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Bridge of Anxiety | #shorts


0:0 Intro
0:15 The procrastination puzzle
0:30 Example

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | a lot of procrastination doesn't come from not having the time to do something. It comes from
00:00:05.160 | actually like our emotions that get in our way. And there's a researcher called Tim Pitchell, who
00:00:10.320 | has a great book, I think it's called the procrastination puzzle, which is basically all
00:00:17.160 | about the emotional side of procrastination. And he researches this and talks about all the all the
00:00:21.000 | different emotional barriers that get in our way. And so for example, if you know, the example I
00:00:26.720 | use a lot is people who procrastinate from starting a YouTube channel, for example. And it's like,
00:00:31.000 | yeah, I know that I've got my time slot. And I know, I just need to film this video, because I've
00:00:34.440 | taken Ali Abdaal's course on YouTube, whatever, I know, I just need to film the video. But you're
00:00:38.360 | in the time slot. And there's something stopping you something that's holding you back from doing
00:00:42.080 | this thing, which you claim to want, usually. And it's like, what's going on there?