back to indexWhat Does Christian Hedonism Offer the Depressed?
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In episode 19 we talked about times when God withdraws his presence from the 00:00:08.820 |
Christian, and Pastor John, there you talked about Micah 7, verses 8 and 9 in 00:00:12.920 |
that context. I think it's worth revisiting this theme to ask the 00:00:16.500 |
question, what does Christian hedonism have to offer a depressed Christian? 00:00:21.780 |
Besides that Micah 7, 8, and 9 text, there's another beautiful text for people in 00:00:28.920 |
darkness. In Psalm 139, that's the psalm, "Where shall I flee from your presence?" 00:00:34.340 |
And in verse 9 it says, "If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the 00:00:39.060 |
uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me and your right 00:00:43.400 |
hand shall hold me." And then it says this, "If I say, surely darkness shall cover me." 00:00:50.320 |
Now notice it doesn't say, "If darkness covers me." It says, "If I say." So this is a 00:00:55.640 |
person who is despairing and speaking to themselves darkness. "If I say, surely 00:01:02.400 |
darkness shall cover me and the light about me be night, even the darkness is 00:01:07.640 |
not dark to you. The light is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with 00:01:13.360 |
you." I think that's picturing a person who is on the brink of despair and is 00:01:19.680 |
saying, "Darkness is all over me. It's just covering me. I don't see any light." And 00:01:24.360 |
what it's calling us to do is say, "In that experience, in that very moment, 00:01:30.080 |
feeling all of that desertion and all of that darkness, we say, 'This darkness is 00:01:36.800 |
not dark to my God. He sees me. He knows me. He's with me. And though I can't see 00:01:45.560 |
Him, He can see me and there's nothing dark about my light to Him." So I would 00:01:51.400 |
say we learn these things from the precious Word of God and we preach them 00:01:56.280 |
to ourselves, even though the very moment of preaching, there is almost no feeling 00:02:02.760 |
for them. We assert them as true. We throw them in the devil's face. We stick him 00:02:08.360 |
with the sword of the Spirit and then, like I said with regard to Psalm 40, we 00:02:14.120 |
wait. We wait for the Lord. One more thing. This is a really, really 00:02:20.720 |
crucial pastoral issue when it comes to dying. There's a young woman in our 00:02:24.760 |
church who died. She's about 40 some years ago. She had four kids. She got 00:02:29.040 |
cancer and her death was just horrible. I mean, there was nothing beautiful about 00:02:33.760 |
it. It was just horrible. She basically choked on her own vomit at the end and 00:02:38.720 |
everybody around her would just say, "God, please, God, please have mercy and take 00:02:45.280 |
her." She had made a video for our church and we did the funeral and 00:02:51.200 |
everybody wanted some explanation or some word from the pastor about saying 00:02:57.480 |
something about her suffering at the end because usually we think of suffering as 00:03:02.680 |
having a sanctifying effect. "Well, she's going to die in ten minutes. There's no 00:03:08.280 |
life to be sanctified here. She's going to die." And what I said was the incredible 00:03:15.960 |
triumph of her death is that she didn't curse God. In other words, she had no 00:03:27.160 |
physical, emotional, mental wherewithal to sing a song. She's throwing up her own 00:03:34.600 |
blood and guts and all she could do was hold on and not curse him and she 00:03:42.840 |
didn't. She just held on to him. So I think there are some moments of darkness 00:03:47.840 |
where the most beautiful triumph is when Satan is probably screaming in your ear, 00:03:54.640 |
"This is your God so much for your merciful God," and you just look back at 00:04:00.160 |
him and say, "I'm not going to curse my God." I think that's what Job basically said to his 00:04:05.800 |
wife, you know, when she said, "Curse God and die," he just said, "Look, we're going to 00:04:10.000 |
receive evil and good at the hand of the Lord. We're not going to curse him." 00:04:14.000 |
That is a powerful testimony. Pastor John, thank you, and thank you for listening to 00:04:18.840 |
this podcast. If you have a question for Pastor John, please send it to us via 00:04:21.840 |
email at Please include your first name and 00:04:25.960 |
your hometown. You can find thousands of other free resources from John Piper 00:04:29.200 |
online at I'm your host Tony Reinke, thanks for listening.