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Black Belt Speech | Lex Fridman


(audience laughing) - So I've learned more in these maths than I have in all my years. I'm a nerd, I got a PhD. I learned more about life, about the mind, in these maths than I have in all the years of school. And I think two things, two of the biggest things I took away is the humbling reality that I'm not special.

And if you wanna be good at anything, you have to work really hard. And if you wanna be the best in the world at something, like I do, I wanna build robots better than anybody else in the world. Or whether that's knitting or yodeling, anything. (audience laughing) You have to work, but you have to work harder than anyone else in the world.

And the second lesson I learned, I used to compete a lot, I used to lose a lot, and I used to hurt to lose. And I remember, I don't know if Phil remembers this conversation, but I think at Lake Blue Belt, I was going to a big competition, and I said, you know, I don't know how I'm gonna win.

It's like 50 people division. And he said, well, give everything you can to win. But whether you win or lose, you're still gonna have a home here. I'm still gonna love you. So the two things I'd like to say thank you for is the pain and the love. (audience laughing)