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Lesson 13: Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion


0:0 Introduction
2:54 Linear models & rectified lines (ReLU) diagram
10:15 Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) from scratch
18:15 Loss function from scratch - Mean Squared Error (MSE)
23:14 Gradients and backpropagation diagram
31:30 Matrix calculus resources
33:27 Gradients and backpropagation code
38:15 Chain rule visualized + how it applies
49:8 Using Python’s built in debugger
60:47 Refactoring the code

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Hi everybody, and welcome to lesson 13, where we're going to start talking about back propagation.
00:00:10.120 | Before we do, I'll just mention that there was some great success amongst the folks in
00:00:13.880 | the class during the week on working with flexing their tensor manipulation muscles.
00:00:26.920 | So far the fastest main shift algorithm, which has a similar accuracy to the one I displayed,
00:00:36.160 | is one that actually randomly chooses data points as subset.
00:00:42.000 | And I actually think that's a great approach.
00:00:43.520 | Very often random sampling and random projections are two excellent ways of speeding up algorithms.
00:00:55.060 | So it'd be interesting to see if anybody during the rest of the course comes up with anything
00:01:00.160 | faster than random sampling.
00:01:04.920 | Also been seeing some good Einstein summation examples and implementations and continuing
00:01:10.440 | to see lots of good diff edit implementations.
00:01:16.480 | So congratulations to all the students and I hope those of you following along the videos
00:01:20.840 | in the MOOC will be working on the same homework as well and sharing your results on the fast
00:01:27.760 | AI forums.
00:01:31.520 | So now we're going to take a look at notebook number three in the normal repo, course 22p1
00:01:46.680 | repo.
00:01:50.560 | And we're going to be looking at the forward and backward passes of a simple multi-layer
00:01:57.640 | perceptron and neural network.
00:02:02.080 | The initial stuff up here is just importing things and just settings and stuff that just
00:02:08.560 | copying and pasting some stuff from previous notebooks around paths and parameters and
00:02:12.600 | stuff like that.
00:02:14.600 | So we'll skip over this.
00:02:16.520 | So we'll often be kind of copying and pasting stuff from one notebook to another's kind
00:02:21.240 | of first cell to get things set up.
00:02:24.720 | And I'm also loading in our data for MNIST as tensors.
00:02:31.440 | Okay.
00:02:33.480 | So we, to start with, need to create the basic architecture of our neural network.
00:02:42.680 | And I did mention at the start of the course that we will briefly review everything that
00:02:47.840 | we need to cover.
00:02:48.840 | So we should briefly review what basic neural networks are and why they are what they are.
00:02:55.840 | So to start with, let's consider a linear model.
00:03:17.440 | So let's start by considering a linear model of, well, let's take the most simple example
00:03:29.040 | possible, which is we're going to pick a single pixel from our MNIST pictures.
00:03:36.720 | And so that will be our X. And for our Y values, then we'll have some loss function of how
00:03:51.120 | good is this model, sorry, not some loss function.
00:03:59.080 | That's created even simpler.
00:04:00.200 | For our Y value, we're going to be looking at how likely is it that this is, say, the
00:04:07.280 | number three based on the value of this one pixel.
00:04:12.880 | So the pixel, its value will be X and the probability of being the number three, we'll
00:04:20.280 | call Y. And if we just have a linear model, then it's going to look like this.
00:04:29.840 | And so in this case, it's saying that the brighter this pixel is, the more likely it
00:04:34.720 | is that it's the number three.
00:04:38.280 | And so there's a few problems with this.
00:04:44.080 | The first one, obviously, is that as a linear model, it's very limiting because maybe we
00:04:51.360 | actually are trying to draw something that looks more like this.
00:04:59.520 | So how would you do that?
00:05:02.120 | Well, there's actually a neat trick we can use to do that.
00:05:06.920 | What we could do is, well, let's first talk about something we can't do.
00:05:14.440 | Something we can't do is to add a bunch of additional lines.
00:05:20.000 | So consider what happens if we say, OK, well, let's add a few different lines.
00:05:23.800 | So let's also add this line.
00:05:29.200 | So what would be the sum of our two lines?
00:05:36.320 | Well, the answer is, of course, that the sum of the two lines will itself be a line.
00:05:40.280 | So it's not going to help us at all match the actual curve that we want.
00:05:46.600 | So here's the trick.
00:05:48.240 | Instead, we could create a line like this that actually we could create this line.
00:06:13.240 | And now consider what happens if we add this original line with this new-- well, it's not
00:06:17.400 | a line, right?
00:06:18.720 | It's two line segments.
00:06:21.000 | So what we would get is this-- everything to the left of this point is going to not be
00:06:34.800 | changed if I add these two lines together, because this is zero all the way.
00:06:39.520 | And everything to the right of it is going to be reduced.
00:06:41.720 | It looks like they've got similar slopes.
00:06:44.280 | So we might end up with instead-- so this would all disappear here.
00:06:52.520 | And instead, we would end up with something like this.
00:07:01.680 | And then we could do that again, right?
00:07:03.340 | We could add an additional line that looks a bit like that.
00:07:09.280 | So it would go-- but this time, it could go even further out here, and it could be something
00:07:18.480 | like this.
00:07:21.600 | So what if we added that?
00:07:23.280 | Well, again, at the point underneath here, it's always zero, so it won't do anything
00:07:29.440 | at all.
00:07:30.440 | But after that, it's going to make it even more negatively sloped.
00:07:36.360 | And if you can see, using this approach, we could add up lots of these rectified lines,
00:07:44.040 | these lines that truncate at zero.
00:07:46.200 | And we could create any shape we want with enough of them.
00:07:50.680 | And these lines are very easy to create, because actually, all we need to do is to create just
00:07:58.840 | a regular line, which we can move up, down, left, right, change its angle, whatever.
00:08:13.180 | And then just say, if it's greater than zero, truncate it to zero.
00:08:18.080 | Or we could do the opposite for a line going the opposite direction.
00:08:20.480 | If it's less than zero, we could say, truncate it to zero.
00:08:24.520 | And that would get rid of, as we want, this whole section here, and make it flat.
00:08:33.760 | OK, so these are rectified lines.
00:08:38.560 | And so we can sum up a bunch of these together to basically match any arbitrary curve.
00:08:51.000 | So let's start by doing that.
00:08:52.840 | Well, the other thing we should mention, of course, is that we're going to have not just
00:08:56.960 | one pixel, but we're going to have lots of pixels.
00:09:02.680 | So to start with the kind of most slightly-- the only slightly less simple approach, we
00:09:18.160 | could have something where we've got pixel number one and pixel number two.
00:09:22.800 | We're looking at two different pixels to see how likely they are to be the number three.
00:09:28.880 | And so that would allow us to draw more complex shapes that have some kind of surface between
00:09:44.640 | them.
00:09:49.040 | OK, and then we can do exactly the same thing is to create these surfaces, we can add up
00:09:57.760 | lots of these rectified lines together.
00:10:01.400 | But now they're going to be kind of rectified planes.
00:10:06.400 | But it's going to be exactly the same thing.
00:10:08.360 | We're going to be adding together a bunch of lines, each one of which is truncated at
00:10:12.440 | zero.
00:10:13.440 | OK, so that's the quick review.
00:10:16.680 | And so to do that, we'll start out by just defining a few variables.
00:10:22.520 | So n is the number of training examples, m is the number of pixels, c is the number of
00:10:36.480 | possible values of our digits, and so here they are, 50,000 samples, 784 pixels, and
00:10:43.400 | 10 possible outputs.
00:10:46.320 | OK, so what we do is we basically decide ahead of time how many of these line segment thingies
00:10:57.760 | to add up.
00:10:59.640 | And so the number that we create in a layer is called the number of hidden nodes or activations.
00:11:05.760 | So we'll call that nh.
00:11:07.100 | So let's just arbitrarily decide on creating 50 of those.
00:11:11.520 | So in order to create lots of lines, which we're going to truncate at zero, we can do
00:11:18.840 | a matrix multiplication.
00:11:21.520 | So with a matrix multiplication, we're going to have something where we've got 50,000 rows
00:11:40.240 | by 784 columns.
00:11:50.600 | And we're going to multiply that by something with 784 rows and 10 columns.
00:12:05.520 | And why is that?
00:12:07.600 | Well, that's because if we take this very first line of this first vector here, row one,
00:12:13.560 | have 784 values, they're the pixel values of the first image.
00:12:17.560 | OK, so this is our first image.
00:12:20.280 | And so each of those 784 values will be multiplied by each of these 784 values in the first column,
00:12:29.240 | the zero index column.
00:12:31.480 | And that's going to give us a number in our output.
00:12:35.720 | So our output is going to be 50,000 images by 10.
00:12:50.640 | And so that result, we'll multiply those together and we'll add them up.
00:12:54.520 | And that result is going to end up over here in this first cell.
00:12:59.520 | And so each of these columns is going to eventually represent, if this is a linear model, in this
00:13:07.120 | case, this is just the example of doing a linear model, each of these cells is going
00:13:11.160 | to represent the probability.
00:13:12.720 | So this first column will be the probability of being a zero.
00:13:15.480 | And the second column will be the probability of one.
00:13:17.640 | The third column will be the probability of being a two and so forth.
00:13:21.280 | So that's why we're going to have these 10 columns, each one allowing us to weight the
00:13:26.560 | 784 inputs.
00:13:28.040 | Now, of course, we're going to do something a bit more tricky than that, which is actually
00:13:31.760 | we're going to have a 784 by 50 input going into a 784 by 50 output to create the 50 hidden
00:13:40.280 | layers.
00:13:41.280 | Then we're going to truncate those at zero and then multiply that by a 50 by 10 to create
00:13:47.360 | our 10 output.
00:13:48.360 | So we'll do it in two steps.
00:13:51.320 | So the way SGD works is we start with just this is our weight matrix here.
00:14:01.640 | And this is our data.
00:14:03.560 | This is our outputs.
00:14:06.160 | The way it works is that this weight matrix is initially filled with random values.
00:14:13.000 | Also, of course, this contains our pixel values, this contains the results.
00:14:17.080 | So W is going to start with random values.
00:14:24.520 | So here's our weight matrix.
00:14:26.100 | It's going to have, as we discussed, 50,000 by 50 random values.
00:14:35.540 | And it's not enough just to multiply.
00:14:37.760 | We also have to add.
00:14:39.120 | So that's what makes it a linear function.
00:14:42.060 | So we call those the biases, the things we add.
00:14:45.720 | We can just start those at zeros.
00:14:48.560 | So we'll need one for each output, so 50 of those.
00:14:51.720 | And so that'll be layer one.
00:14:52.720 | And then as we just mentioned, layer two will be a matrix that goes from 50 hidden.
00:15:00.920 | And now I'm going to do something totally cheating to simplify some of the calculations
00:15:05.160 | for the calculus.
00:15:06.160 | I'm only going to create one output.
00:15:07.760 | Why am I going to create one output?
00:15:11.400 | That's because I'm not going to use cross entropy just yet.
00:15:14.800 | I'm going to use MSE.
00:15:18.380 | So actually, I'm going to create one output, which will literally just be what number do
00:15:31.440 | I think it is from 0 to 10.
00:15:40.880 | And so then we're going to compare those to the actual-- so these will be our y-predictors.
00:15:45.480 | We normally use a little hat for that, and we're going to compare that to our actuals.
00:15:52.680 | And yeah, in this very hacky approach, let's say we predict over here the number 9, and
00:15:57.920 | the actual is the number 2.
00:15:59.880 | And we'll compare those together using MSE, which will be a stupid way to do it, because
00:16:07.120 | it's saying that 9 is further away from being 2 than 2-- 9 is further away from 2 than it
00:16:12.640 | is from 4 in terms of how correct it is, which is not what we want at all.
00:16:17.480 | But this is what we're going to do just to simplify our starting point.
00:16:20.560 | So that's why we're going to have a single output for this weight matrix and a single
00:16:25.720 | output for this bias.
00:16:28.720 | So a linear-- let's create a function for putting x through a linear layer with these
00:16:35.400 | weights and these biases.
00:16:37.160 | So it's a matrix multiply and an add.
00:16:40.440 | All right, so we can now try it.
00:16:43.560 | So if we multiply our x-- oh, we're doing x valid this time.
00:16:48.680 | So just to clarify, x valid is 10,000 by 784.
00:16:56.520 | So if we put x valid through our weights and biases with a linear layer, we end up with
00:17:01.680 | a 10,000 by 50, so 10,050 long hidden activations.
00:17:09.000 | They're not quite ready yet, because we have to put them through ReLU.
00:17:12.360 | And so we're going to clamp at 0.
00:17:14.460 | So everything under 0 will become 0.
00:17:18.720 | And so here's what it looks like when we go through the linear layer and then the ReLU.
00:17:23.420 | And you can see here's a tensor with a bunch of things, some of which are 0 or they're
00:17:27.480 | positive.
00:17:28.480 | So that's the result of this matrix multiplication.
00:17:32.200 | OK, so to create our basic MLP multi-layer perceptron from scratch, we will take our
00:17:42.080 | mini-batch of x's-- xb is a x match.
00:17:45.440 | We will create our first layer's output with a linear.
00:17:48.120 | And then we will put that through a ReLU.
00:17:50.240 | And then that will go through the second linear.
00:17:51.820 | So the first one uses the w1b one, these ones.
00:17:56.680 | And the second one uses the w2b2.
00:18:01.200 | And so we've now got a simple model.
00:18:05.560 | And as we hoped, when we pass in the validation set, we get back 10,000 digits, so 10,000
00:18:11.840 | by 1.
00:18:12.840 | Great.
00:18:13.840 | So that's a good start.
00:18:14.840 | OK, so let's use our ridiculous loss function of MSC.
00:18:20.800 | So our results is 10,000 by 1.
00:18:26.800 | And our x valid-- sorry, our y valid is just a vector.
00:18:32.160 | Now what's going to happen if I do res minus y valid?
00:18:39.240 | So before you continue in the video, have a think about that.
00:18:43.400 | What's going to happen if I do res minus y valid by thinking about the NumPy broadcasting
00:18:48.400 | rules we've learned?
00:18:52.240 | OK, let's try it.
00:18:56.640 | Oh, terrible.
00:18:59.120 | We've ended up with a 10,000 by 10,000 matrix.
00:19:05.280 | So 100 million points.
00:19:06.520 | Now we would expect an MSC to just contain 1,000 points.
00:19:10.720 | Why did that happen?
00:19:17.800 | The reason it happened is because we have to start out at the last dimension and go
00:19:26.560 | right to left.
00:19:28.680 | And we compare the 10,000 to the 1 and say, are they compatible?
00:19:35.240 | And the answer is-- that's right, Alexei in the chat's got it right-- broadcasting rules.
00:19:39.620 | So the answer is that this 1 will be broadcast over these 10,000.
00:19:44.120 | So this pair here will give us 10,000 outputs.
00:19:47.720 | And then we'll move to the next one.
00:19:53.840 | And we'll also move here to the next one.
00:19:55.880 | Uh-oh, there is no next one.
00:19:57.880 | What happens?
00:19:58.880 | Now, if you remember the rules, it inserts a unit axis for us.
00:20:02.680 | So we now have 10,000 by 1.
00:20:04.640 | So that means each of the 10,000 outputs from here will end up being broadcast across the
00:20:11.480 | 10,000 rows here.
00:20:14.080 | So that means that will end up-- for each of those 10,000, we'll have another 10,000.
00:20:17.560 | So we'll end up with a 10,000 by 10,000 output.
00:20:23.080 | So that's not what we want.
00:20:25.040 | So how could we fix that?
00:20:26.840 | Well, what we really would want would we want this to be 10,000 comma 1 here.
00:20:35.000 | If that was 10,000 comma 1, then we'd compare these two right to left.
00:20:40.200 | And they're both 1.
00:20:41.820 | So those match.
00:20:43.720 | And there's nothing to broadcast because they're the same.
00:20:46.160 | And then we'll go to the next one, 10,000 to 10,000.
00:20:48.440 | Those match.
00:20:49.600 | So they just go element wise for those.
00:20:51.800 | And we'd end up with exactly what we want.
00:20:53.440 | We'd end up with 10,000 results.
00:20:55.680 | Or alternatively, we could remove this dimension.
00:21:00.300 | And then again, same thing.
00:21:01.960 | We're then going to add right to left, compatible 10,000.
00:21:06.160 | So they'll get element wise operation.
00:21:16.760 | So in this case, I got rid of the trailing comma 1.
00:21:20.520 | There's a couple of ways you could do that.
00:21:21.720 | One is just to say, OK, grab every row and the zeroth column of res.
00:21:27.720 | And that's going to turn it from a 10,000 by 1 into a 10,000.
00:21:33.040 | Or alternatively, we can say dot squeeze.
00:21:35.280 | Now, dot squeeze removes all trailing unit vectors and possibly also prefix unit vectors.
00:21:43.640 | I can't quite recall.
00:21:47.180 | I guess we should try.
00:21:48.560 | So let's say res none comma colon comma none.
00:22:03.760 | Q dot shape.
00:22:07.440 | OK, so if I go Q dot squeeze dot shape, OK, so all the unit vectors get removed.
00:22:24.840 | Sorry, all the unit dimensions get removed, I should say.
00:22:29.000 | OK, so now that we've got a way to remove that axis that we didn't want, we can use it.
00:22:35.800 | And if we do that subtraction, now we get 10,000 just like we wanted.
00:22:40.720 | So now let's get our training and validation wise.
00:22:45.920 | We'll turn them into floats because we're using MSE.
00:22:50.200 | So let's calculate our predictions for the training set, which is 50,000 by 1.
00:22:55.880 | And so if we create an MSE function that just does what we just said we wanted.
00:23:00.160 | So it does the subtraction and then squares it and then takes the mean, that's MSE.
00:23:08.080 | So there we go, we now have a loss function being applied to our training set.
00:23:15.120 | OK, now we need gradients.
00:23:22.480 | So as we briefly discussed last time, gradients are slopes.
00:23:33.760 | And in fact, maybe it would even be easier to look at last time.
00:23:41.480 | So this was last time's notebook. And so we saw how the gradient at this point is the slope here.
00:24:03.280 | And so it's the, as we discussed, rise over run.
00:24:10.000 | Now, so that means as we increase, in this case, time by one, the distance increases by how much?
00:24:23.560 | That's what the slope is.
00:24:29.400 | So why is this interesting?
00:24:35.160 | The reason it's interesting is because let's consider our neural network.
00:24:42.960 | Our neural network is some function that takes two things, two groups of things.
00:24:49.360 | It contains a matrix of our inputs and it contains our weight matrix.
00:25:01.320 | And we want to and let's assume we're also putting it through a loss function.
00:25:11.040 | So let's say, well, I mean, I guess we can be explicit about that.
00:25:14.800 | So we could say we then take the result of that and we put it through some loss function.
00:25:20.480 | So these are the predictions and we compare it to our actual dependent variable.
00:25:35.920 | So that's our neural net.
00:25:42.360 | And that's our loss function.
00:25:48.320 | Okay.
00:25:53.280 | So if we can get the derivative of the loss with respect to, let's say, one particular
00:26:06.960 | weight.
00:26:07.960 | So let's say weight number zero.
00:26:10.680 | What is that doing?
00:26:11.680 | Well, it's saying as I increase the weight by a little bit, what happens to the loss?
00:26:21.320 | And if it says, oh, well, that would make the loss go down, then obviously I want to
00:26:27.120 | increase the weight by a little bit.
00:26:29.300 | And if it says, oh, it makes the loss go up, then obviously I want to do the opposite.
00:26:34.320 | So the derivative of the loss with respect to the weights, each one of those tells us
00:26:42.040 | how to change the weights.
00:26:43.700 | And so to remind you, we then change each weight by that derivative of times a little
00:26:49.760 | bit and subtract it from the original weights.
00:26:55.920 | And we do that a bunch of times and that's called SGD.
00:27:05.280 | Now there's something interesting going on here, which is that in this case, there's
00:27:12.320 | a single input and a single output.
00:27:16.340 | And so the derivative is a single number at any point.
00:27:20.320 | It's the speed in this case, the vehicle's going.
00:27:24.560 | But consider a more complex function like say this one.
00:27:35.160 | Now in this case, there's one output, but there's two inputs.
00:27:39.700 | And so if we want to take the derivative of this function, then we actually need to say,
00:27:46.120 | well, what happens if we increase X by a little bit?
00:27:49.080 | And also what happens if we increase Y by a little bit?
00:27:52.360 | And in each case, what happens to Z?
00:27:55.680 | And so in that case, the derivative is actually going to contain two numbers, right?
00:28:02.080 | It's going to contain the derivative of Z with respect to Y.
00:28:08.640 | And it's going to contain the derivative of Z with respect to X.
00:28:12.520 | What happens if we change each of these two numbers?
00:28:14.640 | So for example, these could be, as we discussed, two different weights in our neural network
00:28:19.800 | and Z could be our loss, for example.
00:28:25.240 | Now we've got actually 784 inputs, right?
00:28:29.140 | So we would actually have 784 of these.
00:28:33.840 | So we don't normally write them all like that.
00:28:36.160 | We would just say, use this little squiggly symbol to say the derivative of the loss across
00:28:43.160 | all of them with respect to all of the weights.
00:28:48.240 | OK, and that's just saying that there's a whole bunch of them.
00:28:52.160 | It's a shorthand way of writing this.
00:28:56.560 | OK, so it gets more complicated still, though, because think about what happens if, for example,
00:29:08.880 | you're in the first layer where we've got a weight matrix that's going to end up giving
00:29:13.440 | us 50 outputs, right?
00:29:15.400 | So for every image, we're going to have 784 inputs to our function, and we're going to
00:29:22.080 | have 50 outputs to our function.
00:29:26.520 | And so in that case, I can't even draw it, right?
00:29:31.880 | Because like for every-- even if I had two inputs and two outputs, then as I increase
00:29:36.620 | my first input, I'd actually need to say, how does that change both of the two outputs?
00:29:44.260 | And as I change my second input, how does that change both of my two outputs?
00:29:50.320 | So for the full thing, you actually are going to end up with a matrix of derivatives.
00:29:57.640 | It basically says, for every input that you change by a little bit, how much does it change
00:30:05.580 | every output of that function?
00:30:08.700 | So you're going to end up with a matrix.
00:30:11.980 | So that's what we're going to be doing, is we're going to be calculating these derivatives,
00:30:18.480 | but rather than being single numbers, they're going to actually contain matrices with a
00:30:24.480 | row for every input and a column for every output.
00:30:28.480 | And a single cell in that matrix will tell us, as I change this input by a little bit,
00:30:35.840 | how does it change this output?
00:30:39.600 | Now eventually, we will end up with a single number for every input.
00:30:49.280 | And that's because our loss in the end is going to be a single number.
00:30:53.800 | And this is like a requirement that you'll find when you try to use SGD, is that your
00:30:58.440 | loss has to be a single number.
00:31:01.880 | And so we generally get it by either doing the sum or a mean or something like that.
00:31:09.480 | But as you'll see on the way there, we're going to have to be dealing with these matrix
00:31:14.440 | of derivatives.
00:31:18.600 | So I just want to mention, as I might have said before, I can't even remember.
00:31:32.420 | There is this paper that Terrence Parr and I wrote a while ago, which goes through all
00:31:40.040 | this.
00:31:42.400 | And it basically assumes that you only know high school calculus, and if you don't check
00:31:50.400 | out Khan Academy, but then it describes matrix calculus in those terms.
00:31:55.680 | So it's going to explain to you exactly, and it works through lots and lots of examples.
00:32:04.440 | So for example, as it mentions here, when you have this matrix of derivatives, we call
00:32:14.680 | that a Jacobian matrix.
00:32:17.320 | So there's all these words, it doesn't matter too much if you know them or not, but it's
00:32:22.540 | convenient to be able to talk about the matrix of all of the derivatives if somebody just
00:32:29.080 | says the Jacobian.
00:32:30.920 | It's a little convenient.
00:32:31.920 | It's a bit easier than saying the matrix of all of the derivatives, where all of the rows
00:32:36.520 | are things that are all the inputs and all the columns are the outputs.
00:32:43.160 | So yeah, if you want to really understand, get to a point where papers are easier to
00:32:50.040 | read in particular, it's quite useful to know this notation and definitions of words.
00:32:59.600 | You can certainly get away without it, it's just something to consider.
00:33:06.360 | Okay, so we need to be able to calculate derivatives, at least of a single variable.
00:33:14.480 | And I am not going to worry too much about that, a, because that is something you do
00:33:19.100 | in high school math, and b, because your computer can do it for you.
00:33:25.360 | And so you can do it symbolically, using something called SYMPY, which is really great.
00:33:31.480 | So if you create two symbols called x and y, you can say please differentiate x squared
00:33:41.240 | with respect to x, and if you do that, SYMPY will tell you the answer is 2x.
00:33:48.240 | If you say differentiate 3x squared plus 9 with respect to x, SYMPY will tell you that
00:33:57.480 | is 6x.
00:33:58.480 | And a lot of you probably will have used Wolfram Alpha, that does something very similar.
00:34:05.760 | I kind of quite like this because I can quickly do it inside my notebook and include it in
00:34:10.280 | my prose.
00:34:13.180 | So I think SYMPY is pretty cool.
00:34:14.720 | So basically, yeah, you can quickly calculate derivatives on a computer.
00:34:25.280 | Having said that, I do want to talk about why the derivative of 3x squared plus 9 equals
00:34:31.680 | 6x, because that is going to be very important.
00:34:39.540 | So 3x squared plus 9.
00:34:46.440 | So we're going to start with the information that the derivative of a to the b with respect
00:35:03.980 | to a equals b times a.
00:35:10.260 | So for example, the derivative of x squared with respect to x equals 2x.
00:35:17.140 | So that's just something I'm hoping you'll remember from high school or refresh your
00:35:21.160 | memory using Card Academy or similar.
00:35:23.560 | So that is there.
00:35:26.080 | So what we could now do is we could rewrite this derivative as 3u plus 9.
00:35:40.600 | And then we'll write u equals x squared.
00:35:45.080 | OK, now this is getting easier.
00:35:50.920 | The derivative of two things being added together is simply the sum of their derivatives.
00:35:59.000 | Oh, forgot b minus 1 in the exponent.
00:36:02.000 | Thank you.
00:36:03.000 | Sorry, ba to the power of b minus 1 is what it should be, which would be 2x to the power
00:36:09.080 | of 1, and the 1 is not needed.
00:36:13.640 | Thank you for fixing that.
00:36:15.840 | All right.
00:36:17.840 | So we just sum them up.
00:36:19.480 | So we get the derivative of 3u is actually just-- well, it's going to be the derivative
00:36:28.100 | of that plus the derivative of that.
00:36:32.480 | Now the derivative of any constant with respect to a variable is 0.
00:36:36.800 | Because if I change something, an input, it doesn't change the constant.
00:36:40.680 | It's always 9.
00:36:41.840 | So that's going to end up as 0.
00:36:44.480 | And so we're going to end up with dy/du equals something plus 0.
00:36:52.280 | And the derivative of 3u with respect to u is just 3 because it's just a line.
00:36:56.680 | So that's its slope.
00:36:58.680 | OK, but that's not dy/dx.
00:37:01.200 | We weren't doing up to dy/dx.
00:37:02.880 | Well, the cool thing is that dy/dx is actually just equal to dy/du du/dx.
00:37:14.080 | So I'll explain why in a moment.
00:37:19.080 | But for now then, let's recognize we've got dy-- sorry, du/dx.
00:37:24.600 | We know that one, 2x.
00:37:26.840 | So we can now multiply these two bits together.
00:37:31.140 | And we will end up with 2x times 3, which is 6x, which is what Simpai told us.
00:37:38.760 | So fantastic.
00:37:40.840 | OK, this is something we need to know really well.
00:37:44.240 | And it's called the chain rule.
00:37:46.680 | And it's best to understand it intuitively.
00:37:50.080 | So to understand it intuitively, we're going to take a look at an interactive animation.
00:38:00.900 | So I found this nice interactive animation on this page here,
00:38:09.720 | And it's read-- oh, georgebra calculus.
00:38:14.800 | OK, and the idea here is that we've got a wheel spinning around.
00:38:21.040 | And each time it spins around, this is x going up.
00:38:25.800 | OK, so at the moment, there's some change in x dx over a period of time.
00:38:34.480 | All right, now, this wheel is eight times bigger than this wheel.
00:38:43.440 | So each time this goes around once, if we connect the two together, this wheel would
00:38:49.560 | be going around four times faster because the difference between-- the multiple between
00:38:58.760 | eight and two is four.
00:39:01.000 | Maybe I'll bring this up to here.
00:39:03.360 | So now that this wheel has got twice as big a circumference as the u wheel, each time this
00:39:09.620 | goes around once, this is going around two times.
00:39:15.920 | So the change in u, each time x goes around once, the change in u will be two.
00:39:23.960 | So that's what du dx is saying.
00:39:25.760 | The change in u for each change in x is two.
00:39:31.520 | Now we could make this interesting by connecting this wheel to this wheel.
00:39:36.920 | Now this wheel is twice as small as this wheel.
00:39:44.020 | So now we can see that, again, each time this spins around once, this spins around twice
00:39:50.600 | because this has twice the circumference of this.
00:39:53.700 | So therefore, dy du equals two.
00:39:57.560 | Now that means every time this goes around once, this goes around twice.
00:40:02.440 | Every time this one goes around once, this gun goes around twice.
00:40:05.760 | So therefore, every time this one goes around once, this one goes around four times.
00:40:13.820 | So dy dx equals four.
00:40:16.560 | So you can see here how the two-- well, how the du dx has to be multiplied with the dy
00:40:25.840 | du to get the total.
00:40:28.440 | So this is what's going on in the chain rule.
00:40:31.760 | And this is what you want to be thinking about is this idea that you've got one function
00:40:38.040 | that is kind of this intermediary.
00:40:41.480 | And so you have to multiply the two impacts to get the impact of the x wheel on the y
00:40:47.520 | wheel.
00:40:49.160 | So I hope you find that useful.
00:40:51.600 | I find this-- personally, I find this intuition quite useful.
00:40:58.840 | So why do we care about this?
00:41:00.240 | Well, the reason we care about this is because we want to calculate the gradient of our MSE
00:41:14.840 | applied to our model.
00:41:19.520 | And so our inputs are going through a linear, they're going through a ReLU, they're going
00:41:24.600 | through another linear, and then they're going through an MSE.
00:41:28.080 | So there's four different steps going on.
00:41:30.000 | And so we're going to have to combine those all together.
00:41:33.080 | And so we can do that with the chain rule.
00:41:36.120 | So if our steps are that loss function is-- so we've got the loss function, which is some
00:41:50.280 | function of the predictions and the actuals, and then we've got the second layer is a function
00:42:08.760 | of-- actually, let's call this the output of the second layer.
00:42:17.280 | It's slightly weird notation, but hopefully it's not too bad-- is going to be a function
00:42:22.600 | of the ReLU activations.
00:42:30.960 | And the ReLU activations are a function of the first layer.
00:42:36.640 | And the first layer is a function of the inputs.
00:42:39.640 | Oh, and of course, this also has weights and biases.
00:42:46.520 | So we're basically going to have to calculate the derivative of that.
00:42:54.640 | But then remember that this is itself a function.
00:42:57.640 | So then we'll need to multiply that derivative by the derivative of that.
00:43:01.880 | But that's also a function, so we have to multiply that derivative by this.
00:43:05.800 | But that's also a function, so we have to multiply that derivative by this.
00:43:09.240 | So that's going to be our approach.
00:43:10.880 | We're going to start at the end.
00:43:13.600 | And we're going to take its derivative, and then we're going to gradually keep multiplying
00:43:18.720 | as we go each step through.
00:43:21.320 | And this is called backpropagation.
00:43:25.000 | So backpropagation sounds pretty fancy, but it's actually just using the chain rule--
00:43:31.640 | gosh, I didn't spell that very well-- prop-gation-- it's just using the chain rule.
00:43:39.200 | And as you'll see, it's also just taking advantage of a computational trick of memorizing some
00:43:43.180 | things on the way.
00:43:46.000 | And in our chat, Siva made a very good point about understanding nonlinear functions in
00:43:54.440 | this case, which is just to consider that the wheels could be growing and shrinking
00:43:59.600 | all the time as they're moving.
00:44:01.400 | But you're still going to have this same compound effect, which I really like that.
00:44:05.600 | Thank you, Siva.
00:44:12.800 | There's also a question in the chat about why is this colon, comma, zero being placed
00:44:18.020 | in the function, given that we can do it outside the function?
00:44:21.520 | Well, the point is we want an MSE function that will apply to any output.
00:44:26.600 | We're not using it once.
00:44:27.600 | We want it to work any time.
00:44:28.800 | So we haven't actually modified preds or anything like that, or Y_train.
00:44:39.320 | So we want this to be able to apply to anything without us having to pre-process it.
00:44:44.880 | It's basically the idea here.
00:44:47.680 | OK, so let's take a look at the basic idea.
00:44:55.800 | So here's going to do a forward pass and a backward pass.
00:44:58.200 | So the forward pass is where we calculate the loss.
00:45:00.960 | So the loss is-- oh, I've got an error here.
00:45:08.640 | That should be diff.
00:45:10.800 | There we go.
00:45:15.420 | So the loss is going to be the output of our neural net minus our target squared, then take
00:45:26.240 | the mean.
00:45:29.200 | And then our output is going to be the output of the second linear layer.
00:45:37.280 | The second linear layer's input will be the value.
00:45:39.980 | The value's input will be the first layer.
00:45:41.840 | So we're going to take our input, put it through a linear layer, put that through a value, put
00:45:45.480 | that through a linear layer, and calculate the MSE.
00:45:50.280 | OK, that bit hopefully is pretty straightforward.
00:45:55.040 | So what about the backward pass?
00:45:57.780 | So the backward pass, what I'm going to do-- and you'll see why in a moment-- is I'm going
00:46:03.600 | to store the gradients of each layer.
00:46:08.000 | So for example, the gradients of the loss with respect to its inputs in the layer itself.
00:46:18.240 | So I'm going to create a new attribute.
00:46:19.560 | I could call it anything I like, and I'm just going to call it .g.
00:46:23.200 | So I'm going to create a new attribute called out.g, which is going to contain the gradients.
00:46:29.200 | You don't have to do it this way, but as you'll see, it turns out pretty convenient.
00:46:34.000 | So that's just going to be 2 times the difference, because we've got difference squared.
00:46:39.160 | So that's just the derivative.
00:46:41.860 | And then we have taken the mean here.
00:46:50.480 | So we have to do the same thing here, divided by the input shape.
00:46:55.320 | And so that's those gradients.
00:46:57.400 | That's good.
00:46:58.400 | And now what we need to do is multiply by the gradients of the previous layer.
00:47:03.120 | So here's our previous layer.
00:47:04.720 | So what are the gradients of a linear layer?
00:47:07.080 | I've created a function for that here.
00:47:11.280 | So the gradient of a linear layer, we're going to need to know the weights of the layer.
00:47:17.480 | We're going to need to know the biases of the layer.
00:47:21.800 | And then we're also going to know the input to the linear layer, because that's the thing
00:47:27.600 | that's actually being manipulated here.
00:47:31.440 | And then we're also going to need the output, because we have to multiply by the gradients
00:47:37.800 | because we've got the chain rule.
00:47:40.240 | So again, we're going to store the gradients of our input.
00:47:46.660 | So this would be the gradients of our output with respect to the input.
00:47:50.320 | And that's simply the weights.
00:47:52.800 | Because the weights, so a matrix multiplier is just a whole bunch of linear functions.
00:47:57.220 | So each one slope is just its weight.
00:48:00.640 | But you have to multiply it by the gradient of the outputs because of the chain rule.
00:48:06.100 | And then the gradient of the outputs with respect to the weights is going to be the
00:48:14.880 | output times the output summed up.
00:48:19.720 | I'll talk more about that in a moment.
00:48:22.440 | The derivatives of the bias is very straightforward.
00:48:27.440 | It's the gradients of the output added together because the bias is just a constant value.
00:48:37.040 | So for the chain rule, we simply just use output times 1, which is output.
00:48:44.560 | So for this one here, again, we have to do the same thing we've been doing before, which
00:48:48.920 | is multiply by the output gradients because of the chain rule.
00:48:53.980 | And then we've got the input weights.
00:48:58.200 | So every single one of those has to be multiplied by the outputs.
00:49:05.440 | And so that's why we have to do an unsqueezed minus 1.
00:49:08.520 | So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to show you how I would experiment with this
00:49:15.360 | code in order to understand it.
00:49:17.040 | And I would encourage you to do the same thing.
00:49:19.440 | It's a little harder to do this one cell by cell because we kind of want to put it all
00:49:23.960 | into this function like this.
00:49:25.880 | So we need a way to explore the calculations interactively.
00:49:31.640 | And the way we do that is by using the Python debugger.
00:49:36.160 | Here is how you-- let me see a few ways to do this.
00:49:40.200 | Here's one way to use the Python debugger.
00:49:43.440 | The Python debugger is called pdb.
00:49:45.920 | So if you say pdb.settrace in your code, then that tells the debugger to stop execution
00:49:55.400 | when it reaches this line.
00:49:56.560 | So it sets a breakpoint.
00:49:58.660 | So if I call forward and backward, you can see here it's stopped.
00:50:03.520 | And the interactive Python debugger, ipdb, has popped up.
00:50:07.640 | With an arrow pointing at the line of code, it's about to run.
00:50:11.840 | And at this point, there's a whole range of things we can do to find out what they are.
00:50:14.840 | We hit H for help.
00:50:18.360 | Understanding how to use the Python debugger is one of the most powerful things I think
00:50:22.420 | you can do to improve your coding.
00:50:27.400 | So one of the most useful things you can do is to print something.
00:50:31.040 | You see all these single-letter things?
00:50:33.200 | They're just shortcuts.
00:50:34.200 | But in a debugger, you want to be able to do things quickly.
00:50:36.000 | So instead of typing print, I'll just type p.
00:50:39.160 | So for example, let's take a look at the shape of the input.
00:50:46.240 | So I type p for print, input.shape.
00:50:53.780 | So I've got a 50,000 by 50 input to the last layer.
00:50:56.520 | That makes sense.
00:50:57.600 | These are the hidden activations coming into the last layer for every one of our images.
00:51:03.840 | What about the output gradients?
00:51:12.120 | And there's that as well.
00:51:13.200 | And actually, a little trick.
00:51:15.760 | You can ignore that.
00:51:16.760 | You don't have to use the p at all if your variable name is not the same as any of these
00:51:23.040 | commands.
00:51:24.580 | So I could have just typed out.g.shape.
00:51:32.020 | Get the same thing.
00:51:35.200 | So you can also put in expressions.
00:51:39.400 | So let's have a look at the shape of this.
00:51:46.140 | So the output of this is-- let's see if it makes sense.
00:51:49.400 | We've got the input, 50,000 by 50.
00:51:52.200 | We put a new axis on the end, unsqueezed minus 1 is the same as indexing it with dot dot
00:51:58.480 | dot comma none.
00:51:59.480 | So let's put a new axis at the end.
00:52:01.160 | So that would have become 50,000 by 50 by 1.
00:52:10.720 | And then the outg dot unsqueezed we're putting in the first dimension.
00:52:14.440 | So we're going to have 50,000 by 50 by 1 times 50,000 by 1 by 1.
00:52:21.280 | And so we're only going to end up getting this broadcasting happening over these last
00:52:25.320 | two dimensions, which is why we end up with 50,000 by 50 by 1.
00:52:30.600 | And then with summing up-- this makes sense, right?
00:52:33.960 | We want to sum up over all of the inputs.
00:52:36.960 | Each image is individually contributing to the derivative.
00:52:42.920 | And so we want to add them all up to find their total impact, because remember the sum
00:52:46.680 | of a bunch of-- the derivative of the sum of functions is the sum of the derivatives
00:52:51.000 | of the functions.
00:52:52.000 | So we can just sum them up.
00:52:54.680 | Now this is one of these situations where if you see a times and a sum and an unsqueeze,
00:53:00.400 | it's not a bad idea to think about Einstein summation notation.
00:53:06.240 | Maybe there's a way to simplify this.
00:53:09.280 | So first of all, let's just see how we can do some more stuff in the debugger.
00:53:15.280 | I'm going to continue.
00:53:16.840 | So just continue running.
00:53:17.920 | So press C for continue, and it keeps running until it comes back again to the same spot.
00:53:25.040 | And the reason we've come to the same spot twice is because lin grad is called two times.
00:53:31.640 | So we would expect that the second time, we're going to get a different bunch of inputs and
00:53:42.320 | outputs.
00:53:45.760 | And so I can print out a tuple of the inputs and output gradient.
00:53:49.100 | So now, yeah, so this is the first layer going into the second layer.
00:53:54.680 | So that's exactly what we would expect.
00:53:58.000 | To find out what called this function, you just type w.
00:54:01.600 | w is where am I?
00:54:04.120 | And so you can see here where am I?
00:54:06.080 | Oh, forward and backward was called-- see the arrow?
00:54:09.280 | That called lin grad the second time, and now we're here in w.g equals.
00:54:15.600 | If we want to find out what w.g ends up being equal to, I can press N to say, go to the
00:54:21.560 | next line.
00:54:23.560 | And so now we've moved from line five to nine six.
00:54:26.480 | So the instruction point is now looking at line six.
00:54:28.640 | So I could now print out, for example, w.g.shape.
00:54:33.000 | And there's the shape of our weights.
00:54:37.800 | One person on the chat has pointed out that you can use breakpoint instead of this import
00:54:44.680 | pdb business.
00:54:46.240 | Unfortunately, the breakpoint keyword doesn't currently work in Jupyter or in IPython.
00:54:54.080 | So we actually can't, sadly.
00:54:56.840 | That's why I'm doing it the old fashioned way.
00:54:58.800 | So this way, maybe they'll fix the bug at some point.
00:55:01.800 | But for now, you have to type all this.
00:55:05.600 | OK, so those are a few things to know about.
00:55:09.120 | But I would definitely suggest looking up a Python pdb tutorial to become very familiar
00:55:14.480 | with this incredibly powerful tool because it really is so very handy.
00:55:21.960 | So if I just press continue again, it keeps running all the way to the end and it's now
00:55:25.960 | finished running forward and backward.
00:55:29.880 | So when it's finished, we would find that there will now be, for example, a w1.g because
00:55:40.480 | this is the gradients that it just calculated.
00:55:47.400 | And there would also be a xtrain.g and so forth.
00:55:54.440 | OK, so let's see if we can simplify this a little bit.
00:55:58.880 | So I would be inclined to take these out and give them their own variable names just to
00:56:05.080 | make life a bit easier.
00:56:06.080 | Would have been better if I'd actually done this before the debugging, so it'd be a bit
00:56:12.160 | easier to type.
00:56:14.240 | So let's set I and O equal to input and output dot g dot unsqueeze.
00:56:20.960 | OK, so we'll get rid of our breakpoint and double check that we've got our gradients
00:56:42.560 | And I guess before we run it, we should probably set those to zero.
00:56:50.920 | What I would do here to try things out is I'd put my breakpoint there and then I would
00:56:58.400 | try things.
00:56:59.400 | So let's go next.
00:57:01.280 | And so I realize here that what we're actually doing is we're basically doing exactly the
00:57:10.720 | same thing as an insum would do.
00:57:15.720 | So I could test that out by trying an insum.
00:57:23.280 | Because I've just got this is being replicated and then I'm summing over that dimension,
00:57:31.680 | because that's the multiplication that I'm doing.
00:57:33.280 | So I'm basically multiplying the first dimension of each and then summing over that dimension.
00:57:39.080 | So I could try running that and it works.
00:57:46.840 | So that's interesting.
00:57:52.640 | And I've got zeros because I did x_train dot zero, that was silly.
00:57:58.960 | That should be dot gradients dot zero.
00:58:02.200 | OK, so let's try doing an insum.
00:58:11.560 | And there we go.
00:58:12.560 | That seems to be working.
00:58:13.920 | That's pretty cool.
00:58:14.920 | So we've we've multiplied this repeating index.
00:58:17.740 | So we were just multiplying the first dimensions together and then summing over them.
00:58:22.040 | So there's no i here.
00:58:23.840 | Now that's not quite the same thing as a matrix multiplication, but we could turn it into
00:58:28.120 | the same thing as a matrix multiplication just by swapping i and j so that they're the
00:58:33.240 | other way around.
00:58:34.240 | And that way we'd have ji comma ik.
00:58:39.000 | And we can swap into dimensions very easily.
00:58:42.720 | That's what's called the transpose.
00:58:44.640 | So that would become a matrix multiplication if we just use the transpose.
00:58:49.080 | And in numpy, the transpose is the capital T attribute.
00:58:53.920 | So here is exactly the same thing using a matrix multiply and a transpose.
00:59:01.360 | And let's check.
00:59:03.360 | Yeah, that's the same thing as well.
00:59:06.680 | OK, cool.
00:59:08.840 | So that tells us that now we've checked in our debugger that we can actually replace
00:59:16.240 | all this with a matrix multiply.
00:59:20.280 | We don't need that anymore.
00:59:26.720 | Let's see if it works.
00:59:32.280 | It does.
00:59:33.280 | All right.
00:59:37.600 | X train dot g.
00:59:38.800 | Cool.
00:59:39.800 | OK, so hopefully that's convinced you that the debugger is a really handy thing for playing
00:59:47.120 | around with numeric programming ideas or coding in general.
00:59:52.680 | And so I think now is a good time to take a break.
00:59:55.280 | So let's take a eight minute break.
00:59:57.760 | And I'll see you back here.
00:59:58.760 | Actually, seven minute break.
00:59:59.760 | I'll see you back here in seven minutes.
01:00:02.840 | Thank you.
01:00:04.960 | OK, welcome back.
01:00:07.800 | So we've calculated our derivatives and we want to test them.
01:00:13.200 | Luckily PyTorch already has derivatives implemented.
01:00:17.080 | So I've got to totally cheat and use PyTorch to calculate the same derivatives.
01:00:24.160 | So don't worry about how this works yet, because we're actually going to be doing all this
01:00:27.520 | from scratch anyway.
01:00:28.520 | For now, I'm just going to run it all through PyTorch and check that their derivatives are
01:00:33.240 | the same as ours.
01:00:34.840 | And they are.
01:00:35.840 | So we're on the right track.
01:00:37.240 | OK, so this is all pretty clunky.
01:00:40.480 | I think we can all agree.
01:00:42.480 | And obviously, it's clunky than what we do in PyTorch.
01:00:44.360 | So how do we simplify things?
01:00:46.160 | There's some really cool refactoring that we can do.
01:00:51.240 | So what we're going to do is we're going to create a whole class for each of our functions,
01:00:55.760 | for the value function and for the linear function.
01:01:00.920 | So the way that we're going to do this is we're going to create a dunder call.
01:01:11.040 | What does dunder call do?
01:01:12.200 | Let me show you.
01:01:13.640 | So if I create a class.
01:01:22.280 | And we're just going to set that to print hello.
01:01:28.340 | So if I create an instance of that class.
01:01:32.720 | And then I call it as if it was a function, oops, missing the dunder bit here.
01:01:42.320 | Call it as if it's a function.
01:01:43.960 | It says hi.
01:01:45.560 | So in other words, you know, everything can be changed in Python.
01:01:48.840 | You can change how a class behaves.
01:01:50.680 | You can make it look like a function.
01:01:54.320 | And to do that, you simply define dunder call.
01:01:57.800 | You could pass it an argument like so.
01:02:08.120 | OK, so that's what dunder call does.
01:02:11.240 | It just says it's just a little bit of syntax, sugary kind of stuff to say I want to be able
01:02:16.280 | to treat it as if it's a function without any method at all.
01:02:21.000 | You can still do it the method way.
01:02:22.320 | You could have done this.
01:02:23.320 | Don't know why you'd want to, but you can.
01:02:26.080 | But because it's got this special magic named under call, you don't have to write the dot
01:02:30.640 | dunder call at all.
01:02:32.920 | So here, if we create an instance of the relu class, we can treat it as a function.
01:02:39.280 | And what it's going to do is it's going to take its input and do the relu on it.
01:02:44.400 | But if you look back at the forward and backward, there's something very interesting about the
01:02:49.280 | backward pass, which is that it has to know about, for example, this intermediate calculation
01:02:57.640 | gets passed over here.
01:03:00.200 | This intermediate calculation gets passed over here because of the chain rule, we're going
01:03:05.120 | to need some of the intermediate calculations and not just the chain rule because of actually
01:03:10.640 | how the derivatives are calculated.
01:03:12.920 | So we need to actually store each of the layer intermediate calculations.
01:03:19.880 | And so that's why relu doesn't just calculate and return the output, but it also stores
01:03:27.800 | its output and it also stores its input.
01:03:32.120 | So that way, then, when we call backward, we know how to calculate that.
01:03:38.840 | We set the inputs gradient because remember we stored the input, so we can do that.
01:03:45.200 | And it's going to just be, oh, import greater than zero dot float.
01:03:49.960 | So that's the definition of the derivative of a relu and then chain rule.
01:04:01.500 | So that's how we can calculate the forward pass and the backward pass for relu.
01:04:07.640 | And we're not going to have to then store all this intermediate stuff separately, it's
01:04:11.080 | going to happen automatically.
01:04:12.680 | So we can do the same thing for a linear layer.
01:04:14.800 | Now linear layer needs some additional state, weights and biases, relu doesn't, so there's
01:04:21.780 | no edit.
01:04:23.360 | So when we create a linear layer, we have to say, what are its weights?
01:04:26.340 | What are its biases?
01:04:27.340 | We store them away.
01:04:29.300 | And then when we call it on the forward pass, just like before, we store the input.
01:04:33.520 | So that's exactly the same line here.
01:04:36.320 | And just like before, we calculate the output and store it and then return it.
01:04:41.440 | And this time, of course, we just call lin.
01:04:44.960 | And then for the backward pass, it's the same thing.
01:04:50.040 | So the input gradients we calculate just like before, oh, dot t brackets is exactly the
01:04:57.080 | same with a little t as big T is as a property.
01:05:01.440 | So that's the same thing, that's just the transpose.
01:05:06.680 | Calculate the gradients of the weights.
01:05:10.440 | Again with the chain rule and the bias, just like we did it before.
01:05:14.120 | And they're all being stored in the appropriate places.
01:05:17.960 | And then for MSE, we can do the same thing.
01:05:19.680 | We don't just calculate the MSE, but we also store it.
01:05:23.260 | And we also, now the MSE needs two things, an input and a target.
01:05:27.960 | So we'll store those as well.
01:05:30.020 | So then in the backward pass, we can calculate its gradient of the input as being two times
01:05:38.940 | the difference.
01:05:42.740 | And there it all is.
01:05:44.560 | So our model now, it's much easier to define.
01:05:49.480 | We can just create a bunch of layers, linear w1b1, relu, linear w2b2.
01:05:57.680 | And then we can store an instance of the MSE.
01:06:01.080 | This is not calling MSE, it's creating an instance of the MSE class.
01:06:04.900 | And this is an instance of the ln class.
01:06:06.680 | This is an instance of the relu class, so they're just being stored.
01:06:09.760 | So then when we call the model, we pass it our inputs and our target.
01:06:16.720 | We go through each layer, set x equal to the result of calling that layer, and then pass
01:06:23.780 | that to the loss.
01:06:25.080 | So there's something kind of interesting here that you might've noticed, which is that we
01:06:29.840 | don't have-- where do we do it?
01:06:45.620 | Something interesting here is that we don't have two separate functions inside our model,
01:06:51.040 | the loss function being applied to a separate neural net.
01:06:56.720 | But we've actually integrated the loss function directly into the neural net, into the model.
01:07:02.320 | See how the loss is being calculated inside the model?
01:07:06.520 | Now that's neither better nor worse than having it separately.
01:07:09.340 | It's just different.
01:07:10.440 | And so generally, a lot of hugging face stuff does it this way.
01:07:13.120 | They actually put the loss inside the forward.
01:07:17.100 | That stuff in and a lot of other libraries does it separately, which is the loss is a
01:07:22.600 | whole separate function.
01:07:23.800 | And the model only returns the result of putting it through the layers.
01:07:27.000 | So for this model, we're going to actually do the loss function inside the model.
01:07:32.460 | So for backward, we just do each thing.
01:07:34.760 | So self.loss.backwards-- so self.loss is the MSE object.
01:07:38.840 | So that's going to call backward.
01:07:42.400 | And it's stored when it was called here, it was storing, remember, the inputs, the targets,
01:07:48.960 | the outputs, so it can calculate the backward.
01:07:52.920 | And then we go through each layer is in reverse, right?
01:07:55.960 | This is back propagation, backwards reversed, calling backward on each one.
01:08:02.920 | So that's pretty interesting, I think.
01:08:11.740 | So now we can calculate the model, we can calculate the loss, we can call backward,
01:08:21.080 | and then we can check that each of the gradients that we stored earlier are equal to each of
01:08:32.640 | our new gradients.
01:08:35.080 | OK, so William's asked a very good question, that is, if you do put the loss inside here,
01:08:44.520 | how on earth do you actually get predictions?
01:08:48.920 | So generally, what happens is, in practice, hugging face models do something like this.
01:08:55.520 | I'll say self.preds equals x, and then they'll say self.finalloss equals that, and then return
01:09:14.140 | self.finalloss.
01:09:16.720 | And that way-- I guess you don't even need that last bit.
01:09:20.120 | Well, that's really the-- anyway, that is what they do, so I'll leave it there.
01:09:23.920 | And so that way, you can kind of check, like, model.preds, for example.
01:09:32.040 | So it'll be something like that.
01:09:33.520 | Or alternatively, you can return not just the loss, but both as a dictionary, stuff
01:09:38.140 | like that.
01:09:39.140 | So there's a few different ways you could do it.
01:09:40.680 | Actually, now I think about it, I think that's what they do, is they actually return both
01:09:45.480 | as a dictionary, so it would be like return dictionary loss equals that, comma, preds equals
01:10:08.200 | that, something like that, I guess, is what they would do.
01:10:12.360 | Anyway, there's a few different ways to do it.
01:10:15.520 | OK, so hopefully you can see that this is really making it nice and easy for us to do
01:10:24.000 | our forward pass and our backward pass without all of this manual fiddling around.
01:10:31.760 | Every class now can be totally, separately considered and can be combined however we
01:10:40.440 | want.
01:10:41.440 | So you could try creating a bigger neural net if you want to.
01:10:45.840 | But we can refactor it more.
01:10:47.080 | So basically, as a rule of thumb, when you see repeated code, equals imp,
01:10:53.800 | equals imp, equals return self.out, self.out equals return self.out.
01:10:59.680 | That's a sign you can refactor things.
01:11:01.740 | And so what we can do is, a simple refactoring is to create a new class called module.
01:11:08.600 | And module's going to do those things we just said.
01:11:10.240 | It's going to store the inputs.
01:11:13.800 | And it's going to call something called self.forward in order to create our self.out, because remember,
01:11:19.800 | that was one of the things we had again and again and again, self.out, self.out.
01:11:24.280 | And then return it.
01:11:27.040 | And so now, there's going to be a thing called forward, which actually, in this, it doesn't
01:11:33.700 | do anything, because the whole purpose of this module is to be inherited.
01:11:37.800 | When we call backward, it's going to call self.backward passing in self.out, because
01:11:43.480 | notice, all of our backwards always wanted to get hold of self.out, self.out, self.out,
01:11:52.860 | because we need it for the chain rule.
01:11:55.760 | So let's pass that in, and pass in those arguments that we stored earlier.
01:12:01.280 | And so star means take all of the arguments, regardless whether it's 0, 1, 2, or more,
01:12:07.320 | and put them into a list.
01:12:09.800 | And then that's what happens when it's inside the actual signature.
01:12:13.240 | And then when you call a function using star, it says take this list and expand them into
01:12:18.160 | separate arguments, calling backward with each one separately.
01:12:22.880 | So now, for relu, look how much simpler it is.
01:12:25.280 | Let's copy the old relu to the new relu.
01:12:29.420 | So the old relu had to do all this storing stuff manually.
01:12:34.080 | And it had all the self.stuff as well, but now we can get rid of all of that and just
01:12:39.040 | implement forward, because that's the thing that's being called, and that's the thing
01:12:43.400 | that we need to implement.
01:12:47.740 | And so now the forward of relu just does the one thing we want, which also makes the code
01:12:51.320 | much cleaner and more understandable.
01:12:53.920 | Did over backward, it just does the one thing we want.
01:12:57.880 | So that's nice.
01:12:58.880 | Now, we still have to multiply it, but I still have to do the chain rule manually.
01:13:03.880 | But the same thing for linear, same thing for MSE.
01:13:07.200 | So these all look a lot nicer.
01:13:09.520 | And one thing to point out here is that there's often opportunities to manually speed things
01:13:19.920 | up when you create custom autograd functions in PyTorch.
01:13:24.440 | And here's an example, look, this calculation is being done twice, which seems like a waste,
01:13:32.280 | doesn't it?
01:13:33.280 | So at the cost of some memory, we could instead store that calculation as diff.
01:13:47.560 | Right, and I guess we'd have to store it for use later, so it'll need to be self.diff.
01:13:57.920 | And at the cost of that memory, we could now remove this redundant calculation because
01:14:08.280 | we've done it once before already and stored it and just use it directly.
01:14:18.960 | And this is something that you can often do in neural nets.
01:14:22.080 | So there's this compromise between storing things, the memory use of that, and then the
01:14:32.880 | computational speed up of not having to recalculate it.
01:14:36.160 | This is something we come across a lot.
01:14:38.360 | And so now we can call it in the same way, create our model, passing in all of those
01:14:42.360 | layers.
01:14:43.360 | So you can see with our model, so the model hasn't changed at this point, the definition
01:14:50.680 | was up here, we just pass in the layers, sorry, not the layers, the weights for the layers.
01:15:03.640 | Create the loss, call backward, and look, it's the same, hooray.
01:15:11.800 | Okay, so thankfully PyTorch has written all this for us.
01:15:19.320 | And remember, according to rules of our game, once we've reimplemented it, we're allowed
01:15:22.280 | to use PyTorch's version.
01:15:23.560 | So PyTorch calls their version nn.module.
01:15:30.320 | And so it's exactly the same.
01:15:32.480 | We inherit from nn.module.
01:15:34.280 | So if we want to create a linear layer, just like this one, rather than inheriting from
01:15:38.160 | our module, we will inherit from that module.
01:15:42.960 | But everything's exactly the same.
01:15:45.200 | So we create our, we can create our random numbers.
01:15:49.280 | So in this case, rather than passing in the already randomized weights, we're actually
01:15:52.720 | going to generate the random weights ourselves and the zeroed biases.
01:15:57.400 | And then here's our linear layer, which you could also use Lin for that, of course, to
01:16:03.920 | find our forward.
01:16:05.640 | And why don't we need to define backward?
01:16:10.240 | Because PyTorch already knows the derivatives of all of the functions in PyTorch, and it
01:16:18.520 | knows how to use the chain rule.
01:16:20.400 | So we don't have to do the backward at all.
01:16:23.000 | It'll actually do that entirely for us, which is very cool.
01:16:27.920 | So we only need forward.
01:16:29.080 | We don't need backward.
01:16:31.320 | So let's create a model that is a zn.module, otherwise it's exactly the same as before.
01:16:37.120 | And now we're going to use PyTorch's MSE loss because we've already implemented ourselves.
01:16:42.200 | It's very common to use torch.nn.functional as capital F. This is where lots of these
01:16:48.720 | handy functions live, including MSE loss.
01:16:53.720 | And so now you know why we need the colon, colon, none, because you saw the problem if
01:16:57.160 | we don't have it.
01:16:59.760 | And so create the model, call backward.
01:17:03.120 | And remember, we stored our gradients in something called dot G. PyTorch stores them in something
01:17:09.520 | called dot grad, but it's doing exactly the same thing.
01:17:13.080 | So there is the exact same values.
01:17:20.480 | So let's take stock of where we're up to.
01:17:22.520 | So we've created a matrix multiplication from scratch.
01:17:27.280 | We've created linear layers.
01:17:29.940 | We've created a complete backprop system of modules.
01:17:34.480 | We can now calculate both the forward pass and the backward pass for linear layers and
01:17:40.440 | values so we can create a multi-layer perceptron.
01:17:44.120 | So we're now up to a point where we can train a model.
01:17:49.000 | So let's do that.
01:17:54.560 | Mini batch training, notebook number four.
01:17:57.320 | So same first cell as before.
01:17:59.160 | We won't go through it.
01:18:00.840 | This cell's also the same as before, so we won't go through it.
01:18:03.920 | Here's the same model that we had before, so we won't go through it.
01:18:07.400 | So just running all that to see.
01:18:10.840 | OK, so the first thing we should do, I think, is to improve our loss function so it's not
01:18:17.040 | total rubbish anymore.
01:18:21.180 | So if you watched part one, you might recall that there are some Excel notebooks.
01:18:28.360 | One of those Excel notebooks is entropy example.
01:18:33.680 | OK, so this is what we looked at.
01:18:37.120 | So just to remind you, what we're doing now is which we're saying, OK, rather than outputting
01:18:50.400 | a single number for each image, we're going to instead output 10 numbers for each image.
01:19:03.400 | And so that's going to be a one hot encoded set of-- it'll be like 1, 0, 0, 0, et cetera.
01:19:15.080 | And so then that's going to be-- well, actually, the outputs won't be 1, 0, 0.
01:19:19.280 | They'll be basically probabilities, won't they?
01:19:21.320 | So it'll be like 0.99 comma 0.01, et cetera.
01:19:29.600 | And the targets will be one hot encoded.
01:19:32.940 | So if it's the digit 0, for example, it might be 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, dot, dot, dot for all the
01:19:41.040 | 10 possibilities.
01:19:43.560 | And so to see how good is it-- so in this case, it's really good.
01:19:47.560 | It had a 0.99 probability prediction that it's 0.
01:19:51.360 | And indeed, it is because this is the 100 encoded version.
01:19:55.840 | And so the way we implement that is we don't even need to actually do the one hot encoding
01:20:05.440 | thanks to some tricks.
01:20:06.760 | We can actually just directly store the integer, but we can treat it as if it's one hot encoded.
01:20:12.080 | So we can just store the actual target 0 as an integer.
01:20:19.440 | So the way we do that is we say, for example, for a single output, oh, it could be, let's
01:20:27.760 | say, cat dog plane fish building.
01:20:31.280 | The neural nets bits out a bunch of outputs.
01:20:34.840 | What we do for Softmax is we go e to the power of each of those outputs.
01:20:43.820 | We sum up all of those e to the power ofs.
01:20:46.160 | So here's the e to the power of each of those outputs.
01:20:48.840 | This is the sum of them.
01:20:50.880 | And then we divide each one by the sum.
01:20:56.000 | So divide each one by the sum.
01:21:00.500 | That gives us our Softmaxes.
01:21:03.040 | And then for the loss function, we then compare those Softmaxes to the one hot encoded version.
01:21:11.060 | So let's say it was a dog.
01:21:12.320 | Then it's going to have a 1 for dog and 0 everywhere else.
01:21:18.280 | And then Softmax, this is from this nice blog post here.
01:21:27.520 | This is the calculation sum of the ones and zeros.
01:21:32.840 | So each of the ones and zeros multiplied by the log of the probabilities.
01:21:37.920 | So here is the log probability times the actuals.
01:21:44.520 | And since the actuals are either 0 or 1, and only one of them is going to be a 1, we're
01:21:48.280 | only going to end up with one value here.
01:21:51.120 | And so if we add them up, it's all 0 except for one of them.
01:21:56.040 | So that's cross entropy.
01:21:59.800 | So in this special case where the output's one hot encoded, then doing the one hot encoded
01:22:07.480 | multiplied by the log Softmax is actually identical to simply saying, oh, dog is in
01:22:16.040 | this row.
01:22:17.640 | Let's just look it up directly and take its log Softmax.
01:22:20.840 | We can just index directly into it.
01:22:23.460 | So it's exactly the same thing.
01:22:30.000 | So that's just review.
01:22:31.600 | So if you haven't seen that before, then yeah, go and watch the part one video where we went
01:22:36.560 | into that in a lot more detail.
01:22:43.080 | So here's our Softmax calculation.
01:22:45.440 | It's a to the power of each output divided by the sum of them, or we can use sigma notation
01:22:51.840 | to say exactly the same thing.
01:22:54.880 | And as you can see, Tupler Notebook lets us use LaTeX.
01:23:00.800 | If you haven't used LaTeX before, it's actually surprisingly easy to learn.
01:23:05.320 | You just put dollar signs around your equations like this and your equations backslash is
01:23:12.280 | going to be kind of like your functions, if you like.
01:23:15.400 | And curly parentheses, curly curlies are used to kind of for arguments.
01:23:22.040 | So you can see here, here is e to the power of and then underscore is used for subscript.
01:23:27.240 | So this is X subscript I and power of is used for superscripts.
01:23:33.100 | So here's dots.
01:23:37.080 | You can see here it is dots.
01:23:39.760 | So it's actually, yeah, learning LaTeX is easier than you might expect.
01:23:43.720 | It can be quite convenient for writing these functions when you want to.
01:23:47.520 | So anyway, that's what Softmax is.
01:23:50.080 | As we'll see in a moment, well, actually, as you've already seen, in cross entropy,
01:23:55.480 | we don't really want Softmax, we want log of Softmax.
01:23:59.960 | So log of Softmax is, here it is, so we've got x dot exp, so e to the x, divided by x
01:24:09.240 | dot exp dot sum.
01:24:12.520 | And we're going to sum up over the last dimension.
01:24:16.420 | And then we actually want to keep that dimension so that when we do the divided by, we want
01:24:22.560 | to be trailing unit axis for exactly the same reason we saw when we did our MSE loss function.
01:24:28.420 | So if you sum with keep dim equals true, it leaves a unit axis in that last position.
01:24:35.720 | So we don't have to put it back to avoid that horrible out of product issue.
01:24:40.520 | So this is the equivalent of this and then dot log.
01:24:47.320 | So that's log of Softmax.
01:24:50.200 | So there is the log of the Softmax with the predictions.
01:24:55.160 | Now in terms of high school math that you may have forgotten, but you definitely are
01:25:01.160 | going to want to know, a key piece that in that list of things is log and exponent rules.
01:25:12.680 | So check out Khan Academy or similar if you've forgotten them.
01:25:17.700 | But a quick reminder is, for example, the one we mentioned here, log of A over B equals
01:25:33.600 | log of A minus log of B and equivalently log of A times B equals log of A plus log of B.
01:25:56.600 | And these are very handy because for example, division can take a long time, multiply can
01:26:03.100 | create really big numbers that have lots of floating point error.
01:26:07.600 | Being able to replace these things with pluses and minuses is very handy indeed.
01:26:12.420 | In fact, I used to give people an interview question 20 years ago, a company which I did
01:26:19.320 | a lot of stuff with SQL and math.
01:26:21.840 | SQL actually only has a sum function for group by clauses.
01:26:28.960 | And I used to ask people how you would deal with calculating a compound interest column
01:26:35.040 | where the answer is basically that you have to say, because this compound interest is
01:26:40.320 | taking products.
01:26:41.320 | So it has to be the sum of the log of the column and then e to the power of all that.
01:26:48.800 | So it's like all kinds of little places that these things come in handy, but they come
01:26:51.840 | into neural nets all the time.
01:27:02.200 | So we're going to take advantage of that because we've got a divided by that's being logged.
01:27:10.280 | And also rather handily, we're going to have therefore the log of exp.exp minus the log
01:27:21.640 | of this, but exp and log opposites.
01:27:24.840 | So that is going to end up just being x minus.
01:27:29.220 | So log softmax is just x minus all this logged and here it is all this logged.
01:27:37.760 | So that's nice.
01:27:42.740 | So here's our simplified version.
01:27:44.640 | Okay.
01:27:45.640 | Now there's another very cool trick, which is one of these things I figured out myself
01:27:53.760 | and then discovered other people had known it for years.
01:27:57.800 | So not my trick, but it's always nice to rediscover things.
01:28:02.880 | The trick is what's written here.
01:28:04.360 | Let me explain what's going on.
01:28:07.560 | This piece here, the log of this sum, right, this sum here, we've got x.exp.sum.
01:28:16.480 | Now x could be some pretty big numbers and e to the power of that's going to be really
01:28:20.560 | big numbers.
01:28:22.160 | And e to the power of things creating really big numbers, well, really big numbers.
01:28:26.800 | There's much less precision in your computer's floating point handling the further you get
01:28:32.600 | away from zero basically.
01:28:35.120 | So we don't want really big numbers, particularly because we're going to be taking derivatives.
01:28:39.800 | And so if you're in an area that's not very precise as far as floating point math is concerned,
01:28:45.840 | then the derivatives are going to be a disaster.
01:28:47.320 | They might even be zero because you've got two numbers that the computer can't even recognize
01:28:51.920 | as different.
01:28:53.720 | So this is bad, but there's a nice trick we can do to make it a lot better.
01:28:59.360 | What we can do is we can calculate the max of x, right, and we'll call that a.
01:29:07.000 | And so then rather than doing the log of the sum of e to the xi, we're instead going to
01:29:24.440 | define a as being the minimum, sorry, the maximum of all of our x values.
01:29:34.520 | It's our biggest number.
01:29:36.440 | Now if we then subtract that from every number, that means none of the numbers are going to
01:29:44.800 | be big by definition because we've subtracted it from all of them.
01:29:49.360 | Now the problem is that's given us a different result, right?
01:29:53.640 | But if you think about it, let's expand this sum.
01:29:57.200 | It's e to the power of x1, if we don't include our minus a, plus e to the power of x2, plus
01:30:06.520 | e to the power of x3 and so forth.
01:30:10.600 | Okay, now we just subtracted a from our exponents, which has made, meant we're now wrong.
01:30:23.760 | But I've got good news.
01:30:24.760 | I've got good news and bad news.
01:30:27.360 | The bad news is that you've got more high school math to remember, which is exponent
01:30:32.640 | rules. So x to the a plus b equals x to the a times x to the b.
01:30:44.440 | And similarly, x to the a minus b equals x to the a divided by x to the b.
01:30:54.800 | And to convince yourself that's true, consider, for example, 2 to the power of 2 plus 3.
01:31:02.480 | What is that?
01:31:03.480 | Well, you've got 2 to the power of 2 is just 2 times 2, and 2 to the power of 2 plus 3,
01:31:10.360 | well, it's 2 times 2 times, is 2 to the power of 5.
01:31:15.280 | So you've got 2 to the power of 2, you've got 2 of them here, and you've got another
01:31:18.480 | 3 of them here.
01:31:19.580 | So we're just adding up the number to get the total index.
01:31:23.880 | So we can take advantage of this here and say like, oh, well, this is equal to e to
01:31:28.600 | the x1 over e to the a plus e to the x2 over e to the a plus e to the x3 over e to the
01:31:45.680 | And this is a common denominator.
01:31:49.440 | So we can put all that together.
01:31:51.600 | And why did we do all that?
01:31:59.780 | Because if we now multiply that all by e to the a, these would cancel out and we get the
01:32:05.920 | thing we originally wanted.
01:32:08.060 | So that means we simply have to multiply this by that, and this gives us exactly the same
01:32:16.440 | thing as we had before.
01:32:19.160 | That with, critically, this is no longer ever going to be a giant number.
01:32:24.200 | So this might seem a bit weird, we're doing extra calculations.
01:32:27.080 | It's not a simplification, it's a complexification, but it's one that's going to make it easier
01:32:33.280 | for our floating point unit.
01:32:35.460 | So that's our trick, is rather than doing log of this sum, what we actually do is log
01:32:40.560 | of e to the a times the sum of e to the x minus a.
01:32:46.640 | And since we've got log of a product, that's just the sum of the logs, and log of e to
01:32:52.960 | the a is just a.
01:32:53.960 | So it's a plus that.
01:32:56.880 | So this here is called the log sum exp trick.
01:33:09.960 | Oops, people pointing out that I've made a mistake, thank you.
01:33:17.280 | That, of course, should have been inside the log, you can't just go sticking it on the
01:33:24.280 | outside like a crazy person, that's what I meant to say.
01:33:32.480 | OK, so here is the log sum exp trick, I'll call it m instead of a, which is a bit silly,
01:33:39.000 | should have called it a.
01:33:40.000 | But anyway, so we find the maximum on the last dimension, and then here is the m plus
01:33:48.600 | that exact thing.
01:33:50.160 | OK, so that's just another way of doing that.
01:33:54.480 | OK, so that's the log sum exp.
01:34:03.160 | So now we can rewrite log softmax as x minus log sum exp.
01:34:10.080 | And we're not going to use our version because pytorch already has one.
01:34:12.920 | So we'll just use pytorches.
01:34:17.200 | And if we check, here we go, here's our results.
01:34:26.520 | And so then as we've discussed, the cross entropy loss is the sum of the outputs times
01:34:32.000 | the log probabilities.
01:34:33.860 | And as we discussed, our outputs are one hot encoded, or actually they're just the integers
01:34:39.960 | better still.
01:34:41.360 | So what we can do is we can, I guess I should make that more clear, actually there, just
01:34:51.680 | the integer indices.
01:35:00.720 | So we can simply rewrite that as negative log of the target.
01:35:09.600 | So that's what we have in our Excel.
01:35:12.440 | And so how do we do that in pytorch?
01:35:15.920 | So this is quite interesting.
01:35:17.840 | There's a lot of cool things you can do with array indexing in pytorch and numpy.
01:35:22.480 | So basically they use the same approaches.
01:35:25.960 | Let's take a look.
01:35:27.120 | Here is the first three actual values in YTrain, they're 5, 0, and 4.
01:35:35.760 | Now what we want to do is we want to find in our softmax predictions, we want to get
01:35:42.680 | 5, the fifth prediction in the zeroth row, the zeroth prediction in the first row, and
01:35:54.080 | the fourth prediction in the index 2 row.
01:35:59.120 | So these are the numbers that we want.
01:36:00.720 | This is going to be what we add up for the first two rows of our loss function.
01:36:06.020 | So how do we do that in all in one go?
01:36:07.520 | Well, here's a cool trick.
01:36:09.240 | See here, I've got 0, 1, 2.
01:36:13.960 | If we index using a two lists, we can put here 0, 1, 2.
01:36:21.480 | And for the second list, we can put YTrain, 3, 5, 0, 4.
01:36:25.640 | And this is actually going to return 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, and 2, 4.
01:36:39.940 | Which is, as you see, exactly the same thing.
01:36:44.840 | So therefore, this is actually giving us what we need for the cross entropy loss.
01:36:55.500 | So if we take range of our target's first dimension, or zero index dimension, which
01:37:03.680 | is all this is, and the target, and then take the negative of that dot mean, that gives
01:37:11.080 | us our cross entropy loss, which is pretty neat, in my opinion.
01:37:18.420 | All right.
01:37:22.800 | So PyTorch calls this negative log likelihood loss, but that's all it is.
01:37:32.800 | And so if we take the negative log likelihood, and we pass that to that, the log soft max,
01:37:41.560 | then we get the loss.
01:37:44.920 | And this particular combination in PyTorch is called F dot cross entropy.
01:37:50.400 | So just check.
01:37:51.400 | Yep, F dot cross entropy gives us exactly the same thing.
01:37:55.400 | So that's cool.
01:37:56.400 | So we have now re-implemented the cross entropy loss.
01:38:00.080 | And there's a lot of confusing things going on there, a lot.
01:38:06.320 | And so this is one of those places where you should pause the video and go back and look
01:38:11.000 | at each step and think not just like, what is it doing, but why is it doing it?
01:38:16.600 | And also try typing in lots of different values yourself to see if you can see what's going
01:38:21.940 | on, and then put this aside and test yourself by re-implementing log soft max, and cross
01:38:32.300 | entropy yourself, and compare them to PyTorch's values.
01:38:36.680 | And so that's a piece of homework for you for this week.
01:38:43.800 | So now that we've got that, we can actually create a training loop.
01:38:46.480 | So let's set our loss function to be cross entropy.
01:38:49.760 | Let's create a batch size of 64.
01:38:52.440 | And so here's our first mini batch.
01:38:54.080 | OK, so xB is the x mini batch.
01:38:57.520 | It's going to be from 0 up to 64 from our training set.
01:39:03.000 | So we can now calculate our predictions.
01:39:06.480 | So that's 64 by 10.
01:39:08.400 | So for each of the 64 images in the mini batch, we have 10 probabilities, one for each digit.
01:39:14.920 | And our y is just-- in fact, let's print those out.
01:39:24.320 | So there's our first 64 target values.
01:39:27.680 | So these are the actual digits.
01:39:29.800 | And so our loss function.
01:39:31.800 | So we're going to start with a bad loss because it's entirely random at this point.
01:39:38.080 | OK, so for each of the predictions we made-- so those are our predictions.
01:39:49.640 | And so remember, those predictions are a 64 by 10.
01:39:54.320 | What did we predict?
01:39:56.120 | So for each one of these 64 rows, we have to go in and see where is the highest number.
01:40:05.480 | So if we go through here, we can go through each one.
01:40:09.920 | Here's a 0.1.
01:40:13.840 | OK, it looks like this is the highest number.
01:40:15.400 | So it's 0, 1, 2, 3.
01:40:16.840 | So the highest number is this one.
01:40:18.520 | So you've got to find the index of the highest number.
01:40:20.880 | The function to find the index of the highest number is called argmax.
01:40:25.480 | And yep, here it is, 3.
01:40:28.760 | And I guess we could have also written this probably as preds.argmax.
01:40:33.440 | Normally, you can do them either way.
01:40:35.840 | I actually prefer normally to do it this way.
01:40:38.120 | Yep, there's the same thing.
01:40:39.120 | OK, and the reason we want this is because we want to be able to calculate accuracy.
01:40:45.600 | We don't need it for the actual neural net.
01:40:47.360 | But we just like to be able to see how we're going because it's like it's a metric.
01:40:51.720 | It's something that we use for understanding.
01:40:55.680 | So we take the argmax.
01:40:58.640 | We compare it to the actual.
01:41:00.960 | So that's going to give us a bunch of balls.
01:41:03.040 | If you turn those into floats, they'll be ones and zeros.
01:41:05.280 | And the mean of those floats is the accuracy.
01:41:07.840 | So our current accuracy, not surprisingly, is around 10%.
01:41:11.400 | It's 9% because it's random.
01:41:13.240 | That's what you would expect.
01:41:14.920 | So let's train our first neural net.
01:41:17.200 | So we'll set a learning rate.
01:41:19.120 | We'll do a few epochs.
01:41:20.640 | So we're going to go through each epoch.
01:41:23.680 | And we're going to go through from 0 up to n.
01:41:27.680 | That's the 50,000 training rows.
01:41:30.920 | And skipping by 64, the batch size each time.
01:41:34.600 | And so we're going to create a slice that starts at i.
01:41:38.840 | So starting at 0 and goes up to 64, unless we've gone past the end,
01:41:46.040 | in which case we'll just go up to n.
01:41:48.240 | And so then we will slice into our training set for the x
01:41:51.600 | and for the y to get our x and y batches.
01:41:55.840 | We will then calculate our predictions, our loss function,
01:41:59.920 | and do our backward.
01:42:00.960 | So the way I did this originally was I had all of these in separate cells.
01:42:10.200 | And I just typed in i equals 0 and then went through one cell at a time,
01:42:21.160 | calculating each one until they all worked.
01:42:23.440 | And so then I can put them in a loop.
01:42:29.560 | OK, so once we've got done backward, we can then, with,
01:42:39.720 | go through each layer.
01:42:42.040 | And if that's a layer that has weights,
01:42:45.320 | we'll update them to the existing weights minus the gradients
01:42:51.240 | times the learning rate.
01:42:53.840 | And then 0 out, so the weights and biases for the gradients,
01:42:59.800 | the gradients with the weights and biases.
01:43:01.600 | This underscore means do it in place.
01:43:05.120 | So that sets this to 0.
01:43:08.760 | So if I run that--
01:43:11.920 | oops, got to run all of them.
01:43:13.360 | I guess I skipped cell.
01:43:17.440 | There we go.
01:43:18.440 | It's finished.
01:43:23.160 | So you can see that our accuracy on the training set--
01:43:28.040 | it's a bit unfair, but it's only three epochs--
01:43:30.440 | is nearly 97%.
01:43:32.520 | So we now have a digit recognizer.
01:43:36.600 | Trains pretty quickly and is not terrible at all.
01:43:41.080 | So that's a pretty good starting point.
01:43:42.680 | All right, so what we're going to do next time
01:43:50.120 | is we're going to refactor this training loop
01:43:55.240 | to make it dramatically, dramatically,
01:43:56.960 | dramatically simpler step by step until eventually we
01:44:04.200 | will get it down to something much, much shorter.
01:44:12.440 | And then we're going to add a validation set to it
01:44:15.840 | and a multiprocessing data loader.
01:44:19.240 | And then, yeah, we'll be in a pretty good position,
01:44:21.960 | I think, to start training some more interesting models.
01:44:27.160 | All right, hopefully you found that useful
01:44:33.160 | and learned some interesting things.
01:44:35.160 | And so what I'd really like you to do
01:44:44.760 | is, at this point, now that you've
01:44:47.040 | kind of got all these key basic pieces in place,
01:44:51.840 | is to really try to recreate them without peaking as much
01:44:58.400 | as possible.
01:44:59.560 | So recreate your matrix multiply,
01:45:03.920 | recreate those forward and backward passes,
01:45:07.480 | recreate something that steps through layers,
01:45:10.120 | and even see if you can recreate the idea of the dot forward
01:45:14.880 | and the dot backward.
01:45:18.200 | Make sure it's all in your head really clearly so that you
01:45:22.960 | fully understand what's going on.
01:45:26.280 | At the very least, if you don't have time for that,
01:45:28.440 | because that's a big job, you could
01:45:29.520 | pick out a smaller part of that, the piece
01:45:31.520 | that you're more interested in.
01:45:33.280 | Or you could just go through and look really
01:45:37.120 | closely at these notebooks.
01:45:39.040 | So if you go to kernel restart and clear output,
01:45:43.160 | it will delete all the outputs and try to think,
01:45:45.720 | what are the shapes of things?
01:45:47.280 | Can you guess what they are?
01:45:48.600 | Can you check them?
01:45:50.440 | And so forth.
01:45:51.280 | OK, thanks, everybody.
01:45:55.880 | Hope you have a great week, and I will see you next time.