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Richard Bargas - Executive Director of IFCA International

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Hello, this is Gary Kim at ShepCon. I'm here with Richard. Richard, can you introduce yourself?
00:00:06.320 | Yeah, my name is Richard Vargas. I'm the Executive Director of IFCA International.
00:00:10.480 | Okay, and Richard, you've been reading the LSB for a little bit. What do you think?
00:00:14.040 | I think it's a great Bible. I grew up with the New American Standard, and so I love that.
00:00:19.280 | And of course I was a graduate here from TMS and a professor for a little while, so I just
00:00:23.480 | love the clarity of it. I love the translation. It's pretty smooth. It's great for teaching.
00:00:29.560 | And I do a lot of teaching. I travel a lot. And even internationally when I'm teaching,
00:00:33.680 | it makes it really simple for people, even of different cultures, to understand what
00:00:37.480 | the text says.
00:00:39.320 | Thanks Richard for stopping by. I appreciate it.
00:00:41.040 | Yeah, thank you.