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Football, Chickens, and Fatherhood feat. Von Miller // Michael Porter Jr.


8:2 What Makes You a Great Dad
8:9 What Makes You a Bad Dad
10:41 Be Harder To Go from the Nfl to the Nba or from the Nba to the Nfl
14:25 Acl
23:21 Global Warming

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | (upbeat music)
00:00:02.580 | - Yes sir, here with another episode of Curious Mike.
00:00:11.840 | Today we got the one and only Vaughn Miller with me.
00:00:14.040 | - Yeah boy.
00:00:15.500 | - Appreciate you being on my guy.
00:00:16.920 | - Yeah, appreciate you, huh?
00:00:18.000 | - You already know.
00:00:18.840 | So we gonna start off in the football space.
00:00:22.100 | Obviously that's where everybody know you from,
00:00:25.800 | but like growing up,
00:00:27.080 | football is a lot different than basketball.
00:00:29.000 | Like you gotta be like,
00:00:30.380 | like it's a lot more of a physical sport
00:00:32.640 | and then you play the most physical position.
00:00:34.460 | - Yeah, it is one of them.
00:00:35.300 | You know, I wouldn't say it's the most physical though.
00:00:37.920 | - Yeah.
00:00:38.880 | So like growing up though,
00:00:40.000 | like how did you get into that?
00:00:42.340 | And then how did you kind of get to where you at be
00:00:45.440 | to play you at today?
00:00:46.440 | - Oh, but like my earliest memories
00:00:50.580 | of like my childhood, right?
00:00:52.400 | I remember like, you know, I was like two years old
00:00:55.680 | and I got in like this little pot
00:00:57.820 | in my mom's kitchen, right?
00:00:59.040 | It was like this little pot.
00:01:00.240 | And I think that, I think that memory is like reinforced
00:01:02.120 | because I got like pictures that my mom
00:01:03.960 | always show me and stuff.
00:01:05.200 | - Yeah.
00:01:06.040 | - But another memory that I had was like my dad,
00:01:08.000 | like me hearing my dad scream like for the first time,
00:01:10.960 | like, and I ran in the room and I look in the room
00:01:14.000 | and he like yelling, like, not like in like,
00:01:16.800 | not like he crying or nothing, like he hurting nothing,
00:01:20.040 | but it's like, he was like happy.
00:01:22.000 | He was like so happy the Cowboys were on the game.
00:01:24.580 | I mean, the Cowboys on the TV
00:01:27.220 | and they had just scored or something.
00:01:28.540 | He was like going crazy.
00:01:29.640 | And I just remember being like a little kid
00:01:31.260 | and seeing my daddy like reacting this way.
00:01:33.840 | And like, that's where it started.
00:01:35.640 | Like, I want to make my dad like, I want to do that.
00:01:38.140 | Like I want to, whatever they doing on TV,
00:01:40.220 | that's what I want.
00:01:41.060 | - That's crazy.
00:01:42.060 | Yeah, that's kind of, that's kind of how it was for me.
00:01:43.900 | Started early.
00:01:45.280 | My pops played hoop basketball
00:01:46.940 | and then he put the ball in my hand, three years old.
00:01:49.740 | Just got rolling from there.
00:01:50.660 | You just find a passion for it.
00:01:51.860 | And then it just roll from there.
00:01:53.460 | But for you, so it was all that.
00:01:55.820 | And then you get to the, you go to college,
00:01:57.580 | get to the league, you know, you doing your thing,
00:02:00.500 | become one of the best pretty quick at your position,
00:02:03.160 | then end up winning Super Bowl 50 MVP.
00:02:06.260 | Talk to me a little bit about that.
00:02:07.460 | Like when you got in the league
00:02:08.460 | and in the process to winning that and then that feeling.
00:02:11.340 | - Yeah, honestly, like at first, like I always felt like,
00:02:15.560 | you know, you just have like that belief in yourself.
00:02:17.340 | Like whatever you put your mind to, you're going to do it.
00:02:19.020 | I think we all like, you know, have those thoughts.
00:02:21.340 | But for me, I never thought that I would be like
00:02:26.340 | the number two pick or like fight for the Denver Broncos
00:02:29.540 | or like winning Super Bowl, do all this crazy stuff.
00:02:31.220 | I knew like deep down in my heart,
00:02:33.220 | like if I worked hard enough
00:02:34.500 | and I did all the right things and I went to sleep,
00:02:36.460 | you know, like all the stuff that you do, like as a kid,
00:02:38.740 | like you believe that you can make the,
00:02:40.420 | you can be, you believe that you can make the league.
00:02:42.260 | And I felt like that.
00:02:43.500 | And it just, it just start like playing Texas A&M,
00:02:48.220 | like my first two years.
00:02:49.820 | I was like, I was, I wasn't like, you know,
00:02:52.180 | all American, nothing crazy, nothing like that.
00:02:54.220 | But like my third year,
00:02:55.100 | they moved me to this outside linebacker,
00:02:57.580 | like rush position.
00:02:58.940 | And I just kind of like took off with it.
00:03:02.060 | At the same time, I was at Texas A&M
00:03:04.600 | and I was taking easy classes.
00:03:06.060 | I mean, my GPA wasn't like, you know,
00:03:08.700 | my GPA wasn't like the best.
00:03:10.460 | So I had to like take like classes to like help out
00:03:12.820 | with my GPA.
00:03:13.660 | And one of those classes was meat production,
00:03:16.220 | one-on-one chickens, turkey and quail.
00:03:18.800 | So I took this class and it was an easy class.
00:03:21.060 | And I was like, like, bro, it's so easy.
00:03:23.700 | Like I don't even have to stay awake.
00:03:24.780 | So I used to fall asleep in this class
00:03:26.300 | and my professor, Dr. Farnell, he used to wake me up.
00:03:29.540 | He used to wake me up and like, like making me go,
00:03:32.660 | like just make me like recite like everything
00:03:34.380 | that we learned in a class today.
00:03:35.420 | In turn, it really made me like learn like the chicken,
00:03:40.060 | like business.
00:03:41.420 | And that was like my backup plan.
00:03:42.620 | It was weird.
00:03:43.460 | Like if I make it to the league, you know,
00:03:45.500 | I'm gonna use the money to start a chicken farm, man.
00:03:47.740 | - Yeah.
00:03:49.020 | And I was actually, I was gonna ask you about that later.
00:03:51.700 | The chicken farm.
00:03:53.020 | I mean, everybody know you for that off the field.
00:03:55.500 | How big is that like in your life and how did you,
00:03:58.180 | so you got into it just as a backup plan.
00:04:00.300 | - It was just, it was just one of the,
00:04:02.260 | I swear like, bro, you know, you take a lot of classes, bro.
00:04:05.100 | You never expect them, you know,
00:04:06.640 | you never expect them bitches to like stick like that.
00:04:08.840 | But like when I, when I was learning it
00:04:11.500 | and it takes an NM, I was like, bro,
00:04:13.540 | all I need is this amount of money and I can do it.
00:04:16.300 | You know, I damn near using like loans to do that stuff.
00:04:18.540 | Like if I like playing the league,
00:04:20.300 | I can use money to do it this way.
00:04:21.900 | And I just started researching.
00:04:23.620 | I hooked up with some fellow Aggies as well.
00:04:27.660 | And we started Greener Pastures Chicken.
00:04:29.900 | It's like right outside of Elgin.
00:04:31.260 | It's doing well.
00:04:32.100 | You know?
00:04:32.940 | - Yeah. How big is that?
00:04:33.760 | Like as far as obviously you make your bread on the field,
00:04:36.380 | but is that just a passion or is it actually lucrative?
00:04:39.100 | - I mean, it's, it's, it's both, you know,
00:04:40.860 | you don't, you wouldn't do it.
00:04:41.860 | Like if it wasn't like, you know, like just selling bread.
00:04:45.380 | Yeah. But it's, I mean, but it's, you know, it's,
00:04:47.380 | it's both, you know, it's something that I like,
00:04:50.020 | it's kind of like football for me off the field.
00:04:52.340 | Like I like had this vision and I just attacked it.
00:04:55.580 | And, you know, it just became, you know what it is.
00:04:58.780 | We not like Tyson or like Sanderson Farms
00:05:01.060 | or like Butterball like that, but that's my dream.
00:05:03.060 | You know, one day is to,
00:05:04.900 | is to create an operation like those guys.
00:05:06.980 | A pasture raised, a pasture raised,
00:05:09.820 | fully organic, humanely raised product.
00:05:11.940 | Cause I feel like that is the, that's the,
00:05:15.060 | that's the main certification on some of this stuff.
00:05:17.100 | Cause people want to know like where their food comes from.
00:05:19.500 | And I have a humanely raised product.
00:05:20.980 | - So you, so you take care of your,
00:05:22.620 | like you all about that as far as organic,
00:05:25.540 | raised the right way.
00:05:26.740 | - They, they only have one bad day.
00:05:28.220 | You know, every day is good.
00:05:29.300 | And then they just,
00:05:30.660 | - You gotta plug me with some of the chicken.
00:05:32.580 | - Yeah, for sure, man.
00:05:33.420 | I'll send it to you.
00:05:34.260 | - Cause I, I was growing up,
00:05:35.700 | like I grew up vegetarian my whole life.
00:05:37.340 | Then I got to leave, I was too skinny.
00:05:38.940 | So they made me start eating some chicken and some salmon.
00:05:41.420 | So I'll need like the healthy chicken.
00:05:43.340 | So yeah, you definitely got to plug me then.
00:05:44.820 | - Yeah, bro. I got you, bro.
00:05:45.700 | You, you was vegetarian your whole life?
00:05:47.420 | - I grew up vegetarian all the way until I got to the NBA.
00:05:50.340 | - I thought it was like,
00:05:51.420 | I thought it was like a new thing.
00:05:52.580 | Like vegetarian meat.
00:05:53.420 | - Nah, our parents, my mom,
00:05:55.060 | my mom and dad raised all of us that way.
00:05:56.740 | We was homeschooled, vegetarian, like all that.
00:06:00.260 | Like before it was a really,
00:06:01.420 | like it's more of a popular thing now.
00:06:02.900 | We were doing that.
00:06:04.300 | To eat healthy, you know this,
00:06:06.340 | you really got to have a chef
00:06:07.900 | or someone that's doing it for you.
00:06:09.700 | Cause like a lot of these restaurants
00:06:10.980 | that say they're healthy, they're really not that healthy.
00:06:12.820 | So we probably weren't doing it the best way,
00:06:15.020 | but we were, I mean, we was trying, we was vegetarian.
00:06:17.300 | - That's crazy, man.
00:06:18.140 | I mean, when you think about it,
00:06:18.980 | I just had a son and like, I was doing like this,
00:06:20.820 | this study, like on what like kids eat,
00:06:23.060 | because I wanted,
00:06:23.900 | I wanted Val to be just like the biggest,
00:06:26.180 | like, you know, strongest, like baby ever.
00:06:28.820 | And you started doing your research
00:06:29.900 | and it's like the first year,
00:06:31.980 | the first year to like year and a half,
00:06:33.660 | like they, like they breastfed.
00:06:35.180 | Like that's it.
00:06:36.420 | You might supplement it with some other stuff,
00:06:38.660 | but they don't start off like wanting meat
00:06:41.620 | or like needing meat.
00:06:42.500 | And if you just, you know, stay in that lane,
00:06:44.540 | like I can see like how somebody could be vegetarian
00:06:47.420 | their whole life.
00:06:48.260 | - Yeah, you definitely got to do it the right way though.
00:06:50.100 | So yeah, you just mentioned your son.
00:06:52.460 | Talk about that.
00:06:54.980 | Is he like, how old is he?
00:06:56.180 | And then, cause we was going to talk about that too.
00:06:58.340 | You, has it changed your perspective at all on life
00:07:01.580 | and what you really prioritize or value?
00:07:03.860 | - You know, people always say that,
00:07:04.820 | but I think like, you know,
00:07:06.460 | I've been a dad for like a while now.
00:07:08.020 | Like I'm 11 years, you know, in National Football League.
00:07:11.660 | So I got a shit load of sons everywhere.
00:07:13.940 | (laughing)
00:07:16.300 | No, no, but I just always, I'm an older brother, you know,
00:07:19.940 | and my dad and my mom, like,
00:07:24.380 | they just been in my life since like day one.
00:07:26.540 | I had great examples on how to be like a father,
00:07:30.620 | I would say, like just kicking it with like my dad
00:07:32.540 | and like some of the stuff that he did with me.
00:07:34.380 | I was like, man, I can't wait to like, you know,
00:07:36.220 | do this with my son.
00:07:37.060 | Some of the things that I learned, like from my dad,
00:07:39.220 | some of the advice that I got,
00:07:40.380 | like I always had him like in every single,
00:07:44.460 | which is like, you know,
00:07:45.660 | it's a true blessing me thinking about my dad.
00:07:47.660 | But, you know, just by having my dad like with me
00:07:51.660 | through like every single decision that I ever had,
00:07:54.380 | like to make in my life, you know,
00:07:55.940 | I always wanted to like have a son and do that same thing.
00:07:59.660 | I remember when I had him, I talked to him and I said,
00:08:01.540 | hey, like, so what makes you a great dad?
00:08:04.340 | Like he was like, it's so many,
00:08:05.780 | he said it's so many different things
00:08:06.820 | that make you a great dad.
00:08:08.340 | Okay. I was like, so what, what makes you a bad dad?
00:08:11.780 | He was like, it's just a few things
00:08:14.700 | that I make you a bad dad.
00:08:16.100 | It's all type of ways that you can parent.
00:08:17.780 | It's all type of ways that you can, you know,
00:08:19.620 | be in your kid life.
00:08:20.700 | And, you know, that's what I want to do.
00:08:22.100 | I want to play golf.
00:08:23.060 | You know, that's really the only thing
00:08:24.020 | that I'm gonna force on him.
00:08:25.220 | Anything else, you know, I'm-
00:08:26.620 | - What'd he say though about being a bad dad?
00:08:28.260 | What's the ways you can-
00:08:29.100 | - You know, like it's all different ways to be a bad dad.
00:08:31.380 | Like you can influence your son to do things.
00:08:32.900 | I feel like me, I just want to give the best in me
00:08:37.260 | because nobody's perfect.
00:08:38.580 | I just want to give the best in me to my son
00:08:41.540 | and just let him create his own like, you know, lane.
00:08:46.540 | You know, but I'm excited about it.
00:08:49.020 | Like all the summer, like before he got here,
00:08:51.580 | I was working on his nursery.
00:08:52.620 | I was all on Pinterest,
00:08:53.660 | like just trying to find like little things.
00:08:55.820 | It was crazy.
00:08:56.940 | You know, you never use the word cute,
00:08:58.300 | but like when you got like a kid,
00:09:00.140 | like it's just the word that you use.
00:09:03.100 | It's just the word that like, you know,
00:09:04.980 | it's all over the place.
00:09:05.860 | And I got like some dope stuff for him in his nursery.
00:09:09.700 | I want it to be like a cowboy vibe.
00:09:11.260 | 'Cause I feel like Valor is like, you know,
00:09:12.900 | like a cowboy like type name.
00:09:15.780 | But you know, he's five weeks old, man.
00:09:18.060 | And I'm excited, man.
00:09:19.020 | Every single day he learns something new,
00:09:20.900 | something different.
00:09:21.900 | - That's dope, that's dope.
00:09:23.980 | Yeah, you and your dad,
00:09:24.900 | like everybody see how close y'all are,
00:09:26.460 | joking around and everything.
00:09:27.900 | That's dope.
00:09:29.780 | That's how I am with my dad.
00:09:30.620 | Like he's one of my best friends.
00:09:32.100 | The relationship changes as you get older.
00:09:34.620 | Were y'all always close like that?
00:09:35.900 | Or kind of what made y'all get close like that?
00:09:39.260 | - You know, growing up, I thought my dad was like mean.
00:09:40.900 | I was like, "Damn, my daddy mean."
00:09:42.220 | (laughing)
00:09:43.500 | I got my little brother over there.
00:09:45.340 | And I was like, "Damn, my daddy mean."
00:09:46.660 | Like, "Why he so strict?"
00:09:47.940 | Like, you know, like other kids doing this
00:09:50.380 | and like other kids like doing that.
00:09:52.500 | And you see like other people doing this.
00:09:54.620 | And it's not 'til like you get older
00:09:55.980 | that you like appreciate all the things
00:09:57.580 | like that your dad like made you do.
00:09:59.340 | Like being a senior in high school
00:10:01.780 | and having to come in at like 12
00:10:03.500 | and like, you know, having a curfew
00:10:05.580 | and like, you know, just learning like tough
00:10:07.780 | like lessons growing up.
00:10:09.340 | Like don't lie to 'em, don't do this.
00:10:12.060 | You know, getting whoopings
00:10:13.180 | and like just really just trying to figure it out.
00:10:14.700 | Like I really appreciate, you know,
00:10:16.620 | all this stuff that my dad like did for my dad and my mom.
00:10:19.420 | 'Cause my mom, she's a soldier too.
00:10:20.780 | My mom, she's never missed, you know,
00:10:22.740 | anything that I ever participated in
00:10:25.300 | from like track me to my basketball games.
00:10:27.300 | I had hoop dreams at first.
00:10:28.500 | - You hoop?
00:10:29.340 | I was gonna ask you about that.
00:10:30.660 | I actually was gonna ask.
00:10:31.500 | - I had hoop dreams at first,
00:10:32.340 | but like they didn't give me enough fouls.
00:10:33.900 | Like I was just, I was just too physical, bro.
00:10:37.260 | - My question for you was gonna be,
00:10:39.420 | is it, would you think it'd be harder
00:10:42.500 | to go from the NFL to the NBA
00:10:44.340 | or from the NBA to the NFL?
00:10:45.940 | No bias.
00:10:47.260 | - Man, it's two different body types, bro.
00:10:48.820 | Like if you get like the right body type,
00:10:51.380 | both can play.
00:10:52.820 | Like you gotta at least be like six, four, six, like five.
00:10:57.420 | You know, like I always think like Gronkowski
00:10:59.300 | could play like both.
00:11:00.340 | - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:11:01.180 | - Like Justin Simmons, like I feel like he could play both.
00:11:04.220 | He could be like a point guard in a safe in the league.
00:11:05.980 | - Who's some hoopers that could--
00:11:07.300 | - I think LeBron James could definitely--
00:11:08.980 | - Bron.
00:11:09.820 | - LeBron could definitely play both.
00:11:11.020 | - Zion, probably.
00:11:11.860 | - I think Russell.
00:11:13.020 | Yeah, Zion, Russell, Westbrook,
00:11:15.100 | he could definitely play both.
00:11:16.700 | You know, like most of these point guards,
00:11:18.340 | like I think, you know, like John Wall,
00:11:20.740 | he could play like both.
00:11:21.580 | Most of these point guards,
00:11:22.420 | they got like, you know, these aggressive mindsets.
00:11:25.020 | - Yeah.
00:11:25.860 | - You know, and then at the same time,
00:11:26.900 | not like being a great football player,
00:11:28.300 | like probably like being a great basketball player.
00:11:30.420 | It's not all about like just brute strength
00:11:32.860 | and like going crazy.
00:11:33.700 | Sometimes you gotta be, you gotta be smart
00:11:35.500 | and you gotta be able to like outwork your guy.
00:11:37.660 | So if you have like some of those things,
00:11:38.860 | which there's a lot of basketball players
00:11:40.260 | that you don't have that type of mindset,
00:11:42.060 | you could play both.
00:11:43.100 | - Right.
00:11:44.900 | - All you need is an arm really though,
00:11:46.060 | and you can play like,
00:11:47.140 | any body type can play quarterback, you know.
00:11:49.300 | - Right.
00:11:50.140 | - You can be 6'6".
00:11:50.980 | - Or kicker or something.
00:11:51.800 | - Or kicker.
00:11:52.640 | No, you don't wanna be no kicker.
00:11:53.480 | I know some good kickers though,
00:11:54.300 | like Brandon McManus, that's my boy.
00:11:55.740 | You know, like that's my favorite.
00:11:57.380 | That's my favorite kicker,
00:11:58.300 | but you don't wanna be no kicker.
00:11:59.340 | Brandon's different because he's 6'4", 210 pounds.
00:12:04.340 | He can dunk, he can play basketball.
00:12:06.620 | He can throw the ball.
00:12:07.460 | Like he's fast.
00:12:08.460 | He's not too fast, but you know, he's fast.
00:12:11.140 | And he can, you know, he's smart.
00:12:12.380 | He can do all types of shit.
00:12:13.220 | So I think Brandon McManus could play both too.
00:12:15.140 | - That's dope.
00:12:15.980 | - You think any football players could play both?
00:12:18.780 | Like, you know what I'm saying?
00:12:19.740 | - Shoot, I don't know.
00:12:21.220 | 'Cause you see some football players step on the court.
00:12:23.540 | They look crazy.
00:12:24.380 | - That's crazy.
00:12:25.200 | That's how I am.
00:12:26.040 | That's me.
00:12:26.880 | - They look crazy, dog.
00:12:27.700 | - I would never play pickup with a football player
00:12:29.700 | 'cause they gonna hurt you.
00:12:30.700 | - That's me.
00:12:31.540 | It's just too, I'm just too fast.
00:12:34.020 | I think, you know, really that was like younger.
00:12:36.960 | You know, I didn't like play it like from day one.
00:12:39.700 | Like it was something,
00:12:40.620 | like in my, at my school, in my high school,
00:12:42.340 | like I had braids like A.I., like cornrows.
00:12:44.460 | - Oh, for real?
00:12:45.300 | - Like A.I., that was like my guy.
00:12:46.340 | Like I wanted to be like A.I., me and my little brother.
00:12:48.180 | So I wanted to, you know, be like A.I.
00:12:51.060 | and I had braids,
00:12:52.060 | but there was a rule in my school district
00:12:55.060 | that if you had braids, you couldn't play basketball.
00:12:58.180 | So it kind of like pushed my-
00:12:59.860 | - What?
00:13:00.700 | - It kind of pushed like my,
00:13:01.540 | I was playing street basketball the whole time,
00:13:02.980 | but it kind of pushed like my real, real
00:13:04.620 | like basketball development
00:13:06.260 | all the way to like my ninth grade year.
00:13:09.180 | - That's weird.
00:13:10.180 | I ain't never heard that rule.
00:13:11.380 | - If it was cool, like I could have played both like,
00:13:13.860 | you know, since day one and who knows what would happen,
00:13:16.380 | but it ain't like that.
00:13:18.180 | - You ended up cool.
00:13:19.140 | - I ended up being Von Miller Chicken Farmer.
00:13:22.900 | - Man, so recently you, like the last couple of years,
00:13:26.060 | you obviously getting back to it now,
00:13:27.940 | but you faced some adversity, you know,
00:13:29.540 | I know all about injuries
00:13:30.700 | and you went through something similar
00:13:33.420 | over the last little bit.
00:13:34.860 | Talk about that.
00:13:36.060 | Like, how did it happen?
00:13:36.900 | How did you get hurt?
00:13:37.740 | And then what was your mindset, you know,
00:13:38.980 | through the rehab and getting back?
00:13:41.380 | Are you like cautious at all now?
00:13:44.100 | Or you feel good?
00:13:46.540 | - Man, I, you know,
00:13:47.380 | I just feel like injuries are just like part of the game.
00:13:51.020 | If you look at any great player in the history of any sport,
00:13:56.020 | you know, they had to overcome some injury
00:13:58.380 | at some point in time.
00:13:59.900 | We play a sport, like our body's not designed
00:14:01.820 | to like run around and like,
00:14:03.420 | even though you get these guys like you that's like,
00:14:05.140 | can jump from the free throw line and dunk,
00:14:07.340 | we're like, our body's not like designed like that.
00:14:10.260 | So if you're moving fast and it's,
00:14:12.860 | you can't really predict everything that's going on.
00:14:15.340 | Like, you know, injuries happen.
00:14:16.540 | It's just really the way you respond.
00:14:18.380 | - Yeah.
00:14:19.220 | I've had three, I've had three like big injuries.
00:14:22.220 | Really my thumb, it wasn't really that bad,
00:14:23.500 | but if you play football,
00:14:24.380 | like not having your thumb is tough.
00:14:26.180 | But I had an ACL 2013 and I tore my retinaculum
00:14:31.180 | and my, like it holds down like the perineal tendon,
00:14:34.460 | like on your ankle.
00:14:35.700 | It wasn't like the Achilles or anything like that.
00:14:37.940 | But I still, I still needed surgery
00:14:39.740 | and I wasn't able to like get back.
00:14:41.380 | So it was a serious injury.
00:14:42.460 | It wasn't like a serious surgery,
00:14:43.860 | but it was like a serious injury.
00:14:45.660 | And really, your mindset, you really just,
00:14:48.220 | you gotta respond, bro.
00:14:49.220 | Like I think what makes us great football players
00:14:52.180 | or great athletes or great basketball players
00:14:53.940 | is our ability to respond.
00:14:55.540 | You play against somebody that's, you know,
00:14:58.300 | that can move faster and dunk, you know, whatever.
00:15:00.660 | Like you can figure it out
00:15:01.860 | and you rely on your skillset.
00:15:03.820 | And that's the same thing.
00:15:05.180 | That's the same mindset that you have
00:15:06.900 | whenever you're going through the recovery process.
00:15:08.980 | - That's dope.
00:15:10.100 | Man, my last football questions for you.
00:15:13.020 | You gotta tell me your top three QBs,
00:15:15.740 | like the ones you hate playing against.
00:15:18.220 | And then you gotta name your top five defenders
00:15:21.900 | right now in the league.
00:15:23.100 | - Top five QBs, I mean, like right off the top,
00:15:27.980 | you gotta say like Tom Brady.
00:15:29.140 | Like Tom Brady, you know, Patrick Mahomes, Peyton Manning,
00:15:32.220 | you know, you got Aaron Rodgers.
00:15:34.260 | You know, you got so many different quarterbacks
00:15:35.860 | that, you know, wanted to do great stuff.
00:15:37.740 | I love Dak.
00:15:38.580 | Dak Prescott is one of my favorite quarterbacks.
00:15:40.940 | But, you know, top quarterbacks right now,
00:15:44.140 | you gotta go with winning first, like, you know,
00:15:45.940 | Tom Brady, you know, Peyton Manning, Patrick Mahomes.
00:15:50.460 | These guys, like, these guys win.
00:15:52.100 | - Yeah, they win.
00:15:52.940 | - So those would be like, you know,
00:15:54.740 | the top three quarterbacks that I've been,
00:15:56.780 | that I've played like all the time that,
00:15:58.820 | I didn't play against Peyton,
00:15:59.900 | but I was around him every single day
00:16:01.220 | and I saw the way he, you know, attacked defenses.
00:16:03.780 | I wouldn't want to play against him, but.
00:16:05.100 | - You know, it's just so crazy about that.
00:16:06.460 | I actually just talked to Peyton yesterday.
00:16:08.900 | He was up at the arena last night.
00:16:10.780 | - That's cool.
00:16:11.700 | - Shooting with his kids
00:16:12.540 | and I hollered at him for like 30 minutes,
00:16:14.620 | talking about like what, like what made him different?
00:16:17.180 | Like how did he separate himself
00:16:18.780 | as far as being one of the greats?
00:16:21.300 | So that's crazy 'cause he was cold.
00:16:23.140 | I grew up in Indianapolis.
00:16:24.220 | - Oh yeah, that's dope, that's dope.
00:16:25.740 | Yeah, Peyton, yeah, Peyton, he,
00:16:28.020 | I was with him for four years and like,
00:16:30.220 | that's one of my favorite teammates, favorite players ever.
00:16:32.260 | I went to his Hall of Fame, like,
00:16:34.700 | his Hall of Fame ceremony.
00:16:39.620 | And I went to Chantin Bailey's Hall of Fame ceremony too.
00:16:41.700 | So this is my second one,
00:16:43.300 | but this was my first like after party
00:16:46.380 | at like the Hall of Fame 'cause Coach Fangio
00:16:48.260 | let us stay like a whole day and the next night out there.
00:16:51.700 | But really just being around Peyton
00:16:53.180 | and just seeing all the people that he's influenced,
00:16:55.540 | that like being at the party,
00:16:58.020 | like seeing all these people that helped him
00:16:59.580 | become who he is and everybody that was there
00:17:01.820 | to like see him and like support him,
00:17:04.220 | you know, going to the Hall of Fame,
00:17:05.740 | it was like, it was incredible, man.
00:17:07.820 | Like it definitely motivated me to like,
00:17:10.260 | you know, want to do the same thing, like for me.
00:17:12.060 | And it really, it helped me believe like, you know,
00:17:15.780 | I saw Peyton Manning do it like every single day.
00:17:18.260 | And that's the type of player
00:17:19.260 | that you have to be to make it there.
00:17:20.820 | - Sure, you and your wife, huh?
00:17:22.460 | - It's great, man, I'm trying, man.
00:17:23.660 | I'm trying, man.
00:17:24.500 | It's 11 years in, everybody say, bro,
00:17:27.460 | I know you had a Vets come in and say, man, it go by fast.
00:17:29.620 | Like it go by fast, it really does.
00:17:31.660 | And being, this is my 11th year in,
00:17:34.060 | I started playing golf like recently.
00:17:35.940 | And one of the sayings that we have in golf is,
00:17:38.860 | don't forget to look up.
00:17:40.100 | 'Cause you have some of these dope golf courses.
00:17:42.580 | You could be at Pebble Beach, like Shadow Creek,
00:17:45.020 | you know, Colorado Golf Club here in Colorado is dope.
00:17:47.460 | And you kind of forget to like, look up.
00:17:50.580 | You know, you so in the motion of like putting and driving
00:17:53.500 | and you know, you're upset about the hit before,
00:17:55.420 | you're happy about the hit before
00:17:56.380 | that you're just really thinking about golf.
00:17:57.740 | And you don't really, you know, you forget to look up.
00:18:02.060 | And this being my 11th year, like I'm looking up,
00:18:04.140 | like being in Denver, you know,
00:18:06.020 | being able to be in a city like this,
00:18:07.900 | like going to the Nuggets game, you know,
00:18:09.500 | fucking with y'all, like hunting and fishing
00:18:12.700 | and golfing and doing,
00:18:13.780 | and being able to do all the things that make Denver,
00:18:15.860 | you know, what it is, man, it's been the balance.
00:18:19.860 | The balance for sure.
00:18:21.100 | - But what year is this for you?
00:18:22.820 | This is your?
00:18:23.660 | - This is my third year.
00:18:24.500 | - This your third year?
00:18:25.340 | - This is my fourth year, but I was injured my first year.
00:18:27.340 | So, this is my fourth.
00:18:28.380 | - You like Denver like that?
00:18:29.300 | I know, man.
00:18:30.140 | - Nah, Denver, perfect for me.
00:18:31.300 | 'Cause I don't know about you,
00:18:32.140 | but I mean, I know you be, you like to get it in,
00:18:34.580 | but I like-
00:18:35.420 | - I like what you doing.
00:18:36.260 | (laughing)
00:18:37.180 | - Boy, I was at your Halloween party.
00:18:39.740 | I was up there, nah.
00:18:41.260 | But I love it 'cause it's like chill.
00:18:42.500 | Like, you can have fun,
00:18:43.460 | but you can also chill if you want to.
00:18:46.100 | So, that's why it's perfect for me.
00:18:47.820 | I'm about to move, though.
00:18:49.340 | I ain't got no security around here.
00:18:50.820 | - Yeah, it's-
00:18:51.660 | - Got robbed twice, boy.
00:18:52.500 | - Here?
00:18:53.340 | - They just got in my garage, but-
00:18:55.300 | - Yeah, you gotta get some gated, man.
00:18:56.740 | You gotta, when they know where you live, man,
00:18:58.700 | it'd be different, you know?
00:18:59.540 | - Yeah.
00:19:00.380 | So, but you talk about that, like looking up.
00:19:04.860 | I know, obviously, you've influenced a lot of people
00:19:07.740 | football-wise, you know, a lot of kids.
00:19:09.740 | You're an inspiration.
00:19:11.060 | But outside of football, like, as you get older,
00:19:13.300 | you have a kid.
00:19:14.140 | What do you kind of view as your purpose in life?
00:19:16.540 | - You know, for him, I just want to support him.
00:19:22.020 | Like, my dad supported me.
00:19:23.340 | My dad never made me, like, play football.
00:19:25.820 | My dad never made me, like, you know, really do anything,
00:19:29.580 | but go to school and, like, do my homework
00:19:31.340 | and try to be the best student academically
00:19:33.580 | that I possibly can be.
00:19:34.540 | He never really made me or forced me to do anything.
00:19:37.540 | And I just want to do the same thing for him.
00:19:40.220 | I just want to support him.
00:19:41.500 | I want to be his biggest support system
00:19:44.820 | in anything that he does.
00:19:45.900 | You know, he could be, you know, a candle maker.
00:19:48.020 | You know, I'll just support him in that.
00:19:49.780 | You know, if he wanted to do filming or acting,
00:19:52.300 | like, I just want to support him in whatever he does,
00:19:55.100 | just like my dad did for me.
00:19:57.020 | - Yeah, dope.
00:19:58.260 | - I feel like that's one of my biggest purposes in life.
00:20:03.140 | You know, I just, you know, you want to be a light.
00:20:05.180 | You know, you want to be a light around people.
00:20:06.700 | You want to influence people.
00:20:08.140 | You know, sometimes you get around people
00:20:09.220 | with different energies,
00:20:10.060 | and you can just feel it, like, right off the top.
00:20:12.260 | You never want to be that guy.
00:20:13.380 | I just want to, you know, influence
00:20:14.900 | and, you know, be a light to everybody that I fuck with.
00:20:18.700 | - Shoot, I mean, everybody at Vaughn here is, like,
00:20:21.500 | it's because I respect him, and, you know,
00:20:23.660 | we've linked up a couple times, seen you a couple times,
00:20:25.740 | but everybody around here who I've talked to
00:20:28.140 | is always a man, Vaughn's the dopest dude ever.
00:20:30.100 | Like, you got to get him on there.
00:20:31.300 | He's so much more than a football player, so.
00:20:34.100 | - I appreciate that.
00:20:34.940 | - That's dope, yeah.
00:20:37.020 | Shoot, two more questions for you,
00:20:38.580 | and then we'll call it a wrap.
00:20:39.780 | - I got you, fam.
00:20:40.620 | - So, I need, what's your favorite thing about you,
00:20:45.540 | and then what's your least favorite thing about you,
00:20:47.580 | if you could name those two?
00:20:50.580 | - My favorite thing about me is,
00:20:52.260 | like, you could put me in really any room,
00:20:56.620 | and, like, I feel like I could relate to somebody in there,
00:21:00.860 | or, like, I never really feel, like, out of my element,
00:21:03.340 | no matter where I go, no matter who I'm around.
00:21:06.060 | I always feel, like, that socially, like,
00:21:10.060 | I can fuck with everybody, you know?
00:21:13.220 | Like, not like you want to fuck with everybody,
00:21:14.940 | but I feel like that's one of my greatest things,
00:21:18.220 | is just to be able to talk to, you know, anybody.
00:21:20.340 | Sometimes, you know, like, sometimes the energy
00:21:22.460 | don't be right for, like, you know,
00:21:23.900 | you to, like, talk to just anybody,
00:21:25.780 | but, like, if you put me, like, at a house party
00:21:27.540 | or something, like, man, like, ooh, like, you know,
00:21:30.420 | I know, like, I'm going to have a son,
00:21:31.420 | I go to PTA meetings now, like, you put anything like that,
00:21:34.700 | like, you know, I'm going to kill it,
00:21:36.100 | and I feel like that's one of the best things about,
00:21:39.580 | like, in a locker room, like,
00:21:41.300 | I feel like that's one of the greatest things about me,
00:21:43.260 | a brother, being a brother, being a, you know, a son,
00:21:47.180 | like, I feel like those are some of the greatest things,
00:21:48.940 | 'cause I'm a teen guy, and I always want to see, like,
00:21:51.820 | the people around me, like, win or succeed,
00:21:53.700 | and I'm going to try to help them,
00:21:55.300 | I'm going to try to assist them in doing that,
00:21:57.820 | and I feel like that's one of my greatest things,
00:22:00.020 | I'm a great teammate, you can put me in any room
00:22:02.380 | and I'm socially able to make it happen.
00:22:04.460 | I feel like, you know, one of the things about me
00:22:06.860 | that I don't like, I probably wish,
00:22:10.320 | you know, I really, you know, I'm like, I love myself.
00:22:15.880 | - I don't mean that.
00:22:16.720 | - It's a couple of tattoos that, you know.
00:22:20.020 | - It's a couple of tattoos that like, you know,
00:22:21.820 | I feel like I could, you know, make it better.
00:22:23.340 | - That's it, that's all you got left.
00:22:24.820 | - No, if I could change something though,
00:22:26.020 | like I wish like I had like, like long like hair,
00:22:28.660 | like, you know, like, and I could sing,
00:22:30.860 | like if I had like hair and I could like sing,
00:22:32.740 | and I was the same Von, like right now,
00:22:34.500 | like the same Von I am today,
00:22:36.060 | but I had like real, real long hair and I could sing.
00:22:38.740 | You know, I like.
00:22:39.580 | - You'd be the total package.
00:22:40.660 | - Yeah, you know.
00:22:41.500 | (laughing)
00:22:42.740 | But that's, you know, if you're thinking about it,
00:22:44.580 | that's funny.
00:22:45.420 | - I already know.
00:22:46.240 | - I'm good though.
00:22:47.080 | - Nah, I asked that, someone asked me that question
00:22:48.500 | the other day, that's why I asked it to you.
00:22:50.860 | It took me a minute to figure it out, too.
00:22:53.220 | - Yeah.
00:22:54.700 | - Shoot, last question for you, dog, just about the world.
00:22:57.020 | You know, there's so much going on right now
00:22:58.480 | in the world, if you could, you know,
00:23:03.020 | one of your purposes is to influence,
00:23:04.580 | if you could change one thing or help in one way
00:23:07.380 | with everything going on in the world,
00:23:08.700 | what would you change about what's,
00:23:10.620 | what the state of the world right now?
00:23:12.540 | - Man, there's so many serious things that,
00:23:14.300 | that's going on in the world right now.
00:23:15.980 | Like, you know, if you think about it, it's 2021,
00:23:20.060 | and we got like global warming, you know,
00:23:23.860 | like all types of stuff, and we got racism,
00:23:26.380 | like, those are like two of the craziest things,
00:23:29.660 | like, you know, in the world right now,
00:23:32.040 | if you think about like just global problems, right,
00:23:34.440 | like global warming, we slowly like,
00:23:38.160 | we slowly like baking ourselves,
00:23:39.480 | we slowly like destroying the planet,
00:23:41.480 | and it's, we got all of this other technology,
00:23:43.160 | we doing all these other things, crazy,
00:23:44.720 | like we got cell phones, we can't,
00:23:47.680 | we can't figure out like global warming,
00:23:50.080 | try to find, you know, some sustainable like resources,
00:23:53.140 | we're using gasoline and fossil fuels,
00:23:54.800 | and we still use them, it's 2021,
00:23:57.280 | it's all type of, you know, problems in that area too,
00:23:59.480 | and like, with racism, it's just like,
00:24:01.540 | it's, it's the, it's the weirdest thing, you know,
00:24:05.300 | like, it's just as, it's, it's, it's just as serious,
00:24:08.120 | it's a global problem, just like,
00:24:09.980 | just like global warming, bro, like,
00:24:13.360 | you don't like somebody because like,
00:24:14.680 | the color of like their skin, or like where they from,
00:24:16.840 | or like you judge them, or like you,
00:24:18.860 | you stereotype them off top, like,
00:24:21.320 | it's, instead of like, you know,
00:24:23.480 | really like learning, and like, you know,
00:24:24.960 | trying to figure people out, just off top,
00:24:26.480 | like you see them, and you like profile them like off top,
00:24:28.440 | that's like, you know, ridiculous.
00:24:30.240 | - It's crazy.
00:24:31.080 | - Both of those things are like,
00:24:32.200 | out of all the things that our,
00:24:33.280 | that our world is like dealing with,
00:24:34.560 | like, those are like two things that like,
00:24:37.360 | just like blow my mind, like.
00:24:38.800 | - Have you experienced a lot of, a lot of racism?
00:24:41.880 | - Um, you know, I have experienced racism,
00:24:44.480 | but I wouldn't say like I experienced it a lot,
00:24:46.400 | like, not that I, probably like that,
00:24:49.040 | I don't, I don't, I don't see,
00:24:50.200 | like, I guess I'm so in like my bubble,
00:24:52.120 | and like, you know, what I'm doing, like I,
00:24:54.720 | you know, on a personal level, like,
00:24:56.720 | you know, I see it, I see it, you know,
00:24:59.320 | you see it on TV, there's, you can,
00:25:00.880 | I'm aware of it, it's happened to me,
00:25:02.600 | like a couple of times, like,
00:25:03.640 | you go overseas, and like, people don't like,
00:25:05.640 | you're not like the same, like, Vaughn Miller,
00:25:07.920 | like, you know, like, what is football, you know?
00:25:10.400 | - It's like a black dude.
00:25:11.720 | - Like, you know, some people know you,
00:25:13.320 | but some people just like, are totally like,
00:25:15.720 | oblivious, and like, you go over there,
00:25:17.800 | and you just, you know, you a regular guy,
00:25:20.000 | you experience, you know, things that,
00:25:22.360 | that, that normal, like, you know,
00:25:24.440 | people that's not like, like, entertainers,
00:25:26.600 | or like, sport athletes, 'cause, you know,
00:25:28.440 | people, they treat you different, like.
00:25:29.880 | - Yeah.
00:25:30.720 | - You know, you just a regular guy,
00:25:31.760 | and you're able to experience it,
00:25:32.840 | and you're able to relate on, like,
00:25:34.360 | some of the serious things that's,
00:25:36.360 | you know, really happening in the world, man,
00:25:38.120 | and like, racism, and global warming,
00:25:39.760 | is two of the craziest things that I feel like I could say.
00:25:43.280 | - You like, you like going overseas,
00:25:45.680 | and kind of, trying to become like,
00:25:47.880 | a regular person for a little bit,
00:25:49.040 | blend in for a little bit?
00:25:49.880 | - I love, I love traveling, bro.
00:25:51.320 | I love going overseas, bro, especially like, Europe.
00:25:53.680 | I went to, we went on, we went on tour with Drake in 2000,
00:25:58.680 | and I think it was like, 2017?
00:26:02.560 | The beginning of 2017, bro, and we were there for like,
00:26:05.800 | probably like, the end of February,
00:26:10.440 | until like, April, bro, like.
00:26:12.280 | - For real?
00:26:13.120 | - Yeah, for like, it was like, it was like,
00:26:14.840 | 35, 40 nights.
00:26:16.320 | - That's dope.
00:26:17.160 | - And we went to the, we went to the show,
00:26:18.960 | we went to the same show,
00:26:20.280 | 'cause it was the same exact show,
00:26:21.600 | because, you know, they might change like,
00:26:23.560 | one or two things, but it's still like,
00:26:24.760 | the same, like, lineup.
00:26:25.920 | And I probably went to like, 19, or 18 or 19 shows.
00:26:29.400 | - Was it that little baby one,
00:26:30.480 | the one that had the yellow Lambo?
00:26:31.960 | - No, that was, that was the American tour.
00:26:33.640 | This was the Boy Meets The World tour,
00:26:35.600 | where he went to like, Amsterdam, Paris.
00:26:37.280 | - Ah, okay.
00:26:38.120 | - Yeah, 'cause he had the first tour with,
00:26:40.680 | you know, with the Migos, and they had like,
00:26:42.040 | - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:26:42.880 | - And that was an American tour,
00:26:44.080 | and then a year later, they did it.
00:26:45.720 | But instead of taking the Migos, he took like,
00:26:47.880 | he took Young Thug, and he had like, some Europe,
00:26:50.000 | like, some, like, gigs, and like, some local,
00:26:53.720 | you know, like, European, like, London rappers,
00:26:55.880 | English rappers, and he would have them open up for him,
00:26:58.280 | and stuff, but we went to like, Germany,
00:26:59.640 | and went to all these different places,
00:27:01.280 | like, Amsterdam, Ireland, you know,
00:27:05.000 | and you experiencing, like, you going on tour,
00:27:06.800 | like, with him, so you get to see it like,
00:27:08.400 | - Yeah.
00:27:09.240 | - In a different light, bro, it was, it was amazing.
00:27:11.160 | It was really one of the top moments of my life,
00:27:13.040 | but at the same time, I was able to experience,
00:27:15.640 | like, some of these things that
00:27:17.400 | you wouldn't normally experience.
00:27:18.640 | - Right.
00:27:19.480 | - Like, racism, and all that type of stuff, yeah.
00:27:22.160 | - Shoot, man, well, I appreciate you, man.
00:27:23.920 | - I appreciate you, fam.
00:27:25.520 | - Yeah, man, appreciate you.
00:27:26.960 | - Yeah, bro, for sure.
00:27:28.080 | - We out.
00:27:28.920 | (upbeat music)
00:27:31.500 | (upbeat music)