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Judea Pearl: Free Will is an Illusion | AI Podcast Clips


- What about free will? - Free will is also a nice exercise. Free will is an illusion that we AI people are gonna solve. - So what do you think, once we solve it, that solution will look like? Once we put it in the page. - The solution will look like, first of all it will look like a machine.

A machine that act as though it has free will. It communicates with other machines as though they have free will. And you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a machine that does and a machine that doesn't have free will. - So the illusion, it propagates the illusion of free will amongst the other machines.

- And faking it is having it. Okay, that's what Turing tests are about. Faking intelligence is intelligent because it's not easy to fake. It's very hard to fake. And you can only fake if you have it. (laughing) - That's such a beautiful statement. (laughing) Yeah, you can't fake it if you don't have it.

(laughing) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)