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The Power of Deep Connections

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00:00:00.000 | social wealth is all about your depth and breadth of connection to the people around you both your
00:00:06.480 | kind of inner circle of like true deep, what I call darkest hour friends, and then the broader
00:00:11.120 | circles of looser connections, your broader connection to communities that extend beyond
00:00:15.360 | yourself, spiritual communities, local regional communities, etc. And then social wealth is also
00:00:20.880 | about how you interact with others around wealth, the idea of status and how it plays into your
00:00:26.320 | life. Building social wealth is fundamentally what allows you to enjoy any of the other types of
00:00:31.200 | wealth. No one dreams of having a private jet and being alone. You know, no one wants to have a whole
00:00:36.880 | ton of money and no one to dote upon no one to create experiences with building social wealth
00:00:41.680 | is fundamentally at the core of living a happy, healthy, wealthy existence. There is scientific
00:00:46.720 | evidence at the strength of your relationships is the single greatest predictor of your health as
00:00:52.320 | as you age over time.