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E23: Radical DAs, breaking down FB/Google vs. Australia, sustained fear post-vaccine & fan questions


0:0 Reflecting on the controversial Robinhood interview, iterating on the show format, getting back to basics
10:52 Chesa Boudin cancelled on us, radical DAs & local prosecution in SF & LA, why criminal justice reform resonates
34:44 Breaking down the Facebook/Google situation in Australia, understanding fair use, potential saving grace for traditional media?
47:26 Vaccine update, conditioned fear sustaining post-vaccine
58:58 Fan Q&A: what the besties are investing in over the next decade, bestie anti-portfolio, biggest current portfolio risks, what would you teach every 12-year old

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | jay cal are you gonna do your trump impression we're gonna do your your okay yeah everybody
00:00:04.800 | i'm getting my twitter no give him derangement syndrome right before we start the pod i want
00:00:09.200 | to warm him up ted cruz this doesn't warm him up it gets him deranged get your show notes up
00:00:14.000 | let your winners ride brain man david sass
00:00:20.320 | and instead we open source it to the fans and they've just gone crazy
00:00:26.800 | hey everybody hey everybody welcome to another all in podcast with me today of course the
00:00:40.480 | dictator chamath palihapitiya the queen of kin wa david friedberg and of course yeah definitely
00:00:49.760 | the rain man is here david sachs he's an excellent driver in the driveway yeah okay boys uh
00:00:57.600 | i guess we made it to episode 22. your intro becomes one second longer for every episode we do
00:01:03.040 | it's just so people love it and people so laborious you know they don't they think it's so stupid i am
00:01:09.360 | you have to understand persuasion what i'm doing is i do the same intro and it works okay we're
00:01:14.400 | still we're still talking about the intro okay let's just see everybody's obsessed about it you
00:01:18.880 | proved my point all right guys are we gonna dress elephant in the room the elephant in the room or
00:01:25.360 | do we just move on to topics i will say elephant in the room after the last show um i fought very
00:01:33.760 | hard with the three of you to not post that episode you wanted to can't you want to spike
00:01:38.800 | the episode i wanted to spike the episode and i'll tell you why um i thought it was not good content
00:01:44.560 | i don't think vlad said anything new or remarkable or interesting i don't think we had good analysis
00:01:48.960 | and i think the whole thing kind of felt flat and felt like a pr stunt and i felt that truly and
00:01:53.440 | honestly and i you know i made the case to you guys that we should cancel um obviously i lost
00:01:59.280 | uh and i think going forward we should have a veto right but you know we can talk about that offline
00:02:03.840 | did you quit the show or did you threaten to quit the show i threatened
00:02:07.280 | i'm gonna after this i'm gonna propose to you my rules my ground rules for for going forward
00:02:14.000 | one of which i think should be no more pr from jason's portfolio but um you know besides
00:02:20.240 | that i think i might be i think i hear a bestie guestie is that calm
00:02:23.360 | calm calm at the door
00:02:24.320 | and i i don't think that we're journalists by the way i don't i don't think that the journalism
00:02:32.160 | thing works for us i think we're like analysts and commentators and you know we have opinions
00:02:36.400 | and so to bring someone on and try and interview them with a four-on-one format it just feels weird
00:02:40.720 | it doesn't seem to work it doesn't create an opportunity for discourse and frankly you know
00:02:46.240 | um when you try and do journalism in this context you either appear like you're softballing or you
00:02:51.600 | appear like you're doing gotcha journalism
00:02:53.360 | and i think both are bad and so i think it works really well when the four of us just kind of chat
00:02:58.400 | and analyze and shoot the and have opinions and talk and debate um and so my vote is to
00:03:04.160 | kind of avoid doing bestie guesties unless you know it's something pretty amazing and critical
00:03:08.800 | and we can all kind of build a dialogue with that person around a topic but um yeah so that's kind
00:03:14.160 | of my where i'm sitting and and how i feel about it but we've had a lot of debates obviously since
00:03:19.280 | since the last episode about it can i can i build on what you're saying
00:03:23.520 | um you know this is like kind of like that really uh famous teddy roosevelt quote about sort of like
00:03:29.360 | the man in the arena with the dust on his face right um i feel like all four of us are in the
00:03:34.640 | grind doing things and i think what makes the podcast good is it's almost like there's like
00:03:40.720 | you know in a basketball game of four quarters there's a time out and you come off the floor
00:03:45.360 | and you can actually just take a second to observe what you're seeing
00:03:48.960 | and then the ref blows the whistle and you go back into the game and i think
00:03:52.640 | for me what makes this thing so fun is i feel like every friday for these two hours you know
00:03:59.840 | it's basically the ref calls a timeout or the coach calls a timeout and we can just kind of
00:04:03.360 | take a breath and just observe all right what's happened before we get back in the arena and so
00:04:09.120 | you know just to your point um i don't think we're journalists and i don't think we should
00:04:13.440 | try to be because i don't think that's the point of what this is it should be four friends talking
00:04:17.360 | about things that are important and then to the extent that it's important and interesting for
00:04:20.960 | other people they'll listen or not listen to what you're saying and then you can just kind of go back
00:04:21.440 | and do what you're saying and then you can just kind of go back and do what you're saying and then you
00:04:21.440 | can just kind of go back and do what you're saying and then you can just kind of go back and do what you're saying
00:04:21.440 | and then you can just kind of go back and do what you're saying and then you can just kind of go back
00:04:21.600 | and do what you're saying and then you can just kind of go back and do what you're saying and then
00:04:21.920 | they'll listen or not listen and i think these last few weeks we got caught up a little too much
00:04:25.920 | and you know ratings where is it ranking how can we go higher and it's that the gamification of
00:04:31.680 | people's reactions that i think caused us you know to do that um whereas the episode before
00:04:38.240 | i actually kind of liked because draymond is legitimately one of our really good friends
00:04:42.480 | you know we see him we see him we see him many many times obviously less during basketball
00:04:47.520 | season but a ton when he's outside we play poker together we all hang out together
00:04:52.240 | So that to me I think is sort of inbounds. Last week, I think we were all supposed to be on point,
00:05:00.880 | I'll just tell you personally for me, I had an extremely crushing two weeks of work. I was
00:05:06.800 | extremely tired. I ended up literally unplugging and not doing anything for three days straight
00:05:11.920 | and sleeping. I didn't even do my best even just to be either supportive or argumentative with
00:05:19.600 | Vlad. So I don't think I got anything out of it myself. Okay, coming around the horn sacks,
00:05:23.840 | how do you feel that episode stands on its own? Obviously, it's very polarizing. We got
00:05:28.960 | barbecued in the comments, we got barbecued on Reddit, we got barbecued on social media,
00:05:33.200 | but then there were a large number of people who said they really liked it. My mom,
00:05:36.880 | Robin Hood PR, my portfolio manager. I mean, there were people who liked it.
00:05:45.360 | Sequoia, I thought it was excellent.
00:05:47.040 | Right.
00:05:47.920 | There's 12 people.
00:05:49.440 | Yeah.
00:05:49.440 | Yeah.
00:05:49.540 | Yeah.
00:05:49.580 | Yeah.
00:05:49.700 | Yeah.
00:05:49.740 | Yeah.
00:05:49.760 | In the lunch.
00:05:50.700 | Yeah.
00:05:51.200 | But give us your candid assessment, because you weren't as hard as these other two on it.
00:05:56.120 | Yeah, I wasn't as hard as these other two. And I do feel like that if they felt that we were soft
00:06:02.440 | on Vlad, then they should have brought it harder. And they should have gone after Vlad and challenged
00:06:07.280 | him more. That being said, I completely understand and agree with what Freiburg is saying that, look,
00:06:13.720 | we're not journalists, we're not playing a game of gotcha. It's not our job to go after Vlad,
00:06:19.520 | I think a lot of the comments on Twitter, that's what they wanted us to do. But that's not who we are.
00:06:26.020 | You know,
00:06:26.560 | It's difficult for business too, Sax. I mean, if you're attacking Vlad,
00:06:31.340 | and then the next day, we have to go into supporting founder mode. It's kind of a bad look,
00:06:36.460 | isn't it?
00:06:36.840 | Yeah, I mean, it's not what we do, right? I mean, we are, like Jamal was saying, we are in the arena,
00:06:43.380 | we're doing things, we're not critics sitting on the sidelines, pointing out, you know, what the
00:06:48.900 | doers have done. You know, we're not critics, we're not critics, we're not critics, we're not
00:06:49.500 | deeds did wrong, you know, and so it's not our job to run an
00:06:53.940 | Inquisition on on Vlad, you know, and so we're not really
00:06:57.960 | equipped to do that. I think I think freeburg is right that it
00:07:01.800 | doesn't really make sense to have guests on the show if the
00:07:05.100 | job is to, you know, to get to the bottom of something as
00:07:08.780 | investigators, you know, we're not we're not investigators.
00:07:11.460 | It was, you know, a big story, just to sort of put a cap in it
00:07:17.160 | from my perspective. You know, I'm always supportive of my
00:07:20.480 | guys, I try to be supportive of whoever I invest in, and I try
00:07:23.420 | to give them the benefit of the doubt. And this is a situation
00:07:25.440 | where, you know, people are upset, there were mistakes that
00:07:28.380 | were made. And so I think anything other than demolishing
00:07:32.520 | Vlad is considered by some constituency as a failure,
00:07:36.820 | right? And so what are we supposed to do here? I can't be
00:07:39.240 | trashing my own company that I'm an investor in and a supporter
00:07:42.240 | of and founders who I believe in it just would.
00:07:44.420 | Well, I think there was a moment, there was a moment
00:07:47.140 | in the pod, Jason, where I think actually, so on the whole, I
00:07:52.060 | thought Vlad did it did a good job in accomplishing his
00:07:54.880 | objective on our pod, which was the same objective he had in
00:07:58.200 | front of Congress, which was basically to run out the clock
00:08:01.580 | without saying very much, you know, and, you know, he
00:08:04.720 | actually, whoever prepped him for Congress did a pretty good
00:08:07.480 | job, because he testified for five hours, and said nothing
00:08:10.200 | quotable, you know, which which is pretty much kind of the goal
00:08:13.800 | in that situation. It's kind of the goal for your head down.
00:08:17.120 | Yeah, exactly. So but there was a moment in the pod last week
00:08:20.960 | where I think Vlad got himself in a little bit of trouble.
00:08:23.300 | Freeberg did ask actually a pretty tough question about the
00:08:26.240 | guy in the street who who had lost all of his life savings.
00:08:29.060 | How would Vlad respond to that? He made this claim? Well, I saved
00:08:32.420 | that person money because I shut down trading at the high. And
00:08:36.300 | then we pointed out No, I mean, it was a high because you shut
00:08:39.860 | down trading, you have the causation backwards. And then
00:08:43.640 | you you ran and said, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you know,
00:08:47.100 | you're not going to get paid for this. And then you're like,
00:08:49.200 | well, my guy was on the floor, I gotta pick him up. What are you
00:08:52.320 | talking about? I call the timeout. I got in there. But
00:08:54.420 | let's Yeah, exactly. Yeah. All right, let's move on. Let's do
00:08:57.240 | we talk about the insanely high profile guest that was planned
00:09:01.860 | for March 5, that just canceled on? No, we should we should
00:09:05.040 | talk to we put it on the table. Because I you know, this is the
00:09:07.620 | other thing about protocol, just say Freeberg is, if we have a
00:09:10.620 | guest on, you cannot just spike the guest if they took the time
00:09:14.280 | to be on that was my unless you tell them before they come on, I
00:09:17.080 | think it doesn't code if we don't like it. Yeah, I think they
00:09:20.640 | get that right. None of us do this for a profession. None of us
00:09:22.980 | are getting paid. We don't have any advertisers like, I
00:09:26.200 | completely agree. We're not here to get a PR machine for people.
00:09:29.380 | I mean, Vlad had his friggin PR woman sitting on the zoom call
00:09:32.380 | while we were doing it last week. You know, I like I just don't
00:09:34.860 | think that's a little inside baseball that got interesting. I
00:09:36.960 | think explain what happened when Well, no, we don't have to go
00:09:39.940 | there, Jason. I just think I just think what Freeberg says is
00:09:42.360 | right. Like, we we do this, we don't make any money from it. We
00:09:46.400 | do it because we like it.
00:09:47.060 | We like to talk we I think we all learn from it. I think other
00:09:50.420 | folks enjoy it. They learn from it. But I do think that
00:09:52.820 | Freeberg's right. We're not going to be used as a show. I
00:09:55.640 | think we're learning as this goes. I think we're learning
00:09:58.640 | what the ground rules should be just like any other business.
00:10:01.180 | Vlad's made mistakes, he's going to change. We've made some
00:10:04.160 | mistakes and we're iterating and I think one positive iteration
00:10:07.300 | that Freeberg has proposed is if any one of us don't like an
00:10:10.300 | episode because we think it's basically moving away from our
00:10:12.800 | values, we should be able to spike it and I support that.
00:10:15.380 | I support it.
00:10:17.040 | Generally, but I don't like the idea of inviting a guest on and
00:10:20.500 | then it doesn't go well. And then telling, you know, from our
00:10:23.460 | perspective, it makes us look bad. And then we tell the
00:10:26.700 | guests, well, you came out good, and we came out down, therefore
00:10:29.280 | we're killing.
00:10:29.820 | No, no, I don't think that's the point. I think what Freeberg
00:10:32.160 | says is like, look, this is not for to be a marketing thing. And
00:10:35.820 | so we're going to ask things that are exposed that are about
00:10:38.980 | having a real conversation, where there's real honesty. And
00:10:42.980 | if you're going to just be there and bat around as SAC said to
00:10:45.960 | run the clock out,
00:10:47.020 | then we're just going to spike.
00:10:48.400 | Fair enough. Fair enough. I think that's communicated ahead.
00:10:51.400 | I'm okay.
00:10:51.780 | By the way, come with your a game. And this is a great segue
00:10:54.640 | to talk about what actually we were a person that was going to
00:10:57.820 | come on and realize that they probably were going to get so
00:11:00.760 | pilloried that they basically spike themselves is yeah, they
00:11:06.460 | opted out Chesa Boudin, the district attorney of San
00:11:09.220 | Francisco. Tell tell the guys what happened sex.
00:11:11.620 | Well, no, we invited him to come on the podcast.
00:11:14.140 | No, no, we didn't invite him to come. He
00:11:17.000 | was an intermediary said that she could get him on the pod. Would we like to have him on the pod?
00:11:22.220 | We said, we discussed it. We said, sure, have Chesa Boudin on and then go from there. Sex. We
00:11:27.080 | didn't like seek him out. He was well, okay. So he he great. So he but he agreed to be on the show.
00:11:33.200 | And then you are scheduler got an email out of the blue, like a day or two ago saying, sorry,
00:11:38.660 | he's not coming on the show. No explanation. Right? And that what happened?
00:11:42.500 | Yeah, that's basically it.
00:11:43.760 | I mean, so look, here's what I would say is, um,
00:11:46.980 | Chesa, Mr. District Attorney, you don't have to come on the show,
00:11:50.760 | but I will challenge you to a debate. Anytime, any place, any format on your policies in San Francisco.
00:11:58.440 | So if you have, if you have the huevos to engage in a debate, I am ready.
00:12:06.360 | And I thought Chesa was a guy who had a little bit of courage. I mean, there was that night when
00:12:11.160 | people were discussing the situation in San Francisco and on clubhouse and he jumped into the
00:12:16.260 | room. So he was like, I'm going to go to the clubhouse. I'm going to go to the clubhouse. I'm
00:12:16.960 | going to go to the clubhouse. I'm going to go to the clubhouse. So I thought this was a guy who had
00:12:19.180 | some cojones. So Chesa, if you have, if you have the chutzpah, if you have the cojones,
00:12:24.400 | if you have the huevos, let's debate, let's talk about your policies. And by the way,
00:12:31.600 | he's an expert. This is what he does. You know, for a living. Isn't he a defense attorney,
00:12:37.960 | Sachs? You're going to have a, he was a public defender. He should,
00:12:41.260 | he should mop the floor with me. I'm just some shallow tech bro. Yeah. Tech bro.
00:12:46.940 | Tech bro. Who doesn't know anything who he can easily demonize. So I would say, come on,
00:12:51.920 | let's go. Let's do a debate. I'll agree to whatever format you want, but we need to talk
00:12:57.140 | about what's happening in San Francisco because crime is out of control and it's his fault.
00:13:01.880 | Trigger the young Spielberg Rain Man song right about.
00:13:04.820 | Here we go. Drop it. Boom.
00:13:06.560 | Baby I'm the rain man.
00:13:08.480 | With me cackling in my mind.
00:13:10.940 | Should we talk about it? Let's talk about it. We should talk about what's happening in San
00:13:16.920 | Francisco. Okay. So since, since the last pod there, there has been another victim.
00:13:22.680 | Sheria Mas, Mas Yoka, who was a young, young man from, from originally from Kenya, who he came to
00:13:30.840 | the United States for college, just like Hannah Abay who was killed on New Year's Eve. He went
00:13:37.500 | to Dartmouth. All of his advisors said he was brilliant. He had a young wife and a three-year
00:13:41.640 | old baby. He was in San Francisco for 10 days, goes out running and gets.
00:13:46.900 | Hit gets, gets killed by another drugged out hit and run driver who had been named let's
00:13:54.940 | say, I think it was Jerry, Jerry Oli Adams or something like that. I don't have the,
00:14:00.940 | the guy's name, but he was arrested four or five times in the last year. And he was released
00:14:06.800 | every single time by Buden's office. It's, it's just like the New Year's Eve story where
00:14:12.100 | you had this repeat offender, Troy McAllister hit, you know, his wife, his wife, his wife,
00:14:16.880 | you know, he was, he had stolen a, a car. He was fleeing another crime he had committed. He was
00:14:21.620 | on drugs and he killed Hannah Abay and Elizabeth Platt. And this was, this was another case where
00:14:28.100 | he was caught five times over the past year. And every single time he was not charged by
00:14:33.140 | boot and he was just let go. And so we have this case, we have a, a district attorney who
00:14:37.640 | doesn't wanna prosecute people. His agenda is decarceration. It's like a fire chief who
00:14:42.440 | doesn't believe in using water. Yes. And, and.
00:14:45.320 | Bur he, he is part of the.
00:14:46.860 | all down party yeah let me challenge you with the argument he might make which i think i've
00:14:51.900 | heard him make a few times um which is really um a position on the criminal justice system
00:14:58.700 | not necessarily on local prosecution but really what he says is once um you know once someone
00:15:07.020 | ends up in the criminal justice system in the united states it causes this cycle of
00:15:11.740 | recurrence and the cycle of repeat that is very difficult to get out it basically minimizes the
00:15:16.540 | opportunity for reform uh for an individual for a criminal to reform themselves and to have a shot
00:15:22.620 | at being a successful member of society again in the future and the objective is find other ways to
00:15:29.500 | to kind of accelerate reform and not use incarceration as the only tool in the toolbox
00:15:35.100 | what is um you know what is the the argument back to him when he makes that point because i've heard
00:15:40.620 | him make that point a number of times and how do you kind of move past that uh that point with him
00:15:44.860 | yeah so so
00:15:46.220 | i'm not saying that incarceration is the only answer but buden's only answer is decarceration
00:15:52.140 | he doesn't want to prosecute anyone he doesn't want to lock anybody up and we see the results
00:15:56.940 | immediately in this community you have these repeat offenders now killing people they should
00:16:02.620 | have been locked up um it's you know buden's always putting forth these elaborate theories
00:16:09.580 | this is you know the the central chronicle an article about it about why these crimes are
00:16:13.900 | occurring and why they're happening and so i think that's a really important point and i'm going to
00:16:15.900 | occur and he never wants to put the fault on the people who are actually perpetrating the crimes
00:16:19.900 | as always economic desperation he just put it forward a theory that a decline in tourism
00:16:25.260 | is causing uh people to commit more uh home invasions you know he he never wants yes this
00:16:31.340 | was in the service school chronicle article here i'll put it up on the screen i mean the other
00:16:35.100 | thing you left out david i'll say is and this was really you know hits home to anybody with kids
00:16:41.020 | is a food driver for doordash not that it matters which service but was in san francisco's pacific
00:16:47.500 | heights neighborhood which is the safest and most elite neighborhood uh in it's you know the beverly
00:16:53.900 | hills or bel air of san francisco um and his car was carjacked with his four-year-old daughter and
00:17:01.180 | two-year-old boy inside now of course you should not be leaving two kids in the car putting that
00:17:05.900 | aside that mistake which i'm sure this father is suffering over but
00:17:10.700 | he's not going to be able to get out of the car and he's not going to be able to get out of the car
00:17:12.380 | but he needed to make deliveries obviously he made a mistake leaving the kids in the car
00:17:15.980 | but the we all got an amber alert last week on our phones i mean this is the law level of lawlessness
00:17:22.780 | it's turned into escape from new york level gotham city level chaos and the criminals know
00:17:29.900 | they will not be prosecuted and this is the key criminal justice problem here if you say
00:17:35.340 | you are not going to prosecute crime and you demonstrate to the hardest core faction of
00:17:40.700 | the criminal justice system that you are not going to prosecute they're going to take advantage of
00:17:44.300 | that weakness and and that's what's happening let me take the counterpoint just for a second
00:17:49.180 | just so we can construct what the other side of the argument looks like the other side of the
00:17:53.660 | argument says okay these folks are largely you know engaged in an enormous amount of petty crime
00:17:59.660 | to support their drug habit right i think that's probably the and that you know underneath that
00:18:05.180 | is just an explosion uh of opioids and fentanyl and whatnot
00:18:08.940 | underneath that is sort of economic and social violence and i think that's probably the most important thing
00:18:08.940 | that's happening right now is that you know the drug habit is going to be a huge problem for the people
00:18:08.940 | that is sort of economic uncertainty that's been compounding and just basically cresting over
00:18:14.220 | um and so folks would say okay these guys are a victim of a much broader economic malaise that
00:18:21.500 | needs to get fixed i'm just i'm just you know you're shaking your head jason but i'm just saying
00:18:24.620 | i think that that's where the trail of breadcrumbs grows in the counter in the counter in the in the
00:18:28.540 | counter argument so well these are these are the types of arguments that jason makes in order to
00:18:35.580 | um obfuscate and disguise that
00:18:38.940 | his real agenda is basically radical
00:18:41.820 | his real agenda is basically radical
00:18:41.820 | his real agenda is basically radical decarceration you know he's got this this
00:18:44.060 | decarceration you know he's got this this
00:18:44.060 | decarceration you know he's got this this childhood background where his parents
00:18:46.540 | childhood background where his parents
00:18:46.540 | childhood background where his parents went to jail when he was just a baby and
00:18:48.540 | went to jail when he was just a baby and
00:18:48.540 | went to jail when he was just a baby and he grew up he says his earliest memories
00:18:50.700 | he grew up he says his earliest memories
00:18:50.700 | he grew up he says his earliest memories are visiting his parents in jail and it
00:18:52.620 | are visiting his parents in jail and it
00:18:52.620 | are visiting his parents in jail and it profoundly affected his political views
00:18:55.020 | profoundly affected his political views
00:18:55.020 | profoundly affected his political views and now we have to suffer through this
00:18:56.780 | and now we have to suffer through this
00:18:56.780 | and now we have to suffer through this we're suffering for his childhood trauma
00:18:59.340 | we're suffering for his childhood trauma
00:18:59.340 | we're suffering for his childhood trauma here's his childhood trauma and so so
00:19:01.500 | here's his childhood trauma and so so
00:19:01.500 | here's his childhood trauma and so so tramath you're right about deeper causes
00:19:03.980 | tramath you're right about deeper causes
00:19:03.980 | tramath you're right about deeper causes but it doesn't
00:19:05.260 | but it doesn't
00:19:05.260 | but it doesn't excuse the need to
00:19:07.660 | excuse the need to
00:19:07.660 | excuse the need to lock people up when they are dangerous
00:19:09.260 | lock people up when they are dangerous
00:19:09.260 | lock people up when they are dangerous to the community and it's not just petty
00:19:11.740 | to the community and it's not just petty
00:19:11.740 | to the community and it's not just petty crime i mean let's go through that the
00:19:13.420 | crime i mean let's go through that the
00:19:13.420 | crime i mean let's go through that the actions he's taken as da okay so first
00:19:16.380 | actions he's taken as da okay so first
00:19:16.400 | actions he's taken as da okay so first week on the job just about he abolished
00:19:18.540 | week on the job just about he abolished
00:19:18.560 | week on the job just about he abolished the whole cash bail system okay which
00:19:21.180 | the whole cash bail system okay which
00:19:21.200 | the whole cash bail system okay which voters in november
00:19:23.100 | voters in november
00:19:23.120 | voters in november just voted uh in with prop 25 to affirm
00:19:26.620 | just voted uh in with prop 25 to affirm
00:19:26.640 | just voted uh in with prop 25 to affirm so voters of california want the cash
00:19:29.180 | so voters of california want the cash
00:19:29.200 | so voters of california want the cash bail system because it keeps criminals
00:19:31.100 | bail system because it keeps criminals
00:19:31.120 | bail system because it keeps criminals locked up what chase has said is that he
00:19:32.940 | locked up what chase has said is that he
00:19:32.960 | locked up what chase has said is that he would replace cash bail with an algorithm
00:19:35.900 | would replace cash bail with an algorithm
00:19:35.920 | would replace cash bail with an algorithm well what exactly is that algorithm he
00:19:38.060 | well what exactly is that algorithm he
00:19:38.080 | well what exactly is that algorithm he won't explain well he won't submit to
00:19:40.140 | won't explain well he won't submit to
00:19:40.160 | won't explain well he won't submit to third party audit there is no algorithm
00:19:42.140 | third party audit there is no algorithm
00:19:42.160 | third party audit there is no algorithm they're just letting people go okay then
00:19:44.700 | they're just letting people go okay then
00:19:44.720 | they're just letting people go okay then the next thing he did was fire seven
00:19:46.860 | the next thing he did was fire seven
00:19:46.880 | the next thing he did was fire seven veteran prosecutors in the da's office
00:19:50.060 | veteran prosecutors in the da's office
00:19:50.080 | veteran prosecutors in the da's office who weren't on board with his agenda
00:19:51.740 | who weren't on board with his agenda
00:19:51.760 | who weren't on board with his agenda these are people who have spent their
00:19:53.740 | these are people who have spent their
00:19:53.760 | these are people who have spent their whole lives prosecuting murders rapes i
00:19:57.020 | whole lives prosecuting murders rapes i
00:19:57.040 | whole lives prosecuting murders rapes i mean hardcore crime and it takes years
00:19:59.420 | mean hardcore crime and it takes years
00:19:59.440 | mean hardcore crime and it takes years of experience to learn how to be a
00:20:01.500 | of experience to learn how to be a
00:20:01.520 | of experience to learn how to be a prosecutor like that so for him to just
00:20:04.140 | prosecutor like that so for him to just
00:20:04.160 | prosecutor like that so for him to just purge this office of these veteran
00:20:06.540 | purge this office of these veteran
00:20:06.560 | purge this office of these veteran prosecutors is a disaster for the city
00:20:09.100 | prosecutors is a disaster for the city
00:20:09.120 | prosecutors is a disaster for the city i've been talking to people
00:20:11.180 | i've been talking to people
00:20:11.200 | i've been talking to people who used to work in the da's office and
00:20:12.780 | who used to work in the da's office and
00:20:12.800 | who used to work in the da's office and they tell me that the problem goes much
00:20:14.620 | they tell me that the problem goes much
00:20:14.640 | they tell me that the problem goes much deeper than that that in addition to
00:20:16.220 | deeper than that that in addition to
00:20:16.240 | deeper than that that in addition to these seven veterans he purged
00:20:19.100 | these seven veterans he purged
00:20:19.120 | these seven veterans he purged over 30 prosecutors which is about a
00:20:21.180 | over 30 prosecutors which is about a
00:20:21.200 | over 30 prosecutors which is about a quarter of the whole office have left
00:20:23.260 | quarter of the whole office have left
00:20:23.280 | quarter of the whole office have left under his reign because they don't like
00:20:24.940 | under his reign because they don't like
00:20:24.960 | under his reign because they don't like working for him so you know and he
00:20:27.260 | working for him so you know and he
00:20:27.280 | working for him so you know and he complains about being short-staffed he
00:20:29.260 | says a lot that he can't you know prosecute everyone he needs to prostitute he's so short
00:20:33.020 | staffed the reason he's short staff is no one wants to work for him you know by the way i think
00:20:36.860 | it's worth highlighting this guy was elected right so the the the city uh the voters in the city
00:20:42.060 | in a runoff i understand right he won by something like 2 000 votes it was a tiny tiny number of
00:20:47.260 | votes regardless people voted him in on a platform that he very clearly articulated and is now
00:20:53.180 | realizing in office so there was something about that platform that i think is worth noting
00:20:58.300 | was and is appealing uh and and probably is to a large number of people large differences right and
00:21:05.500 | no the the the part of it that's appealing okay is that is that is that we we do believe that there
00:21:11.580 | are too many people in prison and that a better and a better way to deal with a drug addict who
00:21:17.420 | commits say petty theft is to send them to treatment okay as opposed to putting them
00:21:21.980 | in prison right so i think we can all agree on that but but his agenda is so much more radical
00:21:27.340 | than that he just doesn't want to lock people up take um take troy mcallister okay this is a
00:21:33.340 | dangerous person who uh he was uh he was facing trial for his third strike okay he committed
00:21:40.540 | armed robbery he robbed a store with a gun okay he was facing a third strike for that for that
00:21:47.180 | robbery and one of the first things uh chase did when he came in was basically uh release him for
00:21:52.300 | time served he basically pleaded that down that was someone who's facing a life sentence that is
00:21:56.620 | the reason why hannah abe and elizabeth platt are dead is because he didn't want to prosecute that's
00:22:01.900 | a violent offender i'm not disagreeing by the way i think like what is interesting to me is that so
00:22:07.740 | many people um have an eye on and agree with the notion that criminal justice system needs reform
00:22:14.940 | the problem is realizing that reform with a radical district attorney doesn't really
00:22:20.940 | resolve to a solution it resolves to more problems on a local level here's what's good and even chase
00:22:26.380 | has said this publicly which is like you can't just solve this problem from the da's office it
00:22:30.860 | is a much bigger and broader problem and the radical action he's taking isn't solving any
00:22:35.580 | problems it's creating far more and um i think it is worth noting though that there is should and
00:22:41.500 | likely will be especially with kamala harris uh um as vice president some attempts at reforming on a
00:22:49.100 | federal level um uh you know how how criminals are treated how the system um realizes opportunities
00:22:55.660 | for them to reform and come back into society as productive members but to your point you lose all
00:23:01.420 | sense of safety and security if you try and do it solely on the local level well let me let me ask a
00:23:05.980 | question like look now we have basically political activism and judicial activism on not just the
00:23:11.740 | right right people used to pillory trump for putting in all these you know extremely
00:23:16.220 | conservative judges who felt they were going to just sort of like legislate their own point of view
00:23:21.180 | um you know supreme court nominees who were going to try to overturn roe v wade
00:23:25.420 | uh but it turns out it's happening on the left as well i guess just more at the local level
00:23:30.380 | um how pervasive is this like meaning the issues of san francisco are these are these the same
00:23:35.020 | issues of other cities and towns in america well i mean you've got gascon in l.a who's
00:23:42.300 | running the exact same agenda as chase abudin he's not prosecuting third strikes he was just
00:23:49.500 | sued by an organization of deputy da's and the judge is now requiring him to uphold the law
00:23:55.180 | which is three strikes he will not bring third strike charges on his own he's also this is both
00:24:00.300 | gascon and buddha now have prohibited prosecutors from attending the parole hearings of dangerous
00:24:06.540 | convicts murderers rapists whatever and victims groups are up in arms because they need a
00:24:12.380 | prosecutor to go there and explain to the parole board why this person does not deserve to be
00:24:16.780 | released and so you now have recall movements forming by the way they've also done stuff like
00:24:22.780 | take death penalty off the table they've take taken action
00:24:24.940 | taking gang enhancements off the table they're like voluntarily they're unilaterally disarming
00:24:30.380 | their their their prosecution teams they're taking away weapons at their disposal to lock
00:24:35.100 | people up and this is why you're already seeing recalls forming around gascon in l.a there's now
00:24:40.380 | a recall of uh buddh informing okay david david go back to what freeburg just said
00:24:44.860 | they're probably not doing a bait and switch on their platform so let's just like
00:24:49.980 | what do you think it is about what they are saying that resonates
00:24:54.700 | with the plurality of people yeah here's the thing that resonates um and it's not that
00:25:00.140 | again it goes back to this idea that incarceration is definitely not the only answer this is where i
00:25:05.740 | agree the problem is budin is on the other side of it where decarceration is his only answer right
00:25:11.980 | we need to use uh multiple weapons or tools in our toolkit here so so hold on so for example okay
00:25:18.620 | let's take the let's take the drug addict who commits a petty theft we all agree that the drug
00:25:24.460 | addict is a criminal and we all agree that person should go to treatment not to jail or prison right
00:25:29.180 | a non-violent of course offender okay reason but how are you how are you going to get that person
00:25:33.580 | to go to treatment because right now there is no leverage whatsoever to get that person to go to
00:25:38.060 | treatment because buddhism's not bringing charges he's not prosecuting the choice should be given
00:25:44.060 | to that person listen you can either go to jail or you can go to treatment yeah what's it going to be
00:25:48.460 | now we have all these social services guess what nobody uses them because a hardcore addict is not
00:25:54.140 | going to avail themselves of those services i would make the argument that we have a broader
00:25:59.500 | bigger problem with the criminal justice system as it operates and it is deep and it is complex
00:26:04.300 | and it is friggin awful there's a book from a few years ago that this guy named shane bauer wrote
00:26:09.500 | i'm just trying to remember the name i think it's called american prison
00:26:13.180 | and uh the guy goes undercover and he goes and works in a in a in a in a penitentiary
00:26:18.220 | in louisiana um and he reports on what the conditions are like and these are these these
00:26:22.540 | prisons that are run by private companies that are contracted by the state locally
00:26:25.980 | and what it's like to be an employee at one of these companies and what these employees do
00:26:30.540 | and how the prisoners are treated there is no system for reform once you end up behind bars
00:26:36.060 | in most prisons in the united states and that is um you know he makes the argument others have
00:26:41.260 | made the argument that is a uh has a long history that dates all the way back to slavery in the
00:26:45.900 | united states and in some cases it's just about ineptitude
00:26:47.980 | and in some cases about unions especially in california where we have a huge cost for
00:26:52.940 | for corrections and for the uh the health care and the pensions for corrections officers
00:26:57.580 | um and so there's a lot of complex competing interests in history that relates to why this
00:27:02.620 | criminal justice system doesn't largely work on a moral and ethical basis as we might all kind of
00:27:09.180 | you know wear our hearts and look at like at how things are working and so the problem is
00:27:13.500 | everyone sees this or a lot of people will see this voters will see this system
00:27:17.740 | treating people poorly being inept being corrupt and they want to be racist and they want to fix it
00:27:23.660 | and the way they fix it is they see a guy who shows up and he's like i'm a sledgehammer
00:27:27.580 | and i'm going to fix it i'm going to take care of all these people and the reality is when you try
00:27:31.580 | and take a shotgun and shoot it inside of a room it's going to cause more problems than good and i
00:27:36.300 | think that's really what he is he is a manifestation of the anger of voters and the anger of people
00:27:41.740 | that look at how complex and racist the system is and how difficult it is to resolve these problems
00:27:47.500 | and we're all looking for a simple big hammer answer and he's got the biggest mouth around
00:27:51.420 | and the biggest hammer and that's why people vote for him all right and then we'll wrap it up absent
00:27:56.540 | a few uh words specifically racist if you took that out you could use that entire statement you
00:28:01.340 | said and describe trump as well meaning the left and the right are moving to these polls
00:28:07.420 | where it's all about authoritarian sort of strongmen
00:28:12.060 | at the federal state local level folks to your point david that just want to go and take a sledge
00:28:17.260 | hammer to things and depending on your political beliefs or depending on the biases or depending on
00:28:22.940 | your life lived you're going to gravitate to these two poles and what's crazy is over the
00:28:28.380 | next 20 or 30 years these polarizing figures will become crisper sharper smarter you know
00:28:37.100 | they'll find a way to foment all of all of the support without any of the long tail
00:28:43.100 | shittiness that trump figured out like trump was you know he's like a beta test of an
00:28:47.020 | idea right he was like version 0.1 wait till we see version 1.0 of the american strongman or strong
00:28:54.620 | woman it's really going to be scary well yeah and this is this is a guy who um
00:28:59.740 | was a fan of of hugo chavez long after he revealed himself to be a strongman
00:29:05.660 | intent on ruling for life and so yeah he is very much in that mold he is a sledgehammer
00:29:12.140 | to the system but but look i think and and the problems are big and complicated
00:29:16.780 | but look we all have a role to play the reformers have a role to play public defenders and defense
00:29:22.220 | attorneys have a role to play and the district attorneys and prosecutors have a role to play
00:29:26.700 | and the problem we have right now and the role of the district attorney is to prosecute i don't
00:29:31.260 | think that this by the way sax is a very difficult problem to solve i think there are just so many
00:29:37.100 | misaligned incentives it's very clear that we don't try to reform people when they go to prison
00:29:43.980 | and that there's a weird incentive when it's a for-profit or a for-profit or a for-profit or a
00:29:46.540 | for-profit prison and the customers and the revenue is based on how many people you have in
00:29:50.780 | the prison so if we just get rid of that there's no private prisons where people have an incentive
00:29:56.700 | to keep people in there and then if we made treatment free for everybody and had over
00:30:01.740 | capacity of treatment centers and then we look at the drug schedule and say these are the drugs
00:30:06.540 | that are not co these are the drugs that are not harmful and these are the drugs that are
00:30:10.220 | really really really harmful we're looking at a fentanyl issue like it's a
00:30:16.300 | cannabis issue and that that's drugs you know cannabis versus fentanyl is like a nuclear bomb
00:30:23.740 | versus like a slingshot there's no comparison between these two things right and but here's
00:30:30.380 | the thing no one's going to treatment when they're not forced well of course right but there's no
00:30:35.260 | treatment to go to maybe the wait for treatment is six no no that's not true that's not true
00:30:40.060 | in a lot that's not true we we have a lot of social services that aren't being used there
00:30:43.740 | are there is a lot of treatment available people don't want to go to the drug store and they're
00:30:46.060 | not going to be able to get treatment unless they really want to go to the drug store and they don't
00:30:48.060 | want to do it unless they really have to let me bring it back to where we were before maybe the
00:30:50.060 | right thing is to actually have a bunch of these sledgehammer folks go off for the next 10 or 20
00:30:56.940 | years you know the trumps and the chess of buddhins maybe they're all the same and maybe
00:31:01.020 | what we're all just saying is enough's enough this system doesn't work so let's just tear it down
00:31:06.460 | every single brick of it brick by brick at the local state and federal levels
00:31:10.540 | all i'm saying is um just i just want to get your reaction to that statement guys maybe maybe that's
00:31:15.820 | what people are that that is what budin is doing is he is deconstructing the district attorney's
00:31:20.860 | office from the inside he is destroying it he is not bringing charges against people
00:31:25.420 | he's driving away all the veteran prosecutors but two he's bringing in he's bringing in all
00:31:30.060 | his he's bringing in his own people who all were public defenders and have that mindset
00:31:35.020 | and people are dying look we can see the results right now in the streets innocent people are
00:31:40.380 | dying hannah abe elizabeth platt sharia it's an emergency but to chamath's point is there any
00:31:45.580 | validity sacks or friedberg to the burn it all down cause chaos and then people come in and say
00:31:51.740 | you know what that's not gonna this needs to be fixed let's have a new one discussion will nuance
00:31:55.980 | be added to this discussion sacks we need to improve things incrementally okay you're not
00:32:00.540 | going to make things better by dismantling the whole district attorney's office i mean come on
00:32:05.260 | we need to improve things incrementally yeah i mean look everything looks exponential until
00:32:09.340 | it cycles back so you know you're only going to have so much um evolution to gotham
00:32:15.340 | in san francisco until enough people put their hands in the air and say okay you know time for
00:32:20.700 | a change let's go back and let's start fixing this they are they are saying that that's why
00:32:25.660 | we're having that i mean there's a recall chesa boone movement flexing a muscle and making it
00:32:30.060 | stronger i think you know we're learning a lot about what approaches to criminal justice reform
00:32:34.860 | work and what approaches do not work and it is clear that a local only non-prosecution position
00:32:40.300 | is not going to work with respect to both criminal justice reform and the satisfaction of the society
00:32:45.100 | at large um and we're realizing that and i think we we are inevitably i mean there's so many people
00:32:49.260 | that are up in arms we are inevitably going to cycle back the other way at some point very soon
00:32:53.180 | here yeah and honestly i think you guys are over intellectualizing this a little bit you know when
00:32:58.540 | when sharia uh died because he got hit by by that repeat offender they asked his uh wife
00:33:05.500 | who's responsible for this she said very clearly the d.a that is who's responsible and she's right
00:33:12.940 | let's stop over intellectualizing this i know that's a good thing but i think it's a good thing
00:33:14.860 | to do and i think it's a good thing to do and i think it's a good thing to do and i think it's a
00:33:15.580 | good thing to do and i think it's a good thing to do and i think it's a good thing to do and i think
00:33:16.220 | it's a good thing to do and i think it's a good thing to do and i think it's a good thing to do
00:33:17.340 | frankly people like chesa pray on that because they can kind of obscure what they're doing
00:33:23.660 | with you know some nice sounding obfuscations nice sounding words but the reality is he's not
00:33:29.740 | prosecuting the way he needs to we got to stop this yeah and it is possible to have nuance
00:33:35.660 | and to hold multiple ideas in your head at the same time david you could there's a practical
00:33:39.260 | reality too people cannot murder people people cannot drive in cars and run around the streets
00:33:44.620 | red lights on fentanyl while saying the criminal justice system is incredibly biased and racist and
00:33:50.380 | people who are of color in texas you know wind up in jail for five or ten years for selling a bag of
00:33:56.060 | weed and then we're investing in companies that are making weed gummies or people are buying stock
00:34:02.300 | in weed companies at the same time you can't have one person who's a black teenager in texas going
00:34:08.860 | to jail for decades for doing what somebody in california or seattle or canada is getting an ipo
00:34:14.380 | for i mean this is a fundamental injustice in the world and you're right that's something that chesa
00:34:19.260 | prays on but there must be nuance here where we look at each individual situation say what are
00:34:24.460 | the ways to solve the problem surgically not with a shotgun to david freeburg's point but with maybe
00:34:30.300 | a scalpel and a and a sniper rifle do we want to move on to questions from our audience because
00:34:35.260 | they submitted hundreds of questions or do we want to move on to the australian news
00:34:38.700 | and facebook backing out of publishing news if that's a good thing or a bad thing let's end with
00:34:43.420 | the q a i think you're going to have to do that i think you're going to have to do that i think you're
00:34:44.320 | going to have to do that i think you're going to have to do that i think you're going to have to do that sacks what the is going on with
00:34:46.260 | sacks what the is going on with facebook and australia and climate change and this is
00:34:49.580 | facebook and australia and climate change and this is insanity yeah so i think what's going on in
00:34:52.380 | insanity yeah so i think what's going on in australia is is contemplating a law that would
00:34:55.660 | australia is is contemplating a law that would require facebook and google and i think just those
00:34:58.100 | require facebook and google and i think just those two companies to essentially pay royalties for
00:35:01.580 | hyperlinks to to to news publications and i think this is mostly at the behest of some powerful
00:35:10.020 | uh newspaper magnates down there i think like rupert murdoch and i love the way you say magnates
00:35:15.380 | well they are i mean you know um and so uh it but but this issue is going to be very closely watched
00:35:22.980 | by europe and maybe even the us um it's basically a tran like a a wealth transfer from google and
00:35:30.100 | and facebook to the traditional media and to traditional publishers um this is an issue where
00:35:38.020 | i actually
00:35:38.900 | i actually um side with with zuckerberg and facebook on this i mean i kind of throw up a
00:35:44.660 | little bit in my mouth saying that but um uh but uh no but look tim berners-lee has come out and said
00:35:51.220 | that it could really interfere with the open internet and the worldwide web if you start to tax
00:35:57.700 | hyperlinks i mean historically hyperlinks and the titles on hyperlinks were um were were fair use you
00:36:07.940 | could you could use those things without violating somebody else's copyright or need to pay them a
00:36:12.980 | royalty and so i think that it's it's bizarre to me that that facebook and google wouldn't now be
00:36:18.580 | able to use hyperlinks and i'm kind of worried about where that goes and uh you know well facebook
00:36:25.140 | facebook said that they're not going to publish links now for australian news and then but then
00:36:30.020 | they followed that up with they were also going to start uh dismantling any anti-climate change
00:36:37.060 | content i don't know if that's just just in australia well there's labeling so there's
00:36:40.180 | another thing going on which is they've decided now to label any posts involving climate change
00:36:45.460 | which is part of the whole censorship debate and um and so yeah i mean
00:36:49.860 | well it's separate but related in the sense that the traditional media is cheering on
00:36:55.700 | censorship but then when facebook essentially uh censors these links because they don't want to
00:37:01.380 | pay royalties to traditional media then the traditional media is up in arms and so they're
00:37:05.940 | very selective in how they how they view these issues my principle is very consistent which is
00:37:11.940 | i want an open internet i'm against censorship in all of its forms and i and i you know and
00:37:17.540 | i'm worried that this new australian law could really lead to some lead to an overall reduction
00:37:24.340 | or shutdown
00:37:24.900 | here's what's really i think going on is that with fair use the doctrine of fair use it's a
00:37:30.820 | four-part test uh you're a lawyer obviously you know all this sax but to sort of educate people
00:37:35.140 | in the audience who don't there's no specific uh number of characters no specific percentage of the
00:37:42.020 | original work that you uh can use you to clear yourself of fair use fair use is a test when it
00:37:48.740 | goes before a judge a judge looks at this four-part test the percentage of the work you used is the
00:37:53.460 | public confused you're not going to be able to get a fair use of the original work you're going to be
00:37:53.620 | able to get a fair use of the original work you're going to be able to get a fair use of the original
00:37:53.620 | work you're going to be able to get a fair use of the original work you're going to be able to get a fair
00:37:53.620 | public confused? Is there some educational or criticism version
00:37:58.520 | of it? So if you were to use 10% of this podcast, and you were to
00:38:02.800 | wrap it with, you know, put us in a picture window, and you
00:38:06.440 | were 50% of it, there was no confusion that you were
00:38:08.500 | commenting on this, that would be fair use. Or if you were to
00:38:10.700 | use it in educational system, and if you were monetizing it.
00:38:13.720 | Now, if you were to just clip our pockets, like this one
00:38:17.560 | website, clip the podcast that made 60 clips of it took our
00:38:20.740 | file and I sent them a cease and desist action said, Hey, don't
00:38:23.360 | do this. We're doing it ourselves. They fought us. They
00:38:25.400 | said, we're fans. And I said, I don't care if your fans are not,
00:38:27.400 | you're not linking back, you're not giving us credit. And you're
00:38:30.380 | doing 60 clips. If you want to do one or two clips, and you
00:38:32.680 | want to comment on it, that's fine. But you can't take all 60
00:38:35.780 | clips and make a 60 clip version of this. And so fairness is in
00:38:41.180 | the word fair use. The problem with Zuckerberg and with how
00:38:45.360 | Google has used journalists content is they are clipping out
00:38:50.420 | specific sections of it and putting it in something called
00:38:53.100 | one box on Google. So many of you might have said how many
00:38:56.580 | people you know how many pounds are in you know, whatever or
00:39:01.080 | what time is this TV show on and then the content that was made
00:39:04.680 | by the ringer or the New York Times gets clipped and they put
00:39:08.460 | just that section David with an algorithm and they give you the
00:39:11.460 | answer. So you don't need to go visit that website. This is
00:39:15.240 | tipping over into what I would call unfair use because you're
00:39:18.120 | okay, eliminating the person linking now let me finish. Yeah.
00:39:21.600 | If it was just the
00:39:23.040 | URL and you didn't pull the headline, you didn't pull the
00:39:25.320 | abstract, you didn't pull a photo, that would be fine. There
00:39:28.740 | is a very easy solution to this, which is if you want to pull the
00:39:32.640 | link and the headline, you pay $0. But if you want to pull
00:39:37.140 | anything else, 100 characters, etc, you need to get a license
00:39:41.580 | from that person, unless you are doing actual criticism. So
00:39:45.300 | there's nothing to stop anybody in Australia right now from
00:39:48.320 | taking a screenshot of a New York Times story, or an
00:39:51.600 | Australian, you know,
00:39:52.980 | newspaper story and writing some commentary on it, you just
00:39:55.680 | can't wholesale take everything. And so what we're seeing here is
00:39:58.980 | a real time negotiation between private parties into what is
00:40:02.520 | fair. And I think Google has a really rich history of sharing
00:40:06.900 | revenue. The App Store, they give 70% to app developers,
00:40:10.440 | YouTube, they give 55% to creators. And with AdSense, they
00:40:14.340 | let you put AdSense on your website, and they give you 68
00:40:16.980 | cents on the dollar or something in that range. They never
00:40:19.180 | actually disclose the exact percentage. But that's what I'm
00:40:20.940 | told it is.
00:40:21.600 | Facebook has given $0.8 million to the New York Times, which is
00:40:22.920 | a huge amount of money. And they're giving $0 to Instagram
00:40:26.520 | users $0 to WhatsApp users $0 to Facebook folks, they're too
00:40:29.820 | greedy. And what Facebook needs to do is either not use the
00:40:33.540 | content, or come up with some reasonable payment and come to
00:40:36.780 | an agreement with these folks who are now banding together.
00:40:39.540 | And they're realizing the traffic we get from Facebook and
00:40:43.200 | Google is not worth what they're taking away from with us, which
00:40:46.860 | is all that revenue that you know, they earned in the free
00:40:49.980 | market. And so this is a free market debate. And I think the
00:40:52.860 | reason why I'm saying that is because I think it's a good way
00:40:55.320 | to get people to give away some of the money that they're getting
00:40:57.720 | out of it, to a certain extent, and let the free market work,
00:41:00.120 | which is all publishers should get together in the United
00:41:02.340 | States and confront Facebook and say, pay us, unless you use
00:41:05.640 | anything more than the headline.
00:41:06.660 | But Jason, I think these things are interconnected, though,
00:41:09.300 | right. On the one hand, if you're, if you have an economic
00:41:12.400 | stake in distribution of content, but then you're also
00:41:16.240 | then going to decide under, you know, an opaque definition, what
00:41:20.820 | is truth or not truth,
00:41:22.800 | purest form definition of a publisher. Right. And I think it
00:41:27.000 | just becomes a very treacherous place for both Facebook and
00:41:29.700 | Google to end up in. So it's almost
00:41:31.860 | Google's paying the bell, by the way.
00:41:33.120 | Yeah, no, you're right. Google's paying for it. Facebook's decide
00:41:36.900 | not to but Facebook, they said something like only 4% of their
00:41:41.400 | their their posts involve this kind of content. So it's just
00:41:44.880 | not a big deal for them the way it is for for Google.
00:41:47.400 | Well, I think it is a big deal for Facebook. They're just
00:41:49.620 | trying to make a point here because Zuckerberg's Yeah, yeah.
00:41:52.740 | They're being they're being they're being overly heavy handed
00:41:55.860 | in their response. There's no question about they're they're
00:41:57.900 | throwing their weight around. It doesn't look good. But I'm not
00:42:00.420 | defending Facebook. I'm defending the principle. I mean,
00:42:02.580 | look, if this Australian principle were used, you wouldn't
00:42:04.980 | have the drudge report, you wouldn't be able to create a
00:42:07.500 | site of news.
00:42:09.180 | No, you could if it was commentary. You could put the
00:42:12.120 | link and write commentary. It's when you just rip the links
00:42:14.700 | people are objecting understood ripping the links without any
00:42:17.520 | commentary. Judge report re rewrites the headline puts his
00:42:20.740 | own spin on it and then links.
00:42:21.960 | He would never get caught up in that. Yeah, I think that's a
00:42:22.680 | good point. Yeah, I think that's a good point. And the
00:42:23.180 | people who are objecting to this are the people who are the people
00:42:23.700 | who are the people who are the people who are the people who are
00:42:24.120 | the people who are the people who are the people who are the people
00:42:24.660 | who are the people who are the people who are the people who are
00:42:25.100 | the people who are the people who are the people who are the people
00:42:25.560 | who are the people who are the people who are the people who are the people who are the people who
00:42:26.100 | object. What they're objecting to is taking the photo, taking
00:42:28.080 | the first paragraph, and the the this the synapses is 30 or 40%
00:42:33.500 | of the value. And so Facebook is a better and Twitter is with
00:42:37.460 | their algorithms are better front pages than the New York
00:42:40.620 | Times front page.
00:42:41.600 | Well, why isn't this applying to Twitter, then?
00:42:43.440 | I think it will ultimately, they'll go there as well. I
00:42:47.160 | think this will become the test case, which is if you want to
00:42:49.620 | take more than just the headline, and like, you know,
00:42:53.820 | basically, that's it, or the URL, if you want to have that
00:42:57.560 | little snippet, pay us, pay us something, it doesn't have to be
00:43:01.400 | a lot. But this could actually solve if these networks that are
00:43:05.720 | making 10s to hundreds of millions of billions of dollars,
00:43:08.480 | if they just said, you know what 1% to the news organizations to
00:43:12.780 | keep them viable, just like anybody else would pay in a
00:43:15.760 | licensing fee for
00:43:17.020 | terrestrial. Why is why is the Australian government setting
00:43:20.080 | the price? And why are they only applying this to Google and
00:43:23.340 | Facebook?
00:43:23.860 | Well, I think they're going to go right down the line. I think
00:43:25.900 | it's just a starting point. But to my point, I said earlier is I
00:43:28.240 | don't think the government needs to do this, right? I think the
00:43:30.340 | news organizations on mass should get together and put
00:43:33.500 | their foot down and say no. And if they would get paid,
00:43:36.640 | it sounds like what the government should do is clarify
00:43:39.520 | what fair use entails. And then maybe it's just maybe it's a
00:43:43.600 | link plus a title. I mean, look, it's never just a link, right?
00:43:46.600 | It's a hyper
00:43:46.880 | link. Plus the snippet plus the work. Yeah, exactly. Yes. So it
00:43:51.500 | is the issue. Right? So fine. So the government should clarify
00:43:55.700 | what fair use is. And then if Google and Facebook or whoever
00:43:58.120 | want more, they got to go negotiate for it. Exactly. But
00:44:01.380 | but Australia is doing more than that. They're setting the price.
00:44:04.500 | And they're limiting their overreaching policy just to
00:44:07.500 | Google and Facebook because they know that if they applied it to
00:44:09.880 | everybody,
00:44:10.400 | by the way, we do that we already do this in the United
00:44:12.560 | States, David with local carriage of news organizations on
00:44:16.740 | the international TV. So we already have we already mix it
00:44:20.160 | up with the FTC doing this with licenses and the public good.
00:44:23.400 | So it's the extent
00:44:24.480 | I think the other thing that you know, is going to happen with
00:44:27.420 | all of this is like on the other on the other side of this, the
00:44:30.600 | actual media organizations themselves that theoretically
00:44:33.480 | could benefit from this are frankly just going out of
00:44:36.540 | business anyways. There's a, you know, there's a Wall Street
00:44:39.960 | Journal alert for the owner of the LA Times who's about to sell
00:44:43.740 | the times like, it's very likely that the times in four or five
00:44:46.600 | years, it's going to be a lot of money. And so it's going to
00:44:48.940 | be a lot of money. And so it's going to be a lot of money.
00:44:50.320 | And so it's going to be a lot of money. And so it's going to be
00:44:51.100 | a lot of money. And so it's going to be a lot of money. And
00:44:51.520 | so it's going to be a lot of money. And so it's going to be
00:44:52.060 | a lot of money. And so it's going to be a lot of money. And
00:44:52.600 | everybody's just going to be an individual person, blogging and
00:44:55.380 | tweeting whatever opinion they want. Right? So there'd be no
00:44:59.300 | money to pay anybody because it won't really matter. But what
00:45:03.000 | will be left is then these rules on arbitration of fact and
00:45:06.100 | fiction. And I think that that's where we're going to end up
00:45:08.220 | that's going to be a crazy place. Because then those folks
00:45:11.400 | those folks then really are the puppet masters.
00:45:13.700 | Yeah, I agree that these traditional publications have
00:45:17.520 | like a fundamental business model problem. And it's not
00:45:20.580 | going to be solved. Like I think there's a like a misplaced
00:45:23.460 | blame on Facebook and Google. I mean, the fundamental problem
00:45:27.100 | with all these publications are you go search for a news article
00:45:30.060 | on something and there's like 10 versions of the same thing, or
00:45:33.240 | more 100 versions. And you know, when when newspapers we saw
00:45:36.800 | 1000s of newspapers all across the country, and they had a
00:45:39.400 | local geographic monopoly.
00:45:41.640 | But once it all got digitized and moved online, you realize how
00:45:44.580 | much redundancy there was you have 1000s of reporters creating
00:45:47.860 | the exact same thing. And there needs to be consolidation, it
00:45:51.060 | doesn't make sense to have 100 articles.
00:45:52.560 | Not only that, but a point we made last time, which is, you
00:45:56.100 | know, facts have largely commoditized or most facts,
00:45:59.280 | like, you know, remember, we used to open the newspaper and
00:46:01.980 | look at what the stock market prices were, we opened the
00:46:04.600 | newspaper and look at the sports scores. We looked at what
00:46:07.180 | happened in this place in this place, facts about events, facts
00:46:11.020 | about
00:46:11.340 | the prices of things, facts about sports scores, that's all
00:46:14.700 | completely commoditized. I mean, that's like 90% of the content
00:46:17.360 | of what people used to read the newspaper for has gone online.
00:46:20.300 | And so as we talked about last time, newspapers and
00:46:22.880 | publications of the like have largely moved into, you know,
00:46:25.980 | different sorts of narrative. And, you know, it's created a
00:46:29.500 | marketplace that has a lot more competition, because anyone can
00:46:33.820 | write that, as we were seeing with substack and medium and
00:46:36.760 | as we're seeing with our own podcast, we're seeing with our
00:46:39.180 | own podcast. And I think that's,
00:46:40.580 | this feels to me like, you know, I went to a media
00:46:43.840 | conference back in 2008. And there was this huge battle
00:46:49.040 | between Google and Viacom. And I was at the conference, and I
00:46:55.040 | think Larry Page is on stage or someone what or Eric Schmidt was
00:46:58.400 | on stage and the Viacom CEO got up and he's like, when are you
00:47:00.920 | going to start paying us for our content? And I think that that
00:47:04.700 | and he really screamed at him in a room of like 800 people. And I
00:47:08.060 | feel like that same kind of point of view has
00:47:10.480 | persisted until there's finally some legislation that they feel
00:47:13.540 | kind of gets them justice. Meanwhile, the world has passed
00:47:15.860 | them by. And, you know, I think this, this will be kind of some
00:47:19.600 | transitory legislation that ultimately the content is going
00:47:23.680 | to democratize anyway, and the content creation is going to
00:47:25.780 | democratize
00:47:26.260 | last topic for me, because I really want Friedberg's answer
00:47:29.440 | to this, because I also just saw an alert, how the federal
00:47:32.620 | government is opening up a vaccination site in Miami Dade
00:47:35.360 | County actually saw Francis Suarez retweeted. What the hell
00:47:38.980 | is going on with vaccinations?
00:47:40.420 | Are we going to get vaccinated soon?
00:47:42.700 | I said it in December, and I tweeted about it. And I've
00:47:47.380 | repeated it multiple times since that the US has enough supply to
00:47:52.000 | vaccinate pretty much anyone that wants to get vaccinated,
00:47:54.760 | because we are producing and delivering three to 4 million
00:47:58.000 | doses per day in the US right now. And there is a just a
00:48:03.040 | fundamental issue, especially like I mean, look at California,
00:48:05.440 | you know, they haven't opened up, quote, unquote,
00:48:07.480 | vaccination to people outside of tier or what they're called
00:48:10.240 | tier one a. And so this is much more of a kind of policy issue,
00:48:15.400 | then an administrative issue than a supply and demand issue,
00:48:19.940 | there's enough people that want the vaccine, and there's enough
00:48:22.000 | vaccine to just let people get fucking vaccinated. And so I
00:48:26.260 | feel like the market forces are now kind of converging with
00:48:30.040 | policy a little bit more than they were a month ago. And the
00:48:33.060 | policymakers are no longer fighting and complaining about
00:48:35.380 | supply and complaining about constraints. You know, we've got
00:48:38.320 | mass vac sites now in California,
00:48:40.240 | and we're still fighting for the vaccine. So we're not really
00:48:43.420 | fighting for the vaccine. But the amount of money that's being
00:48:45.760 | wasted, by the way, in this process makes me want to vomit
00:48:48.340 | every time I read about it, that's a whole another separate
00:48:50.380 | issue. But it feels to me like we're probably May, June, when
00:48:54.040 | enough people are vaccinated that we can have, you know, a
00:48:57.100 | circumstance where people are going to fly without masks and
00:48:59.200 | be comfortable doing so. But I'm sure there will be these over,
00:49:01.740 | you know, constraining rules around what people can and can't
00:49:04.480 | do in public for a very long time, like I mentioned, what
00:49:06.840 | happened. I do want to say one thing that I've noticed, we were,
00:49:09.780 | I was talking to a friend who got vaccinated. And I was like,
00:49:14.700 | he said, This is my first time playing poker with people. And
00:49:16.860 | I was like, Well, you got vaccinated, like, why aren't you?
00:49:19.020 | He's like, Well, I don't know if other strains are going to get
00:49:21.000 | me or, you know, if this thing's evolving, and other people are
00:49:23.400 | going to get sick. And if you think about what's happened over
00:49:26.940 | the last year, people have been conditioned to be afraid. And so
00:49:30.600 | even though we're getting vaccinated, even though this
00:49:32.880 | thing is moving and working, I'm concerned that we're not going
00:49:35.160 | to end up in a more civil state schools aren't opening. People
00:49:38.640 | aren't flying.
00:49:39.320 | People aren't doing stuff, even after vaccinations and science
00:49:42.260 | and data shows that these things are okay, this in Florida,
00:49:45.020 | maybe there's maybe there's some cases of it. But what I'm saying
00:49:48.640 | is like, you know, the human subconscious gets trained first,
00:49:52.040 | and then our conscious mind rationalizes what we feel. We've
00:49:55.220 | all now been trained over the past year to be very afraid. And
00:49:58.880 | then we all come up with these rational excuses about why I
00:50:02.480 | can't do x, y, and z. It's like, but you've been fucking
00:50:05.120 | vaccinated. You're fine. Like, all the data, all the science is
00:50:08.520 | go do
00:50:08.860 | whatever you want to do. Go into a nightclub. Sweaty next to
00:50:13.240 | people. Robbing beats and music.
00:50:15.860 | Friedberg. Yes. Tell us about the throbbing nightclub.
00:50:18.880 | Yeah, it's like that.
00:50:19.480 | I've never seen you so animated.
00:50:20.800 | It's like that scene from Good Will Hunting. Remember when we
00:50:22.940 | talked to the psychologist, he's like, tell us about your rave
00:50:25.060 | stories again.
00:50:25.680 | Activate fourth emotion.
00:50:27.700 | Throbbing rave, give up to the mob, pulsating bodies and
00:50:34.220 | Did the Molly just kick in Friedberg? Did you drop a Molly
00:50:37.300 | at the start of the pod?
00:50:38.400 | I think so. But my point is, like people are really afraid.
00:50:41.260 | And I think I just got the best idea for an episode. The biggest
00:50:44.520 | concern I have is frankly less about are we going to get
00:50:46.480 | vaccinated? I feel like the convergence between market
00:50:48.420 | forces and government nonsense is now going to allow us to all
00:50:51.780 | get vaccinated. But she was really going to be like, how do
00:50:54.900 | you break through these rules and the fear that basically I
00:50:58.080 | want, but I don't understand where where are the max
00:51:00.780 | vaccination sites in California and who's eligible? Like, why
00:51:04.200 | aren't we just making this thing like a drive through we should?
00:51:07.020 | This is where we can add.
00:51:08.240 | It's ridiculous. You got it.
00:51:10.100 | We all have absolute violent agreement that California is so messed up with respect to how we're
00:51:14.240 | vaccinating. We have so much supply. We're sitting on half our friggin supply right now in California.
00:51:18.800 | 30 million vaccines sitting on shelves. We are now at 75% deployed 80%
00:51:23.840 | California's got like four or 5 million vaccines sitting in storage.
00:51:26.720 | It should be a drive through and you just get in line and you go and
00:51:29.660 | some places we're doing is in you know, but what we're doing now is you got to schedule.
00:51:34.520 | Oh, yeah, scheduling is bullshit.
00:51:35.660 | Because you first you got to qualify, then you got to schedule an appointment.
00:51:38.080 | And then the the clinic or whatever is only open from nine to five.
00:51:41.800 | And so like how many doses they really administer when you got to make an appointment probably one every half hour.
00:51:46.840 | So maybe they get through 16 people a day or something like that.
00:51:50.260 | And prove qualifications.
00:51:51.100 | Yeah, and they get fined a million dollars and lose their medical license if they inject the wrong person.
00:51:56.380 | So I mean, you're talking about 16 people per day at a site when they could be doing a couple of hundred.
00:52:02.080 | I mean, it's crazy.
00:52:03.340 | Well, Johnson and Johnson is coming and that's refrigerator stable, right?
00:52:07.600 | Freiburg.
00:52:07.920 | So you don't even need it.
00:52:09.000 | We now have bought 1.2 billion.
00:52:10.860 | But let me go back to Freiburg's point about when will life get back to normal.
00:52:14.640 | I'm not as pessimistic as you are, Dave, about this idea that life won't go back to normal.
00:52:19.680 | And part of the reason why is I'm seeing so much outrage about school closures right now.
00:52:24.360 | California is one of the only states in the country that still completely closed all the schools and people are absolutely up in arms.
00:52:32.460 | I'd say it's as big an issue as this exploding crime issue.
00:52:36.000 | Crime is a big issue in the city.
00:52:37.760 | It's a big issue in the cities and school closures is the big issue in the suburbs.
00:52:41.900 | And if these two things don't turn around, I think Gavin Newsom is going to get recalled.
00:52:45.740 | I mean, people are just on fire about this.
00:52:47.840 | Yeah.
00:52:48.740 | But I mean, my point was like our wealthy conservative, you know, friend that lives in Florida was afraid to go do stuff even after he's been vaccinated.
00:52:59.840 | And I think that's what's permeated everywhere.
00:53:02.000 | It's just like there's a shark.
00:53:03.140 | Freiburg.
00:53:03.640 | It's like a shark attack.
00:53:04.640 | You know, if there's a shark attack, you know, at Half Moon Bay or whatever.
00:53:07.600 | You know, like, you know, there's a shark attack.
00:53:09.100 | You know, it's like, oh, my God, I'm going to go to the hospital for a couple of weeks and then somebody swims in the lake.
00:53:13.380 | All the water is great.
00:53:14.080 | People will jump back in.
00:53:15.040 | I think it's April, David, to your point of when this goes back to normal, because if you look now, people have been saying free, correct me if I'm wrong.
00:53:21.580 | Would you put a five X multiplier on the confirmed COVID cases?
00:53:25.060 | A four X multiplier.
00:53:26.060 | Five X, I think, is the right medium.
00:53:28.060 | So if you have 30 million people who've had the vaccine, had COVID, you're looking at five times.
00:53:34.540 | That is 150.
00:53:35.440 | Now you have 60 million people who have been vaccinated.
00:53:37.440 | 330 million Americans, 70 million are under our kids.
00:53:40.380 | So, you know, we're basically getting to herd immunity.
00:53:44.000 | And if you look at the slopes right now, what is causing the drop in cases this massively, David?
00:53:49.640 | Is it herd immunity, vaccine, or are people suddenly wearing masks?
00:53:53.680 | What is it?
00:53:54.260 | There's complexity because everyone assumes that there's one thing that affects the whole population.
00:53:59.200 | But remember, the way viruses work is they're hyperlocal.
00:54:02.340 | And so the local population dynamics looked at on a scale is where you see the statistics.
00:54:07.280 | So we're looking at the statistical results of the scale.
00:54:09.280 | And so, you know, we saw this in North Dakota.
00:54:11.280 | A bunch of people got really sick.
00:54:13.280 | They got to herd immunity in communities.
00:54:15.280 | And then all of a sudden it dropped off the curve.
00:54:17.280 | When you zoom out and that's happening, combined with behavioral changes, combined with vaccines, then you start to see these statistical things happen at scale.
00:54:24.280 | So it's not a simple answer, but the answer generally can be we are coming down the slope.
00:54:28.280 | We are getting to a point of, you know, general like low case counts, low death counts, low fatality.
00:54:34.280 | And we should be living a normal life.
00:54:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:54:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:55:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:56:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:57:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:58:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
00:59:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:00:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:00:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:00:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:00:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:00:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:01:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:01:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:01:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:01:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:02:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:03:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:04:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:04:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:04:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:04:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:04:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:04:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:04:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:04:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:05:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:05:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:05:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:05:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:05:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:05:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:05:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:05:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:05:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:05:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:06:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:06:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:08:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:08:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:09:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:10:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:10:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:10:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:11:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:11:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:11:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:11:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:11:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:11:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:11:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:11:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:11:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:11:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:11:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:11:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:11:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:11:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:12:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:12:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:12:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:12:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:12:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:12:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:12:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:12:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:12:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:15:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:15:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:16:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:17:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:17:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:17:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:17:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:17:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:18:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:18:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:18:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:18:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:18:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:18:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:18:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:18:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:18:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:19:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:19:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:19:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:19:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:19:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:19:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:19:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:19:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:19:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:19:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:19:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:22:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:22:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:22:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
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01:22:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:22:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:20.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:21.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:22.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:23.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:24.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:25.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:26.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:27.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:28.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:29.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:30.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:31.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:32.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:33.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:34.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:35.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:36.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:37.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:38.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:39.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:40.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:41.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:42.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:43.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:44.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:45.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:46.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:47.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:48.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:49.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:50.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:51.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:52.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:53.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:54.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:55.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:56.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:57.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:58.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:23:59.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:00.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:01.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:02.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:03.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:04.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:05.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:06.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:07.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:08.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:09.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:10.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:11.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:12.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:13.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:14.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:15.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:16.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:17.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:18.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:19.120 | We're going to be living a normal life.
01:24:20.120 | Going all in