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J.J. Allaire (RStudio) and Jeremy Howard ( "2-way AMA"


12:9 Pandoc
18:58 Interactive Documents
19:2 Integration with Observable and Jupiter
25:55 High Level Api
27:20 Mid-Tier Api
27:36 The Data Blocks Api
29:9 Computer Vision Library
51:45 Michael Stonebreaker
65:27 Interactive Computing Metaphor
77:13 Reproducibility
78:46 The Prime Directive
79:18 Making Science More Accessible
92:22 Choosing What Problems To Work On
93:9 Do You Work at an Office or You Work from Home

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | All right. Hi, everybody, and welcome. I am here with JJ Allaire. My name is Jeremy Howard,
00:00:06.720 | and we are having what I originally was very proud of myself for inventing the idea of a
00:00:12.960 | two-way AMA. I wondered why other people haven't come up with this idea, and then I realized,
00:00:18.560 | oh, I think I just invented another name for a conversation. So this is either a conversation
00:00:23.280 | with JJ Allaire or a two-way AMA. We'll see if it turns out to be any different.
00:00:28.720 | So, good day, JJ. Thanks for joining. Great being here.
00:00:32.960 | So I always like to find out a little bit about people's environs. Where are you
00:00:42.800 | talking to us from today? I'm talking from my home in Newton, Massachusetts.
00:00:48.080 | In Newton, Massachusetts? Newton, yeah.
00:00:51.760 | And where is that? It's like, it's kind of due east, due west of the city, sorry,
00:00:59.440 | maybe 15 minutes outside of downtown. So it's an inner ring suburb.
00:01:06.000 | And why there, is this where you've always been? What's your favorite place in the world?
00:01:11.920 | Not even close. No, I started in, I grew up in, I was in Philadelphia till I was 13,
00:01:17.760 | and then I moved to Minnesota. I was there for a long time, till I was about 30.
00:01:22.000 | And then I moved to Boston because of work, because of the company I was working with,
00:01:30.640 | and then I just ended up staying here. And then I'm here because the public schools here are great,
00:01:38.240 | and so I probably, all other things considered live in the city, but for the time being,
00:01:43.680 | I want to take advantage of the public schools. Boston's a great town. I spent quite a bit of
00:01:49.840 | time there when I set up an office in one of my earlier companies there, and I got very into the
00:01:55.440 | Boston Red Sox, as you do, and got very into the Tennyson Racquet Club, and I have a very good
00:02:05.280 | friend. I used to be a member of Tennyson Racquet, and I have a very good friend there who's still a
00:02:09.520 | big place there quite a bit, so that's a gem. Yeah, that's a big town. And also, I loved it,
00:02:16.000 | because I didn't know anybody. It's definitely a town where you could just go to a random bar,
00:02:21.200 | sit down, watch the game, and whoever's around you will chat. It's interesting to talk to. Yeah,
00:02:27.840 | that's true. So you end up, you're in Australia now. I am in Australia now. And you were in
00:02:33.360 | Australia before. Yeah, so I'm in Queensland, which is a kind of, well, the part I'm in is kind of a
00:02:44.480 | subtropical beachside town. It's not a resort town, but it's kind of like the nearest capital
00:02:56.240 | city is Brisbane, which is like four or five million people, and it's the nearest kind of
00:03:01.760 | beach town that people would go to for a weekend or something. So yeah, I always wanted to live in
00:03:10.240 | Queensland. Never understood why everybody didn't want to live in Queensland, and now that I'm here,
00:03:16.960 | I'm even more convinced everybody lived in Queensland. And the university is in Queensland,
00:03:21.920 | too. Yeah, so the university's in Brisbane, so I'm a binary professor at the University of Queensland,
00:03:27.760 | which is 45 minutes from here. So when I teach there, I just drive in and do my thing, drive home.
00:03:37.120 | Cool. And in between, you were in Boston and California.
00:03:42.080 | Yeah, so I grew up in Melbourne, which seemed like the center of the world at the time,
00:03:51.200 | and I never understood why people talked about Australia as being far away, because it seemed
00:03:55.120 | pretty close to me. But then, yeah, moving to San Francisco, I stayed there for 10 years for a
00:04:02.160 | previous startup called Kaggle, and suddenly realized, yeah, God, Melbourne is a very long
00:04:08.800 | way away, physically and everything else. And I do now feel like it's a very good experience
00:04:18.720 | for somebody who grows up away from a kind of intellectual center like that, just spend some
00:04:27.920 | time living in one, just to experience that. Yeah, for sure. And yeah, so tell me about what you're
00:04:36.240 | doing now. So you're the CEO of RStudio. RStudio, which I started that about 11, I don't know,
00:04:46.080 | 11 or 12 years ago. And that was started off originally as just an open source
00:04:51.680 | IDE for R. And it was just it was not actually intended as a company. It was just me and one
00:04:58.880 | other person. And we had worked on lots of development tools and programming languages
00:05:03.440 | and authoring tools and in our previous lives. And I had been involved in graduate school and
00:05:11.840 | as an undergrad in social sciences and statistical programming, social sciences. And I sort of
00:05:16.800 | originally that was what I wanted to make my career. And then I kind of got swept up into
00:05:22.400 | software. And so when I finished with the startup, and then I found out about R, and I said, wow,
00:05:30.320 | there's an open source statistical programming system. That's cool. I really would like to work
00:05:33.680 | in open source. And it sort of, as you know, is written by statisticians for statisticians,
00:05:39.600 | which gave it a lot of things, you know, a lot of things that got right. But then some of the
00:05:43.920 | software tooling part they struggled with. And so I said, well, here's I can make a contribution
00:05:49.840 | here. I know the tooling part. And and I'd like to see this project get used by more people. So we
00:05:55.760 | just started working on that on the IDE. And then so that was just a couple of us. And then
00:06:01.680 | long story short, we ended up getting to know Hadley Wickham. And he was working on what was
00:06:07.280 | then not the tidyverse, but the dplyr and ggplot and things. And we said, let's let's all work
00:06:13.200 | together. And then that sort of begged the question of well, how, how is it that we're going to all
00:06:17.120 | work together and make sure everyone gets paid and everything. So he said, well, let's try to make a
00:06:20.400 | company out of this. And we did that by sort of, you know, building sort of enterprise grade,
00:06:28.800 | sort of servers that made it easier to adopt a lot of our open source software.
00:06:36.800 | Yeah, I knew Hadley from before our studio, because of course, everybody in Australia,
00:06:41.520 | New Zealand knows each other. So yeah, I remember actually hanging out with him in in Texas. And he
00:06:49.440 | was in at Rice University. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And he was already famous for his amazing
00:06:56.880 | contributions. And he was saying to me, you know, saying like, wow, you know, the university must
00:07:02.720 | love having somebody like you there. And it's like, no, quite the opposite. You know, they don't
00:07:08.240 | appreciate it at all. And I got all to get support for what I'm doing. Yeah. And I just like short
00:07:14.480 | shit, you know, what a what a terrible thing about academia is going on here. I know. And so glad
00:07:21.760 | when he found you here, you know, you found him and he found you and that worked well.
00:07:26.560 | Yes, it has. So that's good. And then the companies has developed well. And so that's,
00:07:32.160 | you know, afforded one of the projects I worked on was our markdown, which is kind of a
00:07:39.040 | literate programming system for our and that actually started working on that about 10 years ago.
00:07:44.240 | And, and that we had a lot of success with that. But it was like, very, it was quite narrow in a
00:07:51.840 | sense. And that it was like, why did you do that? You had some previous interest in literate
00:07:56.560 | programming. You know, honestly, I there were two things that happened. I there were a bunch of the
00:08:03.600 | I was working with a bunch of faculty who were teaching are and they were teaching,
00:08:08.080 | they were everybody was trying to, well, they were teaching at the time, as we've,
00:08:11.680 | which was this sort of latex based literate programming environment that was built into our
00:08:16.960 | and they were doing that because they wanted to teach people that are programming and reproducible
00:08:20.560 | workflow, but that they're teaching them latex, which was really, but that's unusual already,
00:08:25.120 | right? Like not many people. That's unusual. Our had this thing as we've built into it,
00:08:29.600 | you know, in like 2007 or so, I mean, they were way ahead of, or even before like, so, so are
00:08:37.520 | always had this sort of in the community. And it was, it was actually one of the core members of
00:08:42.480 | the art team who built this as we think so they're pushing this literate programming idea. So I kind
00:08:46.640 | of got infected with it by exposure to that. And then at the same time, I went to use our in 2012
00:08:53.120 | in England. And the, one of the people who presented was presented to a three hour seminar
00:09:00.320 | on org mode and presented another system for literate programming that was more, you know,
00:09:07.680 | human readable ASCII oriented. And so just to clarify for people who haven't seen it. So org
00:09:12.400 | mode is an, is an E max. It's not just a mode, but it's also a file format. That's which is in many
00:09:18.400 | ways a lot like Markdown. It's not at all compatible, but it's the same basic idea of text-based,
00:09:25.040 | you know, format, but also in org mode, your code can kind of be evaluated and the, the
00:09:32.720 | executed results of the execution appear in the document. So it has a lot of like what our Markdown
00:09:38.400 | is, right? It's kind of like executable code, the outputs appear. That's exactly right. So,
00:09:44.320 | so it's sort of like this idea. Well, we've got to ask, we've, it's really hard to teach people a lot
00:09:47.680 | of tech. Some people were saying, well, is there a way we could get this into office? Can we get,
00:09:51.200 | can we get through this with open document? How are we going to get people to do this without
00:09:55.280 | while not burdening them with learning a lot of tech? When I saw org mode, I said, wow,
00:09:59.440 | that's a better idea to me and more just ask on human readable ASCII based idea. But at the time,
00:10:06.320 | Markdown was already really taking off and it was already in use on GitHub. It was in Houston,
00:10:11.760 | a bunch of Wiki systems. And so I said, let's, let's take the, the core ideas of org mode and
00:10:17.360 | sweep and build a Markdown variant of that. And, and I did it with R because that's the,
00:10:22.960 | that's the environment I was working in. It was just, it had sort of blinders on like,
00:10:26.720 | let's just make this work in the environment. And you were personally like doing stuff with
00:10:31.840 | literate programming yourself and it found it useful or your, I found it useful because I was
00:10:35.680 | building websites and documents. And yeah, I, I definitely was thought this is a great way to
00:10:40.080 | work. And then, and at the same time, Yihue Z was created, had created a package called KnitR
00:10:47.760 | that was sort of a replacement for sweep. It was sort of a better, like sort of feature enhanced
00:10:53.120 | version of sweep. And at the same time he made it open so it could do restructure text and it could
00:10:57.760 | do any ASCII doc and it could do Markdown. And so he, Yihue and I got together and said, let's create
00:11:04.960 | this thing called R Markdown, which basically says we're going to use Knitter as a computational
00:11:09.120 | engine and we're going to use Markdown. At the time, it was just like, we basically use sundown,
00:11:14.240 | which was GitHub's Markdown processor. And we added math, you know, so that was pretty straightforward.
00:11:20.480 | These tools all have R in them. Are they all exclusively R tools?
00:11:25.760 | They, they are, they require R to run. They're pretty much R. They now, they're multi-engine,
00:11:33.440 | so Knitter has this idea of engine. So there is a Python engine and a Julia engine,
00:11:37.840 | but you're, you're calling Python from R. You have an embedded Python session in your R session. You
00:11:43.920 | have an embedded Julia session in your R session. So like, it's very R-centric, even though it's
00:11:48.560 | multiple languages, it's very R-centric. So, so yeah. And then, so we did the first iteration of
00:11:55.280 | it and you could just make, you could just make web pages. And then at the same time, Pandoc was
00:11:59.760 | kind of evolving and people were trying to figure out, they were like, oh, let me just glue together
00:12:03.920 | our Markdown with Pandoc and then I can make board documents and PDFs and so on. That's, that's going
00:12:07.840 | to be something a lot of people are not familiar with. So Pandoc is a, basically a Markdown processor.
00:12:13.680 | It's, it's, I think it's written in Haskell, right? Although it's a compiled binary, so that doesn't
00:12:19.520 | matter for most people. And yeah, it's kind of like a pretty, I mean, it is a kind of a Markdown
00:12:26.000 | processor, but it can take almost any input and convert it into its Markdown and then convert that
00:12:30.720 | into one of the steady app ports. Any text to any text. Yeah, it doesn't actually even convert it to
00:12:36.560 | Markdown. It converts it to an internal format. That's a sort of abstract document. And so like,
00:12:45.200 | if you're going Word to PDF, it's never seeing Markdown. It's just going. Yeah. So JJ, I had used
00:12:51.520 | Pandoc before talking to you about all this stuff, but I had used it in this very kind of naive way
00:12:59.600 | of just being like, Oh, I've got a document, you know, HTML document, and I want to convert it to
00:13:04.480 | LaTeX or we're going to convert LaTeX to Markdown or whatever. And I just run it. Now, what I've
00:13:09.520 | learned from you is that actually, you know, Pandoc has this like embedded Lua interpreter
00:13:18.320 | and this kind of very generic system, kind of a bit like NB convert the notebook. Yeah, that's
00:13:25.120 | right. Yeah. Takes this input as a kind of abstract syntax tree. You can munch it however
00:13:32.480 | you like. You spit it back out. You can fit that anywhere in a Pandoc path to kind of construct
00:13:39.600 | your own. It's like a document. It's a pipeline of transformations to the document. And the most
00:13:49.680 | obvious of which is I just want to make a PDF or I just want to make a Word document or a web page,
00:13:54.240 | but there's other. Yeah. And the other thing to mention is, I mean, as you said, it doesn't
00:13:58.160 | particularly require Markdown, but you know, by the way, you know, Pandoc Markdown is this
00:14:04.480 | fairly universal format because you can express things like divs and classes and layouts.
00:14:10.960 | And then, yeah, the Markdown syntax, you can express the whole Pandoc AST in Pandoc Markdown.
00:14:16.640 | Yeah. So it's a kind of a Markdown on steroids. One of the ideas that, though, that was taken
00:14:22.400 | really seriously by John McFarland when he created Pandoc was. So the original Markdown had the idea
00:14:30.000 | of raw HTML because the idea of John Gruber's idea was like, this is just an easier way to write
00:14:33.920 | HTML. So of course you can put raw HTML in there. If it's something isn't in Markdown, just go ahead
00:14:38.560 | and add the HTML. So that's a good idea. But what he had, and he was interested in creating
00:14:44.720 | technical manuscripts. So he extended that to, you can put raw LaTeX in there. And so he basically
00:14:50.800 | said also you can have raw LaTeX. And he made it so it was very good at generating LaTeX.
00:14:56.080 | So he sort of added this. Yeah, because there's also Pandoc citations, for example. And citations,
00:15:01.120 | right? So he added this idea of let's take LaTeX really seriously in a way that other Markdown
00:15:05.920 | processors tend not to, because that's not really their use case. There are a lot of them are tied
00:15:10.000 | to like content management systems and things are producing web content. And then let's take
00:15:14.720 | citations really seriously. So they had a really robust implementation of citations and
00:15:20.400 | integration with citation style language. So really first class citations and support of LaTeX,
00:15:27.120 | and then ultimately support of Office document formats and open document and things like that.
00:15:32.640 | So it was a more elaborate, comprehensive, hackable version of Markdown. So when we migrated,
00:15:42.640 | we created sort of our Markdown v2 was based on Pandoc. And then--
00:15:46.880 | And how long ago was that?
00:15:48.640 | That was a couple of years. That was about eight years ago.
00:15:52.640 | Pretty early on we moved to Pandoc, maybe even nine years ago. Pretty early on we just moved to
00:15:58.240 | Pandoc. And then kind of to make a long story short, we created a lot of extensions to our Markdown.
00:16:05.440 | We created a thing for making books, and we created a thing for making blogs, and we created
00:16:08.640 | a thing for presentations, and for kind of like fancy grid layout of documents. And so we had all
00:16:16.800 | these-- we did a version of the Distill Machine Learning Journal from Google. If you've seen those
00:16:21.360 | articles, we made an our Markdown version of that. So we sort of innovated a lot in a very fragmented
00:16:27.760 | way. And so we ended up at the end of this with-- we have this system that has a lot of functionality
00:16:34.000 | that's fractured across a bunch of packages with a bunch of inconsistency that's R only.
00:16:38.400 | And so we said that is kind of a dead end in terms of having a bigger impact on scientific
00:16:44.880 | computing. And so we said, if we could take a step back, build a system that was agnostic to the
00:16:50.640 | engine, the computational engine, and at the same time try to roll up a lot and synthesize a lot of
00:16:57.360 | the ideas that we developed over that 10-year period into kind of one uniform system, then that
00:17:03.200 | would be kind of what we needed to do to really like continue investing in a way that we felt like
00:17:07.760 | this project is going to be meaningful in decades. So we kind of-- it was almost like take a couple
00:17:13.040 | steps back. And that was a couple of years ago. We said, let's start working on quarto, which is a
00:17:20.160 | language independent engine agnostic where the first two engines supported our Nitter, which was
00:17:26.400 | what we supported in our Markdown and Jupyter. And so those are sort of equal citizens. And it is
00:17:32.960 | possible to-- Let me just get that up. So yeah. OK, so here's quarto. OK, so this is what you're
00:17:42.480 | working on. That's what I'm working on now. So that's pretty much what I've been working on for
00:17:46.800 | directly or indirectly for about the last three years. And this looks a lot like Markdown.
00:17:57.440 | It does. Yeah. It is derivative. It's syntax. And an approach to things is derivative of our Markdown.
00:18:05.360 | And so you've got some YAML front metas, so some metadata, which is supported by Pandoc, I believe.
00:18:12.960 | Then you've got some Markdown. This looks like something that's not in any Markdown I'm familiar
00:18:21.920 | with. That's right. That's a cross-reference. OK. So it's saying I want a reference--
00:18:28.000 | Here is the label. And so now we've got, as a result, the Markdown here, the metadata here.
00:18:37.440 | The code is also folding. And I guess I can't click on this picture if I could. And a hyperlink.
00:18:47.600 | This was all the cross-reference. It's numbered the figure. It's only figure one. But if there
00:18:52.080 | were 17 figures, you'd see one, two, three, four, et cetera. So that's kind of the idea.
00:18:57.120 | Had interactive documents as well. Yep. Yep. So we do integration with Observable and
00:19:04.960 | Jupyter. So really with Jupyter, we put the most effort into Python and making everything work
00:19:12.160 | great in Python. We've put some effort into Julia. Any Jupyter kernel works with it. But
00:19:19.200 | if we do a little extra work, then it works better. So yeah. So I mean, seriously, anything works.
00:19:28.560 | I've been recently playing with APL. And I created the first ever APL kernel. Nice.
00:19:40.640 | And so here's links to APL cliff documentation. Yep. Here is auto-generated table of contents.
00:19:53.920 | That's cool. And then here's a Python one. Yeah. So yeah. So that's what I've been working on. And
00:20:09.200 | I know the way that you and I got connected, well, we got introduced separately. Just hey,
00:20:15.120 | you should get to know each other. And then we got to talking about. Yeah, that's right. And then
00:20:21.920 | author of advances and error and such luck. Yes. Yeah. So Wes introduced us and it was like,
00:20:30.240 | what are you working on? What are you working on? And we just, you talked a little bit about
00:20:34.640 | nbdev2 and literate programming. And I said, well, this cordos might be related to what you're doing.
00:20:40.800 | But it might be. I mean, I already knew, very much knew you by reputation, because
00:20:48.880 | I was not a big user of ColdFusion, but I was an enthusiast of it, which I can come back to
00:20:57.440 | and talk about that. I was a big user of Windows Live Writer. So these are both things that you
00:21:01.600 | would build. And Windows Live Writer was something which felt like, it reminded me of the original
00:21:07.840 | Mac OS graph calculator. It felt like better than all of the other things, like, because it came from
00:21:13.360 | Microsoft, it felt better than all the other things that were around it somehow. And I thought, like,
00:21:17.440 | how did something so come up in the windows, what I call windows extras or whatever it was, windows
00:21:25.040 | plus windows. Well, yeah, there was like, anyway. Yeah. So yeah. And then I remember it at
00:21:35.760 | University of San Francisco, one of our admin staff said, Oh, there's a, just got this request from a
00:21:43.680 | guy from, you know, who's thinking of flying in for the lessons. You know, you might want to get
00:21:51.200 | in touch with him to see if that's suitable. And it's like, what's his name? It's like it's a guy
00:21:54.640 | called JJ Allaire. And I was like, oh, JJ Allaire is interested in fast AI. That's really cool.
00:21:59.360 | Well, the reason I was going to do that was I was working on, I was working, creating an R interface
00:22:07.200 | for Keras. And so I had done, we had done R, I created the R interface to Python, which is called
00:22:13.360 | Reticulate. And then we built the TensorFlow interface. And then I was building the Keras
00:22:17.280 | interface. And I said, well, I'm going to go take Jeremy's course in Keras. And then I found out,
00:22:22.160 | wait, it's not in Keras anymore. Right? It's yeah. And I said, okay, I would still like to take the
00:22:29.440 | course, but it's less right down the middle of what I'm doing. So I didn't do it. But I actually
00:22:34.800 | had convinced one other person to do it with me. Although you did tell me that some fast ideas
00:22:39.120 | did end up in some of your. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So so yeah, so studying fast AI is we, especially as
00:22:45.520 | we did our PyTorch work. And we, because as you know, PyTorch doesn't doesn't offer you much in
00:22:51.360 | the way of like a built in training loop. Right. And it doesn't really organize your work. No, it's a
00:22:56.480 | Keras does. Right. And I think we rather liked the things you did in fast AI. And so we said, let's
00:23:03.280 | can we do can we do some variations of those, you know, for our interface, because we clearly it
00:23:08.480 | wasn't enough to just say, Oh, you can use torch from our I mean, it's for some certain researchers,
00:23:13.520 | it's fine, but not for end users. So yeah, I mean, I try to encourage even researchers not to just
00:23:20.960 | use raw PyTorch for everything. Because, you know, you really want to be incorporating best practices
00:23:27.520 | as much as you can. Not I didn't have a couple since we're on fast AI, I did have a couple
00:23:34.080 | questions. And one of them is like, if you think about how you help both new users ramp into things
00:23:47.200 | and make experienced users productive, right, you provide these abstractions. And there's a dial of
00:23:53.760 | how leaky you want, you let the abstractions be all the way from Hey, we've hidden you don't even
00:23:58.320 | know PyTorch is here, at one end, the other end is learn PyTorch, then you know, learn our special
00:24:05.520 | shortcuts. And in the middle is somewhere like, well, PyTorch is present, it's not hidden. You
00:24:13.280 | can probably extend this with PyTorch. And, you know, like, I think different software design
00:24:18.640 | problems lend themselves to different levels of leakiness. How did you think about that? Or do you
00:24:24.240 | think? Yeah, so I've been coding for 40 years, you know, and I spent a lot more time coding than
00:24:36.320 | building deep learning models, and a lot more time reading and studying coding and deep learning.
00:24:42.320 | You know, software engineering is based on our ability to do good things with computers is based
00:24:52.320 | on being able to use abstractions. And those abstractions are turned are based on being able
00:24:57.440 | to use abstractions and, you know, so forth into machine code. We're hidden on the hard disk
00:25:03.600 | controller, you know, etc. You know, there is none of those levels of extraction is the correct
00:25:10.080 | level. They're all correct for what they do. So with fast AI, my approach, you know, has always
00:25:19.360 | been just the same as all the coding I've always done, which is if I'm writing some high level API,
00:25:25.120 | I write it using some lower level API, which I then write using some lower level API, and
00:25:30.960 | so on until I get to the point where it's, you know, that each of them is trivially easy to use,
00:25:37.280 | ideally, and is a kind of carefully designed set of primitive operations that make sense at that
00:25:46.480 | level of API. So for example, the high level, so there's three main levels of API at fast AI,
00:25:53.280 | the high level mid tier low level, the high level API is focused on applications. We provide support
00:26:00.400 | for for which is vision, text, tabular and collaborative filtering. And then there are
00:26:06.320 | other folks in the community who have added stuff around, you know, medical and audio and whatever.
00:26:12.400 | And in each case, you basically use the same four lines of code. Okay, that kind of just like push
00:26:17.520 | button interface, if you yeah, like, and that was the recipe. Yeah, and that was very much designed
00:26:22.800 | about the idea that one day, we want to get rid of the code, and there'll be a higher level API
00:26:27.680 | still, which is not good. Yeah, yeah, this is what I wanted to ask you. Well, when you finish,
00:26:32.800 | I want to follow up question. Okay, cool. The this is really important for stuff like deep learning,
00:26:41.920 | because the more boilerplate you have, the more things there are that you can screw up,
00:26:46.560 | you know. And so if you have to like, manually create your validation set manually, make sure
00:26:52.560 | it's not shuffled, and manually make sure the training set is shuffled, and manually make sure
00:26:57.200 | that the augmentation is only applied to the training, like, each of those is something that
00:27:01.520 | you're reasonably likely to forget. And when things break in deep learning, they don't break
00:27:08.080 | properly. Generally, they don't give you an exception, or a sec fault, they just give you
00:27:12.640 | slightly less good answers, or it's leading or misleading metrics. Yeah. So, so then the mid tier
00:27:21.440 | API is the bit I'm most proud of. And I find that's often the hardest bit to write, you want something
00:27:28.240 | that's extremely flexible, and that you almost never have to go deeper, but still really convenient.
00:27:35.360 | And so for example, we've got a thing called the data blocks API, which came from me, you know,
00:27:41.440 | I've been doing machine learning for, let's see, over 30 years now. And, you know, I just
00:27:48.400 | thought back to like, well, what are all, what's the entire set of things I've had to do
00:27:53.600 | to get data into a model training. And I, you know, realized that there was just
00:28:01.200 | okay, there's like four basic, four or five basic things. Yeah. And I realized that when I pulled
00:28:07.040 | out those four or five basic things, the huge number of classes I used to have before I built
00:28:13.520 | the data blocks API, I realized I could replace them with just these five things by putting the
00:28:20.960 | blocks together. And so I was able to reduce the amount of code I had by 10 fold, and increase the
00:28:28.320 | ability for me to write my high level API a lot, and then to give the same thing to all my users.
00:28:35.200 | And then, yeah, the bottom level API, it's still above PyTorch. Well, it's mainly like filling in
00:28:42.160 | the things that aren't in PyTorch, but should be. So for example, I like using some object oriented
00:28:48.800 | programming. And I believe that types should represent where possible semantic things. That's
00:28:54.800 | something which that doesn't really exist in PyTorch. So I added object oriented types,
00:29:02.080 | semantic types to PyTorch. Something that they've added, it's still not amazing. But we created
00:29:09.600 | first is like a computer vision library that entirely operates on the GPU and does things
00:29:14.880 | in a really efficient way. So kind of stuff like that. So then the idea is that a user,
00:29:22.720 | we want them, if they're doing something supported by our application API, we want them to be able
00:29:28.080 | to use it. We want them then to be able to say like, okay, that worked okay, but I wonder what if,
00:29:32.960 | you know, could I make it faster by doing this? Or make it more accurate by doing that? And they
00:29:37.840 | can just pull out one piece and replace it with a mid tier API thing, you know? So rather than
00:29:44.320 | starting at the bottom, and then adding, you know, simplifying things with a high tier, start at the
00:29:50.320 | top, which is also how we teach, you know, and then add in lower level things if and as you need them.
00:29:57.920 | Did you have a goal, like, kind of what I'm thinking about, like for leaky abstraction,
00:30:01.760 | do you have a goal where it's like, well, if someone has found, and I have not personally used
00:30:08.080 | PyTorch, but I use Keras quite a bit, if someone finds the equivalent of a layer, you know, someone
00:30:12.960 | has written a layer for PyTorch, they find it on Stack Overflow, how do I, you know, you know,
00:30:17.360 | reduce the error here, whatever. Oh, do this. Is it, you know, one level would be like, oh, you can
00:30:23.200 | literally just, you know, point to that, or another level would be like, you kind of need to package
00:30:27.680 | that. You need to put that in a frame that the vast AI can consume. Yeah, so everything, you know,
00:30:37.840 | the idea is basically that everything should be very easy for you to grab stuff from elsewhere and
00:30:45.120 | just use it. So we actually have, you know, so we've got a bunch of integration, for example,
00:30:51.680 | but in particular, you know, there's like, okay, what if, yeah, that's a great virtue of a system,
00:31:00.160 | if it can do that, yeah, then it then it doesn't suffer from the we have to do everything.
00:31:05.840 | Exactly. Special packaging, special wrappers. So what I did was I grabbed for this one,
00:31:13.680 | I actually grabbed the MNIST training code from the official PyTorch examples. Yep.
00:31:18.800 | And they originally had it as a script, so I just changed it to a module, you know. And
00:31:27.120 | so I, so here, so this is their code, right? So I took their code. And then I said, okay,
00:31:39.760 | well, how could, what if we wanted to replace their training loop and test loop? That's a lot
00:31:47.760 | of code, right? And it's also not a particularly good training loop and test loop with the fast
00:31:51.840 | AI one. And by using the fast AI one, you're going to get for free things like TensorBoard and
00:31:56.240 | weights and biases integration, you're going to get, you're going to get all kinds of metrics,
00:32:01.760 | you're going to get automatic mixed precision training, whatever. And so the answer is that
00:32:07.760 | you can take all that train and test stuff and replace it with these two lines.
00:32:11.200 | That's great. And then run this one line. And this is now also going to run with one cycle
00:32:17.040 | training. So it's going to do a warm up, it's going to do a cool down, it's going to print out
00:32:21.200 | as it goes. And that's literally it. Fantastic. And it's the same for other things, you know.
00:32:25.920 | So for example, you know, I grabbed the PyTorch lightning quick start converted to a module.
00:32:36.000 | And so those data types, the data types that are used by fast AI, since they're fundamentally the
00:32:42.800 | PyTorch data types, that's how it all fits. They're not obscured. Yeah, that's either true,
00:32:50.000 | or we recreate our own API compatible versions. So for example, the PyTorch data loaders are things
00:32:59.040 | which take things that are either indexable or streamable one item at a time and batch them.
00:33:06.240 | And we created something with the same name. The loader. And then we added stuff
00:33:13.600 | to it. We said, oh, we had a bunch of callback hooks that you can modify the data, you know,
00:33:19.280 | after it's been batched or after it's been turned into an item or whatever.
00:33:23.360 | So when I was thinking about your application layer, because I know like in your course,
00:33:29.840 | you say you need to, you know, high school mathematics and some programming is what you
00:33:35.840 | need to be able to learn this. And my question is, you could imagine, and I don't even know if this
00:33:42.640 | is a good or a bad thing. So it's more just a question. You can imagine, you know, as you said
00:33:47.280 | earlier, an application that does transfer learning and, you know, takes various types of
00:33:52.240 | data that's well known and lets people say, oh, I'm doing computer vision. Or is that the right
00:33:57.600 | layer or not? Right. Do you think that's a desirable layer to have or is the are you at
00:34:03.120 | the right layer now where the person will encounter enough complexity that they really best know some
00:34:09.600 | math and know some program? Yeah. So you can see where it would not be desirable to go further.
00:34:14.400 | Yeah. So the answer is so far, we've we failed at our goal to make deep learning accessible
00:34:26.160 | because we require high school math and a year of coding. And that's not accessible because most
00:34:32.240 | people like I think only 1% of the world has like that coding background. So the goal has always
00:34:40.880 | been to get to a point where I use the analogy to the internet, right? So when I started on the
00:34:48.480 | internet, you would have to do it all through the terminal. And even when the first GUI things came
00:34:54.080 | in, you would have to set up like PPP configuration files, whatever. And, you know, I'd read NewsNet
00:35:01.680 | News with RN, which, you know, with all these arcane keyboard shortcuts, I mean, I loved it.
00:35:07.120 | But it wasn't the most accessible thing. Nowadays, you know, my mum, who's 83, uses the internet
00:35:13.680 | every day to chat to her six year old daughter on Skype and whatever. That's what most, you know,
00:35:22.240 | AI should look like. Okay. We're starting to see a bit of that with things like
00:35:28.160 | Codex and DALI Mini and DALI 2 and Mid-Journey and whatever, GPT-3, where, you know, I don't
00:35:38.560 | know if you saw it yesterday, a book on OpenAI Prompt Engineering came out. In fact, I'm gonna
00:35:46.320 | see if I can find it because it's quite interesting. And so basically, it's like there's still skill
00:35:52.800 | involved in trying to create beautiful and relevant images using DALI 2. But it's not coding.
00:36:04.720 | It's a different skill. It's Prompt Engineering. And okay, I think I found it.
00:36:16.000 | So let me share my screen here. And I like this because we're all about
00:36:23.840 | domain experts, you know. And so, you know, here's a whole book about how to create nice
00:36:35.040 | pictures with DALI. And it doesn't have with lots of examples of nice pictures from DALI.
00:36:40.960 | And there's no code in it, right? It's saying like, oh, we've done some research to find out
00:36:47.520 | what kinds of words create what kinds of pictures. Here's examples of that for you.
00:36:52.400 | And that's like someone learns, essentially, here you learn a craft of how to see the right
00:36:58.720 | sorts of things. It's totally different than programming.
00:37:02.480 | Right. And it requires like a genuine understanding of domain. So if you want to create good camera
00:37:08.800 | shots that don't exist, you have to know about words like "experience close up" and "sinisterial
00:37:14.320 | 800T". Yeah, well, you can become very, very good at this. You know, extreme long shot.
00:37:19.280 | And even like describing shadows and proportions. This is the kind of
00:37:29.280 | thing we want people to be spending most of their time doing. And also the kind of people I want to
00:37:36.560 | be doing it are domain experts in that field. So we want, you know, product marketing people,
00:37:45.200 | you know, product photography people using their product photography skills to create
00:37:50.560 | product photography mockups. We want disaster resilience experts to be doing disaster
00:37:55.280 | resilience. We want radiologists doing radiology, supported by AI, you know.
00:38:01.680 | Right. So yeah, so the tool that you would build for a radiologist, I mean, in a way,
00:38:08.240 | you could even have it, you can imagine a radiologist is training a model, basically,
00:38:12.560 | in a way, they're doing transfer learning, they're applying their data, they're there.
00:38:17.520 | Yeah. But it's in their DICOM viewer, you know, on their radiology workflow software.
00:38:28.240 | Okay. Well, I think the answer is that you would like to go quite a bit farther than you have.
00:38:34.080 | Right with that. I don't quite remember what we said at the time we started. So when my wife,
00:38:38.480 | Rachel, and I started fast AI, we just I think we were thinking it's at least a 10 year goal,
00:38:45.280 | and of making deep learning more accessible. And like our first step was, well,
00:38:51.280 | we should at least show people how to use what already exists. So that's why we started with a
00:38:57.440 | course. That was the first thing we built. Because also, that way, we would find out well, what,
00:39:04.400 | what doesn't exist, but ought to, you know, and so then it was like, well, basically, nothing
00:39:11.840 | works except vision, computer vision at the moment, we should at least make sure this works
00:39:16.080 | for text. So step two was, I did a lot of research into text, and I built the ULM fit algorithm and
00:39:24.320 | integrated that and, you know, so there's a lot of research to do. And then
00:39:28.960 | then it was like, okay, well, from the research we've done, we've realized that there's a lot of
00:39:36.080 | things that you could do a lot better if only the software existed. So then step three was to make
00:39:39.920 | the software exist, you know, so then there was a lot of coding. And then, you know, come back full
00:39:45.520 | circle, do another course, you know, now showing here the best practices using everything we've
00:39:52.960 | learned and built. Where are we now, you know, and so repeat this. So we've, we're just about to launch
00:40:00.320 | version five of this, of this process, which, except for a year off, for COVID has been an
00:40:08.240 | annual exercise. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if in the next five years, we have quite a bit of
00:40:17.440 | the like code free stuff that we're aiming for. Okay. Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. My turn,
00:40:24.000 | if I may. Okay, go for it. You got it. I wanted to change track a little bit, if I can,
00:40:29.200 | to talk about your background, JJ. And the reason for that is I like to understand the background of
00:40:38.560 | people who are doing interesting things in interesting ways. And like, what are the
00:40:42.880 | ways I find you interesting is that your title is CEO. But in an interview, I read, you said you
00:40:50.480 | spend about 80% of your time doing coding. And I know from personally interacting with you over a
00:40:58.160 | lot over the last few months on building nb dev two that, yeah, you know, generally speaking, if
00:41:05.040 | before I go to bed, I send you a message saying, there's a bug here, then by the time I wake up in
00:41:09.920 | the morning and say, I fixed the bug is is the commit, you know, so that's unusual, you know,
00:41:17.520 | and I also it's unusual that I feel like you I don't know, you seem to do things differently to
00:41:24.720 | most people like you do you if you know, you feel more like a kindred spirit to me in a lot of ways
00:41:30.880 | that like you seem to like doing things reasonably independently, but leveraging a small number of
00:41:35.200 | smart people. And, you know, I was also interested to learn that, like me, your academic background
00:41:44.080 | is non technical, you did, I did philosophy. You know, I'd love to hear like, yeah, what, what,
00:41:52.320 | what was your journey from doing Paul sigh? Yeah, who founding kind of three, at least three
00:42:01.440 | successful software companies are now working in scientific publishing? Yeah, yeah. How did that
00:42:06.960 | happen? Well, it really, it started with, well, there's a couple of different threads that come
00:42:17.440 | together. So one was how I got interested in data analysis, and statistical computing was, I was a
00:42:24.560 | huge baseball fan. And I when I was like 12, I got a hold of books by Bill James, who you probably
00:42:32.880 | have heard of. And he was a he was a math teacher from Kansas City, who wrote the Bill James baseball
00:42:39.520 | abstract that essentially created this idea, why don't we empirically measure everything we can
00:42:44.640 | about baseball and see what, see what's true and not true. And I don't know any other sport that
00:42:51.520 | has a whole field of academic study of statistics named, you know, sabermetrics, you know, based on
00:42:58.960 | that. And he started all that anyway, but what was impactful for me was, I was also very interested
00:43:04.000 | in politics, my parents were political activists, and I was mostly interested in politics, I was
00:43:09.840 | interested in baseball, I got the Bill James memo. And I realized like everything that people said on
00:43:14.960 | television, about what was true about baseball, not everything, but a lot of the stuff was just
00:43:19.360 | nonsense. The coaches, players and broadcasters, nonsense. So that had a big impact on me. I was
00:43:25.040 | like, well, if that's true, then then a lot of the things people say about a lot of things are
00:43:29.200 | probably nonsense. And probably data analysis is actually really fundamentally important. And so I
00:43:35.840 | kind of got then when I was looking at political science, that was my lens. I was actually happened
00:43:41.200 | to, I happened to find a great mentor in college who was also really into it. Can I just mention,
00:43:47.600 | I had a similar background, but for a totally different reason, which is I started at a big
00:43:52.800 | management consulting company when I was basically 10 years younger than everybody else. And they all
00:43:58.240 | worked using their expertise and experience, which I didn't have. So my view was like, oh,
00:44:04.000 | I'm going to have to use data analysis because of the ways I can. Yeah, so, so I was anyway,
00:44:11.840 | political science, and I actually was convinced I wanted to be a political scientist, focused on
00:44:17.280 | data analysis and things. And so I basically went to graduate school and to get a PhD in political
00:44:23.840 | science. And by that time, I actually had taken a year off and I'd worked at the Minnesota Department
00:44:28.960 | of Revenue as an analyst. And I used a lot. I had done plenty of messing around with software. I had
00:44:35.920 | learned, you know, D-base and hypercard and, you know, various other kind of, you know, scripty
00:44:41.520 | things that a layperson could access. I wasn't, I had no training in computer science and I didn't
00:44:46.240 | take computer science in college, but I was able to get my head around things like hyper talk and
00:44:51.200 | D-base and things like that. So, yeah. And so then, yeah, and SAS and, you know, all these kind of,
00:44:57.360 | I was so exposed. I remember re-reading you were doing stuff with SAS and SPSS, you know, which are
00:45:02.000 | some things I worked through. Yeah, SPSS, you know, Excel macros. So I ended up at the Department of
00:45:06.480 | Revenue. I did a lot of SAS. I did a lot of... They're very pragmatic programming tools. Very
00:45:11.280 | pragmatic. QuattroPro, you know, all this. So, and so then I got to graduate school and I just found
00:45:18.720 | like, wow, I just really care a lot more about software right now than I do about political
00:45:24.160 | science. It was actually at that moment when it was 90, uh, 92, 93, uh, when, when it was,
00:45:34.480 | software was really coming into its own. Can I just ask that discovery? Yeah. Were you okay with that?
00:45:42.800 | Because, because I wasn't, you know, for me, I felt embarrassed. I did, because my mentor,
00:45:52.240 | oh my God, I spent four years, five, I spent so much time with my mentor and, you know, I just
00:45:58.160 | was like, wow, this is, I know what I'm supposed to be doing and this is not what I'm supposed to be
00:46:02.960 | doing. Right. But I really just went with the evidence of like, when I go to the bookstore,
00:46:08.160 | I spent all my time in the computing section and that lights me up and that's what I want to talk
00:46:12.000 | about. And I think you had more self-confidence than I did. Well, I also had a negative, a negative
00:46:19.120 | experience with, um, academia, even though I had, I had a couple great professors, um, it, it didn't
00:46:26.400 | feel like I was going to, you know, um, I didn't feel like I was going to succeed. Even if I was
00:46:32.880 | into that, I didn't feel, it didn't resonate when I got there. Um, and so I was like, well, I'm not
00:46:37.680 | going to do this and I think I want to do that. So I'm going to go try it. So I basically went off
00:46:41.840 | and said, I'm going to, you know, I'm not trained to, to write software. I need to learn a bunch of
00:46:45.680 | stuff. Uh, and I went and started, you know, teaching myself a bunch of stuff I needed to know.
00:46:50.560 | And then I eventually got bootstrapped into doing some contracting. Um, and then I, so I sort of was
00:46:56.880 | a contractor and kept learning stuff. And then I kind of by happenstance and good fortune ran into
00:47:02.880 | the internet. Uh, and I had actually worked with my brother on. So when was that roughly? That was in
00:47:09.040 | 90. Um, well, we got, we got the internet at, at college my senior year. So that would have been
00:47:14.960 | 91. So we had, um, and then the web was 93. And, um, my brother was really into the internet and he
00:47:24.720 | was going around the twin cities. You know, he got city pages, which is the, the news public,
00:47:30.960 | the look, you know, the, um, the city newspaper, he got them to say, we're going to do
00:47:35.760 | classifieds and forum, and we're going to do all this stuff on the internet. And then I,
00:47:40.800 | and he was like, my brother doesn't write code. So he's like, Hey, JJ, you're, you're a contractor.
00:47:45.200 | What are you, what can we do this? I was like, sure. I can figure this out. So I did that. And
00:47:50.160 | then I was just like, and I, that the other thing that the big thing that happened for me was that
00:47:54.080 | I was a fan of these tools that let ordinary people program. I was a fan of debase and hyper
00:48:00.160 | talking on spreadsheets. And so I was like, that's really empowering. And so when I, what happened
00:48:04.720 | was I said, wow, you know, um, my brother just told me he's going to learn Pearl so he can write
00:48:09.920 | websites. Yeah. And I'm, and I'm looking at what, and I'm looking at what I did. I let pills so I
00:48:15.680 | could write websites. I'm shoveling data in and out of a database and putting it through like a
00:48:19.920 | template, you know, and mapping form fields to database. Like this is not, we don't need Pearl
00:48:25.920 | here. You know, I mean, it turns out to do, to do fancy stuff, you need the equivalent of Pearl,
00:48:30.000 | but to do the most basic things you don't. And so that's what I kind of came up and I,
00:48:34.320 | and I always, I loved the idea of tools and abstractions and making computing accessible
00:48:39.920 | and programming accessible. You know, I think the first one of those tools for the web was,
00:48:43.920 | was Australian. It was a hot dog. Do you remember that? That's right. That's exactly right. It was.
00:48:48.400 | Yeah. So somebody, yeah. So I, I did. I, I kind of said, well, I'm going to take a shot at,
00:48:54.080 | at making a tool and see what happens. And that was called fusion. So, um, and so, and that,
00:48:59.840 | I would say the other, so here it is called fusion. It still exists. It's still, uh, it's still, uh,
00:49:06.160 | that's kind of Adobe now developer week happening and looks like now. So what, um, yeah, what year
00:49:13.200 | was the first version of this? Uh, 95, 95. I mean, that's good longevity. That's good longevity.
00:49:20.240 | That's right. That's right. Yeah. No, it's, uh, it's, it's, it's, uh, it's had, it's had a great existence. And, uh, um,
00:49:29.200 | one of the, um, one of the big ideas though, that I, that I learned, one of the biggest things I
00:49:35.600 | learned when cold fusion came out, there were probably 10 tools that, uh, did the same ish
00:49:41.200 | thing. Was this before or after front page? Cause that was huge. It was concurrent with front page.
00:49:46.480 | And front page didn't really do this front pages. No, it didn't. Yeah. So it was, it was concurrent
00:49:51.280 | with front page. And basically the, the two of the biggest differentiators were, um, we had her
00:49:57.040 | basically really good documentation and really good error messages, you know? And we just,
00:50:02.400 | I mean, we'd see competitors that had twice our feature set, get no adoption. And what language
00:50:07.040 | did you write this first? Okay. So I mean, but I don't remember a point at which you said you
00:50:14.960 | learned C plus plus when I left graduate school, I learned C plus plus. Yeah. It took a couple
00:50:21.760 | of years and, and I did the, the city pages, you know, project, and then this was my first serious
00:50:27.360 | project. And now I wouldn't say I was good at it at that time, but I was certainly enough to, to
00:50:32.240 | ship something. So, um, yeah. So, um, so yeah, so that was that. And, um, that was a great experience.
00:50:40.960 | And I learned a ton from that. I also learned that, as you were saying, you know, I, I didn't
00:50:45.840 | particularly relish the parts of entrepreneurship that didn't involve product development, you know?
00:50:51.120 | So, and there are a lot of those are really important things that need to happen. Right.
00:50:55.600 | So nowadays, I think you said you, you said before you, you delegate that largely to your president.
00:51:00.720 | Yeah. The president of the company runs everything. And I, I do get involved with the, you know,
00:51:06.720 | company strategy and certain, there are certain things that really important for me to be a part
00:51:10.800 | of, but then I try to, to like preserve that roughly, you know, 80% of my time coding. And
00:51:16.080 | I actually think that the, it's not just an indulgence. I actually think that great products
00:51:22.480 | need to have people who are aware of the whole matrix of what's going on. Why is this important?
00:51:28.720 | Why is this feature important? What users are important? How do users think that stuff
00:51:34.480 | close to the keyboard is imperative? And a lot of times that's, that's, that doesn't happen because
00:51:40.880 | somebody else. Yeah. Somebody else I've spoken to who has a similar approach is Michael Stonebreaker,
00:51:47.440 | who's built a lot of the best database tools in the world at many companies. And yeah, he told me he,
00:51:55.920 | I mean, he's also an academic, you know, so he kind of invents stuff and then finds a trusted
00:52:01.760 | partner to bring it to market with. I don't think he's ever called himself a CEO. He kind of pulls
00:52:07.360 | himself CTO, but you know, it's his vision and somebody else is running the admin. He creates
00:52:12.880 | this thing and gets, and has the, there's conceptual integrity in what he creates and he gets all the,
00:52:18.960 | all the trade-offs. I mean, there's like seven trade-offs a day that you made. Oh, he's in
00:52:23.520 | Boston, right? Now I think about it. That's right. Yeah, he's in Boston. Yeah. I, I, I met him once
00:52:29.280 | and happy and I met him once. So that was, that was mostly fun. Just watch those two of them talk.
00:52:36.320 | All right. I should let you have a go at a question. Yes. Well, I was, I wanted to get
00:52:42.080 | into a little bit of getting back to nbdev2. Oh, please. So maybe just to orient the
00:52:49.280 | listeners who haven't seen nbdev or nbdev2. I mean, I, you've taken the, you know, notebooks
00:52:56.480 | further than anyone thought possible and have created something really, really incredible. And
00:53:02.560 | so I would love to hear, or I think other folks would love to try to hear general framing of what
00:53:06.960 | that is. And I have some follow-up questions about it. Yeah, sure. So, I mean, one of the
00:53:13.040 | best things I received was when the original creator of Jupyter and IPython notebooks sent
00:53:23.440 | me an email and sent this blog post. He's printed out and put on his wall and he shows it to everybody
00:53:33.040 | who wants to understand what, you know, notebooks are meant to be all about. And basically,
00:53:44.800 | I really enjoy writing code in notebooks. And this is what, this is what my notebooks
00:53:55.440 | look like. So this is a bit better here, but this is the first few cells of the first notebook,
00:54:02.720 | which is used to generate nbdev. And when I first started, I didn't know anything about
00:54:08.560 | notebooks internal. So I had to figure out what is a notebook. And so I wrote this thing that
00:54:13.920 | reads a notebook, and then I look inside it. And as I do that, I'm a huge fan of the scientific
00:54:23.120 | idea of journaling, right? Most of the world's best scientists have been very thoughtful about
00:54:30.880 | how they journal, you know. So for example, the discovery of the noble gases, you know,
00:54:36.720 | was something where basically, you know, this left over little bit of residue because the
00:54:42.320 | scientists have been so careful about the process and journaling the path, they recognize that
00:54:47.200 | shouldn't be there. You know, it's not I made a mistake, throw it away, but it's like, let's look
00:54:51.680 | into it. Like, it helps with a rigor and knowing what's going on. So I like to document what I do
00:54:58.000 | as I do it. And I also know that at some point, I'm going to want to share this with somebody else.
00:55:03.680 | I want to show them what I found out. And I got to forget this in a year. So I want to forget
00:55:08.640 | Germany here when I found out. But then I don't want that to be a separate artifact somewhere else.
00:55:16.240 | Like, as I go along, I'm writing little functions, right? So initially, these two lines of code
00:55:22.080 | would have been in their own cell, that that would have been, oh, okay, that's how you open a
00:55:25.920 | notebook. Let's make it a function. And so I can chuck a def on top and give it. And you're also
00:55:31.840 | articulating your understanding. Yeah, exactly. And then it's like, oh, I think it ought to give
00:55:38.080 | something like this. And I check and it's like, oh, I did give that. And so now I've got a test of my
00:55:43.520 | understanding and the API. And I've got to check that it's going to be consistent. And so that
00:55:47.200 | becomes a test. So let's actually have a look at this. So here is the notebook which creates
00:55:59.280 | notebooks, which creates nbdev. So here's notebook number one. And so we can then look at the
00:56:08.400 | documentation for nbdev. Because writing documentation, like most people don't really do it.
00:56:18.880 | Yeah, yeah. Well, that's what I was saying, that the whole reason that Coldview succeeds is because
00:56:22.880 | we wrote documents. Right. So you'll see that my documentation here is the same thing as the
00:56:28.720 | source code. And that's because source code and documentation and tests, they're all in the same
00:56:37.120 | place. And this is like, this is kind of in some ways a lot more than just literate programming.
00:56:48.000 | It's what I call exploratory programming. And it's this idea of like trying to recognize that
00:56:55.840 | programming is a process done by humans and that we can support humans doing that process by giving
00:57:03.280 | them tools that fit that process. So that's really what nbdev is all about. And it's not a new idea.
00:57:12.800 | So obviously Knuth was the guy who kind of created the idea of literate programming,
00:57:20.720 | combining programming language with the documentation language. And these ideas that
00:57:26.640 | programs should be more robust, more portable, more easily maintained, and also more fun to write.
00:57:31.360 | All things I found to be true. When I'm writing code like this, I tend to be in the flow zone
00:57:41.600 | all the time. Because every line of code that ends up in a function, I've run it independently,
00:57:48.000 | I've explored it, and I've played with it. I know how it works. So I don't have many bugs. And if I
00:57:55.440 | do, they're ever weird bugs I don't understand. So I'm always progressing. So then Brett Victor,
00:58:05.200 | who I really admire, talked about a programming system for understanding programs. And he has
00:58:15.200 | some amazing examples of what could programming look like in a way that's much more exploratory
00:58:22.960 | and playful. And so then another thing which was fantastic, my friend Chris Latner built Xcode
00:58:32.320 | Playgrounds, which again, it kind of lets you see what's going on, you know, how many times it's
00:58:38.160 | going through the loop, and what does it look like. So there was a lot of like, and of course,
00:58:43.200 | small talk, you know, small talk was explicitly designed for exploration, like, it's, you know,
00:58:48.480 | you have this whole... I was going to mention small talk in my file question. So that's great. Yeah.
00:58:52.880 | So there was all that going on. And then perhaps most relevant Mathematica, which really developed
00:59:01.040 | the idea of the notebook, and I really always enjoyed working in Mathematica. But never enjoyed
00:59:09.200 | not being able to do anything with it, because there just wasn't a great way to like, take a
00:59:14.160 | Mathematica notebook and give it to somebody else to play with. Yeah. Yeah. So when Jupiter came out,
00:59:20.400 | I felt like, oh, this is a good opportunity to take these good ideas and turn them into the
00:59:28.080 | thing I've always wanted, which is a way to build real software, real documentation, real tests,
00:59:32.400 | but in this exploratory way. So that's what nbdev is. So you write your software in notebooks,
00:59:40.080 | and you basically, you know, run a cell or a CLI command, and it exports it to a module. And that
00:59:50.240 | module in Python, and that module automatically ends up on PyPy. So you can pip install it,
00:59:57.840 | you can condor install it, automatically gets the documentation website, automatically gets
01:00:02.720 | continuous integration tests. So somebody who actually just tried using this the first time,
01:00:08.160 | a couple of days ago, told me from zero to having a website and module and continuous integration
01:00:17.920 | done, it was 10 minutes. Yeah, I believe it. And that's what you want, right? Because it's like,
01:00:22.320 | you know, you want to be to say like, oh, I brought you a little tool. Here it is.
01:00:26.320 | There's the website, you know. And then when I get like, pull requests, you know, they're generally
01:00:32.960 | good, because they wrote them in the notebook. So they can see exactly what it's meant to be doing,
01:00:39.600 | they can see the tests there, there's like, they don't forget to write tests, because they're in
01:00:43.920 | the same place, they don't forget to write documentation is in the same place, they
01:00:47.840 | understand the context of what it's about. So I also find it helps, you know, with open source
01:00:55.040 | collaboration as well. Now, I will say the tooling we built it on top of, which is largely kind of
01:01:04.400 | nb-convert and stuff, the kind of the surrounding toolset around notebooks, I was never fond of.
01:01:11.440 | I found it a bit slow and a bit clunky. I'm very grateful that open source volunteers built that
01:01:18.480 | stuff, but I didn't particularly like it. So then, when I came across quarter, well, the first thing
01:01:27.760 | I noticed was like, oh, this looks like nb-dev, like you guys are actually using cell comments.
01:01:34.800 | Which we got from which we took from you from fantastic. Because we were struggling with
01:01:44.800 | attaching metadata to cells. And as you know, notebook editors have a facility for that,
01:01:49.760 | that is hard to find and requires you to edit raw JSON. So he said, well, that's not good. And so
01:01:56.480 | he said, and I saw you do that. And I was like, because people are using tags, they're also using
01:02:00.560 | tags. Absolutely. You know, and I was like, well, even the tag interface is really clumsy. And so
01:02:05.760 | I was just like, why not the comment? You know, I saw you. Exactly. But you guys do it better,
01:02:10.080 | because I saw yours and yours were like comment followed by a pipeline. And I had always kind of
01:02:15.440 | struggled with his idea of like, how does anybody know whether something in nb-dev is a comment
01:02:20.160 | or a directive? So you made that explicit. And I kind of thought, I wasn't surprised, you know,
01:02:26.800 | because I kind of thought like, okay, JJ, I've always admired this guy's work. And he's now taken,
01:02:31.680 | you know, I don't know if it's now I know it's intentional, but I didn't at the time,
01:02:35.120 | it's intentional or not taken my work and made it better. And that's always, and I thought that's
01:02:40.400 | great. We should, we should at least use that syntax. Yeah, sure. And then I started looking
01:02:48.080 | into like, at what you're doing with it. And I thought like, Oh, no, this is like a whole tool
01:02:54.240 | set that does everything nb-convert does and a lot more. But it's also more delightful to work with,
01:03:02.320 | because it's got much better documentation, it's got much better defaults, it's, you know, the
01:03:07.680 | stuff that's built in for free is much better. And then when I spoke to you, because I kind of said
01:03:15.280 | like, to you, like, you know, this feels like something I could build nb-dev2 on, tell me a
01:03:22.480 | bit about the technical foundation, like how is this working? And you explained to me, and I started
01:03:28.960 | reading the source code to understand it, that it's actually this like relatively thin wrapper around
01:03:34.720 | fantastic functionality that already exists in Pandoc. That's right. It's an orchestrator. Yeah,
01:03:41.040 | which, you know, on a bunch of good defaults. So like, it's kind of like what is to PyTorch,
01:03:45.760 | in a way. Right. It is this amazing foundational technology that's actually just too hard for
01:03:51.280 | people to get their head around. Yeah. Let's give you, like you said, good defaults, good ergonomics,
01:03:57.600 | you know, and it's the same sort of thing. But also, Pandoc, I had so many problems with it. Like,
01:04:02.800 | you know, when I used it, it just very often didn't quite work, you know. So you've also like,
01:04:08.560 | just made sure it works. Like, oh, you know, that's unfortunate. Okay, make sure that works. Yeah.
01:04:15.120 | So nbdev2 is basically like, should look very, very similar to nbdev1 except for the pipes after
01:04:27.680 | the comments. But it's dramatically faster. Partly because, well, partly because I wrote a lot of
01:04:38.400 | stuff myself from scratch by using the Python AST.parse stuff. So I'm working with the abstract
01:04:45.360 | insects directly. I'm making sure I only have a parse at once. I reuse the cache to AST, you know.
01:04:50.800 | And then partly because, you know, we leverage quarter, which is much faster than nbconvert.
01:04:58.720 | So it's much faster. And it's kind of the code base, even though it does a lot more,
01:05:05.760 | it's a lot smaller, you know, than nbdev. Again, by kind of like trying to build better foundations.
01:05:12.560 | Well, the interesting thing, I noticed the title of your blog post was Use Notebooks for Everything.
01:05:19.360 | And I, one thing that would be interesting to explore, so I kind of came up through this
01:05:26.880 | interactive computing metaphor, which was really defined by, have you heard of ESS,
01:05:34.240 | the emacs speak statistics? That was sort of this emacs mode for R and S, actually, originally,
01:05:41.760 | and then R. And it was like, one of the things that it sort of said, you want everything to be
01:05:48.320 | interactive and responsive, and you're always in a live session. The way they achieved that was
01:05:53.200 | through, rather than having a notebook, they did line by line execution. That's like the fundamental
01:05:58.240 | model is I select a line or a group of lines, and it can be smart syntactically, like, oh, I see the
01:06:03.520 | line continues. And you just edit lines, basically. And then at some point, you might, like you did,
01:06:08.800 | reorganize that into functions and so on and so forth. And so one of my questions was, and I think
01:06:14.800 | one of the most delightful and powerful things about notebooks for Python is that they give you
01:06:20.720 | this interactive development experience. I sort of see it, and you know, Smalltalk gives you an
01:06:25.520 | interactive development experience with yet another kind of way of organizing the interactive
01:06:29.840 | development. And so, you know, one of my questions is, and so we are building now, as we build tools,
01:06:35.440 | we have this tradition from R of this ESS drive, kind of like line by line execution.
01:06:41.520 | You see your side effects, maybe in another pane or in a console. And then we have notebooks,
01:06:46.560 | and we're sort of trying to do tooling for both. And one of my questions is, how much of what's
01:06:52.400 | amazing about notebooks, like, so there's multiple ideas wrapped up in notebooks. There's everything
01:06:57.440 | in one place, there's bundling output and, you know, and then there's interactive computing
01:07:01.360 | experience, and there's immediacy. Like, there's the thing that a lot of people hate, which is also
01:07:07.040 | state. And the state, right. And that's a side effect of it's all trade offs, you know, and the
01:07:12.320 | state, you know, so it's like, which, which I think of is actually part of what's excellent about
01:07:19.360 | notebooks, if you know how to leverage the state, it's actually, if you know how to leverage the
01:07:22.880 | state. Yeah, I mean, so it's like your file system, you know, your home directory, that is state,
01:07:32.080 | that's also when you CD into something, and you copy something, you know, it's, it's, it's,
01:07:36.960 | it's state. And this is your home, you know, you made this box, you created a side effect,
01:07:44.640 | and it happens to be a, you know, a model or a data set, it's like, this is what you, this is,
01:07:49.440 | you've created, I have it now. Yeah, you've created this environment to be in a state that
01:07:54.320 | you want it to be. Yeah, and we have. Yeah, it's funny, because we have some religion,
01:08:02.080 | you know, in our like, well, you need to, you need to, it's like, you need to be able to execute the
01:08:06.560 | thing from top to bottom and have it work every time. Sure. And so, but that, but then there are
01:08:11.040 | people who say to you, well, I don't really want to do that, because I actually, this was really
01:08:14.800 | expensive, you create this piece of state. And I don't so much want to have to bottom, you know,
01:08:20.240 | so, so, you know, there's, I think there's a little bit of people have tried to build,
01:08:24.240 | you know, the sort of way to split the difference. It's funny, when I, when I first
01:08:27.280 | encountered these ideas, I was like, wow, it's so messed up that there's all this state,
01:08:32.640 | I was like, Mathematica must have some solution for this, I went up to, I was at like,
01:08:36.080 | some conference, and I walked up to I said, how do you guys do this? Like, we don't,
01:08:39.760 | we just, you just execute, you know, it's like, okay, because it turns out, you know,
01:08:44.480 | if you want to solve that problem, it's its own quagmire. And people have reactive notebooks that
01:08:51.040 | essentially do solve the problem, but then are really painful to work with interactively,
01:08:56.160 | because as soon as you're doing anything that takes more than 10 seconds, you're now.
01:08:59.920 | Yeah, so can I tell you, yes, I'm happy. I can tell you a bit about my thoughts about,
01:09:04.160 | you know, that would love to that. So that's like the set the table of like all the stuff that's out
01:09:08.640 | there. And where do we go? Yeah. So so a lot of people are very into line by line based approaches
01:09:18.080 | in Python as well, particularly using the the IPython REPL. Yep. Yeah, so. And it looks
01:09:26.960 | basically identical to how people coded in an APL 50 years ago, except they used a teletype,
01:09:34.880 | you know, and it's based on that idea. And, you know, APL kind of invented that
01:09:40.240 | way of working. And, and APL was more than just a programming language, because it was your REPL,
01:09:49.840 | that was also how you would like text chat, there was an APL command for that, you know,
01:09:54.400 | like everything was, that was your, that was your OS, if you like. And there's nothing wrong with
01:10:02.240 | that. But we have, you know, there are there are other ways, right? And so a notebook,
01:10:07.920 | you can do it top to bottom, if you want to. But you don't necessarily want to, because
01:10:16.160 | it's often nice to go back and change something a little bit earlier, to answer the question,
01:10:23.600 | I wonder what happens if, right? And so you change that, you select the four cells underneath,
01:10:28.720 | and you hit shift enter to run those four cells, it's like, Oh, well, what if I did this? And,
01:10:33.280 | and then you kind of think, okay, let's try three different versions of that. So you copy and paste
01:10:38.240 | those three cells twice, and then you select them, and then you run those with two different versions,
01:10:42.800 | and then you compare, you're doing experiments, you know, and the artifacts of those experiments
01:10:48.720 | are right there, all in front of you. And that doesn't mean that then you're finished,
01:10:57.760 | right? Like, hopefully, you've learned something with that, that you're finding your understanding
01:11:01.600 | of the problem, right? So then you kind of package it up a little bit, you kind of say, Okay, well,
01:11:05.200 | for somebody reading this notebook, I want them to see these three different versions. And so like,
01:11:08.880 | maybe you put it into a little for loop, or maybe you create some kind of function to display it and
01:11:13.600 | put it on a graph or whatever. But it's, you know, for me, like there, there are two critical,
01:11:20.640 | critical keyboard shortcuts in notebooks, shift M and control shift hyphen, shift M merges two
01:11:26.160 | cells together, and control shift hyphen splits them apart. And so I'm always like, grabbing a
01:11:31.760 | single line of code, I'm running it, I'm exploring it, I'm, you know, assigning it to something I'm
01:11:37.840 | trying to change fiddling with that. And after a while, I've got three lines of, you know, normally
01:11:42.800 | almost my functions are three to four lines of code, I've got the three lines of four to four
01:11:46.560 | lines of code that do that thing. And I just shift M a couple of times, you know, indent the block
01:11:52.960 | underneath the death at a doc string. And then all those examples, they're all still there
01:11:58.640 | underneath. And so I had some pros before each one. And that's a nice way of working. Yeah, yeah. And
01:12:06.720 | like, and as you say, particularly in deep learning, like sometimes I'll be like, Okay, well,
01:12:11.600 | I want to show how we can interact with like, a language model. All right, let's run this for 10
01:12:20.000 | hours. You know, I come back in the morning and I've got a language model just where I want it. Yeah,
01:12:25.520 | you know, I mean, maybe that's not a great example, because I probably serialize that as a
01:12:31.040 | pickle file or something. But yeah, well, not necessarily want to run everything all the time.
01:12:35.200 | Yeah, an hour or 30 minutes might be. Yeah. Just make the point just as well. I think there's an
01:12:41.680 | issue, which is, it reminds me of my time in spreadsheets, you know, I have a huge fan of
01:12:46.720 | spreadsheets, even though a lot of people use them badly. Yeah. And I read a book 30 plus years ago,
01:12:58.160 | which is a book of spreadsheet style. And it was designed to be like, you know,
01:13:03.760 | what's that English style book? It's designed to be kind of like, you know, rather than grammar
01:13:12.960 | and style of English. It's kind of like, oh, sure, for spreadsheets. Yeah. And yeah, it explained,
01:13:20.320 | like, here's how you add careful auditing, error checking, self documentation, whatever the
01:13:27.440 | spreadsheets. And so ever since that, that, you know, I've tried to follow these rules so my
01:13:32.000 | spreadsheets. Yeah, it's, it's taking a very flexible tool and using that flexibility to
01:13:39.200 | create a process for using that tool, which works really well. Same with notebooks. If you,
01:13:44.800 | yeah, you can shoot yourself in the foot with them, but that doesn't mean we should tell people
01:13:49.200 | not to use them. Yeah, you should help people. You can shoot yourself in the foot with a .py
01:13:54.880 | file or sitting at the ipy file. Or a C++ file. Or a C++ file, definitely. So yeah,
01:14:01.200 | so we're kind of adding, like, more stuff, more and more stuff. So something that I've built as
01:14:05.440 | part of nbdev2 is something called execnb, which is something which is just a tiny, tiny little Python
01:14:12.240 | module that just runs notebooks. And, you know, you can parameterize the runs, you can, you know,
01:14:18.960 | it'll save the results back into the notebook, you know, with this idea that, like, you can very
01:14:24.160 | quickly and easily run some experiments, share the results with people. And nbdev repo, I mentioned
01:14:34.880 | it creates continuous integration for free. That continuous integration runs every notebook top
01:14:39.040 | to bottom. So if you're on notebooks, don't work top to bottom. As soon as you commit, you're going
01:14:43.840 | to find out. You're going to get an Instagram from GitHub. It's kind of harmless. It's harmless to
01:14:49.200 | create a local out-of-order notebook because it's going to get checked. Yeah. So, I mean,
01:14:53.760 | yes, you've diluted yourself temporarily, but there's a net. Yeah, exactly. That makes sense.
01:14:58.400 | Yeah. All right. So if I can come back to a quarto a bit, JJ, I wanted to understand
01:15:09.440 | where you're going with it and why. So you mentioned earlier that scientific programming
01:15:17.280 | is broadly speaking something you were trying to, like, improve. But quarto is not just scientific
01:15:24.800 | programming. You've got all this stuff about kind of scientific publishing as well. Yeah.
01:15:30.400 | So what are you trying to do with quarto and why are you trying to do it?
01:15:35.360 | Well, it's, and I would say it's, quarto is much more a scientific computing, you know,
01:15:41.200 | that's what RStudio and Tidyverse and, you know, Arrow and all those projects are about scientific
01:15:48.080 | computing. I'd say that quarto is very squarely about scientific communication. And I would say
01:15:55.760 | that there's a few things that just by working in the field for a little while, I have noted
01:16:01.600 | that I think like warrant significant improvement. So one is the fact that we have scientific
01:16:10.480 | communication for a lot of good reasons is very tied to print. And that the coin of the realm is
01:16:16.960 | these print articles. And that's fine. And there's good reasons for that. And there may even still
01:16:21.200 | be good reasons for that in the age of the web, where, where, for example, a PDF is a more durable
01:16:26.960 | entity than, you know, a website that might get taken down or have its links break, etc.
01:16:31.680 | But maybe, maybe not. Okay. So what I'm saying is I've certainly seen some discussions where
01:16:38.160 | people say it's not a terrible thing to have a self-contained representation of your whatever,
01:16:43.840 | better to have like a Docker image that can run everything anyway. But so very tied to print. And
01:16:50.160 | so one of the things is to help scientific communication take better advantage of the web
01:16:55.520 | while still not losing the focus on print. So not going completely like, hey, everything in now and
01:17:02.480 | in the future is web. But now all of a sudden, I actually can't write an article that I can
01:17:06.240 | publish with that with that mindset. So that's one, one piece, another piece, which was huge
01:17:12.400 | focus of the R community, which is reproducibility. And this idea that everything should be in a dot
01:17:17.120 | R, you know, in an R Markdown document that runs top to bottom, where your figures and your tables
01:17:21.520 | and your, your results and everything is all reproducible and produced by code. And so helping
01:17:27.840 | people do that is a big motivator. So let me come back to the first one, which is about scientific
01:17:33.760 | communication, making it more web friendly. Yeah, I guess like, why? Like, what's this got to do with
01:17:43.280 | R Studio? Or is this like, what's this got to do with you? Like, what do you, why do you care?
01:17:47.760 | Well, what I was asking you with me was that, to me, my own, my own kind of beginning of the
01:17:52.720 | Renaissance was the, the, the Bill James baseball abstract, eyes opened. And then I get to its
01:17:59.520 | politics and my mentor is, is, is demonstrate. He's also like, wow, we're making decisions that
01:18:06.000 | affect hundreds of millions of people with no evidence or making medical decisions with no,
01:18:11.760 | not or no evidence, probably an exaggeration, but really weak under, under rigorously prepared
01:18:18.560 | and under-evaluated evidence. And so to me, it's just like doing science. Well, has a lot of
01:18:25.840 | consequences. So this is like, this is a, this is a, this is a, this is a mission for you to do
01:18:34.640 | science better. That's right. And John Chambers in his book about, about, about RNS software for data
01:18:42.080 | science. He actually has this concept in there, which I used in all my slides. It's called the
01:18:46.720 | prime directive, which is basically like accurate, trustworthy computing of scientific results is the
01:18:53.600 | prime directive. It's really important for the same thing, for social policy, for medicine, for,
01:18:59.280 | you know, just safety. So that's it. I mean, I was really compelled by that. So helping people do
01:19:05.360 | science really well and communicate technical content and persuasion well is to me very, very
01:19:12.160 | compelling. Is there something about like accessibility there as well for you, like making it,
01:19:18.080 | like making science more accessible and making scientific publications, like more accessible?
01:19:24.960 | Not per se. I'm taking scientific communication at face value, that it serves whatever purposes
01:19:31.600 | it serves and has whatever virtues it has. I'm not, I don't, I'm not saying let's change that.
01:19:36.800 | That's not at least my thing, but I will say that another related influence was the, you probably
01:19:42.400 | read it, the Tufti has this pamphlet, which is the cognitive style of PowerPoint, you know,
01:19:49.760 | pitching out corrupts within, you know, and he sort of breaks down what's wrong with a lot of
01:19:56.560 | the way we communicate about technical information. And he sort of at the end, he says, you know,
01:20:02.240 | really what we should be doing is giving each other handouts that have analysis and evidence and data.
01:20:08.720 | We should be reading the handouts before the meeting, and then we should be talking about them,
01:20:12.160 | you know, not, not pitching, you know, bullets at each other. So I was compelled by that too. So I
01:20:17.920 | was sort of very compelled by the idea, like, let's give people tools to communicate effectively
01:20:27.200 | about technical matters and, and science. So that's, that's, that's very motivating to me.
01:20:33.840 | So just showing this, this is the Tufti. It's a really great, yeah, they have, there's a really
01:20:40.480 | fun, funny thing in there where he says, here's what the, was it the Gettysburg Address would be
01:20:45.840 | as a PowerPoint, you know, presentation. So, you know, it's, you know, similar ideas
01:20:52.320 | in, like, how Amazon do things. So, you know, they, they do a six page kind of memo.
01:21:02.800 | And of course, also Feynman, you know, in talking about the challenges,
01:21:08.560 | space shuttle disaster, felt like a lot of that problem came from complex ideas.
01:21:15.280 | We just saw your, and I think you just posted on your blog about this, the evidence update
01:21:20.560 | regarding masks and COVID-19. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Like, let's have a dialogue
01:21:26.240 | about a matter of public health importance and use evidence and communicate a commute,
01:21:32.320 | do technical communication really effectively. The reason I asked about accessibility is that,
01:21:36.400 | I mean, this, this, so this was an article that me and this team, this team and I wrote in April,
01:21:48.800 | early April 2020. So, you know, within a month really of the pandemic taking hold in the US.
01:22:01.680 | Well, within a month. But it wasn't published, I mean, it says here accepted December the fifth,
01:22:10.800 | and then I think it was published quite a bit later than that, maybe even.
01:22:14.560 | So, by the time this was available on the proceedings of the National Academy of Science,
01:22:22.640 | it was almost obsolete, you know. But what we did do was we also put it on,
01:22:34.720 | where it was there from, here we go, 10th of April. And these were very minor changes, right? So,
01:22:48.560 | and this version has received 439,000 views of the abstract and 98,000 downloads, which is the,
01:22:57.840 | by far the most viewed paper of all time. And, you know, the fact that that was much
01:23:09.120 | more, you know, if we compare it like. Let me, let me, let me re-answer a question,
01:23:16.320 | because when you say accessibility, I read that as the accessibility of the discourse. Can a lay
01:23:24.080 | person understand this? And that's not per se a goal, but it is. But accessibility in the sense
01:23:30.800 | of the way scientific publishing works, and the delays that are inherent in the progressive
01:23:39.600 | refinement of knowledge, and the various choke points that there are for publishing that gives
01:23:45.040 | people credit for their careers. That is all kind of pretty messy. I don't have good ideas about
01:23:52.240 | personally about how to resolve that, but a lot of people do. And a lot of people are working hard
01:23:56.640 | at that. And so it is motivating to me to build, if I could build a tool that's widely adopted for
01:24:03.440 | scientific communication, that I can marry that to good ideas that are out there, and easier to
01:24:09.520 | adopt. I mean, that's kind of why I asked, because, yeah, like, that's kind of the number one goal,
01:24:14.800 | even though we got to a third, but that's a hope that I have. Because like, I mean, so I, you know,
01:24:22.000 | to be clear, I hate thinking about talking about writing about or learning about masks, I find them
01:24:28.480 | tedious and annoying, but, you know, I have to, because other people aren't. And so I just, you
01:24:34.400 | know, I updated that paper quite recently. But I didn't put it on a journal, I put it on our website,
01:24:42.240 | because I felt this is more accessible. And also, because like, I just couldn't be bothered,
01:24:48.480 | like doing all that latex stuff, and real links to real, you know, anybody can click on it and go there.
01:24:57.120 | This is a goal we have, which we haven't, it's not evident yet, we're working on it,
01:25:02.480 | is that you should be able to basically create a blog like this, that's got this content, but
01:25:07.920 | and take this and repurpose that same content and send it to the journal. Exactly. That's,
01:25:11.680 | that's exactly what I want to do. It's like single source publishing, where you can be,
01:25:15.920 | you can almost be web first. And then, oh, look, we also know how to make, make LaTeX that you can
01:25:21.040 | submit to the, to the other places that you need to get this published. And I can show you how
01:25:26.080 | horrible this looks nowadays. So I did exactly that for I did a paper about vaccine safety with my
01:25:32.160 | friend Yuri Manner. So Yuri wrote a study, or was a senior author on a study, which for whatever
01:25:42.560 | reason, got picked up by the conspiracy theorists, well, as showing that vaccines are harmful. And so
01:25:53.520 | him and I got together to write a paper that said, basically said, here's what that paper actually
01:26:00.480 | says. So this is the paper here, LaTeX 2021. But again, after, you know, we actually wrote this
01:26:10.400 | probably in about April 2021. And in the end, I just, nobody had yet reviewed our submission.
01:26:17.840 | And so in October, I just kind of went, oh, fuck it, I'm just putting it on the web. So I had to
01:26:23.200 | take that LaTeX document and turn it into web. And I did use pandoc to help me. But as you can see,
01:26:30.880 | we end up with these like, oh, yeah, kind of references that I had to kind of paste them down
01:26:35.440 | at the bottom. And then here, let me show you go to the GitHub, or this will be out by the time this
01:26:41.600 | video broadcast, there's GitHub org called quarto dash journals. And this should show you yeah. So
01:26:51.040 | basically, we're working on journals. So you can see like, you know, if you go to one of those,
01:26:57.360 | let's see what it shows you. Yeah, so scroll down. Anyway, it's not it's not showing you but go to
01:27:03.840 | that go to that template that qmd file there. And you'll see sort of an example of, you know,
01:27:10.000 | you've got, you know, your metadata, your authors, your, you know, all the stuff you need to do,
01:27:15.440 | it's making the LaTeX that the journal wants, including get off and getting all the fiddly bits,
01:27:19.600 | right. But then the same exact content is going to render perfectly in HTML.
01:27:24.400 | That's great. It's gonna do everything that is going to do everything right. So that's I think
01:27:30.960 | the idea is, let's just write in quarto. And now we're going to be able to put it in on on the web,
01:27:36.400 | maybe web only, you know, but also that world of publishing my god, I was so shocked when I
01:27:42.800 | discovered how it works for this for this penis thing. And if the penis is, I think,
01:27:48.000 | like the third highest impact journal in the world. And so, you know, I thought like, oh,
01:27:51.920 | this is going to be a smooth professional experience. And, you know, I did the whole
01:27:56.640 | thing in Overleaf and LaTeX and bibtech and just fine, it was pretty easy. And thanks to Overleaf,
01:28:02.560 | you know, with all 19 of us authors could collaborate by working on different sections.
01:28:06.720 | And so then when it came to publishing it, you know, I had to upload the rendered PDF.
01:28:14.720 | Okay, so I uploaded the rendered PDF, I wasn't quite sure how that was going to help them.
01:28:18.640 | And then, you know, like, a while later, yeah, they contact me and say, like, okay, we now need you to
01:28:26.880 | like, look at these questions. They were basically they put annotations in the PDF, which is already
01:28:36.800 | kind of hard to work with. So I ended up trying to like reply in the PDF to the and then eventually
01:28:43.600 | they're like, okay, now you have to go through and look at the kind of camera ready document,
01:28:48.800 | whatever, and look at these things. And they sent me back a Word document. And they've taken the
01:28:53.360 | whole thing and redone it in Word. Yeah, just wait for it. So then, so then they're like, okay,
01:29:04.000 | they had a question about a reference. They're like, maybe this reference doesn't really make
01:29:08.720 | sense there. I think they said you're not allowed to use it because it violates some rule or
01:29:14.000 | something. I was like, I don't want to fight about this as far as this, fine, you can get rid of it.
01:29:17.760 | And they're like, okay, so what you need to do is remove that, then renumber all the references
01:29:22.480 | afterwards. Exactly. There's 150 references. And this is reference. Well, this is what yeah,
01:29:26.800 | this is what like a proper, you know, scientific markdown system will do that. We'll remember
01:29:32.240 | everything. So I just said, I just said no. I've made that change in the late tech is the PDF with
01:29:39.520 | the correction. Yeah, you fix it. Well, I almost view it as like, you have to give people tools that
01:29:47.120 | help them with the problems they have now. And, you know, which is I need to interact with all
01:29:51.760 | these journals and publishing systems. And then you have a chance to help them, you know, evolve
01:29:56.560 | what they do and help them do things they never thought were possible. So I think that's one of
01:30:02.160 | the reasons like we are focused on really tooling late tech well and letting you know, we're very
01:30:08.960 | focused on that, even though we think, wow, it should be great if we didn't have late tech,
01:30:12.480 | we're not we're not ignoring it, we're saying, okay, we'll tool that and but we'll also tool the web.
01:30:17.600 | And it'll be great. And we'll all get there eventually. So that's now can I ask some,
01:30:23.040 | I'm very, very excited about this, by the way, I love that, like, this is something I'm
01:30:28.320 | passionate about. Yeah, it like a kind of a slightly weird way in that like, I'm
01:30:32.880 | passionately anti how academia works to the level that everybody was assuming I would go into
01:30:39.280 | academia following school, and I refuse to know the basis that I didn't like how academia worked.
01:30:45.360 | Yeah. And I've now finally come full circle. I am actually a professor. But, you know,
01:30:53.200 | only because I'm able to do it on my terms, and I totally refuse to do any of the normal things.
01:30:59.120 | So that's, it's great to have you involved in this fight.
01:31:02.560 | Yes, we are going to be very involved. We have a couple of questions from the community.
01:31:07.280 | So, okay, so this one is actually asked to me, but I wouldn't mind asking it to you as well. And
01:31:15.360 | then I can come back to myself. This person said, for Jeremy, your productivity amazes many people,
01:31:22.640 | including myself, do you have any tips that might be valid in general? What does your usual day look
01:31:27.360 | like? Now, I feel the same way about you, JJ, I'm amazed at what you've done and what you do. And
01:31:34.000 | Hamill and I are both, you know, like, well, how does JJ do all these things so, so quickly? So,
01:31:42.000 | yeah, I'd love to hear your well, I would say that, to me, the main lever for productivity is not
01:31:53.920 | how fast you can code that that certainly helps. I think it's more what problems do I choose to solve
01:32:02.640 | and, and what order and at what level of depth, you know, to me, getting through a problem,
01:32:08.080 | or a problem domain is about making those choices. And there are side, side quests you can go on that
01:32:15.200 | waste three times the total effort required to actually solve the problem. So I think that a lot
01:32:19.040 | of that just comes from experience. So I think there's the choosing what problems to work on.
01:32:25.040 | And that I think you can you can you can level yourself up by talking over what you're planning
01:32:31.280 | to do with other people. And so I was thinking of trying to solve this and then this, and then they
01:32:35.040 | say, huh, well, why is that important? Isn't that only important to this? And couldn't you do, you
01:32:39.360 | know, so I think some dialogue helps inner dialogue is great. If you have a lot of experience, maybe
01:32:42.880 | you can get it done with mostly inner dialogue, but talking to people, I think tactically, so that I
01:32:47.520 | think then there's just throughput, how much, how much code, how many features can you write? And I,
01:32:53.280 | to me, the biggest thing is just, you know, several hours of completely distraction free time.
01:32:59.280 | So you kind of like turn off any notifications,
01:33:02.080 | turn off notifications, build up a stack, get your stacks, you got to get like a proper head of steam
01:33:08.560 | and not let your beat self be distracted. Do you work at an office or you work from home?
01:33:12.880 | I do, I do work at an office. Yeah. Yeah. And I found that to be to be helpful for that, for that
01:33:19.360 | purpose. I do, I do have a good setup for working at home too. And it's separate enough from the rest
01:33:25.440 | of the house that I can, I can approximate that pretty well at home too. But, but yeah, so I feel
01:33:30.560 | like, you know, I need to get four or five, six hours chunk of distraction free time. So then it
01:33:37.280 | helps just to batch up things like, okay, and you can even batch up things by the day. Monday, I'm
01:33:42.560 | going to do all the fiddly bits and distractions and calls and, you know, or Monday and Tuesday,
01:33:47.440 | I'll do that. And then I know Wednesday, I have nothing scheduled at all, Wednesday through Friday,
01:33:51.520 | and I can get to good focus. I mean, that is significantly more hours than most experts in
01:34:00.880 | creative fields. So they can achieve like normally four hours seems to be considered about what you
01:34:06.400 | can aim for as a best, like five or six is fantastic. Yeah. Yeah. Is that because they're
01:34:12.720 | because of just, just sustaining concentration? Yeah. Yeah. And it's not just in like, I mean,
01:34:18.960 | it's like in, in, in, yeah, like the, the kind of deliberate, you know, deliberate practice stuff.
01:34:27.360 | Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of what you're doing as well. Deliberate practice is normally what
01:34:33.280 | no, no, that's just a helpful, helpful genetic attribute that I have. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can't
01:34:39.280 | do that. You know, I, I very rarely could do four hours. I, you know, three is good for me.
01:34:47.200 | You try to get the three hours distraction free or? Yeah. I mean, and also,
01:34:55.120 | so I mean, my, my, my main thing by far is, is a deliberate choice I made as an 18 year old to
01:35:02.880 | spend on average, half of every day learning or practicing something new. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which
01:35:11.600 | is, yeah, it drives everybody I work with crazy pretty much because it makes you a very, very
01:35:19.520 | creative inventive, able to see around a lot of corners and solve problems in ways that people.
01:35:24.320 | Yeah. And I know, I know tools extremely well. All the keyboard shortcuts and all the tricks and
01:35:30.080 | whatever, and all the libraries. But it does mean, yeah, people are working with me and are like,
01:35:34.000 | okay, we're going to have this thing finished by Friday and you're, you know, learning. You're
01:35:38.880 | doing this programming language for no obvious, like what they need to look at it along the long
01:35:43.200 | view. And there's also means like, you know, very often using a tool I'm not very familiar with to
01:35:49.040 | do something, even though it would be five times faster to do it manually. Yeah. But yeah, like,
01:35:53.520 | it's definitely got me to a point now where I find, you know, the vast, you know, nearly everybody I
01:35:59.120 | work with, I, I just get things done, you know, often 10 times faster and it tends to work the
01:36:05.600 | first time. And I kind of often find what I do live coding or whatever people are like,
01:36:11.440 | oh, I didn't know that tool exists. So I didn't realize you're always looking for that way or
01:36:16.080 | an efficiency and yeah. And then so I think, yeah, I think something people would be surprised about
01:36:22.000 | with me, if people think of me as productive, how few hours of productive time I have a day,
01:36:30.080 | I spent a lot of time hanging out with my daughter and going for a walk on the beach and
01:36:35.120 | eating ice cream and, you know, like try to be in a good mindset to have a good, a good three hours.
01:36:43.600 | It's a very, very good three hours that you have that. Yeah. Not many people have good three hours
01:36:49.040 | that often. That's right. No, I, I see that a lot of people that I work with their days divided up
01:36:54.640 | into small bits and there's probably not three hours of even of engineering in there and they're
01:36:59.520 | all broken up. And yeah. And it's also a case of being good at saying no, like I very rarely do
01:37:05.440 | meetings. And if I do, I want it to be a good one. Like, like this, you know, like talking to somebody
01:37:11.840 | I really want to talk to you about things I really care about. And so generally somebody's like,
01:37:15.680 | can I get on your schedule for a half hour phone call? I'll say no. But, you know, if you send me
01:37:21.040 | some email, I will respond, you know. Yeah. Okay. So, you know, yes. So your brother apparently does
01:37:31.200 | some rapping. Somebody else wants to see you doing some rapping, JJ. That's not going to happen. Okay.
01:37:37.120 | So both, both of us, when making design or development decisions regarding nb dev two
01:37:45.120 | and quarto, were there any trade-offs you struggled with? Yeah, I would say two, two trade-offs. One
01:37:53.360 | was going back to the discussion we had earlier about leaky abstractions, how leaky an abstraction
01:37:59.200 | over pandoc should be, because our markdown actually fully, it's pretty fully abstracted
01:38:05.280 | pandoc. Like you just used all these R functions and you didn't even know pandoc was there. And if
01:38:11.200 | any given piece of functionality needed in pandoc, you know, you needed to address, you need some
01:38:17.680 | hacky way to work around the fact that we've written this wrapper. And so for quarto, I went
01:38:22.800 | with a more leaky abstraction, which basically says like everything that's in pandoc is kind of
01:38:27.520 | there pass through. Partly that's because pandoc had evolved. It used to be that it could only
01:38:33.360 | accept a lot of things by command line parameters. And so now it can take everything through YAML.
01:38:38.320 | And so like, it became a system that you could interact with more reasonably without a special
01:38:44.960 | wrapper. And so, you know, that I felt like if we decided to try to wrap it, it was going to be kind
01:38:52.400 | of a losing game, trying to keep up with everything people were trying to do was by making it leaky,
01:38:56.560 | we would sort of pre-roll on everybody's knowledge of pandoc and all the things that are in pandoc.
01:39:02.160 | So that was one. And the other one, I think, which we didn't really decide on until about a year into
01:39:07.440 | the project, was how much we should be batteries included, or how much we should be sort of
01:39:12.080 | extension and plugin driven. And you know, extension and plugin driven can be very dynamic,
01:39:18.000 | you know, like the JavaScript ecosystem just like keeps evolving every three months. And it's always,
01:39:22.560 | you know, on the other hand, it's really hard for people to get their bearings and, and, and things
01:39:27.520 | get. And so we went on batteries included, because we felt like we actually it was a somewhat bounded
01:39:35.040 | problem. There was a bunch of it was sort of known what the we looked at a bunch of systems said,
01:39:41.200 | it's a known feature set. And the users are not JavaScript engineers, they're analysts and
01:39:47.840 | scientists, they will appreciate batteries. I would say as a user, I've definitely appreciated that.
01:39:56.320 | I, yeah, I don't want to spend my time figuring out how to add a JavaScript based syntax highlighter
01:40:04.320 | and a JavaScript based table of contents and exactly how to modify the CSS to create a
01:40:10.320 | collapsible sidebar. I mean, nobody, yeah, nobody wants to do that. I mean, everybody needs all
01:40:14.960 | those things. So just, you know, you give it to me, but you do a good job of making sure I can
01:40:21.520 | replace it if I want to. And there are plenty of things that I've wanted to replace. And, and,
01:40:28.960 | you know, so very kindly, one of the first things you did for us was you added the IPYNB filter
01:40:33.840 | directive, where we now have a Python script that takes us, turn it in a notebook, and feeds back
01:40:42.720 | has turned it out a notebook into being modified. And by using that, we can totally do anything we
01:40:49.680 | like between that and the Lua filters on the AST. Yeah, there's nothing we can't do.
01:40:56.320 | Yeah, we just introduced recently, sort of a plot extensions, which is basically, it's Lua.
01:41:02.320 | Yes, they're installable, they're kind of easy to bundle. And so that's a nice, a nice.
01:41:08.960 | Yeah, Hamel and I were talking about that this morning. Alright, so if I answer to this question,
01:41:13.600 | I think, you know, the main one is actually not just about nvdev, but kind of everything we do,
01:41:19.600 | which is in Python, there's a schism between treating it as a kind of a static language that
01:41:27.680 | you write a bit like Java, versus a highly dynamic language that you write a bit like Lisp. And
01:41:36.800 | in my opinion, Jupyter is best for the latter. And in general, I like writing code using the latter
01:41:45.600 | approach. I like to, you know, I like exploratory code where I'm manipulating objects and
01:41:52.800 | taking advantage of metaprogramming and dynamic features. The Python community has very heavily
01:42:01.360 | leaned in towards the former, you know, so static typing, and a lot of very more enterprisey
01:42:11.120 | approaches to testing and documentation and lots of single use tools with their own
01:42:21.760 | concepts to learn and stuff, you know. So that's the big trade off we've made.
01:42:31.280 | Is to basically opt out of the usual way of doing things in Python to the extent where we're
01:42:37.840 | always starting to think, like, should we describe this as a different dialect of Python? Because
01:42:42.400 | it's not particularly recognizable to... And you wouldn't want people to expect, oh, I can just
01:42:48.480 | pour in all the stuff that I'm already using. Well, I mean, it interacts with it all fine,
01:42:53.520 | but you write it in a different way. So like, if you're used to using VS code and very heavily
01:42:58.720 | relying on static type annotations, you're not going to love our libraries because they're so
01:43:03.440 | dynamic that VS code doesn't generally know what the hell is going on. It just kind of gets confused.
01:43:08.320 | So, whereas in Jupyter, Jupyter always knows exactly what's going on because it can do real
01:43:14.160 | time introspection of the symbols. And, you know, this is something you've got to say about the
01:43:22.320 | Python community. There's this kind of basic principle that comes from Greedo, the original
01:43:29.520 | developer of Python, which is that ideally there should only be one way to do it. And
01:43:34.800 | I don't understand how this ever became a thing, because as soon as you say that you basically
01:43:42.080 | turn off innovation, because if you want to do something better, you're not allowed to,
01:43:45.840 | because you've just created a second way to do it. And so the Python community often is,
01:43:52.000 | you know, or at least this kind of core group is often quite anti fast AI stuff,
01:43:58.320 | because we're a second way to do it for all values of it. You know, we have a different way of
01:44:04.320 | testing, we have a different way of building libraries, we have a different way of doing
01:44:07.920 | types, we even have like a different way of, you know, we have a Julia inspired type dispatch
01:44:12.720 | system, like we do a lot of stuff inspired from non Python languages. And, you know, I think that's
01:44:22.080 | really problematic, whereas our seems to really, this seems a much more flourishing, welcoming and
01:44:29.840 | diverse community than the Python community does feel that way. And there's a lot of different
01:44:34.400 | there's a lot of variance in how people do things. And it's generally accepted. I would say, yeah,
01:44:39.280 | yeah, there's a lot of stuff where people are, people are always finding new ways to use the
01:44:46.800 | languages dynamic features to do express things differently. So yeah, yeah. So, you know, there's
01:44:55.600 | a lot of things I don't love about our and there's a lot of things I do love about our, you know,
01:44:58.880 | like you, I came out of the, you know, SAS, SPSS, Excel world, we used s plus, you know,
01:45:05.280 | back before I was really a thing in the previous startup. That was my world for so many years.
01:45:15.120 | And I wouldn't say I wouldn't go back to it. I don't, I like the language of Python more,
01:45:20.560 | but there's a lot of stuff I wish I could have, you know, everything that Hadley has written
01:45:26.000 | and the community, the documentation, the formula language. All right, we got one more each,
01:45:37.280 | if that's okay. Okay, sure. That's great. Yeah. All right, JJ, nb dev two is built on top of quarter.
01:45:46.480 | Do you have any other thoughts for stuff that might be able to build on top of quarter that
01:45:51.840 | would be interesting to I think a couple classes of thing and nb dev two is an exemplar one,
01:45:58.640 | which is I think of it as sort of generation of web content from software artifacts.
01:46:08.160 | So I have a software artifact. In this case, I have my notebook that defines a bunch of functions
01:46:14.880 | and exports things. And I can generate a website from that you could think of, you know, it has
01:46:19.760 | real time elements. So it's not a perfect analog, but like TensorBoard, there's these artifacts
01:46:24.560 | created in a directory, and then they create this web experience from it. And so I do think there's
01:46:29.280 | a lot of things in the Bioconductor project had this thing pre R markdown, but they have these
01:46:35.200 | S4 objects that were very complicated, they could have like gene sequences in them and all kinds of
01:46:40.400 | stuff. And if you just literally get you call it a function, pass the object, it makes a website
01:46:45.200 | from it, you know, so I think that this idea of having different types of software artifacts,
01:46:49.440 | and then just creating websites from them is really interesting. And obviously, like documentation for
01:46:54.480 | a software package is one variant of that, but there are other ones. And the other is, you know,
01:47:00.160 | we sort of promote, hey, look, you can make a website, you can make a book, but you can pretty
01:47:04.960 | much you can feed just about any publishing pipeline through, you know, from notebooks
01:47:10.480 | through quarter into the publishing pipeline. So like, you know, you if you've got a big Hugo
01:47:15.360 | website, you can you can pump markdown into that, or you have you're using confluence, and you need
01:47:21.280 | to put all your articles there, you can pump things. So start building these publishing pipelines
01:47:27.120 | downstream of Cordo to these other because, you know, it's great that you can easily make a website,
01:47:31.120 | but oftentimes you need to get it, you need to get your content somewhere else. And so, you know,
01:47:35.920 | hopefully, we can teach people how to do this, how to do this. I mean, it's all possible. I remember
01:47:40.080 | you guys asked about Docosaurus. And I was like, Oh, here's an example, you can totally like feed a
01:47:44.480 | Docosaurus site with Cordo. You know, I know how to do it, you know, I got to teach other people
01:47:49.920 | with you. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, great. And so then, my last question was, Jeremy, NBDev made literate
01:47:58.720 | programming in Jupiter feasible. NBDev2 improves upon that even further. What are some open
01:48:04.800 | research slash exploration areas that could help improve literate programming even further in the
01:48:10.000 | future? That was one of my questions, too. So that's good. All right, so I'm just gonna totally
01:48:18.480 | hand that over to somebody else much smarter than me, who's thought about it for long than me,
01:48:22.080 | which is Brett Victor. So Brett Victor has his talk from 2013 called The Future of Programming.
01:48:28.560 | And Brett talks about this idea of coding being, you know, trying to work with a direct manipulation
01:48:37.680 | of data. And so I think to me, you know, as I say, it's not so much about literate programming,
01:48:42.320 | it's about exploratory programming. And Brett's given so many great examples of directly manipulating
01:48:47.840 | things to code. But he actually shows his examples from the 60s, like Sketchpad, where Ivan Sutherland
01:48:54.480 | was directly drawing things on a display, believe it or not, to like create constraints and or to
01:49:00.880 | create automatic drawings. 69, a prologue based approach to kind of describing what you want.
01:49:15.760 | Pattern matching, Doug Engelbert's ideas from 1968. Again, like all like manipulating things
01:49:28.480 | on screen directly. Rand Corporation's grail of like building things up in this way. And of course,
01:49:36.480 | we've talked about small talk. And yeah, it's all interactive responses. And so people like Brett
01:49:46.720 | and Alan Kay talk about how we've somehow, you know, lost our ability to, you know, write things
01:50:01.760 | in like in environments that are more like this, you know, I mean, there's a classic example from
01:50:09.040 | Brett Victor, where he's designing a computer game, like a Super Mario style computer game.
01:50:16.160 | And he sets up this kind of time travel debugging type system, but it's actually shows you the exact
01:50:23.280 | way what would happen if somebody pressed the buttons you pressed in your game just now,
01:50:27.920 | and like shows you where the characters would all end up. And he like, modifies them in real time,
01:50:32.080 | and you see them moving. Yeah, this is like what it should feel like to work with code is it should
01:50:40.640 | feel like this artisanal real thing. We're pretty far. It's funny, we know books are great. And
01:50:47.280 | data science rebels are great. They are, they're probably like 15% along the way that they need.
01:50:55.200 | I'm pretty excited about working on those problems too. Brett had also a great example of he had this
01:51:00.800 | award winning iOS app for basically the train schedule, the bot schedule in San Francisco,
01:51:10.880 | and he showed this example in one talk, where he describes how you could have written the whole app
01:51:17.840 | entirely using a kind of graphical object system that's just totally unlike any coding that
01:51:26.960 | I've ever seen. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you, JJ.
01:51:33.200 | I appreciate it. Our two way AMA slash conversation. I think I did just reinvent the idea of a
01:51:40.560 | conversation. You have to see if you're gonna if you're gonna if you're gonna promote it as a two
01:51:46.640 | way AMA or conversation. Yeah. All right. Well, good luck with the last couple of weeks up to
01:51:55.280 | the launch. Yeah, absolutely. Well, thanks. And we're going to be launching right around the same
01:52:00.640 | time. So exactly the same time. It'll be fun. All right, mate. Take care of the rest of you. Bye.
01:52:06.240 | Thank you.
01:52:07.240 | [BLANK_AUDIO]