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E31: Post-vaccination virtue signaling, pandemic lessons, immigration, Caitlyn Jenner for CA & more


0:0 Bestie intro, Jason's trip recap
2:47 Sacks on hypocrisy and virtue signaling surrounding wearing masks post-vaccination, Biden's address
16:7 Pandemic lessons
30:2 Immigration, Americans self-selecting as hard workers, understanding two different types of immigration
48:4 How Darwinian free trade has negatively impacted the US middle class
60:44 Caitlyn Jenner for CA Governor, crime & homelessness
67:48 Big Tech earnings

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.080 | this is an incredible fashion disaster we have today david sacks is dressed like
00:00:05.040 | where's waldo okay freeburg freeburg is dressed like
00:00:09.200 | driving a uh subaru outback oh god unbelievable i mean this is ridiculous
00:00:29.840 | hey everybody everybody it's another episode of the all in podcast episode 31 with us today from
00:00:42.720 | well it's just rolled out of bed the queen of quinoa himself david friedberg is here let me
00:00:49.520 | do my hopefully get that hair it's not going to help have you been studying the homeless problem
00:00:54.640 | by by yourself going out on the streets or what what is happening
00:00:58.480 | at the free park do we need to do an intervention all right i'm going to go change give me a minute
00:01:03.440 | we have to keep the friedberg minutes up we have to keep the friedberg relation ratio up i had
00:01:11.440 | somebody stop me in miami and say keep the friedberg ratio high also with us chiming in
00:01:17.840 | is where's waldo himself the skipper david sacks the red man is here the skipper is here don't change
00:01:28.240 | my nickname don't change my nickname i'm comfortable with rain man don't throw me off
00:01:32.320 | yeah definitely definitely okay with rayman of course not the skipper not the skipper and
00:01:37.840 | the dictator himself got a full night's sleep i hope this time
00:01:42.080 | i did chamomile and of course i'm jay cal the baby seal here in miami look at the view how beautiful
00:01:51.840 | it's been an incredible incredible week the tiger has been unleashed i went to austin
00:01:56.960 | now i'm in miami jake cal you're more like you're more you're more like a pudgy hyena
00:02:02.320 | i don't know you're not really a tiger the quarantine 15 big announcement 10 pounds are
00:02:11.360 | gone five to go i'm lifting weights outside in miami it's been amazing field report i get to
00:02:18.320 | austin i kid you not i got my mask on 10 people first of all 10 people say i love the all-in
00:02:25.280 | podcast every like 15 feet walking in austin and in miami but somebody looks at me with my mask and
00:02:31.200 | says are you okay son and i was like what
00:02:34.320 | i kid you not and i he said are you vaccinated and i said yeah he's like why you're in a mask
00:02:43.440 | and i realized it's time for independent critical thinking
00:02:46.720 | sax i got to give it to you another great great tweet for me to copy and adapt to steal your deal
00:02:54.000 | flow but i love this tweet that you had where you said early in the pandemic explain the tweet or
00:03:00.080 | maybe read the tweet this is well which one i've been blasting about masks about one group of people
00:03:05.680 | wouldn't wear masks oh yeah yeah well at the beginning that's right i mean the the the
00:03:11.040 | dysfunction of our politics is that half the country wouldn't wear a mask at the beginning of
00:03:15.280 | the pandemic and and now the other half of the country won't take them off at its end this is
00:03:20.560 | the problem is that the mask has become um it's the equivalent of the red maga hat for team blue
00:03:28.400 | this has become some sort of uh virtue signaling uh even when it's not necessary
00:03:34.720 | but it's actually destructive because it's performatively sending the signal
00:03:40.400 | to people that the vaccines don't work and we have a third of the country today is still
00:03:45.280 | vaccine hesitant and this is not helping what we need to be sending the message to them is look get
00:03:50.400 | vaccinated so life can get back to normal so you don't have to wear a mask and you know we still
00:03:55.120 | have the cdc putting out this ridiculously conservative and timid guidance saying that well
00:04:01.040 | if you get vaccinated you can take off your mass outdoors as long as you're not with too many
00:04:06.960 | people well like what no i mean look once you get vaccinated you should need to wear a mask outdoors
00:04:13.520 | or indoors and you know we had this sort of mini state of the union this past week with biden and it
00:04:20.240 | was really like nobody was there no it was like an empty room because everyone because of social
00:04:25.520 | distancing and they were all wearing masks even though you know every single one of them is
00:04:29.360 | vaccinated and so i think biden really missed an opportunity in that speech yes he said that
00:04:34.160 | everyone should get vaccinated but show not tell i mean you know he walks up to the microphone in
00:04:39.680 | a mass saying that we should all get vaccinated well what is the mass for why don't you tell
00:04:44.080 | people that if you get vaccinated you don't need a mask anymore and so you know that we have this sort
00:04:50.080 | of contrast it's actually really it's it's really incredible because to your point he was trying to
00:04:54.080 | make some very important points in that speech david and when the camera would actually pan from
00:04:59.440 | behind him so instead of looking at him and kamala and nancy pelosi it would look there was nine
00:05:05.520 | people and you thought another sold out crowd for no no no no no because because no no no because
00:05:12.880 | typically when you give these sort of state of the union or you know these kind of like 100 day
00:05:19.920 | because you have everybody in congress you have everybody in the senate you know you have you have
00:05:24.640 | typically like a bunch of other officials you have the supreme court like in a state of the union
00:05:28.720 | address and there was nobody and it felt really striking to watch that if trump's mistake was not
00:05:36.720 | wearing a mask in april of 2020 i think biden's mistake is not taking it off in april of 2021.
00:05:43.440 | why can't we get a political leader who is willing to put on mass at the right time and take him off
00:05:49.760 | or do risk assessment just we need a political leader who's reasonably scientific and will
00:05:56.000 | actually say here's the intersection of science and common sense that everybody can map to and and
00:06:01.920 | copy me because it is to your point david you know the leader of the free world is given that title
00:06:07.440 | for a reason it's not it's not complete completely ignore what i say i've been put in this position
00:06:13.200 | because i am you know on some dimension expected to be the most thoughtful person in the room and
00:06:19.600 | set the example for everybody let's just talk like the important consequence of this and i agree with
00:06:24.720 | sax the important consequence of this however is the economic effect it has so for example in san
00:06:31.200 | francisco restaurants are only allowed to be at a quarter capacity so there are restaurant owners
00:06:35.920 | that want to get back to business that want to generate income again that want to get off of
00:06:39.760 | the ppp loan program and all of the government support and they should be able to because most
00:06:45.760 | people in san francisco at this point the vast majority in fact are vaccinated and they're
00:06:49.440 | vaccinated and the restaurants for no scientific reason are shut down or limited to a quarter
00:06:56.640 | capacity and this is the case across a lot of cities and a lot of states in the country right
00:07:00.800 | now where the conservatism with respect to coming out of the um you know the major part of this kind
00:07:07.520 | of pandemic is what's now keeping the economy or not just keeping the economy because we're fueling
00:07:12.800 | the economy with stimulus but is keeping business owners and keeping people that want to participate
00:07:19.280 | uh in building and running their businesses from getting back to work because we're so conservative
00:07:23.920 | about this and you know what sax is totally right yeah like take the masks off let people go into
00:07:28.240 | restaurants and let people go have dinner in san francisco let these places get back to work by the
00:07:32.480 | way we have a we have an a b test that's actually nobody's talking about which is that the more
00:07:37.680 | conservative version of america's posture right america's sort of like half we don't care and half
00:07:42.160 | we care too much but in europe you could see a more you know homogeneous approach to the problem
00:07:48.320 | and we print
00:07:49.120 | printed a negative 0.6 gdp growth in europe so to your point with all the vaccines that are out
00:07:55.120 | there with all of the logic and all of the science not being able to just take the mask off and get
00:08:00.000 | back to life as normal was negative 0.6 gdp growth in a quarter where they also printed hundreds of
00:08:08.000 | billions of dollars and now you come into the united states last year i don't know if you guys
00:08:12.400 | remember this but every forecast i saw had gd from the smartest folks saying q1 gdp would be on a run
00:08:18.960 | rate to be around 10 it would be one of the best in history it was only 1.6 so we're on a 6.4 gdp
00:08:26.240 | growth run rate guys that's not 10 now it's still a lot but the point is we got to get back to life
00:08:33.360 | as normal we have to show that these vaccines work we have to tell people that you can have a normal
00:08:37.440 | life you should be going out spending money going back to the office live normally yeah and we should
00:08:44.000 | we should just cover the data i mean we should i mean it'd be great to put up the latest cdc data on
00:08:48.800 | the screen yeah if you use the cdc as a source for the data as opposed to listening to their
00:08:53.760 | interpretations of it uh their policy interpretation it's actually pretty illuminating
00:08:58.640 | so out of 87 million people who've been vaccinated there have only been 408 serious cases which would
00:09:05.920 | be you count as hospitalization or death related to covet so those are odds of one in 213 000.
00:09:13.120 | the odds of being hit by lightning are one in 180 000. so your odds of being struck
00:09:18.640 | by lightning are greater than your risk of getting seriously sick
00:09:21.920 | i need this in poker terms i think this sounds like hitting a royal flush twice
00:09:27.600 | yeah exactly it's crazy how many royal flushes have we each hit i'll put it i'll put this article
00:09:33.600 | up and you guys can share it in the um show notes is it technology review one yeah yeah and i think
00:09:38.720 | it it does a good job of speaking to sax's statistic now uh yeah so i think uh sax i think
00:09:44.240 | this represents the cdc data in the first paragraph uh in this article but it goes on to kind of speak
00:09:48.480 | about the statistical likelihood of these events so you know basically uh you know it opens up by
00:09:54.320 | saying you know as of april 20th 87 million people in the united states have been vaccinated and only
00:09:59.280 | 7 157 or 0.008 went on to become infected with sars cov2 um 330 of whom were hospitalized and
00:10:08.560 | 77 of whom died from the disease and i would guess that that of those people there is likely
00:10:13.360 | some immune dysfunction which is a you know a a likely reason why it doesn't mean that
00:10:18.320 | every individual has that risk it means that there are certain people out there that are going to
00:10:22.000 | have immune dysfunction and won't react well to to won't develop the appropriate kind of protection
00:10:26.640 | from the vaccine um and that's you know that small small small small small percent of people are the
00:10:31.360 | are where we're kind of seeing you know um actual risk like that's where i get the 408 number is
00:10:37.040 | it's the number of hospitalizations plus deaths minus the ones that they say in the footnote
00:10:41.440 | were not related to covet right so there's some other like cause um so 408 out of 87 million and
00:10:48.160 | by the way i think it's worth just highlighting you know just think about the rationale for why
00:10:52.240 | there is conservatism here still right so um if there are still pockets where people have not been
00:10:58.000 | vaccinated in the country and there are still areas where people are hesitant to get vaccinated
00:11:02.560 | and there's a large unvaccinated population the official guidance the official kind of
00:11:07.680 | reasoning i believe is that we need to be conservative to get all of those people to
00:11:11.760 | behave in a conservative enough way to keep a you know a surge from occurring regionally um
00:11:18.000 | uh around the country and the loss the downside is very negligible uh where people still have to
00:11:24.400 | wear masks what i don't think that that calculus accounts for is that the loss is actually not
00:11:29.760 | negligible the loss of telling people broadly to keep wearing masks is a hesitancy to go back to
00:11:34.720 | work a hesitancy and a conservancy to engage in normal economic activity and so you know
00:11:39.920 | i think that we're kind of missing that point in the kind of officiating of this uh
00:11:43.920 | of this exit strategy here um and it's uh it's certainly uh
00:11:47.840 | i i'm aligned with saxon as i certainly think it's uh it's biting us more than it's helping us
00:11:52.000 | to give you an idea just like experience wise when i was in austin every restaurant is at 110
00:11:57.680 | capacity the locals there were like i can't get a reservation for a week or two the town is packed
00:12:03.520 | everybody in the country is going to austin and miami because they've just learned
00:12:08.240 | that austin and miami have officially declared if you have the vaccine you can
00:12:12.960 | go have your life but there is still a little bit of theater on the margins when you go
00:12:17.680 | into a restaurant i went in to to get a meal and i didn't have my mask on i kid you not 110 capacity
00:12:24.240 | 100 people sitting at the bar 200 people at tables she hands me a mask and i said i'll have
00:12:29.520 | one i put it on i said can i ask you a question and she the hostess says uh why should you wear
00:12:34.320 | a mask when there's 300 people in here without a mask and the doors are closed i was like that's
00:12:37.600 | the exact question she goes it makes no sense the governor wants no mess the mayor wants masks and
00:12:42.800 | so they're having their own little version of the national conversation in austin which
00:12:47.520 | is locally scared uh or at least the politicians are and then reasonable otherwise um so you
00:12:55.280 | literally put your little mask on you walk 10 feet to your table and then take it off for the
00:12:59.840 | rest of the time in miami it's a true story i go to miami i walk into i i you know it was
00:13:07.360 | i haven't been out in 14 months so i decided i would check out a club and i went to a nightlife
00:13:12.720 | club um and people were dancing and having a great time people were also popping bottles
00:13:17.360 | and i was like oh my god it's over like and a nightlife club it was a nightlife club and no it
00:13:23.520 | was not a yes anyway it was a legitimate club you know here in south beach um and so i took a little
00:13:30.320 | insta and i share i fed the insta and immediately i got three comments from friends who were like
00:13:37.280 | what are you doing in that club and i wrote back to all three i'm vaccinated and they were like okay
00:13:47.200 | i'm not going to go to the nightlife club and i'm like oh my god we're going to go to the nightlife
00:13:51.040 | club i was like is this not obvious but i think this was the point i made a few months ago which
00:13:55.520 | is i do think that the the subconscious training the fear factor that's been kind of you know built
00:14:00.240 | into us over the last year year and a half um it's going to take a while to kind of train our
00:14:05.680 | way out of you know people aren't going to be that rational and that conscious about oh i've been
00:14:09.840 | vaccinated people are basically the default is fear the what ifs the butts but oh my god people
00:14:15.040 | are still getting covet even though they're vaccinated but there's there's variance but
00:14:17.040 | they're still going to be the default and i think that's the reason why i think we're going to be the
00:14:21.360 | default and i think that's the reason why i think that's the reason why i think we're going to be the
00:14:24.800 | default and i think that's the reason why we're going to be the default and i think that's the
00:14:27.120 | reason why we're going to be the default and i think that's the reason why we're going to be the
00:14:29.520 | default and i think that's the reason why we're going to be the default and i think that's the
00:14:31.520 | reason why we're going to be the default and i think that's the reason why we're going to be the
00:14:33.920 | default and i think that's the reason why we're going to be the default and i think that's the
00:14:35.440 | reason why we're going to be the default and i think that's the reason why we're going to be the
00:14:37.280 | default and i think this this this is like what again i'll say that i said it like four times
00:14:40.800 | default and i think this this this is like what again i'll say that i said it like four times
00:14:40.800 | default and i think this this this is like what again i'll say that i said it like four times
00:14:40.800 | before but this is what happened after 9 11 and it lasted for years and you know we still have
00:14:45.200 | before but this is what happened after 9 11 and it lasted for years and you know we still have
00:14:45.200 | before but this is what happened after 9 11 and it lasted for years and you know we still have
00:14:45.200 | ridiculous tsa processes we need our leaders to take their masks off get tell everybody they're
00:14:50.720 | ridiculous tsa processes we need our leaders to take their masks off get tell everybody they're
00:14:50.720 | ridiculous tsa processes we need our leaders to take their masks off get tell everybody they're vaccinated
00:14:51.760 | vaccinated
00:14:51.760 | vaccinated take their masks off go back to normal life so
00:14:54.320 | so that everybody else will feel that it's okay to, because even
00:14:57.080 | if you're, even if you're, if you're not fearful, David, the
00:15:00.420 | other thing that you are is just guilty. And, you know, right,
00:15:03.800 | totally. And you got to, you got to get rid of that as well. And
00:15:06.420 | the only way you'll do it is if highly visible people are now
00:15:09.640 | actually going back to life as normal.
00:15:11.260 | Yeah, like the peer pressure element of it. It's like, I feel
00:15:13.400 | bad, I feel bad going into a store when everyone else is
00:15:15.560 | wearing a mask. And like, I'm crazy, crazy MSNBC moment. And
00:15:20.760 | one of the hosts of one of their shows said, I've been fully
00:15:24.320 | vaccinated, but I went running in Central Park. So I double
00:15:27.840 | masked and I'm like, the virtue signaling was so insane. Like,
00:15:31.980 | wait a second, you're out.
00:15:33.600 | That's insane. This is the joy read thing. Yeah, I don't want
00:15:37.740 | to see the person's name. Because then if you mentioned
00:15:40.020 | who it is, then you might be attacking a person of color or a
00:15:43.620 | woman host. So I just said,
00:15:45.240 | well, now you're avoiding it, which makes you think that you
00:15:47.340 | are so who is it? How am I supposed to say it without
00:15:50.100 | being?
00:15:50.640 | But he was, I mean,
00:15:51.640 | nobody watches MSNBC. Yeah.
00:15:53.640 | What is it?
00:15:54.300 | It was the Trump derangement syndrome therapy was MSNBC. The
00:16:04.440 | ratings go, I want to have a question for the three of you.
00:16:06.600 | Knowing what we've seen here, between the logic of both sides
00:16:11.800 | and the media and the insanity. What do you take away from the
00:16:16.140 | year of the pandemic as it comes to a close in how you personally
00:16:19.620 | look at the world?
00:16:20.520 | Sachs, you want to start like,
00:16:22.980 | yeah, I'll tell you, I feel like the American people are
00:16:26.460 | constantly being propagandized. And there's almost like an
00:16:30.060 | information war being perpetrated on the American people where we
00:16:33.120 | cannot get the data, the facts and the truth. I think it's true
00:16:38.100 | now in terms of people not taking off their masks, even
00:16:41.460 | though we have the CDC data that basically shows the lightning
00:16:44.940 | strike probability of getting COVID. But we saw at the very
00:16:48.000 | beginning of the pandemic. Remember, I have all these
00:16:49.920 | people.
00:16:50.420 | On Twitter, telling me every time I tweet about this, why don't
00:16:54.140 | you just listen to the experts, right? They want me to shut off
00:16:56.300 | my brain, and just do whatever the CDC says. And I'm like, well,
00:16:59.600 | do you realize the CDC was against mass at the beginning of
00:17:03.080 | the pandemic back in March of 2000. Last year, when I was
00:17:06.800 | saying we need to wear masks, because looking at the success
00:17:09.560 | of the Asian countries, and some of the data coming out of that.
00:17:12.620 | The CDC was very, very slow in adopting mass, they were against
00:17:17.600 | it, they were telling us we didn't need to do it.
00:17:19.280 | And that was the historical CDC, like, right, they've been around
00:17:22.820 | for a long time. And then also, Trump was anti mask. And so you
00:17:27.260 | had Trump, Trump was slow to adopt mass too. And yeah, and
00:17:30.200 | absolutely. And so yes, I mean, I've said that there's like a
00:17:32.600 | Venn diagram of American politics, where that, you know,
00:17:36.500 | that one circle is favored mass wearing one year ago, and then
00:17:40.880 | wants to get rid of mass mandates today, the Venn diagram
00:17:44.240 | of overlap between those two groups is very small. I'm in
00:17:46.820 | that overlap. I feel like I'm in that like a very lonely part of
00:17:50.240 | the political graph.
00:17:51.740 | Yeah, Chamath, how has your thinking, you know, now that
00:17:56.960 | we've had to process this event in our lifetime, that is
00:18:01.160 | probably the most consequential, you know, moment?
00:18:04.280 | Yeah, I have, I have, I thought about this a lot, Jason, you
00:18:08.180 | asked a really important question. And I think everybody
00:18:11.900 | should probably try to take five minutes, and actually write this
00:18:16.400 | down. Because I think, I'll tell you what I learned, I learned, I
00:18:20.720 | learned three things. The first thing I learned is intellectual.
00:18:24.320 | And it's exactly the same thing that David Sacks said, it is
00:18:27.800 | completely shocking to me how much disinformation there is,
00:18:31.760 | and also how we are so prone to turning off our brains and not
00:18:37.820 | thinking for ourselves. So it's really shocking. And I think
00:18:41.420 | 2020 was the year that that was laid bare, that the institutions
00:18:46.340 | that feed you information can't really be trusted, that you
00:18:50.360 | can't really trust the interpretation of actual simple
00:18:53.360 | data, that nobody wants to think in first principles. So that's
00:18:56.400 | the first one, we have stopped thinking for ourselves. And
00:18:59.240 | that's a recipe for disaster. And so that's an intellectual
00:19:02.900 | thing that I've realized, and I don't want to do it. And so I'll
00:19:05.740 | think for myself, and I'll take the consequences. The second was
00:19:09.220 | economic, which is, wow, we have really over rotated to this crazy
00:19:15.920 | form of
00:19:16.280 | globalism that is going to get undone over the next 30 years.
00:19:20.240 | And that's going to have a lot of implications. And it can be
00:19:23.060 | done in a way that can rejuvenate the United States,
00:19:26.180 | which I think can fix a lot of the stuff that was created. And
00:19:28.340 | we should talk about that later today. And then the third is
00:19:32.040 | physiological, which is if you didn't know before, I'm going to
00:19:35.360 | tell you now, and it's this three letter word that we make
00:19:38.760 | into a four letter word in America, which is the letters F
00:19:41.540 | at, we have a fat epidemic in the United States.
00:19:46.160 | And it's a very common disease. And it's a very common disease
00:19:50.120 | that we have in the United States. And it's a very common
00:19:53.060 | disease that we have in the United States. And it's a very
00:19:55.940 | common disease that we have in the United States. And it's a
00:19:58.640 | very common disease that we have in the United States. And it's
00:20:01.100 | a very common disease that we have in the United States. And
00:20:03.140 | it's a very common disease that we have in the United States.
00:20:05.660 | And it's a very common disease that we have in the United States.
00:20:08.120 | And it's a very common disease that we have in the United States.
00:20:10.160 | And it's a very common disease that we have in the United States.
00:20:12.020 | And it's a very common disease that we have in the United States.
00:20:14.120 | And it's a very common disease that we have in the United States.
00:20:14.120 | And it's a very common disease that we have in the United States.
00:20:14.120 | by a combination of food, and a lack of movement, we are setting
00:20:19.360 | them up to either die acutely of something like COVID, or
00:20:22.940 | chronically by heart disease and diabetes. And that is was like
00:20:26.960 | it is now so obvious and by the way, that's the other thing
00:20:30.140 | where these healthy fit people were running around double
00:20:33.660 | vaccine and or double masking in Central Park, and they don't
00:20:37.040 | even know the basic data. Like even if you thought you were
00:20:40.340 | going to go to the hospital, the 80% of all of those millions of
00:20:44.080 | hospitalizations were from people that were obese, they had
00:20:47.680 | physiologically completely taken their body to a place that it
00:20:52.480 | wasn't able to fight. Right. So those are my three takeaways
00:20:57.040 | intellectual, economic and physiologic.
00:20:59.740 | insert one thing on that is because I agree with with
00:21:01.960 | everything to Martha said is this this idea of laying bare,
00:21:05.380 | that laying bare the the sort of corruption of these like
00:21:09.520 | institutions that are supposed to be coming up with good
00:21:12.160 | policies and educating us about
00:21:14.040 | the effects of this virus. And it turns out they, you know, keep
00:21:16.980 | giving us this foolish guidance. But there's also another
00:21:19.440 | institution, I think that was laid bare, which are these
00:21:21.300 | education unions, right, we had school closures for a year, the
00:21:26.160 | learning loss and the isolation that kids are have experienced,
00:21:29.820 | we don't even know what the results of this are going to be
00:21:32.100 | this could be a generational consequence. And what we see
00:21:36.060 | from the education unions, they didn't want to go back to
00:21:37.980 | school, they fought it. You know, we had the whole Oakley
00:21:41.400 | school board resign, because they just said, Well, they want
00:21:44.000 | to go back to work to be babysitters for their kids. So we
00:21:46.340 | could smoke pot. These are people who don't care about the
00:21:49.760 | kids. And after this year, I don't know how anyone can be
00:21:53.720 | against school choice or charter schools, or giving parents more
00:21:57.200 | involvement in their kids educations.
00:21:59.660 | 100% freeberg coming out of the pandemic, and looking at your own
00:22:05.840 | psychology and your own life. What have you learned? And what
00:22:10.940 | do you take forward in terms of lessons and how you're going to
00:22:13.340 | approach
00:22:13.940 | post pandemic life?
00:22:15.200 | I'll kind of flip it a little bit. One of the first
00:22:19.320 | experiences I had with how broadly people could be
00:22:23.540 | influenced in a way that doesn't have grounding or rooting in
00:22:27.880 | facts and reality is when I sold my company to Monsanto in 2013.
00:22:32.000 | And J Cal, I think you came with me on one of these trips that I
00:22:34.700 | took. I visited my hotel with you. Yeah. And, you know, there
00:22:39.560 | was an incredible bias by my team and by me personally, prior
00:22:43.920 | to even engaging in conversations with Monsanto against that company
00:22:46.980 | because they were deemed to be evil. And as I as I spent a lot of
00:22:49.860 | time personally kind of digging into the facts and the history
00:22:52.660 | of the business and kind of how we got here, it was surprising
00:22:55.200 | to me like how much of the bias against Monsanto was not rooted
00:22:58.600 | in fact, and was in fact, you know, a series of claims that
00:23:03.840 | then became truth and reality because of the perception. And
00:23:07.740 | it just became it, things got stuck that way. GMOs are bad,
00:23:10.900 | GMOs are evil, that the science of how they work, what they do,
00:23:13.900 | why they're useful, was never contemplated, never became part
00:23:17.020 | of the dialogue, it was just this assumed fact that this is an
00:23:20.080 | evil company that this stuff is bad. And, you know, this is a
00:23:24.160 | long, long topic, we could talk about this, I'm sure for an
00:23:26.260 | entire hour and a half about the science and technology behind
00:23:29.240 | GMOs, and how we make food and all that sort of stuff. And I'm
00:23:31.360 | happy to do that another time. But like, for me, I was just so
00:23:34.480 | surprised when I engaged with thoughtful friends of mine who
00:23:37.000 | are scientists, even, and they had this bias. And then when you
00:23:40.360 | engage them in a dialogue about like, why, where does that come
00:23:43.000 | from? What's the rooting?
00:23:43.880 | What's the, what's the, what's the, what's the root of the
00:23:45.860 | problem? And it just wasn't there. And I got and I
00:23:48.860 | mentioned this to you guys, when I was an executive at the
00:23:50.780 | management team in Monsanto, we had a WHO ruling, where a guy got
00:23:55.280 | himself elected to the IARC, the this is the cancer research
00:23:59.780 | group within WHO. He was this liberal guy, who was very anti
00:24:05.060 | technology who got himself elected to the IARC board, and
00:24:08.300 | got a ruling made that Roundup is a possible carcinogen. And
00:24:13.860 | that's the sort of thing that I'm going to be talking about in a
00:24:15.600 | little bit. But I think that's, that's a very important part of
00:24:17.460 | the whole thing. And I think that's what I've been talking about,
00:24:18.700 | and I think that's the whole point of the whole thing, is to be
00:24:20.620 | honest, that the truth is the truth, and that's the truth. And
00:24:22.740 | I think that's the whole point of the whole thing. And I think
00:24:24.000 | that's the whole point of the whole thing. And I think that's
00:24:24.720 | the whole point of the whole thing. And I think that's the
00:24:25.260 | whole point of the whole thing. And I think that's the whole point.
00:24:25.320 | And I think that's the whole point. And I think that's the whole point.
00:24:25.380 | And it's incredible, the implications it's had. And so I've
00:24:28.380 | always, you know, for several years now, I've had this kind of
00:24:30.820 | belief that like people can be led to believe things that
00:24:34.140 | aren't necessarily rooted in objective truth, or in fact, or
00:24:37.660 | have empirical evidence to behind them. And this is this,
00:24:40.240 | this goes back to the origins of religion and monarchies and like
00:24:43.120 | you know, these myths and these, these, these, these tales we
00:24:46.080 | tell ourselves, where we all end up believing something, and
00:24:48.940 | there's some influencing factor that that drives that. I think
00:24:52.000 | this has just been an incredible manifestation of that the the
00:24:55.480 | misinformation on both sides, from the beginning to the end of
00:24:58.620 | the pandemic. And it's just been
00:25:00.800 | extraordinary to watch, I don't think you change it, I think
00:25:03.100 | social networks amplify it. You know, I think that the the rate
00:25:06.920 | at which information or misinformation flows back and
00:25:09.260 | forth is making it easier and quicker to kind of adopt this,
00:25:12.300 | you know, systemic inaccurate belief system that people might
00:25:14.860 | adopt. And so, you know, it's, it's a big question mark for me,
00:25:18.700 | I don't know, you know, how we as a people kind of move forward
00:25:21.680 | with like objective fact based decision making and belief
00:25:25.060 | systems. And I don't know if we ever will. But well, yeah, it's
00:25:29.300 | just how humans are wired, maybe,
00:25:30.780 | you know,
00:25:31.140 | I haven't given it a lot of thought. I really like all of
00:25:34.560 | your answers, because mine is very similar. Number one, I feel
00:25:38.100 | like I was always an independent critical thinker in my life. And
00:25:41.580 | that I think I kind of started to pick sides because of Trump
00:25:45.460 | that like, I just found him so offensive. And I realized, I
00:25:48.840 | have to go back to being just an independent critical thinker, I
00:25:51.120 | affiliate with no party, I assume all news stories are fake
00:25:53.840 | news. I assume all data is being manipulated. I assume everybody's
00:25:56.880 | got an agenda. I believe everybody's virtue signaling now,
00:25:59.820 | and I'm making the decision.
00:26:00.760 | I'm making the decisions for myself. And I in the one of the
00:26:04.780 | things dovetails exactly what you said Chamath, which is, this
00:26:08.080 | was a disease of a of, you know, old people, and fat people,
00:26:12.640 | obese people, of which I have been one for far too long. And
00:26:16.360 | this is my commitment is just I got to take my health 100%
00:26:19.720 | seriously. Now that I'm 50 years old, I got a trainer, I got a
00:26:22.540 | masseuse. I'm working out and doing weights. I'm doing
00:26:25.300 | everything. I changed my diet. I'm taking supplements, the
00:26:28.780 | stuff we talked about here.
00:26:30.740 | I'm getting a doctor after that episode, we did Chamath, I'm
00:26:33.200 | getting that body scan for four fucking grand, or whatever it
00:26:36.080 | costs. And I'm just doing it all.
00:26:37.880 | Are you saying a masseuse is gonna help you lose weight?
00:26:40.040 | No, but I've had a I've had shoulders.
00:26:42.320 | Maybe the maybe the
00:26:43.460 | No, I just realized I don't stretch. I don't stretch and my
00:26:50.300 | shoulders were getting very tight and being on the computer
00:26:52.280 | and everything. So I'm just
00:26:53.120 | what a man of the people. What a man of the people.
00:26:56.000 | Look at you.
00:26:57.680 | Which house are you in?
00:26:58.980 | I got a trainer. I got a masseuse.
00:27:00.380 | I got a person. I got $4,000 money on making myself healthy.
00:27:06.800 | The third thing, and this is heartfelt and sincere, is that
00:27:11.440 | friendship and our loved ones are really with along with
00:27:17.240 | health is so important. And I am cherishing every moment, every
00:27:21.800 | experience with every friend knowing that the world can shut
00:27:26.240 | down and whatever. And we have to take advantage of every
00:27:29.520 | moment. And that that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to do
00:27:30.360 | me is that the takeaways the can just to build on something. I'm really proud of what you're
00:27:35.000 | trying to do. Jason for your health. When I remember I you know, you know how we you all
00:27:42.200 | have these high grade school pictures? Yep. Right. Like you go to like picture day or whatever.
00:27:46.840 | Yeah. And there was this crazy contrast that I had in my grade school pictures, there was like,
00:27:51.960 | two of them when I was in Sri Lanka. So I was like, you know, five and six. And then great,
00:27:57.720 | you know, then I was seven or eight. And then all of a sudden this crazy Hey, what's up Antonio?
00:28:02.440 | Antonio realize he's on an international
00:28:12.840 | don't even know who he is. Don't worry. He's like one of the most powerful guys in
00:28:22.360 | our industry. What I was gonna say is like, by like,
00:28:27.080 | I think when I was like nine or 10. I had gotten really fat.
00:28:30.600 | Really? Because, because when we moved to Canada, it was a very different food supply. And then
00:28:38.600 | economically, we were in a different place. We ate what we could afford. And I put on a lot of weight.
00:28:44.280 | And that weight carried with me until college. And then after college, and that's when I said,
00:28:49.240 | I got to get in shape exactly for the same reason Jason because like my dad was getting dialyzed.
00:28:52.920 | He was constantly, you know, dealing with these health issues. And I said, I don't deal with this.
00:28:56.360 | Shit.
00:28:56.600 | But that's a rare thing that happens. If you think about the number of people that are
00:29:01.000 | put in this predicament of like, not even forget you, you're able to get a trainer or whatever.
00:29:06.120 | But there are a ton of people that can only eat what they can afford.
00:29:09.640 | Yeah.
00:29:10.120 | Right. And the reality is, it is just meaningfully cheaper to eat at McDonald's,
00:29:14.680 | than it is to go to Whole Foods and be able to buy organic food. And so it's just not even on
00:29:19.400 | the agenda for people. So this is what I mean by you, we have to be able to say that it's not that
00:29:23.640 | people are fat because they choose to be.
00:29:26.920 | That there are these systemic imbalances that make people sick. You know what I mean?
00:29:31.160 | Education and health. These are the things that we need to work on in America.
00:29:36.120 | Education, the food supply, healthcare.
00:29:36.440 | Like Sachs, you said it, was it last week, Sachs, you said, you know, the, I think this is a great
00:29:41.800 | bargain that could happen in America with all this polarization. If even a Republican conservative,
00:29:47.320 | like Sachs can say, everybody should get a great education, and everybody should be healthy. Right?
00:29:52.680 | And Sachs isn't a socialist, but this, this isn't, this isn't a socialist. This isn't a socialist.
00:29:53.320 | Right. And Sachs isn't a socialist, but this, this isn't a socialist.
00:29:53.400 | Right. And Sachs isn't a socialist, but this, this isn't a socialist.
00:29:53.400 | Right. And Sachs isn't a socialist, but this, this isn't a socialist.
00:29:53.400 | And Sachs isn't a socialist, but this, this is important. And it's so easy to just get a happy
00:29:59.240 | meal, then to eat a salad, you know, or whatever. I was in Washington, DC this week. And
00:30:05.160 | I met with this organization, which anybody who is interested in this should check out called
00:30:12.520 | Third Way. And what Third Way is, is a centrist organization, right? So they largely work with
00:30:19.320 | Dems to try to pull them here. And I think the
00:30:23.160 | Republican version is called the Niskanen, I guess, center. But the idea is I sat with these
00:30:28.600 | guys, and I was like, just teach me something. And they taught me the most incredible thing.
00:30:32.920 | You guys know who Pew is? Pew goes out and does all these surveys.
00:30:35.320 | The Pew Research Center. They've been doing it for decades. They're the most respected,
00:30:38.520 | I think, in surveys.
00:30:39.400 | Pew does this incredible thing where they go to like a whole bunch of countries in the world.
00:30:44.440 | And they ask this basically very simple question. I'm going to ask you guys what you think the
00:30:49.080 | answer is. On a zero to 10 scale, you're going to be able to do a lot of things. You're going to be
00:30:53.140 | able to do a lot of things. And I think that's where the problem is. And I think that's where the
00:30:54.120 | problem is. And I think that's where the problem is. And I think that's where the problem is. And I think
00:30:54.560 | that's where the problem is. And I think that's where the problem is. And I think that's where the problem is.
00:30:54.960 | I think that's where the problem is. I think that's where the problem is. And I think that's where the problem is.
00:30:56.920 | What do you think Americans think to the following question? How important is hard work to get
00:31:03.000 | ahead in life? Meaning, right, so it's a proxy for how Americans think about hard work. How
00:31:08.800 | important is hard work to get ahead in life? Friedberg, what percentage of Americans do you
00:31:15.560 | think that say that hard work is important to get ahead in life? And I'll give you a couple of data
00:31:20.680 | points in 80%. Yeah. But the setup is Indonesia, 28% India, 38% Germany. 50% Go ahead. What do you
00:31:31.740 | think the answer is? Well, it should be 100%. But what do I think it is in the US? I'm hoping it's
00:31:39.500 | above 60. I agree with you, Sacks, 100% is the right answer. And I believe Americans don't
00:31:46.940 | believe it. I'm gonna put Americans at 35%. Because we've seen so many people do that.
00:31:50.660 | And I think it's the same thing with the US. And I think it's the same thing with the US. And I think
00:31:52.840 | it's the same thing with the US. And I think it's the same thing with the US. And I think it's the
00:31:53.700 | same thing with the US. And I think it's the same thing with the US. And I think it's the same thing
00:31:54.560 | with the US. And I think it's the same thing with the US. And I think it's the same thing with the
00:31:55.040 | US. And I think it's the same thing with the US. And I think it's the same thing with the US. Or just
00:31:55.840 | people think the system is rigged, or the victim culture where people tell everybody don't bother
00:31:58.400 | trying because it's rigged, and you just it's the argument sorry, I'll let you give us the answer in
00:32:03.020 | a second. But I think the argument is that like entrepreneurism fuels these moments of extraordinary
00:32:07.520 | success, but the perception creates the opposite effect, which is someone can get rich very quickly.
00:32:13.220 | And therefore, there's this luck factor or this unfairness factor that is, you know, that is
00:32:18.000 | inherent in the system, right. And so what while it does enable hard work to drive, you know,
00:32:23.780 | tremendous outcomes, the perception is that holy crap, in three years, you know, Kylie Jenner went
00:32:30.200 | on Instagram and became a billionaire or whatever, right. And people get really kind of blown away by
00:32:34.300 | that. And I think it's discouraging and
00:32:35.800 | or one person's success.
00:32:37.500 | makes it such that other people can't that it's zero sum when in fact, a company, what's your
00:32:44.040 | what's your number for America? 80%? The number is 73%. And we are the third highest ranking country
00:32:51.680 | in the service. Great. So it's amazing. Now, if you if you ask then Americans, who better represents
00:32:59.160 | the interests of hardworking people? Among Republicans and Democrats, the overwhelming
00:33:05.280 | answer is now Republicans.
00:33:07.480 | which is really interesting. Democrats even in exit polling basically voted for Biden, because they just really found Trump distasteful. And a lot of the people that, you know, basically said, you know, he's an ass. And so they voted him out. But it was not because they believed that Democrats could do the job of actually reinforcing the values of hard work. And this goes back to
00:33:28.600 | they don't want handouts. People don't want handouts. People, people, people want a fair shot. They want an even starting line. They don't want an even finishing line.
00:33:36.360 | Yeah, they don't they don't know.
00:33:37.460 | No one wants paternalism. And everyone wants opportunity. You know, but you take what you're given when it's available to you. No one says no, you know, I spent a lot of time with farmers in the Midwest in the United States, very diehard conservative generally, right. And, and farmers benefit greatly from significant government, federal government support programs, primarily a crop insurance program and some commodity price support programs. But But they are very anti government. And there's this tremendous
00:34:07.440 | irony there, right? Because they don't want to hand out, they
00:34:09.840 | want to kind of be left alone, they want to be able to run
00:34:11.960 | their business, they want and I'm generalizing, right, but I'm
00:34:14.400 | just speaking broadly to kind of the theme of things I hear when
00:34:17.280 | I when I meet with farmers. But when the crop insurance program
00:34:20.880 | shows up, and direct support payments show up, you're like,
00:34:22.920 | okay, I'll take the check. You know, and so it's hard to say
00:34:26.700 | no. But I think the motivation for everyone is universally the
00:34:30.100 | same, which is right, I want to have the opportunity to be
00:34:32.400 | successful independently.
00:34:33.480 | Are we creating policies that reinforce this? And are we
00:34:37.220 | creating the condition that makes people feel less like a
00:34:39.960 | victim, less looking for handouts and let's reduce I have
00:34:43.340 | a concern about the stimulus checks. I do think it was a
00:34:46.640 | smart thing to do to get us out of this. But do you guys wonder
00:34:50.660 | if this generation which is not going back to work, we have a
00:34:53.360 | shortage of Uber drivers, we have a shortage of bartenders,
00:34:57.100 | waiters, everybody was a lot of people are just choosing not to
00:34:59.780 | go to work because they have their stimmies.
00:35:02.240 | America is a place where you come to, because you want
00:35:07.000 | to grind, you want to find your own little engine room. And you
00:35:11.800 | want to be in there and you want to put in the hours and the
00:35:14.740 | people that it attracts from around the world. Speak to that,
00:35:18.100 | you know, the way that you can explain, you know, why Indonesia
00:35:21.440 | and India are so far to the left on that same question is because
00:35:25.240 | it's an extremely homogeneous population with zero immigration
00:35:28.120 | or immigration. Yeah, I actually think the reason why America so
00:35:31.880 | far to the right is it itself selects not by you know, some
00:35:35.560 | kind of gender age or gender.
00:35:36.780 | Age or religion or color of skin.
00:35:39.060 | By motivation.
00:35:40.020 | It's motivation. Yeah. And it's like, if you're motivated to
00:35:42.560 | crush you come to the United States. Yeah, we've all we're
00:35:46.160 | all what are we like, you know, one generation away except Jason
00:35:49.180 | you're two generation American.
00:35:50.520 | My Irish side is sixth generation.
00:35:52.440 | We're all generation except for Jason, right? We all moved here
00:35:55.620 | to the United States as immigrants.
00:35:58.080 | As immigrants.
00:35:59.040 | With motivated family.
00:36:00.000 | Yeah.
00:36:00.500 | I think that's why I'm the least successful of the group.
00:36:03.000 | Yeah.
00:36:03.740 | Yeah, you're the you're the lazy, complacent American.
00:36:06.560 | Whereas we're the hungry immigrants.
00:36:08.000 | I'm trying.
00:36:08.500 | I'm trying.
00:36:09.000 | Hey, listen, you're the Daniel Day-Lewis character in gangs in New York.
00:36:16.240 | You know, you hate the immigrants.
00:36:17.360 | You sit at the boat, you throw eggs at everyone.
00:36:19.360 | It's interesting you bring that up.
00:36:20.400 | Yeah.
00:36:20.800 | Do you know where my Irish
00:36:22.400 | forebearers came from?
00:36:24.400 | And when they immigrated to Ireland, the five points.
00:36:27.920 | Oh, the five points.
00:36:28.800 | We were in the five points.
00:36:30.400 | It's exactly accurate.
00:36:32.400 | Yeah, of course I was.
00:36:33.120 | It makes total sense.
00:36:34.240 | You're not Daniel Day-Lewis.
00:36:35.360 | You're the heavier.
00:36:36.340 | You're the shorter guy, though.
00:36:37.460 | That was kind of the.
00:36:38.100 | Not for long.
00:36:38.580 | You know what?
00:36:39.080 | Yeah.
00:36:39.380 | I dropped 10 on my quarantine 15 and I gave it to Saks.
00:36:42.420 | Yeah, you did.
00:36:43.780 | You're looking good, J-Cal.
00:36:44.980 | You look good in Miami.
00:36:46.260 | Miami suits you.
00:36:47.220 | In a weird way, I got to give J-Cal as much credit for where he came from as Chamath.
00:36:53.860 | Because I don't know, those parts of Brooklyn are maybe as tough as Sri Lanka.
00:36:58.100 | Kids with guns.
00:37:01.780 | Kids with guns.
00:37:02.900 | Yeah, you know, child warriors.
00:37:04.260 | You're going to get jumped always wrong with the pasta.
00:37:06.120 | By the way, you know, on immigration, I don't know if you guys saw this.
00:37:09.400 | You know, George W. Bush paints now and he paints immigrants.
00:37:15.080 | So, I bought his book.
00:37:16.280 | I bought a signed copy of it.
00:37:17.320 | I should have brought it to the podcast today, but it's a great book.
00:37:19.400 | I highly recommend it.
00:37:20.200 | Trigger warning.
00:37:20.840 | No, but he actually has some writings in there that talks about the power of immigration
00:37:25.000 | and how immigration is so core to the success of the United States, just to our point.
00:37:28.520 | So, this conversation made me think of the book that I just bought this week.
00:37:32.600 | Really cool book, by the way.
00:37:34.200 | George W. Bush.
00:37:35.000 | Amazingly, he's a great writer.
00:37:35.900 | Amazingly, great artist.
00:37:37.120 | Really captures the personality of immigrants in his work.
00:37:40.080 | I think the thing is like everybody wants to come here to work hard.
00:37:45.880 | Everybody that's here is willing to work hard, right?
00:37:48.720 | Whether you're first generation or not.
00:37:50.720 | And then the question is, can government create policies that allow us to do that and actually
00:37:55.440 | just create a safety net to catch us if we fall?
00:37:58.840 | Because that's what we also all want.
00:38:00.800 | So, there are parts of Biden's bill that I think made a ton of sense, like, you know, making
00:38:05.240 | community culture a priority.
00:38:05.680 | You know, you can't just go and start a new college.
00:38:06.820 | You can't just go and start a new college.
00:38:06.900 | You can't just go and start a new college.
00:38:06.940 | You can't just go and start a new college.
00:38:06.940 | You can't just go and start a new college.
00:38:06.960 | You can't just go and start a new college.
00:38:06.960 | That's a really disruptive idea because it'll put a ton of pressure on for-profit colleges,
00:38:11.380 | right, to like get their act together or not.
00:38:13.980 | That's a good idea.
00:38:15.620 | The child tax credit so that you can actually have subsidized, you know, child care for your
00:38:20.420 | kids.
00:38:20.980 | That's a good idea.
00:38:22.300 | But then where you kind of go astray is then when you start to figure out, you know, the
00:38:28.100 | levels of taxation.
00:38:29.180 | Again, we talked about this last time, but, you know, I just think that that's where you
00:38:32.820 | can kind of demotivate people to not then put in the hours.
00:38:35.820 | I think this is a good segue also into immigration through our southern border and this incredibly
00:38:41.880 | polarizing issue and how the media is polarizing it, how the parties are polarizing it.
00:38:47.320 | Just to ask a question to see if we even understand the data, how many people do you think are
00:38:52.320 | illegal immigrants in the United States right now?
00:38:53.960 | 20 million.
00:38:56.120 | Okay.
00:38:56.620 | Freeberg Sachs?
00:38:58.200 | That's a guess.
00:38:58.880 | Yeah, I guess 18 million.
00:39:00.840 | I'll take a slight under to come up, but about that.
00:39:02.600 | That's about the right.
00:39:03.100 | That's about the right order of magnitude.
00:39:04.600 | The last number I heard was like 12 million, but that was a few years ago.
00:39:08.100 | Bingo, it's 12.
00:39:09.360 | Now, how many people are apprehended at the southern border a year since 2010 every year?
00:39:15.600 | Half a million.
00:39:16.600 | Anybody else want to take a guess?
00:39:19.100 | 50,000.
00:39:20.100 | All right.
00:39:21.100 | It's 350,000.
00:39:22.600 | So, we literally are tearing the country apart.
00:39:25.600 | And I know that because I watched the movie Sicario and I'm estimating based on the scene
00:39:30.160 | where they round everyone up at the border and took them away.
00:39:32.380 | So, that's my guess.
00:39:33.760 | Terrifying film and awesome.
00:39:36.000 | Like, you will take incredible film.
00:39:38.880 | Just bring a Xanax because you might have a panic attack.
00:39:41.760 | My favorite modern director, Denis Villeneuve, he's unbelievable, but we digress.
00:39:47.380 | That scene when they're racing the cars into the border crossing border checkpoint.
00:39:51.880 | What it is so intense.
00:39:53.380 | Oh my God.
00:39:53.880 | It's so intense.
00:39:54.880 | So intense.
00:39:55.880 | So, if you guys are into sci-fi, that guy directed The Arrival, which is one of my favorite films.
00:39:59.880 | Yeah, that's a fabulous movie too.
00:40:01.380 | Another great movie.
00:40:02.160 | Beautiful film.
00:40:02.660 | So, literally, the country's being torn apart.
00:40:05.660 | A country of 330 million over 3 million would be 1%, 0.1% coming into the border.
00:40:12.660 | And we just said, immigration is just all these amazing people coming here to who want
00:40:18.660 | to strive and who want great things.
00:40:20.160 | Why are we tearing the country up over this issue?
00:40:23.160 | This is a tough topic.
00:40:26.160 | Well, I think, Jason, I think your point of view on immigration really depends on where
00:40:30.940 | you're sitting in the economy.
00:40:31.940 | So, I think for all of us who are in Silicon Valley, we know that something like half of
00:40:38.160 | startups have an immigrant co-founder.
00:40:41.160 | Totally.
00:40:42.160 | So, we've seen like PayPal, I think there were like three or four immigrants on the
00:40:47.640 | founding team.
00:40:48.940 | Peter was born in Germany.
00:40:51.440 | Elon was born in South Africa.
00:40:52.440 | Max was born in Russia.
00:40:53.440 | I was born in South Africa.
00:40:56.440 | And then you go down the list.
00:40:58.440 | Same thing with Google.
00:41:00.440 | Sergey Brin came from Russia.
00:41:01.720 | He's from China.
00:41:02.720 | He's from China.
00:41:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:41:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
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00:47:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:47:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:47:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:47:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:47:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:47:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:47:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:48:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:49:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:50:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:51:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:52:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
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00:53:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
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00:53:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
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00:53:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
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00:53:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
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00:53:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:53:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
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00:54:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:54:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:54:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:54:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:54:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:54:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:54:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
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00:55:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:55:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:56:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:57:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:58:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
00:59:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:00:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:01:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:21.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:22.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:23.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:24.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:25.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:26.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:27.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:28.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:29.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:30.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:31.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:32.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:33.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:34.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:35.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:36.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:37.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:38.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:39.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:40.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:41.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:02:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
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01:03:42.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:43.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:44.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:45.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:46.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:47.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:48.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:03:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:15.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:16.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:17.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:18.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:19.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:04:20.720 | And then you go down the list.
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01:08:49.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:08:50.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:08:51.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:08:52.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:08:53.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:08:54.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:08:55.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:08:56.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:08:57.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:08:58.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:08:59.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:00.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:01.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:02.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:03.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:04.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:05.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:06.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:07.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:08.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:09.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:10.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:11.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:12.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:13.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:14.720 | And then you go down the list.
01:09:15.720 | And here's where their definition of a monopoly, which is brittle, it doesn't account for 20,
01:09:20.480 | you know, 2021 tech companies does come into play, because now you can see that they're
01:09:25.480 | that they're winding up their pricing power if they can raise prices.
01:09:29.660 | Number one, the second thing that I'll say is the Apple Facebook thing is a very important
01:09:35.420 | canary in the coal mine as well.
01:09:37.820 | Because it's not as if the five of them can actually work together.
01:09:41.700 | There's infighting, right?
01:09:43.220 | And so it's Game of Thrones.
01:09:44.780 | Well, with this
01:09:45.620 | new update to iOS, you know, what those dialogues will essentially do, in my opinion, if I had
01:09:52.500 | to guess is limit inventory, right?
01:09:55.380 | So Facebook and Google will have fewer ads that they can actually run in a targeted way.
01:10:01.280 | And so the only way that they can keep them growing revenue with fewer impressions is
01:10:05.520 | by raising prices even more.
01:10:07.600 | And then the last thing I'll say is, you know, this complicated dynamic between Apple, Facebook
01:10:12.260 | and Google is that Google still pays Apple almost $7.
01:10:15.520 | $80 billion for search, whereas Facebook pays them nothing.
01:10:19.620 | So if you put all these things in a box, I think you're going to see the beginning of
01:10:22.980 | the end, this is where now, you can see the end game come into focus, which is wedding.
01:10:27.760 | Well, you don't need necessarily new laws and section 230.
01:10:31.600 | Although we'll have that you now see Fang M moving into the line of sight of the traditional
01:10:37.920 | antitrust framework, because now they can use very traditional, you know, anti competitive
01:10:42.560 | pricing law to go after these guys.
01:10:44.320 | I am going to I am going to strongly.
01:10:45.400 | Disagree with Chamath.
01:10:46.720 | Okay, I've not disagreed with Chamath this strongly since we've done the podcast.
01:10:51.340 | The reason I strongly disagree is because this is not inventory that is being sold at
01:10:55.920 | a fixed price where the price is set by the company.
01:11:00.560 | Facebook and Google in particular, run an auction model, they are a marketplace business,
01:11:06.020 | they have advertisers who show up, and they bid on ads, which is the inventory that they're
01:11:11.340 | able to get based on the data that they're able to match to that particular product.
01:11:15.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:16.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:17.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:18.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:19.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:20.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:21.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:22.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:23.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:24.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:25.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:26.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:27.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:28.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:29.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:30.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:31.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:32.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:33.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:34.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:35.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:36.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:37.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:38.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:39.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:40.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:41.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:42.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
01:11:43.280 | And then they can then sell it to the market.
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