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00:00:00.000 | Hey parents join the LA Kings on Saturday, November 25th for an unforgettable kids day
00:00:04.960 | presented by Pear Deck. Family fun, giveaways and exciting Kings hockey awaits. Get your tickets now
00:00:10.480 | at and create lasting memories with your little ones.
00:00:14.960 | Welcome to the Radical Personal Finance Podcast. My name is Joshua Sheets and I'm your host.
00:00:19.280 | This is a special edition of the show. This show was pre-recorded so that it would be here for you
00:00:25.760 | while I am traveling here at the end of the month of September. If this is your first time listening
00:00:31.200 | to the show, feel free to enjoy today's content, but please check the archives prior to September
00:00:36.480 | 15th or check back after October to see the more normal ebb and flow of the show. I hope you'll
00:00:43.040 | uh I hope you'll enjoy the content. Today I want to share with you very briefly about a concept
00:00:48.000 | that I think is under discussed and this is a concept of investing in your health.
00:00:55.040 | Now it should be immediately intuitive what I mean by investing in your health,
00:01:01.040 | but oftentimes we don't talk about this subject or at least we don't face it head on.
00:01:06.320 | I have often said with clients within the context of the sale of insurance, especially as regards
00:01:15.440 | disability insurance, that people will spend all of their health trying to gain wealth and then
00:01:20.240 | they'll happily spend every dollar they have to try to get their health back again. It's true,
00:01:25.680 | isn't it? People will spend all of their health trying to gain wealth and then they'll happily
00:01:32.560 | spend every dollar they have to try to get their health back. That's your health. What do you have?
00:01:41.680 | Now, fortunately many of us are blessed with having good health, but many of us,
00:01:50.880 | myself included, don't value it as highly as we value as we should value it.
00:01:55.280 | What would you what amount of money would you require me to pay you to give up your good health?
00:02:02.400 | What amount of money would you require me to pay you to cause you to be bedridden?
00:02:11.040 | Bedridden for the rest of your life. Or what amount of money would you
00:02:14.560 | require me to pay you to give up an arm, a leg? You should get the idea. For most of us,
00:02:22.080 | that number is zero, meaning you're not willing to give it up for any amount of money.
00:02:28.640 | If that's the case, why do we not value our health more and why do we not invest in our health?
00:02:39.840 | I propose to you that investing in your health and valuing your health is one of the best
00:02:44.320 | investments that you can make. The good thing is, is it probably doesn't cost that much.
00:02:49.760 | Now, I don't know what your path should be or what you should do to invest in your health.
00:02:57.680 | For some of you, it may mean making better choices with the food that you buy. For some of you,
00:03:05.920 | it may mean working less. For some of you, it may mean changing to a career that is
00:03:11.840 | less likely to result in the destruction of your health.
00:03:16.960 | You have to decide what it means for you. But consider, are you willing to sacrifice your health
00:03:26.320 | for wealth? You could take away every dollar I have, and if I have my health, man, I could have
00:03:34.400 | a great life. I really could. I could be very comfortable living under a bridge in Miami,
00:03:40.080 | Florida and spending every day on South Beach. I could be very comfortable just simply asking a few
00:03:45.760 | people to share some food with me. I could be very comfortable walking across the world with no money
00:03:52.880 | and figuring it out as I go if I have my health. If I have my health, I could be very comfortable
00:03:57.840 | by getting a job, rebuilding my base of capital, starting businesses. All of that is predicated
00:04:03.920 | based upon health. And again, this is not an insurance discussion today, although this is a
00:04:08.160 | very important concept, and it's the reason why we buy insurance, especially disability income
00:04:13.440 | insurance. So just consider, is there something that you could do today to invest in your health?
00:04:19.040 | Or is there something that you could do today to invest in your health? Or is there something that
00:04:25.600 | you could stop doing today to invest in your health? I don't know what it is for you,
00:04:31.840 | but I encourage you to consider the concept. That's it for today. Be back with you tomorrow.