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VIP Travel SECRETS Unveiled!

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Is there a type of travel you think is necessary for points to be worth it?
00:00:03.640 | I think it does lean more towards aspirational business and like first
00:00:08.040 | class type of trips are just like more expensive trips for economy stuff.
00:00:11.640 | I still pay out of pocket generally because the value is not there or I
00:00:15.600 | get okay value, like maybe 1.5 to 2 cents per point, but it's not like
00:00:19.040 | the astronomical 10 cents per point.
00:00:21.040 | So for me, a lot of it is like, how do I, as a P get the VIP experience
00:00:26.740 | and unlock this whole thing that I didn't think I could do, like growing
00:00:31.680 | up, like pretty lower middle class.
00:00:33.760 | I never thought I'd be able to fly business, let alone first.
00:00:36.840 | So the fact that I can actually like, even if it's just for a few hours, see
00:00:40.920 | what it's like to be on the other side and experience that and see these other
00:00:44.700 | people who are dropping 20 K on these flights.