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Hey parents join the LA Kings on Saturday, November 25th for an unforgettable kids day presented by Pear Deck. Family fun, giveaways and exciting Kings hockey awaits. Get your tickets now at and create lasting memories with your little ones. Welcome to the Radical Personal Finance Podcast. My name is Joshua Sheets and I'm your host.

This is a special edition of the show. This show was pre-recorded so that it would be here for you while I am traveling here at the end of the month of September. If this is your first time listening to the show, feel free to enjoy today's content, but please check the archives prior to September 15th or check back after October to see the more normal ebb and flow of the show.

I hope you'll uh I hope you'll enjoy the content. Today I want to share with you very briefly about a concept that I think is under discussed and this is a concept of investing in your health. Now it should be immediately intuitive what I mean by investing in your health, but oftentimes we don't talk about this subject or at least we don't face it head on.

I have often said with clients within the context of the sale of insurance, especially as regards disability insurance, that people will spend all of their health trying to gain wealth and then they'll happily spend every dollar they have to try to get their health back again. It's true, isn't it?

People will spend all of their health trying to gain wealth and then they'll happily spend every dollar they have to try to get their health back. That's your health. What do you have? Now, fortunately many of us are blessed with having good health, but many of us, myself included, don't value it as highly as we value as we should value it.

What would you what amount of money would you require me to pay you to give up your good health? What amount of money would you require me to pay you to cause you to be bedridden? Bedridden for the rest of your life. Or what amount of money would you require me to pay you to give up an arm, a leg?

You should get the idea. For most of us, that number is zero, meaning you're not willing to give it up for any amount of money. If that's the case, why do we not value our health more and why do we not invest in our health? I propose to you that investing in your health and valuing your health is one of the best investments that you can make.

The good thing is, is it probably doesn't cost that much. Now, I don't know what your path should be or what you should do to invest in your health. For some of you, it may mean making better choices with the food that you buy. For some of you, it may mean working less.

For some of you, it may mean changing to a career that is less likely to result in the destruction of your health. You have to decide what it means for you. But consider, are you willing to sacrifice your health for wealth? You could take away every dollar I have, and if I have my health, man, I could have a great life.

I really could. I could be very comfortable living under a bridge in Miami, Florida and spending every day on South Beach. I could be very comfortable just simply asking a few people to share some food with me. I could be very comfortable walking across the world with no money and figuring it out as I go if I have my health.

If I have my health, I could be very comfortable by getting a job, rebuilding my base of capital, starting businesses. All of that is predicated based upon health. And again, this is not an insurance discussion today, although this is a very important concept, and it's the reason why we buy insurance, especially disability income insurance.

So just consider, is there something that you could do today to invest in your health? Or is there something that you could do today to invest in your health? Or is there something that you could stop doing today to invest in your health? I don't know what it is for you, but I encourage you to consider the concept.

That's it for today. Be back with you tomorrow.