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Lesson 23: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion

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00:00:00.640 | Hi everybody, today we are covering lesson 23 and we're here with Jono and Tanishk. How are
00:00:07.360 | you guys both doing? Doing well, excited for another lesson. Yeah likewise. Great, I
00:00:18.720 | shamefully have to start with admitting to a bug which actually is rather, well I don't know,
00:00:28.320 | it kind of messed up things in a sense but I kind of I think it's really interesting
00:00:32.240 | actually what happened. The bug, it was in notebook 23, the Keras notebook and it's about
00:00:40.480 | the measure measuring the FID. So to recall FID measures how similar a bunch of samples are
00:00:52.960 | from a model to a bunch of samples of real images and that similarity is defined in this kind of
00:00:59.600 | like some kind of distance between the distributions of the features in a classifier or some kind of
00:01:07.120 | model. So that means that to get FID we have to load a model and we have to pass it some
00:01:18.960 | data loaders so that it can calculate what the samples look like from real images.
00:01:24.240 | Now the problem is that the data loaders I was passing actually had images that
00:01:31.920 | the pixels were between negative 0.5 and positive 0.5 but you might recall this model that I trained
00:01:41.600 | has pixels between negative 1 and 1. So what this image eval class would have seen and specifically
00:01:50.480 | this this C model which we are putting which we are getting the features from is it would have
00:01:54.480 | seen a whole bunch of unusually low contrast images so they wouldn't really have looked like
00:02:02.000 | many things in the data set because in fact in the data set I think particularly for fashion
00:02:07.120 | MNIST things are pretty consistently you know normalized in terms of going all the way from
00:02:14.320 | 0 to 1 or negative 1 to 1 I guess 0 to 255 in the original. And so as a result I think what would
00:02:22.560 | have happened is that the features that came out of this would have been kind of weird and they
00:02:29.680 | might not have necessarily consistently said oh these are t-shirt features and these are shoe
00:02:34.880 | features but they would have said oh this is a weird low contrast low contrast image feature.
00:02:39.760 | And so then the shame continues in that I added another bug on top of this bug which is when I
00:02:49.520 | then did the sampling I didn't I didn't multiply by two and the data that I trained it on was
00:03:03.200 | actually the same data loaders or that well the specifically the same transform the same Noisify
00:03:08.400 | transform well where did it come from it's the same yeah the same transform I not Noisify the
00:03:18.160 | same transform I which yeah previously was point from negative 0.5 to 0.5 so I trained the model
00:03:24.720 | using this restricted input space as well and therefore it was spitting out things that were
00:03:31.200 | between negative 0.5 and 0.5. And so the FID then said wow these are so similar the samples are
00:03:40.880 | consistently spitting out features of low contrast things and all of the real samples are low
00:03:45.600 | contrast things so those are really similar and that's how we got really low numbers. So those
00:03:51.280 | low numbers are wrong so I was a bit surprised I guess that that the Keras model was doing so much
00:03:56.720 | better and it certainly it made me a big believer in the Keras model but actually it's not doing so
00:04:02.960 | much better so once we fix that the FID's are actually around five six five and the reals are
00:04:14.720 | two and a half. So to compare
00:04:24.000 | we were getting some pretty good results in cosine. So cosine yeah we were getting three
00:04:28.480 | to four depending on how many steps we were doing DDIM. So the result of this is that this
00:04:37.840 | somewhat odd situation where the cosine model where we
00:04:48.720 | scaled it accidentally to be negative 0.5 to 0.5 and then post sampling multiplied by two so we're
00:04:58.160 | not cheating like the Keras one used to be is working better than Keras which yeah it's a
00:05:04.000 | surprise to me because I was thinking Keras was kind of like in theory optimally scaling things
00:05:12.160 | but I guess the truth is it was scaling things to unit variance but there's nothing particularly
00:05:17.760 | to say that's optimally scaling things and so empirically we've found kind of accidentally
00:05:23.040 | a better way to scale things and also our dependent variable is different you know
00:05:32.320 | our dependent variable is not that Keras you know C-mix combination but our dependent variable
00:05:38.400 | is just the noise the zero one noise you know the noise before it's multiplied by alpha.
00:05:46.800 | Okay so that's that's the bug. Anyway I promised last time we would stop looking at fashion
00:05:54.880 | MNIST for a while so let's move on to tiny image net. So and the reason we're going to do this is
00:06:04.720 | because we want to I want to show an example of we're going to try and create units today and I
00:06:11.360 | wanted to show an example of a of a nice unit we can create that combines a lot of the ideas we've
00:06:16.640 | been looking at it's going to be a super resolution unit and doing super resolution on fashion MNIST
00:06:23.120 | isn't going to be very interesting because the maximum training size we have is 28 by 28. So
00:06:28.320 | so I thought we'd go a little bit bigger than that to tiny image net which is 64 by 64.
00:06:38.080 | I found it quite difficult actually to find tiny image net data but eventually I discovered that
00:06:44.480 | it's still on the Stanford servers where it was originally created it's just not linked to
00:06:48.880 | anywhere. So we'll try to if this disappears we will we will keep our forum and website up to
00:06:55.680 | date with other places to find it. Anyway so for now we can grab the URL from there and unpack it.
00:07:08.560 | So SHUtil is a very handy little library inside the Python standard library and one of the things
00:07:13.360 | it has is a very handy unpack archives which can handle zip files and it's going to put it in our
00:07:18.640 | data directory. So I yeah just you know there's a few different ways we could process this
00:07:27.120 | and I thought we might experiment some things but I thought yeah it wouldn't be a bad idea to
00:07:32.160 | try doing things the reasonably kind of manual way just to see you know what that looks like
00:07:39.680 | and often this is the easiest way to do things because you know that's a very well-defined set
00:07:45.280 | of steps right. So step one is to create a data set. So a data set is just literally something
00:07:51.200 | that has a length and that you can index into it so it has to have these two things to find.
00:07:56.800 | You don't have to inherit from anything you just have to define these two things. Broadly speaking
00:08:04.320 | in Python you generally don't have to inherit from things you just have to provide the methods that
00:08:09.440 | are expected. So our data set is in a directory called tiny image net 200 and then there's a
00:08:21.520 | train directory and a val directory for the training and the validation set and then the
00:08:25.520 | train directory this is pretty classic normal thing each category so this is a category
00:08:33.120 | has images in a separate folder and specifically they're in images subfolder. So what I wanted to
00:08:41.200 | do was to just grab start with grab all of the files in path slash train or the image files
00:08:48.640 | so the python standard library has a glob function which searches recursively if asked to
00:08:58.240 | for everything that matches this well this specification. So this specification is path
00:09:07.200 | slash star dot jpeg and then this star star here I don't know why we need to do it twice it's a bit
00:09:13.200 | weird it also that you also need that to be recursive. So to be recursive you both have
00:09:17.760 | to say recursive true here and also put star star before the slash here. So that's going to give us
00:09:24.160 | a list of all files inside path train and so then if we index into that training data set
00:09:34.480 | with zero that will call get item passing an i of zero and so we will then return a tuple. One is
00:09:42.080 | the thing in self dot files i which is this file and then the label for it and the label is
00:09:52.560 | that so it's the parent's parent's name parent's parent's name and so that's the name.
00:10:02.160 | Okay so there's a data set that returns two strings when you index into it a couple of
00:10:07.920 | two strings the first is the name of the image file the so the path of the image file and the
00:10:13.200 | second is the name of the category it's in. These weird names are called wordnet categories they're
00:10:21.040 | like codes that indicate concepts basically in English.
00:10:25.920 | So one of the reasons I actually used this particular data set is because it's going to
00:10:34.320 | force us to do some more data processing which I think is good practice and that's because weirdly
00:10:42.000 | in the validation set although it's in tiny image net 200 slash val which is the not weird part
00:10:48.480 | the weird part is that they are not then in subdirectories organized by label instead there
00:10:58.080 | is a separate val annotations dot text file which looks like this so it says for each file name
00:11:12.640 | what category is it it's also got the like the bounding box of whereabouts that is but we're not
00:11:18.880 | going to be using that today. So I decided to create a dictionary that would tell us for each
00:11:28.000 | file what category is it in so that means that I want to create a in this case here I'm doing
00:11:37.360 | something exactly like a list comprehension but because it's not in square brackets it's a generator
00:11:41.440 | comprehension so it'll generate it kind of stream out the the results and we're going to go through
00:11:48.480 | each line in this file and we're going to split on tab so that's going to give us this and then this
00:12:01.920 | and then this and then we're going to grab the first two and if you basically pass a
00:12:09.760 | list of lists or list of tuples or whatever to dict it will create a dictionary
00:12:15.280 | using these pairs as key values so if we have a look
00:12:21.440 | there it is that's quite a nice neat way to do it and if you're not sure you can just
00:12:32.720 | click type dict type open brackets and then hit shift tab a couple of times and it'll show you
00:12:37.520 | the various options and you can see here I'm doing dict iterable because my generator it is
00:12:43.360 | iterable and it says oh that's exactly as if you created a dictionary and then gone 4 kv in iterable
00:12:49.120 | dk equals v so there's a nice little trick okay now we need a data set that works just like tiny
00:13:04.800 | data set but the get items are going to label things differently so I just inherited from tiny
00:13:10.720 | data set so that means we don't need to do init or len again and then get item again it's going to
00:13:15.840 | turn the i-th file this time the label will not be the parent parent name but we will look up in
00:13:22.400 | the annotations dictionary the name of the file and so that works we can check the length works
00:13:33.600 | so then um a fairly generally useful thing that I thought we'll then create is something
00:13:41.440 | that lets us transform any data set so here's a class you can pass it a data set and you can pass
00:13:51.440 | it a transformation for the x or the independent variable and you can pass the transformation from
00:13:56.880 | the y and both of them default to no op that is no operation so it just doesn't change it at all
00:14:04.240 | so a transform data set the length of it is just the length of the original data set
00:14:10.080 | but when we call get item it'll grab the tuple from the data set we passed in and it will
00:14:18.640 | return that tuple but with transform x and transform y applied to it does that make sense so far
00:14:29.520 | great okay so I don't like working with these n 0 3 0 things but the data set luckily has a
00:14:41.680 | word net ids file in it
00:14:44.320 | so if I just open it up oh sorry this one actually is not quite going to help us this is just a list
00:14:57.120 | of all of the word net ids that they have images for we could have actually got this by simply
00:15:04.080 | grabbing um by listing this directory it would have told us all the ids but they've got they've
00:15:10.640 | also got just a the text file containing all of them so we can see that there are
00:15:16.160 | 200 categories
00:15:23.520 | okay um and that's useful because we're going to want to change n 0 3 0 etc into an int
00:15:33.600 | and the way we can change it into an int is by simply saying oh we'll call we'll call this one
00:15:39.360 | zero and this one one and so forth right so the kind of the int to string or id to string version
00:15:47.920 | of this is literally this list so zero will be there that but the string to int version where
00:15:54.320 | you do this all the time is basically enumerate so that gives us the index and the value for
00:16:01.120 | everything in the list so those are going to be our keys and values but actually we're going to
00:16:06.160 | invert it to become value colon key and that's what's true to id will be so note here that we
00:16:14.480 | have a dictionary comprehension you can tell because it's got curly brackets and a colon and
00:16:20.800 | so here's our dictionary comprehension so we could have used that uh for this as well we could have
00:16:28.320 | done a dictionary comprehension instead but um yeah so there's lots of ways of doing things
00:16:34.880 | none of them's any better or worse than any other um okay so that's the uh the one those
00:16:42.320 | word tags whatever do we have the the names for them or is that something yes the names i'm going
00:16:49.360 | to get to yes shortly there's a word dot text so yeah all right i grabbed one batch of data
00:16:57.840 | and grabbed its main and standard deviation and so then i've just copied and pasted them in here
00:17:02.480 | for normalizing um so my my transform x is going to be i'm going to read the image
00:17:11.920 | um if you read it as RGB that's going to force it to be three channels because actually some of them
00:17:17.680 | are only one channel uh divided by 255 so it'll be between zero and one and then we will normalize
00:17:24.560 | and then for our y's we will go through strata id to get the id and just use that as our tensor
00:17:34.640 | so it's you know doing it manually is actually pretty straightforward right because now
00:17:41.920 | we just pass those to our tufim ds our transformed data set
00:17:45.680 | and we can check that you know you can see
00:17:51.120 | yi is a tensor but we can look it up to get its value and xi is an image tensor
00:18:09.920 | with three channels so channel by height by width has is normal for pytorch
00:18:15.920 | um so for showing images it's nice to denormalize them so that's just denormalizing
00:18:22.320 | and so if we show the image that we just grabbed it's a water jug i guess
00:18:36.160 | all right so now we can create a data loader for our training set so it's going to contain our
00:18:40.960 | transformed training data set and pass in a batch size this one has to be shuffled
00:18:47.920 | not sure why i put num workers equals zero there
00:18:53.440 | generally eight's pretty good if you've got at least eight cores
00:19:00.800 | yeah so we can now grab an x batch and a y batch and take a look at a
00:19:06.800 | denormalized image from there so there we've got a nice little kitty cat
00:19:09.840 | so i think this is already looking better than fashion emnest
00:19:15.200 | yeah so there's this thing words.txt that they've also provided and this is actually a list of the
00:19:25.520 | entire wordnet hierarchy so the top of the hierarchy is entity and one of the entity types
00:19:35.360 | is a physical entity or an abstract entity entities can be things and so forth so this is how wordnet is
00:19:45.520 | yeah handled so this is quite a big file actually so if we go through each item of that file and
00:19:56.240 | again split on tabs because split on tabs that's what backslash t means is going to give us the
00:20:06.320 | wordnet id and then the name of it so now we can go through all of those they call them sin sets
00:20:16.400 | and if the key is in our list of the 200 that we want we'll keep it and we don't really want like
00:20:27.280 | causal agent comma cause comma causal agency the first one generally seems to be the most normal
00:20:34.720 | so i just split on comma and grab the first one
00:20:39.520 | um all right so that's um so we could then go through our y batch and just turn each of those
00:20:51.200 | numbers into strings and then look at each of those up in our sin sets and join them up
00:20:55.680 | and then use those as titles to see our Egyptian cat and our cliff and our guacamole
00:21:04.400 | it's a monarch butterfly and so forth and you can see that this is going to be quite tricky
00:21:10.480 | because like a cliff this is a cliff dwelling for instance could be quite you know complicated um
00:21:17.200 | i have a feeling for this they intentionally like a hundred of the
00:21:21.600 | categories might have come from the normal image net and i think they might have then picked a
00:21:26.800 | hundred that are designed to be particularly difficult or something if memory serves correctly
00:21:33.280 | um all right so then we could define a transform batch function with the same basic idea
00:21:40.880 | and that's just gonna yeah transform the x and the y in a batch um
00:21:48.960 | oh yes we're about to use that i should move that down a bit because we're not quite there yet
00:21:57.280 | okay so before that we can create our data loaders we created a get dls back in an earlier lesson
00:22:03.920 | which simply turns that into a data loader and that into a data loader and this one gets
00:22:08.480 | shuffled and that one doesn't and so forth um oh i see this is where we do our num workers cool
00:22:14.240 | um all right so then oh yeah so then we want to add um our data augmentation so i i noticed that
00:22:27.120 | um training a tiny image net model i mean it's it's a much harder thing to do than fashion feminist
00:22:35.920 | um and um
00:22:39.040 | overfitting was actually a real challenge um and i guess it's because 64 by 64 isn't that many pixels
00:22:50.640 | um um so yeah so i found i really needed data augmentation to make much progress at all
00:22:57.520 | now um very common data augmentation is called random resource crop which is basically to pick
00:23:06.160 | like one area inside and then zoom into it and make that your image but for such low resolution
00:23:13.120 | images that tends to work really poorly because it's going to introduce a lot of kind of blurring
00:23:18.960 | artifacts so instead for small images i think it's better to add a bit of padding around them
00:23:25.360 | and then randomly pick a 64 by 64 area from that padded area so it's just going to shift them
00:23:32.640 | slightly it's not a lot of augmentation but it's something and then we do our random
00:23:37.520 | horizontal flips and then we'll use that random arrays thing that we created earlier
00:23:43.200 | um this is just something i was experimenting with so yeah so now we can use that batch transform
00:23:50.800 | callback using transform batch passing in those transforms so um with um torch vision transforms
00:24:01.360 | so this capital t is torch vision transforms um yeah because these are all um nn dot modules
00:24:09.760 | you can pass them to nn dot sequential to just have each of them called one at a time in a row
00:24:14.880 | there's nothing magic about this it's just doing function composition we could easily create our
00:24:22.480 | own um in fact they're also the transforms.compose that does the same thing yeah i was going to say
00:24:32.640 | so we've got a fast um uh fast core dot compose which uh as you can see basically it just says
00:24:41.920 | for f in funcs x equals f of x um yeah i don't know is there is there's a yeah torch
00:24:50.160 | torch vision compose i think might be the kind of the old way to do it is that right i'm not sure
00:24:57.120 | i have a feeling maybe this is considered the better way now because it's kind of scriptable
00:25:02.000 | i'm not promising that though um but yeah it does basically the same thing
00:25:07.360 | okay so yeah we can now create um a model as usual um
00:25:16.400 | okay so basically um i copied the get model with dropout get drop model from our earlier
00:25:28.400 | tiny sorry our earlier fashion emnist um stuff um and i yeah started with uh kernel size five
00:25:39.120 | convolution and then yeah a bunch of res blocks um um yeah so this is um oh what we've used to seeing
00:25:53.440 | before um and so we can take a look in this case as it quite often seems to be the case
00:26:00.640 | we accidentally end up with no random erasing let's just run it again
00:26:04.640 | really doesn't want to do random erasing here we go so we can see it so um yeah there's this
00:26:13.120 | very small border you can hardly see sometimes and a bit of random erasing and it's been done um
00:26:19.760 | you know all of the batch is being transformed or augmented in the same way
00:26:23.680 | which is kind of okay um it's certainly faster um it can be a bit of a problem if you have like
00:26:33.440 | one batch that has lots and lots and lots of augmentation being done to it and it could be
00:26:38.560 | like really hard to recognize and that could cause the loss to be a lot in that batch and
00:26:45.200 | if you're like been training for ages that could kind of jump you out of the um
00:26:52.080 | you know the smooth part of the of the lost surface um that's that's the one downside of this so i'm
00:26:59.360 | not going to say it's always a good idea to do augmentation at batch level but it can certainly
00:27:03.280 | speed things up a lot if you don't have heaps of cpus um all right so you can use that summary thing
00:27:13.760 | we created there's our model um and yeah because we're increasing the doubling the number of
00:27:23.280 | channels as we're decreasing the grid size our number of mega flops per layer is constant so
00:27:27.760 | that's a pretty good sign that we're using compute throughout um so yeah then we can train it with
00:27:33.760 | adam w mixed precision um and our um augmentations so i then did the learning rate finder
00:27:43.600 | and trained it for 25 epochs and got
00:27:51.280 | nearly 60 59 percent and um yeah this took quite a while actually to get close to 60 percent i got
00:28:01.680 | to admit um it uh and you can see that the training sets already up to 91 so we're kind of on the verge
00:28:10.080 | of overfitting um um okay so then i thought all right um how do we do better
00:28:26.560 | and i wanted to have a sense of like how much better could we get and i kind of tend to like
00:28:32.160 | to look at papers with code which is a site that shows papers with their code and also like how
00:28:38.960 | good results did they get so this is the image classification on tiny image net um and at first
00:28:44.640 | i was like pretty disheartened to see all these like 90 plus things um but as i looked at the
00:28:54.320 | papers i realized something well the first thing is i noticed that these ticks here
00:28:57.600 | represent extra training data so these are actually pre-trained models that are only fine
00:29:04.800 | tuned on tiny image net so that's a total cheat and then i looked more closely at this one and
00:29:09.680 | actually these are also using pre-trained data so papers with code is actually incorrect um
00:29:14.160 | and so the first ones i could see which i could clearly kind of replicate and made sense of was
00:29:22.560 | this one so the the highest one that i'm confident of is this 72 um and so then
00:29:30.560 | i kind of wanted to get a sense of right how you know how how much work is there to get from like
00:29:40.880 | 60 to 70 and how good is this um so i opened up the paper and so here's tiny image net
00:29:54.320 | um and they've got like they're basically this paper turns out to be about a new type of mix
00:30:01.040 | up data augmentation this is the normal kind of mix up and this is their special kind of mix up
00:30:05.680 | and on a resnet 18 yeah i see they're getting like 63 64 65 with various different types of mix up
00:30:12.880 | uh and kind of 64 or 65 for their special one and then if they use much bigger models than we're
00:30:19.120 | using um they can get up to 66 ish so that kind of made me think okay this classifier is
00:30:25.120 | not not bad um but there's clearly room to improve it um and i can't help myself i always have to try
00:30:33.680 | to do better so this is a good opportunity to learn about a trick that is used in um
00:30:41.040 | real resnets which is in a real resnet we don't just say
00:30:46.800 | how many filters or channels or activations per layer and then just go through and do a
00:30:59.520 | you know try to conv each time um but instead um you can also say the number of res blocks
00:31:11.760 | per her kind of down sampling layer so this would say do three res blocks
00:31:18.000 | and you know then down sample or down sample and then do three res blocks or something like that
00:31:23.760 | or do three res blocks the first of which or the last of which is a down sample and then two res
00:31:28.000 | blocks uh with a down sample and then two res blocks with a down sample so this has got a total
00:31:33.040 | of one two three four five down samples but it's got it's rather than having one two three four five
00:31:40.800 | res blocks it's going to have three four five six seven eight nine res blocks so it's nearly twice
00:31:47.840 | as deep and so the way we do that is we just replace the places it was saying res block with
00:31:54.080 | res underscore blocks and that's just a sequential which goes through the number of
00:32:01.040 | blocks and creates a res block and you can do it a couple of ways in this case um
00:32:08.400 | I said if it's the last one then make it stride two otherwise stride one so it's going to be
00:32:18.720 | down sampling at the end of each set of res blocks um so that's the only thing I changed
00:32:24.320 | I changed res block to res blocks and passed in the number of blocks which is this okay so
00:32:34.000 | um so the number of megaflops is now 7 10 ish which is more than double right so
00:32:46.320 | should give should have more opportunity to learn stuff which also it could be more opportunity to
00:32:50.400 | overfit um so again we do our lr find and uh yeah so let's do 25 epox and I didn't actually add more
00:33:02.240 | augmentation um okay and that got up to nearly 62 so that was a good improvement um and you know
00:33:13.920 | interestingly it's not overfitting more it's actually if anything less which you know there's
00:33:20.400 | something about its ability to actually learn um this which is slowing it down or something
00:33:27.920 | um so I thought yeah it'd be nice to train it for longer so I decided to add
00:33:39.920 | more augmentation um and uh to do that um I decided to use something called trivial augment
00:33:51.120 | which is not a very well known approach but it deserves to be um
00:33:59.040 | and it comes from Frank Hutter's lab he's he's Frank Hutter is somebody who consistently creates
00:34:07.840 | extremely practical useful improvements um with much less of the nonsense that we often see from
00:34:16.720 | the some of the huge well-funded labs um and so this one's kind of a bit of a reaction to some
00:34:23.920 | previous approaches such as one called auto augment one called rand augment they might have both come
00:34:31.920 | from google brain I'm not quite sure where they kind of used lots of like you know many many
00:34:39.040 | thousands of tpu hours um to like optimize how every image is you know or how how each set of
00:34:46.720 | images is is augmented and um yeah what these guys did is they said well what if we don't
00:34:52.000 | do that but we just randomly pick a different augmentation for each image um and that's what
00:35:00.000 | they did they just uh they just said algorithm one is the procedure pick an augmentation pick an
00:35:08.080 | amount do it um I feel like they're almost kind of like trying to make a point about writing this
00:35:17.200 | algorithm here um um yeah and they basically find this is at least as good or often better
00:35:26.720 | actually than the incredibly resource intensive ones the incredibly resource intensive ones also
00:35:31.680 | kind of require a different version for every data set um which is why they describe this as a
00:35:37.600 | tuning free um so rather nicely and surprisingly for me it's actually built into pytorch
00:35:44.080 | so if we go to pytorch's website and go to trivial augment wide
00:35:54.000 | um yeah they show you some examples of trivial augment wide
00:35:59.280 | we can create our own as well now the thing is um I found um that doing this at a batch level
00:36:11.120 | worked poorly and I think the reason is what I described earlier I think sometimes it will pick
00:36:18.400 | a really challenging augmentation to see on you know and it all totally don't mess up the
00:36:24.080 | loss function and if every single image in the batch is like that then it'll shoot it off into
00:36:29.520 | the distant parts of the of the um weight area um which is a good excuse for me to show
00:36:40.320 | how to do augmentations um on a per item level um now um these actually require or some of them
00:36:54.640 | require um having a pil image the python imaging library image not a tensor
00:37:04.720 | so I had to change things around so we have to import image from pil um
00:37:11.760 | and we have to change our tofum x now and we're going to do the augmentations in there
00:37:20.720 | instead um for the training set um so for the training set
00:37:26.720 | we're going to set one fact for both so we're going to pass in something is just do you want
00:37:32.800 | to do augmentations so for the training set we're going to pass org equals true
00:37:39.280 | and for the validation set we won't um so yeah so we so is how you create a pil image
00:37:47.680 | object um and then if we wanted augmentations then do these augmentations and then convert
00:37:57.680 | it into a tensor so a torch vision has a dot to tensor we can then call and then we can normalize
00:38:06.560 | it and actually I decided just to use torch visions normalize um I mean either is fine
00:38:12.320 | or this one works well and then again if you want augmentation then do your rand arrays
00:38:18.560 | and if you remember our rand arrays was designed to kind of use um zero one distributed
00:38:26.960 | gaussian noise so you want that to happen after normalization so that's why do this order so yeah
00:38:34.560 | so now we don't need to use the batch tofum thing we're just doing it all directly in the data set
00:38:44.000 | so you can see you know you can do data augmentation in very simple ways without almost any framework
00:38:53.920 | help here in fact we're really not we're not doing any and nothing's coming from a framework really
00:38:58.800 | it's just yeah it's just this little tofum ds we made um and so now yeah we just pass that
00:39:06.640 | into our data loaders get deals um and we don't need any augmentation callback
00:39:13.360 | um all right so now we can keep improving things by doing something called pre-activation
00:39:26.160 | resnets so if we go back to our original resnet
00:39:34.800 | you might recall that the way we did it
00:39:38.560 | we have this conv block which consists two convolutions in a row
00:39:48.880 | the second one has no activation and to remind you what conv is
00:39:59.600 | is that we first of all do a conv and then optionally we do a normalization
00:40:07.360 | and then optionally we do our activation function
00:40:09.680 | so we end up and then the second of those has act equals none so basically what this is saying
00:40:19.120 | is go convolution norm activation convolution norm that's what is and then this is
00:40:29.840 | the identity path so this does nothing at all if there's no downsampling or no change of channels
00:40:35.120 | and then we apply the activation function the final activation function to the whole thing
00:40:45.440 | so that was how the um original res block was designed which is kind of a bit of an accident
00:40:51.520 | because i to be honest when i wrote that i didn't bother looking at the paper i just did whatever
00:40:55.840 | seemed reasonable in my head um but yeah then looking into it further i looked at this this
00:41:02.800 | slightly later paper by the same author as of the resnet paper chiming her um and um um
00:41:11.520 | timing her uh al drew um you know this uh this version here on the left as you can see it's
00:41:22.240 | conv norm relu conv norm add relu and um yeah he basically pointed out yeah you know what maybe
00:41:33.920 | that's not great because the relu is being applied to the addition so there isn't actually a really
00:41:39.360 | an identity path at all so wouldn't it be nice if we could have a pure identity path
00:41:43.680 | and so to do that he proposed reordering things to go norm relu conv norm relu conv
00:41:52.000 | add and so this is called a pre-act or pre-activation res block
00:42:01.600 | so that means i had to redefine conv to do norm then act and then conv
00:42:08.880 | so my sequential now has the activation in both places
00:42:14.320 | and so yeah other than that um oh and then of course there's no activation
00:42:25.760 | happening in the res block because it's all happening in the cons
00:42:31.040 | does that make sense
00:42:33.840 | yeah makes sense yeah cool um so this is now the site this is exactly the same except we now need
00:42:45.920 | to have an activation and a batch norm after all those blocks because previously it finished with
00:42:52.640 | an activation norm and activation now it starts with them so we have to put these at the end it
00:42:58.960 | also means we can't start with a res block anymore because if we started with a res block then it
00:43:02.480 | would have an activation function at the start which would throw away half of our data which
00:43:06.400 | would be a bad idea um so you've got to be a bit careful with some of the details um but yeah so
00:43:15.120 | now you can see that each image is getting its own augmentation and so this one's been shared
00:43:22.320 | looks like it's a door or something because it's really hard to tell what the hell it is it's been
00:43:25.680 | shared this one's been moved uh it looks like this one's also been shared um and you can
00:43:33.680 | also see they've got different amounts of random arrays on them um so yeah so i thought i'd try
00:43:39.280 | change training that for 50 epochs and that got us to 65 percent which um is you know as good as
00:43:59.440 | nearly as good as the you know normal mix up things that are getting even on a resonant 50s
00:44:05.360 | this is looking really good um so i won't spend time on this but i'll just mention i was kind of
00:44:13.440 | curious like i mean one of the things i should mention also is they trained all these for 400 epochs
00:44:17.760 | so i was kind of curious what would happen if we trained it a bit longer i wasn't
00:44:21.520 | patient enough to train it for 400 epochs but i thought i could do
00:44:28.000 | 200 epochs so i just duplicated that last one um um that made it 200 epochs
00:44:36.080 | and that got us to 67 and a half
00:44:43.520 | which yeah is better than any of their non-special mix ups so i think it just goes to show you can
00:44:57.120 | get you know genuinely state-of-the-art results so if we use their special mix up that would be
00:45:02.400 | interesting to try as well see if we can match their results there but you know we've we've built
00:45:07.520 | all this from scratch um we didn't do the data augmentation from scratch because it's not very
00:45:13.280 | interesting but uh yeah other than that um so i think that's really cool so i know that you did
00:45:21.440 | some other experiments with the the pre-activation oh right yeah um right when i saw that when i saw
00:45:31.280 | the pre-activation success i was quite enthusiastic about it so i actually thought like oh maybe you
00:45:38.080 | should go back and actually use it everywhere um but for but weirdly enough i think it's weird
00:45:44.480 | like it it was worse for fashion MNIST and worse for like less data augmentation um i mean maybe
00:45:52.720 | it's not that weird but because the idea of when et al introduced it they said this is to train
00:45:59.520 | deeper models you know there's a there's a more pure identity path um and so with that more pure
00:46:05.920 | identity path um that that should kind of let the gradients flow through it more easily and so there
00:46:12.560 | should be a smoother surface weight surface loss surface um so yeah i guess it makes sense that
00:46:21.120 | you don't really see the benefits on less deep models um the bit i'm surprised you elaborate
00:46:27.440 | because like it seems like that should be that that sort of uh justification should be true for
00:46:32.480 | smaller models right or well yeah it does but smaller models
00:46:39.840 | um are going to have a less bumpy surface anyway they've just got less dimensions to be bumpy on
00:46:46.400 | and um there's less more importantly they're less deep so there's less room for gradients to explode
00:46:53.920 | exponentially um so they're not as sensitive um but yeah i mean i can see why they don't
00:47:02.800 | necessarily help as much but i don't have any idea why they were worse and they were quite
00:47:07.520 | consistently worse yeah yeah i find it quite interesting too yeah yeah it's quite curious
00:47:16.240 | and it's interesting that when we do these like experiments on things that nowadays are
00:47:23.360 | considered pretty fundamental and foundational you kind of all the time discover things that
00:47:29.120 | nobody seems to have noticed or written about or there's plenty of room to as a kind of a more
00:47:34.720 | experimental researcher to do experiments and then go like oh that's interesting and then try and
00:47:40.080 | figure out what's going on yeah um i think a lot of researchers go in the opposite direction and
00:47:46.720 | they try to start with like theoretical assumptions and then test them um when i think about it i feel
00:47:52.480 | like uh maybe a lot of the more successful folks in terms of people who build stuff that actually
00:47:57.920 | get used a more experimental first maybe um okay so um
00:48:07.200 | shall we have a five minute break since we're kind of on the hour sure all right so let's now look at
00:48:18.720 | um notebook 25 super res uh i've just um copied a few things in the previous notebook
00:48:27.680 | some transforms and our data sets and our dnorm and our trifim batch
00:48:34.880 | and our trifim x let me show you we're using trifim batch here
00:48:41.520 | we're not even using trifim batch let's get rid of that because that's just confusing
00:48:47.680 | okay so it looks like we're doing the per uh let's figure this out so what are we doing here so
00:48:54.000 | we've got um what our two data sets all right so the goal of this is we're going to do super
00:49:00.800 | resolution not um classification so let's talk about what that means what we're going to do
00:49:08.240 | is the independent variable will be scaled down to a 32 by 32 pixel
00:49:16.560 | image and the dependent variable will be the original image
00:49:21.760 | and so to do random crop within a padded image and random flips both the independent and the
00:49:34.880 | dependent variable needs to have had exactly the same random cropping and exactly the same flipping
00:49:38.880 | otherwise you can't say oh this is how you do super res to go from the 32 by 32 to the 64 by 64
00:49:46.240 | because it might be like oh it has to be flipped around and moved around so yes so for this kind of
00:49:50.640 | image reconstruction task um it's important to make sure that your um augmentation is done
00:50:00.000 | the same way on the independent the dependent variable so that's why we've put it into our
00:50:06.640 | data set um and so this is something people often get confused about and they don't know how to do
00:50:11.120 | it but it's actually pretty straightforward if we do it this way we just put it straight in the data
00:50:14.560 | set um and it doesn't require any framework fanciness um now then what i did do is i then
00:50:25.760 | added random erasing just to the training set and the reason for that is i wanted to make the
00:50:35.360 | super resolution task a bit more difficult which means sometimes it doesn't just do super
00:50:41.040 | resolution but it also has to like replace some of the deleted pixels with proper pixels
00:50:45.520 | and so it gives it a little bit more to do you know which um can be quite helpful it's kind of
00:50:51.680 | it's it's a it's a data augmentation technique and also something to give it like
00:50:55.680 | more of an opportunity to learn what the pictures really look like
00:50:59.840 | um okay so with that in case that though these are going to do the padding random cropping and
00:51:07.760 | flipping um the training set will also add random erasing and then we create data loaders from those
00:51:13.360 | would it make sense to use the trivial augment here
00:51:20.080 | the trivial augment did you say yeah um
00:51:24.480 | maybe yeah i don't particularly see a reason not to if um if if well only if you found that uh
00:51:37.120 | overfitting was a problem and if you did do it you would do it to both independent and dependent
00:51:45.760 | variables um so yeah here you can see an example the independent variables some of the in this case
00:51:51.680 | all of them actually have some random arrays the dependent doesn't so it has to figure out how to
00:51:55.680 | replace that with that and you can also see that this is very blocky and this is less blocky that's
00:52:06.080 | because this has been gone down to 32 by 32 pixels and this one's still at the 64 by 64
00:52:12.320 | so in fact once you go down that far the cat's lost its eyes entirely so it's going to be quite
00:52:16.800 | challenging it's lost its lines entirely um so super resolution is quite a good task to try to
00:52:23.680 | get a model to learn what pictures look like because it has to yeah figure out like how to
00:52:29.280 | draw an eye and how to draw cat's whiskers and things like that um were you going to say something
00:52:36.000 | jon i'm sorry oh i was just going to point out that the um data sets are also simpler because
00:52:41.840 | you don't have to load the labels um so there's no difference between the train and the validation
00:52:46.160 | now it's just finding the images good point yeah because the the label you know is actually a
00:52:51.200 | dependent variable is just the picture um and so okay so because um turfum ds turfum ds has a
00:53:03.840 | turfum x which is only applied to the independent variable um the independent variable has applied
00:53:11.360 | to it this pair of resize to 32 by 32 and then interpolate and what that actually does is it
00:53:20.000 | ends up still with a 64 by 64 image but the the pixels in that image are all like doubled up
00:53:28.240 | and so that means that it's still doing super resolution but it's not actually
00:53:32.720 | going from 32 by 32 to by 64 by 64 but it's just going from the 64 by 64 where all of the pixels
00:53:38.880 | are like two by two pixels and it's just a little bit easier because that way um we could certainly
00:53:44.720 | create a unit that goes from 32 to 64 but if you have the input and output image the same size it
00:53:51.840 | can make code a little bit simpler um i originally started doing it by not doing this interpolate
00:53:58.000 | thing and then i decided i was just getting a little bit confusing and there's no reason not
00:54:02.080 | to do it this way frankly um okay so that's our task um and the idea is that then
00:54:09.920 | if it does a good job of this you know you could pass 64 by 64 images into it and hopefully it
00:54:16.800 | might turn them into 128 by 128 images um particularly if you trained it on a few different
00:54:21.760 | resolutions you'd expect it to get pretty good at you know resizing things to a bunch of different
00:54:27.600 | resolutions you could even call it multiple times um uh but anyway for this i was just kind of doing
00:54:34.000 | it to to demonstrate um but we have in previous courses trained you know bigger ones for longer
00:54:41.200 | with larger images and they actually do one of the interesting things is they tend to not only
00:54:45.680 | do super resolution but they often make the images look better because the kind of the
00:54:52.160 | pixels it fills in it kind of fills in with like what that image looks like on average which tends
00:55:00.480 | to kind of like average out imperfections so often these super resolution models actually improve
00:55:06.320 | image quality as well funnily enough okay so let's consider the dumb way to do things we've
00:55:13.200 | seen a kind of a dumb way to do things before which is an autoencoder so go in with low expectations
00:55:18.400 | here because we've done an autoencoder before it was so bad it actually inspired us to create the
00:55:22.400 | learner if you remember so that was back in notebook eight um and so basically what we're
00:55:28.480 | going to do is we're going to have a model which looks a lot like previous models it starts with
00:55:34.880 | a res block kernel size five and then it's got a bunch of res blocks of stride two um but then
00:55:44.640 | we're going to have an equal number of up blocks and what an up block is going to do is it's
00:55:52.480 | going to sequentially first of all it's going to do an up sampling nearest 2d which is actually
00:55:57.120 | identical to this right so it's going to just double all the pixels and then we're going to
00:56:07.040 | pass that through a res block so it's basically a res block with like a stride of a half if you like
00:56:16.080 | you know it's it's it's it's undoing a stride to it's up sampling rather than down sampling um
00:56:22.880 | okay so and then we'll have an extra res block at the end to get it down to three channels which
00:56:29.520 | is what we need um okay so we can do our learning learning uh learning rate finder on that
00:56:38.560 | and i just train it pretty briefly for five epochs um so so this model is basically um trying to take
00:56:48.240 | the image that we start up then kind of really squeeze it into i guess a small representation
00:56:53.600 | and then try to bring that small representation back up to then the full super res yeah exactly
00:56:59.440 | right tanish can and we could have done it without any of the stride too you know i guess we could
00:57:05.440 | have just had a whole bunch of stride one layers there's a few reasons not to do it that way though
00:57:11.280 | one is obviously just the computation requirements are very high because the convolution has to
00:57:15.440 | scan over the image and so when you keep it at 64 by 64 that's a lot of scanning um another is that
00:57:24.400 | um you're never kind of forcing it to learn higher level abstractions by recognizing how to kind of
00:57:31.520 | like you know use more channels on a smaller grid size to represent it um so yeah it's like the
00:57:40.400 | same reason that we in in classifiers we don't leave it it's tried one the whole time you know
00:57:46.160 | you end up with something that's inefficient and generally not as good um exactly yeah thanks for
00:57:52.000 | clarifying tanish um okay so the loss goes down and the loss function i'm using is just msc here
00:57:58.880 | right so it's how similar is each pixel to the pixel it's meant to be
00:58:02.480 | and so then i can call capture preds um to get their predictions and the targets and the inputs
00:58:11.200 | or probabilities targets and inputs i can't quite remember now uh so here's our input images
00:58:19.120 | so they're pretty low resolution
00:58:20.720 | and oh dear here's our predicted images so pretty terrible um so why is that
00:58:32.320 | well basically it's kind of like the problem we had with our earlier auto encoder it's really
00:58:39.280 | difficult to go from a like a two by two or four by four or whatever image into a 64 by 64 image
00:58:49.360 | you know um we're asking it to do something that's just really challenging and so that would require
00:58:54.240 | a much bigger model trained for a much longer amount of time i'm sure it's possible
00:59:00.160 | um and in fact you know latent diffusion as we've talked about has a model that kind of
00:59:08.640 | does exactly that um um but in our case there's no need to make it so complicated we can actually
00:59:15.600 | do something dramatically easier um which is um we can um create a a unit
00:59:26.080 | so units were originally developed in 2015 and they originally developed for medical imaging
00:59:38.000 | um but they've been used very very widely since um and i was involved in medical
00:59:45.280 | imaging at the time they came out and certainly they quite quickly got recognized in medical
00:59:49.200 | imaging they took a little bit longer to get recognized elsewhere but nowadays they're pretty
00:59:53.280 | universal and they are used in stable diffusion and basically um some of the details don't matter
01:00:01.600 | here this is like the original paper um so let's focus on the kind of the broad idea this thing
01:00:08.000 | here is called that we're going to call it the downsampling path so in this case they started
01:00:12.080 | with 572 by 572 images it looks like they started with one channel images and then they you know
01:00:21.200 | as we've seen then they took them down to 284 by 284 by 128 and then down to 140 by 140 by 256
01:00:28.400 | and then down to 68 by 68 by 512 32 by 32 by 1024 so here's this downsampling path right
01:00:36.000 | and then the upsampling path is exactly what we've seen before right so we up sample and have some
01:00:42.800 | i mean in the original thing they didn't use res nets or res blocks um they just use comms
01:00:48.800 | but the idea is the same um but the trick is these extra things across here these arrows
01:00:58.400 | um which is copy and crop what we can do is we can take so during the upsampling
01:01:06.960 | we've got a 512 by 512 here sorry a 512 channel thing here we can up sample to a 512 channel
01:01:17.440 | thing we can then put it through a conf to make it into a 256 channel thing and then what we can do
01:01:31.200 | is we can copy across the activations from here now they actually do things in a slightly weird
01:01:39.040 | way where they're downsampling they had 136 pixels by 136 and over here they have 104 by 104 so they
01:01:46.400 | crop out the center bit that's because of just kind of like the slightly weird way they did uh
01:01:51.600 | they basically weren't padding things nowadays we don't have to worry about that that cropping
01:01:57.280 | so what we do is we literally copy over this these activations and we then either concatenate or add
01:02:06.400 | and you can see in this case they're concatenating see how there's the white bit and the blue bit
01:02:09.840 | so they have concatenated the two lots together so actually i think what they did here is
01:02:16.320 | they went from a 52 by 52 by 512 to a 104 by 104 by 256 and i think that's what this little blue
01:02:25.840 | rectangle here is and then they had another uh copied copied out the 104 by 104 by 256 and
01:02:34.000 | then put the two together to get a 104 by 104 by 512 and so this these activations half are from
01:02:47.120 | the upsampling and half are from the downsampling from earlier in this whole process and it might be
01:02:56.880 | easiest to understand why that's interesting when we get all the way back up to the top
01:03:02.000 | where we've got this uh 392 by 392 thing the thing we're copying across now
01:03:09.040 | is just two convolutions away from the original image so like for super resolution for example
01:03:17.920 | we want it to look a lot like the original image so in this case we're actually going to have an
01:03:24.240 | entire copy of almost something very much like the original image that we can include in these final
01:03:30.960 | convolutions and so ditto here we have you know something that's kind of like the somewhat
01:03:37.120 | downsampled version we can use here and the more downsampled version we can use here so
01:03:41.520 | yeah that's that's how the u-net works do either of you guys have anything to add like things
01:03:47.920 | that you found this helpful to understand or anything surprising i guess it's a fascinating
01:03:55.440 | thing these days a lot of people tend to just add so you've got the you know the outputs from the
01:04:01.440 | down layer are the same shape the inputs fully corresponding like up block and then they just
01:04:05.680 | kind of add the yeah particularly for super resolution adding might make more sense than
01:04:10.320 | concatenating because you're like literally saying like oh this little two by two bit is
01:04:15.200 | basically the right pixel but it just have to be slightly modified on the edges yeah it also makes
01:04:22.320 | me think of like a boosting sort of thing where if you think about like the fact that a lot of
01:04:28.560 | information from the original image is being passed all the way across at that highest skip
01:04:32.240 | connection then the rest of the network can be effectively producing an update to that
01:04:38.240 | rather than having to recreate the whole image or to put it another way it's like a resnet but
01:04:45.280 | there's a skip connections right but the skip connections are like jumping from the start to
01:04:50.400 | the end and a bit after the start to a bit before the end and i guess a resonance a bit like boosting
01:04:56.000 | too hmm yeah yeah i mean i was kind of going to say the same thing so yeah but basically like
01:05:05.520 | i think uh in compared to like the the noising on encoder where like we saw like the results from
01:05:10.080 | like even worse than i guess the original image here i guess the the worst it could be is basically
01:05:16.160 | the original image so you know i guess it's it's just like a similar sort of uh kind of intuition
01:05:21.760 | behind the the the result the resnet uh and how that works so yeah i mean it could be worse if
01:05:29.120 | these comms at the end are incapable of undoing what these comms did um which is like one argument
01:05:36.240 | for maybe why there should also be a connection from here over to here and maybe a few more comms
01:05:41.920 | after that which is something i'm kind of interested in and not enough people do
01:05:46.480 | in my opinion um another thing to consider is that they've only got two comms down here but at this
01:05:53.280 | point you have the benefit of only being a 28 by 28 you know why not do more computation at this
01:06:01.120 | point you know um so there's a couple of things that sometimes people consider but maybe not enough
01:06:09.600 | um uh so let me try to remember what i did um so in my unit here
01:06:18.320 | so um we've got the down sampling path
01:06:23.360 | which is a list of res blocks now a module list is just like a sequential except it doesn't
01:06:33.520 | actually do anything so then in the forward we have to go through the down path and x equals lx
01:06:41.760 | each time so it's basically yeah a sequential that doesn't actually do anything um and so the up
01:06:49.200 | path is exactly the same as we saw before it's a bunch of up blocks um and then like we saw before
01:06:55.680 | the final one's going to have to go to three channel um but now for our forward what we're
01:07:03.680 | going to do is we're going to keep track of
01:07:06.480 | since we're going to be copying this over here and copying this over here we have to save it
01:07:14.880 | during the down sampling path so we're going to save it in a something called layers
01:07:24.800 | so i actually decided to do the little trick i mentioned which is to save the very first input
01:07:30.000 | um so i saved the very first input i then put it through the very first res block
01:07:36.880 | and then we go through each in the downward path
01:07:43.200 | there's actually no need at all for there to be an i l here doesn't have to be enumerated because
01:07:51.840 | we don't use i okay so we go through the downward path so for this l for layer so for each layer
01:07:58.160 | in the downward path append the activations so that again as we go through each one we're going
01:08:04.880 | to be able to copy them over by saving them for later and then call the layer okay so how many
01:08:12.560 | layers have we got there's n layers that we stored away so now we're going to go through the up
01:08:18.480 | sampling path and again we're going to call call each one but before we do we're going to actually
01:08:23.760 | do the thing that john i mentioned which is rather than concatenating unless we're back um at unless
01:08:29.280 | with this is the very first layer because the very first up sampling layer there's nothing to copy
01:08:34.160 | right so this is the very first up sampling layer let's just add the saved activations
01:08:43.440 | and then call the layer um and then right at the very end we'll add back the very first layer
01:08:51.760 | and then pass it through the very fine last res block
01:08:57.760 | all right maybe that last one should be concatenated i'm not sure anyhow um this is what i did um
01:09:12.960 | now the next thing that i wondered about was like how to um initialize this and basically what i
01:09:22.480 | wanted to do is i wanted to initialize this so that when it's when it's untrained it would um
01:09:28.240 | the output of the model would be identical to the input because like a reasonable starting point
01:09:34.480 | for like what does this look like so yeah what does this look like following super resolution
01:09:40.000 | would be this you know that's a reasonable starting point so um i just created this little zero weights
01:09:46.960 | thing which zeros out the weights and biases of a layer right so i created the model and then i said
01:09:54.720 | okay um let's look at the very end of the up sampling path and we'll call that the last res net
01:10:06.240 | and so let's zero out the very last convolutions
01:10:11.840 | and also the id connection and so that means that whatever it does for all this at the very end
01:10:22.720 | it's going to have um nothing in there this will be zero so that means that this will be
01:10:32.240 | equal to layer zero um and then that means we also want to make sure that this doesn't change
01:10:38.400 | anything so then we can just zero out the weights there um that's probably not quite right is it
01:10:47.760 | i guess i should have actually set those to like an identity matrix
01:10:53.200 | maybe i'll try to do that later um but at least it's something that would be very easy for it to
01:10:59.920 | i have a question germane yeah this this zero weights i see a lot of people do a thing where they
01:11:05.360 | instead like multiply by one e minus three or one e minus four to make the weights really small
01:11:11.360 | but not completely zero and i don't have a good intuition whether it's like you know in some sense
01:11:17.600 | having everything set to zero fires off some warnings that maybe this is going to be like
01:11:22.320 | perfectly balanced on some saddle point or it's not going to have any signal to work with
01:11:26.400 | yeah it's very small but not quite zero random weights might be better yeah do you have an
01:11:30.560 | individual that i think so or not so much intuition but more empirical like or both um i don't i don't
01:11:38.320 | think it's an issue um and i think it comes from like a lot of people's phd supervisors and stuff
01:11:43.200 | you know come from back in an era when they were doing like linear regression with one layer or
01:11:47.440 | whatever and in those cases yeah if all the weights are the same then no learning can happen because
01:11:54.160 | every weight update is identical but in this case all the previous weights are different
01:11:59.040 | so there's they all have different gradients and there's definitely nothing to worry about
01:12:04.160 | i mean multiplying it by a small number would work too like it's not a problem but um yeah
01:12:12.400 | setting it to zeros i and honestly i um i have to stop myself from i mean not that's a problem but
01:12:20.000 | i just i always have this natural incarnation to not want to set them to zeros because of years
01:12:26.320 | of being told not to but there's no reason that should be a problem um all right so i just would
01:12:37.680 | i was just like again like that unit code is very concise and it's very very interesting to see
01:12:45.920 | the basic ideas you know very simple and oh yeah to see that i guess yeah yeah it's helpful i think
01:12:52.800 | to just get it into a little bit of code isn't it yeah thanks um that's very simple code too
01:12:59.760 | okay so we do a lot of find and then we train and you can see but previously our loss even after
01:13:11.440 | five epochs there's 207 and in this case our loss after one epoch is oh wait six so it's obviously
01:13:21.840 | much easier and we end up at 073 okay so we can take a look there's our inputs
01:13:32.880 | and there's our outputs so it's actually better rather than dramatically worse now so that's good
01:13:39.760 | um yeah some of it's actually not bad at all i would say
01:13:45.600 | this car definitely looks like i think it's like a little over smoothed you know i think you could
01:13:56.240 | say so if we look at the other guy's eyes kids eyes still aren't great like in the original he's
01:14:02.160 | actually got proper pupils um so yeah it's definitely not recreated the original but
01:14:09.520 | you know given limited compute and limited data like the basic idea is not bad um
01:14:18.880 | i do worry that the poor koala like it it didn't have eyes here but like it ought to have known
01:14:26.240 | there should be eyes in a sense and it didn't create any and maybe it should have done a better
01:14:30.800 | job on the eyes so um my feeling is um and this is pretty common way of thinking about this is
01:14:38.320 | that when you use mean squared error msc as your loss function on these kinds of models
01:14:42.960 | you tend to get rather blurry results because if the model's not sure what to do it's just
01:14:49.200 | going to predict kind of the average you know um so one good way to fix that is to use perceptual
01:14:56.880 | loss and um i think it was johnno who taught us about perceptual loss wasn't it when we did
01:15:03.440 | the style transfer stuff um so perceptual loss is this idea that we could look it's kind of similar
01:15:11.120 | as well to the the fit idea um we could look at the some intermediate layer of a pre-trained model
01:15:20.080 | and try to make sure that our output images have the same features as the real images and in this
01:15:31.680 | case it ought to be saying like the real image you know if we went to kind of midway through a resnet
01:15:37.440 | it should be saying like there should be an eye here you know and in this case this would not
01:15:42.720 | represent an eye very well so that would should give it some useful feedback to improve how it
01:15:49.440 | draws an eye here um so that's the basic idea um so to do perceptual loss we need to classify a model
01:15:57.600 | so i just used the little i don't know why i use little 25 epoch one i guess maybe that's
01:16:03.200 | all i had trained when at that time um so let's use little 25 epoch model um
01:16:13.520 | so then um yeah just grab a batch of validation set and then we can just try it out by
01:16:20.320 | calling the classifier model um and here i'm doing it
01:16:27.680 | in fp16 just keeping my memory use down um um i don't think this dot half would be necessary
01:16:40.000 | since i've got autocast anyway never mind um okay this is the same code we had before for the sin
01:16:46.480 | sets um so here is our images um so what we've got here
01:17:07.120 | huh i'm just looking at some of them they're a bit weird aren't they i mean koalas are
01:17:11.280 | fine you know i wouldn't have picked this as a parking meter i wouldn't have picked this as
01:17:15.200 | a bow tie um so yeah so basically what this is doing here is it's um
01:17:20.960 | showing us the predictions so the predictions are not amazing um trolley bus that looks right
01:17:35.760 | um this is weird it's called this one a neck brace and this one a basketball that looks
01:17:40.720 | more like a neck brace the labrador retriever it's got right the tractor it's got right
01:17:44.240 | centerpiece right mushrooms right those probably aren't bunching bags okay so you know you can see
01:17:49.520 | our classifier it's okay but it's not amazing i think this was one with like a 60 accuracy
01:17:54.240 | um but the important thing is it's like it's got enough features to be able to like
01:18:00.640 | do an okay job i have no idea what this is so i'm pretty sure it's not a goose
01:18:06.480 | um okay so the model um
01:18:09.440 | the model is a very simple just a bunch of res blocks
01:18:18.800 | um three four five and then at the end we've got our pooling flatten dropout linear batch note
01:18:30.720 | um so we don't need yeah so what we're going to do is just to keep things simple we're just
01:18:40.960 | going to grab um i think the end of the three res block and so a simple way to do that is
01:18:52.080 | we'll just go from range four to the end of the model and delete those layers so if we do that
01:18:59.600 | and then look at the model again you can now see i've got zero one two three and that's it
01:19:09.920 | so this model um is going to yeah return the kind of the activations after the fourth res block
01:19:20.720 | um so for perceptual losses i think we talked about you could like pick a couple of different
01:19:27.680 | places like there's various ways to do it this is just the simplest i didn't even have to use
01:19:32.960 | hooks or anything we can just call c model and um in fact if we do it
01:19:38.960 | um so just to take a look at this looks like and again we're going to use
01:19:44.800 | mixed precision here um we can grab our y batch as before put it through our classifier model
01:19:56.320 | and so now that we've done this this is now going to give us those intermediate level features
01:20:02.320 | so the features what's the shape of them it's batch size 1024 by the number of channels of that layer
01:20:10.720 | by the height and width of that layer so these are 8 by 8 by 256 features we're going to be using for
01:20:17.040 | the perceptual loss um and so when i was doing this i kind of wanted to like check with things
01:20:23.600 | were vaguely looking reasonable um so i would have expected that these features um from the
01:20:33.440 | actual y should be similar to if i um use our model
01:20:48.240 | so something then i did i thought okay if we if we took that model that we trained then we would
01:20:55.280 | hope that the features were at least of the same sign um from you know from the result of the model
01:21:04.720 | than they are in the real images um so this is just me comparing that and it's like oh yeah
01:21:10.320 | they are generally the same sign so this is just little checks that i was doing along the way
01:21:14.640 | and then i also thought i kind of look at the msc loss along the way um yeah so there's no need to
01:21:22.800 | keep all those in there it was just stuff i was kind of doing to like debug as i went well not
01:21:27.600 | even debug to like identify ahead of time as of any problems um so now we can calculate create
01:21:33.440 | our loss function so our loss function is going to be the um the msc loss just like before between
01:21:41.920 | the input and the target which is just all that's being passed in here plus the msc loss
01:21:47.200 | between the features we get out of c model and the features we get from the actual
01:21:54.880 | and the features we get from the actual target image and so the features um we can calculate
01:22:07.840 | for the target image now the target image we're not going to be modifying that at all so we do
01:22:15.360 | that bit with no gradient um but we do want to be able to modify the thing that's generating our
01:22:22.080 | input that's the model we're trying to actually optimize so we do have gradient for that so in
01:22:26.400 | each case we're calling the classifier model one on the target and one on the input and so those
01:22:32.720 | are giving us our features now then we add them together but they're not particularly similar
01:22:40.960 | numerically like they're very different scales and we wouldn't want it to focus entirely on one or
01:22:47.200 | the other so i just ran it um for epoch or two checked what the losses were looked like and i
01:22:53.200 | noticed that the feature loss was about 10 times bigger so my very hacky way was just to divide
01:22:58.080 | it by 10 um but honestly like that detail doesn't tend to matter very much in my opinion which
01:23:04.960 | there's nothing wrong with doing it in a rather hacky way um there are papers which suggest more
01:23:13.120 | elegant ways to handle it um which isn't a bad idea to save you a bit of time if you're doing
01:23:18.560 | a lot of messing around with this jimmy i don't know if you know it but the um the new vae decoder
01:23:28.160 | from stability ai for the stable diffusion auto encoder they trained it some with just
01:23:34.320 | mean squared error and some with mean squared error combined with the perceptual loss
01:23:37.680 | and they had a scaling factor of you know times 0.1 so exactly there you go so the answer is 0.1
01:23:44.960 | that's that's the official and and drake apathy says that the correct learning rate to use is
01:23:50.560 | always 4e neg 3 so we're getting all this sorted out now that's good all right so for my unit we're
01:23:57.440 | going to do the same stuff as before in terms of initializing it do our lr find train it for 20 epochs
01:24:07.280 | and obviously the loss is not comparable because this is lost now incorporates the perceptual loss
01:24:11.760 | as well and so this is one of the challenges with these things it's like is it better or worse well
01:24:16.400 | we just tend to have to take a look and compare i guess and maybe i should copy over our previous
01:24:22.000 | models images so we can compare okay there's our inputs there's our outputs and yeah look he's got
01:24:31.760 | pupils now which he didn't used to have koala still doesn't quite have eyeballs but i'd like
01:24:39.680 | it's definitely less you know out of focus looking um so yeah flipping that's going on
01:24:50.720 | yeah so there's some of them are going to be flipped because this is copied from earlier
01:24:54.480 | so yeah there's clipping and cropping going on so they won't be identical
01:25:05.520 | yeah you can also see like the background like was all just blurred before where else now it's
01:25:11.200 | got texture which if we look at the real the real has texture you know so yeah clearly the
01:25:20.320 | perceptual loss has improved matters quite significantly there's an interesting thing
01:25:27.680 | here which is that there's not really any metric we can use now right because if we did mean square
01:25:31.040 | error the one that's trained means good error would probably do better but visually it looks worse
01:25:35.920 | yeah and if we use like an fid well that's based on the features of the pre-trained network so
01:25:40.400 | that would probably be biased by the one that's trained using those features the perceptual loss
01:25:44.560 | and so you get back to this very old school thing of like well actually how we're choosing is just
01:25:48.320 | looking and evaluating right um and when you speak to someone like jason antich who's made a whole
01:25:53.040 | career out of you know image restoration and super resolution and colorization that is like
01:25:58.160 | a big part of his process even now is still like looking at a bunch of images to decide whether
01:26:04.720 | something is better rather than relying on these yeah some phd student yelled at me on twitter a
01:26:10.560 | few weeks ago for like saying like look at this cool thing our student made look how don't they
01:26:14.480 | look better and he was like don't you know there's rigorous ways to measure these things this is not
01:26:19.120 | a rigorous approach at all it's like phd students man they got all the answers can't have a human
01:26:27.200 | looking at a picture and deciding if they like it or not that's insane well i'm a pc student i agree
01:26:33.120 | though that we should be with me so yeah okay some phd students are better than others that's that's
01:26:38.080 | fair enough um what's this oh right okay so talking of cheating let's do that um
01:26:57.360 | so we're going to do something which is kind of fast ai's favorite trick and has been since we
01:27:07.920 | first launched which is gradually unfreezing pre-trained networks um so in a sense it seems
01:27:16.960 | a bit funny to initialize all of this downpath randomly because we already have a model that's
01:27:28.240 | perfectly capable of doing something useful on tiny image net images which is this
01:27:36.160 | so yeah what if we um took our unit right and for the model dot start which to remind you
01:27:51.360 | is the res block right at the front why don't we use the actual
01:28:02.320 | weights of the pre-trained model and then for each of the bits in the down sampling path
01:28:09.280 | why don't we use the actual weights that we used from that as well and so this is a useful
01:28:16.000 | way to understand how we can um copy over weights which is that any part of a module
01:28:28.160 | an nn dot module is itself an nn dot module an nn dot module has a state dict which is a thing
01:28:35.520 | you can then call load state dict to put it somewhere else so this is going to fill in the
01:28:40.560 | whole res block called model dot start with the whole res block which is p model zero
01:28:46.400 | so here's how we can copy across yeah that starting one and then all the down blocks are
01:28:52.320 | going to have the rest of it so this is basically going to copy into our model rather than having
01:28:57.280 | random weights we're going to have all the weights from our pre-trained model
01:29:01.680 | um and then since they're they're good at doing something they're not good at doing super
01:29:11.040 | resolution but they're good at doing something why don't we assume that they're good at doing
01:29:16.400 | super resolution so turn off requires grad and so what that means if we now train it's not going to
01:29:23.600 | update any of the parameters in the down block i guess i should have actually done model dot
01:29:28.880 | start requires grad as false two now think about it um and so this is uh the the classic uh fine
01:29:36.320 | tune approach from fastai the library um we're going to do one epoch of just the up sampling path
01:29:49.120 | and that gets us to a loss of 255 now our um loss function hasn't changed that's totally comparable
01:29:55.760 | so previously our one epoch was 385 and in fact after one epoch with frozen weights for the down
01:30:04.960 | path we've beaten this now this is in a sense totally cheating but in a sense it's totally
01:30:13.840 | not it's totally cheating because the thing we're trying to do is to generate for the perceptual
01:30:22.240 | loss intermediate layer activations which are the same as this and so we're literally using that to
01:30:32.880 | create intermediate layer activations so obviously that's going to work but why is it okay to be
01:30:41.200 | cheating well because that's actually what we want like to be able to do super resolution we need
01:30:47.360 | something that can like recognize there's an eye here so we already has something that know that
01:30:53.520 | there's an eye there and in fact interestingly this thing trained a lot more quickly than this
01:31:00.800 | thing and it turns out it's better at super resolution than that thing even though it wasn't
01:31:07.040 | trained to do super resolution and I think that's because that the signal which is just like
01:31:11.840 | what is this is a really simple signal to use so yeah so we do that and then we can basically
01:31:22.080 | go through and set requires grad equals true again and so the basic idea being here that
01:31:26.960 | yeah when you've got a bunch of random weights which is the whole up sampling path and a bunch
01:31:34.160 | of pre-trained weights the down sampling path don't start then fine-tuning the whole thing
01:31:39.280 | because at the start it's going to be crap you know so and so just train the random weights
01:31:44.960 | for at least an epoch and then set everything to unfrozen and then we'll do our 20 epochs on the
01:31:52.160 | whole thing and so we go from 255 to 249 207 198 so it's improved a lot so to verify with the
01:32:08.240 | with using these weights and comparing that to the perceptual loss the perceptual loss is looking
01:32:15.600 | at the up sample data the super resolution images as well as incorporating the weights
01:32:22.240 | that's for the down sampling path and so that's looking at I guess the original
01:32:26.560 | downgraded right although we are just adding them so if you have zeros in the up sampling path that
01:32:34.160 | it's going to be the same so it is very easy for it to get the correct activations in the up sampling
01:32:42.000 | path and then yeah I mean then it's kind of a bit weird because it goes all the way back to the top
01:32:49.440 | creates the image and then goes into the class of C model the classifier again
01:32:53.440 | but I think it's going to create basically the same activations
01:32:59.520 | it's a bit confusing and weird so yeah I mean it's not totally cheating but it's
01:33:07.520 | it's certainly a much easier problem to solve yeah okay so let's get our
01:33:15.280 | results again so there's our inputs
01:33:18.640 | yeah so that's looking pretty impressive so the kid has a you know yeah definitely looks
01:33:30.400 | pretty reasonable now car looks pretty reasonable we still don't have eyes for
01:33:38.880 | the koala such as life but definitely the background textures look way better
01:33:43.120 | the candy store looks less much better than it did
01:33:48.640 | medicine looks a lot better than it did so yeah it's really I think it looks great
01:33:59.360 | okay so then we can get better still this is not part of the original unet but
01:34:04.800 | you know making better models is often about like where can we squeeze in more computation
01:34:12.720 | give it opportunities to do things and like there's nothing particularly that says that this
01:34:17.760 | down sampling thing is exactly the right thing you need here right it's being used for two things
01:34:23.040 | one is this conv and one is this conv but those are two different things and so it's kind of having
01:34:29.280 | to like learn to squeeze both purposes into one thing so I had this idea probably I'm sure lots
01:34:35.520 | of people have had this idea but whatever I had this idea which is why don't we put some res blocks
01:34:40.560 | in here which I called cross connections or cross cons so I decided that a cross conv
01:34:49.040 | is going to be just a res block followed by a conv and so the unit I just copied and pasted
01:34:58.800 | but now as well as the downs I've also got crosses and so the crosses are cross cons
01:35:04.400 | so now rather than just adding the layer I add the cross conv applied to the layer
01:35:14.640 | yeah I really should have added a cross con for this one as well now I think about it this
01:35:22.320 | is the probably the one that wants it the most oh well never mind another time um okay so now
01:35:29.840 | yeah again we can definitely compare loss functions so this is one nine eight so everything else was
01:35:36.960 | the same so I did the same thing of because you know the down sampling is the same so we can still
01:35:43.040 | copy in the state dict requires grad and it's better one eight nine quite a lot better really
01:35:53.200 | because you know this is these are hard to get improvements uh let's see if we can notice
01:35:57.840 | anything hey look it's got an i just yeah so how about that um at this point it's almost
01:36:10.720 | quite difficult to see whether it's an improvement or not but I think there's a bit of an eye on the
01:36:15.280 | koala I think is encouraging yeah so that's uh super res uh oh man the bad news is we're out of time
01:36:37.040 | okay we didn't promise to do diffusion unit this lesson so
01:36:42.960 | we built a unit we built a unit yes we did and it's and we did super resolution with it and it
01:36:52.960 | looks pretty good so um I gotta admit I haven't thought about like exercises for people to do
01:37:00.800 | what would be useful things for people to try with like maybe they could create a unit they
01:37:06.960 | could learn about segmentation create a unit for segmentation or oh you know there are a couple of
01:37:13.760 | points where you well I was just gonna say there were a couple of ways we said oh I should have
01:37:18.880 | tried this and should have tried that I think that's obviously yeah basically yeah I think
01:37:24.560 | that's obviously a good next step I was gonna say um style transfer is a good idea to do I
01:37:30.560 | think with a unit so style transfer you can actually set up a loss function so that you
01:37:36.400 | can create a unit that learns to create images that look like van Gogh you know for example
01:37:41.840 | um it's a totally different approach it's a it's a tricky one I think I think when I was playing
01:37:49.280 | with that it almost helped to not have the skip connections at the highest resolutions otherwise
01:37:57.040 | it just really wants to copy the input and modify it slightly interesting um maybe doing um whereas
01:38:03.760 | which one would be better there too oh yes that's a good point yeah
01:38:10.400 | oh well we'll put some stuff up on the website about yeah you know ideas and I'm sure some
01:38:17.920 | students hopefully by the time you watch this will have some ideas on the forum or things they've
01:38:22.480 | tried to yeah all right yeah the colorization is nice because it's um so colorization right
01:38:30.480 | the transform is just to grayscale and back oh yes and then that's yeah that's already actually
01:38:36.640 | okay so there's all kinds of decrapification you could do isn't there so if you want to keep it a
01:38:40.880 | bit more simple yes rather than doing these two lines of code you could um um yeah just turn it
01:38:53.200 | into black and white that's a great point um or um you could delete the center every time you know
01:39:04.720 | to create like a something that learns how to fill in or maybe delete the left hand side
01:39:10.880 | and that way that would lay that something that you can give it a photo in it all
01:39:13.920 | invent a little bit more to the left yeah and then you could keep running it to generator panorama
01:39:21.120 | another one you could do would be to like um in memory or something save it as a really uh
01:39:30.400 | highly compressed jpeg and so then you would it would be something that would learn to remove jpeg
01:39:36.160 | artifacts which then for your like old photos that you saved with crappy jpeg compression you could
01:39:43.760 | bring them back to life uh you could probably do like yeah you could do like i guess drawing to
01:39:51.840 | painting or something like this by taking some paintings and then like passing it through such
01:39:55.600 | an edge detection and using that as your starting point sounds interesting oh uh what about
01:40:01.760 | watermark removal you could um you know use pil or whatever to draw watermarks text whatever over
01:40:09.760 | the top which is quite useful for like you know radiology images and stuff sometimes have
01:40:15.440 | personally identifiable information written on them and you can just like learn to delete it
01:40:20.720 | yeah okay so lots of things people can do that's awesome thanks for your ideas basically any image
01:40:27.680 | to image nets super all right um or just make the super res better um try it on full image net
01:40:38.640 | if you like um if you've got lots of hard drive space thanks jonno thanks to nish
01:40:47.600 | see you next time we'll see you in a minute
01:40:52.080 | - Bye. - Bye.
01:40:52.920 | - See you.
01:40:53.740 | [BLANK_AUDIO]