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How LSH Random Projection works in search (+Python)

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00:00:00.000 | Okay, so we're on to lsh or locality sensitive hashing with random projection in the
00:00:07.360 | Previous video in a series if you're if you're following it, we covered lsh
00:00:12.800 | but we covered the more traditional version of it with
00:00:15.280 | shingling min hashing
00:00:17.840 | and lsh
00:00:19.840 | What we're covering here is I suppose more of like a uh a modern implementation of it
00:00:27.200 | This is what you'll see in libraries like vice which we'll work through later on how to actually implement this in vice
00:00:34.240 | So what we're going to cover in this video is specifically lsh random projection
00:00:41.120 | We're going to work through a few visualizations to try and get a grasp of what it is actually doing
00:00:47.520 | And whilst we're doing that we'll also work through how we implement that in very simple python code for the vice
00:00:56.620 | Implementation of this which is obviously much more efficient than what we'll be covering in this video
00:01:01.340 | we will
00:01:04.220 | Cover that in another separate video to this because otherwise it's just huge
00:01:08.860 | a very long video
00:01:11.660 | So if you would like to see that i'll make sure there's a link to that in the description
00:01:17.280 | So let's just recap very quickly on
00:01:19.900 | You know, what is lsh?
00:01:22.780 | So at the top here we have this first kind of row if you like
00:01:28.540 | Here we're minimizing collisions. So this is a hash function this blue bit in the middle
00:01:35.340 | And these are vectors on the left
00:01:38.380 | And we're passing through a hash function and it's making sure that we put both of those into separate buckets
00:01:44.940 | That's minimizing collisions
00:01:49.260 | Tries to the opposite and what it does is maximizes collisions, but it only tries to maximize collisions for similar vectors
00:01:56.860 | Not just everything
00:02:03.500 | In short is a hashing function that tries to book it similar vectors together
00:02:08.940 | Now when we're performing search with lsh
00:02:14.940 | Have all of our
00:02:16.620 | I would say database vectors indexed already. So they've all been booked it imagine they've all been booketed
00:02:22.460 | And we introduce a new vector
00:02:25.500 | Which would be our query vector and we process that through the same booketing mechanism and we see where it lands and then
00:02:33.180 | Essentially what we can say is okay
00:02:35.900 | This has landed in this bucket and that means that the most similar
00:02:40.780 | Other vectors to it are the ones that are either in the same bucket or in the neighboring buckets
00:02:46.860 | so what it does is allows us to
00:02:49.900 | compress
00:02:51.660 | our vectors into low resolution vectors, which makes
00:02:55.580 | Our search a lot faster
00:02:58.380 | And that is what you can see here so we have our dense vectors at the top typically we're using dense vectors for this
00:03:07.580 | And they can contain hundreds or thousands of values and they're all typically floating point numbers
00:03:16.860 | Memory wise it's pretty heavy
00:03:18.860 | And what we do is convert them into a very small
00:03:23.340 | Binary vector which is what you can you can see the bottom. So it's a lot more memory efficient and
00:03:30.300 | Usually it should be faster to search although sometimes it can actually go the other way and it can
00:03:37.580 | And it can become slower to search than just comparing
00:03:40.700 | Um than just using a flat index now at the same time because we are
00:03:45.740 | approximating these vectors
00:03:48.460 | the search
00:03:50.060 | Accuracy is obviously going to decrease but what we want to do really is to maintain decent
00:03:55.100 | accuracy
00:03:57.660 | Whilst speeding up the search and our aim is using xq which is our query vector
00:04:04.300 | It is to return the k nearest neighbors
00:04:07.980 | As accurately as possible, obviously, we're approximating so it won't be perfect, but that's fine as long as you get a decent speed up
00:04:15.100 | now lsh with random projection works
00:04:20.060 | by splitting
00:04:22.700 | our vector space
00:04:24.540 | Which is obviously highly dimensional vector space
00:04:26.860 | using
00:04:29.340 | Hyperplanes, so I mean it's what you can you can see right here
00:04:34.220 | And the way that it works is that given
00:04:36.300 | A single hyperplane on the positive side of that hyperplane if your if your vector
00:04:42.780 | Appeared on that side
00:04:44.860 | It would be assigned a positive
00:04:47.020 | dot product value
00:04:49.100 | okay, and
00:04:50.940 | Then we would we process that and in our binary vector. This would be assigned a one
00:04:55.660 | on the other side that you have the negative side of the
00:05:00.440 | Hyperplane and if your vector is on that side of it, it will be assigned a negative value with the dot product
00:05:08.120 | and with that
00:05:10.840 | in our binary vector would be assigned a zero and
00:05:14.600 | The reason that that works is we're using the dot product value. So imagine this green line
00:05:20.360 | Down here imagine this is the hyperplane that I just showed you we have that normal vector
00:05:28.920 | The n that comes out here
00:05:31.240 | And using the dot product if the dot product finds that both of these are in the same direction
00:05:39.220 | anything
00:05:41.220 | In this sort of angle
00:05:45.080 | Then it will take that as a positive if it's on the other side, so
00:05:54.120 | Anywhere here it would take that as a negative dot product, which is what you can see
00:06:03.480 | now a
00:06:04.760 | single binary value isn't going to tell us much about the
00:06:08.040 | direction of our vector or the position of our vector
00:06:12.680 | so what we do is just add more hyperplanes in there, so we
00:06:18.440 | Add more hyperplanes and that gives us more binary values within our vector
00:06:23.080 | So what you can see here is we have those we have two
00:06:25.560 | hyperplanes now
00:06:27.880 | the magenta
00:06:29.320 | obviously correlates to the
00:06:33.160 | index in these vectors and then the
00:06:37.240 | hyperplane correlates to these ones
00:06:39.240 | the the number one indexes
00:06:45.800 | What we would do is essentially just use loads of hyperplanes
00:06:50.060 | Which is kind of what you see here
00:06:52.600 | So these are the big arrows and the points that you see there the normal vectors so where we're actually calculating dot product
00:06:59.400 | and then
00:07:01.880 | These are our hyperplanes. Okay, so here for blue we would get
00:07:07.160 | a value of zero
00:07:10.520 | And then here for example for blue we would get a value of one
00:07:15.880 | now let's
00:07:17.400 | Start building this out in in code so we can actually
00:07:21.800 | How this works?
00:07:23.800 | So what i'm going to do is set the number of hyperplanes that we would like and we set that using a
00:07:30.600 | parameter here called n bits
00:07:33.080 | I'm going to say we have four hyperplanes just for this example in reality would use more
00:07:38.280 | But for now, we're going to go with four. So we have four binary values here
00:07:44.680 | And all i'm going to do is um create our vector dimensionality as well. So we're just going to use 2d vectors
00:07:51.400 | To make it easier and so we can sort of visualize stuff as well
00:07:55.400 | So all we need to do is we're going to create the plane norms and they are going to be numpy random
00:08:05.320 | And the dimensionality there will be n bits and d
00:08:09.080 | So the number of hyperplanes that we want so n bits
00:08:14.200 | And the dimensionality that we're actually using
00:08:16.760 | And we're just going to minus 0.5 because we want them to center
00:08:22.200 | Around the zero the origin zero axis. You don't need to do this. By the way
00:08:26.760 | It's it's just so we can kind of see the effect of it a little bit better
00:08:31.080 | Okay, and we get get these values
00:08:34.200 | Now those vectors don't align
00:08:36.920 | To this visualization, but it's essentially the same thing. What what we have done is we've created four 2d
00:08:44.260 | Hyperplanes or we've actually created four
00:08:48.840 | normal vectors
00:08:50.280 | That we're going to use
00:08:51.800 | To build our binary vectors
00:08:53.800 | So we're going to create these
00:08:56.280 | Three vectors a b and c and what we're going to do is calculate the dot product for each one of those
00:09:02.040 | So then we know whether
00:09:04.200 | they are
00:09:06.360 | You know positive or negative behind each of our plane norms
00:09:09.960 | So to do that, we're just going to do np dot and then we just add our vector and we add plane norms
00:09:15.880 | And we just transpose those
00:09:18.440 | Okay, so let me
00:09:21.480 | Let's see what we get there
00:09:23.480 | Okay, so we see that we get negative negative positive positive. Okay, so
00:09:28.440 | When we convert this into our binary vector, that will be zero zero one one
00:09:32.840 | Now we want to do this not just for
00:09:37.320 | a but also for for b and c so
00:09:42.280 | Now what we want to do
00:09:44.280 | is say
00:09:46.040 | Okay, if it's negative it's zero if it's positive. It's a one so to do that
00:09:51.800 | All we want to do is write a dot
00:09:54.280 | and we say
00:09:56.840 | Well greater than zero
00:09:58.840 | It's a it's a one so it's positive
00:10:00.920 | And we do that again for each one of our
00:10:07.000 | vectors
00:10:08.760 | Let's see what we get
00:10:10.760 | Okay, so now we get false false true true so the final thing to do there
00:10:16.680 | Although I don't you don't necessarily need to is just convert them. In fact, we do need to uh purely to create our
00:10:24.600 | the the binary vector string
00:10:31.320 | We'll see why in a moment. It's fine
00:10:34.360 | As type in so it's essentially easier for us to visualize
00:10:37.660 | That's it
00:10:41.240 | Okay, and we should get something that more looks like this here, um, so
00:10:48.600 | You see here obviously the values the the positions are slightly different
00:10:53.400 | But we have a is on the positive side of the teal hyperplane. So one is of course
00:10:59.800 | One and then on c and b are both on the other side
00:11:04.200 | So they are of course negative
00:11:07.960 | if we consider
00:11:09.560 | a b and c
00:11:11.160 | b and c kind of in the more in the
00:11:13.240 | In a similar position. So we would hope that they kind of align in there
00:11:18.200 | In the values that they have a bit better than them
00:11:21.400 | Um a but let's have a look see what we get
00:11:25.800 | Okay, so they're the same so that's good because they are
00:11:33.480 | Very much in a very similar place which you can see from here
00:11:37.560 | So a b and c in this case match up to what we're writing in the code. It's just the hyperplanes are different
00:11:43.160 | Now it's these binary vectors that we use to create our lsh lsh buckets
00:11:50.360 | So what we're going to do is actually implement that just using a python dictionary
00:11:56.060 | to make it easy so
00:11:58.760 | What we'll do is i'm going to put each of our vectors
00:12:03.980 | Dot b dot
00:12:06.140 | And c dot into this
00:12:09.420 | Vector list. It's just so we can iterate through them a little bit easier
00:12:13.020 | I'm going to initialize our buckets which is going to be like I said a python dictionary
00:12:17.680 | And here i'm just going to set i equal to zero. So this
00:12:21.420 | Is just so we can loop through each of those each of those vectors
00:12:25.360 | So we're going to do for i in range
00:12:30.220 | length of
00:12:31.980 | Vectors, so yeah, we don't need either
00:12:34.380 | So the first thing we want to do is is create a hash string using the
00:12:40.540 | Vectors that we have up here. So i'm going to do hash string equals i'm going to do
00:12:45.340 | Just join like that
00:12:48.380 | And what we want to do is join all of those numbers together, but we need to to join them as strings so
00:12:57.100 | run vectors
00:13:03.260 | string
00:13:09.260 | Let me show you what that does hash string
00:13:12.300 | Okay, so we just get something like that now
00:13:15.340 | Then what we want to do is say if the hash string is not already within our buckets is not in
00:13:21.900 | Buckets our keys we want to initialize a new list so buckets
00:13:29.260 | hash string
00:13:31.260 | Equals a new list
00:13:33.660 | So we're initializing a list
00:13:35.820 | Essentially initializing a book. It's put our vectors in
00:13:43.420 | Initialize it and then after that we we just add we append it to that bucket
00:13:49.420 | So this is
00:13:53.260 | Essentially what we need let me
00:13:57.260 | Okay, yeah should it should be fine so let's print the buckets and see we'll get
00:14:01.260 | If hash string is
00:14:04.860 | What did I write there?
00:14:07.900 | Not in there we go
00:14:10.780 | So now we see we have these two hash buckets
00:14:13.980 | And one and two have both been been put into the same one. All right, and that's essentially how
00:14:21.020 | Lsh what lsh works, but just on a
00:14:24.860 | much bigger scale
00:14:29.420 | Now, let's say, you know, we we have our buckets
00:14:32.060 | and what we want to do is
00:14:34.780 | Give a new
00:14:37.180 | vector we want to
00:14:39.180 | Search using that I want to hash it and search. This is our query vector xq
00:14:44.220 | So what we we see here
00:14:49.020 | So we've got like two examples one on the left is an example
00:14:53.820 | So this is we're comparing our query vector against two
00:14:57.180 | samples in our
00:14:59.960 | lsh buckets
00:15:02.920 | So xq is this zero it's been hashed zero one one one
00:15:11.100 | And what we do is first we compare it to
00:15:15.100 | This vector and we see and we're using hamming distance here, which is essentially, you know, do these two equivalent
00:15:21.580 | values match or not
00:15:24.140 | If they do it's what zero there's there's no distance between them
00:15:28.780 | If they do not match then the distance is one and then we add up
00:15:33.660 | all of the distance values
00:15:36.380 | at the end there so
00:15:38.540 | With this one none of them match. So we get like one plus one plus one plus one, which is obviously four
00:15:45.180 | so the hamming distance between those two is four which is is
00:15:48.060 | And the biggest you're going to get with this dimensionality of binary vectors
00:15:53.180 | And then we have the second one and these ones match a bit better. So zero is equal to zero one to one one to one
00:16:00.700 | so all those zeros
00:16:03.340 | and then so like zero zero zero and then this final one is one so then
00:16:10.220 | that equals
00:16:15.820 | So that's hamming distance
00:16:17.820 | And when we consider that with our code
00:16:21.980 | Over here
00:16:26.060 | We we also have to consider that there's a degree of
00:16:29.180 | A degree of information being lost because
00:16:33.740 | This is how we're storing the vectors. We don't store the original vectors anymore. This is
00:16:39.100 | You know that essentially like final form
00:16:43.020 | in the lsh index, so
00:16:45.980 | Say we have our query vector and it comes through a zero zero one zero like great. We get a perfect match, but
00:16:52.380 | In reality, does it is it close to one or is it closer to we don't we don't actually know
00:16:58.300 | So we have to be careful when we're building our buckets
00:17:02.060 | To make sure
00:17:05.020 | That there's not too many items within each bucket
00:17:08.620 | We need them to be reasonably spread out but not spread too thin because if we spread them too thin across
00:17:14.460 | Too many buckets the the index becomes absolutely huge. So it's
00:17:19.100 | is definitely like
00:17:21.240 | balancing acts between
00:17:22.860 | having enough buckets
00:17:24.860 | enough granularity in there to differentiate between
00:17:27.900 | a reasonable number of vectors
00:17:30.540 | But not too granular that we just make the index bigger
00:17:36.860 | Because then it's slower than just doing a flat search
00:17:41.740 | What you what we see here is what we just discussed, right? So
00:17:45.740 | given
00:17:48.380 | These two vectors a and b they're reasonably far from each other if we use a value of n bits value of two
00:17:53.900 | Our vectors are not big enough. They get booked it into the same place. We can't differentiate them
00:18:01.900 | But what we can do obviously increase the number of hyperplanes or increase n bits
00:18:06.700 | And then we can differentiate them. So so for you know, these two here
00:18:12.220 | Exactly the same
00:18:14.220 | Uh buckets these are not we have differences here
00:18:20.620 | And here so we can differentiate between them, which obviously is what we need
00:18:26.620 | But at the same time we are increasing the size of our index so it means
00:18:32.780 | we are becoming
00:18:35.580 | More accurate, but we're also getting slower. So
00:18:37.900 | It's yeah finding the the middle ground between them both
00:18:42.540 | Now that's it for the implementation details behind vice
00:18:49.260 | What we'll do
00:18:51.820 | Is we're going to leave this video here and we'll cover
00:18:56.140 | Device implementation in the next video, which I will leave a link to in the description so you can find that easily
00:19:02.540 | But for now, thank you very much for watching and i'll see you in the next one