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Richard Bargas - Executive Director of IFCA International


Hello, this is Gary Kim at ShepCon. I'm here with Richard. Richard, can you introduce yourself? Yeah, my name is Richard Vargas. I'm the Executive Director of IFCA International. Okay, and Richard, you've been reading the LSB for a little bit. What do you think? I think it's a great Bible.

I grew up with the New American Standard, and so I love that. And of course I was a graduate here from TMS and a professor for a little while, so I just love the clarity of it. I love the translation. It's pretty smooth. It's great for teaching. And I do a lot of teaching.

I travel a lot. And even internationally when I'm teaching, it makes it really simple for people, even of different cultures, to understand what the text says. Thanks Richard for stopping by. I appreciate it. Yeah, thank you.