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The Media is Not Doing its Job


Did you guys see this clip, by the way, six minutes of 100 spokespeople and proxies. And they all had the same thing to say about President Biden, which is he is sharp as a tack sharp as a tack, which end of attack the round part. This is a man who is sharp.

This is a very sharp president. And the people that I've talked to say he's sharp as a tack. He's fine. They say he's sharp. He was sharp. He's sharp as a tack. If I asked 100 people on the street, what do you think of Elon Musk, you'd have 100 different statements, there'd be a general theme.

But you would not have even 50 people repeat the exact same words. And so you have this funny situation where 100 different people were basically saying the exact same talking point. So it's not even a point of view. It was just something that they were told to say by somebody else.

And that to your point, sacks is the real issue, which is that you don't really have an honest media here. And so there is no check and balance on power right now.