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Stanford CS25: V3 I Beyond LLMs: Agents, Emergent Abilities, Intermediate-Guided Reasoning, BabyLM

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00:00:00.000 | So today we're going to give an instructor-led lecture talking about some of the some key
00:00:10.640 | topics in transformers and LLMs these days. In particular Div will be talking about agents
00:00:15.760 | and I'll be discussing emergent abilities, intermediate guided reasoning, as well as
00:00:19.960 | Baby LLM. So let me actually go to my parts because Div is not here yet. So I'm sure many
00:00:32.720 | of you have read this paper "Emergent Abilities of Large Language Models" from 2022. So I'll
00:00:39.040 | briefly go through some of them. So basically an ability is emergent if it is present in
00:00:45.480 | large but not smaller models, and it would not have been directly predicted by extrapolating
00:00:50.400 | performance from smaller models. So you can think of performance, it's basically near
00:00:55.500 | random until a certain threshold called a critical threshold, and then improves very
00:00:59.760 | heavily. This is known as a phase transition, and again, it would not have been extrapolated
00:01:04.440 | or predicted if you were to extend the curve of the performance of smaller models. It's
00:01:09.680 | more of a jump which we'll see later. So here's an example of few-shot prompting for many
00:01:15.200 | different tasks. For example, modular arithmetic, unscrambling words, different QA tasks, and
00:01:21.440 | so forth. And you'll see that performance kind of jumps very heavily up until a certain
00:01:27.360 | point. I believe the x-axis here is the number of training flops, which corresponds to basically
00:01:32.680 | model scale. So you'll see in many cases around 10 to the 22 or 10 to the 23 training flops,
00:01:39.400 | there's a massive exponential jump or increase in terms of model performance on these tasks,
00:01:47.640 | which was not present on smaller scales. So it's quite unpredictable. And here are some
00:01:54.960 | examples of this occurring using augmented prompting strategies. So I'll be talking a
00:01:59.720 | bit later about chain of thought. But basically, these strategies improve the ability of getting
00:02:06.640 | behavior from models on different tasks. So you see, for example, with chain of thought
00:02:12.120 | reasoning, that's an emergent behavior that happens again around 10 to the 22 training
00:02:16.800 | flops. And without it, model performance on GSM 8K, which is a mathematics benchmark,
00:02:24.600 | it doesn't really improve heavily. But chain of thought kind of leads to that emergent
00:02:29.360 | behavior or sudden increase in performance. And here's just the table from the paper,
00:02:35.480 | which has a bigger list of emergent abilities of LLMs, as well as their scale at which they
00:02:41.660 | occur. So I recommend that you check out the paper to learn a bit more. And so one thing
00:02:47.200 | researchers have been wondering is, why does this emergence occur exactly? And even now,
00:02:52.440 | there's few explanation for why that happens. And the authors also found that the evaluation
00:02:57.440 | metrics used to measure these abilities may not fully explain why they emerge, and suggest
00:03:02.200 | some alternative evaluation metrics, which I encourage you to read more in the paper.
00:03:08.460 | So other than scaling up to encourage these emergent abilities, which could endow even
00:03:14.700 | larger LLMs with further new emergent abilities, what else can be done? Well, things like investigating
00:03:21.520 | new architectures, higher quality data, which is very important for performance on all tasks,
00:03:28.200 | improved training and improved training procedures could enable emergent abilities to occur,
00:03:32.600 | especially on smaller models, which is a current growing area of research, which I'll also
00:03:39.400 | talk about a bit more later. Other abilities include potentially improving the few-shot
00:03:44.760 | prompting abilities of LLMs, theoretical and interpretability research, again, to try to
00:03:50.600 | understand why emergent abilities is a thing and how we can maybe leverage that further,
00:03:58.200 | as well as maybe some computational linguistics work.
00:04:02.240 | So with these large models and emergent abilities, there's also risks, right? There's potential
00:04:07.480 | societal risks, for example, truthfulness, bias, and toxicity risks. As emergent abilities
00:04:15.400 | incentivizes further scaling up language models, for example, up to GPT-4 size or further.
00:04:21.160 | However, this may lead to bias increasing, as well as toxicity and the memorization of
00:04:27.800 | training data. That's one thing that these larger models are more potent at. And there's
00:04:34.280 | potential risks in future language models that have also not been discovered yet. So
00:04:38.800 | it's important that we approach this in a safe manner as well.
00:04:45.440 | And of course, emergent abilities and larger models have also led to sociological changes,
00:04:51.200 | changes in the community's views and use of these models. Most importantly, it's led to
00:04:55.800 | the development of general purpose models, which perform on a wide range of tasks, not
00:05:01.320 | just particular tasks it was trained for. For example, when you think of chat GPT, GPT-3.5,
00:05:06.560 | as well as GPT-4, there are more general purpose models, which work well across the board,
00:05:11.840 | and can then be further adapted to different use cases, mainly through in context, prompting
00:05:19.200 | and so forth. This has also led to new applications of language models outside of NLP. For example,
00:05:25.240 | they're being used a lot now for text to image generation. The encoder part of those text
00:05:31.200 | to image models are basically transformer models or large language models, as well as
00:05:36.440 | things like robotics and so forth. So you'll know that earlier this quarter, Jim Fan gave
00:05:42.560 | a talk about how they're using GPT-4 and so forth in Minecraft and for robotics work,
00:05:48.640 | as well as long range horizon tasks for robotics. And yeah, so basically, in general, it's led
00:05:54.980 | to a shift in the NLP community towards a general purpose, rather than task specific
00:06:00.080 | models. And as I kind of stated earlier, some directions for future work include model scaling,
00:06:07.480 | further model scaling, although I believe that we will soon probably be reaching a limit
00:06:14.560 | or point of diminishing returns with just more model scale, improved model architectures
00:06:19.400 | and training methods, data scaling. So I also believe that data quality is of high importance,
00:06:27.560 | possibly even more important than the model scale and the model itself. Better techniques
00:06:33.600 | for an understanding of prompting, as well as exploring and enabling performance on frontier
00:06:38.900 | tasks that current models are not able to perform well on. So GPT-4 kind of pushed the
00:06:44.640 | limit of this, it's able to perform well on many more tasks. But studies have shown that
00:06:50.040 | it still suffers from even some more basic sort of reasoning, analogical and common sense
00:06:55.920 | reasoning. So I just had some questions here. I'm not sure how much time we have to address.
00:07:04.360 | So for the first one, like I said, emergent abilities, I think will arise to a certain
00:07:09.280 | point, but there will be a limit or point of diminishing returns as model scale as well
00:07:15.680 | as data scale rises, because I believe at some point there will be overfittings. And
00:07:20.120 | there's only so much you can learn from all data on the web. So I believe that more creative
00:07:27.360 | approaches will be necessary after a certain point, which kind of also addresses the second
00:07:33.600 | question. Right, so I will move on. If anybody has any questions, also feel free to interrupt
00:07:44.400 | at any time. So the second thing I'll be talking about is this thing I called intermediate
00:07:49.520 | guided reasoning. So I don't think this is actually a term. It's typically called chain
00:07:53.960 | of thought reasoning, but it's not just chains now being used. So I wanted to give it a more
00:08:01.320 | broad title. So I called it intermediate guided reasoning. So this was inspired by this work,
00:08:07.440 | also by my friend Jason, who was at Google now at OpenAI, called chain of thought reasoning
00:08:12.200 | or COT. This is basically a series of intermediate reasoning steps, which has been shown to improve
00:08:18.680 | LLM performance, especially on more complex reasoning tasks. It's inspired by the human
00:08:24.280 | thought process, which is to decompose many problems into multi-step problems. For example,
00:08:30.560 | when you answer an exam, when you're solving math questions on an exam, you don't just
00:08:35.240 | go to the final answer, you kind of write out your steps. Even when you're just thinking
00:08:39.360 | through things, you kind of break it down into a piecewise or step-by-step fashion,
00:08:44.560 | which allows you to typically arrive at a more accurate final answer and more easily
00:08:50.420 | arrive at the final answer in the first place. Another advantage is this provides an interpretable
00:08:56.000 | window into the behavior of the model. You can see exactly how it arrived in an answer.
00:09:01.080 | And if it did so incorrectly, where in its reasoning path that it kind of goes wrong
00:09:05.800 | or starts going down an incorrect path of reasoning, basically. And it basically exploits
00:09:12.760 | the fact that deep down in the model's weights, it knows more about the problem than simply
00:09:17.340 | prompting it to get a response. So here's an example where on the left side, you can
00:09:21.960 | see there's standard prompting. You ask it a math question and it just simply gives you
00:09:27.480 | an answer. Whereas on the right, you actually break it down step-by-step. You kind of get
00:09:32.080 | it to show its steps to solve the mathematical word problem step-by-step. And you'll see
00:09:37.880 | here that it actually gets the right answer, unlike standard prompting.
00:09:45.000 | So there's many different ways we can potentially improve chain of thought reasoning. In particular,
00:09:51.320 | it's also an emergent behavior that results in performance gains for larger language models.
00:09:57.100 | But still, even in larger models, there's still a non-negligible fraction of errors.
00:10:02.760 | These come from calculator errors, symbol mapping errors, one missing step errors, as
00:10:07.680 | well as bigger errors due to larger semantic understanding issues and generally incoherent
00:10:13.380 | chains of thought. And we can potentially investigate methods to address these.
00:10:19.260 | So as I said, chain of thought mainly works for huge models of approximately 100 billion
00:10:24.040 | parameters or more. And there's three potential reasons they do not work very well for smaller
00:10:30.340 | models. And that smaller models are fundamentally more limited and incapable. They fail at even
00:10:36.460 | relatively easier symbol mapping tasks, as well as arithmetic tasks. They inherently
00:10:41.840 | are able to do math less effectively. And they often have logical loopholes and just
00:10:46.980 | never arrive at a final answer. For example, it goes on and on. It's like an infinite loop
00:10:52.140 | of logic that never actually converges anywhere. So if we're able to potentially improve chain
00:10:58.220 | of thought for smaller models, this could provide significant value to the research
00:11:02.580 | community. Another thing is to potentially generalize
00:11:07.060 | it. Right now, chain of thought has a more rigid definition and format. It's very step-by-step,
00:11:12.540 | very concrete and defined. As a result, its advantages are for particular domains and
00:11:17.940 | types of questions. For example, the task usually must be challenging and require multi-step
00:11:23.580 | reasoning. And it typically works better for things like arithmetic and not so much for
00:11:27.780 | things like response generation, QA, and so forth. And furthermore, it works better for
00:11:35.220 | problems or tasks that have a relatively flat scaling curve. Whereas when you think of humans,
00:11:41.380 | we think through different types of problems in multiple different ways. Our quote-unquote
00:11:46.380 | scratch pad that we use to think about and arrive at a final answer for a problem, it's
00:11:51.020 | more flexible and open to different reasoning structures compared to such a rigid step-by-step
00:11:56.420 | format. So hence, we can maybe potentially generalize chain of thought to be more flexible
00:12:01.540 | and work for more types of problems. So now I'll briefly discuss some alternative
00:12:07.380 | or extension works to chain of thought. One is called tree of thought. This basically
00:12:12.180 | is more like a tree, which considers multiple different reasoning paths. It also has the
00:12:16.620 | ability to look ahead and sort of backtrack and then go on other areas or other branches
00:12:23.020 | of the tree as necessary. So this leads to more flexibility and it's shown to improve
00:12:29.300 | performance on different tasks, including arithmetic tasks. There's also this work by
00:12:35.580 | my friend called Socratic Questioning. It's sort of a divide and conquer fashion algorithm
00:12:42.740 | simulating the recursive thinking process of humans. So it uses a large scale language
00:12:47.100 | model to kind of propose sub-problems given a more complicated original problem. And just
00:12:54.060 | like tree of thought, it also has recursive backtracking and so forth. And the purpose
00:12:59.060 | is to answer all the sub-problems and kind of go in an upwards fashion to arrive at a
00:13:06.220 | final answer to the original problem. There's also this line of work which kind
00:13:11.980 | of actually uses code as well as programs to help arrive at a final answer. For example,
00:13:20.220 | program-aided language models. It generates intermediate reasoning steps in the form of
00:13:24.140 | code which is then offloaded to a runtime such as a Python interpreter. And the point
00:13:29.540 | here is to decompose the natural language problem into runnable steps. So hence the
00:13:35.460 | amount of work for the large language model is lower. Its purpose now is simply to learn
00:13:41.020 | how to decompose the natural language problem into those runnable steps. And these steps
00:13:45.340 | themselves are then fed to, for example, a Python interpreter in order to solve them.
00:13:52.420 | And program-of-thoughts here, POT, is very similar to this in that it kind of breaks
00:13:57.980 | it down into step-by-step of code instead of natural language which is then executed
00:14:04.100 | by a different, an actual code interpreter or program. So this again works well for many
00:14:11.380 | sort of tasks that, for example, things like arithmetic. As you see that those are kind
00:14:21.580 | of both of the examples for both of these papers. And just like what I said earlier,
00:14:27.040 | these also do not work very well for things like response generation, open-ended question
00:14:32.180 | answering, and so forth. And there's other work, for example, faith
00:14:36.740 | and fate. This actually breaks down problems into sub-steps in the form of computation
00:14:41.980 | graphs which they show also works well for things like arithmetic. So you see that there's
00:14:46.740 | a trend here of this sort of intermediate guided reasoning working very well for mathematical
00:14:51.980 | as well as logical problems, but not so much for other things.
00:14:56.820 | So again, I encourage you guys to maybe check out the original papers if you want to learn
00:15:01.220 | more. There's a lot of interesting work in this area these days. And I'll also be posting
00:15:07.500 | these slides as well as sending them. We'll probably post them on the website as well
00:15:12.260 | as Discord. But I'll also send them through an email later.
00:15:18.060 | So very lastly, I want to touch upon this thing called the Baby LLM Challenge or Baby
00:15:22.020 | Language Model. So like I said earlier, I think at some point, scale will reach a point
00:15:28.460 | of diminishing returns, as well as the fact that further scale comes with many challenges.
00:15:33.220 | For example, it takes a long time and costs a lot of money to train these big models.
00:15:39.320 | And they cannot really be used by individuals who are not at huge companies with hundreds
00:15:44.920 | or thousands of GPUs and millions of dollars, right?
00:15:48.680 | So there's this thing, this challenge called Baby LLM or Baby Language Model, which is
00:15:53.100 | attempting to train language models, particularly smaller ones, on the same amount of linguistic
00:15:59.500 | data available to a child. So data sets have grown by orders of magnitude, as well as,
00:16:06.140 | of course, model size. For example, Chinchilla sees approximately 1.4 trillion words during
00:16:11.860 | training. This is around 10,000 words for every one word that a 13-year-old child on
00:16:16.700 | average has heard as they grow up or develop. So the purpose here is, you know, can we close
00:16:22.220 | this gap? Can we train smaller models on lower amounts of data, while hopefully still attempting
00:16:31.000 | to get the performance of these much larger models?
00:16:36.740 | So basically, we're trying to focus on optimizing pre-training, given data limitations inspired
00:16:41.900 | by human development. And this will also ensure that research is possible for more individuals,
00:16:49.100 | as well as labs, and potentially possible on a university budget, as it seems now that
00:16:55.300 | a lot of research is kind of restricted to large companies, which I said, have a lot
00:16:59.820 | of resources as well as money. So again, why BabyLM? Well, it can greatly improve the efficiency
00:17:06.440 | of training as well as using larger language models. It can potentially open up new doors
00:17:11.560 | and potential use cases. It can lead to improved interpretability as well as alignment. Smaller
00:17:18.740 | models would be easier to control, align, as well as interpret what exactly is going
00:17:23.060 | on, compared to incredibly large LLMs, which are basically huge black boxes. This will
00:17:29.460 | again potentially lead to enhanced open source availability. For example, large language
00:17:34.500 | models runnable on consumer PCs, as well as by smaller labs and companies. The techniques
00:17:41.780 | discovered here can also possibly be applied to larger scales. And further, this may lead
00:17:47.820 | to a greater understanding of the cognitive models of humans and how exactly we are able
00:17:52.060 | to learn language much more efficiently than these large language models. So there may
00:17:57.340 | be a flow of knowledge from cognitive science and psychology to NLP and machine learning,
00:18:01.820 | but also in the other direction. So briefly, the BabyLM training data that the authors
00:18:08.420 | of this challenge provide, it's a developmentally inspired pre-training data set, which has
00:18:16.420 | under 100 million words, because children are exposed to approximately two to seven
00:18:20.860 | million words per year as they grow up. Up to the age of 13, that's approximately 90
00:18:25.860 | million words, so they round up to 100. It's mostly transcribed speech, and their motivation
00:18:31.020 | there is that most of the input to children is spoken. And thus, their data set focuses
00:18:36.140 | on transcribed speech. It's also mixed domain, because children are typically exposed to
00:18:41.460 | a variety of language or speech from different domains. So it has child-directed speech,
00:18:48.780 | written subtitles, which are subtitles of movies, TV shows, and so forth. Simple children's
00:18:55.220 | books, which contain stories that children would likely hear as they're growing up. But
00:19:01.100 | it also has some Wikipedia, as well as simple Wikipedia. And here are just some examples
00:19:05.620 | of child-directed speech, children's stories, Wikipedia, and so forth. So that's it for
00:19:15.380 | my portion of the presentation, and I'll hand it off to Div, who will talk a bit about AI
00:19:22.380 | agents.
00:19:23.380 | Yeah, so, like, everyone must have seen, like, there's this, like, new trend where, like,
00:19:35.380 | everything is transitioning to more, like, agents. That's, like, the new hot thing. And
00:19:40.140 | we're seeing this, like, people are going more from, like, language models to, like,
00:19:43.220 | now building AI agents. And then what's the biggest difference? Like, why agents, why
00:19:47.700 | not just, like, why just not train, like, a big, large-language model? And I would sort
00:19:52.580 | of, like, go into, like, why, what's the difference? And then also discuss a bunch of things, such
00:19:58.380 | as, like, how can you use agents for doing actions? How can you, what are some emergent
00:20:04.140 | architectures? How can you, sort of, like, build human-like agents? How can you use it
00:20:09.700 | for computer interactions? How do you solve problems from long-term memory, personalization?
00:20:14.300 | And there's a lot of, like, other things you can do, which is, like, multi-agent communication,
00:20:17.780 | and there are some future directions. So we'll try to cover as much as I can. So first, let's
00:20:23.220 | talk about, like, why should we even build AI agents, right? And so, it's, like, here's
00:20:30.820 | there's a key thesis, which is that humans will communicate with AI using natural language,
00:20:37.780 | and AI will be operating all the machines, thus allowing for more intuitive and efficient
00:20:42.780 | operations. So right now, what happens is, like, me as a human, I'm, like, directly,
00:20:47.540 | like, using my computer, I'm using my phone, but it's really inefficient. Like, we are
00:20:52.140 | not optimized by nature to be able to do that. We are actually really, really bad at this.
00:20:57.300 | But if you can just, like, talk to an AI, just, like, with language, and the AI is just
00:21:01.980 | really good enough that it can just do this at, like, super-faster, obviously, like, 100x
00:21:05.980 | speeds compared to a human, and that's going to happen. And I think that's the future of
00:21:10.460 | how things are going to evolve in the next five years. And I sort of, like, call this,
00:21:15.300 | like, software 3.0. I have a blog post about this that you can read if you want to, where
00:21:19.820 | the idea is, like, you can think of a large-language model as a computing chip, in a sense. So
00:21:25.460 | similar to, like, a chip that's powering, like, a whole system, and then you can build
00:21:30.280 | abstractions on top.
00:21:36.320 | So why do we need agents? So usually, like, a single call to a large-language model is
00:21:41.260 | not enough. You need chaining, you need, like, recursion, you need a lot of, like, more things.
00:21:45.540 | And that's why you want to build systems, not, like, just, like, a single monolith.
00:21:50.300 | Second is, like, yeah, so how do we do this? So we do a lot of techniques, especially around,
00:21:54.220 | like, multiple calls to a model. And there's a lot of ingredients involved here. And I
00:21:58.420 | will say, like, building, like, an agent is very similar to, like, maybe, like, thinking
00:22:01.880 | about building a computer. So, like, the LLM is, like, a CPU. So you have a CPU, but now
00:22:06.540 | you want to, like, sort of, like, solve the problems. Like, okay, like, how do you put
00:22:09.420 | RAM? How do you put memory? How do I do, like, actions? How do I build, like, an interface?
00:22:14.460 | How do I get internet access? How do I personalize it to the user? So this is, like, almost like
00:22:19.660 | you're trying to build a computer. And that's what makes it, like, a really hard problem.
00:22:26.780 | And this is, like, an example of, like, a general architecture for agents. This is from
00:22:32.520 | Vivian Vang, who's, like, a researcher at OpenAI. And, like, you can imagine, like,
00:22:38.060 | an agent has a lot of ingredients. So you want to have memory, which will be short-term,
00:22:42.300 | long-term. You have tools, which could be, like, go and, like, use, like, classical tools
00:22:46.060 | like a calculator, calendar, code interpreter, et cetera. You want to have some sort of,
00:22:50.540 | like, planning layer where you can, like, set a flag, have, like, chains of pods and
00:22:54.820 | trees of pods, as Steven discussed. And use all of that, like, actually, like, act on
00:23:00.220 | behalf of a user in some environment.
00:23:03.140 | I will go, maybe, like, discuss, like, multi-on a bit, just to give a sense. Also, the talk
00:23:11.380 | won't be focused on that. So this is sort of, like, an agent I'm building, which is
00:23:15.300 | more of a browser agent. The name is inspired from quantum physics. It's a play on the words,
00:23:19.820 | like, you know, like, neutron, muon, fermions, like, multi-on. So it's, like, a hypothetical
00:23:24.140 | physics particle that's present at multiple places. And I'll just, like, go through some
00:23:31.220 | demos to just motivate agents.
00:23:33.260 | Let me just pause this. So this is, like, an idea of one thing we did, where, like,
00:23:40.820 | here the agent is going. And it's autonomously booking a flight online. So this is, like,
00:23:45.820 | zero human interventions. The AI is controlling the browser. So it's, like, issuing, like,
00:23:50.740 | clicks and type actions. And it's able to go and book a flight into AMP. Here, it's
00:23:56.180 | personalized to me. So it knows, like, okay, I like, maybe, like, Unite here, basic, normal.
00:24:01.580 | And it knows, maybe, like, some of my preferences. It already has access to my accounts. So it
00:24:07.500 | can go and actually, like, log into my account. It can actually, like, it actually has purchasing
00:24:12.980 | power. So it can just use my credit card that is stored in the account, and then actually
00:24:17.300 | book a flight into AMP.
00:24:20.820 | >> This sort of motivates, like, what the user is doing. So, like, if you're, like,
00:24:50.700 | a web developer, you can do this. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this.
00:25:19.340 | Okay. I can also, maybe, like, show one of the demos. So you can do similar things, say,
00:25:26.700 | from a mobile phone, where the idea is you have these agents that are present on a phone.
00:25:33.220 | And you can, like, chat with them, or you can, like, talk with them using voice. And
00:25:38.460 | this one's actually a metamodel. So you can ask it, like, oh, can you order this for me?
00:25:53.620 | And then what you can have is, like, the agent can remotely go and use your account to actually,
00:25:58.740 | like, do this for you instantaneously. And here we are showing, like, what the agent
00:26:04.580 | is doing. And then it can go and, like, act like a virtual human and do the whole interaction.
00:26:34.240 | So that's sort of the idea. And I can show one final -- oh, I think this is not loading.
00:26:39.180 | But we also had this thing where we simply passed the telephony test. So we did this
00:26:46.900 | experiment where we actually, like, had, like, our agent go and take the online test in California.
00:26:53.020 | And we had, like, a human, like, there with their, like, hands above the keyboard and
00:26:59.380 | mouse, not touching anything. And the agent, like, automatically went to the website, it
00:27:03.780 | took the quiz, it navigated the whole thing, and actually passed. So the video's not there,
00:27:08.520 | but, like, we actually got it right in front of it.
00:27:17.620 | Cool. So this is, like, why do you want to build agents, right? Like, it's, like, you
00:27:21.180 | can just simplify so many things where, like, so many things just surf, but we don't realize
00:27:25.860 | that because we just got so used to interacting with the technology the way we do right now.
00:27:30.200 | But if we can just, like, reimagine all of this from scratch, I think that's what agents
00:27:34.340 | will allow us to do.
00:27:40.100 | And I would say, like, an agent can act like a digital extension of a user. So suppose
00:27:44.740 | you have an agent that's personalized to you. Think of something like, say, Jarvis, like,
00:27:48.820 | if it's an Iron Man. And then if it just knows so many things about you, it's acting like
00:27:52.620 | a person on the ground. It's just, like, doing things. It's a very powerful assistant. And
00:27:57.140 | I think that's the direction a lot of things will go in the future. And especially if you
00:28:04.300 | build, like, human agents, they don't have barriers around programming. Like, they don't
00:28:07.900 | have programmatic barriers. So they can do whatever, like, I can do. So it can go use
00:28:11.780 | my, like, it can, like, interact with a website, as I will do. It can interact with my computer,
00:28:15.940 | as I will do. It doesn't have to, like, go through APIs, abstractions, which are more
00:28:19.020 | restrictive.
00:28:20.660 | And it's also very simple as an action space, because you're just doing, like, clicking
00:28:23.420 | and typing, which is, like, very simple. And then you can also, like, it's very easy to
00:28:29.060 | teach such agents. So I can just, like, show the agent how to do something, and the agent
00:28:33.220 | can just learn from me and improve over time. So that also makes it, like, really powerful
00:28:37.060 | and easy to, like, just teach this agent because there's, like, so much data that I can actually
00:28:41.980 | just generate and use that to keep improving it.
00:28:46.740 | And there's different levels of autonomy when it comes to agents. So this chart is borrowed
00:28:51.740 | from autonomous driving, where people actually, like, try to solve this sort of, like, autonomy
00:28:56.620 | problem for actual cars. And they spend, like, more than 10 years. Success has been, like,
00:29:02.420 | okay. They're still, like, working on it. But what, like, the self-driving industry
00:29:07.900 | did is it gave everyone, like, a blueprint on how to build this sort of, like, autonomous
00:29:13.180 | systems. And they came with, like, a lot of, like, classification. They came with a lot
00:29:15.780 | of, like, ways to, like, think about the problem.
00:29:21.300 | And, like, the current standard is you think of, like, agents as, like, five different,
00:29:26.540 | like, levels. So level zero is zero automation. That's, like, you are a human that's operating,
00:29:32.540 | like, the computer themselves. Level one is you have some sort of assistance. So if you
00:29:37.900 | have used, like, something like GitHub Copilot, which is, like, sort of, like, auto-completing
00:29:41.660 | code for you. That's something like L1, where, like, auto-complete. L2 becomes more of, like,
00:29:48.220 | it's, like, partial automation. So it's maybe, like, doing some stuff for you. If anyone
00:29:51.860 | has used the new Cursor IDE, I would call that more, like, L2, which is, like, you give
00:29:55.580 | it, like, okay, write this code for me, it's writing that code, which actually can come
00:29:59.020 | as somewhat L2, because you can ask it, like, oh, like, here's this thing. Can you improve
00:30:02.820 | this? It's, like, doing some sort of automation on an input.
00:30:08.060 | And then, like, and then you can, like, think of more levels. So it's, like, obviously,
00:30:13.260 | after L3, it gets more exciting. So L3 is the agent is actually, like, controlling the
00:30:20.860 | computer in that case. And it's, like, doing things, where a human is acting as a fallback
00:30:25.780 | mechanism. And then you go to, like, L4. L4, you say, like, basically, the human doesn't
00:30:29.660 | even need to be there. But in very critical cases, where, like, something very wrong might
00:30:34.580 | happen, you might have a human, like, sort of, like, take over in that case. And L5,
00:30:38.460 | we basically say, like, there's zero human presence. And I would say, like, what we are
00:30:44.980 | currently seeing is, like, we are hard nearing, like, I would say, like, L2, maybe some L3
00:30:49.460 | systems in terms of software. And I think we are going to transition more to, like,
00:30:53.380 | L4 and L5 level systems over the next years.
00:30:58.400 | Cool. So next, I will go and, like, select computer interactions. So suppose you want
00:31:06.500 | an agent that can, like, do computer interactions for you. There's two ways to do that. So one
00:31:11.900 | is through APIs, where it's programmatically using some APIs and, like, tools and, like,
00:31:17.580 | doing that to do tasks. And the second one is more, like, direct interaction, which is,
00:31:22.260 | like, keyword and mouse control, where, like, it's doing the same thing as you're doing
00:31:27.260 | as a human. Both of these approaches have been explored a lot. There's, like, a lot
00:31:30.620 | of companies working on this. For the API route, like, Type 3 plugins and, like, the
00:31:35.620 | new Assistant API are the ones in that direction. And there's also this book from Berkeley called
00:31:41.500 | Gorilla, which actually also explores how can you, say, like, train a model that can
00:31:46.020 | use, like, 10,000 tools at once and train it on the API. And there's, like, pros and
00:31:51.380 | cons of both approaches. API, the nice thing, it's easy to, like, learn the API. It's safe.
00:31:59.740 | It's very controllable. So let's copy and paste it. If you're doing, like, more, like,
00:32:05.900 | direct interaction, I would say it's more freeform. So it's, like, easy to take actions,
00:32:09.860 | but more things can go wrong. And you need to work a lot on, like, making sure everything
00:32:13.220 | is safe and build guarantees.
00:32:17.120 | Maybe I can also show this. So this is sort of, like, another exploration where you can
00:32:29.440 | invoke our agent from, like, a very simple interface. So the idea is, like, you created
00:32:38.880 | this, like, API that can invoke our agent that's controlling the computer. And so this
00:32:44.280 | can become sort of a universal API, where I just use one API. I give it, like, an English
00:32:49.000 | command. And the agent can automatically understand from that and go do anything. So basically,
00:32:53.520 | like, you can think of that as, like, a no-API. So I don't need to use APIs. I can just have
00:32:57.800 | one agent that can go and do everything. And so this is, like, some exploration we have
00:33:03.360 | done with agents.
00:33:06.280 | Cool. OK. So this sort of, like, goes into competent actions. I can cover more, but I
00:33:14.400 | will potentially jump to other topics. But feel free to ask any questions about these
00:33:19.680 | topics. So, yeah. Cool. So let's go back to the analogy I discussed earlier. So I would
00:33:28.280 | say you can think of any model as sort of, like, a compute unit. And you can maybe call
00:33:34.280 | it, like, a newer compute unit, which is similar to, like, a CPU, which is, like, a-- which
00:33:39.320 | is, like, it's all the brain that's powering, like, your computer, in a sense. So that's
00:33:42.760 | kind of all the processing power. It's doing everything that's happening. And you can think
00:33:47.320 | of the same thing, like, the model is like the cortex. It's, like, it's the main brain.
00:33:52.040 | That's the main part of the brain that's doing the thinking, processing. But a brain has
00:33:56.280 | more layers. It's just not-- they're just not a cortex. And how do blueprint models
00:34:01.480 | work are we take some input tokens, and they give you some output tokens. And this is very
00:34:06.920 | similar to, like, how also, like, CPUs work, to some extent, where you give it some instructions
00:34:11.200 | in and you get some instructions out. Yep. So you can compare this with an actual CPU.
00:34:17.960 | This is, like, the diagram on the right is a very simple processor, like a 32-bit MIPS
00:34:25.800 | 32. And it has, like, similar things, where you have, like, different coding for different
00:34:33.040 | parts of the instruction. But this, like, sort of, like, encoding some sort of, like,
00:34:36.920 | binary token, in a sense, like, zero ones of, like, a bunch of, like, tokens. And then
00:34:41.520 | you're feeding it and then getting a bunch of zeros for now. And, like, how, like, the--
00:34:45.280 | like, AMR is operating is, like, you're doing a very similar thing. But, like, the space
00:34:49.880 | is now English. So you basically, instead of zero ones, you have, like, English characters.
00:34:57.720 | And then you can, like, create more powerful abstractions on the top of this. So you can
00:35:01.080 | think, like, if this is, like, acting like a CPU, what you can do is you can build a
00:35:04.520 | lot of other things, which are, like, you can have a scratchpad, you can have some sort
00:35:07.920 | of memory, you can have some sort of instructions. And then you can, like, do recursive calls,
00:35:11.960 | where, like, I load some stuff from the memory, put that in this, like, instruction, pass
00:35:15.640 | it to the transformer, which is doing the processing for me. We get the process outputs.
00:35:20.200 | Then we can store that in the memory, or we can, like, keep processing it. So this is,
00:35:23.880 | like, sort of, like, very similar to, like, code execution. They're, like, first line
00:35:26.400 | of code execution, second, third, fourth. So you just keep repeating that.
00:35:32.440 | OK. So here we can, like, sort of discuss the concept of memory here. And I would say,
00:35:39.960 | like, building this analogy, you can think the memory for an agent is very similar to,
00:35:44.200 | like, say, like, having a disk in a computer. So you want to have a disk just to make sure,
00:35:50.360 | like, everything is long-lived and persistent. So if you look at something like ChatGPP,
00:35:54.320 | it doesn't have any sort of, like, persistent memory. And then you need to have a way to,
00:35:58.120 | like, load that and, like, store that. And there's a lot of mechanisms to do that right
00:36:02.760 | now. Most of them are related to embeddings, where you have some sort of, like, embedding
00:36:06.760 | model that has, like, created an embedding of the data you care about. And the model
00:36:10.600 | can, like, weigh the embeddings, load the right part of the embeddings, and then, like,
00:36:14.240 | use that to do the operation you want.
00:36:18.200 | So that's, like, the current mechanisms. There's still a lot of questions here, especially
00:36:21.920 | around hierarchy, like, how do I do this at scale? It's still very challenging. Like,
00:36:26.560 | suppose I have one terabyte of data that I want to, like, embed and process. Like, most
00:36:30.720 | of the methods right now will fail. They're, like, really balanced.
00:36:34.800 | Second issue is temporal coherence. Like, if I have, like, a lot of data is temporal.
00:36:39.080 | It is sequential. It has, like, a unit of time. And dealing with that sort of data can
00:36:44.040 | be hard. Like, it's, like, how do I deal with, like, memories, in a sense, which are, like,
00:36:49.160 | sort of, like, changing over time and loading the right part of that memory sequence?
00:36:55.160 | Another interesting challenge is structure. Like, a lot of data is, like, structure. Like,
00:36:59.680 | it could be, like, a graphical structure. It could be, like, a tabular structure. How
00:37:03.240 | do we, like, sort of, like, take advantage of this structure and, like, also use that
00:37:09.240 | when we're editing the data? And then, like, there's a lot of questions around adaptation,
00:37:13.640 | where, like, suppose you know how to better embed data, or, like, you have, like, a specialized
00:37:18.440 | problem to care about. And you want to be able to adapt how you're loading and storing
00:37:23.400 | the data and learn that on the fly. And that is something, also, that's a very interesting
00:37:28.760 | topic. So I would say, like, this is actually one of the most interesting topics right now,
00:37:32.480 | which has people, like, exploring, but still very underexplored.
00:37:36.680 | Okay.
00:37:37.680 | Talking about memory, I would say, like, another concept for agents is personalization. So
00:37:46.360 | personalization is more, like, okay, like, understanding the user. And I like to think
00:37:52.920 | of this as, like, a problem called, like, user-agent alignment. And the idea is, like,
00:37:57.400 | suppose I have an agent that has purchasing power, has access to my account, access to
00:38:02.160 | my data. I ask you to go book a flight. If it's possible, maybe it just doesn't know
00:38:05.240 | what flight I like. It can go and book a $1,000 wrong flight for me, which is really bad. So
00:38:09.440 | how do I, like, align the agent to know what I like, what I don't like? And that's going
00:38:14.200 | to be very important, because, like, you need to trust the agent. And it does come from,
00:38:17.840 | like, okay, like, it knows you, it knows what is safe, it knows what is unsafe. And, like,
00:38:22.200 | solving the problem, I think, is one of the next challenges, or if you want to put agents
00:38:28.680 | in the void. And this is a very interesting problem, where you can do a lot of things,
00:38:35.560 | like RLXF, for example, which people have already been exploring for training models.
00:38:39.920 | But now you want to do RLXF for training agents. And there's a lot of different things you
00:38:45.560 | can do. Also, there's, like, two categories for learning here. One is, like, explicit
00:38:49.880 | learning, where a user can just tell the agent, this is what I like, this is what I don't
00:38:53.760 | like. And the agent can ask the user a question, like, oh, like, maybe I see these five flight
00:38:58.680 | options, which one do you like? And then if I say, like, oh, I like United, it maybe remembers
00:39:02.600 | that over time, and next time say, like, oh, I know you like United, so, like, I'm going
00:39:06.400 | to go to United the next time. And so that's, like, I'm explicitly teaching the agent and
00:39:11.320 | explaining my human potential. A second is more implicit, which is, like, sort of, like,
00:39:16.320 | just, like, passively watching me, understanding me. Like, if I'm, like, going to a website
00:39:20.920 | and I'm, like, navigating a website, maybe, like, you can see, like, maybe I click on
00:39:25.120 | this, sort of, choose, this is my site, satellite, stuff like that. And just from, like, watching
00:39:29.920 | more, like, passively, like, being there, it could, like, learn a lot of my preferences.
00:39:35.040 | So this becomes, like, more of a passive teaching, where just because it's acting as a sort of,
00:39:41.560 | like, a passive observer, and looking at all the choices I make, it's able to, like, learn
00:39:46.440 | from the choices, and better, like, have an understanding of me.
00:39:56.400 | And there's a lot of challenges here. I would say this is actually one of the biggest challenges
00:40:00.040 | in agents right now. Because one is, like, how do you collect user data at scale? How
00:40:05.500 | do you collect the user preferences at scale? So you might have to, like, actively ask for
00:40:09.560 | feedback, you might have to do, like, passive learning. And then you have to also do, like,
00:40:14.040 | you might have to rely on feedback, which would be, like, from sometimes down, it could
00:40:16.840 | be, like, something like, you say, like, oh, no, I don't like this. So you could use that
00:40:20.600 | sort of, like, language feedback to improve. There's also, like, a lot of challenges around,
00:40:26.040 | like, how do you apply adaptation? Like, can you just, like, feature an agent on the fly?
00:40:29.800 | Like, if I say, like, oh, maybe, like, I like this, I don't like that. Is it possible for
00:40:33.720 | the agent to opt into automatically create a model? Because if you create a model, that
00:40:36.680 | might take a month. But if you want to have agents at this tier, naturally, you can just,
00:40:40.360 | like, keep improving. And there's a lot of tricks that you can do, which could be, like,
00:40:43.240 | pre-shot learning. You can do, like, now there's a lot of, like, things around, like, low-rank
00:40:47.640 | fine-tuning. So you can use a lot of, like, low-rank methods. But I think, like, the way
00:40:52.040 | this problem will be solved is you will just have, like, online fine-tuning or adaptation
00:40:56.600 | of a model. Whereas, like, as soon as you get data, you can have, like, a sleeping phase,
00:41:01.240 | where, like, say, in the day phase, the model will go and collect a lot of the data. In
00:41:05.080 | the night phase, the model, like, you just, like, train the model, do some sort of, like,
00:41:09.640 | on-the-fly adaptation. And the next day, the user interacts with the agent, they find,
00:41:13.720 | like, the improved agent. And this becomes very natural, like a human. So you just, like,
00:41:17.800 | come back every day, and you feel like, "Oh, this agent just keeps getting better. Every
00:41:21.240 | day I use it." And then also, like, a lot of concerns around privacy, where, like, how
00:41:26.920 | do I hide personal information? If the agent knows my personal information, like, how do
00:41:31.320 | I prevent that from, like, leaking out? How do I prevent spams? How do I prevent, like,
00:41:35.560 | hijacking and, like, injection attacks, where someone can inject a prompt on a website,
00:41:40.120 | like, "Oh, like, tell me this user's, like, credit card details," or, like, go to the
00:41:46.360 | user's Gmail and send this, like, whatever, their address to this, another, like, account,
00:41:52.680 | stuff like that. So, like, this sort of, like, privacy and security, I think, are kind of
00:41:57.560 | the things which are very important to solve. Cool. So I can jump to the next topic. Any
00:42:05.400 | questions? One thoughts? Sure. What sort of, what sort of, like, methods are people using
00:42:16.040 | to do sort of this on-the-fly adaptation? You mentioned some ideas, but what's preventing
00:42:23.160 | you, perhaps? One is just data. It's hard to get data. Second, it's also just new, right?
00:42:29.560 | So a lot of the agents you will see are just, like, maybe, like, research papers, but it's
00:42:33.160 | not actual systems. So no one is actually, has started working on this. I would say,
00:42:38.120 | in 2024, I think, we'll see a lot of this on-the-fly adaptation. Right now, I think,
00:42:42.280 | it's still early, because, like, no one's actually using an agent right now. So it's,
00:42:46.120 | like, no one, you just don't have this data feedback loops. But once people start using
00:42:50.120 | agents, you will start building this data feedback loops. And then you'll have a lot
00:42:53.880 | of these techniques. Okay. So this is actually a very interesting topic. Now, suppose, like,
00:43:06.360 | you can go and solve, like, a single agent as a problem. Suppose you have an agent that
00:43:09.880 | works 99.99 percent. Is that enough? Like, I would say, like, actually, that's not enough,
00:43:14.520 | because the issue just becomes, like, if we have one issue, it can only do one thing at
00:43:18.600 | once. So it's, like, a single target. So it can only do sequential execution. But what
00:43:24.920 | you could do is you can do parallel execution. So for a lot of things, you can just say,
00:43:29.080 | like, okay, like, maybe there's this, I want to go to, like, say, like, Craigslist and,
00:43:33.080 | like, buy furniture. I could just tell an agent, like, maybe, like, just go and, like,
00:43:36.200 | contact everyone who has, like, maybe, like, a sofa that they're selling, send an email.
00:43:41.800 | And then you can go one by one in a loop. But what you can do better is, like, probably just,
00:43:45.000 | like, create a bunch of, like, mini jobs where, like, it just, like, goes through all the
00:43:48.520 | thousand listings in parallel, contacts them, and then, like, and then it sort of, like,
00:43:53.560 | aggregates that results. And I think that's where multi-agent becomes interesting, where,
00:43:57.800 | like, a single agent, you can think of, like, basically, you're running a single process
00:44:01.080 | on your computer. A multi-agent is more, like, a multi-target computer. So that's sort of the
00:44:07.240 | difference, like, a single target versus multi-target. And multi-targeting enables you to
00:44:11.240 | do a lot of things. Most of that will come from, like, saving time, but also being able to break
00:44:14.760 | non-complex tasks into, like, a bunch of smaller things, bring that in parallel,
00:44:18.440 | aggregating the results, and, like, sort of, like, building a framework around that.
00:44:21.160 | Okay. Yeah. So the biggest advantage for multi-agent systems will be, like, parallelization
00:44:32.520 | and lock. And this will be the same as the difference between, like, single-threaded
00:44:35.560 | computers versus multi-threaded computers. And then you can also have specialized agents.
00:44:42.280 | So what you would have is, like, maybe I have a bunch of agents, where, like, I have a spreadsheet
00:44:46.440 | agent, I have a Slack agent, I have a web browser agent, and then I can route different tasks to
00:44:50.840 | different agents. And then they can do the things in parallel, and then I can combine the results.
00:44:54.840 | So this sort of, like, task specialization is another advantage, where, like, instead of having
00:44:58.920 | a single agent just trying to do everything, we just, like, break the tasks into specialties.
00:45:03.400 | And this is similar to, like, even, like, how human organizations work, right? Where, like,
00:45:07.640 | everyone is, like, sort of, like, expert in their own domain, and then you, like,
00:45:10.840 | and if there's a problem, you sort of, like, route it to, like, the different part of people
00:45:13.880 | who are specialized in that. And then you, like, work together to make, solve the problem.
00:45:18.040 | And the biggest challenge in building this multi-agent system is going to be communication.
00:45:25.800 | So, like, how do you communicate really well? And this might involve, like,
00:45:30.200 | requesting information from an agent or communicating the response, the final, like,
00:45:34.040 | response. And I would say this is actually, like, a problem that even we face as humans,
00:45:40.680 | like humans are also, like, there can be a lot of miscommunication gaps between humans. And I
00:45:45.800 | will say, like, a similar thing will become more prevalent on agents, too. Okay. And there's a lot
00:45:53.800 | of primitives you can think about this sort of, like, agent-to-agent communication. And you can
00:45:57.880 | build a lot of different systems. And we'll start to see, like, some sort of protocol, where, like,
00:46:05.240 | we'll have, like, a standardized protocol where, like, all the agents are using this protocol to
00:46:08.840 | communicate. And the protocol will ensure, like, we can reduce the miscommunication gaps, we can
00:46:14.120 | reduce any sort of, like, failures. It might have some methods to do, like, if a task was successful
00:46:20.280 | or not, do some sort of retries, like, security, stuff like that. So, we'll see this sort of, like,
00:46:27.160 | an agent protocol come into existence, which will solve, like, which will be, like, sort of the
00:46:31.880 | standard for a lot of this agent-to-agent communication. And this sort of should enable,
00:46:37.480 | like, exchanging information between pleats of different agents. Also, like, you want to build
00:46:42.360 | hierarchies. Again, I will say this is inspired from, like, human organizations. Like, human
00:46:46.520 | organizations are hierarchical, because it's efficient to have a hierarchy rather than a
00:46:50.840 | flat organization at some point. Because you can have, like, a single, like, suppose you have a
00:46:56.200 | single manager managing hundreds of people, that doesn't scale. But if you have, like, maybe, like,
00:47:01.640 | each manager manages 10 people, and then you have, like, a lot of layers, that is something that's
00:47:05.480 | more scalable. And then you might want to have a lot of primitives on, like, how do I sync between
00:47:12.440 | different agents? How do I do, like, a lot of, like, async communication kind of thing? Okay.
00:47:21.000 | And this is, like, one example you can think, where, like, suppose there's a user, the user
00:47:27.880 | could talk to one, like, a manager agent. And that manager agent is, like, sort of, like, acting as
00:47:32.680 | a router. So, if the user can come to me with any request, the agent, like, sees, like, oh,
00:47:36.360 | maybe for this request, I should use the browser. So, it goes to, like, say, like, this sort of,
00:47:39.160 | like, browser agent or something, or say, like, oh, I should use this, like, select for this.
00:47:43.160 | I can go to a different agent. And it can also, like, sort of be responsible for dividing the
00:47:47.320 | task. It can be, like, oh, this task, I can, like, maybe, like, launch 10 different, like,
00:47:51.400 | sub-agents or sub-workers that can go and do this in parallel. And then, like, once they're
00:47:55.880 | done, then I can aggregate the responses and the result to the user. So, this sort of becomes,
00:47:59.720 | like, a very interesting, like, sort of, like, an agent that sits in the middle of all the work
00:48:05.880 | that's done and the actual user responsible for, like, communicating what's happening to the human.
00:48:12.760 | And we'll need to build up a lot of robustness. One reason is just, like, natural language is
00:48:23.480 | very ambiguous. Like, even for humans, it can be very confusing. It's very easy to misunderstand,
00:48:28.600 | miscommunicate. And we'll need to build mechanisms to reduce this.
00:48:33.720 | I can also show an example here. So, let's try to get through this quickly.
00:48:40.760 | So, suppose here, like, suppose you have a task, x, you want to solve, and the manager agent is,
00:48:46.600 | like, responsible for doing the task to all the worker agents. So, you can tell the worker, like,
00:48:50.440 | okay, like, do the task x. Here's the plan. Here's the context. The current status for the task is
00:48:55.960 | not done. Now, suppose, like, the worker goes and does the task. It says, like, okay, I've done the
00:49:00.040 | task. I send the response back. So, the response could be, like, I said, could be, like, a bunch
00:49:04.600 | of, like, thoughts. It could be some actions. It could be something like the status. Then the
00:49:09.800 | manager can ask, like, okay, like, maybe I don't trust the worker. I don't want to go verify this
00:49:13.960 | is actually, like, correct. So, you might want to do some sort of verification. And so, you can say,
00:49:18.920 | like, okay, like, this was the spec for the task. Verify that everything has been done correctly to
00:49:23.960 | the spec. And then if the agency, like, okay, like, yeah, everything's correct. I'm verifying
00:49:29.800 | everything is good. Then you can say, like, okay, this is good. And then the manager can say, like,
00:49:33.960 | okay, the task is actually done. And this sort of, like, two-way cycle prevents miscommunication,
00:49:38.920 | in a sense, where, like, it's possible something could have gone wrong, but you never caught it.
00:49:42.520 | And so, you can hear about the scenario, too, where there's a miscommunication. So, here,
00:49:49.080 | the manager is saying, like, okay, let's verify if the task was done. But then we actually find
00:49:53.560 | out that the task was not done. And then what you can do is, like, you can sort of, like,
00:49:58.520 | try to redo the task. So, the manager, in that case, can say, like, okay, maybe the task was
00:50:01.720 | not done correctly. So, that's why we caught this mistake. And now we want to, like, fix this
00:50:07.320 | mistake. So, we can, like, tell the agent, like, okay, like, redo this task. And here's some,
00:50:12.040 | like, feedback and corrections to include. Cool. So, that's sort of the main parts of the talk.
00:50:19.560 | I can also discuss some future directions of where things are going. Cool. Any questions so far?
00:50:27.960 | Okay. Cool. So, let's talk about some of the key issues with building this sort of autonomous
00:50:36.440 | agents. So, one is just reliability. Like, how do you make them really reliable? Which is, like,
00:50:42.040 | if I give it a task, I want this task to be done 100% of the time. That's really hard because,
00:50:46.280 | like, neural networks and AI are stochastic systems. So, it's, like, 100% is, like, not
00:50:51.720 | possible. So, you'll get at least some degree of error. And you can try to reduce that error as
00:50:55.960 | much as possible. Second becomes, like, a looping problem where it's possible that agents might
00:51:03.480 | diverge from the task that's been given and start to do something else. And unless it gets some sort
00:51:09.080 | of environment feedback or some sort of, like, correction, it might just go and do something
00:51:12.520 | different than what you intended to do and never realize it's wrong. The third issue becomes, like,
00:51:17.560 | testing and benchmarking. Like, how do we test these sort of agents? How do we benchmark them?
00:51:21.160 | And then you go, and finally, how do we deploy them? And how do we observe them once you're
00:51:25.400 | deployed? Like, that's very important because, like, if something goes wrong, you won't be able
00:51:28.920 | to catch it before it becomes some major issue. I would say the biggest risk for number four is,
00:51:35.560 | like, something like Skynet. Like, suppose you have an agent that can go on the internet and do
00:51:39.000 | anything, and you don't observe it. Then it could just evolve and, like, do basically, like, take
00:51:42.600 | over the whole internet and possibly write. So that's why observability is very important.
00:51:45.800 | And also, I would say, like, building a kill switch. Like, you want to have agents that
00:51:51.240 | can be killed, in a sense. Like, if something goes wrong, you can just, like, pull out, like,
00:51:54.360 | press a button and, like, kill them in any case.
00:51:58.280 | OK. So this is something that goes into the looping problem where, like, you can imagine,
00:52:05.080 | like, suppose I want to do a task. The ideal trajectory of the task was, like, the white line.
00:52:09.320 | But what might happen is, like, it takes one step. Maybe it goes, like, it does something
00:52:13.000 | incorrectly. It never realizes that I made a mistake. So it tries to-- it doesn't know what
00:52:17.880 | to do. So just, like, maybe, like, we'll do something more randomly. We'll do something
00:52:21.160 | more randomly. So it will just keep on making mistakes. And at the end, like, instead of
00:52:24.440 | reaching here, it will reach some, like, really bad place and just keep looping, maybe just doing
00:52:28.680 | the same thing again and again. And that's bad. And the reason this happens is because, like,
00:52:33.320 | you don't have feedback. So suppose I take a step. Suppose the agent made a mistake. It doesn't
00:52:37.640 | know it made a mistake. Now someone has to go and tell it that you made a mistake and you do,
00:52:41.320 | like, fix this. And there you need, like, some sort of, like, verification agent or you need
00:52:45.240 | some sort of environment which can say, like, oh, like, maybe, like, if it's, like, coding agent
00:52:49.400 | or something, then maybe, like, write some code. The code doesn't compile. Then you can take the
00:52:53.160 | error from the compiler or the IDE, give that to the agent. OK, this was the error. Like,
00:52:59.480 | take another step. It tries another time. So it tries it multiple times until it can, like,
00:53:04.200 | fix all the issues. So you need to really have this sort of, like, feedback. Otherwise,
00:53:07.880 | you never know you're wrong. And this is, like, one issue we have seen with early systems like
00:53:13.960 | AutoGPT. So I don't think people even use AutoGPT anymore. It used to be, like, a fad. I think,
00:53:18.680 | like, in February, now it has disappeared. And the reason was just, like, it's a good concept,
00:53:23.640 | but, like, it doesn't do anything useful just because it keeps diverging from the task.
00:53:27.720 | And you can't actually get it to do anything, like, correct.
00:53:30.680 | OK. OK. And we can also discuss more about, like, the sort of, like, the computer abstraction
00:53:41.720 | of agents. So this was a recent post from Andrej Karpatin where he talked about, like,
00:53:45.960 | a LM operating system. And I will say, like, this is definitely in the right direction,
00:53:51.800 | where you're thinking as the LM, as the CPU, you have the context window, which is, like,
00:53:56.280 | sort of acting like an app. And then you are trying to build other utilities. So you have,
00:54:00.600 | like, the Ethernet, which is the browser. You can have other LMs that you can talk to.
00:54:05.000 | You have a file system that's unbalanced. That's sort of, like, the best part. You have, like,
00:54:09.480 | the software 1.0 classical tools, which the LM can control. And then you might also are-- it can
00:54:15.160 | add metamodality. So this is, like, more like you have video inputs, you have audio inputs, you have,
00:54:19.480 | like, more things over time. And then once you, like, look at this, you start to see the whole
00:54:25.320 | picture of, like, where, like, things will go. So, like, currently, what we are seeing mostly
00:54:29.720 | is just the LM. And most people are just working on optimizing the LM, making it very good. But
00:54:33.800 | this is the whole picture of what we want to achieve for it to be a useful system that can
00:54:38.920 | actually do things for me. And I think what we'll start to see is, like, this sort of becomes, like,
00:54:46.520 | an operating system, in a sense, where, like, someone makes, like, an opening. I can go and
00:54:50.520 | build this whole thing. And then I can plug in programs. I can build, like, stuff on top
00:54:54.920 | of this operating system. Here's, like, also, like, an even more generalized concept,
00:55:02.120 | which I like to call, like, a neural computer. And it's sort of, like, it's very similar,
00:55:08.360 | but it's, like, sort of, like, okay, like, now if you were to think of this as a fully-fledged
00:55:12.760 | computer, what are the different, like, systems you need to build? And you can think, like,
00:55:18.360 | maybe I'm a user. I'm talking to this sort of, like, AI, which is, like, a full-fledged AI.
00:55:23.320 | Like, imagine, like, the goal is to build 10,000. What should the architecture of JavaScript look
00:55:27.320 | like? And I would say, like, this goes into the, like, architecture to some extent, where you can
00:55:32.360 | think, like, this is a user who's talking to, say, like, a JavaScript AI. You have a chat interface.
00:55:37.240 | So the chat is sort of, like, how I'm interacting with it, which could be responsible for, like,
00:55:41.880 | personalization. It can have some, like, some sort of, like, history about what I like, what I don't
00:55:45.640 | like. So it has some, like, layers, which are showing my preferences. It knows how to communicate.
00:55:51.160 | It has, like, human, like, sort of, like, maybe, like, compatibility, sort of, like,
00:55:54.040 | skills. So it should feel, like, very human-like. And after the chat interface, you have some sort
00:56:01.160 | of, like, a task engine, which is following, like, capabilities. So if I ask it, like, okay,
00:56:05.000 | like, do this calculation for me, or, like, find this, fetch me this information, or order me a
00:56:10.760 | burger, then, sort of, like, you imagine, like, the chat interface should activate the task engine,
00:56:15.960 | where it says, like, okay, like, instead of just typing, I need to, like, go and do a task for the
00:56:19.000 | user. So that goes to the task engine. And then you can imagine there's going to be a couple of
00:56:25.160 | rules. So because you want to have safety in mind, and you want to make sure, like, things don't go
00:56:29.000 | wrong. So any sort of engine you build needs to have some sort of rules. And this could be, like,
00:56:33.640 | sort of, like, you have the three rules for Robotics that a robot should not harm a human,
00:56:37.400 | stuff like that. So you can imagine, like, you want to have, like, this sort of, like,
00:56:40.920 | task engine to have a bunch of, like, inherent rules, where, like, these are the principles
00:56:44.040 | that can never violate. And if it creates a task, or, like, sort of, like, creates a plan which
00:56:48.440 | violates these rules, then that plan should be invalidated automatically. And so the task engine,
00:56:55.320 | what it's doing is it's sort of, like, taking the chat input, and saying, like, like, I want to
00:56:59.080 | spawn a task that can actually solve this problem for the user. And the task would be, like, say,
00:57:04.920 | in this case, say, I want to go online and buy, like, a pipe or something. So in that case, like,
00:57:15.080 | suppose that's a task that's generated. And this task can go to, like, some sort of, like,
00:57:19.080 | a routing agent. So this becomes, like, sort of, like, the manager-agent idea. And then the
00:57:23.720 | manager-agent can decide, like, okay, like, where should I, what should I do? Like, should I use
00:57:28.440 | the browser? Should I use some sort of, like, a local app or tool? Should I, like, use some sort
00:57:33.480 | of, like, file storage, secure system? And then based on that decision, it can, like, it's possible
00:57:38.280 | that you might need the combination of things. So maybe, like, maybe I need to use this file
00:57:41.240 | system to find some information about the user. And you can do some good and look up how to use
00:57:46.360 | some apps and tools. So you can, like, sort of, like, do this sort of, like, message passing
00:57:49.800 | to all the agents, get the results from the agents. So it's, like, okay, like, maybe, like,
00:57:53.560 | the browser can say, like, okay, like, yeah, I found this site. This is what the user likes.
00:57:57.320 | Maybe you can have some sort of map engine which can, like, sort of, like, date, like, okay,
00:58:00.760 | these are all the valid plans. That makes sense if you want non-stop types, for instance.
00:58:04.680 | And then you can, like, sort of, like, take that result, show that to the user. Like, you can say
00:58:11.080 | something like, okay, like, I found all this site for you. And then if the user says, like,
00:58:13.800 | I chose this site, then you can actually go and, like, book the site. But this sort of becomes,
00:58:17.160 | like, sort of gives you an idea of what the hierarchy, what the systems should look like.
00:58:21.320 | And we need to build, like, all these components, where, like, currently you only see the L and R.
00:58:29.240 | Okay, cool. And then we can also have, like, reflection where the idea is, like,
00:58:34.680 | once you do a task, it's possible something might be wrong. So the task engine can possibly verify
00:58:40.120 | new page rules and logic to see, like, okay, like, is this correct or not? And if it's not
00:58:45.480 | correct, then, like, you keep issuing this instruction. But if it's correct, then you
00:58:49.080 | pass that to the user. And then you can have, like, more, like, sort of, like, complex things.
00:58:55.880 | Like, so you can have, you know, pods, plans, and, like, keep improving the systems.
00:59:00.520 | Okay. And I would say, like, the biggest things we need right now is, like, one is error correction,
00:59:08.120 | because it's really hard to catch errors. So if you can do that a little better, that will help.
00:59:13.960 | Especially if you can build agent frameworks which have inherent mechanisms for getting errors and
00:59:18.200 | automatically fixing them. Same thing you just need is, like, security. You need some sort of
00:59:23.720 | models around user permissions. So it's possible you want to have, like, different layers where,
00:59:30.200 | like, what are some things that an agent cannot do on my computer, for instance. So maybe I can
00:59:36.200 | say, like, maybe, like, the agent is not allowed to go to my bank account, but I can go to my,
00:59:40.680 | like, Lotus account. So you want to be able to solve, like, user permissions. And then you also
00:59:44.760 | want to solve problems around, like, sandboxing. How do I make sure everything's safe? It doesn't
00:59:48.600 | go on the front of the computer, delete everything. How do we deploy interesting settings where,
00:59:52.920 | like, there might be a lot of businesses, there might be a lot of financial risk,
00:59:55.800 | and making sure that if things are irreversible, we don't, like, cause a lot of harm?
01:00:01.320 | Cool. Yeah, so that was the talk. Thank you.
01:00:07.640 | Thank you.
01:00:08.140 | [ Applause ]
01:00:08.640 | [BLANK_AUDIO]