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Elon Musk: It's Game, Set, Match - Tesla is Vastly Ahead of Everyone | AI Podcast Clips

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | (gentle music)
00:00:02.580 | It's amazing how people can't differentiate
00:00:09.640 | between say the narrow AI that allows a car
00:00:14.040 | to figure out what a lane line is
00:00:15.480 | and navigate streets versus general intelligence.
00:00:20.480 | Like these are just very different things.
00:00:24.440 | Like your toaster and your computer are both machines,
00:00:27.120 | but one's much more sophisticated than another.
00:00:30.000 | - You're confident with Tesla you can create
00:00:32.800 | the world's best toaster?
00:00:35.000 | - The world's best toaster, yes.
00:00:36.600 | The world's best self-driving.
00:00:42.400 | To me right now this seems game set match.
00:00:45.840 | I don't want to be complacent or overconfident,
00:00:49.160 | but that's what it, that is just literally
00:00:52.600 | how it appears right now.
00:00:54.000 | I could be wrong, but it appears to be the case
00:00:57.720 | that Tesla is vastly ahead of everyone.
00:01:01.200 | (gentle music)
00:01:03.780 | (gentle music)
00:01:06.360 | (gentle music)
00:01:08.940 | (gentle music)
00:01:11.520 | (gentle music)
00:01:14.100 | (gentle music)
00:01:16.680 | (gentle music)
00:01:19.260 | (SILENCE)