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James Coates - Pastor-Teacher of GraceLife Church of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Hello I'm here with Pastor James at the LSB celebration dinner. James can you
00:00:06.200 | introduce yourself? Yeah my name is James Coates I'm the pastor at Grace Life
00:00:10.360 | Church in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and I'm here for the Shepherds Conference.
00:00:13.920 | Alright and James you've been reading through the LSB what do you think? Yeah
00:00:18.120 | so I'm not all the way through yet. I started in Ezekiel and I'm almost
00:00:22.160 | through Revelation and I'm also begun in Genesis and I think it's fantastic. It's
00:00:26.680 | it's clearly a careful rendering of the original languages. I think it's the
00:00:31.000 | update to the New American Standard that we've all been wanting and and I think
00:00:36.220 | there are some choice portions of scripture where it's evident that the
00:00:40.600 | the adjustment was the right adjustment to to more accurately reflect what the
00:00:44.640 | text says and so it's been a good study tool. I lean on it for almost every
00:00:49.420 | sermon and I'm grateful for the work. Thanks for being with us tonight.