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James Coates - Pastor-Teacher of GraceLife Church of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada


Hello I'm here with Pastor James at the LSB celebration dinner. James can you introduce yourself? Yeah my name is James Coates I'm the pastor at Grace Life Church in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and I'm here for the Shepherds Conference. Alright and James you've been reading through the LSB what do you think?

Yeah so I'm not all the way through yet. I started in Ezekiel and I'm almost through Revelation and I'm also begun in Genesis and I think it's fantastic. It's it's clearly a careful rendering of the original languages. I think it's the update to the New American Standard that we've all been wanting and and I think there are some choice portions of scripture where it's evident that the the adjustment was the right adjustment to to more accurately reflect what the text says and so it's been a good study tool.

I lean on it for almost every sermon and I'm grateful for the work. Thanks for being with us tonight.