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Black Belt Speech | Lex Fridman

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | (audience laughing)
00:00:03.000 | - So I've learned more in these maths
00:00:06.000 | than I have in all my years.
00:00:07.640 | I'm a nerd, I got a PhD.
00:00:09.320 | I learned more about life, about the mind,
00:00:11.080 | in these maths than I have in all the years of school.
00:00:13.680 | And I think two things,
00:00:15.720 | two of the biggest things I took away is
00:00:18.280 | the humbling reality that I'm not special.
00:00:21.400 | And if you wanna be good at anything,
00:00:23.120 | you have to work really hard.
00:00:24.820 | And if you wanna be the best in the world at something,
00:00:26.800 | like I do, I wanna build robots
00:00:28.360 | better than anybody else in the world.
00:00:30.200 | Or whether that's knitting or yodeling, anything.
00:00:33.000 | (audience laughing)
00:00:33.840 | You have to work, but you have to work harder
00:00:36.000 | than anyone else in the world.
00:00:38.020 | And the second lesson I learned,
00:00:39.260 | I used to compete a lot, I used to lose a lot,
00:00:42.120 | and I used to hurt to lose.
00:00:45.840 | And I remember, I don't know if Phil remembers
00:00:47.320 | this conversation, but I think at Lake Blue Belt,
00:00:51.080 | I was going to a big competition,
00:00:53.560 | and I said, you know, I don't know how I'm gonna win.
00:00:55.760 | It's like 50 people division.
00:00:58.960 | And he said, well, give everything you can to win.
00:01:01.840 | But whether you win or lose,
00:01:03.880 | you're still gonna have a home here.
00:01:05.200 | I'm still gonna love you.
00:01:06.400 | So the two things I'd like to say thank you for
00:01:09.540 | is the pain and the love.
00:01:11.520 | (audience laughing)