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Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Hey, Stackers, just a quick note before we get today's show a-rolling.
00:00:08.680 | I know a lot of you follow our movie and television suggestions, and you also may know that every
00:00:13.920 | year I publish my top movies.
00:00:16.840 | I list every single movie that I saw the year before.
00:00:19.720 | This last year, I saw 39, which is down significantly from the 62 that I saw the year before, but
00:00:26.080 | still a big number.
00:00:27.080 | I saw a lot more TV this year, as some of you that follow the show closely know.
00:00:31.680 | But I've listed them from best to worst.
00:00:34.840 | If you want to see my rankings and avoid bad movies, which will be the bottom third of
00:00:40.520 | the movies that I saw, and also if you want to help the show and you're watching them
00:00:44.240 | on Amazon, we have click-throughs right to Amazon.
00:00:47.660 | So you'll help the show.
00:00:48.660 | We get a little thank you from Amazon when you do that.
00:00:51.120 | And you also can make sure that you don't see movies that stink.
00:00:55.760 | Here's where you go,
00:01:01.600 | It's and the number 2015.
00:01:07.200 | All right, let's get on it.
00:01:11.800 | Hi, this is James Kenson from the Cash Car Convert podcast.
00:01:17.840 | When I'm not crushing car debt, I'm stacking Benjamins.
00:01:26.760 | Live from Joe's mom's basement, it's the Stacking Benjamins Show.
00:01:40.480 | On today's show, we're getting radical.
00:01:42.880 | From radical personal finance, Joshua Sheets.
00:01:46.360 | Plus, why 44% of top US executives don't want to hire you.
00:01:51.880 | And it's not because of all those papers you plagiarized in college, Mike.
00:01:55.320 | Yeah, we know you did that.
00:01:57.320 | And we'll have a discussion of the recent film, The Big Short.
00:02:02.080 | And now, two guys we refer to as a couple of big shorts, Joe and O, G-G-G-G-G.
00:02:19.120 | Think of me as Big Shot.
00:02:20.120 | Big Shot, yes.
00:02:21.120 | Yeah, got that.
00:02:22.120 | Got that.
00:02:23.120 | Totally got that wrong.
00:02:24.120 | Unless you're from the Northeast, then there's an R in just about everything, isn't there?
00:02:27.520 | I'm not going to touch that.
00:02:28.760 | That's making fun of another area, man.
00:02:30.320 | I'm not making fun of anybody.
00:02:31.320 | I'm just saying that you just throw an R in there and you fit in.
00:02:35.560 | It's fine.
00:02:36.560 | It's all right.
00:02:37.560 | It's good.
00:02:38.560 | It's like now, you know, I've got to learn to start saying y'all.
00:02:41.960 | Now that I'm-
00:02:42.960 | You don't say y'all.
00:02:43.960 | I don't.
00:02:44.960 | Why not?
00:02:45.960 | It's so much easier.
00:02:46.960 | I know.
00:02:47.960 | And it's more appropriate too, isn't it?
00:02:48.960 | Yeah.
00:02:49.960 | You guys.
00:02:50.960 | Youse guys.
00:02:51.960 | Hey, youse guys.
00:02:52.960 | Okay.
00:02:53.960 | Right.
00:02:54.960 | Youse guys want to go get a cheeseburger?
00:02:55.960 | Hey, welcome to the Stacking Benjamins Show.
00:02:56.960 | I'm just letting it go.
00:02:57.960 | I'm Joe Stewart.
00:02:58.960 | I'm Joe Sheets.
00:02:59.960 | I'm Joe Salci.
00:03:00.960 | I'm Joe Salci.
00:03:01.960 | I average Joe money on Twitter.
00:03:02.960 | And on today's show, we've got some fun because as Doug so appropriately said before, Joshua
00:03:08.800 | Sheets, radical personal finance, getting radical, OG.
00:03:11.440 | It's getting radical here on the show.
00:03:13.320 | It's going to be crazy.
00:03:14.320 | We're going to talk about Dave Ramsey.
00:03:16.100 | You want to be Dave Ramsey?
00:03:17.480 | We're going to show you how to invest like Dave Ramsey to become- and by the way, it
00:03:22.040 | ain't a rip on Dave Ramsey, OG.
00:03:23.920 | This is not going to be a anti-Dave Ramsey show.
00:03:27.080 | That's okay.
00:03:28.080 | He's a nice guy.
00:03:29.080 | He's good.
00:03:30.080 | I'm just pointing out that just because we're pointing out a different-
00:03:32.720 | And put your pitchforks away, everyone.
00:03:34.720 | Easy.
00:03:35.720 | And torches.
00:03:37.160 | You know how the Dave Ramsey fans get.
00:03:39.060 | And that's not a slight-
00:03:40.060 | I was thinking they're going to come with us to go torch and pitchfork Dave Ramsey.
00:03:45.540 | His fans are?
00:03:46.540 | No, our fans.
00:03:47.540 | Oh, our fans.
00:03:48.540 | Yeah.
00:03:49.540 | Put them away, everybody, because Dave is a friend and Dave's always trying to get on
00:03:53.280 | the show and we never seem to have time for him.
00:03:55.420 | But something we do have time for is to head to
00:04:00.240 | You know why, OG?
00:04:01.240 | Because you save so much money when you go there.
00:04:03.580 | $450 on average.
00:04:04.980 | I love getting letters from people saying, "Guess what?
00:04:07.420 | I just found out how bad my checking account stinks because I went to"
00:04:13.840 | You can also up that.
00:04:16.100 | So I'm talking to my brother on the phone and my brother says, "I hear your magnified money
00:04:19.820 | commercial all the time."
00:04:21.780 | And I've heard Nick on the show.
00:04:23.500 | I just never think it applies to me.
00:04:26.660 | So he never opens his bank statements because he does all his banking online.
00:04:31.220 | So in fact, he was saying the other day, doesn't he know why he still gets bank statements.
00:04:34.940 | He's like, "I should have had that turned off."
00:04:37.420 | But anyway, he said he decided to look after listening to a recent show.
00:04:41.700 | Point zero one.
00:04:43.380 | He said, "I made three cents of interest on my money market account."
00:04:47.740 | Yeah, nothing good.
00:04:50.180 | So and my brother and everybody else out there will
00:04:54.380 | find heaven.
00:04:55.380 | That's what we call it here, heaven, right?
00:04:58.300 | And another place that's heaven, if you pay your bills on time,
00:05:02.700 | These are so bad.
00:05:03.700 | It's S-O-F-I.
00:05:05.420 | Don't call it Sophie, OG.
00:05:07.380 | It's Sofi.
00:05:09.760 | And when you go to Sofi, what you'll find is that they have fantastic rates on refinancing
00:05:14.180 | your student loans.
00:05:15.680 | Talked on Monday about our friend, Cece, saving her friend a bunch of money because she told
00:05:20.980 | her about
00:05:21.980 | Dan Macklin and the gang over there, they do a great job of taking care of you when
00:05:27.080 | it comes to your personal loans, to refinancing your house, buying a new house or student
00:05:32.680 | loans, the area that they started with.
00:05:35.260 | That is that.
00:05:36.660 | You know what?
00:05:37.660 | Sponsors are happy.
00:05:39.220 | Fans are happy.
00:05:40.400 | Let's make you and I happy by talking about some headlines, OG.
00:05:43.220 | Hello, darlings, and now it's time for your favorite part of the show, our Stacking Benjamins
00:05:49.100 | Headlines.
00:05:50.100 | I know why 44% of the top U.S. executives don't want to hire you, OG.
00:05:54.700 | Because I'll overshadow them in the boardroom.
00:05:57.860 | Joshua Spodek, contributor from, wrote this at recently in a survey of U.S.
00:06:05.220 | executives.
00:06:06.220 | 44% said Americans lack soft skills, which are poorly taught by traditional education.
00:06:12.980 | You know, we were talking about English majors a couple of weeks ago.
00:06:16.700 | Don't get that riled up again.
00:06:18.540 | Put those pitchforks away.
00:06:20.200 | We're about to say something good about English majors.
00:06:22.940 | Because soft skills, it turns out, are the area that most employers think that people
00:06:27.900 | are competent when it comes to the area of expertise, OG.
00:06:31.220 | They don't know how to get along with other people.
00:06:33.580 | You have to be nice to your cube mates.
00:06:36.400 | And isn't that horrible?
00:06:37.400 | Isn't that...
00:06:38.400 | Office mates.
00:06:39.400 | That's the thing you have a problem with, isn't it?
00:06:40.940 | Well, I think that's why you keep me down here.
00:06:45.740 | But I have been known to have a tough working environment relationship before.
00:06:51.340 | Which is not good.
00:06:52.340 | Do you recognize that is not good?
00:06:54.180 | I don't necessarily care.
00:06:56.180 | Yeah.
00:06:57.180 | Because...
00:06:58.180 | You see those studies about how hard it is to train a new employee though, and how much
00:07:00.980 | money you lose?
00:07:01.980 | Well, that's like the whole Zappos thing, right?
00:07:04.500 | They go through the whole first two weeks of training and then tell them, "We will give
00:07:08.620 | you a $2,000 check to leave."
00:07:10.540 | Yeah.
00:07:11.540 | If this isn't for you, take the two grand and run.
00:07:13.820 | Because it's more expensive for us to keep you around than it is just to cut your check
00:07:16.940 | rent.
00:07:17.940 | They say that the US is not the only country monopolizing this stat, that the people don't
00:07:22.940 | know how to interface with other people.
00:07:24.420 | Across the Atlantic, a study by Development Economics Research Group last year estimated
00:07:29.140 | that by 2025, the shortage of soft skills in the UK alone could cost as much as $22
00:07:35.140 | billion a year in foregone economic output.
00:07:38.620 | Just because people don't know how to communicate with each other and get the job done right
00:07:42.940 | the first time.
00:07:43.940 | We've talked about this.
00:07:44.940 | Imagine if you could do it with Emojicons.
00:07:45.940 | Emoticons?
00:07:46.940 | Emojicons?
00:07:47.940 | What are they called?
00:07:48.980 | Just completely...
00:07:49.980 | Anger face, anger face, lightning bolt.
00:07:53.540 | That means get your act together.
00:07:55.340 | That means we need you to be more productive.
00:07:57.500 | That commercial with Mike Krzyzewski from Duke, where he texts his former player and
00:08:04.660 | his player's like, "What?"
00:08:06.260 | Because he texted him like an Emojicon.
00:08:07.900 | What are they called?
00:08:08.900 | Modicons or Emojicons?
00:08:09.900 | I think it's a Modicon.
00:08:10.900 | Modicon.
00:08:11.900 | Okay.
00:08:12.900 | So he texts him an Emoticon and it doesn't represent anything.
00:08:15.100 | He just thinks it does.
00:08:16.380 | So then the next commercial, he's watching with his kids and he says, "Hey, great shot.
00:08:21.020 | Way to go to the hoop.
00:08:22.020 | I'm cheering for you.
00:08:24.140 | Keep going."
00:08:25.140 | His kids are like, "Basketball, basketball.
00:08:26.140 | Clap, clap.
00:08:27.140 | You know, 100, 100.
00:08:28.140 | Yay."
00:08:29.140 | And he's like, "What do you say back?"
00:08:30.140 | He goes, "Thanks, coach."
00:08:31.140 | You know, or whatever.
00:08:34.140 | They're all just communicating in this weird language.
00:08:36.260 | That's what we need as a 14 year old to translate this whole show.
00:08:38.940 | Maybe transcribe the show into all Emoticons.
00:08:41.140 | Angry face, angry face, lightning bolt.
00:08:43.580 | That's the whole show.
00:08:44.660 | There you've got the Stacky Benjamin show right there.
00:08:46.820 | You never need to listen again.
00:08:48.340 | That's all we do here.
00:08:49.340 | But please listen again.
00:08:50.700 | But soft skills.
00:08:51.700 | Please clap.
00:08:52.700 | It says we know how to teach soft skills.
00:08:53.960 | Soft skills come from experience, not abstract learning.
00:08:57.060 | You have to be engaged with other people.
00:08:58.980 | It's called empathy, right?
00:08:59.980 | You have to have communication with other people so you can decide what's appropriate
00:09:04.100 | to say and not say.
00:09:05.540 | That's why when I see kids buried with their faces in their iPads and not talking to anybody,
00:09:10.140 | this is what they're talking about right here.
00:09:11.820 | It's so interesting when you look at all of these platforms we have, right?
00:09:15.780 | These social platforms we have to talk to each other and we've forgotten how to talk
00:09:19.980 | to each other.
00:09:20.980 | Not good.
00:09:21.980 | We'll link to that on our show notes at
00:09:24.540 | Second article today comes to us from, the National Association of Plant Advisors,
00:09:31.820 | people that handle things like 401ks.
00:09:34.980 | This headline, health savings accounts surged last year in 2015.
00:09:40.260 | Assets and health savings accounts, HSAs, totaled more than $30 billion in assets at
00:09:44.980 | year-end 2015.
00:09:46.500 | Ready for this?
00:09:47.500 | It's a year-over-year increase of 25% for HSA assets and HSA investment assets increased
00:09:54.500 | even more.
00:09:55.780 | HSA investment assets reaching an estimated $4.2 billion in December, up 33% year-over-year.
00:10:02.860 | That's amazing.
00:10:03.860 | Well, HSAs are the wave of the future, right?
00:10:06.740 | Everybody's going to these high deductible plans and putting more of the cost of standard
00:10:10.780 | care onto the individual.
00:10:13.500 | And assuming you're healthy, OG, it's a great way to go.
00:10:16.980 | Well, healthy, unhealthy is immaterial because more and more companies are going to these
00:10:21.740 | plans exclusively, you know, just to help mitigate the rising cost of healthcare.
00:10:26.540 | They say that with retirement security of growing concern and paying healthcare expenses
00:10:30.660 | in retirement is of course a large part of that concern.
00:10:33.580 | HSAs offer account owners a number of advantages, including contributions, reduced taxable income
00:10:39.220 | because your money goes in pre-tax, earnings on the account build up tax-free, distributions
00:10:44.540 | for qualified expenses from the account are not subject to taxation.
00:10:49.180 | According to recent Fidelity study, a couple aged 65 today needs a quarter million dollars
00:10:55.060 | set aside just for healthcare costs.
00:10:57.260 | So when you look at your investment portfolio or you look at your retirement accounts, take
00:11:01.780 | 250,000 of that and say, this is my healthcare account.
00:11:05.660 | And then the rest you can live on.
00:11:07.300 | I think that's really shocking to people.
00:11:09.020 | HSAs are a popular option that you can consider, especially if you start early, whereby you
00:11:14.580 | might be able to accumulate some of that, or if not all of that, quote unquote, need
00:11:19.220 | for retirement.
00:11:20.220 | Big sums of money.
00:11:21.220 | A lot of tax-free money there, OG.
00:11:24.140 | Good stuff.
00:11:25.140 | We'll link to that also in the show notes.
00:11:26.220 | So our lessons, number one, be nice to your neighbors, OG.
00:11:30.900 | Be nice to people.
00:11:32.460 | Practice what mom preaches.
00:11:33.820 | Empathy.
00:11:34.820 | Empathy goes everywhere.
00:11:36.100 | Learn to deal with people around you.
00:11:37.820 | Far more, well, not far more important, but equally as important as the technical aspects
00:11:41.780 | that we talk about on this show, learn to deal with other people and you'll get further
00:11:45.100 | ahead in the office.
00:11:46.100 | And those 44% of people that don't want to hire people will want to hire you.
00:11:50.000 | So that's, you want to get a leg up in the workforce, learn communication skills.
00:11:53.940 | And then number two, HSA, it's not just for lunch anymore.
00:11:57.860 | Yeah, that probably didn't make sense.
00:12:03.820 | It doesn't make sense to me, but rarely do things make sense to me.
00:12:07.900 | Just trying to put a slogan on these, you know, all the popular shows have slogans these
00:12:11.740 | days.
00:12:12.740 | I got you.
00:12:13.740 | So yeah, the segment brought to you by, right.
00:12:15.940 | Hey, guess what?
00:12:17.460 | Joshua, Joshua Sheets, radical personal finance.
00:12:21.500 | We've been talking to Joshua about coming on this show forever.
00:12:24.260 | And finally, Joshua is finally, he was bored enough, ran out of everything else to do.
00:12:31.420 | Of course, the show radical personal finance, Joshua and I joke that we are the yin and
00:12:34.940 | yang and the personal finance shows where our show is magazine style, lots and lots
00:12:41.220 | of different topics.
00:12:42.220 | So Joshua dives deep into one topic while on most of his shows, he has more letters
00:12:48.280 | behind his name.
00:12:49.280 | So Joshua, ready?
00:12:50.280 | MSFS, CFP, CLU, CHFC, CASL, CAP, RHU, REBC.
00:12:51.280 | What the heck is an REBC?
00:12:52.280 | Nope, don't know.
00:12:53.280 | BMOC?
00:12:54.280 | That's the one I have.
00:12:55.280 | He's a financial planner of the world's leading authority.
00:12:56.280 | The world's leading authority.
00:12:57.280 | The world's leading authority.
00:12:58.280 | Integrating lifestyle goals without conflict.
00:12:59.280 | Love talking to Joshua.
00:13:00.280 | And of course, he always has a strong opinion.
00:13:01.280 | Let's talk to him about his opinion on becoming Dave Ramsey.
00:13:02.280 | How about that?
00:13:03.280 | Cool, let's do it.
00:13:04.280 | Joshua Sheets, the world's leading authority.
00:13:05.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:13:06.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:13:07.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:13:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:13:09.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:13:30.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:13:56.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:14:24.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:14:31.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:14:36.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:14:42.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:14:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:14:58.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:15:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:15:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:15:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:16:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:16:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:16:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:17:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:17:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:17:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:18:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:18:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:18:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:19:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:19:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:19:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:20:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:20:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:20:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:21:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:21:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:21:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:22:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:22:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:22:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:23:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:23:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:23:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:24:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:24:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:24:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:25:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:25:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:25:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:26:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:26:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:26:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:27:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:27:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:27:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:28:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:28:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:28:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:29:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:29:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:29:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:30:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:30:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:30:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:31:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:31:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:31:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:32:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:32:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:32:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:33:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:33:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:33:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:34:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:34:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:34:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:35:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:35:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:35:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:36:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:36:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:36:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:37:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:37:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:37:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:38:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:38:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:38:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:39:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:39:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:39:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:40:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:40:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:40:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:41:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:41:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:41:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:42:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:42:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:42:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:43:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:43:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:43:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:44:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:44:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:44:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:45:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:45:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:45:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:46:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:46:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:46:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:47:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:47:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:47:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:48:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:48:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:48:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:49:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:49:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:49:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:50:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:50:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:50:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:51:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:51:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:51:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:52:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:52:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:52:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:53:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:53:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:53:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:54:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:54:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:54:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:55:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:55:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:55:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:56:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:56:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:56:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:57:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:57:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:57:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:58:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:58:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:58:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:59:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:59:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
00:59:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:00:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:00:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:00:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:01:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:01:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:01:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:02:08.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:02:28.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:02:48.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:03:02.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:03:12.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:03:22.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:03:32.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:03:42.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:04:02.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:04:22.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:04:42.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:05:02.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:05:22.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:05:42.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:06:02.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:06:22.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:06:42.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:07:02.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:07:22.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:07:42.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:08:02.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:08:22.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:08:42.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:09:02.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:09:22.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:09:42.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:10:02.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:10:22.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:10:42.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:11:02.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:11:06.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:11:16.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.
01:11:26.280 | I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.