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E69: Elon Musk on Twitter's bot problem, SpaceX's grand plan, Tesla stories, Giga Texas & more


0:0 Bestie Guestie Elon Musk joins the besties via Zoom at the All-In Summit!
0:43 Benchmarking Twitter's bot problem, thoughts on slights from the Biden Administration
13:26 Breaking down Tesla's 6+ businesses, comparing them to a traditional car company
21:42 Concerns around the Twitter deal, crypto payments on Twitter
30:19 Building vs. acquiring, early Tesla stories
39:52 SpaceX's grand vision and business model, nuclear fusion vs. solar
56:37 Moving from CA to TX, fixing California, macroeconomic takes
70:20 American exceptionalism, a new immigration strategy

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | So live from an undisclosed location with the sultry filter on
00:00:06.620 | Very sultry filter on
00:00:10.960 | Having a great hair day. Yeah, that is a good hair day for you. Great hair day my pal
00:00:17.680 | and your
00:00:20.360 | Favorite CEO and Twitterer, Mr. Elon Musk. How you doing pal?
00:00:24.040 | *applause*
00:00:26.040 | Appreciate you coming to the event and coming zooming in. Yeah, what's new in your world?
00:00:50.700 | *laughter*
00:00:52.700 | Well, let's see, I guess right now I'm sort of debating the number of bots on Twitter
00:01:00.420 | With Paragh on Twitter
00:01:07.960 | The currently I'd like the what I'm being told is that the there's just no way to know the number of bots
00:01:15.220 | It's like as unknowable as the human soul basically
00:01:18.380 | *laughter*
00:01:20.380 | *laughter*
00:01:22.620 | *laughter*
00:01:23.120 | You have no idea what level of witchcraft and alchemy is needed to determine these buzz bot percentage
00:01:28.620 | *laughter*
00:01:29.620 | Have you determined
00:01:30.620 | I said like why not try calling people but I haven't got a response, you know, like if you try calling people or something, you know
00:01:35.820 | *laughter*
00:01:37.820 | Like maybe try that
00:01:38.320 | Can they answer? It's not a bot?
00:01:39.320 | No, no, no, I don't know
00:01:40.740 | But I think like that would be one of the things to do to say like
00:01:43.500 | Have you tried calling them as opposed to trying to read the tea leaves here? That's like impossible, you know
00:01:48.560 | *laughter*
00:01:49.060 | Obviously you can have an account that looks exactly like a human account or is being operated where one person is operating a thousand accounts or something
00:01:56.700 | But that person can only buy one toaster. They're not gonna buy a thousand toasters
00:02:01.220 | So you care about like number of unique real people that are on the system
00:02:05.520 | It's extremely fundamental and anyone who uses Twitter is well aware that
00:02:08.840 | the comment threads are full of spam scam and
00:02:14.640 | Just a lot of you know fake accounts. So
00:02:17.940 | It seems beyond
00:02:21.940 | Beyond reasonable for Twitter to claim that the number of
00:02:26.580 | *laughter*
00:02:28.580 | Essentially the number of real said another way the number of real unique humans
00:02:33.000 | *laughter*
00:02:33.580 | That you see making comments on a daily basis on Twitter is above 95%
00:02:38.460 | That is what they're claiming. Does anyone have that experience?
00:02:42.480 | *laughter*
00:02:44.480 | *laughter*
00:02:46.480 | Exactly
00:02:46.980 | I mean
00:02:47.480 | *laughter*
00:02:49.480 | *laughter*
00:02:51.480 | *laughter*
00:02:53.480 | Really?
00:02:55.480 | *laughter*
00:02:57.480 | There's a bridge I'd like to sell you, you know
00:02:59.480 | *laughter*
00:03:01.480 | *laughter*
00:03:03.480 | And also you can buy the Brooklyn Bridge
00:03:05.480 | *laughter*
00:03:07.480 | What do you think it is?
00:03:09.480 | What do you think it is?
00:03:11.480 | If it's not 5% what is it?
00:03:13.480 | *laughter*
00:03:15.480 | I think it's a number that is probably at least
00:03:17.480 | *laughter*
00:03:19.480 | 4 or 5 times that number
00:03:21.480 | I'd say at if you did sort of the lowest estimate would be probably 20%
00:03:27.480 | *laughter*
00:03:29.480 | And this is a bunch of quite smart outside firms have done analysis of Twitter and looked at the sort of daily users and their conclusion is also about 20% but that's a lower bound it's not an upper bound
00:03:45.480 | *laughter*
00:03:47.480 | If you look at say
00:03:49.480 | *laughter*
00:03:51.480 | The most liked tweets on Twitter
00:03:53.480 | *laughter*
00:03:55.480 | So I have the honor of
00:03:57.480 | *laughter*
00:03:59.480 | Having the most liked tweet of any living human
00:04:01.480 | *laughter*
00:04:03.480 | *laughter*
00:04:05.480 | This is
00:04:07.480 | *laughter*
00:04:09.480 | Thank you everyone for liking my tweet
00:04:11.480 | *laughter*
00:04:13.480 | But that tweet is less than 5 million likes
00:04:19.480 | It's like 4.7 or something like that
00:04:21.480 | And that was the
00:04:23.480 | Where I tweeted about
00:04:25.480 | That next time buying Coca-Cola
00:04:27.480 | To put the cocaine back in
00:04:29.480 | *laughter*
00:04:31.480 | It's definitely
00:04:33.480 | It's clearly something that the public really wants
00:04:35.480 | *laughter*
00:04:37.480 | You know Coca-Cola corporation
00:04:39.480 | Should really think about going back to their roots
00:04:41.480 | *laughter*
00:04:43.480 | Coca-Cola
00:04:45.480 | I mean this I guess is the reason
00:04:47.480 | Why our grandparents could
00:04:49.480 | Sort of walk 20 miles in the snow
00:04:51.480 | *laughter*
00:04:53.480 | Because they had Coca-Cola with cocaine
00:04:55.480 | *laughter*
00:04:57.480 | *laughter*
00:04:59.480 | Anyway that's
00:05:01.480 | That's literally the most popular tweet
00:05:03.480 | *laughter*
00:05:05.480 | Of any living human
00:05:07.480 | And but Twitter says
00:05:09.480 | The daily
00:05:11.480 | The sort of monetizable daily active users is
00:05:13.480 | 117 million
00:05:15.480 | So why would it be
00:05:17.480 | That the most popular tweet
00:05:19.480 | Ever basically is
00:05:21.480 | Only you know 2
00:05:23.480 | 2.5% of the entire
00:05:25.480 | User base
00:05:27.480 | This seems
00:05:29.480 | A very very low number
00:05:31.480 | *laughter*
00:05:35.480 | The most popular tweets generally are clustered around that
00:05:37.480 | Sort of 4 million
00:05:39.480 | Like level so it's sort of
00:05:41.480 | Basically 2% or less than 2%
00:05:43.480 | Of the
00:05:45.480 | Daily active users
00:05:47.480 | And technically monetizable daily active users
00:05:49.480 | Is how Twitter refers to it so it just seems
00:05:51.480 | How is this possible
00:05:53.480 | Surely there's something that maybe
00:05:55.480 | You know 10%
00:05:57.480 | Of people would like not merely 2%
00:05:59.480 | Well actually
00:06:01.480 | You know if you think about it Elon
00:06:03.480 | There's a corollary on YouTube
00:06:05.480 | What do what's the total user base of YouTube
00:06:07.480 | And what have the most popular videos
00:06:09.480 | Gotten there
00:06:11.480 | And I think there's a billion or two
00:06:13.480 | Billion people using YouTube
00:06:15.480 | And those the most popular videos have
00:06:17.480 | Tens of billions of views
00:06:19.480 | That might be instructive
00:06:21.480 | Exactly that ratio makes a lot more sense
00:06:25.480 | Something doesn't add up here
00:06:27.480 | And my concern
00:06:29.480 | Is not that is it like
00:06:31.480 | You know is it 5 or
00:06:33.480 | 7 or 8% but is it
00:06:35.480 | Potentially 80%
00:06:37.480 | Or 90%
00:06:39.480 | But you know
00:06:41.480 | Is it I mean
00:06:43.480 | I certainly know there's some real people on Twitter
00:06:45.480 | But what's
00:06:47.480 | Is it an order of magnitude
00:06:49.480 | Is it 50% instead of 5
00:06:51.480 | And that's obviously an incredibly material number
00:06:53.480 | Especially since Twitter
00:06:55.480 | Relies primarily on brand advertising
00:06:57.480 | As opposed to specific
00:06:59.480 | Click through advertising
00:07:01.480 | Where you make a purchase
00:07:03.480 | If you make a purchase
00:07:05.480 | It doesn't really matter that much
00:07:07.480 | But for brand advertising which is really just awareness advertising
00:07:09.480 | It matters if real humans are seeing that or not
00:07:13.480 | And so
00:07:15.480 | I guess stepping back for a second
00:07:17.480 | People are curious why
00:07:19.480 | You want to buy Twitter
00:07:21.480 | Why is this so important to you
00:07:23.480 | And then I guess what are the chances
00:07:25.480 | You think the deal gets done at this point
00:07:27.480 | So a two-parter
00:07:29.480 | Why is it so important to you
00:07:31.480 | I mean some of this I've articulated before
00:07:33.480 | But I think there's a need for
00:07:35.480 | A public town square
00:07:37.480 | Digital town square
00:07:39.480 | That where people can debate
00:07:41.480 | Issues of all kinds
00:07:43.480 | Including the most substantive issues
00:07:45.480 | And in order for
00:07:47.480 | For that to be the case
00:07:49.480 | You have to have something that is as broadly inclusive as possible
00:07:51.480 | That has as much of the
00:07:53.480 | The people on the platform as possible
00:07:55.480 | Where it's
00:07:57.480 | It feels
00:07:59.480 | Balanced from a political standpoint
00:08:01.480 | It's not biased one way or the other
00:08:03.480 | And where
00:08:05.480 | The system is transparent
00:08:07.480 | This is why I think it's important to put the algorithm on
00:08:09.480 | On GitHub and actually
00:08:11.480 | Allow the public to see it and critique it
00:08:13.480 | And improve it
00:08:15.480 | And if there are any manual changes
00:08:17.480 | Sort of shadow banning as it's called
00:08:21.480 | Increasing or decreasing the prominence
00:08:23.480 | Of a tweet that's done manually
00:08:25.480 | That that should be noted
00:08:27.480 | So you know what has happened
00:08:29.480 | And it's not just
00:08:31.480 | You know
00:08:33.480 | Where it is right now
00:08:35.480 | Where you don't know what the heck is going on
00:08:37.480 | Why is one tweet doing well
00:08:39.480 | Why is another tweet not
00:08:41.480 | Is it the algorithm? Did someone manually intervene?
00:08:43.480 | Or is it the algorithm that's banned
00:08:45.480 | With no recourse apparently
00:08:49.480 | You know the reality is
00:08:51.480 | That Twitter at this point
00:08:53.480 | You know has
00:08:55.480 | A very far left bias
00:08:57.480 | And I would classify myself as a moderate
00:08:59.480 | Neither Republican nor Democrat
00:09:01.480 | And in fact
00:09:03.480 | I have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats
00:09:05.480 | Historically overwhelmingly
00:09:07.480 | Like I'm not sure
00:09:09.480 | I might never have voted for Republican
00:09:11.480 | Just to be clear
00:09:11.480 | Right
00:09:11.480 | Now this election
00:09:13.480 | I will
00:09:15.480 | *laughter*
00:09:17.480 | *laughter*
00:09:19.480 | Hold on hold on hold on
00:09:21.480 | David you okay?
00:09:23.480 | Keep going keep going he's fine
00:09:25.480 | We're going to resuscitate him
00:09:27.480 | We're going to resuscitate David Sachs
00:09:29.480 | I mean let me ask you a personal question
00:09:31.480 | The point I'm trying to make is that this is not some sort of attempt to
00:09:33.480 | You know it's not some right wing takeover
00:09:35.480 | As say people on the left may fear
00:09:37.480 | But rather a moderate wing takeover
00:09:39.480 | And an attempt to
00:09:41.480 | Ensure that people of
00:09:43.480 | Of all you know
00:09:45.480 | Political beliefs feel welcome
00:09:47.480 | On a digital town square
00:09:49.480 | And they can express
00:09:51.480 | Their beliefs without fear of being
00:09:53.480 | Banned or shadow banned
00:09:55.480 | And that we obviously
00:09:57.480 | Need to get rid of the bots
00:09:59.480 | And scams and trolls and people that are
00:10:01.480 | Operating huge bot armies
00:10:03.480 | And attempt to
00:10:05.480 | Unduly influence the
00:10:07.480 | Public opinion so
00:10:09.480 | This is what I think it's very important that we have that
00:10:11.480 | Like the
00:10:13.480 | Some of the smartest people
00:10:15.480 | In history have
00:10:17.480 | Thought about it and said like
00:10:19.480 | Free speech is important
00:10:21.480 | For a healthy democracy it is important
00:10:23.480 | And free speech only matters
00:10:25.480 | Like say when does free speech matter most
00:10:33.480 | It's when someone
00:10:35.480 | When it's someone you don't like
00:10:37.480 | Saying something you don't like
00:10:39.480 | That's when it actually matters
00:10:43.480 | You know
00:10:45.480 | Obviously and it's pretty annoying
00:10:47.480 | When someone you don't like says something you don't like
00:10:49.480 | That's bad
00:10:51.480 | But it's actually a good sign of
00:10:53.480 | That you have
00:10:55.480 | Free speech
00:10:57.480 | So I mean I get trashed by the media
00:10:59.480 | All the time it's fine I don't care
00:11:01.480 | Do it twice as much
00:11:03.480 | I couldn't care less
00:11:05.480 | But it's indicative of the fact that even though
00:11:07.480 | You know I have like a lot of resources
00:11:09.480 | I do not actually have the ability
00:11:11.480 | To stop the media from trashed it
00:11:13.480 | And that's actually a good thing
00:11:15.480 | Yeah I have to ask
00:11:17.480 | With regard to this current administration
00:11:19.480 | I know how hard you work
00:11:21.480 | On the car company
00:11:23.480 | And then Biden
00:11:25.480 | You know you've been a life long
00:11:27.480 | Democrat you've donated to Obama
00:11:29.480 | And to everybody probably never voted Republican
00:11:31.480 | And yet
00:11:33.480 | And the same is true for Joe Rogan
00:11:35.480 | Joe Rogan is you know
00:11:37.480 | A Bernie Sanders supporter
00:11:39.480 | And that the Democratic party
00:11:41.480 | Has been openly hostile to Joe Rogan
00:11:43.480 | And Biden
00:11:45.480 | Can't even say the word Tesla
00:11:47.480 | Or invite you to the White House
00:11:49.480 | When they do an EV summit
00:11:51.480 | I'm curious just on a very personal basis
00:11:53.480 | What does it feel like to have that experience
00:11:55.480 | Where the party you supported
00:11:57.480 | Won't even say the name of your company
00:11:59.480 | Or invite you there
00:12:01.480 | They should be celebrating the work you're doing
00:12:03.480 | Yeah I mean it definitely feels like
00:12:05.480 | This is not right
00:12:07.480 | The issue here is that
00:12:09.480 | There's just
00:12:11.480 | The Democratic party is
00:12:13.480 | Overly controlled by the unions
00:12:15.480 | And by the trial lawyers
00:12:17.480 | Particularly the class action lawyers
00:12:19.480 | And generally if you'll see something
00:12:21.480 | That is not in the interest of the people
00:12:23.480 | On the Democrats side
00:12:25.480 | It's going to come
00:12:27.480 | Because of the unions
00:12:29.480 | Which is just another form of monopoly
00:12:31.480 | And the trial lawyers
00:12:33.480 | That's where actions will be happening
00:12:35.480 | From the Democrats side
00:12:37.480 | They're not in the interest of the people
00:12:39.480 | And then to be fair
00:12:41.480 | On the Republican side
00:12:43.480 | If you say
00:12:45.480 | Where there's something not ideal happening
00:12:47.480 | It's because of corporate evil
00:12:49.480 | And religious zealotry
00:12:51.480 | That's generally
00:12:53.480 | Where the bad things will be coming from
00:12:55.480 | On the Republican side
00:12:57.480 | That are not representative of the people
00:12:59.480 | So in the case of Biden
00:13:01.480 | He is simply too much
00:13:03.480 | Captured by the unions
00:13:05.480 | Which was not the case with Obama
00:13:07.480 | So in the case of Obama
00:13:09.480 | You could have
00:13:11.480 | He was quite reasonable
00:13:13.480 | And I think he took more of a view
00:13:15.480 | That obviously
00:13:17.480 | You take the concerns of the unions into account
00:13:19.480 | But there are bigger issues at stake
00:13:21.480 | And unfortunately Biden does not do that
00:13:23.480 | Elon I have a Tesla question
00:13:25.480 | I read today
00:13:27.480 | It's incredible
00:13:29.480 | There was a Bloomberg article
00:13:31.480 | That said the following
00:13:33.480 | So the setup is this
00:13:35.480 | It said since you went public
00:13:37.480 | Tesla is up 22,000%
00:13:39.480 | 11/4 of sequential profitability
00:13:41.480 | So hitting on all cylinders
00:13:43.480 | And you're talking about analysts
00:13:45.480 | That's a car joke
00:13:47.480 | That's a combust
00:13:49.480 | We're stepping on the gas pedal
00:13:51.480 | Firing on all cylinders
00:13:53.480 | People charged
00:13:55.480 | But analysts
00:13:57.480 | When they put out their projections
00:14:01.480 | It's one of the most enormous bans
00:14:03.480 | For any company in America
00:14:05.480 | The price targets for Tesla
00:14:07.480 | Despite all of this success
00:14:09.480 | Some have it at 200
00:14:11.480 | Some have it at 1600
00:14:13.480 | You tweeted
00:14:15.480 | A couple of months ago
00:14:17.480 | Tesla is not a company
00:14:19.480 | It's like six companies inside of a company
00:14:21.480 | Like you've had to build
00:14:23.480 | Yeah maybe more
00:14:25.480 | Can you just explain to people
00:14:27.480 | All these companies inside this super company
00:14:29.480 | Just so folks have a sense of what had to be done
00:14:31.480 | To get here
00:14:33.480 | Okay I mean this question requires thought
00:14:35.480 | And I'll probably be leaving out quite a few things
00:14:37.480 | But if you look at say what
00:14:39.480 | What does a typical car company do
00:14:41.480 | What they do is they
00:14:43.480 | They assemble vehicles
00:14:45.480 | And they send them to dealers
00:14:47.480 | And they manage the supply chain
00:14:49.480 | They might make the engine
00:14:51.480 | Or typically will make the engine
00:14:53.480 | But most of the parts
00:14:55.480 | Are made by suppliers
00:14:57.480 | And a lot of the actual technology
00:14:59.480 | Development is done by suppliers
00:15:01.480 | And most of the vehicle software
00:15:03.480 | Is done by suppliers
00:15:05.480 | So the actual amount of real work
00:15:07.480 | Done by car companies
00:15:09.480 | What you think of sort of like a GM or Ford
00:15:11.480 | Is not actually that much
00:15:13.480 | And so they don't do
00:15:15.480 | They don't do sales
00:15:17.480 | They don't do service
00:15:19.480 | So in the case of Tesla for example
00:15:21.480 | We do
00:15:23.480 | We do our own sales and service
00:15:25.480 | We don't have dealerships
00:15:27.480 | Then Tesla also has
00:15:29.480 | By far the biggest network
00:15:31.480 | Of superchargers
00:15:33.480 | Sort of the electric equivalent of gas stations
00:15:35.480 | So we built an entire global supercharger network
00:15:37.480 | Which is still the most advanced
00:15:39.480 | And by far the best
00:15:41.480 | Way to charge your car when traveling
00:15:43.480 | In the distance or if you live in a city
00:15:45.480 | And don't have the ability
00:15:47.480 | To charge your car
00:15:49.480 | Because of street parking or an apartment
00:15:51.480 | So the whole supercharger network
00:15:53.480 | We developed the supercharger network
00:15:55.480 | We deployed it
00:15:57.480 | I think we have
00:15:59.480 | I don't know 15,000 superchargers globally
00:16:01.480 | You can travel anywhere in America
00:16:03.480 | Right now with the Tesla supercharger network
00:16:07.480 | In terms of vertical integration
00:16:11.480 | We make the battery pack
00:16:13.480 | The power electronics
00:16:15.480 | The drive unit
00:16:19.480 | We actually make
00:16:21.480 | We're more integrated in the parts
00:16:23.480 | We actually make so much of the car internally
00:16:25.480 | We're vertically integrated
00:16:27.480 | Not necessarily because we think
00:16:29.480 | There's some religious reason to be vertically integrated
00:16:31.480 | But because the pace at which we needed to move
00:16:33.480 | Was just much faster than the supply chain could move
00:16:35.480 | And to the degree that you inherit
00:16:37.480 | The legacy supply chain
00:16:39.480 | You inherit the legacy constraints
00:16:41.480 | Including their speed, cost
00:16:43.480 | And technology
00:16:45.480 | And then Tesla is as much a software company
00:16:47.480 | As it is a hardware company
00:16:49.480 | So the software that runs in Tesla
00:16:51.480 | Operates the car, operates the screen
00:16:53.480 | Does the charging
00:16:55.480 | All of that stuff is developed by Tesla
00:16:59.480 | So we have sort of a car, a Tesla OS in the car
00:17:01.480 | When you
00:17:03.480 | I could go on for a long time
00:17:05.480 | And then very importantly
00:17:07.480 | Tesla
00:17:09.480 | Has built
00:17:11.480 | An autopilot
00:17:13.480 | That can control the AI team from scratch
00:17:15.480 | That is the best real-world AI team on earth
00:17:17.480 | And if anyone else has got a better one
00:17:19.480 | I'd like to see it demonstrated in a car
00:17:23.480 | The full self-driving beta at this point
00:17:27.480 | Very often take you with zero interventions
00:17:29.480 | Across the bay area
00:17:31.480 | From San Jose to Marin
00:17:35.480 | Through complex traffic
00:17:37.480 | It's really quite sophisticated
00:17:39.480 | And I invite anyone to
00:17:41.480 | Join the beta or look at the videos of those who are in the beta
00:17:43.480 | There are probably 100,000 people in the beta
00:17:45.480 | So it's not tiny
00:17:47.480 | And we'll be expanding that to
00:17:49.480 | I don't know, probably a million people
00:17:51.480 | Or a million, I don't know, on that order
00:17:53.480 | By the end of the year
00:17:55.480 | So it's
00:17:57.480 | You had this slide
00:17:59.480 | We also built a chip team
00:18:01.480 | Because there wasn't hardware
00:18:03.480 | That we could run the friggin AI on
00:18:05.480 | We couldn't just
00:18:07.480 | Fill the trunk with a whole bunch of GPUs
00:18:11.480 | You know, because
00:18:13.480 | We had a trunk full of GPUs
00:18:15.480 | That would have been very expensive
00:18:17.480 | And take a massive amount of power and cooling
00:18:19.480 | Just to be able to do what the Tesla designed
00:18:21.480 | Full self-driving computer can do
00:18:23.480 | So, and we started a chip team from scratch
00:18:25.480 | Designed it, it was the best in the world
00:18:27.480 | And still is the best in the world
00:18:29.480 | Several years later
00:18:31.480 | And we also then developed
00:18:33.480 | We were designing a Dojo
00:18:35.480 | Supercomputer to be able to process the
00:18:37.480 | All the video
00:18:39.480 | That's coming in from billions of miles of data
00:18:41.480 | Because, just sort of like the way that
00:18:43.480 | It's very difficult to compete with Google
00:18:45.480 | Because they have so much data
00:18:47.480 | And they have all these people doing searches all the time
00:18:49.480 | And humanity is training it
00:18:51.480 | The same is true of Tesla
00:18:53.480 | You really need billions of miles
00:18:55.480 | Ultimately tens of billions of miles of training data
00:18:57.480 | Combined with a sort of
00:18:59.480 | A vast training computer
00:19:01.480 | And then optimize
00:19:03.480 | Inference hardware in the car
00:19:05.480 | And state of the art AI
00:19:07.480 | And training specialized software
00:19:09.480 | Across the board to be able to achieve
00:19:11.480 | A full self-driving solution
00:19:13.480 | When he opened Tesla Gigafactory
00:19:15.480 | Remember this six or seven years ago?
00:19:17.480 | I'll just tell the audience a story quickly
00:19:19.480 | He puts a slide up there
00:19:21.480 | And he says, guys we're not actually building
00:19:23.480 | A factory, we're building a machine
00:19:25.480 | That makes machines and he puts the layout
00:19:27.480 | Of the factory and it looks like a chip
00:19:29.480 | And it was basically like
00:19:31.480 | How you would actually lay out a microchip
00:19:33.480 | If you were, you know, you were like a layout engineer
00:19:35.480 | It was the craziest thing I'd ever seen
00:19:37.480 | That was when I first got it
00:19:39.480 | You know, you walk in and you see what's happening
00:19:41.480 | And you have an insurance company now you're doing insurance for Tesla
00:19:43.480 | Owners and an Uber competitor
00:19:45.480 | And eventually a robo taxi Uber competitor
00:19:49.480 | Yeah, I mean
00:19:51.480 | Insurance is not quite significant
00:19:53.480 | Now are you okay? I'm okay
00:19:55.480 | The car insurance thing is a bigger deal
00:19:57.480 | It may seem
00:19:59.480 | A lot of people are paying
00:20:01.480 | You know, 30, 40% as much as their
00:20:03.480 | Lease payment for the car
00:20:05.480 | In car insurance
00:20:07.480 | So the car insurance industry is incredibly
00:20:09.480 | Inefficient because they're just
00:20:11.480 | Personally you've got like so many
00:20:13.480 | Sort of middle entities you've got
00:20:15.480 | From the insurance agent all the way to
00:20:17.480 | The final sort of reinsurer there's like
00:20:19.480 | A half dozen companies each taking a cut
00:20:21.480 | And then the
00:20:23.480 | It's all very statistical
00:20:25.480 | So that there's
00:20:27.480 | Even if you're a very good driver like you could
00:20:29.480 | Be like, you know, 20 years old
00:20:31.480 | And a great driver but they
00:20:33.480 | It's all statistical so you can't get
00:20:35.480 | You either can't get insurance or it's extremely
00:20:37.480 | Expensive
00:20:39.480 | So but Tesla allows for real time
00:20:41.480 | Insurance based on how you actually drive it
00:20:43.480 | So if you drive the car
00:20:45.480 | You can actually if you drive the car
00:20:47.480 | In a safer way you actually
00:20:49.480 | Have lower insurance
00:20:51.480 | So ours is
00:20:53.480 | Insurance is based on how you actually drive
00:20:55.480 | Not how you know
00:20:57.480 | Historically people that
00:20:59.480 | You know fit your whatever demographic
00:21:01.480 | Have drive and then you can close the loop
00:21:03.480 | Around your
00:21:05.480 | Insurance rate by simply driving better and looking at
00:21:07.480 | Your score and
00:21:09.480 | Lowering your insurance in real time and people
00:21:11.480 | Do it actually promotes safer driving
00:21:13.480 | I actually have had this experience
00:21:15.480 | Because in my household two people
00:21:17.480 | Drive my car and one of them has
00:21:19.480 | A 93 score and the other one
00:21:21.480 | Does not they have like a 60 score
00:21:25.480 | You may have met this other person but
00:21:27.480 | I've been trying to work with her on
00:21:29.480 | The aggressive turns and stops
00:21:31.480 | In advance
00:21:33.480 | Of our insurance bill
00:21:35.480 | Which we're hoping
00:21:37.480 | Will go down at some point
00:21:39.480 | You didn't oh the one question
00:21:41.480 | Is this Twitter deal going to get closed
00:21:43.480 | You think what are the chances here
00:21:45.480 | Well I mean it really depends
00:21:47.480 | On a lot of factors here
00:21:49.480 | I'm still waiting for
00:21:51.480 | Some sort of logical
00:21:53.480 | Explanation for
00:21:55.480 | The number of sort of fake
00:21:57.480 | Or spam accounts on Twitter
00:21:59.480 | And Twitter is refusing to
00:22:01.480 | Tell us so
00:22:03.480 | You know
00:22:05.480 | This just seems like a strange thing
00:22:07.480 | Wait sorry
00:22:09.480 | Are they refusing to tell you or you don't think they really know
00:22:11.480 | I mean there's a good chance
00:22:13.480 | They may just have no idea
00:22:15.480 | They claim that they do know
00:22:19.480 | And they claim that they've got this complex methodology
00:22:21.480 | That only they can understand
00:22:25.480 | Laughter
00:22:27.480 | But the guy who landed
00:22:29.480 | Two rockets simultaneously
00:22:31.480 | Can't understand
00:22:33.480 | You stir this cauldron and then you throw the
00:22:35.480 | Nothin' at 'em
00:22:37.480 | Laughter
00:22:39.480 | Pogsworth
00:22:41.480 | And then suddenly it comes to you in a dream
00:22:43.480 | I don't know
00:22:45.480 | But there should be some
00:22:47.480 | You know
00:22:49.480 | Objective way to
00:22:51.480 | Because this is a material
00:22:53.480 | Public statement
00:22:55.480 | It's a
00:22:57.480 | You know it's a material adverse
00:22:59.480 | Misstatement
00:23:01.480 | You know if they in fact
00:23:03.480 | Have been
00:23:05.480 | Vesiferously claiming less than 5%
00:23:07.480 | Of fake or spam accounts
00:23:09.480 | But in fact it is 4 or 5 times that
00:23:11.480 | Number or perhaps 10 times that number
00:23:13.480 | This is a big deal
00:23:15.480 | It's not this
00:23:17.480 | It seems like if you said okay
00:23:19.480 | I'm gonna I agree to buy your house
00:23:21.480 | You say the house has less than 5% termites
00:23:23.480 | That's an acceptable number
00:23:25.480 | But if it turns out it is 90% termites
00:23:27.480 | That's
00:23:29.480 | Not okay you know
00:23:31.480 | It's not the same house
00:23:33.480 | Laughter
00:23:35.480 | This house is made mostly of termites
00:23:37.480 | If termites leave
00:23:39.480 | Literally your house will disappear
00:23:41.480 | Because it's mostly made of termites
00:23:43.480 | So you know that would obviously
00:23:45.480 | Just not be appropriate
00:23:47.480 | So in making the twitter offer
00:23:49.480 | I was obviously reliant upon the truth
00:23:51.480 | And accuracy of their public filings
00:23:53.480 | And if those filings are not accurate
00:23:55.480 | It's simply not
00:23:57.480 | It's not
00:23:59.480 | You can't pay the same price
00:24:01.480 | For something that is much worse than they claimed
00:24:03.480 | And you know they say
00:24:05.480 | Elon life's a negotiation
00:24:07.480 | So at a different price
00:24:09.480 | It might be a totally viable deal correct
00:24:11.480 | I mean
00:24:13.480 | I mean
00:24:15.480 | I mean
00:24:17.480 | It's not out of the question
00:24:19.480 | But I really would
00:24:21.480 | You know the more questions I ask
00:24:23.480 | The more my concerns
00:24:29.480 | You know at the end of the day
00:24:31.480 | Acquiring it has to be fixable
00:24:33.480 | And fixable
00:24:35.480 | With a reasonable time frame
00:24:37.480 | And without revenues collapsing along the way
00:24:39.480 | And all that sort of stuff
00:24:41.480 | And so
00:24:43.480 | You know I really need to see
00:24:45.480 | How these things are being calculated
00:24:47.480 | And it can't be some deep mystery
00:24:49.480 | That is like more complex than the human soul
00:24:51.480 | Or something like that
00:24:53.480 | It's got to be
00:24:55.480 | You know
00:24:57.480 | I think we can apply the scientific method to this
00:24:59.480 | And try to figure out what's really going on
00:25:03.480 | Twitter's revenue is primarily dependent
00:25:05.480 | I think 70% or some of that order
00:25:07.480 | On brand advertising
00:25:09.480 | As opposed to specific purchase advertising
00:25:11.480 | And I think that's the thing
00:25:13.480 | This is a big deal
00:25:15.480 | Because brand advertising is not
00:25:17.480 | There's not a purchase that results from that
00:25:19.480 | So it's basically
00:25:21.480 | How much mind share
00:25:23.480 | If you're a big company
00:25:25.480 | How often do they hear your name
00:25:27.480 | As opposed to something where you can directly measure the outcome
00:25:29.480 | So that
00:25:31.480 | That means that they're somewhat going on faith
00:25:33.480 | And if that faith
00:25:35.480 | Is undermined or reduced
00:25:37.480 | Because of the reality of the situation
00:25:39.480 | Coming to the fore
00:25:41.480 | Then Tesla's revenue
00:25:43.480 | Starts with a T
00:25:45.480 | Twitter's revenue
00:25:47.480 | Will be
00:25:49.480 | Significantly impaired
00:25:51.480 | And that's a major problem
00:25:53.480 | Elon did you have a chance to ask these questions
00:25:55.480 | During your negotiation
00:25:59.480 | Like I said I was relying upon
00:26:01.480 | Their public filings
00:26:03.480 | So to the degree that
00:26:05.480 | And this is normal for a public company
00:26:07.480 | If you make a formal filing
00:26:11.480 | That is what
00:26:13.480 | Investors are relying upon
00:26:15.480 | Whether they are making an acquisition offer
00:26:17.480 | Or simply buying some shares
00:26:19.480 | So this
00:26:21.480 | The accuracy of these filings is important
00:26:23.480 | Whether you're buying one share
00:26:25.480 | Or the whole company
00:26:27.480 | And so if these filings are inaccurate
00:26:29.480 | Or if they're
00:26:31.480 | Sort of potentially blatant
00:26:33.480 | It's a big deal
00:26:35.480 | Elon do you have a sense of
00:26:37.480 | Why this has been such a
00:26:39.480 | Persistent problem for Twitter
00:26:41.480 | Do they not have the technical capabilities
00:26:43.480 | To solve the bot problem
00:26:45.480 | Or is it more of like just
00:26:47.480 | They've under prioritized the issue
00:26:49.480 | Or been unwilling to because potentially
00:26:51.480 | There are implications for
00:26:53.480 | Ad revenue
00:26:55.480 | I don't know it's sort of speculative at this point
00:26:57.480 | So the
00:26:59.480 | The worst interpretation
00:27:01.480 | Would be that they don't want to look too closely
00:27:03.480 | At the thing because they might not like the answer
00:27:05.480 | That would be the worst interpretation
00:27:09.480 | I'm not sure what the best interpretation is
00:27:11.480 | But the least bad interpretation would be
00:27:13.480 | Maybe they thought it was this way
00:27:15.480 | But the way they were doing it was wrong
00:27:17.480 | And they didn't realize they were mistaken
00:27:19.480 | And simply weren't paying enough attention
00:27:21.480 | It does seem as though it should be a lot easier
00:27:23.480 | To get rid of the bots and spam and trolls
00:27:25.480 | Than like this is not some
00:27:27.480 | We're not trying to split the atom here
00:27:29.480 | You know
00:27:31.480 | We're not trying to get to the moon
00:27:33.480 | We're just trying to
00:27:35.480 | Limit the amount of obviously scammy accounts
00:27:37.480 | If it's
00:27:39.480 | If it's like
00:27:41.480 | A bitcoin giveaway
00:27:43.480 | You know
00:27:45.480 | Probably it's a spammer
00:27:47.480 | You know like
00:27:49.480 | Maybe you know
00:27:51.480 | Wait you're not giving away 100 bitcoin?
00:27:53.480 | I just sent you 10 e
00:27:55.480 | If you send me 2 bitcoin
00:27:57.480 | I'll send you one back
00:27:59.480 | Right?
00:28:01.480 | What if I send you 20?
00:28:03.480 | Actually
00:28:05.480 | I thought one of the interesting things
00:28:07.480 | That came up in your product roadmap
00:28:09.480 | Or I guess this was released
00:28:11.480 | And people were like
00:28:13.480 | Oh I'm going to use this
00:28:15.480 | And people covered it
00:28:17.480 | Was the possibility of Twitter becoming
00:28:19.480 | Kind of a super app with
00:28:21.480 | Payments included
00:28:23.480 | Perhaps even Doge or something
00:28:25.480 | This seems to me
00:28:27.480 | Based on your work with David
00:28:29.480 | A PayPal
00:28:31.480 | A pretty brilliant idea
00:28:33.480 | What's the vision there in terms of
00:28:35.480 | If you were able to buy it
00:28:37.480 | Perhaps at the right price
00:28:39.480 | What would it look like
00:28:41.480 | If I could add Jason to Elon Musk
00:28:43.480 | Sure well
00:28:45.480 | For those that have used WeChat
00:28:47.480 | I think that's
00:28:49.480 | WeChat's actually a good model
00:28:51.480 | If you're in China it's basically
00:28:53.480 | You kind of live on WeChat
00:28:55.480 | It does everything
00:28:57.480 | It's sort of like Twitter plus PayPal
00:28:59.480 | Plus a whole bunch of other things
00:29:01.480 | And all roll into one with actually a great interface
00:29:03.480 | And it's really an excellent app
00:29:05.480 | And we don't have anything like that
00:29:07.480 | Outside of China
00:29:09.480 | So I think
00:29:11.480 | Such an app would be really
00:29:13.480 | Useful
00:29:15.480 | And just like the utility
00:29:17.480 | Of sort of a
00:29:19.480 | Spam free
00:29:21.480 | Thing where you can make comments
00:29:23.480 | You can post videos
00:29:25.480 | You know I think it's important for
00:29:27.480 | Content creators to have a revenue share
00:29:29.480 | Now this does not need
00:29:31.480 | To be done on Twitter
00:29:33.480 | It could be done from something that's created from scratch
00:29:35.480 | So it could be something new
00:29:37.480 | So really but I think this thing
00:29:39.480 | Needs to exist whether it is
00:29:41.480 | Converting Twitter to
00:29:43.480 | Be the sort of like
00:29:45.480 | Kind of all encompassing app
00:29:47.480 | That like I said everything from
00:29:49.480 | Digital town square where important ideas are debated
00:29:51.480 | You know maximally trusted and inclusive
00:29:55.480 | And at a point where you sort of
00:29:57.480 | Have a high trust situation then
00:29:59.480 | Payments whether it's
00:30:01.480 | Crypto or fiat
00:30:03.480 | Can make a lot of sense
00:30:05.480 | You just want something
00:30:07.480 | That's incredibly useful and that people love using
00:30:11.480 | But it's
00:30:13.480 | It's either convert Twitter to that
00:30:15.480 | Or start something new those are the two
00:30:17.480 | But it does need to happen somehow
00:30:19.480 | Well it's interesting you bring that up
00:30:21.480 | Because the price of Twitter
00:30:23.480 | Is pretty high
00:30:25.480 | And you've built a couple of companies
00:30:27.480 | And some engineers like to come work for you
00:30:29.480 | And you've now gone through the intellectual
00:30:31.480 | Exercise of studying all this
00:30:33.480 | If you're looking at the two choices now
00:30:35.480 | Fixing Twitter given all these problems
00:30:37.480 | And maybe just starting
00:30:39.480 | Your own version which one are you leaning towards
00:30:41.480 | Because I have watched you build a
00:30:43.480 | Couple of companies and the products have turned out
00:30:45.480 | Pretty good so is it easier
00:30:47.480 | For someone like you to just start from scratch
00:30:49.480 | I mean
00:30:51.480 | It's certainly the
00:30:53.480 | My default inclination is to start
00:30:55.480 | Things from scratch
00:30:57.480 | I mean I'm not really I don't buy things
00:30:59.480 | There's still this sort of
00:31:01.480 | You know
00:31:05.480 | Like SpaceX would start up from scratch
00:31:07.480 | You know
00:31:09.480 | In the case of Tesla
00:31:11.480 | You know
00:31:13.480 | There's like five people
00:31:15.480 | There's still this guy
00:31:17.480 | Everhard who's the worst guy I've ever worked with
00:31:19.480 | Who tries to claim like sole credit essentially
00:31:21.480 | For creating Tesla
00:31:23.480 | And if he's so damn great why don't he just go
00:31:25.480 | You know create another car company when he was fired
00:31:27.480 | But anyway
00:31:31.480 | Well I mean that's a pretty good story I mean
00:31:35.480 | I remember
00:31:37.480 | I mean no but I remember having this conversation with you
00:31:39.480 | We were having a conversation about the roadster
00:31:41.480 | I think I can tell this story
00:31:43.480 | Because I think it's a pretty good story
00:31:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:31:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:31:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:31:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:31:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:31:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:31:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:31:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:32:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:33:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:34:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:35:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:36:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:37:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:38:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:39:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:40:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:41:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:42:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:43:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:44:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:45:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:46:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:47:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:48:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:49:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:50:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:51:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:52:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:53:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:54:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:55:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:56:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:57:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:58:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
00:59:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:00:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:01:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:02:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:03:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:04:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:05:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:06:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:07:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:08:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:09:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:10:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:11:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:12:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:13:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:14:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:15:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:16:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:17:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:18:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:19:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:20:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:21:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:22:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:23:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:24:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:19.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:21.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:23.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:25.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:27.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:29.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:31.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:33.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:35.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:37.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:39.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:41.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:43.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:45.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:47.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:49.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:51.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:53.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:55.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:57.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:25:59.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:26:01.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:26:03.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:26:05.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:26:07.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:26:09.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:26:11.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:26:13.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:26:15.480 | I think it's a pretty good story
01:26:17.480 | I think it's a pretty good story