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Live coding 4


0:0 Create an notebook
4:13 Symlink from persistence storage
19:24 Create from scratch
33:15 Create SSH keys from scratch

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | So let's see how to do that paper space stuff that we did in the last session, but from
00:00:11.360 | scratch like step by step.
00:00:16.360 | And one very reasonable comment on the forum after yesterday's session was like this all
00:00:23.360 | seems kind of complicated and it is and like definitely one option is like don't worry
00:00:32.440 | about it for now, but I would say like trying to get this working is a pretty good exercise
00:00:40.320 | actually so you know it's totally up to you but I you know I think it's I think it's probably
00:00:48.440 | worth worth trying to get working and ask lots of questions about anything that you're
00:00:55.280 | not sure if it doesn't make sense or it doesn't work for you or whatever.
00:01:00.160 | Okay so if I say share screen here we go share portion of screen I've never tried this before
00:01:09.280 | and I think what happened share move that this is cool okay do you see my browser window.
00:01:28.800 | Yes, yes, all right okay I'm successfully sharing a portion of the screen.
00:01:36.800 | Paper space.
00:01:41.480 | So what I did this morning was I just went in and moved all of my paper space set up
00:01:46.320 | in persistent storage out of the way so that when I create a notebook.
00:01:51.840 | It's going to be totally empty.
00:01:57.560 | Now let's create a notebook.
00:02:08.560 | How did you move it out of the way to raising the best options.
00:02:12.520 | I know I mean I just like I went into slash storage and moved the files to rename to them
00:02:19.480 | to give them a light dot bak extension or whatever so they wouldn't be run and moved
00:02:23.800 | everything into a different order, that's all.
00:02:31.360 | This should look like what you should also say, so I got to delete the workspace URL
00:02:35.180 | so we have something totally empty which I think is actually probably best right and
00:02:46.200 | yeah so follow along if you want and if anything doesn't work for you let me know.
00:02:57.120 | And then what I thought we would do is I like to learn as few things as possible because
00:03:05.600 | I'm lazy and so the way to get away with being lazy and learning as few things as possible
00:03:11.080 | is to learn things which are really versatile and powerful so that they can like do a lot
00:03:18.440 | of things so in particular I haven't really spent the time to learn bash scripting very
00:03:26.360 | well I know it a little bit because I have instead spent the time to learn to use python
00:03:34.120 | as an effective scripting language and I can also use python for machine learning I can
00:03:38.400 | also use python for creating web services I can also use python for creating console
00:03:46.800 | applications I can you know use python for creating continuous integration scripts etc
00:03:52.200 | so that way I can be lazy and I like being lazy it's one of Larry Wall's three virtues
00:03:58.880 | of a great programmer is laziness along with impatience and hubris and I would like to
00:04:05.120 | be a great programmer so I follow those principles so let's try to use python to to kind of automate
00:04:13.000 | the things we want to do so remember that you know we're going to avoid using the weird
00:04:20.720 | proprietary GUI because we're lazy we don't want to learn it and also because it's not
00:04:24.600 | that good so I'm just going to open up a second tab and so over here I'll click jupyterlab
00:04:39.080 | and so what we should find is that we're in a totally empty spot here we go so this morning
00:04:48.080 | I did do some reading of documentation which is also a great thing to do if you're lazy
00:04:52.360 | because if you read documentation then you can like find out straight away how things
00:04:56.440 | work rather than spending ages trying to figure it out and so the documentation for paper
00:05:00.400 | space was actually very useful and it explained how their different folders work exactly so
00:05:16.320 | in the root directory um this would be a bit bigger I think there we go um actually I think
00:05:26.360 | if I go view presentation mode or something it makes it a bit bigger anyway that didn't
00:05:32.100 | do anything at all okay um in the root directory there's a couple of particularly interesting
00:05:38.960 | folders most of the folders you see here are the same that you would find in any linux box
00:05:43.180 | but the notebooks and storage folders are interesting and one of the ways we know they're
00:05:48.080 | interesting is if I go df minus h which you might remember is disk free it lists all the
00:05:52.880 | mounted disks uh in human form um it's made it way too wide so we can't really read it
00:06:01.360 | yeah never mind um okay I make it smaller just for the purpose of showing you this um
00:06:10.200 | so the uh slash notebooks is actually on a whole separate 500 gigabyte disk and slash
00:06:18.840 | dot storage is on a whole separate 500 gigabyte disk um the uh so what paper space does is
00:06:26.160 | slash storage anything I put in there is going to be seen by every single notebook server
00:06:34.000 | I create and in fact if you've got I think if you've got like multiple people in the
00:06:37.640 | organization they might see the same thing as well um so that's going to be shared across
00:06:43.360 | um yeah or any notebook server I create that's um that's going to be handy because anything
00:06:49.020 | I want to use on every one of my servers if I put it in there then I don't have you know
00:06:53.400 | I don't have to worry about recreating it each time um something we didn't mention last
00:06:59.080 | time is slash notebooks is interesting that's also persistent storage but it's persistent
00:07:04.820 | storage just for this one server um so stuff that's in there we will see every time we
00:07:12.640 | start up this server if we delete this server it's it's gone unless we back it up um so
00:07:19.040 | that's where we would put things that we don't want on every server but just on just on this
00:07:23.280 | one um you pay for storage um and you pay I think it's like 30 cents a gigabyte or something
00:07:32.780 | like that per month um and they don't limit you you know except for the 500 gig limit
00:07:39.560 | so it's up to you to be careful of that um you will find in your account there's a section
00:07:46.080 | called billing that shows you how much storage you're using um so they will add up stuff
00:07:53.120 | in slash storage that just appears once and every single one of your notebook servers
00:07:57.240 | slash notebooks that will all be added together okay um so the first thing we did last time
00:08:08.280 | was we tried installing something extra from pip um so one conversation that we had on
00:08:16.320 | the forum since then is like are you sure that's not going to mess me up because you
00:08:25.560 | know paper space is installed stuff I believe using condor um and pip and condor are different
00:08:32.580 | things for installing python libraries um so you know is that going to mess things up
00:08:40.640 | and the the official answer is yes it will don't do it um but the unofficial answer is
00:08:48.640 | you know we've got tens of thousands of people on our forums and I've never heard of anybody
00:08:53.420 | in practice actually having any problem with using both pip and condor slash mamba so I'm
00:09:00.280 | just going to say don't worry about it um as we said yesterday I think the only the place
00:09:07.920 | you really need to use condor or mamba is is for stuff that uses the GPU um and particularly
00:09:14.240 | for pytorch or if heaven forbid you have to use tensorflow um yeah so I gotta say don't
00:09:23.680 | worry about it and and the reason we um we actually want to use pip in this particular
00:09:29.160 | case is we want to be able to install the packages into a into our home directory into
00:09:35.920 | a different place um yeah the reason the reason we want to use mamba or condor for stuff that
00:09:45.680 | requires the gpu is that they have a way of installing dependencies right like uh they
00:09:53.880 | they have a way of installing the uh the cuda toolkit requirements so we don't have to install
00:09:59.400 | the cuda sdk um is basically the reason and that's um and and it's not just like one less
00:10:07.640 | thing to install but more importantly it's one less thing to maintain like you don't
00:10:13.240 | like your cuda version and your pytorch version have to the mesh correctly otherwise it'll
00:10:18.540 | break and if you just use condor that happens automatically but if you use pip then it's
00:10:24.280 | up to you to make sure you're installing the correct meshing versions of each things um
00:10:29.920 | it's also more challenging in something like paper space because you know installing things
00:10:35.060 | like the the cuda sdk into your home directories i don't even know how you would do it without
00:10:42.200 | using condor frankly yep does that answer your question radik yes thank you very much
00:10:48.400 | okay great um so somebody's got a loud plicky keyboard they should probably mute themselves
00:10:57.200 | um yes hi hi if if the pip installation and do something wrong
00:11:13.840 | yeah i mean kind of you can always just type pip uninstall um or just delete your member
00:11:33.220 | forge directory and start again um but you know people always like i mean or you can
00:11:41.400 | just you know install a condor package over the top of it like it shouldn't really be
00:11:46.260 | an issue generally speaking um the issue tends to be more if you accidentally install something
00:11:51.520 | into your system python um yeah but the idea is that you want to feel like you can blow
00:11:59.000 | away your member forge mini condor or whatever directory anytime and recreate it um yeah
00:12:06.920 | because you don't want to be in a situation where things work but you don't know why they
00:12:12.360 | work and you don't know if you can get them back to a working state again that's really
00:12:16.320 | unsustainable um but yeah the short answer is you can just type pip uninstall to remove
00:12:22.480 | a module thank you what about when when it says that some packages are going to be downgraded
00:12:35.720 | that's okay yeah that's okay if it's going to downgrade packages i mean i did i'd kind
00:12:40.400 | of check how much it's been downgraded but sometimes it'll be like one or two you know
00:12:46.640 | you know zero point zero two zero point zero point zero two difference in version or something
00:12:51.980 | it's not going to matter i mean if it's downloading it or downgrading it by a lot that might mean
00:12:57.560 | that something wrong is happening um but yeah that's not necessarily a problem uh okay so
00:13:08.840 | and i think like pip almost never downgrades things condor does sometimes um so let's try
00:13:20.160 | um so the thing we learned yesterday is we can go pip install and if you want to upgrade
00:13:26.000 | something it's minus u and there was this one extra thing we typed which was minus minus
00:13:30.800 | user and so so the key thing that does is it puts it into our home directory um and
00:13:41.480 | so in our home directory the place it put it is the dot local folder um so what the
00:13:56.280 | so the thing we wanted to do was to make sure that the next time we start up our computer
00:14:02.320 | we want that that dot local um to be there um so that means we have to move it to persistent
00:14:13.480 | storage so that's easy enough to do by using move so we can move it into our persistent
00:14:20.880 | storage um and you know what i would be inclined to do actually is to create a folder in there
00:14:30.160 | just for the stuff that we're where you the things in storage that we're using specifically
00:14:34.640 | for like configuration like this so um i was just about to delete this line when i realized
00:14:38.720 | i haven't taught you folks how to delete lines yet so to delete the um everything left of
00:14:43.880 | the cursor it's control u and to delete everything right of the cursor it's control k so hit
00:14:48.920 | control u um and so let's create a directory for this so we'll go make a directory in storage
00:15:00.520 | which we'll call like i don't know cfg for our configuration stuff okay and so then we'll
00:15:06.120 | make a sim link from oh so then we're going to move okay so we're going to move our dot
00:15:12.720 | local folder into there now do you remember the way to say the last thing i typed on the
00:15:20.040 | last line is um is exclamation mark dollar so i can say move dot local to slash storage
00:15:32.760 | slash config by doing move dot local and then exclamation mark dollar and you can see it's
00:15:39.480 | filtered out here to show me so it's a quick shortcut and then so i want to sim link
00:15:46.280 | that back again into this directory so create a sim link from slash storage config
00:15:56.280 | dot local to here and here is the default right so i don't have to say to here
00:16:05.880 | and so you can see we've never seen core dot local and it's not a real normal
00:16:11.960 | folder it's just a pointer to this other place but i it acts like a normal folder
00:16:16.520 | as you can see and so that should mean that i can import fast core
00:16:28.920 | and get fast core dot version should be
00:16:38.920 | one four three control d twice to exit okay everybody happy with that so far
00:16:49.480 | jimmy i had a doubt so which part was the dot local actually there like in which folder was
00:16:57.960 | not the dot local is in my home directory and so see how here i typed cd so cd takes you back to
00:17:05.480 | your home directory and you can tell where i am because it's the bit before the pound sign
00:17:10.040 | and tilde means in my home directory basically everything it creates for like kind of your
00:17:16.840 | configuration will be somewhere in your home directory so in that um what we're talking about
00:17:22.760 | jimmy i noticed that when doing cd backslash what cd space backslash probably means cd space forward
00:17:30.760 | slash forward slash that one um that went to a different place to the home where it goes cd
00:17:39.400 | space tilde yeah so cd space slash takes you to the root directory okay so that's the top level
00:17:49.720 | where i'll cd enter or cd tilde same thing takes you to your home directory so if i go to cd
00:17:57.080 | slash and i type print working directory it says oh you're in slash and if i just type cd and say
00:18:02.680 | print working directory it says oh you're you're in your home and since we're root that's our home
00:18:08.520 | normally the home directory is slash home slash username roots a special case
00:18:15.480 | does that answer that question yep thank you just a quick question jeremy like in terms of starting
00:18:21.400 | your um the instance that you just started is that uh without an image right i used the fastai image
00:18:29.720 | um but i used the trick that we learned yesterday which is to go to advanced and then delete the
00:18:36.920 | contents of the git workspace so i clicked on create i clicked on fastai make sure you do
00:18:45.160 | choose the fastai image because it's got all the stuff we need to make this stuff work but i then
00:18:49.480 | clicked advanced options and deleted that and the only impact of that is it just it doesn't
00:18:54.600 | put the contents of this git repo into your notebooks directory that's the only thing that's
00:19:00.440 | okay so i could try all these things that you're doing right now without because i do have a notebook
00:19:06.360 | already created but it's with the fastbook document yeah so you could like just delete them you know
00:19:11.640 | uh you know just rm star.ipynb or or just ignore them or yeah absolutely okay cool thank you no
00:19:21.720 | worries um jeremy can i ask one more question anytime um the uh so now you've you've the
00:19:30.600 | dot local that you've created now let's say you uh so it's on your storage so it's persistent
00:19:37.880 | now you reboot the system and you don't download another you pip install something else and you
00:19:43.800 | move that new dot local that it's going to create isn't that going to overwrite what's in your
00:19:47.560 | storage yeah so we haven't got to that bit yet so we're at this point we've got something that's
00:19:51.960 | working just for this instance but it's not going to work for a future one so we need to um we need
00:19:57.560 | to what we're going to do mark is we're going to create a little python script that um that is
00:20:06.440 | before it starts the server before it starts jupiter in the server it's sim links it creates
00:20:11.800 | this sim link and then in the future if i type pip install minus minus user it'll store it in
00:20:17.800 | dot local slash bla that's dot local will already be pointing at slash storage so it'll actually
00:20:23.880 | stick it in slash storage and that's that's the secret trick i got it okay thank you cool and
00:20:30.040 | mark i think you were the one who said on the forum about like are we sure this is a good idea
00:20:34.600 | was that was that you and yeah that's me i don't want to i don't want to make it all about me but
00:20:39.000 | i've had so many well i want to make it about you because like you you're at my target demographic
00:20:44.360 | here is people who aren't particularly confident at the show so no not at all it's just um you're
00:20:51.640 | the one person who was brave enough to join in i think despite having less um experience at the
00:20:56.600 | terminal so i actually want you to be particularly happy to interrupt anytime something's not clear
00:21:03.160 | yeah no i i've started this course a few times and every time the problem is always the thing
00:21:07.000 | that always makes me stop is this stuff yeah and i end up like getting conflicts and i remember
00:21:12.520 | there was an old version of i think it was paper space i can't remember that you were recommending
00:21:15.960 | and it kept crashing and i kept losing work and yeah so i guess i'm a little paranoid about
00:21:21.320 | creating things that are going to create yeah so to be clear mark i don't feel like we've had
00:21:26.440 | a great solution for running fast ai cheaply and easily until now so the reason you've had
00:21:34.600 | problems before is that like there wasn't a great solution before so so this is the first time i'm
00:21:41.640 | actually saying to you i really do think this is going to work and so anytime something goes wrong
00:21:46.520 | like feel free to like share your screen or anything because that debugging process will
00:21:52.440 | also be useful so i'd say for now you know suspend disbelief give it a go and you know
00:21:58.920 | if it all falls apart blame me and i will happily fix it and so it goes for anybody
00:22:05.400 | as long as you're roughly following along with these depths if you do something totally different
00:22:11.080 | maybe i won't be so patient okay so so look at what we did here we did two things we first
00:22:21.240 | of all moved out local to storage and then we sim linked it back now we're not going to have to do
00:22:26.760 | that move ever again right with that that was just enough to kind of create a dot local slash
00:22:32.760 | storage slash config dot local so all we need to do next time we um next time we uh create an
00:22:42.520 | instance is to create the sim link um like so so um let's do it like if there's something so simple
00:22:55.240 | because i said i'm going to show you how i would do things for something so simple i would actually
00:22:58.840 | create a bash script for this um and this is where things are going to get particularly interesting
00:23:10.280 | because um well okay i'm going to show you the proper way to do this and i'm also going to show
00:23:19.880 | you the slightly improper way to do this i'm going to show you how to use vim which is actually a
00:23:25.000 | highly recommended editor that works in your terminal but i'm also going to show you a trick
00:23:29.400 | for how you can use the jupyter text editor so jupyter has an in browser text editor
00:23:36.600 | which currently we can't really use because it's it's pointing at slash notebooks
00:23:41.720 | so how would we change stuff how would we edit stuff that's in slash storage
00:23:47.960 | but what we could do is if we see data slash notebooks and then we create a sim link
00:23:55.000 | from excuse me jerry yeah um just letting you know on my screen at least uh your cursor is just
00:24:06.120 | cut off from the bottom of the screen like so like i need to like make the uh browser a little bit
00:24:13.080 | sounds like jupyter is not quite showing this properly so you can see it now cool thank you
00:24:23.240 | thanks let me know um so if i sim link slash storage into slash notebooks
00:24:34.760 | then what should happen there we go is it appears here because this is showing me the contents of
00:24:41.880 | slash notebooks so um that would be one simple way to um create a script here would be i could click
00:24:51.880 | plus and i could click text file
00:24:58.680 | and we've got a text file and so now we could um copy and paste our sim link
00:25:13.560 | so maybe copy let's see copy oh that's annoying
00:25:27.720 | i think that's very annoying
00:25:31.960 | can't copy stuff from the terminal oh you're writing scoundrel
00:25:39.000 | i just did it with ctrl c and ctrl b yeah i oh it's because i'm on a mac now i have to press
00:25:50.760 | command not control right thank you okay um and um you need to make sure you're in your
00:26:00.520 | home directory for this to work so cd okay um and to run this as a script you have to
00:26:09.960 | tell it it's a script um and the reason why it doesn't matter too much but the official
00:26:16.120 | the the the kind of correct way to do that is to you first of all say hash bang that means the
00:26:22.760 | first line of the file in linux and mac tells it what program to run it with and we want to run it
00:26:30.200 | with bash and you're meant to do it like this for slightly obscure reasons slash user slash bin slash
00:26:40.440 | and bash that will run this script with bash okay file save
00:26:49.400 | um the slightly less correct way to do it is you could just say which bash
00:26:58.200 | to find out where bash is and it's actually slash bin slash bash and you know you can also type
00:27:09.080 | this that would also work so that says when to linux or mac when you run this file
00:27:16.440 | run it using this program you're sorry run it using this program okay so file save
00:27:23.880 | all right so let's rename that and so in um paper space um the special file called is run
00:27:38.440 | when it starts a new instance now you might remember that you know um in fact let's let's
00:27:47.880 | it's good to before you just go ahead and start an instance let's try to like run it and see if it
00:27:51.880 | works so if i type dot slash pre run dot sh and press enter it doesn't work and so the reason
00:28:02.120 | why it doesn't work hopefully you're starting to remember now is that we need we need permissions
00:28:10.120 | to be set correctly and in particular we're missing the x here the execute permission
00:28:17.000 | and so in the past lessons i've shown you you can type chmod u plus x to add the execute permission
00:28:26.520 | to a file like so um but i also actually kind of lied i don't normally use that way of setting
00:28:38.360 | permissions normally i set all the permissions at once um i would actually normally type this i would
00:28:45.640 | 7 5 5 pre run dot sh now let me explain why 7 5 5 um and the reason i did it the other way before
00:28:54.520 | is it required less explanation um 7 5 5 is not the number 755 it's actually three separate numbers
00:29:02.760 | the number seven the number five and the number five it says these are permissions for the user
00:29:07.240 | these are permissions for the group these are permissions for everybody and then um uh the
00:29:15.640 | permissions oh just a moment
00:29:31.480 | so uh actually it's not quite 555 that i want but that's okay um so basically for each one it's
00:29:55.960 | going to add up three numbers a one a two and a five a one if it's executable a two if it's
00:30:01.160 | writable and a four if it's readable so seven means readable and writable and executable for
00:30:09.720 | the user four means readable for the group and then this four means readable for everybody
00:30:20.200 | so if i check this now you can see it's got okay so this r w x is four plus two plus one equals seven
00:30:29.560 | uh dash dash that's four plus zero plus zero dash dash four plus zero plus zero so this these
00:30:36.280 | permissions are seven four four um so that's yeah slightly weird if you've done stuff with
00:30:44.440 | bit flags in your programming before it'll look pretty familiar and then if you haven't it might
00:30:48.520 | look weird um this kind of thing does come up quite a lot actually in programming as a
00:30:53.400 | surprising amount so it's probably worth getting familiar with the idea of bit flags uh so that
00:31:01.240 | now should um be able to be runnable and it is now runnable and so it's good we ran it because
00:31:10.280 | it tells us that oh you can't create a symbolic link because it already exists now um i'm not sure
00:31:18.040 | before jupiter starts if this directory will be here or not um so it would probably be a good
00:31:27.400 | idea to assume it does um so to avoid that we could first of all go remove recursively and forcefully
00:31:41.640 | the any dot local directory or file that exists um and so if i now save that
00:31:54.360 | and try to run it again
00:31:58.520 | okay it's worked so that's good so we should now be able to
00:32:10.680 | create a new notebook
00:32:13.880 | and i will
00:32:24.600 | i'm not really doing anything with the gpu at the moment so i'm not going to
00:32:30.600 | spend their money unnecessarily so let's just create
00:32:33.320 | teeny tiny little instance here
00:32:39.720 | next space start
00:32:47.320 | there we go um okay so that's uh gonna go ahead and start
00:32:56.520 | so that's um that's done that bit from scratch um so let's now do our
00:33:07.240 | our keys from scratch as well um so and you know i would probably not do that ssh
00:33:16.120 | keygen thing in real life so let's let's do it all the way i would do it so i would just say
00:33:19.640 | make dot ssh that's where our keys are going to go okay um and then upload my keys whoops
00:33:37.160 | okay there they are um and so then let's cd to dot ssh
00:33:49.240 | and move i put them in storage so so storage id rsa star into here
00:33:57.480 | whoops oh crap i just messed it up now i'd have to upload them again sorry
00:34:04.120 | move them into here
00:34:17.320 | okay so there they are um in fact let's do la because that tells us dot which is the
00:34:28.360 | permissions on this directory okay so the dot ssh directory nobody else should be able to access it
00:34:34.520 | so if i go ch mod 700 700 0 that means four plus two plus one so all permissions for me the user
00:34:44.360 | and no permissions for anybody else on the directory okay and then um actually
00:34:52.520 | well and then for the id rsa it's just readable and writable say 600 for my private key
00:35:02.920 | and then for the public key it's readable and writable by me but only readable by everybody else
00:35:14.040 | so there we've got it okay so this is what 700 permissions look like this is what 600
00:35:27.880 | permissions look like and this is what 6 4 4 permissions look like and after a while actually
00:35:33.560 | you start getting used to the idea of like oh 6 4 4 anything that you can read and write and
00:35:38.680 | other people can read you know 700 any directory that you can fully access 600 anything that only
00:35:44.760 | you can read and write they kind of become like standard little concepts in your head
00:35:50.600 | so at that point we should be able to test this now
00:35:54.040 | by ssh into the username git at
00:36:07.320 | and i've successfully authenticated now if that doesn't work for you it's almost always because
00:36:12.200 | of permissions but you can get a lot more information by running ssh verbosely by typing
00:36:18.280 | minus v and it's quite cute the more v's you type the more verbose it is
00:36:23.160 | so very very very verbose um okay and it'll tell you all the stuff it's doing
00:36:29.480 | um and so now we've done that
00:36:35.960 | hopefully you won't be too surprised to hear that we want to do exactly the same thing with
00:36:43.160 | our .ssh folder which is we want to move it into our persistent storage and then link it back again
00:36:48.600 | so move .ssh into /storage config
00:36:59.560 | and then sim link it back again now rather than manually doing that we could just go into our
00:37:05.880 | script and copy and paste these two lines
00:37:09.320 | okay and do it for our ssh folder as well
00:37:21.640 | so save that
00:37:27.960 | and so if i run that script now
00:37:29.800 | you can see my ssh is now sim linked and if i test it so i pressed
00:37:45.080 | control r git gets me back the last thing i typed with git in it yep it still works
00:37:54.920 | okay and this notebook has hopefully finished starting yes it has
00:38:00.120 | and i'll just quickly use the paper space ide just because i'm testing and we can test
00:38:09.640 | yep so this is a brand new instance i started in another tab and my .local
00:38:15.480 | has successfully appeared there so we can see that our pre-launch thingy is working
00:38:21.480 | okay i think that's everything that i wanted to show today does anybody have any
00:38:34.120 | questions before i go sorry about the slow start
00:38:43.400 | one quick question yeah um jeremy uh you've you can see a file structure there on the left hand
00:38:50.520 | side um i i see just nothing that's yeah so this is my yeah so my persistent storage already had
00:38:58.680 | stuff in it so i've just been deleting stuff okay the reason we see storage is because of
00:39:06.600 | that sim link i created earlier um so if i type history part crap
00:39:12.600 | when you start the instance when you open the left hand tab you will be looking at your notebooks
00:39:25.080 | directory exactly that is your notebooks directory and so you might have missed it but earlier on
00:39:32.360 | what i did was i sim linked my slash storage directory into my notebooks directory
00:39:39.800 | so that i could edit and so if you missed that bit just watch the video and you'll see it happen
00:39:46.600 | but yeah it was this is this line here ln minus s slash storage and i put it into notebooks
00:39:54.200 | otherwise i was going to have to show you how to use vim but i might show you how to use vim
00:39:58.840 | next time but this way we can use our our editor great and the the thing that makes it work across
00:40:06.280 | new servers is that the pre-run file is in the storage um the pre-run file is is special um so
00:40:17.400 | you might have noticed that when you go to the advanced options when you start the instance it
00:40:23.640 | says what program should it run when it starts and it's a default it runs a program called
00:40:29.320 | and if you look at that it says here run the so that it has to be that exact
00:40:37.400 | place and that exact name it's a special file this is a paper space specific thing okay so as long as
00:40:45.560 | pre-run is in storage with that exact format it will be across servers exactly right yeah it'll
00:40:52.040 | be across servers because it's in slash storage and it will be run because the file runs
00:40:58.440 | it um as you know um yeah exactly so jeremy just a quick question about pre-run did did you created
00:41:08.600 | that right i created the file it was not there yeah so in bash this if here actually
00:41:15.720 | says if minus f is this file exists then run it that's what that bash means and so paper space
00:41:24.440 | that you know i said to paper space could you please add that to our to our image and so
00:41:29.960 | everybody who uses the the fastai image will will have this and so if you create a
00:41:38.440 | in here then it's going to run it right so we would be creating that it won't be pre correct
00:41:45.080 | the way i created it and again go back and watch the video if you if you missed this and you want
00:41:49.000 | to see it again i double clicked on storage and then i clicked on plus and i clicked on text file
00:41:55.560 | and then that created a text file called untitled.txt which i then
00:42:00.200 | right clicked on and i said rename and i renamed it to
00:42:03.880 | right there was one before like i saw the dot back so i did the dot back one yeah don't worry
00:42:10.840 | that that's so that's the one i moved out of the way that's my actual one that i went for myself
00:42:15.240 | i saw that already and i was like okay did it did the system created for you yeah yeah that
00:42:19.560 | was just trying to get mine out of the way so it didn't make me cheat
00:42:23.400 | all right so then the last step of course we have to do is to stop our server
00:42:32.520 | tell me one quick question yeah how do we ensure that we are not disturbing system python many
00:42:44.120 | times have i when i'm installing in my system i somehow i i mess up things um have you watched
00:42:51.080 | the previous three uh three walkthroughs last one i missed okay so watch that uh where we basically
00:43:00.520 | answer that question i believe but if you have any if that doesn't answer your question then please
00:43:05.240 | ask next time thank you thank you no worries all right thanks all bye thanks thank you everyone
00:43:14.760 | thanks you