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Do You Still Need an Authorized User Card?

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00:00:00.000 | In today's world where we have Apple Pay, we have Google Pay, Samsung Pay, you can add your partner's cards to your phone and use them anywhere.
00:00:07.840 | You have one password where you can share the credit card information with your partner.
00:00:12.880 | You don't really actually need a physical card in most circumstances.
00:00:16.760 | And in a lot of the circumstances where you might and the dollar amount values matters,
00:00:21.680 | it's probably fine to just bring your partner's card and use it.
00:00:24.720 | And most of the time, no one's really checking.
00:00:27.280 | The need to actually create an authorized user card for another person really doesn't happen that much.
00:00:35.080 | On the off chance that there is a regular recurring high value type of transaction or merchant you shop at, maybe it makes sense.
00:00:43.840 | But one thing to keep in mind is that when you add someone as an authorized user, that card will show up on their credit report.
00:00:49.040 | And so for banks that have issues like 5/24, where you can't have opened five cards in the last 24 months to get approved,
00:00:56.720 | that authorized user card will count as one of those cards.