.280 | after this guy wesselheim
00:59:06.360 | to squeeze him to try and roll over on Trump well good luck with that that's about as likely to
00:59:12.420 | happen as uh Putin releasing the p tapes not going to happen sorry J Cal Trump is getting away so one
00:59:18.300 | thing I would say I think that I disagree with respectfully is um this is a 15-year uh tax
00:59:26.400 | avoidance scheme that included more than TNA included people getting their tuition paid for
00:59:31.620 | for free and free apartments so the Jason would be and then hold on they then
00:59:36.300 | knowingly did this and changed the books knowingly so they caught them going into their
00:59:40.740 | accounting and changing to hide it and so the cover-up worse than the crime this is an explicit
00:59:46.260 | way to not pay their taxes this would be if all of us took our personal residences and our kids
00:59:51.360 | private school tuition and didn't pay taxes on it's it's significant Jason so the total amount
00:59:56.460 | for example that this guy got in uh tuition reimbursements over this 15-year period was
01:00:02.640 | about three hundred and seventy five thousand dollars the total amount of
01:00:06.240 | some other rent perks that he got was for about 1.6 or seven million dollars the total amount of
01:00:12.360 | value that I think his son got you know was spending a thousand dollars a month in a Trump
01:00:16.740 | owned apartment when you add it all up for a guy that was accused of you know being in cahoots with
01:00:24.300 | Russia this and that and everything you pinch the CFO for a few million dollars of effectively again
01:00:31.500 | T and E let's just say that he did it you know some of these checks came directly from
01:00:36.180 | from Trump it I think I agree with David it's a bit of a nothing burger and it really does look
01:00:41.940 | like it's politically motivated and the reason is because these kinds of Chargers are typically not
01:00:47.880 | brought these are things that typically result in a civil penalty a restatement and you just kind of
01:00:53.340 | move on you know nobody nobody's trying to send somebody to jail for you know getting for mis
01:00:59.400 | miscategorizing I have a theory because we don't have full information and they weren't investigating
01:01:03.840 | this stuff before Trump became a politician
01:01:05.520 | um why weren't why this if this has been going on for 15 years why didn't this investigation happen
01:01:10.860 | five six seven years ago I could tell you what his um the daughter-in-law of weisselbergs uh was uh
01:01:20.460 | received a lot of these perks and then she dropped a dime and gave all the documents to them my theory
01:01:25.380 | on this is because we don't have complete information yet I think that they have other
01:01:29.700 | I think they have this bigger tax uh case around making the assets
01:01:35.400 | look um smaller when paying taxes and inflating the value of the assets when getting loans and I
01:01:42.300 | think they want to get that and the way to get that is to flip weisselberg because Trump does
01:01:47.280 | not use email and Communications I think that that's what's going on here um but yes you're
01:01:52.140 | right they're trying to they're trying to flip him look the the KGB had a saying show us the man
01:01:57.300 | will tell you the crime okay they decided we're gonna go after Trump this is entirely political
01:02:02.940 | they weren't interested in him five six seven years ago once he got into politics they became
01:02:07.620 | interested in him he became the man and now they are trying to roll up and flip all these people
01:02:12.600 | and try to get them to turn on Trump and give them something these Democratic Pitbull prosecutors they
01:02:17.640 | are going to make Trump look like the victim here this will rebound I think in a negative way it is
01:02:22.440 | a really stupid thing that they're doing I mean this this could have happened in so many different
01:02:26.760 | ways the guy was finished and washed up right he was in his little hovel
01:02:32.640 | in Florida you know no Twitter account you know in the one no Twitter account no access to his
01:02:37.800 | base um the one time he actually showed up in New York two or three weeks ago I don't know if you
01:02:42.300 | guys saw the photos he looks so disheveled so old so broken let the guy wither into obscurity but
01:02:50.100 | instead you pin these charges you create an entire press cycle you're going to rally so many people
01:02:56.340 | on the right and actually a lot of people in general who feel like wait what are we doing
01:03:00.180 | as a country why don't we just let it just be
01:03:02.580 | be done with this guy I don't ever want to hear about him ever again and instead we're kind of
01:03:06.840 | like bringing it all back front center I just think it's a bad look what do you think about
01:03:12.480 | the insurrection commission do you think that that should um should be disbanded as well because no
01:03:18.420 | you think that should that should be pursued yeah because that's not necessarily about Trump that it
01:03:23.100 | is about a whole totality of things that really will lead into the fact that we have a lot of far
01:03:30.060 | right organizations
01:03:31.320 | that need to be understood we have one far left organization that needs to be understood all in
01:03:38.580 | the same light which is that these folks are destabilizing force to democracy
01:03:42.600 | and so yeah you got to get to the bottom of what the hell happened sex do you do you think the
01:03:49.020 | insurrection commission is going to be equally kind of politically motivating for uh for Trump's
01:03:53.940 | face and for folks like that well I just think that you have to decide as a country whether
01:03:59.520 | you're going to keep re-litigating you know what happened in the previous administration I mean if
01:04:04.680 | we're going to go back and keep this going you know we're going to go back and look at why did
01:04:09.180 | the FBI use the steel dossier to go to a FISA court to spy on members of the Trump campaign
01:04:16.860 | had there were 17 misrepresentations in their uh in their petition to the FISA court I mean there
01:04:23.340 | was clear misconduct there we're going to go back and re-litigate that and go after people and
01:04:27.480 | punish them look maybe we should okay but I think that's the the the the the the the the the the the
01:04:28.320 | maybe we should okay but I think that this is the thing about politics everyone just wants to move
01:04:33.240 | forward we're in a new administration now whatever misconduct occurred I think the punishment was paid
01:04:39.720 | at the ballot box I think it's just time to move on and I agree with that and I look I know there's
01:04:45.120 | gonna be a lot of partisans on both sides who just want to go re-litigate and punish their enemies
01:04:50.280 | forever but you know I think the American people just want to move forward yeah what do you and the
01:04:56.580 | far what are you and the far left want to do
01:04:57.960 | right well I'm not on the far left I mean I I think that there is a I do think that there is a
01:05:02.640 | bunch of gamesmanship here I think this is a a chess board that on the left they're saying if
01:05:09.660 | we we if we have a chance to take Trump out of political life we need to do that because the
01:05:17.340 | cost of him getting re-elected in 2024 is too great and so what we're talking about here is
01:05:23.160 | you know what is the best path to doing that and you know chamath's right like
01:05:27.660 | just letting him fade into obscurity he may not want to run again because he's so old and it's so
01:05:32.100 | painful to be present he's 75 I mean he's going to be 78 or no 70 he'll be the same age as Biden
01:05:38.580 | going I I mean this is ridiculous both of these two guys are one-term presidents I think that is
01:05:44.340 | abundantly clear I think the question is what is Biden's transition plan you know does he actually
01:05:50.220 | only stay two years and transitions it to kamala I don't know but there's no way that he's running
01:05:55.920 | for a second term either he does not look healthy I think that much is at least and I'm saying this
01:06:02.160 | as you know a centrist Democrat he doesn't look completely fit um and it's only going to get worse
01:06:08.460 | and this is the most incredibly stressful job in the world neither of these two guys are our long
01:06:13.440 | term solution it's time to let it all go right it's like we had four years of just chaos we now
01:06:23.760 | get to have four years to catch our breath
01:06:25.740 | it's time to find the late 40s to mid 50s centrist normal people again
01:06:33.120 | and we have three years to do it who do you think that is uh on the Republican side and
01:06:38.700 | who do you think it is on the Democrat side who's going to run for the next election cycle
01:06:42.240 | because just this morning by the way an article came out that um highlighted that several Insiders
01:06:48.540 | in the White House are completely like up in arms about how uh chaotic uh Kamala Harris's
01:06:55.560 | office
01:06:55.680 | is going to run for the next election cycle because just this morning by the way an article came out that highlighted that several insiders in the White House are completely like up in arms about how chaotic uh Kamala Harris's office
01:06:55.680 | is going to run for the next election cycle because just this morning by the way an article came out that highlighted that several insiders in the White House are completely like up in arms about how chaotic uh Kamala Harris's office
01:06:55.680 | is which is basically a way of starting to shoot her down right so if you think about the the motivation
01:07:00.780 | here someone in the White House is starting to shoot Kamala Harris down which means they're
01:07:04.560 | starting to weaken her a little bit in terms of whether she could actually be a good replacement
01:07:08.820 | for the next term I don't know if that's truly the motivation but that's typically what these
01:07:12.480 | sorts of stories indicate so if not her if not her who on the Democrat side and you know if not Trump
01:07:19.560 | who on the Republican side in the next election cycle because those folks are going to start to
01:07:25.620 | win I think the I think the person who has enough credibility to take a shot it's not clear that she
01:07:32.460 | will but if she did she would be really serious and she could actually get people to be relatively
01:07:38.040 | normal as Nikki Haley on the right but Ron DeSantis is going to be the rights candidate
01:07:44.160 | correct and she's kind of normal DeSantis is definitely the early front runner um there was
01:07:49.440 | a straw poll in which he was the first Republican to actually run ahead of Trump in a straw poll for
01:07:55.560 | what four or five years and uh so yeah it looks like um he now he's running for reelection in
01:08:03.000 | Florida in 2022 so that's on his plate and but I think it looks like he's going to sweep to victory
01:08:10.260 | he made the right decisions on lockdowns this is the central feather in his cap that before
01:08:16.620 | any other governor really he looked at the data saw that to freeberg's point lockdowns don't make
01:08:22.500 | a difference he went back to normal the state
01:08:25.500 | benefited you look at per capita covet deaths in Florida it's middle of the pack which is actually
01:08:30.420 | a really good result given how many old people they have so he did a phenomenal job I think
01:08:35.760 | setting covet policy in Florida and he did it in the face of a hostile media that was just
01:08:42.420 | tearing him limb from limb and so he showed that he not only can find the right policy but that
01:08:47.760 | he's got the spine to stand up for it and I think as a result of that yeah he has galvanized early
01:08:55.440 | in the Republican base if he wins reelection in 2022 by uh by a strong margin I think he does
01:09:02.460 | become the putative front runner for 2024. very similar in a way I think to the way that that
01:09:07.560 | George W Bush you know he he basically won reelection in Texas two years before he ran
01:09:13.920 | for president and on the heels of that victory he was able to make the case look I just got
01:09:18.360 | re-elected I'm very popular in a huge state of the country you know I should be the front runner I
01:09:24.180 | think DeSantis is in a similar position
01:09:25.380 | what do you think about Nikki Haley sex I think Nikki Haley is sort of popular with the
01:09:31.320 | establishment wing of the Republican Party but she does not bring together both the the sort of
01:09:37.140 | the establishment wing with the populist wing and what DeSantis has been able to do is get the
01:09:42.780 | business Republicans and the establishment Republicans to get behind him as well as the
01:09:48.120 | populist Trump base loves him and that's that's the um that's the combo you gotta have I think to to win
01:09:55.320 | the Republican nomination and so Nikki Haley I think you know everybody who sort of reads Elite
01:10:01.500 | media is going to over index on her but if you go to the the straw polls and the rallies she's not
01:10:07.920 | just not going to perform in those polls there's a very interesting article in politico though over
01:10:12.180 | the past week about how DeSantis is being very careful not to do anything to upset Trump and I
01:10:18.240 | think he understands is he the VP candidate with Trump you think well that that pre-assumes a lot of things happen
01:10:25.260 | happening I mean look we don't know what's going to happen I think that you know the the number one
01:10:31.260 | way to resurrect Trump is what Jamas said is to keep poking that bear to fill him with the the
01:10:38.040 | rage to to sort of counter punch and come back I think it would be better however for a new generation
01:10:45.180 | of leaders to look we have we're being run by a gerontocracy right now so I mean just Biden is 78
01:10:52.200 | Pelosi is 80. Schumer is 77.
01:10:55.200 | McConnell is 80 and Trump is 75 and that's today okay in 2024 all those people are going to be in
01:11:01.800 | their 80s or just about who will even be alive I mean Feinstein will be 91 or 92. it's time to have a
01:11:08.640 | new generation in both parties why are we being run by this gerontocracy what a joke do we want to move
01:11:13.860 | on to the drought and impending uh death and or the Facebook FTC dismissal oh that was incredible
01:11:21.300 | and also at the uh FTC got two gut punches
01:11:25.140 | in a row uh and then you know Amazon writes this petition to recuse Lena Khan it's like that's why
01:11:31.800 | she was hired incredible she was hired because she's an expert on Amazon the the Amazon the
01:11:37.080 | Amazon letter was actually extremely well written and basically said I know that she's in charge of
01:11:43.080 | basically finding fairness and fairness seems to be that we will get legislated but we believe that
01:11:48.180 | it's unfair to us so please take her out of a mix I just think it was fantastic I mean it's incredible
01:11:55.080 | point of having her in the job it's like we've hired a new prosecutor who specializes in organized
01:12:00.420 | crime and the Gambino crime family has petitioned to have them exactly recused from doing any
01:12:06.780 | organized crime right their argument is that she should be recused because she published articles
01:12:12.240 | yeah that Amazon should be broken up and they're saying she's already prejudged the situation there's
01:12:17.400 | no way this is gonna fly there's no way she's gonna get recused but I think what they're trying
01:12:22.620 | to do is put an argument on appeal
01:12:25.020 | so that if Lena Khan does break them up somehow they can then go appeal to the stream Court or
01:12:31.500 | wherever and and this is basically reserving an argument they can make later so just to highlight
01:12:36.720 | the FTC um brought this case against Facebook saying that they're a Monopoly and their
01:12:42.960 | monopolistic practices are damaging the market the DC federal court threw out the case and they
01:12:48.660 | basically said that the FTC failed to demonstrate in any way that Facebook has a monopoly over anything
01:12:54.960 | because they kept using the 60 percent market share term and they're like 60 percent what and
01:12:59.820 | the FTC was never able to give them data or facts to indicate what Facebook has a 60 percent share
01:13:06.120 | of there are other social media services there are other advertising platforms there are other content
01:13:10.800 | sites that are all um in aggregate much larger than Facebook and so the case was dismissed
01:13:16.500 | because there was no demonstration at all yeah which is why Lena of the traditional
01:13:21.480 | definition of a Monopoly and then Elizabeth Warren comes out two days ago
01:13:24.900 | and says we need to rewrite the laws uh the antitrust laws entirely redefine what it means
01:13:30.240 | to be a Monopoly redefine what this this impacts and so I think the big question is how much of
01:13:35.040 | a priority is it going to be for this administration and for this Congress before they're out of
01:13:39.000 | session and and we end up with a split Congress again to step up and rewrite antitrust laws at
01:13:44.160 | this point is this really a high priority quest um or is it going to get that's why Lena Khan is
01:13:49.080 | being brought in is to take another approach like we talked about on the last episode which is you
01:13:54.840 | know the alarm is competition uh and not uh the monopolistic power but downstream competition as
01:14:02.700 | Chamath uh eloquently explained on the last pod the irony of the Elizabeth Warren uh statements
01:14:08.400 | was that she released them on Twitter not her Facebook somebody dunked on her like she's talking
01:14:13.200 | about the monopolistic powers of Facebook on Twitter right right you have an alternative
01:14:17.640 | that's the point um I'd say I mean how big of how big of a like legislative priority is this going to
01:14:23.820 | be for Democrat Democrats or Democrat Democrats I mean I think it's going to be a big one I think it's
01:14:24.780 | going to be a big one I think it's going to be a big one I think it's going to be a big one I think it's going to be a big one
01:14:24.840 | Democrats because this could be if they rewrite the laws it could be impactful to Amazon Apple
01:14:30.840 | Facebook Google you know everyone it's a huge priority there's six bills that just got passed
01:14:35.460 | in the house that's going to the Senate and I do think moving fast this is one of the areas where
01:14:39.600 | you could actually get some bipartisan agreement in the Senate you remember it's a 50 50 Senate
01:14:44.820 | all it would take would be a few Democrats to defect and they wouldn't be able to pass
01:14:48.300 | anything but you got 21 Republicans who supported Lena Khan so you know that
01:14:54.720 | it says to me that legislation is likely I think it's going to go through I think we are going to
01:15:00.360 | see some some big changes and in fairness to Lena Khan this FTC lawsuit that got thrown out was
01:15:06.600 | brought before she got there she didn't have a chance to shape those arguments they have 30 days
01:15:11.580 | to refile it'll be really interesting to see how she handles this hot potato now whether she brings
01:15:17.820 | the lawsuit in a different way in the next 30 days or whether she lets it drop but I do think that of
01:15:24.660 | all the big tech companies the argument for breaking up Facebook is the weakest because
01:15:28.560 | it's true like it's it's harder to say definitively they have a monopoly in social
01:15:33.900 | networking when you've got Twitter you've got uh Snapchat you've got Reddit you've got LinkedIn
01:15:39.660 | you've got LinkedIn you've got so many other companies in social media but but that does not
01:15:44.460 | mean that the argument against Amazon Google and Apple isn't strong those companies are clearly
01:15:50.220 | monopolies or duopolies in their spaces nobody can effectively compete with them
01:15:54.600 | their network effects or Monopoly scale effects I think that Facebook's monopolistic impact probably
01:16:00.300 | tends towards some form of information distribution but it's a very technical argument that has to be
01:16:06.540 | framed accurately on the one side or it's how they've aggregated long-tail advertisers on the
01:16:11.760 | other but to your point David on the idea of social networking I don't think they're a
01:16:15.300 | monopoly in the least well also they're relitigating the approved acquisitions of
01:16:19.740 | Instagram and WhatsApp I kind of feel like if you bought these things and you approved it what is it
01:16:24.540 | what is it nine years ago and seven years ago yeah they said they said if you guys had an issue
01:16:29.580 | that you know the state's attorney general that filed the suit against the Instagram acquisition
01:16:33.900 | and WhatsApp they're like if you had an issue with it you should have filed the suit years ago you
01:16:37.380 | waited too long and clearly there's you know you know other motivations like just because Google
01:16:41.700 | was successful buying YouTube doesn't mean you can go back in and unwind YouTube because they did a
01:16:46.620 | great job building YouTube 99.999 of YouTube success is because of Google not because of
01:16:52.380 | YouTube totally right they took a small team
01:16:54.480 | and they rebuilt that whole thing and they scaled the heck out of it let me ask you a question to
01:16:58.500 | Sachs if these companies paid more taxes and got out of the censorship business uh do you think
01:17:05.220 | they could you know maybe take a little wind out of the sales of yes yeah of course look the only
01:17:10.680 | reason the only reason those 21 Republicans have now gotten on board with regulating the power of
01:17:15.960 | these big tech companies is they see those big tech companies using their gatekeeper power to
01:17:20.700 | restrict free speech and it's all one-sided and as partisan
01:17:24.420 | against you know their side of the aisle because these companies are populated generally speaking
01:17:29.820 | by people on the other side of the aisle and so you know big tech if they had just reined in their
01:17:34.500 | own impulses to want to censor the other side they would not be in the hot water they're in right now
01:17:39.660 | because it seems like Facebook is starting to backtrack on the Trump ban
01:17:44.040 | well they haven't Twitter and I think I think they got a big problem now no look I think they
01:17:49.860 | should have been doing this over the last couple of years the cats out of the bag what they thought
01:17:53.520 | would never happen all of a sudden became arbitrary and the thing that they did was they started to
01:17:58.560 | legislate a private company started to legislate power and that's just a third rail issue the
01:18:05.820 | minute you do that you have every government in the world saying to you're saying to themselves
01:18:09.360 | wait a minute I am only focused on this one thing right I don't take a huge salary I've been grinding
01:18:16.140 | at the low levels of politics for 40 50 years to get to this exact place and now I have a bunch of
01:18:22.020 | hipsters in Menlo Park telling me what I can and can't say to the people that I worked a lifetime
01:18:27.420 | to basically be able to govern over I mean I you know yeah you can't it can't stand yeah so I think
01:18:34.200 | a big mistake that Zuckerberg made goes all the way back to 2016. Facebook basically bought into
01:18:39.660 | the disinformation argument they apologized for it what that was the time for Zuckerberg to fight
01:18:45.180 | he should have said no listen was the FSB were these bad actors on Facebook yes but when you look
01:18:51.420 | at the total number of impressions and page views it was like a drop of water in the ocean we're not
01:18:56.880 | the ones who caused this election to go the way it did Obama used Facebook very effectively in 2008
01:19:03.480 | and nobody had a problem with us then and that was the time to fight that was the time to fight
01:19:08.580 | and to your point David he actually should have been even more he said the reason Trump got elected
01:19:13.560 | was not me but it was Obama you know he could have really gone on the attack and he would have done
01:19:19.380 | himself well look Hillary just ran a bad campaign
01:19:21.360 | campaign if Hillary had just campaigned in Wisconsin it would have gone a different way
01:19:24.720 | in 2016. so what she had an idiot team she had an idiot she had a terrible team and they were
01:19:30.480 | bad at everything including Facebook including everything social media so Zuck should have said
01:19:36.120 | listen don't blame us for the fact the campaign was bad at social media they put victory into
01:19:41.280 | the jaws of defeat uh let's uh end on this U.S Sprinter case I think it's super interesting
01:19:45.780 | U.S Sprinter shock it's unbelievable Richardson test positive for marijuana and it's suspended a
01:19:51.300 | month putting her Tokyo what a joke in doubt uh she is the gold medal favorite in the women's 100
01:19:57.360 | meter and she could miss the games after testing positive she said she smoked pot when she found
01:20:03.300 | out uh in Oregon legally when she found out her mom had died um and it's on the United States
01:20:10.920 | I don't being agency announced this result on Friday her explanation is so heartbreaking
01:20:18.840 | I mean what are we doing
01:20:21.240 | this is similar to the golfer who was about to win the PGA and got kicked out on the final day
01:20:29.580 | because he tested positive for covid without any symptoms and an outdoor he's outside guys
01:20:34.140 | I cannot imagine a worse drug for a Sprinter than marijuana yeah I mean for healing great
01:20:42.960 | but it's I mean you're gonna like run the 100 meters stop for a cheeseburger you're gonna take
01:20:46.800 | it up it's not a it's not a performance enhancing drug what this is is this
01:20:51.000 | legalism these bureaucratic legalistic technicalities gone wild in this case of this
01:20:56.640 | runner in the case of the golfer I mean it's like it's like the bureaucrats enforcing the rules have
01:21:01.860 | completely lost sight of what the purpose of these rules are the spirit of the rule is super important
01:21:08.100 | um and there was a professional snowboarder and his name was Ross rubaglotti from Canada and he
01:21:19.320 | wanted a medal and they took his medal away uh because he had THC in his system and disqualified
01:21:27.300 | him and then they went back and gave him his metal back I believe and so this is heartbreaking
01:21:34.920 | and ridiculous and I I'm not going to watch the I love watching the Olympics I watch a
01:21:40.140 | lot of the Olympics I really enjoy it um I think it's awesome and I'm just not going
01:21:44.100 | to watch this this year it I just I'm so offended by this like you want these people to take like
01:21:48.240 | you want these people to take like a lot of the Olympics I really enjoy it um I think it's awesome
01:21:48.240 | and I'm just not gonna watch this this year fuck it I I just I'm so offended by this like you want
01:21:48.240 | these people to take like a lot of the Olympics I really enjoy it um I think it's awesome and I'm just
01:21:48.240 | not gonna watch this this year fuck it I I just I'm so offended by this like you want
01:21:48.240 | these people to take like opioids for their pain uh and suffering we want to take some
01:21:53.400 | antidepressant I mean Jesus Christ Jason look I also say like in in our friend group we have
01:22:00.060 | a handful of NBA players and I don't I don't think you remember this conversation maybe you
01:22:05.040 | do I think we were all together when they talked about the up until uh marijuana was
01:22:12.420 | more widely used in the NBA yeah the pills that these players were given
01:22:17.280 | were literally borderline opioids crazy ripped their stomach apart ripped everything apart you
01:22:24.600 | know created dependencies and all of a sudden you had a natural alternative and people are going to
01:22:30.360 | judge folks for taking I mean these guys are brutalizing their bodies for energy for effectively
01:22:36.300 | our entertainment and then we don't give them a reasonable way to manage their pain it's outrageous
01:22:41.220 | and everybody else is smoking a doobie during halftime or taking a gummy on the way home to sleep
01:22:47.160 | I mean it's so hypocritical and it feels like I mean this country just feels like it's being run
01:22:53.460 | by a bunch of bureaucratic technocratic weenies and whether it's monitors whether it's we should
01:23:00.720 | give them a wedgie and throw them in the locker that's what we should do with this I whoever put
01:23:05.280 | this person they get a wedgie and get thrown in a locker I knew you I knew you were a schoolyard
01:23:10.020 | bully J Cal I'm not a schoolyard bully but I do think the hall monitors you know those p you were
01:23:15.000 | a hall monitor weren't just sex
01:23:16.260 | did you volunteer to be a hall monitor be honest no no no no you were in the chess club I liked our
01:23:23.040 | chess game sacks yeah okay this is how I knew this is how I knew that J Cal wasn't really I knew I
01:23:29.520 | knew I had heard him okay I knew he was genuinely hurt but I knew he would get over it when I got I
01:23:35.340 | saw my push notifications or request from he started a chess game with me so I'm like oh how
01:23:42.000 | did I play because I'm a neophyte he couldn't have he couldn't be away for how easy was it
01:23:46.200 | to beat me as a 1200 player to my 600 yeah well the analysis said that uh I was never I
01:23:53.160 | was never in any danger but uh I thought you played pretty well and uh yeah give me a tip
01:23:58.080 | what's my tip well you you didn't Castle fast enough you let me you let me get that Bishop
01:24:03.960 | out yeah you let me trap your king in the center and then you know it was a but but you did good
01:24:09.780 | you did good all right I knew I was okay with you and I got the I think we need a Vegas
01:24:14.880 | run maybe we're all just a little cooped up maybe we need to go to Vegas do a quick 48 hour run this
01:24:19.920 | weekend should we do a little 48 hour Vegas run all right everybody this has been an amazing
01:24:27.060 | episode so uh I'm officially unblocking sacks and um I even followed him love you Chamath love you
01:24:35.100 | sacks love you free bird Jake I have something to say to you as well which is I appreciate you I I I
01:24:43.740 | love love sister breakdown it back at you
01:24:49.080 | let your winners ride Rain Man David Sacks
01:24:57.360 | and instead we open source it to the fans and they've just gone crazy
01:25:03.660 | love you queen of Kinwa
01:25:06.420 | besties
01:25:13.680 | we should all just get a room and just have one big huge orgy because they're all just useless it's
01:25:27.720 | like this like sexual tension but they just need to release them out what you're about to be your feet
01:25:35.220 | we need to get merchies are
01:25:38.520 | going all in
01:25:40.140 | are you wearing your boxers what are you wearing
01:25:50.160 | these are my swim trunks oh swim trunks ah there they are the internet famous legs
01:26:01.500 | I mean these legs are actually but much much bigger look look how big they are oh please
01:26:06.600 | tell me you're recording Nick look at how big these are