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The Media is Not Doing its Job

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00:00:00.000 | Did you guys see this clip, by the way, six minutes of 100 spokespeople and proxies. And
00:00:06.480 | they all had the same thing to say about President Biden, which is he is sharp as a tack sharp as a
00:00:10.880 | tack, which end of attack the round part. This is a man who is sharp. This is a very sharp president.
00:00:17.600 | And the people that I've talked to say he's sharp as a tack. He's fine. They say he's
00:00:22.880 | sharp. He was sharp. He's sharp as a tack. If I asked 100 people on the street,
00:00:28.560 | what do you think of Elon Musk, you'd have 100 different statements, there'd be a general theme.
00:00:33.360 | But you would not have even 50 people repeat the exact same words. And so you have this funny
00:00:39.680 | situation where 100 different people were basically saying the exact same talking point.
00:00:43.920 | So it's not even a point of view. It was just something that they were told to say by somebody
00:00:48.800 | else. And that to your point, sacks is the real issue, which is that you don't really
00:00:52.240 | have an honest media here. And so there is no check and balance on power right now.