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Football, Chickens, and Fatherhood feat. Von Miller // Michael Porter Jr.


8:2 What Makes You a Great Dad
8:9 What Makes You a Bad Dad
10:41 Be Harder To Go from the Nfl to the Nba or from the Nba to the Nfl
14:25 Acl
23:21 Global Warming


(upbeat music) - Yes sir, here with another episode of Curious Mike. Today we got the one and only Vaughn Miller with me. - Yeah boy. - Appreciate you being on my guy. - Yeah, appreciate you, huh? - You already know. So we gonna start off in the football space.

Obviously that's where everybody know you from, but like growing up, football is a lot different than basketball. Like you gotta be like, like it's a lot more of a physical sport and then you play the most physical position. - Yeah, it is one of them. You know, I wouldn't say it's the most physical though.

- Yeah. So like growing up though, like how did you get into that? And then how did you kind of get to where you at be to play you at today? - Oh, but like my earliest memories of like my childhood, right? I remember like, you know, I was like two years old and I got in like this little pot in my mom's kitchen, right?

It was like this little pot. And I think that, I think that memory is like reinforced because I got like pictures that my mom always show me and stuff. - Yeah. - But another memory that I had was like my dad, like me hearing my dad scream like for the first time, like, and I ran in the room and I look in the room and he like yelling, like, not like in like, not like he crying or nothing, like he hurting nothing, but it's like, he was like happy.

He was like so happy the Cowboys were on the game. I mean, the Cowboys on the TV and they had just scored or something. He was like going crazy. And I just remember being like a little kid and seeing my daddy like reacting this way. And like, that's where it started.

Like, I want to make my dad like, I want to do that. Like I want to, whatever they doing on TV, that's what I want. - That's crazy. Yeah, that's kind of, that's kind of how it was for me. Started early. My pops played hoop basketball and then he put the ball in my hand, three years old.

Just got rolling from there. You just find a passion for it. And then it just roll from there. But for you, so it was all that. And then you get to the, you go to college, get to the league, you know, you doing your thing, become one of the best pretty quick at your position, then end up winning Super Bowl 50 MVP.

Talk to me a little bit about that. Like when you got in the league and in the process to winning that and then that feeling. - Yeah, honestly, like at first, like I always felt like, you know, you just have like that belief in yourself. Like whatever you put your mind to, you're going to do it.

I think we all like, you know, have those thoughts. But for me, I never thought that I would be like the number two pick or like fight for the Denver Broncos or like winning Super Bowl, do all this crazy stuff. I knew like deep down in my heart, like if I worked hard enough and I did all the right things and I went to sleep, you know, like all the stuff that you do, like as a kid, like you believe that you can make the, you can be, you believe that you can make the league.

And I felt like that. And it just, it just start like playing Texas A&M, like my first two years. I was like, I was, I wasn't like, you know, all American, nothing crazy, nothing like that. But like my third year, they moved me to this outside linebacker, like rush position.

And I just kind of like took off with it. At the same time, I was at Texas A&M and I was taking easy classes. I mean, my GPA wasn't like, you know, my GPA wasn't like the best. So I had to like take like classes to like help out with my GPA.

And one of those classes was meat production, one-on-one chickens, turkey and quail. So I took this class and it was an easy class. And I was like, like, bro, it's so easy. Like I don't even have to stay awake. So I used to fall asleep in this class and my professor, Dr.

Farnell, he used to wake me up. He used to wake me up and like, like making me go, like just make me like recite like everything that we learned in a class today. In turn, it really made me like learn like the chicken, like business. And that was like my backup plan.

It was weird. Like if I make it to the league, you know, I'm gonna use the money to start a chicken farm, man. - Yeah. And I was actually, I was gonna ask you about that later. The chicken farm. I mean, everybody know you for that off the field.

How big is that like in your life and how did you, so you got into it just as a backup plan. - It was just, it was just one of the, I swear like, bro, you know, you take a lot of classes, bro. You never expect them, you know, you never expect them bitches to like stick like that.

But like when I, when I was learning it and it takes an NM, I was like, bro, all I need is this amount of money and I can do it. You know, I damn near using like loans to do that stuff. Like if I like playing the league, I can use money to do it this way.

And I just started researching. I hooked up with some fellow Aggies as well. And we started Greener Pastures Chicken. It's like right outside of Elgin. It's doing well. You know? - Yeah. How big is that? Like as far as obviously you make your bread on the field, but is that just a passion or is it actually lucrative?

- I mean, it's, it's, it's both, you know, you don't, you wouldn't do it. Like if it wasn't like, you know, like just selling bread. Yeah. But it's, I mean, but it's, you know, it's, it's both, you know, it's something that I like, it's kind of like football for me off the field.

Like I like had this vision and I just attacked it. And, you know, it just became, you know what it is. We not like Tyson or like Sanderson Farms or like Butterball like that, but that's my dream. You know, one day is to, is to create an operation like those guys.

A pasture raised, a pasture raised, fully organic, humanely raised product. Cause I feel like that is the, that's the, that's the main certification on some of this stuff. Cause people want to know like where their food comes from. And I have a humanely raised product. - So you, so you take care of your, like you all about that as far as organic, raised the right way.

- They, they only have one bad day. You know, every day is good. And then they just, - You gotta plug me with some of the chicken. - Yeah, for sure, man. I'll send it to you. - Cause I, I was growing up, like I grew up vegetarian my whole life.

Then I got to leave, I was too skinny. So they made me start eating some chicken and some salmon. So I'll need like the healthy chicken. So yeah, you definitely got to plug me then. - Yeah, bro. I got you, bro. You, you was vegetarian your whole life? - I grew up vegetarian all the way until I got to the NBA.

- I thought it was like, I thought it was like a new thing. Like vegetarian meat. - Nah, our parents, my mom, my mom and dad raised all of us that way. We was homeschooled, vegetarian, like all that. Like before it was a really, like it's more of a popular thing now.

We were doing that. To eat healthy, you know this, you really got to have a chef or someone that's doing it for you. Cause like a lot of these restaurants that say they're healthy, they're really not that healthy. So we probably weren't doing it the best way, but we were, I mean, we was trying, we was vegetarian.

- That's crazy, man. I mean, when you think about it, I just had a son and like, I was doing like this, this study, like on what like kids eat, because I wanted, I wanted Val to be just like the biggest, like, you know, strongest, like baby ever. And you started doing your research and it's like the first year, the first year to like year and a half, like they, like they breastfed.

Like that's it. You might supplement it with some other stuff, but they don't start off like wanting meat or like needing meat. And if you just, you know, stay in that lane, like I can see like how somebody could be vegetarian their whole life. - Yeah, you definitely got to do it the right way though.

So yeah, you just mentioned your son. Talk about that. Is he like, how old is he? And then, cause we was going to talk about that too. You, has it changed your perspective at all on life and what you really prioritize or value? - You know, people always say that, but I think like, you know, I've been a dad for like a while now.

Like I'm 11 years, you know, in National Football League. So I got a shit load of sons everywhere. (laughing) No, no, but I just always, I'm an older brother, you know, and my dad and my mom, like, they just been in my life since like day one. I had great examples on how to be like a father, I would say, like just kicking it with like my dad and like some of the stuff that he did with me.

I was like, man, I can't wait to like, you know, do this with my son. Some of the things that I learned, like from my dad, some of the advice that I got, like I always had him like in every single, which is like, you know, it's a true blessing me thinking about my dad.

But, you know, just by having my dad like with me through like every single decision that I ever had, like to make in my life, you know, I always wanted to like have a son and do that same thing. I remember when I had him, I talked to him and I said, hey, like, so what makes you a great dad?

Like he was like, it's so many, he said it's so many different things that make you a great dad. Okay. I was like, so what, what makes you a bad dad? He was like, it's just a few things that I make you a bad dad. It's all type of ways that you can parent.

It's all type of ways that you can, you know, be in your kid life. And, you know, that's what I want to do. I want to play golf. You know, that's really the only thing that I'm gonna force on him. Anything else, you know, I'm- - What'd he say though about being a bad dad?

What's the ways you can- - You know, like it's all different ways to be a bad dad. Like you can influence your son to do things. I feel like me, I just want to give the best in me because nobody's perfect. I just want to give the best in me to my son and just let him create his own like, you know, lane.

You know, but I'm excited about it. Like all the summer, like before he got here, I was working on his nursery. I was all on Pinterest, like just trying to find like little things. It was crazy. You know, you never use the word cute, but like when you got like a kid, like it's just the word that you use.

It's just the word that like, you know, it's all over the place. And I got like some dope stuff for him in his nursery. I want it to be like a cowboy vibe. 'Cause I feel like Valor is like, you know, like a cowboy like type name. But you know, he's five weeks old, man.

And I'm excited, man. Every single day he learns something new, something different. - That's dope, that's dope. Yeah, you and your dad, like everybody see how close y'all are, joking around and everything. That's dope. That's how I am with my dad. Like he's one of my best friends. The relationship changes as you get older.

Were y'all always close like that? Or kind of what made y'all get close like that? - You know, growing up, I thought my dad was like mean. I was like, "Damn, my daddy mean." (laughing) I got my little brother over there. And I was like, "Damn, my daddy mean." Like, "Why he so strict?" Like, you know, like other kids doing this and like other kids like doing that.

And you see like other people doing this. And it's not 'til like you get older that you like appreciate all the things like that your dad like made you do. Like being a senior in high school and having to come in at like 12 and like, you know, having a curfew and like, you know, just learning like tough like lessons growing up.

Like don't lie to 'em, don't do this. You know, getting whoopings and like just really just trying to figure it out. Like I really appreciate, you know, all this stuff that my dad like did for my dad and my mom. 'Cause my mom, she's a soldier too. My mom, she's never missed, you know, anything that I ever participated in from like track me to my basketball games.

I had hoop dreams at first. - You hoop? I was gonna ask you about that. I actually was gonna ask. - I had hoop dreams at first, but like they didn't give me enough fouls. Like I was just, I was just too physical, bro. - My question for you was gonna be, is it, would you think it'd be harder to go from the NFL to the NBA or from the NBA to the NFL?

No bias. - Man, it's two different body types, bro. Like if you get like the right body type, both can play. Like you gotta at least be like six, four, six, like five. You know, like I always think like Gronkowski could play like both. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like Justin Simmons, like I feel like he could play both.

He could be like a point guard in a safe in the league. - Who's some hoopers that could-- - I think LeBron James could definitely-- - Bron. - LeBron could definitely play both. - Zion, probably. - I think Russell. Yeah, Zion, Russell, Westbrook, he could definitely play both. You know, like most of these point guards, like I think, you know, like John Wall, he could play like both.

Most of these point guards, they got like, you know, these aggressive mindsets. - Yeah. - You know, and then at the same time, not like being a great football player, like probably like being a great basketball player. It's not all about like just brute strength and like going crazy.

Sometimes you gotta be, you gotta be smart and you gotta be able to like outwork your guy. So if you have like some of those things, which there's a lot of basketball players that you don't have that type of mindset, you could play both. - Right. So-- - All you need is an arm really though, and you can play like, any body type can play quarterback, you know.

- Right. - You can be 6'6". - Or kicker or something. - Or kicker. No, you don't wanna be no kicker. I know some good kickers though, like Brandon McManus, that's my boy. You know, like that's my favorite. That's my favorite kicker, but you don't wanna be no kicker.

Brandon's different because he's 6'4", 210 pounds. He can dunk, he can play basketball. He can throw the ball. Like he's fast. He's not too fast, but you know, he's fast. And he can, you know, he's smart. He can do all types of shit. So I think Brandon McManus could play both too.

- That's dope. - You think any football players could play both? Like, you know what I'm saying? - Shoot, I don't know. 'Cause you see some football players step on the court. They look crazy. - That's crazy. That's how I am. That's me. - They look crazy, dog. - I would never play pickup with a football player 'cause they gonna hurt you.

- That's me. It's just too, I'm just too fast. I think, you know, really that was like younger. You know, I didn't like play it like from day one. Like it was something, like in my, at my school, in my high school, like I had braids like A.I., like cornrows.

- Oh, for real? - Like A.I., that was like my guy. Like I wanted to be like A.I., me and my little brother. So I wanted to, you know, be like A.I. and I had braids, but there was a rule in my school district that if you had braids, you couldn't play basketball.

So it kind of like pushed my- - What? - It kind of pushed like my, I was playing street basketball the whole time, but it kind of pushed like my real, real like basketball development all the way to like my ninth grade year. - That's weird. I ain't never heard that rule.

- If it was cool, like I could have played both like, you know, since day one and who knows what would happen, but it ain't like that. - You ended up cool. - I ended up being Von Miller Chicken Farmer. - Man, so recently you, like the last couple of years, you obviously getting back to it now, but you faced some adversity, you know, I know all about injuries and you went through something similar over the last little bit.

Talk about that. Like, how did it happen? How did you get hurt? And then what was your mindset, you know, through the rehab and getting back? Are you like cautious at all now? Or you feel good? - Man, I, you know, I just feel like injuries are just like part of the game.

If you look at any great player in the history of any sport, you know, they had to overcome some injury at some point in time. We play a sport, like our body's not designed to like run around and like, even though you get these guys like you that's like, can jump from the free throw line and dunk, we're like, our body's not like designed like that.

So if you're moving fast and it's, you can't really predict everything that's going on. Like, you know, injuries happen. It's just really the way you respond. - Yeah. I've had three, I've had three like big injuries. Really my thumb, it wasn't really that bad, but if you play football, like not having your thumb is tough.

But I had an ACL 2013 and I tore my retinaculum and my, like it holds down like the perineal tendon, like on your ankle. It wasn't like the Achilles or anything like that. But I still, I still needed surgery and I wasn't able to like get back. So it was a serious injury.

It wasn't like a serious surgery, but it was like a serious injury. And really, your mindset, you really just, you gotta respond, bro. Like I think what makes us great football players or great athletes or great basketball players is our ability to respond. You play against somebody that's, you know, that can move faster and dunk, you know, whatever.

Like you can figure it out and you rely on your skillset. And that's the same thing. That's the same mindset that you have whenever you're going through the recovery process. - That's dope. Man, my last football questions for you. You gotta tell me your top three QBs, like the ones you hate playing against.

And then you gotta name your top five defenders right now in the league. - Top five QBs, I mean, like right off the top, you gotta say like Tom Brady. Like Tom Brady, you know, Patrick Mahomes, Peyton Manning, you know, you got Aaron Rodgers. You know, you got so many different quarterbacks that, you know, wanted to do great stuff.

I love Dak. Dak Prescott is one of my favorite quarterbacks. But, you know, top quarterbacks right now, you gotta go with winning first, like, you know, Tom Brady, you know, Peyton Manning, Patrick Mahomes. These guys, like, these guys win. - Yeah, they win. - So those would be like, you know, the top three quarterbacks that I've been, that I've played like all the time that, I didn't play against Peyton, but I was around him every single day and I saw the way he, you know, attacked defenses.

I wouldn't want to play against him, but. - You know, it's just so crazy about that. I actually just talked to Peyton yesterday. He was up at the arena last night. - That's cool. - Shooting with his kids and I hollered at him for like 30 minutes, talking about like what, like what made him different?

Like how did he separate himself as far as being one of the greats? So that's crazy 'cause he was cold. I grew up in Indianapolis. - Oh yeah, that's dope, that's dope. Yeah, Peyton, yeah, Peyton, he, I was with him for four years and like, that's one of my favorite teammates, favorite players ever.

I went to his Hall of Fame, like, his Hall of Fame ceremony. And I went to Chantin Bailey's Hall of Fame ceremony too. So this is my second one, but this was my first like after party at like the Hall of Fame 'cause Coach Fangio let us stay like a whole day and the next night out there.

But really just being around Peyton and just seeing all the people that he's influenced, that like being at the party, like seeing all these people that helped him become who he is and everybody that was there to like see him and like support him, you know, going to the Hall of Fame, it was like, it was incredible, man.

Like it definitely motivated me to like, you know, want to do the same thing, like for me. And it really, it helped me believe like, you know, I saw Peyton Manning do it like every single day. And that's the type of player that you have to be to make it there.

- Sure, you and your wife, huh? - It's great, man, I'm trying, man. I'm trying, man. It's 11 years in, everybody say, bro, I know you had a Vets come in and say, man, it go by fast. Like it go by fast, it really does. And being, this is my 11th year in, I started playing golf like recently.

And one of the sayings that we have in golf is, don't forget to look up. 'Cause you have some of these dope golf courses. You could be at Pebble Beach, like Shadow Creek, you know, Colorado Golf Club here in Colorado is dope. And you kind of forget to like, look up.

You know, you so in the motion of like putting and driving and you know, you're upset about the hit before, you're happy about the hit before that you're just really thinking about golf. And you don't really, you know, you forget to look up. And this being my 11th year, like I'm looking up, like being in Denver, you know, being able to be in a city like this, like going to the Nuggets game, you know, fucking with y'all, like hunting and fishing and golfing and doing, and being able to do all the things that make Denver, you know, what it is, man, it's been the balance.

The balance for sure. - But what year is this for you? This is your? - This is my third year. - This your third year? - This is my fourth year, but I was injured my first year. So, this is my fourth. - You like Denver like that? I know, man.

- Nah, Denver, perfect for me. 'Cause I don't know about you, but I mean, I know you be, you like to get it in, but I like- - I like what you doing. (laughing) - Boy, I was at your Halloween party. I was up there, nah. But I love it 'cause it's like chill.

Like, you can have fun, but you can also chill if you want to. So, that's why it's perfect for me. I'm about to move, though. I ain't got no security around here. - Yeah, it's- - Got robbed twice, boy. - Here? - They just got in my garage, but- - Yeah, you gotta get some gated, man.

You gotta, when they know where you live, man, it'd be different, you know? - Yeah. So, but you talk about that, like looking up. I know, obviously, you've influenced a lot of people football-wise, you know, a lot of kids. You're an inspiration. But outside of football, like, as you get older, you have a kid.

What do you kind of view as your purpose in life? - You know, for him, I just want to support him. Like, my dad supported me. My dad never made me, like, play football. My dad never made me, like, you know, really do anything, but go to school and, like, do my homework and try to be the best student academically that I possibly can be.

He never really made me or forced me to do anything. And I just want to do the same thing for him. I just want to support him. I want to be his biggest support system in anything that he does. You know, he could be, you know, a candle maker.

You know, I'll just support him in that. You know, if he wanted to do filming or acting, like, I just want to support him in whatever he does, just like my dad did for me. - Yeah, dope. - I feel like that's one of my biggest purposes in life.

You know, I just, you know, you want to be a light. You know, you want to be a light around people. You want to influence people. You know, sometimes you get around people with different energies, and you can just feel it, like, right off the top. You never want to be that guy.

I just want to, you know, influence and, you know, be a light to everybody that I fuck with. - Shoot, I mean, everybody at Vaughn here is, like, it's because I respect him, and, you know, we've linked up a couple times, seen you a couple times, but everybody around here who I've talked to is always a man, Vaughn's the dopest dude ever.

Like, you got to get him on there. He's so much more than a football player, so. - I appreciate that. - That's dope, yeah. Shoot, two more questions for you, and then we'll call it a wrap. - I got you, fam. - So, I need, what's your favorite thing about you, and then what's your least favorite thing about you, if you could name those two?

- My favorite thing about me is, like, you could put me in really any room, and, like, I feel like I could relate to somebody in there, or, like, I never really feel, like, out of my element, no matter where I go, no matter who I'm around. I always feel, like, that socially, like, I can fuck with everybody, you know?

Like, not like you want to fuck with everybody, but I feel like that's one of my greatest things, is just to be able to talk to, you know, anybody. Sometimes, you know, like, sometimes the energy don't be right for, like, you know, you to, like, talk to just anybody, but, like, if you put me, like, at a house party or something, like, man, like, ooh, like, you know, I know, like, I'm going to have a son, I go to PTA meetings now, like, you put anything like that, like, you know, I'm going to kill it, and I feel like that's one of the best things about, like, in a locker room, like, I feel like that's one of the greatest things about me, a brother, being a brother, being a, you know, a son, like, I feel like those are some of the greatest things, 'cause I'm a teen guy, and I always want to see, like, the people around me, like, win or succeed, and I'm going to try to help them, I'm going to try to assist them in doing that, and I feel like that's one of my greatest things, I'm a great teammate, you can put me in any room and I'm socially able to make it happen.

I feel like, you know, one of the things about me that I don't like, I probably wish, you know, I really, you know, I'm like, I love myself. - I don't mean that. - It's a couple of tattoos that, you know. - It's a couple of tattoos that like, you know, I feel like I could, you know, make it better.

- That's it, that's all you got left. - No, if I could change something though, like I wish like I had like, like long like hair, like, you know, like, and I could sing, like if I had like hair and I could like sing, and I was the same Von, like right now, like the same Von I am today, but I had like real, real long hair and I could sing.

You know, I like. - You'd be the total package. - Yeah, you know. (laughing) But that's, you know, if you're thinking about it, that's funny. - I already know. - I'm good though. - Nah, I asked that, someone asked me that question the other day, that's why I asked it to you.

It took me a minute to figure it out, too. - Yeah. - Shoot, last question for you, dog, just about the world. You know, there's so much going on right now in the world, if you could, you know, one of your purposes is to influence, if you could change one thing or help in one way with everything going on in the world, what would you change about what's, what the state of the world right now?

- Man, there's so many serious things that, that's going on in the world right now. Like, you know, if you think about it, it's 2021, and we got like global warming, you know, like all types of stuff, and we got racism, like, those are like two of the craziest things, like, you know, in the world right now, if you think about like just global problems, right, like global warming, we slowly like, we slowly like baking ourselves, we slowly like destroying the planet, and it's, we got all of this other technology, we doing all these other things, crazy, like we got cell phones, we can't, we can't figure out like global warming, try to find, you know, some sustainable like resources, we're using gasoline and fossil fuels, and we still use them, it's 2021, it's all type of, you know, problems in that area too, and like, with racism, it's just like, it's, it's the, it's the weirdest thing, you know, like, it's just as, it's, it's, it's just as serious, it's a global problem, just like, just like global warming, bro, like, you don't like somebody because like, the color of like their skin, or like where they from, or like you judge them, or like you, you stereotype them off top, like, it's, instead of like, you know, really like learning, and like, you know, trying to figure people out, just off top, like you see them, and you like profile them like off top, that's like, you know, ridiculous.

- It's crazy. - Both of those things are like, out of all the things that our, that our world is like dealing with, like, those are like two things that like, just like blow my mind, like. - Have you experienced a lot of, a lot of racism? - Um, you know, I have experienced racism, but I wouldn't say like I experienced it a lot, like, not that I, probably like that, I don't, I don't, I don't see, like, I guess I'm so in like my bubble, and like, you know, what I'm doing, like I, you know, on a personal level, like, you know, I see it, I see it, you know, you see it on TV, there's, you can, I'm aware of it, it's happened to me, like a couple of times, like, you go overseas, and like, people don't like, you're not like the same, like, Vaughn Miller, like, you know, like, what is football, you know?

- It's like a black dude. - Like, you know, some people know you, but some people just like, are totally like, oblivious, and like, you go over there, and you just, you know, you a regular guy, you experience, you know, things that, that, that normal, like, you know, people that's not like, like, entertainers, or like, sport athletes, 'cause, you know, people, they treat you different, like.

- Yeah. - You know, you just a regular guy, and you're able to experience it, and you're able to relate on, like, some of the serious things that's, you know, really happening in the world, man, and like, racism, and global warming, is two of the craziest things that I feel like I could say.

- You like, you like going overseas, and kind of, trying to become like, a regular person for a little bit, blend in for a little bit? - I love, I love traveling, bro. I love going overseas, bro, especially like, Europe. I went to, we went on, we went on tour with Drake in 2000, and I think it was like, 2017?

The beginning of 2017, bro, and we were there for like, probably like, the end of February, until like, April, bro, like. - For real? - Yeah, for like, it was like, it was like, 35, 40 nights. - That's dope. - And we went to the, we went to the show, we went to the same show, 'cause it was the same exact show, because, you know, they might change like, one or two things, but it's still like, the same, like, lineup.

And I probably went to like, 19, or 18 or 19 shows. - Was it that little baby one, the one that had the yellow Lambo? - No, that was, that was the American tour. This was the Boy Meets The World tour, where he went to like, Amsterdam, Paris. - Ah, okay.

- Yeah, 'cause he had the first tour with, you know, with the Migos, and they had like, - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And that was an American tour, and then a year later, they did it. But instead of taking the Migos, he took like, he took Young Thug, and he had like, some Europe, like, some, like, gigs, and like, some local, you know, like, European, like, London rappers, English rappers, and he would have them open up for him, and stuff, but we went to like, Germany, and went to all these different places, like, Amsterdam, Ireland, you know, and you experiencing, like, you going on tour, like, with him, so you get to see it like, - Yeah.

- In a different light, bro, it was, it was amazing. It was really one of the top moments of my life, but at the same time, I was able to experience, like, some of these things that you wouldn't normally experience. - Right. - Like, racism, and all that type of stuff, yeah.

- Shoot, man, well, I appreciate you, man. - I appreciate you, fam. - Yeah, man, appreciate you. - Yeah, bro, for sure. - We out. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)