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Living Simply and Chasing Joy ft. Great Aunt Nancy // Michael Porter Jr.


22:58 How Long Did It Take To See the Letters
23:44 The Audible Voice of God
27:5 Receiving God's Love
36:16 Christianity and Catholicism
47:20 When Did You Really Accept Christ in Your Heart

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | [MUSIC]
00:00:07.280 | So before we get started, I just wanted to tell you,
00:00:09.640 | like one of the reasons that I wanted you on here is because I admire you so much.
00:00:14.680 | And just the way you live your life and everything, I love you so much.
00:00:19.600 | I tell people all the time, if there was one person I could have them meet,
00:00:23.280 | it'd be you, and I love you, and so I'm happy that you're here.
00:00:28.880 | The first thing that I wanted to ask you about was about joy.
00:00:32.080 | It's something I feel like you purposely live with, and you are always joyful.
00:00:37.800 | I've never been around you when you're not bringing joy and
00:00:40.440 | good energy into a room.
00:00:42.200 | So I just wanted to ask you about that, and
00:00:44.560 | how did that become such a natural part of you?
00:00:47.280 | >> I can remember, and it's not my original, but I read someplace.
00:00:55.880 | I guess it was my daughter-in-law sent me a medal, and
00:01:01.480 | at the top, they had Jesus, and in the middle, they had a group of people.
00:01:07.080 | And then at the bottom, it had one person, and it spelled out joy,
00:01:12.600 | Jesus first, everybody else second, others, J-O, and why put yourself last.
00:01:19.040 | And that is, in all my years of experience, that's the joy and
00:01:24.480 | that's the recipe for joy.
00:01:26.560 | >> Yeah, now that's amazing.
00:01:29.080 | It's so crazy to me because it's like, in our culture nowadays,
00:01:33.160 | the world teaches that the recipe for happiness, and happiness and
00:01:37.200 | joy are different, and I'll get into that in a second.
00:01:38.960 | But they teach, if you wanna be happy, that you just have to search for
00:01:43.360 | your own happiness and do what makes you happy.
00:01:46.000 | And I think people sometimes follow that, and then they realize when they're only
00:01:50.440 | thinking about themselves, then it's impossible to find happiness.
00:01:54.360 | But when you can, like you said, think about Jesus first, and then others, and
00:01:58.600 | then yourself last, that's the real recipe for joy.
00:02:02.640 | But I think it's so opposite of what the world teaches nowadays.
00:02:06.120 | You know what I mean?
00:02:07.080 | >> For sure, especially the younger generations.
00:02:10.760 | >> Yeah. >> For sure.
00:02:12.480 | >> So another thing that I wanted to ask you about is just your simplicity with life.
00:02:19.120 | Ever since I've known you, obviously, you've been in this house a long time and
00:02:22.560 | everything, but you've been here in the same house,
00:02:24.720 | you haven't really bought a ton of new things.
00:02:27.240 | You just got an iPhone.
00:02:28.440 | >> I hand me down.
00:02:30.560 | >> And now I can text you, but how did you adapt that simplistic view to life?
00:02:37.640 | And how do material possessions not mean much to you?
00:02:42.800 | Or at least they seem from the outside like they don't.
00:02:45.160 | >> All right, my motto is, and I have a sign downstairs, is live simply.
00:02:49.800 | And I look at it all the time.
00:02:52.360 | But I never, and you know what, Michael?
00:02:56.560 | I don't feel like, I mean, I feel like I have so much.
00:03:00.800 | I mean, I have a home, I have financial security,
00:03:05.720 | I can buy groceries, and I have running shoes.
00:03:10.120 | I have gym equipment, I have, I don't need much.
00:03:16.040 | And I just never have, but I have so much more than I have had as a child.
00:03:22.040 | I mean, as a child, we didn't have that much.
00:03:25.520 | And I feel that to be able to pay your bills is huge.
00:03:29.760 | To have electricity and air conditioning, there's honestly, truly,
00:03:33.600 | I don't think I ever go grocery shopping without saying thank you, Lord, for
00:03:36.920 | the money.
00:03:37.760 | Cuz I know I'm managing his money, and I pray that I use it the right way.
00:03:43.240 | And here's something, and you've heard it before.
00:03:47.640 | I think God makes us all where there's a piece of puzzle that only God can fulfill.
00:03:53.880 | And if you try to put possessions in there, if you try to put any relationships,
00:03:59.080 | anything in that piece that is God, cuz he made us to be in his image and
00:04:04.000 | to be his child, you'll never be completely joyful.
00:04:08.900 | First you feel that part, and then everything else falls into place.
00:04:12.560 | >> Yeah, in my experience, being in the NBA, having some money now,
00:04:17.560 | and being around all these people with money, it's like all these guys.
00:04:22.400 | And you get caught up in a cycle, but they think, the next car that I get,
00:04:27.800 | the next house I get, the next piece of jewelry I get, that'll make me happy.
00:04:32.080 | And when you constantly get in that cycle, it's like, and
00:04:35.040 | you constantly are getting these new things.
00:04:36.840 | And you realize that that isn't gonna make you happy,
00:04:40.040 | then a lot of guys end up depressed.
00:04:41.680 | And that's why I think some of the most famous people,
00:04:44.960 | some of the people that have the most money and the most material possessions,
00:04:49.080 | they end up the least happy.
00:04:50.200 | Because their whole life,
00:04:51.560 | they thought that these possessions would make them happy.
00:04:56.120 | And that was their whole goal, was to get famous and get money and
00:04:59.560 | buy all these things, and now they're not happy.
00:05:02.160 | And even for me, we kinda grew up where we didn't have a lot of money, but
00:05:07.120 | my mom and dad made it seem like we had everything we needed and we were so happy.
00:05:13.040 | And even me, being in the NBA now and having money, I can even get caught up in
00:05:18.040 | just thinking that buying stuff will make me happy.
00:05:21.240 | But I mean, it's just so crazy, because people don't learn from celebrities or
00:05:27.520 | famous athletes or whatever.
00:05:28.600 | They don't learn from their mistakes.
00:05:30.240 | And they don't see that these people that can get anything
00:05:32.840 | sometimes are the most unhappy people, you know what I mean?
00:05:37.400 | And it's really sad.
00:05:38.960 | People who have lots of things, I mean, they're not the ones I wanna be like.
00:05:43.840 | >> Yeah.
00:05:45.120 | >> But those who live a more simple life and
00:05:49.040 | do it the right way, God's way, they're the ones I think, wow, they're my icons.
00:05:56.640 | But I do understand what you're saying about the people that you are with it,
00:06:03.120 | they have that mindset, it's easy to go that way.
00:06:06.360 | >> Yeah, I've had to honestly struggle with that at times, just in my free time.
00:06:11.480 | Who do I hang out with?
00:06:12.640 | Who do I spend time with?
00:06:13.560 | Because it's something that when you're around that all the time,
00:06:17.640 | you can kinda start to mold into that in a way if you're not really,
00:06:22.640 | really careful.
00:06:23.200 | And for me, I've just had to be really careful about that and
00:06:26.440 | just make sure that my free time, I'm spending time around people who see it
00:06:30.640 | like you and see it and are so joyful.
00:06:33.480 | But it's not because of the things they have.
00:06:38.760 | And I mean, you see it even overseas, America is so spoiled and
00:06:43.520 | compared to most countries, but then you go overseas and
00:06:45.760 | you see these kids who have nothing.
00:06:48.800 | But they're running around with their shirts off all day, and
00:06:51.280 | they look like they're having the most fun ever.
00:06:53.360 | I mean, Sierra tells me stories all the time about how she goes to these different
00:06:56.960 | places and spends time with these kids, and they're just so joyful.
00:07:00.480 | >> That's beautiful.
00:07:01.200 | >> You know what I mean?
00:07:01.760 | >> That's so beautiful.
00:07:02.920 | >> Yeah.
00:07:03.520 | >> Yeah, we get caught up in the world.
00:07:06.400 | But it's easy not to get caught up in the world cuz most of my friends
00:07:12.080 | are very similar in their mindset.
00:07:15.320 | They're financially okay cuz they can take care of their bills.
00:07:18.360 | But we know, but life experience teaches you, it's not things,
00:07:23.720 | it's relationships with the Lord and with your family.
00:07:28.680 | >> Do you think that that came with time for you?
00:07:30.720 | Like, did you ever struggle with wanting stuff and
00:07:35.080 | thinking stuff would make you happy?
00:07:36.240 | Did you realize that at a really young age?
00:07:38.320 | Cuz I feel like a lot of people, it's kind of trial and error.
00:07:42.040 | They try to get all these things, but then they finally realize,
00:07:44.920 | this stuff isn't gonna make me happy.
00:07:46.600 | I need to turn somewhere else for happiness.
00:07:48.240 | And sometimes that leads people to Jesus, sometimes it doesn't.
00:07:51.360 | But for you, what was it like?
00:07:53.600 | >> Okay, honestly, truly, I'm thinking it went right back to when I was a kid.
00:08:00.360 | We always had shelter, we always had food, and
00:08:02.280 | we always had parents that loved us, and a grandma upstairs that loved us.
00:08:05.840 | I just never, all I remember, bill collectors coming to get money at home,
00:08:15.640 | and they would send me to the door and say my dad's not home,
00:08:19.240 | even if he was home cuz they didn't have the money.
00:08:22.200 | I think I was probably seven when I said to myself, self?
00:08:27.800 | I will never have to send a bill collector away, I will be careful, frugal.
00:08:33.120 | I don't want a lot of money, but I do appreciate money to take care of my needs.
00:08:40.920 | I became a teacher because I wanted to be a teacher, not about money.
00:08:46.520 | I married Fred, he was just getting out of the service, and
00:08:51.040 | I married him, not because of money, but because he loved the Lord and
00:08:56.440 | I wanted him for the father of my children.
00:08:58.840 | But I did know that before we got married, he had to have a job cuz I did not wanna
00:09:05.600 | repeat not having stability, cuz that's really important to me.
00:09:11.000 | I'm just being smart with what you do have.
00:09:14.440 | And I know, like if we run out of food on Sunday,
00:09:19.400 | I don't go shopping till Tuesday, then we do without.
00:09:21.840 | And I think it's good to do without.
00:09:24.680 | I love to be without something and just say, yeah,
00:09:28.200 | tomorrow we're gonna get peanut butter.
00:09:30.240 | And not that I couldn't go any day and get more, but
00:09:33.280 | I like doing without, I think it's good for me.
00:09:36.840 | >> Yeah, I've always said, and this might be really weird of me to say,
00:09:43.000 | but I've always said I wanna spend at least some part of my life
00:09:47.720 | where I'm living off of barely any money, and I'm experiencing what-
00:09:51.640 | >> I love it.
00:09:53.000 | >> Like I've always wanted to try that.
00:09:54.880 | And I'm not saying live on the street and be homeless, but close to it.
00:09:58.480 | I wanna live off a tiny bit of money to see what it was like, and
00:10:02.600 | just really experiencing that for myself, cuz especially in Denver,
00:10:07.680 | you see all these homeless people.
00:10:09.760 | And I just have always kinda wondered what it felt like to, like I said,
00:10:14.760 | not live homeless, but live with a very little amount of means.
00:10:18.880 | So I might try that.
00:10:19.960 | It probably obviously wouldn't be some time when I'm in the league, but
00:10:23.200 | it might be after, but- >> That would be a great challenge.
00:10:27.840 | Go someplace and live on, let's say, just live on 3,000 a month, and that's a lot.
00:10:35.320 | The homeless people don't have that.
00:10:36.840 | >> Yeah. >> But where you had to say no,
00:10:38.760 | I've already, no, can't have that one, nope.
00:10:41.940 | >> Yeah.
00:10:42.440 | >> I love living that way, I love not wasting money.
00:10:49.440 | I can give money away, but I cannot waste it.
00:10:51.780 | >> Right. >> Does that make sense?
00:10:53.000 | >> Right. >> Yeah.
00:10:54.240 | >> Yeah, I'm kinda the same way.
00:10:56.960 | Cuz I think a lot of people also who did grow up with nothing, but now,
00:11:01.040 | at least being around some of the guys I'm around, who now have all this money,
00:11:06.000 | they get so used to having money.
00:11:08.600 | It takes a while when you first get into the NBA or whatever, and
00:11:12.000 | then you first get that money, it's a shock, and you're kinda so grateful.
00:11:15.440 | But after a while, you see guys just get so
00:11:18.160 | used to that lifestyle that now they're not even grateful anymore.
00:11:21.080 | And I think that if you, that's kinda why I wanna do it in a way,
00:11:25.000 | just if you were to go away from that lifestyle for a little bit and
00:11:27.840 | then come back and have money and stuff, you'd just be grateful all over again.
00:11:33.360 | And I think being grateful is one of the top ways you can be happy.
00:11:37.800 | >> I think so too, [LAUGH] I think so too, a joyful heart.
00:11:41.280 | >> Yeah. >> Yeah, and then everything seems fine,
00:11:43.440 | even in bad times, if you're thankful, it turns it around,
00:11:48.360 | cuz that's a great prayer right there.
00:11:50.160 | >> Yeah, I was watching a sermon actually about that the other day, and
00:11:54.800 | it just talked about when you are going through bad times, being grateful,
00:11:58.640 | you don't have to try to will yourself to be grateful, but if you just say thank you
00:12:02.840 | to God and to other people for everything that you are thankful for,
00:12:07.040 | that's a remedy for joy, cuz no one can be happy all the time.
00:12:12.200 | But when you are down and you think like that, and you just say thank you,
00:12:16.000 | I feel like that can get you out of that entitled attitude.
00:12:20.000 | >> Yeah, right where you're sitting, usually I have my gratitude journal, and
00:12:24.420 | I keep a running thank you, Lord.
00:12:27.480 | And when you leave, I will put your name in there, and
00:12:31.280 | Sierra's name, because I love counting my blessings.
00:12:35.640 | And I heard another explanation, cuz it's hard to be thankful for
00:12:40.920 | when you get a bad diagnosis or something's happening with one of your kids.
00:12:47.400 | And it said something about we give thanks in all things.
00:12:51.240 | Well, we can give thanks because the Lord's gonna go through it with us.
00:12:55.560 | And sometimes that's what you say, Lord, I don't understand it, but
00:12:59.400 | thank you that you're gonna go through it, and there's your thankful gratitude heart.
00:13:04.400 | >> Yeah, yeah, talk about that a little bit.
00:13:06.320 | Like when you were going through your cancer and chemo and stuff,
00:13:11.240 | how in the world, cuz whenever I talk to you on the phone, you seem so fine.
00:13:15.440 | How did you keep that just upbeat attitude?
00:13:18.280 | And I know inside you probably weren't experiencing happiness all the time.
00:13:22.320 | But how did you keep that gratefulness and that joy and
00:13:26.020 | continue to talk to God through it and all that?
00:13:28.840 | How did you keep that mentality?
00:13:31.360 | >> Well, number one, I think you might have heard from your parents.
00:13:36.080 | I, this third time, this is my third, I finished my third time.
00:13:41.240 | And I just signed people up to be on my positive energy bus.
00:13:46.760 | There's a book called The Positive Energy Bus, and you need to read it.
00:13:50.760 | It is so powerful.
00:13:51.680 | So I, this time I took people along on my journey.
00:13:55.880 | And they were powerful prayer people.
00:13:59.160 | And so instead of being sad for me, they would say, when they got kinda sad,
00:14:04.360 | I went, thank you for being my positive.
00:14:06.360 | Then it turned their frame of mind around to be positive.
00:14:10.600 | So surround yourself with positive people, prayer.
00:14:15.520 | I look back, Michael, 2011 when it started, I can hardly remember it.
00:14:21.360 | You know that footprints in the sand where Jesus picks you up and
00:14:24.320 | you only see one footprint?
00:14:26.080 | He's carried me through all my hardships.
00:14:29.200 | I mean, you look back and you go, well, that wasn't bad because he carries you.
00:14:33.480 | I can promise you that's true.
00:14:35.560 | He, you know, and I don't know if I have to go through it again cuz
00:14:39.640 | it's one that keeps coming back.
00:14:41.880 | But I do know I'm gonna hire my, all my people on my, my positive energy bus.
00:14:47.600 | And I know I've got all your signatures.
00:14:50.280 | >> Yeah, I think you put me on it.
00:14:51.200 | >> Yeah, and I have hundreds of people that, and when they're,
00:14:55.360 | they need something, I'm on their bus.
00:14:57.760 | I just love going through life together with people.
00:15:00.360 | And as you know, there are hard times.
00:15:05.240 | But when I look back, it doesn't seem that hard.
00:15:08.080 | But I don't want to have to do it again.
00:15:10.080 | But if I have to do it again, I'll hire people on my positive energy bus.
00:15:14.920 | >> Yeah, if anybody can- >> I remember you came to see me one time.
00:15:18.760 | >> I remember that too.
00:15:19.280 | >> Yeah, I think we played cards.
00:15:21.600 | >> Yeah, I, yeah, that's crazy to me.
00:15:24.680 | I think, so you would rather have people, when you're going through tough stuff,
00:15:29.120 | just bring positivity and like, cuz sometimes I think some people
00:15:34.520 | are looking for people to kind of like console them and like, you know,
00:15:37.800 | like empathize with them in kind of a sad way when they're going through sad things.
00:15:43.520 | But you would rather just have a bunch of people that are just lifting you up
00:15:46.360 | positively throughout the whole process.
00:15:48.960 | >> Well, I mean, cuz if they're my friends,
00:15:50.960 | you know that they're sad that it's going through.
00:15:52.800 | But they also know it gives me strength if they go, okay, we can do it.
00:15:57.280 | >> Yeah. >> Instead of going, honey,
00:15:59.040 | I don't want you to go through it.
00:16:00.700 | And then that makes me go, but I have to, so let's do it.
00:16:04.760 | And here's another thing, Michael, and I pray I can always,
00:16:08.440 | cuz I don't know what's ahead.
00:16:10.440 | And times might get really hard with stuff.
00:16:14.040 | But I just believe in not wasting a day.
00:16:17.240 | I mean, if every day, there's a week after a chemo that I just kinda wasn't,
00:16:23.840 | I had to go running every day cuz I had to fight it kinda.
00:16:27.680 | But probably I ran, the house has never changed, I think I was going that slow.
00:16:32.640 | But I determined to keep exercising and
00:16:36.480 | to do everything in my power to keep strong, because every day is so powerful.
00:16:42.040 | I don't wanna waste a day cuz even through this COVID stuff,
00:16:46.360 | I have been walking with friends socially distance.
00:16:49.920 | I've been doing outdoor things because I think every day is such a gift.
00:16:55.720 | And I don't wanna lose that day.
00:16:58.080 | >> Right, that's- >> Does that make sense?
00:17:00.480 | >> No, that's a big time.
00:17:01.520 | So I wanna talk about your planks first.
00:17:03.680 | >> [LAUGH] Okay, I already did, I hope you're not gonna ask me to do it.
00:17:08.040 | I thought, I'm gonna do it before he gets here, he's gonna ask me.
00:17:10.920 | Okay, yes, Michael, on my planks.
00:17:13.680 | >> Are you still doing them every day?
00:17:16.080 | >> Absolutely, I will get out of bed at night if I forgot.
00:17:19.680 | >> Two and a half minutes.
00:17:20.720 | >> Yeah. >> Two and a half minute plank every day.
00:17:23.400 | >> How many days straight do you think it's been?
00:17:26.760 | >> Four years.
00:17:27.880 | >> Four years.
00:17:28.880 | >> If I ever missed any, it would be probably on a trip.
00:17:33.560 | I couldn't find a spot in a hotel where I was in bed if I didn't remember it.
00:17:38.960 | But I probably would double it up the next day cuz I'm just determined.
00:17:43.640 | And don't ask me why, but you're on my planking chart.
00:17:48.440 | >> Yeah, I did, but two and a half minutes- >> See, I was on my planking.
00:17:51.000 | >> Two and a half minutes was so hard for me when we did it over at my house.
00:17:55.560 | That was so hard.
00:17:56.280 | >> Your mom did four.
00:17:57.320 | >> You made it look so easy.
00:17:58.640 | >> Well, no, but I have a smaller body.
00:18:01.520 | >> Still, I'm a professional at this and you- >> Okay, but you know what?
00:18:06.200 | It never gets easier.
00:18:08.120 | >> Really? >> So I do it right here and
00:18:09.480 | I'll go, Alexa, set the timer for two and a half minutes.
00:18:13.600 | And then I take my devotional.
00:18:15.800 | Fred will sit here and I'll do my devotional and
00:18:18.440 | then he'll look up the scripture.
00:18:20.280 | And then I'll go, Alexa, how many minutes left?
00:18:23.480 | And then when it goes off, I go, all right.
00:18:25.720 | >> Wait, so Fred doesn't do it with you?
00:18:27.600 | >> Fred is not one bit interested in who is, I mean, yeah.
00:18:32.220 | >> So who do you jog with then, who do you jog with?
00:18:35.200 | >> Actually, okay, so tell me something.
00:18:37.880 | >> Yeah.
00:18:39.040 | >> What game did you play at Thanksgiving with your family?
00:18:42.560 | >> We played, it's called doo doo on your neighbor.
00:18:45.400 | >> [LAUGH] >> Okay, I grew up on that one.
00:18:47.960 | >> You know how to play it?
00:18:48.760 | >> My gosh.
00:18:49.800 | >> It's like whoever has a- >> It was your mom's favorite game.
00:18:52.120 | We played it when we were kids.
00:18:54.200 | >> Yeah, no, it's so fun.
00:18:55.880 | >> Yeah. >> But Bree won, so
00:18:57.240 | we all played with $15, so she won a $150.
00:18:59.560 | >> Okay, now stop it on the $15, we played for three nickels.
00:19:02.960 | >> [LAUGH] >> I could not do a dollar.
00:19:05.640 | My daughter wanted to do the $15, I went- >> So we did three chips,
00:19:09.760 | each chip meant $5, so Bree- >> But
00:19:11.600 | did people have their own money or?
00:19:13.520 | >> Yeah, everybody had their own.
00:19:14.200 | >> Cuz half the time when they come to my house, I have to give them their nickels.
00:19:17.920 | >> Yeah, everybody had their own money.
00:19:19.200 | >> Okay, here's a wonderful family, look at how they decorate.
00:19:22.720 | >> Whoa.
00:19:25.280 | >> And here, okay, over here, I wish he was out.
00:19:28.640 | He's a fireman and he trains rescue dogs, yeah.
00:19:32.800 | >> Really?
00:19:33.300 | >> Yeah, he's a really nice guy.
00:19:37.320 | >> So you know all these people pretty good?
00:19:39.240 | >> Well, since COVID, I've been working this neighborhood.
00:19:42.240 | [LAUGH] And I don't know all, but if they were out,
00:19:46.880 | I would say, hey, what's your name?
00:19:50.320 | What's your first name?
00:19:51.480 | >> Yeah.
00:19:52.040 | >> Yeah, cuz honestly, truly, Michael, I pray for these neighbors every single day.
00:19:57.440 | >> All of them?
00:19:58.040 | >> Yep, I don't know them all, but I have gotten more, come on.
00:20:02.640 | >> [LAUGH] >> Come on, come on.
00:20:06.640 | >> I got tired.
00:20:07.960 | >> You did not.
00:20:08.960 | >> Yeah, I did.
00:20:09.720 | >> You don't get tired.
00:20:10.800 | >> You're athletic.
00:20:13.000 | >> Nice and easy, I'm not fast, but I could go forever.
00:20:17.240 | >> How long could you go?
00:20:18.600 | >> Well, my furthest is 13 miles, a half marathon.
00:20:22.240 | But now I just do three Ks, and when people pass me, I'll go, way to go.
00:20:28.160 | >> Who's this guy?
00:20:28.760 | >> I don't know, but I'm sure he's nice.
00:20:32.800 | I know his wife.
00:20:33.960 | >> Really?
00:20:34.460 | >> Yeah, they're going, okay, I haven't seen him in the neighborhood.
00:20:39.000 | >> I haven't seen this.
00:20:39.880 | >> Yeah, he lives over there, yeah.
00:20:43.080 | He's a professor, I believe, yeah.
00:20:47.320 | >> What's up, man?
00:20:49.120 | >> Hey, good morning.
00:20:51.200 | >> I want to talk about Fred's- >> Slave to the camera.
00:20:54.360 | >> [LAUGH] >> Go like this to the camera.
00:20:56.880 | >> I really, truly want you to do that.
00:20:59.400 | >> You guys have one of the, I mean, you guys are like relationship goals.
00:21:04.080 | Everyone wants to fall in love young and then be married for, how old are you guys now?
00:21:09.640 | >> I'm 81, Fred's 84.
00:21:11.480 | >> So it's been- >> 57 years.
00:21:13.880 | >> 57 years.
00:21:14.840 | >> 58 in August, if the Lord is willing.
00:21:18.320 | >> Yeah, and you guys are still just as in love as you were when you-
00:21:22.920 | >> You betcha, all right.
00:21:25.880 | But you work on that, and you do sweet things.
00:21:30.000 | And Fred is the easiest guy ever.
00:21:34.400 | >> Yeah. >> I mean,
00:21:35.000 | he's the one that probably needs prayers cuz I just don't ever sit down and
00:21:38.520 | he would like to sit down.
00:21:40.520 | But we have definite times that we're together.
00:21:43.360 | We, at seven o'clock in the evening, then I don't answer the phone.
00:21:48.680 | That's our time.
00:21:50.120 | We'll watch a Hallmark movie or something that we enjoy together.
00:21:54.160 | In the morning, our prayer time, every meal we do together.
00:21:57.880 | And after supper, we do a little devotional.
00:22:00.640 | It's totally hooked together with God as the center.
00:22:04.480 | I don't know how you would do it otherwise.
00:22:06.920 | >> For the first while of your relationship, when was that when you guys
00:22:10.880 | started writing letters back and forth for those few years?
00:22:13.560 | >> Then he went in the Army, and we wrote, and we fell in love.
00:22:16.520 | I mean, I- >> Kind of fell in love.
00:22:19.920 | >> Well, I remember one time I didn't get a letter when I thought I should.
00:22:23.000 | And then it bothered me, so I thought, that's a good sign.
00:22:26.520 | >> Yeah, that's a good sign.
00:22:27.640 | >> Yeah, and I would, for like three days, run home in between classes.
00:22:32.120 | And when that letter came, it just, and he felt the same way.
00:22:35.680 | Because if he didn't write, then I wasn't either, that's how we used to do it.
00:22:40.840 | >> Yeah, that's how I can relate to that, because my girls are the same way.
00:22:46.720 | >> Yeah, so we just kind of, yeah, I don't call guys, I mean,
00:22:50.800 | I hardly call Fred, and it's kind of the old-fashioned courtship.
00:22:56.040 | >> That's good, though, that's good.
00:22:59.240 | How long did it take to see the letters, when you sent it, how long did it take?
00:23:03.840 | >> Probably it was, he was in Germany, so probably a week.
00:23:07.960 | >> And that was your only way of communication?
00:23:09.600 | >> Yeah, and then I just was busy going to school and then student teaching.
00:23:13.560 | And I just was so thankful I didn't have to be dating or
00:23:18.080 | do anything, but, cuz I was also working.
00:23:20.800 | So it worked, it was a beautiful plan.
00:23:23.520 | >> Yeah, it worked out.
00:23:24.600 | >> How the Lord directed that is the best testimony in my life.
00:23:28.960 | He was in control of everything.
00:23:31.240 | >> Yeah, that's big time, that's awesome.
00:23:35.000 | So, like I said earlier, when I tell people,
00:23:38.720 | do you wanna meet an angel in real life, I say you need to meet Aunt Nancy.
00:23:42.480 | Have you- >> Thank you, Michael.
00:23:43.600 | >> I wanna ask you this, have you ever heard the audible voice of God?
00:23:47.240 | And have you ever, has that ever happened to you?
00:23:50.000 | >> I know, but so clearly in my heart.
00:23:52.640 | >> Yeah.
00:23:53.160 | >> Yeah. >> You just feel it.
00:23:54.560 | >> Yeah, so clearly in my heart.
00:23:56.840 | >> Yeah.
00:23:57.480 | >> I keep asking, when you want an outward sign, okay, write me a letter,
00:24:02.120 | let me know, cuz sometimes we think, is that really coming from the Lord?
00:24:07.680 | No, but I don't need that to know it's so true.
00:24:12.240 | >> Right, it's like a peace.
00:24:14.000 | >> It is a peace, yeah.
00:24:15.400 | >> For me, the stuff that happens to me, I think I have dreams and
00:24:20.080 | I'll have just too many coincidences where I know he's just lining stuff up
00:24:24.080 | perfectly for me.
00:24:25.120 | And then, like you said, some stuff will happen, it's just like,
00:24:28.400 | when you have the Holy Spirit inside your heart, he just directs you.
00:24:31.240 | He tells you kind of like no, or he gives you a conscience to where you
00:24:35.560 | don't do certain things and he's leading you a certain way.
00:24:37.520 | But that's some stuff that
00:24:42.120 | you would never know unless you really start following God, you know what I mean?
00:24:46.520 | >> I always say, okay, I would really like to dream about you tonight, but
00:24:50.520 | it hasn't happened.
00:24:51.400 | >> Really? >> Yeah, isn't that funny?
00:24:52.680 | I just can't, come on, I'm waiting.
00:24:54.680 | >> Yeah, I bet you will, I bet you will.
00:24:58.000 | >> Well, either way it's there, so I don't need that, but that would be like, whoa.
00:25:04.120 | >> It's happened to me once or twice and it's so fun.
00:25:06.240 | >> That has to be so cool.
00:25:07.960 | >> Yeah, cuz a lot of people in this day and age, they say there's no proof for
00:25:12.960 | God, or I've heard that before, where's the real proof that there's a God?
00:25:16.880 | And I say, the most proof that you have is your own personal testimony,
00:25:22.120 | and you know what he's done to you, and you know how he's changed your heart, and
00:25:25.920 | like what he's shown you.
00:25:27.560 | And people might not understand that, but you know what I'm talking about.
00:25:31.280 | >> I do know what you're talking about.
00:25:33.600 | And, Michael, they don't really need words,
00:25:37.000 | they just need us to live our lives the way we're supposed to.
00:25:40.480 | Cuz that's the real one.
00:25:42.840 | >> Yeah. >> Yeah.
00:25:43.880 | >> When they see us live differently.
00:25:46.000 | >> And I love every day to say, Lord, direct my path, my thoughts, my words,
00:25:51.360 | my actions, my relationships.
00:25:53.640 | And I pray that prayer for all my nieces and nephews, and
00:25:57.840 | grant them wisdom, cuz I don't wanna do life without them.
00:26:01.800 | I don't think I'd get out of bed if I didn't feel confident that
00:26:04.760 | he was gonna direct my day.
00:26:06.360 | We've got a purpose.
00:26:08.320 | And you know one thing I think our purpose is?
00:26:11.360 | Our purpose is to love everybody always, and
00:26:16.400 | not judge, cuz we're not the judge, God's the judge.
00:26:19.880 | But love them anyway, and don't try to figure out why people do what they do.
00:26:24.280 | And I think only through the grace of the Holy Spirit can you do that.
00:26:27.480 | >> Right.
00:26:28.000 | >> And I know all my people are kind of people that I've grown up with or
00:26:34.120 | have done life with, but you've got a bigger, it's harder for
00:26:37.840 | young people to love people that might be talking about you or whatever.
00:26:42.640 | >> Yeah, I mean, that is something I definitely can struggle with,
00:26:46.800 | like holding a grudge, or like you said, when people are talking bad about you or
00:26:51.840 | whatever, and just seeing the best in them and choosing to love them.
00:26:55.800 | But I told you earlier, I'm watching a sermon series, and
00:26:59.320 | it talks about love, and how to love.
00:27:02.000 | And what it kind of talked about was just receiving God's love.
00:27:08.120 | If you really think about it, we're so messed up, and
00:27:10.400 | we've done so many crazy things, but he loves us just the same.
00:27:14.040 | So if we can really experience that, and accept that, and
00:27:18.780 | spend time with him, and realize his love for us, that's the only way we can go out
00:27:22.360 | and love other people, but it's not just a willpower thing.
00:27:25.160 | You don't just will yourself to go be super nice to everybody and
00:27:27.960 | love everybody good.
00:27:29.200 | It's like when you're spending time with God and he's loving you,
00:27:32.800 | it can just pour out of you.
00:27:34.520 | And that's the only, I'm just now starting to learn that, so I'm about to start-
00:27:38.000 | >> That's so funny, and you're a young kid.
00:27:39.680 | >> Yeah, I'm about to start trying it.
00:27:41.760 | But because for me, a struggle for me has just been trying to have the willpower to
00:27:46.600 | be a good guy and be nice, and that hasn't worked out great, so.
00:27:51.120 | >> But you're on a journey.
00:27:52.320 | The whole life is a journey, and I'm not where I want to be.
00:27:56.520 | I'm totally prairie that I can grow closer to Christ every day.
00:28:00.880 | I'm not there.
00:28:01.600 | I won't be there until I get to heaven.
00:28:03.600 | But I totally love the journey.
00:28:06.360 | I want to share this thought, and it wasn't mine.
00:28:11.360 | It was on Christian radio.
00:28:13.920 | They were talking about games families play at Christmas or Thanksgiving.
00:28:18.880 | And then the minister said, there is a game that people play all the time.
00:28:24.080 | They play God.
00:28:25.800 | And how do they do it?
00:28:26.720 | Cuz they're judging others.
00:28:28.720 | When you judge somebody else, you're playing God, and that is not okay.
00:28:33.000 | That's not our job.
00:28:34.560 | But Satan loves it when you judge, cuz then you're doing his work.
00:28:39.960 | >> Yeah. >> So I don't wanna do his work.
00:28:42.320 | >> Right. >> And judging,
00:28:43.680 | I don't know the answer.
00:28:44.840 | We don't know what people have been going through and what.
00:28:48.280 | And I think once you get rid of that judging, and
00:28:51.800 | trying to figure out why people do what they do, cuz we'll never know.
00:28:55.680 | But that's God's business.
00:28:57.680 | Isn't that powerful?
00:28:58.640 | >> It is.
00:28:59.400 | It's God's business.
00:29:00.360 | And on top of that, we don't know everything that led that person to be
00:29:04.080 | the person they are.
00:29:04.800 | Maybe they weren't as blessed as us to grow up in the families that we grew up in.
00:29:10.120 | And have the guidance that we have.
00:29:12.200 | There's no judging, I see what you're saying.
00:29:16.200 | And if today's world knew that, and could live even a little bit like that,
00:29:21.080 | I feel like the whole world would be in such a better place.
00:29:22.720 | >> It would be such a better place.
00:29:24.080 | >> But- >> But we can make a difference.
00:29:26.280 | >> We can make a difference.
00:29:27.000 | >> Right where we are.
00:29:28.080 | >> We can, and I think a lot of it has to do with the social media era.
00:29:33.480 | Like when you are posting stuff all the time, it can kind of bring out a type of,
00:29:38.160 | and you're not really on social media, so you wouldn't really know this.
00:29:41.720 | But it can cause you to compare yourself to other people.
00:29:45.680 | And it can cause you to judge what other people are doing.
00:29:48.080 | And it just creates this society where it's like, who's better than who?
00:29:52.320 | Who's doing the best?
00:29:53.440 | And it's tough, and I've realized that.
00:29:59.600 | And that's why for me, I had to get off of social media.
00:30:02.880 | >> Good for you, good for you.
00:30:04.480 | >> Yeah, I had to get off of it because- >> They say the human brain can,
00:30:09.000 | I mean, a billion good things can happen in one day.
00:30:12.480 | But if one negative thing happens, or you hear a negative thought,
00:30:16.360 | what do we take home, that negative thought?
00:30:18.840 | Our brain is made to do that.
00:30:20.760 | So the least, I mean, just, yeah, social media, I have no interest in.
00:30:26.680 | >> Yeah, it's, and you see that in professional athletes.
00:30:31.040 | Like, the best athletes in the world who have everything, but
00:30:34.960 | then if they have a bad game and people are commenting on their page,
00:30:39.080 | then they're gonna see that, and that affects them.
00:30:42.440 | And as much as us as dudes like to act like that stuff doesn't affect us,
00:30:46.320 | like it does when people are talking negative about you.
00:30:49.520 | >> Because we're human.
00:30:50.600 | >> We're all human, and then on top of that, it's like people,
00:30:53.740 | when they see athletes or famous people, they don't view them as regular people.
00:30:58.120 | They view them like they can just say whatever to them, and
00:31:00.960 | it doesn't affect them.
00:31:01.720 | But in reality, that type of stuff affects everybody.
00:31:04.960 | And so, it's better not to fill your mind with that stuff.
00:31:08.400 | And just, cuz at the end of the day, the people that don't know you,
00:31:12.160 | like their opinion doesn't necessarily matter.
00:31:13.920 | But still, seeing it, it can affect you.
00:31:16.840 | So for me, it was like, why even entertain that?
00:31:19.280 | Why not just get off of social media and
00:31:21.480 | really invest in the relationships I already have?
00:31:23.600 | >> That's so smart.
00:31:24.320 | >> And- >> Please stay off.
00:31:27.280 | >> Yeah, I plan to, and that's honestly why I'm doing this right here, so
00:31:31.480 | people can still hear my voice and hear my thoughts.
00:31:34.520 | But it's not gonna be through Instagram, and it's not gonna be through Twitter.
00:31:38.280 | Because I've just been on and off of it enough to realize that I'm my best self,
00:31:42.480 | and I'm better when I'm off social media.
00:31:44.640 | So yeah, that's what I decided.
00:31:47.960 | >> And I always think, too, girl, I mean, of course,
00:31:50.160 | I had different stages in my life.
00:31:51.800 | But when you're doing all this pure stuff, and
00:31:55.080 | I didn't even think about it when I was your age,
00:31:57.080 | you're so far ahead of me when I was your age.
00:32:00.840 | But I just think, if God is for me, who can be against that counts?
00:32:04.800 | I mean, if God is for us, and that's if we're his kids, and
00:32:08.440 | we're living to honor him, who can be against us, that matters.
00:32:13.840 | Nobody does, I mean, nobody's that powerful.
00:32:16.640 | >> Right, you should consider writing a book.
00:32:20.200 | >> No, but- >> I think that people will,
00:32:23.400 | actually, a lot of people will hear your stuff from this, hopefully, Lord willing.
00:32:26.960 | But you live a- >> My life is so simple.
00:32:31.560 | >> That's what I'm saying, it's so rare these days for someone to live a simple life.
00:32:36.680 | People need to hear that, and
00:32:38.560 | I'm glad that they're gonna be able to hear about it through this.
00:32:41.240 | That's why I wanted to do this with you,
00:32:44.000 | because that's something the world needs, is simplicity.
00:32:47.600 | And I feel like simplicity is a key to happiness and joy, you know what I mean?
00:32:52.360 | There's so many distractions in the world today, but
00:32:56.120 | I feel like the happiest people keep it simple, and they just stick to God's word,
00:33:01.400 | and God's plan for their life, and they don't really go outside of that.
00:33:03.600 | But I just feel like, in America especially,
00:33:05.880 | they throw so much at you, it's so easy to get distracted.
00:33:09.600 | >> So Michael, how does that, I mean, with you, how hard it must be to live simply?
00:33:17.920 | >> In my position, it's almost impossible, just because of the lifestyle that I'm in.
00:33:22.360 | But for me, it's making it as simple as possible, you know what I mean?
00:33:26.720 | So getting off of social media, that was one thing.
00:33:30.840 | And then for me, the other thing is I'm gonna be seeing certain things and
00:33:34.680 | be around certain people just because of the profession I'm in.
00:33:37.600 | But what I do in my free time, and
00:33:40.800 | that's where I really wanna live that simplistic life.
00:33:43.240 | What I do on the court, and who I am on the court, and who I am off the court.
00:33:48.480 | I just wanna live a simple life, and pay attention to the important things,
00:33:53.400 | not be fed with all the distractions of social media.
00:33:58.920 | I really respect Kawhi Leonard.
00:34:00.840 | He's a player in the NBA who hasn't had social media.
00:34:03.480 | Do you even know who Kawhi Leonard is?
00:34:04.880 | >> No.
00:34:05.400 | >> [LAUGH] Well, he hasn't had social media like this whole time.
00:34:08.800 | >> Is he a ball player?
00:34:09.880 | >> Yeah, he's one of the best in the NBA.
00:34:11.680 | >> But I will get to know him by listening.
00:34:14.520 | >> If you watch our, we played him in the playoffs.
00:34:17.400 | You remember when we played the Clippers?
00:34:18.880 | >> Yeah, but I only look at you.
00:34:20.840 | >> So we played, yeah, he was the best player on the Clippers.
00:34:24.680 | >> What's his name?
00:34:25.560 | >> Kawhi Leonard.
00:34:26.400 | >> Okay, I think I do remember.
00:34:29.160 | >> Yeah, no, he's really good.
00:34:30.760 | But he hasn't been on social media since he's been in the NBA, I think.
00:34:35.960 | And yeah, I don't see myself going back to it, cuz I do want to be intentional
00:34:40.640 | about living as simply as I can, you know what I mean?
00:34:44.160 | >> I know something that works really for me, and you're gonna laugh.
00:34:48.160 | My thing is, if I buy something, if I go to the Academy Sports and
00:34:54.200 | get a new fleece, then I have to get rid of one of my, to take it to Goodwill.
00:35:00.000 | >> Really?
00:35:00.520 | >> You could do that.
00:35:01.720 | If you buy something, then you need to look in your closet and give something.
00:35:05.400 | >> I should do that, because I have way too much clothes.
00:35:08.560 | I kid you not, you would love it.
00:35:11.320 | It just, so I think- >> So as you get stuff coming in,
00:35:13.840 | you take something to Goodwill.
00:35:14.960 | >> I'll go, okay, and then you can take it to a shelter,
00:35:17.880 | you can take it to somebody who needs it.
00:35:19.880 | It feels so good.
00:35:22.320 | In my closet, in one closet, I have all my clothes from winter to summer.
00:35:28.160 | And so before I buy something, I'll think,
00:35:31.960 | is there anything I'm gonna wanna get rid of?
00:35:33.960 | Half the time, I, no, I like what I have, so I don't even get it.
00:35:37.240 | Even if it's 9.99, no, I don't need it.
00:35:39.960 | >> That's actually really, really smart.
00:35:42.720 | >> I don't dare you, but I want you to think about it.
00:35:44.960 | >> I'm gonna do it, no, I'm gonna do it, cuz I have so
00:35:47.280 | much stuff that I just continue to get, and it just piles up.
00:35:50.680 | But I'm like, that's smart, taking, as stuff comes in, take the stuff and-
00:35:55.120 | >> Well, then just put it in a bag,
00:35:56.760 | like for Goodwill or a homeless shelter or something.
00:36:00.800 | >> Mm-hm.
00:36:02.240 | >> I want you to try it, you'll be amazed.
00:36:05.360 | >> I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it, no, I'm seriously gonna do it.
00:36:10.200 | The last thing I kinda wanted to touch on with you is,
00:36:14.800 | I wanted to talk a little bit about Christianity and Catholicism.
00:36:18.960 | Cuz you're Catholic, right?
00:36:20.240 | >> Yes, I am.
00:36:21.160 | >> And Catholicism, that's not, that's not, that doesn't mean bad.
00:36:25.760 | >> No, that's okay.
00:36:26.280 | >> You're Catholicism.
00:36:27.320 | >> Yeah.
00:36:27.820 | >> So what'd I say, Catholicism?
00:36:31.000 | >> [LAUGH] No, that is so, that's kind of a new word.
00:36:35.120 | >> So, I don't know why, I went to a Catholic school, but I'm Christian.
00:36:40.840 | And I kinda like, you get the sense that Catholics sometimes have something
00:36:44.600 | against Christians, and Christians sometimes have a thing against Catholics.
00:36:47.440 | >> No, cuz we are Christians.
00:36:48.280 | >> We are, but- >> Yeah.
00:36:49.560 | >> I was just gonna ask you, don't you believe the main
00:36:54.480 | thing is a relationship with Jesus?
00:36:57.280 | >> Absolutely.
00:36:58.000 | >> Any, like, whatever it is, it's the relationship with Jesus.
00:37:01.280 | >> Absolutely. >> And that's what he's after.
00:37:02.720 | >> Yeah.
00:37:03.320 | >> And I just know from being around both, being around a lot of Christian people,
00:37:06.840 | a lot of Catholic people, they get so stuck to this religion that they lose
00:37:10.400 | like the main point of it all, which is the relationship.
00:37:15.120 | That's all Jesus wants.
00:37:16.080 | >> That's all it is.
00:37:17.400 | And I think what is confusing, cuz it's,
00:37:19.800 | there's a lot of church rituals that people, we know what they mean, and
00:37:24.200 | they're all based on scripture, but it is about the relationship.
00:37:29.160 | And I just remember one time when I was teaching school,
00:37:32.640 | my parents that I was gonna have, they came in and
00:37:36.680 | they said, we wanted you for a teacher cuz we heard you were Christian.
00:37:42.200 | And I said, yes, I am a Catholic Christian.
00:37:44.160 | And they went, Catholics can be Christians?
00:37:46.960 | Okay, see, that is such a myth.
00:37:50.480 | And that's, we're all about Christ.
00:37:53.200 | >> Right. >> And our relationship with him.
00:37:55.360 | >> So then what's the main difference, you think?
00:37:58.200 | >> There's, the main difference, all right, here's the deal, how I feel.
00:38:02.760 | I was blessed to be in a parochial school, too,
00:38:05.200 | cuz I didn't get any spiritual growth from my family.
00:38:08.600 | I got it all from the nuns.
00:38:10.920 | And that's, from the time I was seven, I asked Jesus into my heart.
00:38:16.360 | And the nuns gave me the Ten Commandments.
00:38:20.720 | I had my boundaries, cuz I wasn't getting boundaries at home.
00:38:23.680 | But I loved the boundaries.
00:38:25.680 | It made me feel safe, and there isn't any difference.
00:38:31.400 | But the Eucharist, when we have communion, we believe it's Jesus.
00:38:39.200 | And I know when I would break bread with you anytime at your church,
00:38:44.000 | cuz I love, I will go to any Christian church and
00:38:46.660 | worship with my loved ones, my family.
00:38:48.800 | >> Yeah.
00:38:49.480 | >> And, but for me, the Catholic Church kinda probably saved my life,
00:38:54.800 | cuz I didn't get direction at home.
00:38:56.440 | >> Right. >> I got it through the church.
00:38:58.640 | >> Right. >> But there's not a lot of
00:39:01.600 | difference, except, cuz sometimes you think certain denominations are better.
00:39:07.760 | We're not better.
00:39:08.560 | We're all the same with the same God, the same Lord.
00:39:11.720 | >> That's how I feel.
00:39:12.800 | But I just, being around it, at the Catholic school I was at, and
00:39:16.680 | just being around a lot of different Christians, they think it's so different.
00:39:21.360 | But the way I look at it is, when Jesus died on the cross, he died for everybody.
00:39:27.040 | So that doesn't matter if you're a Catholic, Christian, whatever you are.
00:39:29.200 | >> Absolutely.
00:39:29.840 | >> But that's the main point, is the relationship with Jesus.
00:39:33.240 | But there's a lot of stuff in the Bible that's not necessarily black and white.
00:39:37.160 | And there's some stuff that different denominations might take it this way or
00:39:41.280 | other Catholics might take it this way, whatever.
00:39:43.960 | But the main point is the relationship.
00:39:46.040 | Lecrae, who's another guy that I'm gonna be interviewing,
00:39:49.960 | he talks about how he just lost his religion and found Jesus.
00:39:55.200 | A lot of people cling so hard to this religion that they have, but
00:39:58.200 | they don't even invest in the relationship with Jesus, you know what I mean?
00:40:03.280 | >> Michael, that is so profound.
00:40:05.320 | And that's exactly in any religion.
00:40:07.640 | You can go through it and then you have nothing when it's time to leave your
00:40:10.760 | parents, and you don't have their faith to carry you on.
00:40:14.000 | It's nothing about all the man-made or church rules.
00:40:18.480 | And all those things, and all of the scriptures there to guide us,
00:40:23.480 | that's our textbook for life, that's our blueprint for life.
00:40:27.240 | It's all about you need the relationship if you're gonna have anything.
00:40:32.040 | It's not what you were saying.
00:40:34.760 | It is just not the church, it is your relationship.
00:40:38.600 | And then, I love my traditions cuz it's like when I go to mass,
00:40:43.840 | I just feel like I'm home cuz that was my home.
00:40:47.320 | But I could go worship with anybody, any Christian church, and
00:40:51.160 | they could be playing music and singing, and I feel so comfortable there too.
00:40:55.680 | >> Right, right.
00:40:57.560 | >> Yeah, but that was a good question cuz I think when we were little,
00:41:02.440 | we were kinda taught as a little kid that we couldn't go to a non-Catholic church.
00:41:09.200 | But the Catholic church is not that way anymore.
00:41:12.640 | We know that we're all worshiping the same Christ, and we follow him.
00:41:19.760 | But we've come a long way, and I'm so proud of that.
00:41:23.520 | Our leadership's so much better now.
00:41:25.400 | >> And I don't think a lot of people are really aware of that,
00:41:29.520 | that you can be different denominations, or Catholic, or whatever.
00:41:34.520 | And still, the main goal is the same thing, we all want the same thing.
00:41:38.240 | >> Exactly, and we are all sinners.
00:41:40.400 | And those little kids that go to proky school can be rascals,
00:41:43.400 | just like anybody else.
00:41:45.280 | And you know that, cuz you went, and- >> Exactly.
00:41:48.560 | >> They're just kids, and human, and without the relationship.
00:41:52.360 | And I think the terminology was always different.
00:41:56.240 | It was always there, but until I got into a Bible study as an adult,
00:42:01.760 | it all came together.
00:42:03.200 | >> Yeah, well, this has been amazing.
00:42:07.920 | Honestly, we should have done this even if it wasn't like-
00:42:10.480 | >> I know, I feel like I know you better.
00:42:12.240 | >> That's what I'm saying.
00:42:13.360 | >> And Michael, truly, I promised you prayers on your 16th birthday.
00:42:18.000 | I've been praying for you forever, about God directing your path.
00:42:21.400 | >> Mm-hm.
00:42:22.680 | >> And I just would love to be a support person for you, and for you.
00:42:28.040 | Cuz I think that's what the Lord wants me to do, reach out.
00:42:32.880 | And I just love everybody always, and believe in them.
00:42:38.240 | >> Thank you.
00:42:39.200 | >> Cuz there's nothing that anybody could do that would make me love them less.
00:42:42.560 | >> Yeah. >> But I know your journey looks so
00:42:44.880 | much different- >> Right.
00:42:46.760 | >> Than mine.
00:42:47.760 | >> Mm-hm, honestly, no, I love talking to you, and I love when you reach out.
00:42:52.240 | And when we go, when we hang in Colorado, it's always so refreshing for me to just.
00:42:58.440 | >> I know, I just love you, and I always think you're like mine.
00:43:01.440 | I know we're at Jan's house, but you're mine, yeah.
00:43:05.440 | >> For sure. >> I feel that way about all of you, but
00:43:07.600 | the blessing of you guys moving here.
00:43:11.440 | >> Yeah. >> When your grandma was passing away,
00:43:14.520 | and I said to her, I will watch over your kids.
00:43:18.480 | >> Mm-hm. >> Meaning every day I'll pray, and
00:43:20.560 | I kept my promise, every day I've prayed for all of Judy's kids and their kids.
00:43:27.240 | And lo and behold, you came here and went, well, whoa.
00:43:30.920 | I've got, remember down Flat Branch, floating the sticks and walking around?
00:43:36.560 | And then when you'd say, we'd walk, and you'd go, hey, Aunt Nancy, and
00:43:39.920 | everybody would look like, that's his aunt?
00:43:42.480 | I was so proud.
00:43:43.680 | >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, yeah.
00:43:44.920 | >> It is crazy.
00:43:46.120 | >> Yeah. >> No, it is crazy.
00:43:47.800 | >> Cuz like you and Judy, you guys are also short, but then my mom's so
00:43:54.040 | tall, and then when they see me hanging with you, they're like, whoa,
00:43:56.680 | how does he have an aunt that short?
00:43:58.520 | >> I know, I know, but I always tell people when they say, okay, no,
00:44:03.000 | I'm related to the Porters, and they'll go, you are?
00:44:05.720 | I went, yeah, I used to be that tall.
00:44:07.280 | >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah,
00:44:09.260 | cuz you know how you shrink when you age?
00:44:10.960 | >> Yeah. >> Yeah, I used to be that tall.
00:44:12.600 | >> Have you shrunk?
00:44:13.880 | >> Not yet.
00:44:14.600 | I think keep jogging and- >> No, keep doing your planking.
00:44:16.240 | >> Keep planking and keep your bones strong.
00:44:19.160 | >> You'll be good, but I love you and I'm glad you did it.
00:44:21.600 | >> I love you, and Michael, please know that I might not be at your games, but
00:44:26.320 | my spirit, and you're too, I'm with you, my darling.
00:44:31.000 | I love you guys so much, and I love your mom like a daughter.
00:44:35.360 | I mean, I do, and I love you guys like a grandma.
00:44:37.920 | >> Thank you.
00:44:38.480 | >> I think that's one notch up from an aunt.
00:44:41.560 | >> My grandma?
00:44:42.540 | >> No, I mean, I don't ever take Judy's place, but I love you like a grandma.
00:44:46.440 | >> Thanks, you don't give us candy like she did though.
00:44:48.880 | >> No, cuz I would give you a rice cake.
00:44:50.640 | >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, and no, and I would obey your mom.
00:44:54.840 | She said no cake, I would, but Judy was always my, Judy was my favorite rascal.
00:45:00.520 | >> I got so much candy and so much goods from going to her mom.
00:45:04.200 | >> I know, but she loved that, and that was one thing she could do.
00:45:07.960 | >> Yeah.
00:45:08.560 | >> No, I love that, she was a rascal.
00:45:10.960 | >> Yeah, even growing up, she was my favorite little friend to play with.
00:45:16.060 | >> Really?
00:45:16.580 | >> Yeah, we would have a club called the Roy Rogers Club or
00:45:20.260 | the Captain Marvel Club, we'd collect the dues and go get ice cream.
00:45:23.740 | >> She's so fun.
00:45:24.500 | >> What were you thinking?
00:45:26.100 | >> She's hilarious, I miss her.
00:45:28.800 | >> Yeah, she's in heaven watching over, trust me, she's proud.
00:45:32.780 | >> Thank you.
00:45:33.380 | >> Yeah.
00:45:34.180 | >> Thank you, all righty, well, let's wrap this up.
00:45:38.420 | >> This has been amazing, we're out.
00:45:40.960 | Should we do the plank while we're- >> To tape it?
00:45:43.680 | >> Two and a half minutes, right now, whatever, let's do it.
00:45:48.080 | >> Well.
00:45:48.760 | >> I actually need, it's gonna be good cuz I need to do it.
00:45:51.400 | >> Okay, but this is hilarious.
00:45:55.680 | >> Alexa, set the timer for two and a half minutes.
00:45:58.840 | >> Set the timer for two minutes, three seconds, starting now.
00:46:04.560 | >> Okay, I'm Michael, yeah, let's talk.
00:46:07.480 | >> I always like to talk.
00:46:08.820 | >> You do, I'm already tired.
00:46:10.080 | >> [LAUGH] You're so cute.
00:46:12.440 | >> I have something I'd like to talk about.
00:46:15.060 | >> All right, so what do you want to talk about?
00:46:16.780 | >> I want to ask you questions now.
00:46:18.400 | >> Yeah, ask me something.
00:46:20.580 | >> Alexa, stop, Alexa, turn the volume to seven.
00:46:26.560 | >> [LAUGH] >> All right, Michael.
00:46:29.580 | >> [INAUDIBLE] >> I think she's wearing out.
00:46:33.780 | >> [INAUDIBLE] >> What did you say?
00:46:36.220 | >> Wait, have you done it today, you're playing?
00:46:37.980 | >> Yeah, but that's okay, I'll do anything for you, remember?
00:46:41.380 | >> Thanks. >> All right, Michael.
00:46:42.520 | >> What is it like living- >> [INAUDIBLE]
00:46:45.140 | >> My goodness, Alexa.
00:46:46.860 | >> Alexa, be quiet.
00:46:48.100 | >> [LAUGH] >> Let's see if that works.
00:46:50.660 | >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Alexa, stop.
00:46:55.500 | Okay, that was funny, she said, I've never heard her do this.
00:47:00.260 | >> [LAUGH] >> We have no idea.
00:47:01.980 | >> How long has it been?
00:47:03.780 | >> All right, Alexa, how many minutes to the timer?
00:47:06.820 | >> You have two timers, a two-minute and 30-second timer.
00:47:12.300 | It's about one minute left.
00:47:13.540 | >> One minute, that's a piece of cake.
00:47:15.220 | All right, Michael, when did you know,
00:47:19.380 | when did you really accept Christ in your heart?
00:47:24.660 | >> For me, it was like, I just grew up with that.
00:47:32.100 | But then I didn't really accept it for my own whenever I went to college.
00:47:36.180 | Man, I'm too tired to talk about this right now.
00:47:38.260 | >> [LAUGH] >> Okay, you ask me a question then.
00:47:40.380 | >> But I'll, we only have- >> Okay, Michael.
00:47:45.180 | >> Huh?
00:47:46.540 | >> Okay, I was seven when I did.
00:47:49.660 | >> I think I did at Mama's College.
00:47:51.380 | I mean, I accepted him earlier, but really trying to live for him was college.
00:47:56.540 | >> Okay, I would probably never have been who I was if I didn't get him really quick
00:48:00.740 | in my life, cuz I had kind of a rougher childhood.
00:48:04.020 | >> Yeah. >> It brought joy to it, though.
00:48:06.820 | >> I wanna hear what your childhood actually is.
00:48:09.700 | Alexa, how much time left on the timer?
00:48:11.620 | >> [LAUGH] >> You have two minutes.
00:48:15.820 | >> That's it.
00:48:16.860 | >> [SOUND] >> We have ten seconds left.
00:48:19.140 | >> Okay, that was fun.
00:48:20.380 | >> Yeah.
00:48:21.340 | >> Wasn't that fun?
00:48:22.300 | >> No.
00:48:23.100 | >> [LAUGH]
00:48:24.540 | >> This episode is sponsored by Lemon Perfect.
00:48:26.780 | [MUSIC]