In today's world where we have Apple Pay, we have Google Pay, Samsung Pay, you can add your partner's cards to your phone and use them anywhere. You have one password where you can share the credit card information with your partner. You don't really actually need a physical card in most circumstances.
And in a lot of the circumstances where you might and the dollar amount values matters, it's probably fine to just bring your partner's card and use it. And most of the time, no one's really checking. The need to actually create an authorized user card for another person really doesn't happen that much.
On the off chance that there is a regular recurring high value type of transaction or merchant you shop at, maybe it makes sense. But one thing to keep in mind is that when you add someone as an authorized user, that card will show up on their credit report. And so for banks that have issues like 5/24, where you can't have opened five cards in the last 24 months to get approved, that authorized user card will count as one of those cards.