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Cynicism vs. Skepticism (Why One Destroys Relationships and the Other Builds Them)

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Cynicism is a theory about people, the idea that in general people are selfish, greedy, and dishonest.
00:00:06.800 | It's really actually an assumption that we make and then we force onto all of our interactions.
00:00:12.000 | Cynics, for instance, will pay lots of attention to the worst things that a person does and think,
00:00:17.040 | "Aha, I have evidence for my case," and they'll ignore or explain away the better
00:00:22.240 | things that a person does. In other words, they're thinking like a lawyer
00:00:26.080 | in the prosecution against humanity. Skepticism is different. Instead of having an assumption
00:00:32.000 | about people, skeptics want as much evidence as they can get. If cynicism is a lack of faith
00:00:38.640 | in humanity, skepticism is a lack of faith in our assumptions. Where cynics think like lawyers,
00:00:44.960 | skeptics think like scientists. Because of that, they can adapt more to new situations.
00:00:51.120 | They're not naive. They can learn more and they can build stronger and better relationships.