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What Money is | #shorts

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | At any given moment, what money is just seems like the natural state of the world, right?
00:00:07.360 | Most people, most of the time, don't really think about it.
00:00:10.380 | They just think, "Oh, yes, this piece of paper in my wallet, this number in my account, that's
00:00:14.100 | what money is.
00:00:15.100 | Fine, whatever.
00:00:16.240 | That's just the way the world works."
00:00:17.700 | But the lesson, the insight to me that was really interesting, exciting is that's not
00:00:22.880 | necessarily the way the world works.
00:00:24.440 | It didn't used to work that way.
00:00:25.680 | It'll probably be different in the future.
00:00:27.720 | And so that's what's fun.
00:00:29.280 | Money turns out to be this set of rules, this set of arrangements that a society agrees
00:00:35.840 | on without really realizing that they're agreeing on something quite often.
00:00:40.640 | It is kind of emergent and it's kind of bottom-up more than you might think, rather than let's
00:00:46.600 | have a constitutional convention and decide what money is.