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Hey, Stackers, just a quick note before we get today's show a-rolling. I know a lot of you follow our movie and television suggestions, and you also may know that every year I publish my top movies. I list every single movie that I saw the year before. This last year, I saw 39, which is down significantly from the 62 that I saw the year before, but still a big number.

I saw a lot more TV this year, as some of you that follow the show closely know. But I've listed them from best to worst. If you want to see my rankings and avoid bad movies, which will be the bottom third of the movies that I saw, and also if you want to help the show and you're watching them on Amazon, we have click-throughs right to Amazon.

So you'll help the show. We get a little thank you from Amazon when you do that. And you also can make sure that you don't see movies that stink. Here's where you go, It's and the number 2015. All right, let's get on it. Hi, this is James Kenson from the Cash Car Convert podcast.

When I'm not crushing car debt, I'm stacking Benjamins. Live from Joe's mom's basement, it's the Stacking Benjamins Show. On today's show, we're getting radical. From radical personal finance, Joshua Sheets. Plus, why 44% of top US executives don't want to hire you. And it's not because of all those papers you plagiarized in college, Mike.

Yeah, we know you did that. And we'll have a discussion of the recent film, The Big Short. And now, two guys we refer to as a couple of big shorts, Joe and O, G-G-G-G-G. Think of me as Big Shot. Big Shot, yes. Yeah, got that. Got that. Totally got that wrong.

Unless you're from the Northeast, then there's an R in just about everything, isn't there? I'm not going to touch that. That's making fun of another area, man. I'm not making fun of anybody. I'm just saying that you just throw an R in there and you fit in. It's fine.

It's all right. It's good. It's like now, you know, I've got to learn to start saying y'all. Now that I'm- You don't say y'all. I don't. Why not? It's so much easier. I know. And it's more appropriate too, isn't it? Yeah. You guys. Youse guys. Hey, youse guys. Okay.

Right. Youse guys want to go get a cheeseburger? Hey, welcome to the Stacking Benjamins Show. I'm just letting it go. I'm Joe Stewart. I'm Joe Sheets. I'm Joe Salci. I'm Joe Salci. I average Joe money on Twitter. And on today's show, we've got some fun because as Doug so appropriately said before, Joshua Sheets, radical personal finance, getting radical, OG.

It's getting radical here on the show. It's going to be crazy. We're going to talk about Dave Ramsey. You want to be Dave Ramsey? We're going to show you how to invest like Dave Ramsey to become- and by the way, it ain't a rip on Dave Ramsey, OG. This is not going to be a anti-Dave Ramsey show.

That's okay. He's a nice guy. He's good. I'm just pointing out that just because we're pointing out a different- And put your pitchforks away, everyone. Easy. And torches. You know how the Dave Ramsey fans get. And that's not a slight- I was thinking they're going to come with us to go torch and pitchfork Dave Ramsey.

His fans are? No, our fans. Oh, our fans. Yeah. Put them away, everybody, because Dave is a friend and Dave's always trying to get on the show and we never seem to have time for him. But something we do have time for is to head to You know why, OG?

Because you save so much money when you go there. $450 on average. I love getting letters from people saying, "Guess what? I just found out how bad my checking account stinks because I went to" You can also up that. So I'm talking to my brother on the phone and my brother says, "I hear your magnified money commercial all the time." And I've heard Nick on the show.

I just never think it applies to me. So he never opens his bank statements because he does all his banking online. So in fact, he was saying the other day, doesn't he know why he still gets bank statements. He's like, "I should have had that turned off." But anyway, he said he decided to look after listening to a recent show.

Point zero one. He said, "I made three cents of interest on my money market account." Yeah, nothing good. So and my brother and everybody else out there will find heaven. That's what we call it here, heaven, right? And another place that's heaven, if you pay your bills on time,

These are so bad. It's S-O-F-I. Don't call it Sophie, OG. It's Sofi. And when you go to Sofi, what you'll find is that they have fantastic rates on refinancing your student loans. Talked on Monday about our friend, Cece, saving her friend a bunch of money because she told her about

Dan Macklin and the gang over there, they do a great job of taking care of you when it comes to your personal loans, to refinancing your house, buying a new house or student loans, the area that they started with. That is that. You know what? Sponsors are happy. Fans are happy.

Let's make you and I happy by talking about some headlines, OG. Hello, darlings, and now it's time for your favorite part of the show, our Stacking Benjamins Headlines. I know why 44% of the top U.S. executives don't want to hire you, OG. Because I'll overshadow them in the boardroom.

Joshua Spodek, contributor from, wrote this at recently in a survey of U.S. executives. 44% said Americans lack soft skills, which are poorly taught by traditional education. You know, we were talking about English majors a couple of weeks ago. Don't get that riled up again. Put those pitchforks away.

We're about to say something good about English majors. Because soft skills, it turns out, are the area that most employers think that people are competent when it comes to the area of expertise, OG. They don't know how to get along with other people. You have to be nice to your cube mates.

And isn't that horrible? Isn't that... Office mates. That's the thing you have a problem with, isn't it? Well, I think that's why you keep me down here. But I have been known to have a tough working environment relationship before. Which is not good. Do you recognize that is not good?

I don't necessarily care. Yeah. Because... You see those studies about how hard it is to train a new employee though, and how much money you lose? Well, that's like the whole Zappos thing, right? They go through the whole first two weeks of training and then tell them, "We will give you a $2,000 check to leave." Yeah.

If this isn't for you, take the two grand and run. Because it's more expensive for us to keep you around than it is just to cut your check rent. They say that the US is not the only country monopolizing this stat, that the people don't know how to interface with other people.

Across the Atlantic, a study by Development Economics Research Group last year estimated that by 2025, the shortage of soft skills in the UK alone could cost as much as $22 billion a year in foregone economic output. Just because people don't know how to communicate with each other and get the job done right the first time.

We've talked about this. Imagine if you could do it with Emojicons. Emoticons? Emojicons? What are they called? Just completely... Anger face, anger face, lightning bolt. That means get your act together. That means we need you to be more productive. That commercial with Mike Krzyzewski from Duke, where he texts his former player and his player's like, "What?" Because he texted him like an Emojicon.

What are they called? Modicons or Emojicons? I think it's a Modicon. Modicon. Okay. So he texts him an Emoticon and it doesn't represent anything. He just thinks it does. So then the next commercial, he's watching with his kids and he says, "Hey, great shot. Way to go to the hoop.

I'm cheering for you. Keep going." His kids are like, "Basketball, basketball. Clap, clap. You know, 100, 100. Yay." And he's like, "What do you say back?" He goes, "Thanks, coach." You know, or whatever. They're all just communicating in this weird language. That's what we need as a 14 year old to translate this whole show.

Maybe transcribe the show into all Emoticons. Angry face, angry face, lightning bolt. That's the whole show. There you've got the Stacky Benjamin show right there. You never need to listen again. That's all we do here. But please listen again. But soft skills. Please clap. It says we know how to teach soft skills.

Soft skills come from experience, not abstract learning. You have to be engaged with other people. It's called empathy, right? You have to have communication with other people so you can decide what's appropriate to say and not say. That's why when I see kids buried with their faces in their iPads and not talking to anybody, this is what they're talking about right here.

It's so interesting when you look at all of these platforms we have, right? These social platforms we have to talk to each other and we've forgotten how to talk to each other. Not good. We'll link to that on our show notes at Second article today comes to us from, the National Association of Plant Advisors, people that handle things like 401ks.

This headline, health savings accounts surged last year in 2015. Assets and health savings accounts, HSAs, totaled more than $30 billion in assets at year-end 2015. Ready for this? It's a year-over-year increase of 25% for HSA assets and HSA investment assets increased even more. HSA investment assets reaching an estimated $4.2 billion in December, up 33% year-over-year.

That's amazing. Well, HSAs are the wave of the future, right? Everybody's going to these high deductible plans and putting more of the cost of standard care onto the individual. And assuming you're healthy, OG, it's a great way to go. Well, healthy, unhealthy is immaterial because more and more companies are going to these plans exclusively, you know, just to help mitigate the rising cost of healthcare.

They say that with retirement security of growing concern and paying healthcare expenses in retirement is of course a large part of that concern. HSAs offer account owners a number of advantages, including contributions, reduced taxable income because your money goes in pre-tax, earnings on the account build up tax-free, distributions for qualified expenses from the account are not subject to taxation.

According to recent Fidelity study, a couple aged 65 today needs a quarter million dollars set aside just for healthcare costs. So when you look at your investment portfolio or you look at your retirement accounts, take 250,000 of that and say, this is my healthcare account. And then the rest you can live on.

I think that's really shocking to people. HSAs are a popular option that you can consider, especially if you start early, whereby you might be able to accumulate some of that, or if not all of that, quote unquote, need for retirement. Big sums of money. A lot of tax-free money there, OG.

Good stuff. We'll link to that also in the show notes. So our lessons, number one, be nice to your neighbors, OG. Be nice to people. Practice what mom preaches. Empathy. Empathy goes everywhere. Learn to deal with people around you. Far more, well, not far more important, but equally as important as the technical aspects that we talk about on this show, learn to deal with other people and you'll get further ahead in the office.

And those 44% of people that don't want to hire people will want to hire you. So that's, you want to get a leg up in the workforce, learn communication skills. And then number two, HSA, it's not just for lunch anymore. Yeah, that probably didn't make sense. It doesn't make sense to me, but rarely do things make sense to me.

Just trying to put a slogan on these, you know, all the popular shows have slogans these days. I got you. So yeah, the segment brought to you by, right. Hey, guess what? Joshua, Joshua Sheets, radical personal finance. We've been talking to Joshua about coming on this show forever. And finally, Joshua is finally, he was bored enough, ran out of everything else to do.

Of course, the show radical personal finance, Joshua and I joke that we are the yin and yang and the personal finance shows where our show is magazine style, lots and lots of different topics. So Joshua dives deep into one topic while on most of his shows, he has more letters behind his name.

So Joshua, ready? MSFS, CFP, CLU, CHFC, CASL, CAP, RHU, REBC. What the heck is an REBC? Nope, don't know. BMOC? That's the one I have. He's a financial planner of the world's leading authority. The world's leading authority. The world's leading authority. Integrating lifestyle goals without conflict. Love talking to Joshua.

And of course, he always has a strong opinion. Let's talk to him about his opinion on becoming Dave Ramsey. How about that? Cool, let's do it. Joshua Sheets, the world's leading authority. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.

I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.

I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey.

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