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Why is “brethren” used in the LSB?

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | - Yeah, the very good question is, most of the time,
00:00:02.520 | we said brothers, but twice in the New Testament,
00:00:05.680 | we said brethren, why?
00:00:07.640 | And it has to do with a difference in the Greek word.
00:00:10.720 | The Greek word adelphoi, I argued strongly
00:00:14.940 | that let's get rid of that church word brethren, okay,
00:00:19.040 | and just say brothers, and so we did that.
00:00:22.920 | But then somebody says, okay, First Peter,
00:00:25.560 | twice you went back to brethren.
00:00:28.520 | It's a different Greek word, that's the reason.
00:00:31.760 | Adelphoi is brothers.
00:00:34.240 | Then there's another word, spelled slightly different,
00:00:38.840 | that has reference, we might say, to the brotherhood, okay,
00:00:43.840 | and so we chose to go back to brethren
00:00:47.480 | in those two references in First Peter
00:00:50.120 | because it's a similar but a different Greek word.