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Judea Pearl: Free Will is an Illusion | AI Podcast Clips

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | - What about free will?
00:00:03.360 | - Free will is also a nice exercise.
00:00:07.400 | Free will is an illusion that we AI people are gonna solve.
00:00:12.400 | - So what do you think, once we solve it,
00:00:16.280 | that solution will look like?
00:00:17.840 | Once we put it in the page.
00:00:18.680 | - The solution will look like,
00:00:20.720 | first of all it will look like a machine.
00:00:23.400 | A machine that act as though it has free will.
00:00:27.040 | It communicates with other machines
00:00:29.240 | as though they have free will.
00:00:31.640 | And you wouldn't be able to tell the difference
00:00:33.960 | between a machine that does
00:00:36.040 | and a machine that doesn't have free will.
00:00:38.080 | - So the illusion, it propagates the illusion of free will
00:00:41.960 | amongst the other machines.
00:00:43.440 | - And faking it is having it.
00:00:46.320 | Okay, that's what Turing tests are about.
00:00:49.600 | Faking intelligence is intelligent
00:00:51.640 | because it's not easy to fake.
00:00:55.560 | It's very hard to fake.
00:00:57.720 | And you can only fake if you have it.
00:00:59.560 | (laughing)
00:01:03.080 | - That's such a beautiful statement.
00:01:05.200 | (laughing)
00:01:08.440 | Yeah, you can't fake it if you don't have it.
00:01:12.960 | (laughing)
00:01:15.200 | (upbeat music)
00:01:17.800 | (upbeat music)
00:01:20.400 | (upbeat music)
00:01:23.000 | (upbeat music)
00:01:25.600 | (upbeat music)
00:01:28.200 | (upbeat music)
00:01:30.800 | [BLANK_AUDIO]