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Elon Musk: It's Game, Set, Match - Tesla is Vastly Ahead of Everyone | AI Podcast Clips


(gentle music) It's amazing how people can't differentiate between say the narrow AI that allows a car to figure out what a lane line is and navigate streets versus general intelligence. Like these are just very different things. Like your toaster and your computer are both machines, but one's much more sophisticated than another.

- You're confident with Tesla you can create the world's best toaster? - The world's best toaster, yes. The world's best self-driving. Yes. To me right now this seems game set match. I don't want to be complacent or overconfident, but that's what it, that is just literally how it appears right now.

I could be wrong, but it appears to be the case that Tesla is vastly ahead of everyone. (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (SILENCE)