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Lesson 13: Deep Learning Part 2 2018 - Image Enhancement


40:7 Language
40:37 Machine Learning can amplify bias.
46:11 Runaway feedback loops
48:8 Bias in Al: offensive to tragic
57:15 A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Welcome to Lesson 13, where we're going to be talking about image enhancement.
00:00:11.400 | Image enhancement would cover things like this painting that you might be familiar with.
00:00:15.880 | However, you might not have noticed before that this painting actually has a picture
00:00:20.920 | of an eagle in it.
00:00:22.760 | The reason you may not have noticed that before is that this painting actually didn't use
00:00:25.640 | to have an eagle in it.
00:00:28.280 | By the same token, actually, on that first page, this painting did not use to have Captain
00:00:31.780 | America's shield on it either.
00:00:34.600 | This painting did not use to have a clock in it either.
00:00:37.960 | This is a cool new paper that just came out a couple of days ago called "Deep Painterly
00:00:43.200 | Harmonization."
00:00:44.200 | It uses almost exactly the technique we're going to learn in this lesson with some minor
00:00:50.200 | tweaks.
00:00:51.200 | But you can see the basic idea is to take one picture, paste it on top of another picture,
00:00:57.040 | and then use some kind of approach to combine the two.
00:01:01.320 | And the basic approach is something called style transfer.
00:01:07.920 | Before we talk about that, though, I wanted to mention this really cool contribution by
00:01:14.160 | William Horton, who added this stochastic weight averaging technique to the FastAI library
00:01:20.240 | that is now all merged and ready to go.
00:01:24.160 | And he's written a whole post about that which I strongly recommend you check out, not just
00:01:27.560 | because stochastic weight averaging actually lets you get higher performance from your existing
00:01:33.680 | neural networks with basically no extra work.
00:01:37.440 | It's as simple as adding these two parameters to your fit function.
00:01:41.480 | But also he's described his process of building this and how he tested it and how he contributed
00:01:46.960 | to the library.
00:01:47.960 | So I think it's interesting if you're interested in doing something like this, because I think
00:01:55.080 | William had not built this kind of library before, so he describes how he did it.
00:02:02.140 | Another very cool contribution to the FastAI library is a new train phase API.
00:02:10.320 | And I'm going to do something I've never done before, which I'm actually going to present
00:02:14.560 | somebody else's notebook.
00:02:16.400 | And the reason I haven't done it before is because I haven't liked any notebooks enough
00:02:21.280 | to think they're worth presenting, but still has done a fantastic job here of not just
00:02:25.720 | creating this new API, but also creating a beautiful notebook describing what it is and
00:02:31.520 | how it works and so forth.
00:02:33.440 | And the background here is, as you guys know, we've been trying to train networks faster
00:02:41.880 | partly as part of this Dawnbench competition, and also for a reason that you'll learn about
00:02:46.760 | next week.
00:02:50.000 | And I mentioned on the forums last week, it would be really handy for our experiments
00:02:56.160 | if we had an easier way to try out different learning rate schedules and stuff, and I basically
00:03:01.160 | laid out an API that I had in mind.
00:03:04.280 | I said it would be really cool if somebody could write this, because I'm going to bed
00:03:09.120 | now and I kind of need it by tomorrow.
00:03:12.640 | And Sylvain replied on the forum, "Well, that sounds like a good challenge."
00:03:17.800 | And by 24 hours later, it was done.
00:03:21.680 | And it's been super cool.
00:03:23.120 | I want to take you through it because it's going to allow you to do research into things
00:03:30.500 | that nobody's tried before.
00:03:32.160 | So it's called the train phase API, and the easiest way to show it is to show an example
00:03:37.640 | of what it does, which is here.
00:03:41.880 | Here is an iteration against learning rate chart, as you're familiar with seeing.
00:03:48.560 | And this is one where we train for a while at a learning rate of 0.01, and then we train
00:03:53.300 | for a while at a learning rate of 0.001.
00:03:58.240 | I actually wanted to create something very much like that learning rate chart because
00:04:02.120 | most people that train ImageNet use this stepwise approach, and it's actually not something
00:04:09.920 | that's built into fast AI because it's not generally something we recommend.
00:04:14.040 | But in order to replicate existing papers, I wanted to do it the same way.
00:04:18.400 | And so rather than writing a number of fit calls with different learning rates, it would
00:04:23.280 | be nice to be able to basically say train for n epochs at this learning rate and then
00:04:28.400 | m epochs at that learning rate.
00:04:30.700 | And so here's how you do that.
00:04:32.420 | You can say a phase is a period of training with particular optimizer parameters, and
00:04:39.920 | it consists of a number of training phase objects.
00:04:43.040 | Training phase objects is how many epochs to train for, what optimization function to
00:04:49.360 | use, and what learning rate, amongst other things that we'll see.
00:04:54.080 | And so here you'll see the two training phases that you just saw on that graph.
00:05:00.240 | So now, rather than calling, you say with an optimizer scheduler
00:05:08.400 | with these phases, fit, opt, shed.
00:05:12.480 | And then from there, most of the things you pass in can just get sent across to the fit
00:05:17.040 | function as per usual, so most of the usual parameters will work fine.
00:05:22.560 | But in this case, generally speaking, actually we can just use these training phases and
00:05:27.280 | you'll see it fits in the usual way.
00:05:29.580 | And then when you say plot LR, there it is.
00:05:33.520 | And not only does it plot the learning rate, it also plots momentum, and for each phase
00:05:38.840 | it tells you what optimizer it used.
00:05:42.880 | You can turn off the printing of the optimizers, you can turn off the printing of mentums,
00:05:49.000 | and you can do other little things like a training phase could have an LR decay parameter.
00:05:54.840 | So here's a fixed learning rate, and then a linear decay learning rate, and then a fixed
00:05:59.240 | learning rate, which gives us that picture.
00:06:03.960 | And this might be quite a good way to train actually, because we know at high learning
00:06:09.640 | rates you get to explore better, and at low learning rates you get to fine-tune better,
00:06:16.400 | and it's probably better to gradually slide between the two.
00:06:20.000 | So this actually isn't a bad approach, I suspect.
00:06:26.260 | You can use other decay types, not just linear, so cosine, and this probably makes even more
00:06:30.960 | sense as a genuinely, potentially useful learning rate and kneeling shape exponential, which
00:06:39.160 | is a super popular approach.
00:06:43.240 | Polynomial which isn't terribly popular, but actually in the literature works better than
00:06:48.560 | just about anything else, but seems to have been largely ignored, so polynomial is good
00:06:53.200 | to be aware of.
00:06:54.200 | And what Sylvain's done is he's given us the formula for each of these curves.
00:06:59.520 | And so with a polynomial you get to pick what polynomial to use.
00:07:10.680 | So here it is with a different size.
00:07:15.640 | And I believe a p of 0.9 is the one that I've seen really good results for, FYI.
00:07:27.120 | If you don't give a tuple of learning rates when there's an LR decay, then it will decay
00:07:31.900 | all the way down to zero.
00:07:34.360 | And as you can see, you can happily start the next cycle at a different point.
00:07:44.240 | So the cool thing is now we can replicate all of our existing schedules using nothing
00:07:49.920 | but these training phases.
00:07:52.120 | So here's a function called Phases SGDR, which does SGDR using the new training phase API.
00:08:00.100 | And so you can see if he runs this schedule, then here's what it looks like.
00:08:05.580 | That is even done the little trick I have where you train at a really low learning rate
00:08:08.920 | just for a little bit, and then pop up and do a few cycles, and the cycles are increasing
00:08:12.400 | in length, and that's all done in a single function.
00:08:20.720 | So the new one cycle we can now implement with, again, a single little function.
00:08:28.920 | And so if we fit with that, we get this triangle followed by a little flatter bit, and the
00:08:35.880 | momentum has a momentum decay.
00:08:45.400 | And then here we've got a fixed momentum at the end.
00:08:48.840 | So it's doing the momentum and the learning rate at the same time.
00:08:54.360 | So something that I haven't tried yet that I think would be really interesting is to
00:08:58.720 | use differential learning rates.
00:09:02.160 | We've changed the name now to discriminative learning rates.
00:09:15.660 | So a combination of discriminative learning rates and one cycle, no one's tried yet.
00:09:20.960 | So that would be really interesting.
00:09:25.440 | The only paper I've come across which has discriminative learning rates uses something
00:09:29.680 | called Lars, L-A-R-S, and it was used to train ImageNet with very, very large batch sizes
00:09:38.440 | by basically looking at the ratio between the gradient and the mean at each layer and
00:09:46.600 | using that to change the learning rate of each layer automatically, and they found that
00:09:52.800 | they could use much larger batch sizes.
00:09:54.920 | That's the only other place I've seen this kind of approach used, but there's lots of
00:09:59.320 | interesting things you could try with combining discriminative learning rates and different
00:10:04.080 | interesting schedules.
00:10:06.680 | So you can now write your own LRFinder of different types specifically because there's
00:10:11.440 | now this stop div parameter which basically means that it'll use whatever schedule you
00:10:17.560 | asked for, but when the loss gets too bad it'll stop training.
00:10:22.680 | So here's one with learning rate versus loss and you can see it stops itself automatically.
00:10:37.700 | One useful thing that's been added is the linear parameter to the plot function.
00:10:44.480 | If you use linear schedule rather than an exponential schedule in your learning rate
00:10:50.280 | finder, which is a good idea if you're fine-tuned into roughly the right area, then you can
00:10:56.520 | use linear to find exactly the right area, and then you probably want to plot it with
00:11:00.600 | a linear scale.
00:11:01.880 | So that's why you can also pass linear to plot now as well.
00:11:07.460 | You can change the optimizer H-face, and that's more important than you might imagine because
00:11:15.560 | actually the current state-of-the-art for training on really large batch sizes really
00:11:22.200 | quickly for ImageNet actually starts with RMSprop for the first bit and then they switch to
00:11:27.600 | SGD for the second bit.
00:11:31.680 | And so that could be something interesting to experiment more with because at least one
00:11:37.800 | paper has now shown that that can work well.
00:11:41.720 | And again it's something that isn't well appreciated as yet.
00:11:50.080 | And then the bit I find most interesting is you can change your data.
00:11:54.120 | Why would we want to change our data?
00:11:56.080 | Because you remember from lessons 1 and 2 you could use smaller images at the start
00:12:00.000 | and bigger images later.
00:12:02.720 | And the theory is that you could use that to train the first bit more quickly with smaller
00:12:14.280 | images.
00:12:15.280 | And remember if you have half the height and half the width and you've got a quarter of
00:12:19.240 | the activations of basically every layer, so it can be a lot faster.
00:12:24.720 | And it might even generalize better.
00:12:28.360 | So you can now create a couple of different -- for example in this case he's got 28 and
00:12:33.000 | then 32 sized images.
00:12:34.440 | This is just sci-fi 10, so there's only so much you can do.
00:12:37.460 | And then if you pass in an array of data in this data list parameter, when you call fit.shed,
00:12:43.720 | it'll use a different data set for each phase.
00:12:49.000 | So that's really cool because we can use that now, like we could use that in our dorm bench
00:12:53.080 | entries and see what happens when we actually increase the size with very little code.
00:13:03.560 | So what happens when we do that?
00:13:06.920 | Well the answer is here in dorm bench training on ImageNet.
00:13:13.320 | And you can see here that Google won this with half an hour on a cluster of TPUs.
00:13:23.320 | The best non-cluster of TPU result is fastAI+ students under three hours beating out Intel
00:13:34.440 | on 128 computers, or else we ran on a single computer.
00:13:41.320 | We also beat Google running on a TPU.
00:13:47.600 | So using this approach we've shown the fastest GPU result, the fastest single machine result,
00:13:55.880 | the fastest publicly available infrastructure result, these TPU pods you can't use unless
00:14:01.800 | you're Google.
00:14:04.320 | And the cost is tiny, like this Intel one cost them $1200 worth of compute, they haven't
00:14:10.320 | even written it here.
00:14:12.200 | That's what you get if you use 128 computers in parallel, each one with 36 cores, each
00:14:19.840 | one with 140 GB compared to our single AWS instance.
00:14:26.080 | So this is a kind of a breakthrough in what we can do, the idea that we can train ImageNet
00:14:36.800 | on a single publicly available machine.
00:14:39.040 | And this $72, by the way, it was actually $25 because we used a spot instance, so one
00:14:45.200 | of our students, Andrew Shaw, built this whole system to allow us to throw a whole bunch
00:14:49.480 | of spot instance experiments up and run them simultaneously, and pretty much automatically.
00:14:55.480 | But Dawn Bench doesn't quote the actual number we used, so it's actually $25, not $72.
00:15:03.160 | So this data list idea is super important and helpful.
00:15:16.000 | And so our SciFi 10 results are also now up there officially, and you might remember the
00:15:22.560 | previous best was a bit over an hour, and the trick here was using one cycle, basically.
00:15:28.040 | So all this stuff that's in Sylvan's training phase API is really all the stuff that we
00:15:33.320 | use to get these top results.
00:15:35.400 | And really cool, another fast AI student who goes by the name here, BKJ, has taken that
00:15:43.840 | and done his own version.
00:15:47.360 | He took ResNet18 and added the concat pooling that you might remember that we learned about
00:15:51.880 | on top, and used Leslie Smith's one cycle, and so he's got on the leaderboard.
00:15:59.560 | So all the top three fast AI students, which is wonderful.
00:16:05.120 | And same for cost, the top three.
00:16:07.760 | And you can see paper space.
00:16:11.160 | So Brett ran this on paper space and got the cheapest result, just ahead of BKJ.
00:16:21.800 | Ben, his name is, I believe.
00:16:25.640 | Okay.
00:16:26.640 | So I think you can see a lot of the interesting opportunities at the moment for training stuff
00:16:34.480 | more quickly and cheaply are all about the learning rate annealing, and size annealing,
00:16:39.560 | like training with different parameters at different times, and I still think everybody's
00:16:43.720 | scratching the surface.
00:16:44.720 | I think we can go a lot faster and a lot cheaper.
00:16:48.520 | And that's really helpful for people in resource constrained environments, which is basically
00:16:53.520 | everybody except Google, maybe Facebook.
00:17:02.560 | Architecture is interesting as well, though.
00:17:04.000 | And one of the things we looked at last week was just like creating a simpler architecture,
00:17:08.120 | which is basically state of the art, like the really basic kind of dark-net architecture.
00:17:13.680 | But there's a piece of architecture we haven't talked about, which is necessary to understand
00:17:21.800 | the inception network.
00:17:23.360 | And the inception network is actually pretty interesting because they use some tricks to
00:17:31.080 | actually make things more efficient, and we're not currently using these tricks, and I kind
00:17:35.080 | of feel like maybe we should try it.
00:17:38.040 | And so this is -- the most interesting, most successful inception network is their Inception
00:17:42.880 | ResNet 2 network, and most of the blocks in that look something like this.
00:17:48.280 | And it looks a lot like a standard ResNet block, and there's an identity connection here,
00:17:53.120 | and then there's a conv-con path here, and then we add them up together.
00:18:00.160 | But it's not quite that, right?
00:18:06.100 | The first is that this path is a 1 by 1 conv, not just any old conv, but a 1 by 1 conv.
00:18:18.100 | And so it's worth thinking about what a 1 by 1 conv actually is.
00:18:24.040 | So a 1 by 1 conv is simply saying for each grid cell in your input, you've got a -- basically
00:18:31.960 | it's a vector, a 1 by 1 by number of filters tensor is basically a vector.
00:18:38.140 | So for each grid cell in your input, you're just doing a dot product with that tensor.
00:18:45.520 | And then of course it's going to be one of those vectors for each of the 192 activations
00:18:51.160 | we're creating.
00:18:52.160 | So you basically do 192 dot products with grid cell 1, 1, and then 192 with grid cell
00:18:57.800 | 1, 2 and 1, 3 and so forth, and so you'll end up with something which has got the same grid
00:19:03.640 | size as the input and 192 channels in the output.
00:19:09.160 | So that's a really good way to either reduce the dimensionality or increase the dimensionality
00:19:16.240 | of an input without changing the grid size.
00:19:20.260 | That's normally what we use 1 by 1 convs for.
00:19:25.020 | So here we've got a 1 by 1 conv and then we've got another 1 by 1 conv and then they're added
00:19:29.760 | together.
00:19:30.760 | And then there's a third path and this third path is not added.
00:19:35.920 | This third path is not actually explicitly mentioned but it's concatenated.
00:19:41.260 | And so actually there is a form of resnet which is basically identical to resnet but
00:19:46.520 | we don't do plus, we do concat.
00:19:49.920 | And that's called a densenet.
00:19:51.920 | So it's just a resnet where we do concat instead of plus.
00:19:56.300 | And that's an interesting approach because then the kind of the identity path is literally
00:20:04.040 | being copied.
00:20:05.040 | Right?
00:20:06.040 | So you kind of get that flow through all the way through and so as we'll see next week
00:20:11.680 | that tends to be good for like segmentation and stuff like that where you really want
00:20:16.200 | to kind of keep the original pixels and the first layer of pixels and the second layer
00:20:19.680 | of pixels untouched.
00:20:23.320 | So concatenating rather than adding branches is a very useful thing to do.
00:20:31.300 | And so here we're concatenating this branch and this branch is doing something interesting
00:20:36.000 | which is it's doing first of all the 1 by 1 conv and then a 1 by 7 and then a 7 by 1.
00:20:43.220 | So what's going on there?
00:20:46.440 | So what's going on there is basically what we really want to do is do a 7 by 7 conv.
00:20:54.280 | The reason we want to do a 7 by 7 conv is that if you've got multiple paths, each of
00:20:59.200 | which has different kernel sizes, then it's able to look at different amounts of the image.
00:21:07.040 | And so like the original inception network had like a 1 by 1, a 3 by 3, a 5 by 5, 7 by
00:21:12.160 | 7 kind of getting concatenated in together, something like that.
00:21:17.360 | And so if we can have a 7 by 7 filter then we get to kind of look at a lot of the image
00:21:22.320 | at once and create a really rich representation.
00:21:25.880 | And so actually the stem of the inception network, that is the first few layers of the
00:21:33.080 | inception network actually also use this kind of 7 by 7 conv because you start out with
00:21:40.280 | 224 by 224 by 3 and you want to turn it into something that's like 112 by 112 by 64.
00:21:48.880 | And so by using a 7 by 7 conv you can get a lot of information in each one of those outputs
00:21:54.800 | to get those 64 filters.
00:21:57.200 | But the problem is that 7 by 7 conv is a lot of work.
00:22:05.000 | We've got 49 kernel values to multiply by 49 inputs for every input pixel across every
00:22:13.840 | channel.
00:22:16.160 | So the compute is crazy, you know.
00:22:19.480 | You can kind of get away with it maybe for the very first layer and in fact the very
00:22:23.880 | first layer, the very first conv of ResNet is a 7 by 7 conv.
00:22:31.400 | But not so for Inception, for Inception they don't do a 7 by 7 conv.
00:22:37.000 | Instead they do a 1 by 7 followed by a 7 by 1.
00:22:42.520 | And so to explain, the basic idea of the inception networks, all of the different versions of
00:22:48.360 | it, is that you have a number of separate paths which have different convolution widths.
00:22:55.200 | In this case conceptually the idea is this is a 1 by 1 convolution width and this is
00:22:59.680 | going to be a 7 convolution width.
00:23:02.360 | And so they're looking at different amounts of data and then we combine them together.
00:23:09.840 | But we don't want to have a 7 by 7 conv throughout the network because it's just too computationally
00:23:16.840 | expensive.
00:23:19.440 | But if you think about it, if we've got some input coming in and we have some big filter
00:23:28.920 | that we want and it's too big to deal with, what could we do?
00:23:33.760 | Let's make it a little bit less drawing, let's do 5 by 5.
00:23:38.440 | What we can do is to create two filters, one which is 1 by 5, one which is 5 by 1, or 7
00:23:51.880 | or whatever, or 9.
00:23:55.000 | So we take our activations, the previous layer, and we put it through the 1 by 5.
00:24:03.040 | We take the activations out of that and put it through the 5 by 1, and something comes
00:24:09.160 | out the other end.
00:24:10.680 | What comes out the other end?
00:24:12.520 | Well rather than thinking of it as first of all we take the activations, then we put it
00:24:18.640 | through the 5 by 1, then we put it through the 1 by 5, then the 5 by 1.
00:24:25.200 | What if instead we think of these two operations together and say what is a 5 by 1 dot product
00:24:35.760 | and a 1 by 5 dot product do together?
00:24:40.800 | And effectively you could take a 1 by 5 and a 5 by 1, and the outer product of that is
00:24:47.640 | going to give you a 5 by 5.
00:24:56.980 | You can't create any possible 5 by 5 matrix by taking that product, but there's a lot
00:25:04.160 | of 5 by 5 matrices that you can create.
00:25:07.620 | And so the basic idea here is when you think about the order of operations, and I'm not
00:25:12.320 | going to go into the detail of this, if you're interested in more of the theory here, you
00:25:16.640 | should check out Rachel's Numerical Linear Algebra course, which is basically a whole
00:25:21.600 | course about this stuff.
00:25:25.000 | But conceptually the idea is that very often the computation you want to do is actually
00:25:33.140 | more simple than an entire 5 by 5 convolution.
00:25:39.320 | Very often the term we use in linear algebra is that there's some lower rank approximation.
00:25:46.180 | In other words, the 1 by 5 and 5 by 1 combined together, that 5 by 5 matrix is nearly as
00:25:52.520 | good as the 5 by 5 matrix you ideally would have computed if you were able to.
00:26:00.080 | And so this is very often the case in practice, just because the nature of the real world
00:26:07.760 | is that the real world tends to have more structure than randomness.
00:26:17.400 | So the cool thing is, if we replace our 7 by 7 conv with a 1 by 7 and a 7 by 1, then this
00:26:32.560 | has 14 dot products to do, whereas this one has 49 to do.
00:26:49.440 | So it's just going to be a lot faster, and we have to hope that it's going to be nearly
00:26:54.200 | as good.
00:26:55.200 | It's certainly capturing as much width of information by definition.
00:27:01.000 | So if you're interested in learning more about this specifically in the deep learning area,
00:27:04.040 | you can Google for factored convolutions.
00:27:07.680 | The idea was to come up with three or four years ago now, it's probably been around for
00:27:12.960 | longer but that was when I first saw it, and it turned out to work really well and the
00:27:17.220 | Inception network uses it quite widely.
00:27:22.680 | They actually use it in their stem.
00:27:27.040 | It's interesting actually, we've talked before about how we tend to say like there's this
00:27:34.640 | main backbone, like when we have ResNet34 for example, we say there's this main backbone
00:27:41.240 | which is all of the convolutions.
00:27:43.400 | And then we've talked about how we can add on to it a custom head.
00:27:47.860 | And that tends to be like a max pooling layer and a fully connected layer.
00:27:55.500 | It's actually kind of better to talk about the backbone as containing kind of two pieces.
00:28:01.560 | One is the stem, and then the other is kind of the main backbone.
00:28:11.080 | And the reason is that the thing that's coming in, remember it's only got three channels,
00:28:17.220 | and so we want some sequence of operations that's going to expand that out into something
00:28:22.280 | richer, generally something like 64 channels.
00:28:24.920 | And so in ResNet, the stem is just super simple.
00:28:29.460 | It's a 7x7 conv, a stride 2 conv, followed by a stride 2 max pool.
00:28:36.960 | I think that's it if memory says it correctly.
00:28:40.000 | In Inception they have a much more complex stem with multiple paths, getting combined
00:28:45.320 | and concatenated, including factored comms, 1x7 and 7x1.
00:28:56.080 | What would happen if you stuck a standard ResNet on top of an InceptionStem, for instance?
00:29:03.880 | I think that would be a really interesting thing to try because an InceptionStem is quite
00:29:09.960 | a carefully engineered thing.
00:29:11.600 | And this thing of how do you take your three-channel input and turn it into something richer seems
00:29:15.820 | really important.
00:29:17.840 | And all of that work seems to have got thrown away for ResNet.
00:29:22.420 | We like ResNet.
00:29:23.420 | It works really well.
00:29:24.420 | But what if we put a denseNet backbone on top of an InceptionStem?
00:29:31.320 | Or what if we replaced the 7x7 conv with a 1x7 7x1 factored conv in a standard ResNet?
00:29:39.440 | I don't know.
00:29:40.440 | We could try it.
00:29:41.440 | I think it would be really interesting.
00:29:44.080 | So there's some more thoughts about potential research directions.
00:29:53.160 | So that was kind of my little bunch of random stuff section.
00:30:00.560 | Moving a little bit closer to the actual main topic of this, which is -- what was the word
00:30:07.320 | I used?
00:30:08.360 | Image enhancement.
00:30:11.840 | I'm going to talk about a new paper briefly because it really connects what I just discussed
00:30:17.900 | with what we're going to discuss next.
00:30:20.800 | And the new paper -- well, it's not that new, maybe it's a year old.
00:30:26.120 | It's a paper on progressive GANs, which came from NVIDIA.
00:30:32.880 | And the progressive GANs paper is really neat.
00:30:37.240 | It basically -- sorry, Rachel, yes.
00:30:40.000 | We have a question.
00:30:41.760 | One-by-one conv is usually called a network within a network in the literature.
00:30:46.420 | What is the intuition of such a name?
00:30:49.520 | Network in network is more than just a one-by-one conv.
00:30:55.320 | It's part of an IN.
00:30:56.680 | And I don't think there's any particular reason to look at that that I'm aware of.
00:31:06.600 | Okay.
00:31:12.120 | So the progressive GAN basically takes this idea of gradually increasing the image size.
00:31:21.320 | It's the only other direction I'm aware of where people have gradually increased the
00:31:27.520 | image size.
00:31:28.520 | And it kind of surprises me because this paper is actually very popular and very well-known
00:31:33.100 | and very well-liked.
00:31:34.560 | And yet people haven't taken the basic idea of gradually increasing the image size and
00:31:37.880 | use it anywhere else, which shows you the general level of creativity you can expect
00:31:42.880 | to find in the deep learning research community, perhaps.
00:31:48.180 | So they really go back.
00:31:51.600 | Start with the 4x4 GAN, literally, they're trying to replicate 4x4 pixels, and then 8x8.
00:31:59.200 | And so here's the 8x8 pixels.
00:32:01.080 | This is the celeb A dataset.
00:32:02.720 | So we're trying to recreate pictures of celebrities.
00:32:05.280 | And then they go 60x16, and then 32, and then 64, and then 128, and then 256.
00:32:12.960 | And one of the really nifty things they do is that as they increase size, they also add
00:32:19.000 | more layers to the network, which kind of makes sense, because if you're doing a more
00:32:24.200 | of a resnetty type thing, then you're spitting out something which hopefully makes sense
00:32:29.600 | in each grid cell size, and so you should be able to layer stuff on top.
00:32:34.560 | And they do another nifty thing where they add a skip connection when they do that, and
00:32:41.000 | they gradually change a linear interpolation parameter that moves it more and more away
00:32:45.640 | from the old 4x4 network and towards the new 8x8 network.
00:32:51.320 | And then once they've totally moved it across, they throw away that extra connection.
00:32:56.080 | So the details don't matter too much, but it uses the basic ideas we've talked about
00:33:00.840 | gradually increasing the image size, skip connections and stuff.
00:33:05.200 | But it's a great paper to study because it's one of these rare things where good engineers
00:33:12.320 | actually built something that just works in a really sensible way.
00:33:15.320 | It's not surprising, this actually comes from Nvidia themselves.
00:33:18.640 | So Nvidia don't do a lot of papers, but it's interesting that when they do, they build
00:33:22.400 | something that's so thoroughly practical and sensible.
00:33:26.120 | And so I think it's a great paper to study if you want to put together lots of the different
00:33:33.240 | things we've learned.
00:33:36.220 | And there aren't many re-implementations of this, so it's an interesting thing to project,
00:33:43.320 | and maybe you could build on and find something else.
00:33:46.000 | So here's what happens next.
00:33:47.840 | We eventually go up to 1024x1024, and you'll see that the images are not only getting higher
00:33:52.640 | resolution but they're getting better.
00:33:54.440 | And so 1024x1024, I'm going to see if you can guess which one of the next page is fake.
00:34:06.680 | They're all fake.
00:34:08.920 | That's the next stage.
00:34:09.920 | You go up, up, up, up, up, up, up, and then boom.
00:34:16.600 | So like, dans and stuff are getting crazy, and some of you may have seen this during
00:34:25.220 | the week.
00:34:29.200 | Yeah, so this video just came out, and it's a speech by Barack Obama, and let's check
00:34:39.080 | it out.
00:34:40.080 | So like Jordan Peele, this is a dangerous time.
00:34:48.040 | Moving forward, we need to be more vigilant with what we trust from the internet.
00:34:51.960 | It's a time when we need to rely on trusted news sources.
00:34:56.480 | It may sound basic, but how do we move forward?
00:35:02.740 | So as you can see, they've used this kind of technology to literally move Obama's face
00:35:13.200 | in the way that Jordan Peele's face was moving.
00:35:17.800 | You basically have all the techniques you need now to do that.
00:35:24.500 | So is that a good idea?
00:35:31.740 | So this is the bit where we talk about what's most important, which is like, now that we
00:35:37.160 | can do all this stuff, what should we be doing, and how do we think about that?
00:35:49.400 | And the TODR version is, I actually don't know.
00:35:55.640 | Actually a lot of you saw the founders of the Spacey Prodigy folks, founders of explosion
00:36:02.320 | AI, I did a talk with Matthew, and I went to dinner with them afterwards, and we basically
00:36:08.000 | spent the entire evening talking, debating, arguing about what does it mean that companies
00:36:15.920 | like ours are building tools that are democratizing access to tools that can be used in harmful
00:36:24.600 | ways.
00:36:25.600 | They're incredibly thoughtful people, and I wouldn't say we didn't agree, we just couldn't
00:36:34.240 | come to a conclusion ourselves.
00:36:35.680 | So I'm just going to lay out some of the questions and point to some of the research.
00:36:42.640 | And when I say research, most of the actual literature review and putting this together
00:36:47.320 | was done by Rachel.
00:36:53.040 | We start by saying the models we build are often pretty shitty in ways which are not
00:37:02.360 | immediately apparent, and you won't know how shitty they are unless the people that are
00:37:07.900 | building them with you are a range of people, and the people that are using them with you
00:37:12.620 | are a range of people.
00:37:14.120 | So for example, a couple of wonderful research is Timnett's at Stanford.
00:37:20.080 | Where's Joy?
00:37:21.080 | Joy is from MIT.
00:37:29.440 | So Joy and Timnett did this really interesting research where they looked at some basically
00:37:36.120 | off-the-shelf face recognizers, one from Face++ which is a huge Chinese company, IBM's and
00:37:42.960 | Microsoft's, and they looked for a range of different face types.
00:37:48.960 | And generally speaking, the Microsoft one in particular was incredibly accurate unless
00:37:53.680 | the face type happened to be dark-skinned when suddenly it went 25 times worse, got it wrong
00:38:03.000 | nearly half the time.
00:38:05.800 | And for somebody to, a big company like this, to release a product that for a very, very
00:38:15.360 | large percentage of the world basically doesn't work, it's more than a technical failure, right?
00:38:22.520 | It's a really deep failure of understanding what kind of team needs to be used to create
00:38:29.160 | such a technology and to test such a technology, or even an understanding of who your customers
00:38:35.720 | Yeah, some of your customers have dark skin.
00:38:38.200 | Yes, Rachel?
00:38:39.200 | I was also going to add that the classifiers all did worse on women than on men.
00:38:45.520 | Shocking.
00:38:46.520 | Yeah.
00:38:47.520 | It's funny, actually, Rachel tweeted about something like this the other day, and some
00:38:54.520 | guy was like, "What's this all about, what are you saying, don't you know about, people
00:39:02.080 | made cars for a long time, you're saying you don't need women to make cars too?"
00:39:05.800 | And Rachel pointed out, "Well, actually, yes, for most of the history of car safety, women
00:39:12.880 | in cars have been far, far more at risk of death than men in cars because the men created
00:39:19.920 | male-looking, feeling-sized crash test dummies.
00:39:24.120 | And so car safety was literally not tested on women-sized bodies.
00:39:28.540 | So the fact that shitty product management with a total failure of diversity and understanding
00:39:34.280 | is not new to our field."
00:39:36.280 | And I was just going to say, that was comparing impacts of similar strength, men and women.
00:39:43.520 | Yeah, I don't know why.
00:39:45.360 | Whenever you say something on Twitter, Rachel has to say this, because any time you say
00:39:49.080 | something like this on Twitter, there's like 10 people who'll be like, "Oh, you have to
00:39:52.120 | compare all these other things," as if we didn't know that.
00:39:55.800 | Other things our very best, most famous systems do, like Microsoft's Face Recognizer or Google's
00:40:08.920 | Language Translator, you turn "she is a doctor, he is a nurse" into Turkish, and quite correctly,
00:40:15.320 | both the pronouns become "oh," because there's no gendered pronouns in Turkish.
00:40:20.320 | So go the other direction, "I'll be a doctor" -- I don't know how to say that, the equivalent
00:40:27.440 | for Turkish nurse.
00:40:28.440 | And what does it get turned into?
00:40:29.440 | "He is a doctor, she is a nurse."
00:40:32.160 | So we've got these kind of biases built into tools that we're all using every day.
00:40:39.000 | And again, people are like, "Oh, it's just showing us what's in the world, and well,
00:40:42.480 | okay, there's lots of problems with that basic assertion," but as you know, machine learning
00:40:47.760 | algorithms love to generalize.
00:40:50.120 | And so because they love to generalize -- this is one of the cool things about you guys knowing
00:40:54.420 | the technical details now -- because they love to generalize, when you see something like
00:40:59.680 | 60% of people cooking are women in the pictures they use to build this model, and then you
00:41:04.620 | actually run the model on a separate set of pictures, then 84% of the people they choose
00:41:10.840 | as cooking are women rather than the correct 67%, which is like a really understandable
00:41:18.020 | thing for an algorithm to do, is it took a biased input and created a more biased output
00:41:26.040 | because for this particular loss function, that's kind of where it ended up.
00:41:31.280 | And this is a really common kind of model amplification.
00:41:40.260 | So this stuff matters.
00:41:44.960 | It matters in ways more than just awkward translations, or like black people's photos
00:41:55.080 | not being classified correctly, or maybe there's some wins too as well, like horrifying surveillance
00:42:02.260 | everywhere maybe won't work on black people, I don't know.
00:42:05.880 | Or it'll be even worse because it's horrifying surveillance and it's flat-out racist and
00:42:11.920 | wrong.
00:42:12.920 | But let's go deeper, right?
00:42:20.880 | For all we say about human failings, there's a long history of civilization and societies
00:42:30.840 | creating layers of human judgment which avoid hopefully the most horrible things happening.
00:42:38.080 | And sometimes companies which love technology think "let's throw away the humans and replace
00:42:44.320 | them with technology like Facebook did."
00:42:47.080 | So two or three years ago, Facebook literally got rid of their human editors, like this
00:42:52.760 | was in the news at the time, and they were replaced with algorithms.
00:42:56.720 | And so now it's algorithms that put all the stuff on your newsfeed and human editors right
00:43:01.920 | at the loop.
00:43:03.200 | What happened next?
00:43:04.920 | Many things happened next.
00:43:06.440 | One of which was a massive horrifying genocide in Myanmar.
00:43:13.240 | Babies getting torn out of their mother's arms and thrown onto fires, mass rape, murder,
00:43:19.880 | and an entire people exiled from their homeland.
00:43:26.240 | I'm not going to say that was because Facebook did this, but what I will say is that when
00:43:33.360 | the leaders of this horrifying project are interviewed, they regularly talk about how
00:43:41.280 | everything they learned about the disgusting animal behaviors of Rohingya that need to
00:43:46.880 | be thrown off the earth, they learned from Facebook.
00:43:50.760 | Because the algorithms just want to feed you more stuff that gets you clicking.
00:43:56.000 | And so if you get told these people that don't look like you and you don't know are bad people
00:44:01.040 | and here's lots of stories about the bad people, and then you start clicking on them and then
00:44:04.720 | they feed you more of those things, the next thing you know you have this extraordinary
00:44:09.120 | cycle.
00:44:10.120 | And people have been studying this.
00:44:12.520 | So for example, we've been told a few times people click on our fast AI videos and then
00:44:18.840 | the next thing recommended to them is conspiracy theory videos from Alex Jones and then that
00:44:25.680 | continues there.
00:44:26.680 | Because humans click on things that shock us and surprise us and horrify us.
00:44:34.240 | And so at so many levels, this decision has had extraordinary consequences which we're
00:44:44.320 | only beginning to understand.
00:44:46.400 | And again, this is not to say this particular consequence is because of this one thing,
00:44:51.840 | but to say it's entirely unrelated would be clearly ignoring all of the evidence and information
00:44:59.720 | that we have.
00:45:01.880 | So this is really kind of the key takeaway is to think like, what are you building and
00:45:11.760 | how could it be used?
00:45:13.960 | So lots and lots of effort now being put into face detection, including in our course, we've
00:45:24.000 | been spending a lot of time thinking about how to recognize stuff and where it is.
00:45:29.120 | And there's lots of good reasons to want to be good at that, for improving crop yields
00:45:34.680 | in agriculture, for improving diagnostic and treatment planning in medicine, for improving
00:45:40.080 | your Lego sorting robot system, whatever.
00:45:47.760 | But it's also being widely used in surveillance and propaganda and disinformation, and again,
00:45:59.920 | the question is what do I do about that?
00:46:02.640 | I don't exactly know, but it's definitely at least important to be thinking about it,
00:46:09.000 | talking about it, and sometimes you can do really good things.
00:46:14.520 | For example, did something which I would put in the category of really good
00:46:20.280 | thing, which is they recognized early a potential problem, which is that more men were tending
00:46:29.320 | to go to their meetups.
00:46:32.200 | And that was causing their collaborative filtering systems, which you're all familiar with building
00:46:38.280 | now, to recommend more technical content to men.
00:46:44.760 | And that was causing more men to go to more technical content, which is causing the recommendation
00:46:49.320 | systems to suggest more technical content to men.
00:46:53.960 | And this kind of runaway feedback loop is extremely common when we interface the algorithm
00:47:00.760 | and the human together.
00:47:03.400 | So what did meetup do? They intentionally made the decision to recommend more technical
00:47:10.600 | content to women, not because of some highfalutin idea about how the world should be, but just
00:47:20.240 | because that makes sense.
00:47:22.640 | The runaway feedback loop was a bug.
00:47:26.760 | There are women that want to go to tech meetups, but when you turn up to a tech meetup and
00:47:30.160 | it's all men, then you don't go and it recommends more men, and so on and so forth.
00:47:36.520 | So meetup made a really strong product management decision here, which was to not do what the
00:47:42.680 | algorithm said to do.
00:47:45.360 | Unfortunately, this is rare.
00:47:48.320 | Most of these runaway feedback loops, for example in predictive policing, where algorithms
00:47:53.680 | tell policemen where to go, which very often is more black neighborhoods, which end up
00:47:58.600 | crawling with more policemen, which leads to more arrests, which has assistance to tell
00:48:02.560 | more policemen to go to more black neighborhoods, and so forth.
00:48:09.560 | So this problem of algorithmic bias is now very widespread, and as algorithms become
00:48:20.960 | more and more widely used for specific policy decisions, judicial decisions, day-to-day decisions
00:48:30.000 | about who to give what offer to, this just keeps becoming a bigger problem.
00:48:40.960 | And some of them are really things that the people involved in the product management
00:48:47.480 | decision should have seen at the very start didn't make sense and were unreasonable under
00:48:53.800 | any definition of the term.
00:48:55.440 | For example, this stuff that I had gone and pointed out, these were questions that were
00:49:01.900 | used to decide - Rachel, is this Sentencing Guidelines?
00:49:08.360 | This software is used for both pretrial, so who it was required to post bail, so these
00:49:13.760 | are people that haven't even been convicted, as well as for sentencing and for who gets
00:49:18.200 | parole, and this was upheld by the Wisconsin Supreme Court last year, despite all the flaws
00:49:23.760 | pointed out.
00:49:25.480 | So whether you have to stay in jail because you can't pay the bail and how long your sentence
00:49:31.920 | is for and how long you stay in jail for depends on what your father did, whether your parents
00:49:38.680 | stayed married, who your friends are, and where you live.
00:49:43.920 | Now it turns out these algorithms are actually terribly, terribly bad, so some recent analysis
00:49:51.740 | showed that they're basically worse than chance, but even if the companies building them were
00:49:56.480 | confident and these were statistically accurate correlations, does anybody imagine there's
00:50:03.440 | a world where it makes sense to decide what happens to you based on what your dad did?
00:50:14.480 | So a lot of this stuff at the basic level is obviously unreasonable, and a lot of it
00:50:23.800 | just fails in these ways, but you can see empirically that these runaway feedback loops
00:50:28.760 | must have happened, and these overgeneralizations must have happened.
00:50:31.920 | For example, these are the kind of cross tabs that anybody working in these fields, in any
00:50:37.760 | field that's using algorithms, should be preparing.
00:50:41.160 | So prediction of likelihood of reoffending for black versus white defendants, we can
00:50:51.640 | just calculate this very simply.
00:50:54.480 | Of the people that were labeled high risk but didn't reoffend, there were 23.5% white,
00:51:04.760 | but about twice that African American, whereas those that were labeled lower risk but did
00:51:11.640 | reoffend was like half the white people and only 20% of the African American.
00:51:19.600 | So this is the kind of stuff where at least if you're taking the technologies we've been
00:51:25.240 | talking about and putting the production in any way, or building an API for other people,
00:51:33.240 | or providing training for people, or whatever, then at least make sure that what you're doing
00:51:42.360 | can be tracked in a way that people know what's going on, so at least they're informed.
00:51:49.480 | I think it's a mistake in my opinion to assume that people are evil and trying to break society.
00:52:00.960 | I prefer to start with an assumption of if people are doing dumb stuff it's because they
00:52:07.600 | don't know better, so at least make sure that they have this information.
00:52:12.240 | And I find very few ML practitioners thinking about what is the information they should
00:52:19.080 | be presenting in their interface.
00:52:21.560 | And then often I'll talk to data scientists who will say, "Oh, the stuff I'm working on
00:52:25.280 | doesn't have a societal impact."
00:52:27.720 | It's like, really?
00:52:30.680 | Like a number of people who think that what they're doing is entirely pointless?
00:52:34.720 | Come on!
00:52:37.400 | People are paying you to do it for a reason, it's going to impact people in some way.
00:52:41.760 | So think about what that is.
00:52:46.360 | The other thing I know is a lot of people involved here are hiring people.
00:52:50.480 | And so if you're hiring people, I guess you're all very familiar with the philosophy
00:52:55.240 | now which is the basic premise.
00:52:57.600 | And I think it comes back to this idea that I don't think people on the whole are evil,
00:53:02.800 | I think they need to be informed and have tools.
00:53:07.440 | So we're trying to give as many people the tools as possible that they need, and particularly
00:53:12.960 | we're trying to put those tools in the hands of a more diverse range of people.
00:53:18.520 | So if you're involved in hiring decisions, perhaps you can keep this kind of philosophy
00:53:23.160 | in mind as well.
00:53:25.280 | If you're not just hiring a wider range of people, but also promoting a wider range of
00:53:33.360 | people and providing really appropriate career management for a wider range of people, apart
00:53:39.600 | from anything else, your company will do better.
00:53:44.780 | It actually turns out that more diverse teams are more creative and tend to solve problems
00:53:50.160 | more quickly and better than less diverse teams.
00:53:53.480 | But also you might avoid these awful screw-ups which at one level are bad for the world,
00:54:02.600 | and at another level if you ever get found out they can also destroy your company.
00:54:09.160 | Also they can destroy you, or at least make you look pretty bad in history.
00:54:16.280 | A couple of examples.
00:54:18.660 | One is going right back to the Second World War, IBM basically provided all of the infrastructure
00:54:27.000 | necessary to track the Holocaust.
00:54:33.720 | These were the forms that they used, and they had different code for Jews were 8 and Gypsies
00:54:40.240 | were 12, death in the gas chambers were 6, and they all went on these punch cards.
00:54:44.880 | You can go and look at these punch cards in museums now.
00:54:49.320 | This has actually been reviewed by a Swiss judge who said that IBM's technical assistance
00:54:55.920 | facilitated the task of the Nazis in the commission of the crimes against humanity.
00:55:03.600 | It's interesting to read back the history from these times to see what was going through
00:55:10.440 | the minds of people at IBM at that time.
00:55:14.160 | What was clearly going through the minds was the opportunity to show technical superiority,
00:55:18.720 | the opportunity to test out their new systems, and of course the extraordinary amount of
00:55:25.880 | money that they were making.
00:55:32.680 | When you do something which at some point down the line turns out to be a problem, even
00:55:39.200 | if you were told to do it, that can turn out to be a problem for you personally.
00:55:44.280 | For example, you'll remember the diesel emissions scandal in VW, who was the one guy that went
00:55:50.160 | to jail?
00:55:51.160 | It was the engineer, just doing his job.
00:55:56.480 | So if all of this stuff about actually not fucking up the world isn't enough to convince
00:56:02.800 | you, it can fuck up your life too.
00:56:05.880 | So if you do something that turns out to cause problems, even though somebody told you to
00:56:11.800 | do it, you can absolutely be held criminally responsible.
00:56:17.640 | And you'll certainly look at Kogan, I think a lot of people now know the name Alexander
00:56:23.480 | Kogan, he was the guy that handed over the Cambridge Analytica data.
00:56:29.080 | He's a Cambridge academic, now a very famous Cambridge academic the world over for doing
00:56:36.680 | his part to destroy the foundations of democracy.
00:56:39.960 | So this is probably not how we want to go down in history.
00:56:46.600 | So let's have a break, before we do, Rachel.
00:56:54.360 | In one of your tweets, you said dropout is patented.
00:56:57.120 | I think this is about WaveNet patent from Google.
00:57:00.560 | What does it mean?
00:57:01.560 | Can you please share more insight on this subject?
00:57:03.880 | Does it mean that we'll have to pay to use dropout in the future?
00:57:06.800 | Okay, good question.
00:57:08.560 | Let's talk about that after the break.
00:57:11.520 | So let's come back at 7.40.
00:57:15.920 | The question before the break was about patents.
00:57:19.920 | What does it mean?
00:57:26.760 | So I guess the reason it's coming up was because I wrote a tweet this week, which I think was
00:57:33.160 | like three words, and said dropout is patented.
00:57:38.140 | One of the patent holders is Jeffrey Hinton.
00:57:43.400 | So what?
00:57:44.400 | Isn't that great?
00:57:45.720 | Inventions all about patents, blah blah blah, right?
00:57:49.640 | My answer is no.
00:57:51.760 | Patents have gone wildly crazy.
00:57:55.360 | The amount of things that are patentable that we talk about every week would be dozens.
00:58:01.440 | Like it's so easy to come up with a little tweak and then if you turn that into a patent
00:58:09.000 | you stop everybody from using that little tweak for the next 14 years and you end up
00:58:12.400 | with a situation we have now where everything is patented in 50 different ways and so then
00:58:19.360 | you get these patent trolls who have made a very very good business out of basically
00:58:24.480 | buying lots of shitty little patents and then suing anybody who accidentally turned out
00:58:30.560 | did that thing, like putting rounded corners on buttons.
00:58:36.360 | So what does it mean for us that a lot of stuff
00:58:49.960 | is patented in deep learning?
00:58:52.280 | I don't know.
00:58:58.680 | One of the main people doing this is Google and people from Google who reply to this patent
00:59:05.720 | tend to assume that Google is doing it because they want to have it defensively, so if somebody
00:59:11.280 | sues them they'll be like don't sue us, we'll sue you back because we have all these patents.
00:59:17.600 | The problem is that as far as I know they haven't signed what's called a defensive patent
00:59:22.280 | pledge.
00:59:23.280 | So basically you can sign a legally binding document that says our patent portfolio will
00:59:28.040 | only be used in defense and not offense, and even if you believe all the management of
00:59:33.040 | Google would never turn into a patent troll, you've got to remember that management changes.
00:59:41.240 | To give a specific example, I know the somewhat recent CFO of Google has a much more aggressive
00:59:50.400 | stance towards the P&L and I don't know, maybe she might decide that they should start monetizing
00:59:57.000 | their patents, or maybe the group that made that patent might get spun off and then sold
01:00:03.280 | to another company that might end up in private equity hands and decide to monetize the patents.
01:00:09.680 | I think it's a problem.
01:00:12.780 | There has been a big shift legally recently away from software patents actually having
01:00:19.880 | any legal standing, so it's possible that these all end up thrown out of court, but
01:00:25.680 | the reality is that anything but a big company is unlikely to have the financial ability
01:00:30.920 | to defend themselves against one of these huge patent trolls.
01:00:37.720 | So I think it's a problem.
01:00:42.680 | You can't avoid using patented stuff if you write code.
01:00:48.800 | I wouldn't be surprised if most lines of code you write have patents on them.
01:00:54.280 | So actually, funnily enough, the best thing to do is not to study the patents, because
01:01:00.800 | if you do and you infringe knowingly, the penalties are worse.
01:01:09.080 | The best thing to do is to put your hands in your ears, sing a song, and get back to
01:01:15.120 | work.
01:01:17.120 | So that thing I said about dropouts patented, forget I said that, you skipped that bit.
01:01:30.280 | This is super fun, artistic style.
01:01:33.720 | We're going to go a bit retro here, because this is actually the original artistic style
01:01:38.160 | paper.
01:01:41.160 | There's been a lot of updates to it, a lot of different approaches.
01:01:45.680 | And I actually think, in many ways, the original is the best.
01:01:50.520 | We're going to look at some of the newer approaches as well, but I actually think the original
01:01:56.200 | is a terrific way to do it, even with everything that's gone since.
01:02:05.880 | Let's just jump to the code.
01:02:07.880 | This is the style transfer notebook.
01:02:13.680 | So the idea here is that we want to take a photo of this bird, and we want to create
01:02:24.940 | a painting that looks like Van Gogh painted the picture of the bird.
01:02:37.640 | Quite a bit of the stuff that I'm doing, by the way, uses ImageNet.
01:02:41.200 | You don't have to download the whole of ImageNet for any of the things I'm doing.
01:02:44.400 | There's an ImageNet sample on, which has a couple of gigs, and it should be
01:02:52.320 | plenty good enough for everything we're doing.
01:02:54.680 | If you want to get really great results, you can grab ImageNet.
01:02:57.560 | You can download it from Kaggle.
01:03:00.160 | On Kaggle, the localization competition actually contains all of the classification data as
01:03:06.980 | well.
01:03:11.080 | So if you've got room, it's good to have a copy of ImageNet because it comes in handy
01:03:16.560 | all the time.
01:03:18.680 | So I just grabbed a bird out of my ImageNet folder, and there is my bird.
01:03:28.480 | What I'm going to do is I'm going to start with this picture, and I'm going to try and
01:03:35.160 | make it more and more like a picture of this bird painted by Van Gogh.
01:03:45.200 | And the way I do that is actually very simple.
01:03:50.120 | You're all familiar with it.
01:03:53.160 | We will create a loss function, which we'll call f, and the loss function is going to
01:04:04.480 | take as input a picture, and spit out as output a value, and the value will be lower if the
01:04:18.440 | image looks more like the bird photo painted by Van Gogh.
01:04:30.260 | Having written that loss function, we will then use the PyTorch gradient and optimizers
01:04:36.640 | gradient times the learning rate, and we're not going to update any weights, we're going
01:04:50.040 | to update the pixels of the input image to make it a little bit more like a picture which
01:04:59.040 | would be a bird painted by Van Gogh.
01:05:01.800 | And we'll stick it through the loss function again to get more gradients, and do it again
01:05:07.040 | and again.
01:05:09.000 | And that's it.
01:05:10.320 | It's identical to how we solve every problem.
01:05:14.800 | You know I'm a one-trick pony, right?
01:05:16.200 | This is my only trick.
01:05:19.540 | Create a loss function, use it to get some gradients, multiply it by learning rates to
01:05:23.240 | update something, always before we've updated weights in a model, but today we're not going
01:05:30.240 | to do that.
01:05:31.240 | We're going to update the pixels of the input, but it's no different at all.
01:05:38.720 | We're just taking the gradient with respect to the input, rather than with respect to
01:05:42.280 | the weights.
01:05:44.480 | That's it.
01:05:47.280 | So we're nearly done.
01:05:49.620 | Let's do a couple more things.
01:05:51.800 | Let's mention here that there's going to be two more inputs to our loss function.
01:05:58.820 | One is the picture of the bird, birds look like this.
01:06:07.400 | And the second is an artwork by Van Gogh, they look like this.
01:06:16.720 | By having those as inputs as well, that means we'll be able to re-run the function later
01:06:31.520 | to make it look like a bird painted by Monet or a jumbo jet painted by Van Gogh or whatever.
01:06:42.240 | So those are going to be the three inputs.
01:06:45.280 | And so initially, as we discussed, our input here, this is going to be the first time I've
01:06:50.560 | ever found the rainbow pen useful.
01:06:54.760 | So we start with some random noise, use the loss function, get the gradients, make it
01:07:05.320 | a little bit more like a bird painted by Van Gogh and so forth.
01:07:09.680 | So the only outstanding question which I guess we can talk about briefly is how we calculate
01:07:18.320 | how much our image looks like a bird, this bird, painted by Van Gogh.
01:07:25.480 | So let's split it into two parts.
01:07:28.880 | Let's put it into a part called the content_loss, and that's going to return a value that's
01:07:38.960 | lower if it looks more like the bird.
01:07:47.520 | Not just any bird, the specific bird that we had coming in.
01:07:56.140 | And then let's also create something called the style_loss, and that's going to be a lower
01:08:02.440 | number if the image is more like Van Gogh's style.
01:08:22.300 | So there's one way to do the content_loss which is very simple.
01:08:27.320 | We could look at the pixels of the output, compare them to the pixels of the bird, and
01:08:32.820 | do a mean squared error, add them up.
01:08:36.940 | So if we did that, I ran this for a while, eventually our image would turn into an image
01:08:44.160 | of the bird.
01:08:46.240 | You should try it.
01:08:47.740 | You should try this as an exercise, try to use the optimizer_npy torch to start with
01:08:53.640 | a random image, and turn it into another image by using mean squared error pixel_loss.
01:09:00.400 | Not terribly exciting, but that would be step 1.
01:09:06.180 | The problem is, even if we already had a style_loss function working beautifully, and then presumably
01:09:14.000 | what we're going to do is we're going to add these two together, and then one of them will
01:09:21.460 | be multiplied by some lambda.
01:09:27.160 | Some number will pick to adjust how much style versus how much content.
01:09:31.320 | So assuming we had a style_loss, or we had picked some sensible lambda, if we used a
01:09:35.600 | pixel-wise content_loss, then anything that makes it look more like Van Gogh and less
01:09:41.580 | like the exact photo, the exact background, the exact contrast, lighting, everything will
01:09:48.280 | decrease the content loss, which is not what we want.
01:09:53.000 | We want it to look like the bird, but not in the same way.
01:10:00.320 | It's still going to have the same two eyes in the same place, and be the same kind of
01:10:03.960 | shape and so forth, but not the same representation.
01:10:09.480 | So what we're going to do is, this is going to shock you, we're going to use a neural
01:10:14.920 | network, we're going to use a neural network.
01:10:19.760 | I totally meant that to be black and it came out green.
01:10:22.880 | It's always a black box.
01:10:28.320 | And we're going to use the VGG neural network, because that's what I used last year and I
01:10:33.320 | didn't have time to see if other things worked, so you can try that yourself during the wig.
01:10:40.000 | And the VGG network is something which takes in an input and sticks it through a number
01:10:49.240 | of layers.
01:10:52.760 | And I'm just going to treat these as just the convolutional layers.
01:10:55.500 | There's obviously ReLU there, and if it's a VGG with batch norm, which most are today,
01:11:01.440 | then it's also got batch norm.
01:11:05.160 | And there's max pooling and so forth, but that's fine.
01:11:09.320 | What we could do is we could take one of these convolutional activations, and then rather
01:11:20.260 | than comparing the pixels of this bird, we could instead compare the VGG layer 5 activations
01:11:32.760 | of this to the VGG layer 5 activations of our original bird, or layer 6, layer 7 or whatever.
01:11:41.600 | So why might that be more interesting?
01:11:44.160 | Well for one thing, it wouldn't be the same bird.
01:11:47.760 | It wouldn't be exactly the same, because we're not checking the pixels, we're checking some
01:11:51.960 | later set of activations.
01:11:53.480 | And so what do those later sets of activations contain?
01:11:57.280 | Well assuming that after some max pooling they contain a smaller grid, so it's less specific
01:12:03.760 | about where things are, and rather than containing pixel color values, they're more like semantic
01:12:09.680 | things like, is this kind of like an eyeball, or is this kind of furry, or is this kind
01:12:15.380 | of bright, or is this kind of reflective, or is this laying flat, or whatever.
01:12:22.000 | So we would hope that there's some level of semantic features through those layers, where
01:12:29.660 | if we get a picture that matches those activations, then any picture that matches those activations
01:12:38.040 | looks like the bird, but it's not the same representation of the bird.
01:12:44.760 | So that's what we're going to do.
01:12:46.000 | That's what our content loss is going to be.
01:12:49.340 | People generally call this a perceptual loss, because it's really important in deep learning
01:12:56.000 | that you always create a new name for every obvious thing you do.
01:13:00.280 | So if you compare two activations together, you're doing a perceptual loss.
01:13:08.780 | So that's it.
01:13:09.780 | Our content loss is going to be a perceptual loss, and then we'll do the style loss later.
01:13:13.200 | So let's start by trying to create a bird that initially is random noise, and we're
01:13:22.080 | going to use perceptual loss to create something that is bird-like, but it's not this bird.
01:13:31.380 | So let's start by saying we're going to do 288 by 288.
01:13:36.880 | Because we're only going to do one bird, there's going to be no GPU memory problems.
01:13:42.120 | So I was actually disappointed that I realized that I picked a rather small input image.
01:13:45.920 | It would be fun to try this with something much bigger to create a really grand scale
01:13:50.440 | piece.
01:13:52.440 | The other thing to remember is if you were productionizing this, you could do a whole
01:13:55.680 | batch at a time.
01:13:59.780 | People sometimes complain about this approach, Gatties is the lead author, the Gatties style
01:14:04.600 | transfer approach is being slow.
01:14:06.520 | I don't agree it's slow.
01:14:07.680 | It takes a few seconds and you can do a whole batch in a few seconds.
01:14:13.760 | So we're going to stick it through some transforms as per usual, transforms through a BGG16 model.
01:14:18.820 | And so remember, the transform class has a dunder call method, so we can treat it as
01:14:27.840 | if it's a function.
01:14:29.680 | So if you pass an image into that, then we get the transformed image.
01:14:35.280 | Try not to treat the fastai and PyTorch infrastructure as a black box, because it's all designed
01:14:42.000 | to be really easy to use in a decoupled way.
01:14:45.800 | So this idea of transforms are just callables, i.e. things that you can do with parentheses
01:14:52.360 | comes from PyTorch, and we totally plagiarized the idea.
01:14:56.360 | So with TorchVision or with fastai, your transforms are just callables.
01:15:02.900 | The whole pipeline of transforms is just a callable.
01:15:06.000 | So now we have something of 3x288x288, because PyTorch likes the channel to be first, and
01:15:12.400 | as you can see it's been turned into a square for us, it's been normalized to 0.1, all that
01:15:17.440 | normal stuff.
01:15:20.920 | Now we're creating a random image.
01:15:25.400 | And here's something I discovered.
01:15:28.400 | Trying to turn this into a picture of anything is actually really hard.
01:15:33.160 | I found it very difficult to actually get an optimizer to get reasonable gradients that
01:15:38.360 | went anywhere.
01:15:40.560 | And just as I thought I was going to run out of time for this class and really embarrass
01:15:44.360 | myself, I realized the key issue is that pictures don't look like this, they have more smoothness.
01:15:54.580 | So I turned this into this by just blurring it a little bit.
01:15:59.480 | I used a median filter, basically it's like a median pooling effectively.
01:16:08.240 | As soon as I changed it from this to this, it immediately started training really well.
01:16:12.680 | So it's like a number of little tweaks you have to do to get these things to work is
01:16:16.720 | kind of insane, but here's a little tweak.
01:16:21.220 | So we start with a random image which is at least somewhat smooth.
01:16:32.800 | I found that my bird image had a standard deviation of pixels that was about half of
01:16:38.320 | this mean, so I divided it by 2, just trying to make it a little bit easier for it to match.
01:16:44.200 | I don't know if it matters.
01:16:46.760 | Turn that into a variable because this image, remember, we're going to be modifying those
01:16:51.880 | pixels with an optimization algorithm.
01:16:55.160 | So anything that's involved in the loss function needs to be a variable, and specifically it
01:17:00.040 | requires a gradient because we're actually updating the image.
01:17:07.760 | So we now have a mini-batch of 1, 3 channels, 288 by 288, random noise.
01:17:17.040 | We're going to use for no particular reason the 37th layer of VGG.
01:17:21.720 | If you print out the VGG network, you can just type in m_VGG and print it out.
01:17:27.260 | You'll see that this is a mid to late stage layer.
01:17:32.880 | So we can just grab the first 37 layers and turn it into a sequential model, so now we've
01:17:39.460 | got a subset of VGG that will spit out some mid-layer activations.
01:17:45.240 | And so that's what the model's going to be.
01:17:48.860 | So we can take our actual bird image, and we want to create a mini-batch of 1.
01:17:56.380 | So remember if you slice in numpy with none, also known as np.newaxis, it introduces a
01:18:05.340 | new unit axis in that point.
01:18:10.060 | So here I want to create an axis of size 1 to say this is a mini-batch of size 1, so
01:18:15.920 | slicing with none, just like I did here, sliced with none to get this 1 unit axis at the front.
01:18:24.400 | So then we turn that into a variable.
01:18:28.360 | And this one doesn't need to be updated, so we use vv to say you don't need gradients
01:18:33.220 | for this guy.
01:18:37.400 | And so that's going to give us our target activations.
01:18:42.600 | So we've basically taken our bird image, turned it into a variable, stuck it through our model
01:18:49.280 | to grab the 37th layer activations, and that's our target, is that we want our content lost
01:18:56.360 | to be this set of activations here.
01:19:01.440 | So now we're going to create an optimizer.
01:19:03.520 | We'll go back to the details of this in a moment, but we're going to create an optimizer,
01:19:07.280 | and we're going to step a bunch of times, going 0 to gradients, call some lost function,
01:19:16.280 | stop backward, blah blah blah.
01:19:20.680 | So that's the high-level version, and I'm going to come back to the details in a moment.
01:19:29.360 | But the key thing is that the lost function we're passing in that randomly generated image,
01:19:35.600 | the optimization image, or actually the variable of it.
01:19:39.520 | So we pass that to our lost function.
01:19:43.560 | And so it's going to update this using the lost function, and the lost function is the
01:19:48.760 | mean squared error loss, comparing our current optimization image, pass through our VGG to
01:19:56.360 | get the intermediate activations, and comparing it to our target activations.
01:20:02.080 | Just like we discussed.
01:20:04.120 | And we'll run that a bunch of times, and we'll print it out, and we have our bird, but not
01:20:12.160 | the representation of the bird, so there it is.
01:20:18.840 | So a couple of new details here.
01:20:20.760 | One is a weird optimizer, LBFGS.
01:20:27.920 | Anybody who's done, I don't know exactly what courses they're in, but certain parts of math
01:20:34.280 | and computer science courses come into deep learning, discovers we use all this stuff
01:20:41.080 | like Adam and SGD and always assume that nobody in the field knows the first thing about computer
01:20:48.560 | science and immediately says, "Oh, have any of you guys tried using VFGS?"
01:20:55.360 | There's basically a long history of a totally different kind of algorithm for optimization
01:21:00.600 | that we don't use to train neural networks.
01:21:03.480 | And of course the answer is actually the people who have spent decades studying neural networks
01:21:07.560 | do know a thing or two about computer science, and it turns out these techniques don't work
01:21:12.040 | very well.
01:21:13.280 | But it's actually going to work well for this, and it's a good opportunity to talk about
01:21:16.800 | an interesting algorithm for those of you that haven't studied this type of optimization
01:21:22.720 | algorithm at school.
01:21:26.880 | So VFGS is -- what are the names?
01:21:31.520 | I can't remember, anyway, initials are four different people.
01:21:37.160 | The L stands for limited memory, so it's really just called VFGS.
01:21:41.800 | Limited memory VFGS.
01:21:43.480 | And it's an optimizer.
01:21:45.160 | So as an optimizer, it means that there's some loss function, and it's going to use
01:21:49.440 | some gradients to -- not all optimizers use gradients, but all the ones we use do -- use
01:21:54.520 | gradients to find a direction to go and try to make the loss function go lower and lower
01:22:00.440 | by adjusting some parameters.
01:22:02.400 | It's just an optimizer.
01:22:05.760 | But it's an interesting kind of optimizer because it does a bit more work than the ones
01:22:10.360 | we're used to on each step.
01:22:13.120 | And so specifically -- okay.
01:22:36.840 | So the way it works is it starts the same way that we're used to, which is we just kind
01:22:41.000 | of pick somewhere to get started, and in this case we pick a random image, as you saw.
01:22:49.120 | And as per usual, we calculate the gradient.
01:22:59.720 | But we don't just take a step, but what we actually do is as well as find in the gradient,
01:23:05.920 | we also try to find the second derivative.
01:23:08.600 | So the second derivative says how fast does the gradient change?
01:23:12.920 | So the gradient is how fast does the function change, the second derivative is how fast
01:23:16.040 | does the gradient change?
01:23:17.040 | In other words, how curvy is it?
01:23:18.880 | And the basic idea is that if you know that it's not very curvy, then you can probably
01:23:28.140 | jump further.
01:23:31.760 | But if it is very curvy, then you probably don't want to jump as far.
01:23:36.520 | And so in higher dimensions, the gradient's called the Jacobian, and the second derivative's
01:23:40.800 | called the Hessian.
01:23:42.040 | You'll see those words all the time, but that's all they mean.
01:23:45.240 | Again, mathematicians have to invent new words for everything as well.
01:23:48.880 | They're just like people learning researchers, except maybe a bit more snooty.
01:23:56.160 | So with BFGS, we're going to try and calculate the second derivative, and then we're going
01:24:03.880 | to use that to figure out what direction to go and how far to go.
01:24:11.200 | So it's less of a wild jump into the unknown.
01:24:16.260 | Now the problem is that actually calculating the Hessian, the second derivative, is almost
01:24:22.240 | certainly not a good idea, because in each possible direction that you can head, for
01:24:28.120 | each direction that you're measuring the gradient in, you also have to calculate the Hessian
01:24:33.400 | in every direction.
01:24:34.720 | It gets ridiculously big.
01:24:38.640 | So rather than actually calculating it, we take a few steps and we basically look at
01:24:44.800 | how much the gradient's changing as we do each step, and we approximate the Hessian
01:24:52.120 | using that little function.
01:24:54.880 | And again, this seems like a really obvious thing to do, but nobody thought of it until
01:25:00.960 | somewhat surprisingly long time later.
01:25:04.920 | Keeping track of every single step you take takes a lot of memory.
01:25:09.960 | So don't keep track of every step you take, just keep the last 10 or 20.
01:25:16.000 | And the second bit there, that's the L to the L_BFGS.
01:25:20.240 | So a limited memory BFGS means keep the last 10 or 20 gradients, use that to approximate
01:25:27.960 | the amount of curvature, and then use the curvature and gradient to estimate what direction
01:25:32.800 | to travel and how far.
01:25:38.520 | And so that's normally not a good idea in deep learning for a number of reasons.
01:25:43.120 | It's obviously more work to do than an atom or an SGD update, and obviously more memory.
01:25:51.000 | Memory is much more of a big issue when you've got a GPU to store it on and hundreds of millions
01:25:55.440 | of weights.
01:25:56.440 | But more importantly, the mini-batches are super bumpy.
01:26:00.760 | So figuring out curvature to decide exactly how far to travel is kind of polishing turds
01:26:06.840 | as we say.
01:26:07.840 | Is that an American expression or just an Australian thing?
01:26:11.920 | I bet English say it too.
01:26:13.760 | Do we have to say it?
01:26:16.440 | Polishing turds.
01:26:17.440 | You get the idea.
01:26:20.320 | But also, interestingly, using the second derivative information, it turns out it's like
01:26:26.780 | a magnet for saddle points.
01:26:29.100 | So there's some interesting theoretical results that basically say it actually sends you towards
01:26:34.640 | nasty flat areas of the function if you use second derivative information.
01:26:39.320 | So normally not a good idea.
01:26:40.660 | But in this case, we're not optimizing weights.
01:26:43.240 | We're optimizing pixels, so all the rules change.
01:26:46.800 | And actually it turns out LBFTS does make sense.
01:26:51.200 | And because it does more work each time, when it's a different kind of optimizer, the API
01:26:56.000 | is a little bit different in PyTorch.
01:26:58.360 | As you can see here, when you say optimizer.step, you actually pass in the loss function.
01:27:06.900 | And so my loss function is to call step with a particular loss function, which is my activation
01:27:15.640 | loss.
01:27:16.920 | And as you can see, inside the loop, you don't say step, step, step, but rather it looks
01:27:22.400 | like this.
01:27:23.400 | So it's a little bit different.
01:27:25.760 | And you're welcome to try and rewrite this to use SGD, it'll still work, it'll just take
01:27:30.760 | a bit longer.
01:27:31.880 | I haven't tried it with SGD, I'd be interested to know how much longer it takes.
01:27:39.400 | So you can see the loss function going down, the mean squared error between the activations
01:27:46.560 | at layer 37 of our VGG model for our optimized image versus the target activations, and remember
01:27:55.900 | the target activations were the VGG applied to our bird.
01:28:00.560 | Does that make sense?
01:28:08.960 | So we've now got a content loss.
01:28:13.320 | Now one thing I'll say about this content loss is we don't know which layer is going
01:28:20.320 | to work best, so it would be nice if we were able to experiment a little bit more, and
01:28:24.400 | the way it is here is annoying.
01:28:26.920 | Maybe we even want to use multiple layers.
01:28:30.480 | So rather than like lopping off all of the layers after the one we want, wouldn't it
01:28:37.000 | be nice if we could somehow grab the activations of a few layers as it calculates?
01:28:45.440 | Now we already know one way to do that.
01:28:47.560 | Back when we did SSD, we actually wrote our own network which had a number of outputs.
01:28:55.360 | Do you remember?
01:28:56.360 | Like the different convolutional layers, we spat out a different Ocon thing.
01:29:02.400 | But I don't really want to go and add that to the TorchVision ResNet model, especially
01:29:08.240 | not if later on I want to try the TorchVision VGG model, and then I want to try a NASNet
01:29:13.760 | A model.
01:29:14.760 | I don't want to go into all of them and change their outputs, besides which I'd like to easily
01:29:20.180 | be able to turn certain activations on and off the demand.
01:29:24.320 | So we've briefly touched before on this idea that PyTorch has these fantastic things called
01:29:29.520 | hooks.
01:29:30.520 | You can have forward hooks that let you plug anything you like into the forward path of
01:29:37.560 | a calculation, or a backward hook that lets you plug anything you like into the backward
01:29:42.040 | path.
01:29:43.080 | So we're going to create the world's simplest forward hook.
01:29:47.680 | This is one of these things that almost nobody knows about, so like almost any code you find
01:29:52.920 | on the internet that implements style transfer will have all kinds of horrible hacks rather
01:30:02.040 | than using forward hooks.
01:30:03.040 | But with forward hooks, it's really easy.
01:30:05.440 | So to create a forward hook, you just create a class, and the class has to have something
01:30:12.040 | called hook function.
01:30:15.320 | And your hook function is going to receive the module that you've hooked, it's going
01:30:21.000 | to receive the input for the forward pass, and it's going to receive the target, and
01:30:25.640 | then you do whatever the hell you like.
01:30:28.040 | So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to store the output of this module in some
01:30:36.760 | attribute.
01:30:39.000 | That's it.
01:30:42.680 | So this can actually be called anything you like, but hook function seems to be the standard.
01:30:46.240 | You can see what happens here in the constructor is I store inside some attribute the result
01:30:52.320 | of -- this is going to be the layer that I'm going to hook -- you go module.register_forward_hook
01:30:59.480 | and pass in the function that you want to be called when this module, when its forward
01:31:07.000 | method is called.
01:31:08.040 | So when its forward method is called, it will call self.hook function which will store the
01:31:14.720 | output in an attribute called features.
01:31:22.200 | So now what we can do is we can create our VGG as before, and that's said it's not trainable
01:31:31.760 | so we don't waste time and memory calculating gradients for it.
01:31:36.540 | And let's go through and find all of the MaxPool layers.
01:31:41.800 | So let's go through all of the children of this module, and if it's a MaxPool layer,
01:31:48.080 | let's spit out index -1.
01:31:51.140 | So that's going to give me the layer before the MaxPool.
01:31:54.200 | And so in general the layer before a MaxPool or the layer before a Stride2Con is a very
01:31:59.600 | interesting layer because it's the most complete representation we have at that grid cell size.
01:32:10.680 | Because the very next layer is changing the grid.
01:32:14.040 | So that seems to me like a good place to grab the content loss from is the best, most semantic,
01:32:22.520 | most interesting content we have at that grid size.
01:32:26.040 | So that's why I'm going to pick those indexes.
01:32:28.760 | So here they are.
01:32:30.680 | Those are the indexes of the last layer before each MaxPool in VGG.
01:32:37.820 | So I'm going to grab this one here, 22, for no particular reason, just to try something
01:32:43.280 | else.
01:32:44.840 | So I'm going to say blockends3, that's going to be 32.
01:32:50.940 | So children VGG index to blockends3 will give me the 32nd layer of VGG as a module.
01:33:02.700 | And then if I call the save features constructor, it's going to go self.hook equals 32nd layer
01:33:09.800 | of VGG.registerforwardhook function.
01:33:14.480 | So now every time I do a forward pass on this VGG model, it's going to store the 32nd layer's
01:33:22.360 | output inside sf.features.
01:33:29.760 | So we can now say, see here I'm calling my VGG network, but I'm not storing it anywhere.
01:33:38.120 | I'm not saying activations equals VGG of my image.
01:33:43.320 | I'm calling it, throwing away the answer, and then grabbing the features that we stored
01:33:51.580 | in our sf in our save features object.
01:33:56.640 | So that way, this is now going to contain, this is a forward pass, that's how you do
01:34:02.720 | a forward pass in PyTorch.
01:34:04.320 | You don't say .forward, you just use it as a callable.
01:34:07.600 | And using it as a callable on an nn.module automatically calls forward.
01:34:12.440 | That's how PyTorch modules work.
01:34:16.080 | So we call it as a callable, that ends up calling our forward hook.
01:34:19.960 | That forward hook stores the activations in sf.features.
01:34:24.640 | And so now we have our target variable, just like before, but in a much more flexible way.
01:34:35.040 | These are the same four lines of code we had earlier, I've just stuck them into a function.
01:34:39.240 | And so it's just giving me my random image to optimize, and an optimizer to optimize
01:34:45.920 | that image.
01:34:46.920 | This is exactly the same code as before, so that gives me these.
01:34:50.440 | And so now I can go ahead and do exactly the same thing.
01:34:54.600 | But now I'm going to use a different loss function, activation_loss_2, which doesn't
01:35:00.200 | say out=mvgg.
01:35:01.200 | Again, it calls mvgg to do a forward pass, throws away the results, and grabs sf.features.
01:35:11.600 | And so that's now my 30-second layer activations, which I can then do my MSE loss on.
01:35:19.440 | You might have noticed the last loss function and this one are both multiplied by a thousand.
01:35:24.840 | Why are they multiplied by a thousand?
01:35:26.520 | Again, this was like all the things that were trying to get this lesson to not work correctly.
01:35:31.680 | I didn't used to have the a thousand, it wasn't training.
01:35:36.000 | Lunch time to date, nothing was working, after days of trying to get this thing to work.
01:35:43.360 | And finally, just randomly noticed, the loss functions, the numbers are really low, like
01:35:51.400 | 10e and x7.
01:35:53.800 | And I just thought, what if they weren't so low?
01:35:56.240 | So I multiplied them by a thousand and it started working.
01:35:59.200 | So why did it not work?
01:36:01.400 | Because we're doing single precision floating point, and single precision floating point
01:36:05.760 | ain't that precise.
01:36:07.360 | And particularly once you're getting gradients that are kind of small and then you're multiplying
01:36:10.840 | the learning rate, it can be kind of small and you end up with a small number.
01:36:14.760 | And if it's so small, it can get rounded to zero and that's what was happening and my
01:36:19.480 | model wasn't training.
01:36:22.720 | So I'm sure there are better ways of multiplying by a thousand, but whatever, it works fine.
01:36:27.960 | It doesn't matter what you multiply a loss function by, because all you care about is
01:36:31.360 | its direction and its relative size.
01:36:37.560 | And interestingly, this is actually something similar for when we were training ImageNet,
01:36:41.800 | we were using half-precision floating point because the Volta tensor cores require that.
01:36:47.760 | And it's actually a standard practice if you want to get the half-precision floating point
01:36:53.920 | to train, you actually have to multiply the loss function by a scaling factor.
01:36:58.560 | We were using 1024 or 512.
01:37:03.040 | And I think FastAI is now the first library that has all of the tricks necessary to train
01:37:08.960 | in half-precision floating point built-in.
01:37:11.240 | So if you have a Volta or you can pay for a P3, if you've got a learner object, you can
01:37:18.800 | just say "learn.half" and it'll now just magically train correctly half-precision floating point
01:37:27.600 | built into the model data objects as well, it's all automatic, and pretty sure no other
01:37:32.080 | library does that.
01:37:36.960 | So this is just doing the same thing on a slightly earlier layer.
01:37:40.640 | And you can see that the later layer doesn't look very bird-like at all, but you can kind
01:37:47.760 | of tell it's a bird, slightly earlier layer, more bird-like.
01:37:51.760 | And hopefully that makes sense to you that earlier layers are getting closer to the pixels.
01:38:01.720 | It's a smaller grid size, well, there's more grid cells, each cell is smaller, a smaller
01:38:09.760 | receptive field, less complex semantic features.
01:38:14.260 | So the earlier we get, the more it's going to look like a bird.
01:38:18.840 | And in fact, the paper has a nice picture of that showing various different layers and
01:38:26.200 | kind of zooming into this house, they're trying to make this house look like this picture.
01:38:30.360 | And you can see that later on it's pretty messy and earlier on it looks like this.
01:38:37.220 | So this is just doing what we just did.
01:38:40.080 | And I will say one of the things I've noticed in our study group is anytime I say to somebody
01:38:45.960 | to answer a question, anytime I say read the paper, there's a thing in the paper that tells
01:38:51.880 | you the answer to that question, there's always this shocked look.
01:38:56.160 | Read the paper, me, the paper, but seriously, the papers have done these experiments and
01:39:04.380 | drawn the pictures, like there's all this stuff in the papers.
01:39:08.800 | It doesn't mean you have to read every part of the paper, but at least look at the pictures.
01:39:14.320 | So check out the Gattis paper, it's got nice pictures.
01:39:20.320 | So they've done the experiment for us, they basically did this experiment, but it looks
01:39:25.320 | like they didn't go as deep, they just got some earlier ones.
01:39:30.080 | The next thing we need to do is to create style loss.
01:39:33.920 | So we've already got the loss, which is how much like the bird is it.
01:39:39.520 | Now we need how much like this painting style is it.
01:39:44.200 | And we're going to do nearly the same thing.
01:39:47.480 | We're going to grab the activations of some layer.
01:39:51.040 | Now the problem is that the activations of some layer, let's say it was a 5x5 layer.
01:40:02.120 | Of course there are no 5x5 layers at 224x224, but we'll pretend 5x5 by 19, totally unrealistic
01:40:16.600 | sizes, but never mind.
01:40:20.960 | So here's some activations, and we could get these activations both for the image we're
01:40:26.480 | optimizing and for our Van Gogh painting.
01:40:31.240 | And let's look at our Van Gogh painting.
01:40:34.080 | There it is, very nice.
01:40:39.480 | I downloaded this from Wikipedia, and I was wondering why it was taking so long to load.
01:40:44.240 | It turns out that the Wikipedia version I downloaded was 30,000 by 30,000 pixels.
01:40:49.840 | It's pretty cool, they've got this like serious gallery-quality archive stuff there, I didn't
01:40:56.200 | know it existed, so don't try and run a neural net on that.
01:41:01.920 | Totally killed my Jupiter notebook.
01:41:07.740 | So we can do that for our Van Gogh image and we can do that for our optimized image.
01:41:14.880 | And then we can compare the two and we would end up creating an image that looks content
01:41:20.520 | like the painting, but it's not the painting.
01:41:22.440 | That's not what we want.
01:41:23.440 | We want something with the same style, but it's not the painting, it doesn't have the
01:41:26.680 | content.
01:41:27.680 | So we actually want to throw away all of the spatial information.
01:41:33.160 | We're not trying to create something that has a moon here and stars here, that's a church
01:41:40.840 | here or whatever.
01:41:43.200 | We don't want any of that.
01:41:44.920 | So how do we throw away all the spatial information?
01:41:48.720 | What we do is let's grab, in this case there are like 19 faces on this, like 19 slices.
01:41:58.720 | So let's grab this top slice, so that's going to be a 5x5 matrix.
01:42:14.120 | And now let's flatten it.
01:42:21.320 | So now we've got a 25 long vector.
01:42:27.880 | Now in one stroke, we've thrown away the bulk of the spatial information by flattening it.
01:42:37.320 | Now let's grab a second slice, another channel, and do the same thing.
01:42:55.740 | So here's channel 1, flattened, here's channel 2, flattened, and they've both got 25 elements.
01:43:04.000 | And now let's take the dot product, which we can do with @, and so the dot product's
01:43:12.880 | going to give us one number.
01:43:17.720 | What's that number?
01:43:19.640 | What is it telling us?
01:43:21.920 | Well, assuming this is somewhere around the middle layer of the VGG network, we might
01:43:31.480 | expect some of these activations to be like how textured is the brush stroke, and some
01:43:36.800 | of them to be like how bright is this area, and some of them to be like is this part of
01:43:41.960 | a house or part of a circular thing, or other parts to be how dark is this part of the painting.
01:43:51.540 | And so a dot product, remember, is basically a correlation.
01:43:58.920 | If this element and this element are both highly positive or both highly negative, it
01:44:06.000 | gives us a big result, whereas if they're the opposite, it gives us a small result.
01:44:11.120 | If they're both close to zero, it gives no result.
01:44:13.640 | So it's basically a dot product as a measure of how similar these two things are.
01:44:19.240 | And so if the activations of channel 1 and channel 2 are similar, let's give an example.
01:44:29.600 | Let's say this first one was like how textured are the brush strokes, and this one here was
01:44:37.560 | like how diagonally oriented are the brush strokes.
01:44:43.320 | And if both of these were high together and both of these were high together, then it's
01:44:47.800 | basically saying anywhere that there's more textured brush strokes, they tend to be diagonal.
01:44:55.160 | Another interesting one is what would be the dot product of C1 with C1?
01:45:03.440 | So that would be basically the 2-norm, the sum of the squares of that channel.
01:45:11.640 | Which in other words is basically just, let's go back, I screwed this up.
01:45:24.200 | Channel 1 might be texture, and channel 2 might be diagonal, and this one here would
01:45:33.200 | be cell 1,1, and this cell here would be cell 4,2.
01:45:41.400 | What I should have been saying is if these are both high at the same time, and these
01:45:46.400 | are both high at the same time, then it's saying grid cells that have texture tend to
01:45:52.640 | also have diagonal.
01:45:54.680 | Sorry, I drew that all wrong.
01:45:57.160 | The idea was right, I just drew it all wrong.
01:46:01.400 | So this number is going to be high when grid cells that have texture also have diagonal,
01:46:07.840 | and when they don't, they don't.
01:46:11.980 | So that's C1 dot product C2.
01:46:17.240 | Whereas C1 dot product C1 is basically the 2-norm effectively, or the sum of the squares
01:46:28.840 | of C1, sum over i of C1 squared.
01:46:38.680 | And this is basically saying how in how many grid cells is the textured channel active,
01:46:49.880 | and how active is it?
01:46:51.380 | So in other words, C1 dot product C1 tells us how much textured painting is going on,
01:46:59.560 | and C2 dot product C2 tells us how much diagonal paint strokes is going on.
01:47:07.000 | Maybe C3 is bright colors.
01:47:10.800 | So C3 dot product C3 would be how often do we have bright colored cells.
01:47:17.960 | So what we could do then is we could create a 25 by 25 matrix containing every one, channel
01:47:28.120 | 1, channel 2, channel 3, channel 1, channel 2, channel 3 -- sorry, not channel -- man,
01:47:38.860 | it's been a long day -- 19, there are 19 channels.
01:47:45.280 | 19 by 19.
01:47:48.760 | Channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, channel 19, channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, channel 19.
01:47:59.280 | And so this would be the dot product of channel 1 with channel 1, this would be the dot product
01:48:04.400 | of channel 2 with channel 2, and so forth, after flattening.
01:48:11.920 | And like we've discussed, mathematicians have to give everything a name.
01:48:17.040 | So this particular matrix where you flatten something out and then do all the dot products
01:48:23.920 | is called a Gram Matrix.
01:48:29.900 | And I'll tell you a secret, most deep learning practitioners either don't know or don't remember
01:48:37.400 | all these things, like what is a Gram Matrix if they ever did study at university, they
01:48:41.920 | probably forgot it because they had a big night afterwards.
01:48:44.880 | And the way it works in practice is like you realize, oh, I could create a kind of non-spatial
01:48:51.120 | representation of how the channels correlate with each other, and then when I write up
01:48:57.100 | the paper I have to go and ask around and say, does this thing have a name?
01:49:01.520 | And somebody would be like, isn't it a Gram Matrix?
01:49:04.480 | And you go and look it up, and it is.
01:49:06.240 | So don't think you have to go and study all of math first.
01:49:09.920 | You use your intuition and common sense and then you worry about what the math is called
01:49:15.600 | later, normally.
01:49:17.720 | Sometimes it works the other way, not with me, because I can't do math.
01:49:23.400 | So this is called the Gram Matrix, and of course if you're a real mathematician it's
01:49:26.460 | very important that you say this as if you always knew it was a Gram Matrix and you kind
01:49:32.200 | of just go, oh yes, we just calculate the Gram Matrix, that's really important.
01:49:38.900 | So the Gram Matrix then is this kind of map of -- the diagonal is perhaps the most interesting.
01:49:51.720 | The diagonal is like which channels are the most active, and then the off-diagonal is
01:49:58.040 | like which channels tend to appear together.
01:50:01.600 | And overall, if two pictures have the same style, then we're expecting that some layer
01:50:09.800 | of activations, they will have similar Gram Matrices.
01:50:14.580 | Because if we found the level of activations that capture a lot of stuff about paint strokes
01:50:19.560 | and colors and stuff, the diagonal alone might even be enough.
01:50:25.960 | And that's another interesting homework assignment if somebody wants to take it, is try doing
01:50:31.260 | Gaddy style transfer, not using the Gram Matrix, but just using the diagonal of the Gram Matrix.
01:50:38.120 | And that would be like a single line of code to change, but I haven't seen it tried.
01:50:43.040 | I don't know if it would work at all, but it might work fine.
01:50:47.200 | Christine -- I'll pass this to Christine.
01:50:51.960 | Okay yes, Christine, you've tried it.
01:50:52.960 | I was going to say I have tried that, and it works most of the time except when you
01:50:56.800 | have funny pictures where you need two styles to appear in the same spot.
01:51:00.880 | So if you have grass in one half and a crowd in one half, and you need the two styles.
01:51:07.200 | You still want to do your homework, but Christine says she'll do it for you.
01:51:18.440 | So let's do that.
01:51:22.440 | So here's our painting.
01:51:27.280 | I've tried to resize the painting so it's the same size as my bird picture.
01:51:42.120 | It doesn't matter too much which bit I use as long as it's got a nice style in it.
01:51:48.680 | I grab my optimizer and my random image just like before.
01:51:53.760 | And this time I call save features for all of my blockends, and that's going to give
01:51:59.320 | me an array of save features objects, one for each module that appears the layer before
01:52:06.520 | a Max pull.
01:52:09.480 | Because this time I want to play around with different activation layer styles, or more
01:52:17.160 | specifically I want to let you play around with it.
01:52:21.280 | So now I've got a whole array of them.
01:52:24.160 | So now I call my VGG module on my image again.
01:52:31.720 | I'm not going to use that yet.
01:52:38.120 | Ignore that line.
01:52:42.320 | Style image is my Van Gogh painting.
01:52:44.520 | So I take my style image, put it through my transformations to create my transform style
01:52:48.240 | image.
01:52:49.240 | I turn that into a variable, put it through the forward pass of my VGG module, and now
01:52:55.560 | I can go through all of my save features objects and grab each set of features.
01:53:01.720 | And notice I call clone, because later on if I call my VGG object again, it's going
01:53:08.140 | to replace those contents.
01:53:11.200 | I haven't quite thought about whether this is necessary.
01:53:13.360 | If you take it away, it's fine, but I was just being careful.
01:53:18.000 | So here's now an array of the activations at every block and layer.
01:53:28.200 | So here you can see all of those shapes.
01:53:30.840 | And you can see being able to whip up a list comprehension really quickly, it's really
01:53:35.200 | important in your Jupyter fiddling around because you really want to be able to immediately
01:53:39.720 | see the grid size halving as we would expect because all of these appeared just before
01:53:49.560 | a max pull.
01:53:53.440 | So to do a gram MSE loss, it's going to be the MSE loss on the gram matrix of the input
01:54:01.600 | versus the gram matrix of the target.
01:54:05.080 | And the gram matrix is just the matrix multiply of x with x transpose, where x is simply equal
01:54:15.140 | to my input, where I've flattened the batch and channel axes all down together.
01:54:23.680 | And I've already got one image, so you can kind of ignore the batch part, basically channel,
01:54:29.400 | and then everything else, which in this case is the height and width, is the other dimension.
01:54:33.600 | So this is now going to be channel by height and width, and then as we discussed we can
01:54:39.400 | then just do the matrix multiply of that by its transpose.
01:54:44.400 | And just to normalize it, we'll divide that by the number of elements.
01:54:49.680 | It would actually be more elegant if I had said "divided by input.num_elements".
01:54:57.880 | That would be the same thing.
01:55:04.880 | And then again, this kind of gave me tiny numbers, so I multiply it by a big number to
01:55:08.560 | make it something more sensible.
01:55:12.480 | So that's basically my loss.
01:55:14.000 | So now my style loss is to take my image to optimize, throw it through vgg_forward_pass,
01:55:21.160 | have an array of the features in all of the features objects, and then call my gram_msc_loss
01:55:28.560 | on every one of those layers.
01:55:34.680 | And that's going to give me an array.
01:55:36.360 | And then I just add them up.
01:55:37.720 | Now you could add them up with different weightings, you could add up a subset, whatever, in this
01:55:46.880 | case I'm just grabbing all of them, pass that into my optimizer as before, and here we have
01:55:56.560 | a random image in the style of Van Gogh, which I think is kind of cool.
01:56:03.560 | And again, Gatties has done it for us.
01:56:06.880 | Here is different layers of random image in the style of Van Gogh.
01:56:13.360 | And so the first one, as you can see, the activations are simple geometric things, not
01:56:19.120 | very interesting at all.
01:56:21.080 | The later layers are much more interesting.
01:56:23.300 | So we kind of have a suspicion that we probably want to use later layers largely for our style
01:56:31.240 | loss if we want it to look good.
01:56:38.280 | I added this save_features.close, which just calls, remember I stored the hook here, and
01:56:50.880 | so hook.remove gets rid of it, and it's a good idea to get rid of it because otherwise
01:56:57.720 | you can potentially just keep using memory.
01:57:01.560 | So at the end I go through each of my save_features objects and close it.
01:57:08.760 | So style_transfer is adding the two together with some weight.
01:57:19.660 | So there's not much to show.
01:57:21.080 | Grab my optimizer, grab my image, and now my combined_loss is the MSC_loss at one particular
01:57:28.280 | layer, my style_loss at all of my layers, sum up the style_losses, add them to the content_loss,
01:57:35.240 | the content_loss I'm scaling.
01:57:38.960 | Actually the style_loss I scaled already by 1e6, and this one is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
01:57:47.480 | So actually they're both scaled exactly the same, add them together, and again you could
01:57:53.000 | try weighting the different style_losses, or you could remove some of them, whatever.
01:57:58.400 | So this is the simplest possible version.
01:58:02.160 | Train that, and holy shit, it actually looks good.
01:58:09.760 | So I think that's pretty awesome.
01:58:20.040 | The main takeaway here is if you want to solve something with a neural network, all you've
01:58:31.180 | got to do is set up a loss function and then optimize something.
01:58:39.000 | The loss function is something which a lower number is something that you're happier with.
01:58:44.880 | Because then when you optimize it, it's going to make that number as low as you can, and
01:58:48.120 | that will do what you wanted it to do.
01:58:51.880 | So here we came up with a loss function that does a good job of being a smaller number
01:59:02.680 | when it looks like the thing we want it to look like, and it looks like the style of
01:59:06.000 | the thing we want it to be in the style of.
01:59:08.000 | That's all we had to do.
01:59:09.480 | When it actually comes to it, apart from implementing grammse_loss, which was like 6 lines of code
01:59:17.400 | of that, that's our loss function, pass it to our optimizer, wait about 5 seconds, and
01:59:26.380 | we're done.
01:59:27.380 | And remember, we could do a batch of these at a time.
01:59:29.360 | So we could wait 5 seconds and 64 of these will be done.
01:59:36.400 | So I think that's really interesting.
01:59:38.920 | Once this paper came out, it's really inspired a lot of interesting work.
01:59:47.400 | To me though, most of the interesting work hasn't happened yet, because to me the interesting
01:59:51.640 | work is the work where you combine human creativity with these kinds of tools.
01:59:59.880 | I haven't seen much in the way of tools that you can download or use where the artist is
02:00:07.540 | in control and can do things interactively.
02:00:10.960 | It's interesting, talking to the guys at the Google Magenta project, which is their Creative
02:00:17.160 | AI project, all of the stuff they're doing with music is specifically about this.
02:00:22.720 | It's building tools that musicians can use to perform in real time.
02:00:27.300 | And so you'll see much more of that on the music space thanks to Magenta.
02:00:30.880 | If you go to their website, there's all kinds of things where you can press the buttons
02:00:34.520 | to change the drum beats or melodies or keys or whatever.
02:00:40.040 | You can definitely see Adobe and Nvidia starting to release little prototypes that have started
02:00:46.840 | to do this.
02:00:49.040 | This kind of creative AI explosion hasn't happened yet.
02:00:55.160 | I think we have pretty much all the technology we need, but no one's put it together into
02:00:59.760 | a thing and said look at the thing I built and look at the stuff that people built with
02:01:04.840 | my thing.
02:01:08.280 | That's just a huge area of opportunity.
02:01:16.600 | The paper that I mentioned at the start of class in passing, the one where we can add
02:01:23.200 | Captain America's shield to arbitrary paintings, basically used this technique.
02:01:31.760 | The trick was some minor tweaks to make the pasted Captain America shield blend in nicely.
02:01:42.520 | That paper's only a couple of days old, so that would be an interesting project to try.
02:01:49.040 | You can use all this code, it really does leverage this approach.
02:01:56.380 | You could start by making the content image be like the painting with the shield, and
02:02:04.720 | then the style image could be the painting without the shield.
02:02:08.800 | That would be a good start, and then you could kind of see what specific problems they're
02:02:12.160 | trying to solve in this paper to make it better.
02:02:17.560 | You could have a start on it right now.
02:02:24.280 | Let's make a quick start on the next bit, which is, yes, Rachel.
02:02:34.320 | I'll say two questions.
02:02:37.160 | Earlier there were a number of people that expressed interest in your thoughts on pyro
02:02:41.000 | and probabilistic programming.
02:02:49.360 | So TensorFlow's now got this TensorFlow probability or something.
02:02:54.800 | There's a bunch of probabilistic programming frameworks out there.
02:03:01.760 | I think they're intriguing, but as yet unproven in the sense that I haven't seen anything
02:03:15.480 | done with any probabilistic programming system which hasn't been done better without them.
02:03:22.720 | The basic premise is that it allows you to create more of a model of how you think the
02:03:32.080 | world works and then plug in the parameters.
02:03:34.760 | Back when I used to work in management consulting 20 years ago, we used to do a lot of stuff
02:03:39.000 | where we would use a spreadsheet and then we would have these Monte Carlo simulation
02:03:44.440 | plugins.
02:03:45.440 | There's one called at-risk and one called crystal ball, I don't know if they still exist
02:03:48.780 | decades later, but basically they would let you change a spreadsheet cell to say this
02:03:54.200 | is not a specific value, but it actually represents a distribution of values with this mean and
02:03:59.360 | the standard deviation, or it's got this distribution.
02:04:02.460 | And then you would hit a button and the spreadsheet would recalculate a thousand times pulling
02:04:07.520 | random numbers from the distributions and show you the distribution of your outcome
02:04:11.400 | that might be some profit or market share or whatever, and we used them all the time
02:04:19.920 | back then.
02:04:20.920 | I partly think that a spreadsheet is a more obvious place to do that kind of work because
02:04:26.200 | you can see it all much more naturally, but at this stage I hope it turns out to be useful
02:04:39.280 | because I find it very appealing and it kind of appeals to, as I say, the kind of work
02:04:44.080 | I used to do a lot of.
02:04:46.400 | There's actually whole practices around this stuff that you used to call systems dynamics,
02:04:50.080 | which really was built on top of this kind of stuff, but I don't know, it's not quite
02:04:55.880 | gone anywhere.
02:04:56.880 | Then there was a question about pre-training for a generic style transfer.
02:05:09.600 | I don't think you can pre-train for a generic style, but you can pre-train for a generic
02:05:16.840 | photo for a particular style, which is where we're going to get to, although it may end
02:05:27.200 | up being homework, I haven't decided, but I'm going to do all the pieces.
02:05:32.020 | One more question is, "Please ask him to talk about multi-GPU."
02:05:36.560 | Oh yeah, I even have a slide about that.
02:05:42.720 | It's about to hit it.
02:05:49.520 | Before we do just another interesting picture from the Gatties paper, they've got a few
02:05:54.800 | more that didn't fit in my slide here, but different convolutional layers for the style,
02:06:00.680 | different style to content ratios, and here's the different images.
02:06:05.840 | Obviously this isn't Van Gogh anymore, this is a different combination.
02:06:10.160 | You can see if you just do all style, you don't see any image, if you do all lots of
02:06:16.160 | content, but you use a low enough convolutional layer, it looks okay, but the background's
02:06:22.080 | kind of dumb, so you kind of want somewhere around here or here.
02:06:27.880 | You can play around with an experiment, but also use the paper to help guide you.
02:06:34.160 | I think I might work on the math now, and we'll talk about multi-GPU and super-resolution
02:06:42.500 | next week.
02:06:44.000 | I think this is from the paper, and one of the things I really do want you to do after
02:06:49.280 | we talk about a paper is to read the paper and then ask questions on the forum, anything
02:06:54.440 | that's not clear.
02:06:56.240 | But there's kind of a key part of this paper which I wanted to talk about and discuss how
02:07:02.520 | to interpret it.
02:07:03.680 | So the paper says we're going to be given an input image, x, and this little thing means
02:07:11.240 | it's a vector, but this one's a matrix, I guess it could mean either.
02:07:28.760 | So normally small-letter bold means vector, or small-letter with doobie on top means vector,
02:07:36.440 | they can both mean vector, and normally big-letter means matrix, or small-letter with two doobies
02:07:41.720 | on top means matrix.
02:07:43.560 | In this case, our image is a matrix.
02:07:46.720 | We are going to basically treat it as a vector, so maybe we're just getting ahead of ourselves.
02:07:52.000 | So we've got an input image, x, and it can be encoded in a particular layer of the CNN
02:07:58.280 | by the filter responses.
02:07:59.800 | So the activations, filter responses are activations.
02:08:03.700 | So hopefully that's something you all understand, that's basically what a CNN does, is it produces
02:08:08.720 | layers of activations.
02:08:11.480 | A layer has a bunch of filters which produce a number of channels, and so this here says
02:08:17.600 | that layer number L has capital NL filters, and again this capital does not mean matrix.
02:08:26.720 | So I don't know, math notation is so inconsistent.
02:08:30.580 | So capital NL distinct filters at layer L, which means it has also that many feature
02:08:38.600 | maps.
02:08:39.600 | So make sure you can see that this letter is the same as this letter.
02:08:42.360 | So you've got to be very careful to read the letters and recognize it's like snap, that's
02:08:47.480 | the same letter as that letter.
02:08:49.560 | So obviously NL feature maps or NL filters create NL feature maps or channels, h1 is
02:08:57.440 | of size m, okay so I can see this is where the unrolling is happening, hmap is of size
02:09:04.600 | m little l, so this is like m square bracket l in numpy notation, it's the lth layer.
02:09:13.760 | So m for the lth layer.
02:09:15.960 | And the size is height times width, so we flattened it out.
02:09:22.840 | So the responses of that layer l can be stored in a matrix F, and now the l goes at the top
02:09:30.680 | for some reason.
02:09:31.680 | So this is not F to the power of l, this is just another indexing, we're just moving it
02:09:35.640 | around for fun.
02:09:38.660 | And this thing here where we say it's an element of R, this is a special R meaning the real
02:09:42.640 | numbers n times m, this is saying that the dimensions of this is n by m.
02:09:48.840 | So this is really important, you don't move on, it's just like with PyTorch, making sure
02:09:53.360 | that you understand the rank and size of your dimensions first.
02:09:57.160 | Same with math, these are the bits where you stop and think, why is it n by m?
02:10:03.640 | So n is the number of filters, m is height by width, so do you remember that thing where
02:10:09.120 | we did view batch times channel comma minus 1?
02:10:15.200 | Here that is.
02:10:16.200 | So try to map the code to the math.
02:10:19.360 | So f is x.
02:10:31.640 | If I was nicer to you, I would have used the same letters as the paper, but I was too busy
02:10:36.440 | getting this damn thing working to do that carefully.
02:10:39.920 | So you can go back and rename it as capital F.
02:10:44.160 | This is why we moved the l to the top, because we're now going to have some more indexing.
02:10:48.560 | So like where else in NumPy or PyTorch we index things by square brackets and then lots
02:10:53.220 | of things with commas between, the approach in math is to surround your letter by little
02:10:59.320 | letters all around it, and just throw them up there everywhere.
02:11:03.460 | So here fl is the lth layer of f, and then ij is the activation of the i-th filter at
02:11:11.600 | position j of layer l.
02:11:14.600 | So position j is up to size m, which is up to size height by width.
02:11:20.640 | This is the kind of thing that would be easy to get confused.
02:11:22.640 | Like often you'd see an ij and assume that's like indexing into a position of an image
02:11:27.400 | like height by width, but it's totally not, is it?
02:11:31.400 | It's indexing into channel by flattened image, and it even tells you it's the i-th filter,
02:11:40.240 | the i-th channel in the jth position in the flattened out image in layer l.
02:11:47.960 | So you're not going to be able to get any further in the paper unless you understand
02:11:54.880 | what f is.
02:11:56.420 | So that's why these are the bits where you stop and make sure you're comfortable.
02:12:04.000 | So now the content loss I'm not going to spend much time on, but basically we're going to
02:12:10.920 | just check out the values of the activations versus the predictions squared.
02:12:21.440 | So there's our content loss, and the style loss will be much the same thing but using
02:12:26.440 | the Gram matrix g.
02:12:29.280 | And I really wanted to show you this one because sometimes I really like things you can do
02:12:34.080 | in math notation, and they're things you can also generally do in j and APL, which is kind
02:12:40.200 | of this implicit loop going on here.
02:12:43.360 | What this is saying is there's a whole bunch of values of i and a whole bunch of values
02:12:48.000 | of j, and I've got to define g for all of them.
02:12:52.280 | And there's a whole bunch of values of l as well, and I've got to define g for all of
02:12:55.120 | those as well.
02:12:56.840 | And so for all of my g at every l, at every i, at every j, it's going to be equal to something.
02:13:03.200 | And you can see that something has an i and a j and an l, so matching these, and it also
02:13:11.000 | has a k, and that's part of the sum.
02:13:14.840 | So what's going on here?
02:13:17.160 | Well it's saying that my Gram matrix in layer l for the i-th channel, well these aren't channels
02:13:26.720 | anymore, in the i-th position in one axis, in the j-th position in another axis, is equal
02:13:33.080 | to my f matrix, so my flattened out matrix, for the i-th channel in that layer versus
02:13:45.400 | the j-th channel in the same layer.
02:13:49.900 | And then I'm going to sum over, see this k and this k, they're the same letter.
02:13:55.720 | So we're going to take the k-th position and multiply them together and then add them all
02:14:01.800 | So that's exactly what we just did before when we calculated our Gram matrix.
02:14:06.400 | So there's a lot going on because of some very neat notation, which is there are three
02:14:15.360 | implicit loops all going on at the same time, plus one explicit loop in the sum, and then
02:14:22.040 | they all work together to create this Gram matrix for every layer.
02:14:26.960 | So let's go back and see if you can match this.
02:14:38.000 | So all that's kind of happening all at once, which I think is pretty great.
02:14:45.280 | So that's it.
02:14:47.000 | So next week we're going to be looking at a very similar approach, basically doing style
02:14:52.180 | transfer all over again, but in a way where we're actually going to train a neural network
02:14:56.880 | to do it for us rather than having to do the optimization.
02:15:00.480 | We'll also see that you can do the same thing to do super resolution, and we're also going
02:15:05.440 | to go back and revisit some of that SSD stuff as well as doing some segmentation.
02:15:15.280 | So if you've forgotten SSD, it might be worth doing a little bit of revision this week.
02:15:22.360 | Thanks everybody.
02:15:23.360 | See you next week.
02:15:24.120 | [APPLAUSE]