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Dr. Andrew Huberman is Hypnotized by Dr. David Spiegel | Huberman Lab Clips

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | What we'll do first is do the hypnotic induction profile, a formal test of how hypnotizable
00:00:09.800 | you are, and we'll take it from there, okay?
00:00:12.720 | Any questions before we go on?
00:00:14.720 | Okay.
00:00:15.720 | So get as comfortable as you can.
00:00:17.120 | Look straight ahead.
00:00:19.400 | Now look up to the top of your head, all the way up high as you can.
00:00:22.280 | Keep your chin down.
00:00:23.280 | That's it.
00:00:24.280 | Look up past your eyebrows, all the way up.
00:00:25.360 | And as you keep looking up, slowly close your eyes.
00:00:28.040 | Good.
00:00:29.040 | Take a deep breath.
00:00:31.040 | Hold.
00:00:32.040 | Ready.
00:00:33.040 | Exhale.
00:00:34.040 | Let the breath out.
00:00:35.040 | Let your eyes relax, but keep them closed and let your body float.
00:00:39.080 | Imagine you're floating somewhere safe and comfortable, like a bath, a lake, a hot tub,
00:00:43.560 | or just floating in space.
00:00:45.840 | And while you concentrate on your body floating into the chair, I'm going to concentrate on
00:00:49.800 | your left hand and arm.
00:00:52.640 | In a moment, I'm going to stroke the middle finger of your left hand.
00:00:55.520 | When I do, you'll develop a sense of tingling and numbness and lightness, and you'll let
00:00:59.560 | it float upwards.
00:01:02.200 | Ready.
00:01:04.920 | That's good.
00:01:05.920 | First, you may notice some restless movement sensations in your fingers, which will spread
00:01:09.600 | to your hand and arm.
00:01:11.640 | You may get the sense of a magnetic pull as your elbow bends and your forearm floats into
00:01:16.480 | an upright position, all the way up higher and higher, as the rest of your body feels
00:01:22.040 | heavy and relaxed.
00:01:26.720 | Each breath deeper and easier.
00:01:30.480 | Breath in, and then slowly exhale.
00:01:35.280 | Higher and higher.
00:01:37.080 | Already exhale.
00:01:39.440 | That's good.
00:01:41.600 | The higher it goes, the lighter it'll feel.
00:01:54.120 | Each breath deeper and easier.
00:01:59.000 | Now I'm going to position your arm like so, and give you this instruction.
00:02:03.680 | Your hand will remain light and in this upright position, even after I give you the signal
00:02:08.280 | for your eyes to open.
00:02:11.080 | If I pull your hand back down to the table, it will float right back up to the upright
00:02:15.320 | position.
00:02:16.320 | You'll find something pleasant and amusing about this sensation.
00:02:19.840 | Later, when I touch your left elbow, your usual sensation and control will return.
00:02:26.320 | Each time you go into this state of concentration, you'll find it easier and easier to use,
00:02:30.680 | and you can use it to help you concentrate on what's important to you.
00:02:35.320 | Right now, we'll come out of this state of concentration together by counting backwards
00:02:39.000 | from three to one.
00:02:40.000 | On three, you'll get ready.
00:02:41.840 | On two, with your eyelids closed, roll up your eyes, and on one, let your eyes open.
00:02:45.360 | Ready?
00:02:46.360 | Three, two, one.
00:02:48.680 | Good.
00:02:49.680 | Now, stay in this position, please, and describe what physical sensations you're aware of now
00:02:55.640 | in your left hand and arm.
00:02:57.680 | I'm feeling some tingling in my left hand.
00:03:01.800 | Tingling?
00:03:02.800 | Just gentle tingling.
00:03:05.200 | Is it comfortable?
00:03:06.200 | Yes, very.
00:03:13.000 | My body feels very, very relaxed, and I feel like my shoulders are straight across for
00:03:23.680 | the first time.
00:03:25.440 | Great.
00:03:26.440 | Does your left hand feel as if it's not as much a part of your body as your right hand?
00:03:32.400 | I only remembered I had my left hand when you asked that question.
00:03:36.480 | Okay.
00:03:37.480 | Good.
00:03:38.480 | Now, please note this.
00:03:39.480 | Yeah, I don't know how to describe what just happened.
00:03:51.200 | I feel like I've got a hinge in my elbow.
00:03:53.180 | A hinge.
00:03:54.180 | All right.
00:03:55.180 | Well, look at your left hand and watch what's going to happen.
00:04:00.680 | My left hand doesn't really look like it belongs to me.
00:04:12.160 | Really?
00:04:13.160 | I mean, it does, but I don't know why I can do this.
00:04:25.120 | Can you describe what it feels like as it's going up?
00:04:28.720 | Yeah, it feels very relaxed.
00:04:31.360 | I think it would be hard to hold it like this, but it feels easy to hold it like this.
00:04:40.240 | Good.
00:04:41.240 | I feel the middle finger more than the others.
00:04:59.680 | I don't know why.
00:05:00.680 | Interesting.
00:05:02.680 | Is that surprising at all?
00:05:03.680 | Yeah, it's very unusual.
00:05:04.680 | Yes, I know it's wild, but I'm surprised by my own hand, which has not happened before.
00:05:10.440 | Yeah.
00:05:11.440 | All right.
00:05:12.440 | Good.
00:05:13.440 | Now, by way of comparison, please raise your right hand.
00:05:17.880 | Put your right arm down.
00:05:19.560 | Are you aware of a relative difference in sensation in your left hand going up compared
00:05:22.960 | to your right?
00:05:23.960 | Yeah, the right hand feels more apart.
00:05:26.680 | This one's more part of this part of me.
00:05:29.200 | Yeah.
00:05:30.200 | It's like I feel like at my left elbow, everything changes.
00:05:34.560 | Is one arm lighter or heavier than the other?
00:05:37.360 | This, my right, is definitely heavier.
00:05:42.480 | Are you aware of a relative difference in your sense of control over one hand going
00:05:45.820 | up compared to the other?
00:05:46.820 | Yeah, the left hand is, yeah, that's going to take some work to work with the left hand.
00:05:54.960 | All right.
00:05:55.960 | So, more control on the right?
00:05:57.960 | All right.
00:05:58.960 | Now, make a fist with this hand.
00:05:59.960 | Tight fist.
00:06:00.960 | Okay.
00:06:01.960 | Ready?
00:06:02.960 | Open.
00:06:03.960 | Open it?
00:06:04.960 | Yeah, open it.
00:06:05.960 | Okay.
00:06:06.960 | Are you aware of a sense of sensation and control now in your left hand and arm compared
00:06:09.480 | to a moment before?
00:06:10.480 | Yeah, but it still feels kind of not of me.
00:06:14.360 | Not of you?
00:06:15.360 | Yeah.
00:06:16.360 | A little bit.
00:06:17.360 | It's coming back.
00:06:18.360 | Okay.
00:06:19.360 | Well, I don't think I've ever paid that much attention in my left hand before.
00:06:28.680 | Is the control equal now in the two hands, or do you still feel?
00:06:33.840 | Yeah, it's about, you know, maybe 10% less over here.
00:06:39.760 | Okay.
00:06:41.840 | So before you had less control in the left, now it's getting to the same again.
00:06:46.160 | Yeah.
00:06:47.160 | Did I do or say anything that would indicate there'd be a change in sensation of control
00:06:50.340 | in your left hand and arm?
00:06:53.000 | Only the fist?
00:06:54.000 | No, I don't.
00:06:55.000 | Backing your fist.
00:06:56.000 | Yeah.
00:06:57.000 | Did I say anything to you about your elbow or touching your elbow?
00:07:00.120 | Oh yeah, that when you touch my elbow that it would return control, but I don't remember.
00:07:06.080 | I remember what I don't remember, but only now that you've told me, but clearly something
00:07:13.320 | about my perception of time is off because I feel like this is, that was a long time
00:07:18.320 | A long time ago.
00:07:19.320 | Yeah.
00:07:20.320 | How long?
00:07:21.320 | Oh goodness.
00:07:22.320 | I don't know, but it feels really good to squeeze my fist.
00:07:23.320 | It does.
00:07:24.320 | Yeah.
00:07:25.320 | It feels amazing.
00:07:26.320 | Yeah.
00:07:27.320 | Did you have any sense of floating lightness or buoyancy in your left hand and arm during
00:07:31.000 | the test?
00:07:32.000 | Yeah.
00:07:34.000 | Almost like there was a, um, like a tether.
00:07:35.000 | Tether pulling up.
00:07:36.000 | Yeah.
00:07:37.000 | Did you have that sense in any other part of your body, head, neck, thighs, abdomen,
00:07:41.000 | chest, all over or just your left hand and arm?
00:07:44.320 | Just my left, um, hand and arm, but the rest of my body is really relaxed.
00:07:48.360 | Relaxed.
00:07:49.360 | I always have a little bit of right side pain, lower back pain always, and it's, um, that
00:07:54.400 | feels good now.
00:07:55.400 | It does?
00:07:56.400 | Yeah.
00:07:57.400 | It does.
00:07:58.400 | It does.
00:07:59.400 | And I can feel my feet too.
00:08:00.400 | Okay.
00:08:01.400 | So are you feeling any pain in your back?
00:08:04.400 | No pain.
00:08:05.400 | Good.
00:08:06.400 | Okay.
00:08:07.400 | So the hand is okay now?
00:08:08.400 | Yeah.
00:08:09.400 | It's about 98%.
00:08:10.400 | Okay.
00:08:11.400 | It's kind of like that.
00:08:12.400 | All right.
00:08:13.400 | Well, that's the end of the test and your score is nine and a half out of 10.
00:08:14.400 | So you are very hypnotizable.
00:08:15.400 | Okay.
00:08:16.400 | Yeah.
00:08:17.400 | Um, as gauged by, am I out of hypnosis yet?
00:08:20.520 | Uh, I hope so.
00:08:22.880 | Okay.
00:08:23.880 | You are.
00:08:24.880 | I don't know.
00:08:25.880 | The eye roll that we did initially, you, you had the up gaze as you kept your eye up was
00:08:33.000 | two out of four, but you were converging your eyes and you can't keep looking up and squint
00:08:37.640 | at the same time.
00:08:38.880 | So your eye roll score was a four.
00:08:41.280 | Which is the maximum.
00:08:42.280 | That's the maximum.
00:08:43.280 | Yeah.
00:08:44.280 | Yeah.
00:08:45.280 | Which is consistent with the last time we, we did hypnosis.
00:08:46.280 | I think it was about three years ago.
00:08:48.280 | Yeah.
00:08:49.280 | Was it that long ago?
00:08:50.280 | Yeah.
00:08:51.280 | I guess so.
00:08:53.280 | But then I hear your voice in the Reverie app.
00:08:54.280 | Yeah.
00:08:55.280 | So when we, when we interviewed today, there was, um, when you start talking and even in
00:08:59.320 | our lab meetings, occasionally I have to remember that I'm not going to go under.
00:09:03.960 | And our, our colleague, Dr. Malice Yilmaz says the same thing.
00:09:08.160 | She's done a lot of hypnosis.
00:09:09.500 | Yeah.
00:09:10.500 | Oh really?
00:09:11.500 | I don't think she'd mind me saying that.
00:09:12.500 | Yeah.
00:09:13.500 | That, um, and that, yeah, that the voice is a strong trigger.
00:09:15.760 | So interesting.
00:09:16.760 | Yeah.
00:09:17.760 | I didn't, I didn't know that.
00:09:18.760 | I think my hands back.
00:09:19.760 | You think it's back now?
00:09:20.760 | Good.
00:09:21.760 | Well, we want you to leave the room with it.
00:09:22.760 | So that's, that's good.
00:09:24.500 | What happened there?
00:09:25.500 | Um, I mean, at, at, uh, what was that about?
00:09:28.460 | Well, it's, you're affiliating with a metaphor, with an image that it will feel light and
00:09:32.880 | buoyant and, uh, you're dissociating it.
00:09:36.660 | So I think it's in part that DLPFC inverse, um, connectivity with the PCC that you're,
00:09:43.820 | you're sort of inner, your interoception of your arm is sort of separated from the task,
00:09:49.360 | the hypnotic task of making this feel different.
00:09:52.200 | And so the implication is sort of that it's not you in a sense that the hand is sort of
00:09:57.460 | doing what it wants to do is kind of what it feels like.
00:10:00.460 | And so you're complying with the instruction, but also showing that you can really reorganize
00:10:06.420 | your interoception of your left hand and arm and also what it does physically.
00:10:10.860 | So I felt like from here forward was a completely different experience.
00:10:14.900 | Interesting.
00:10:15.900 | Yeah.
00:10:16.900 | Yeah.
00:10:17.900 | Yeah.
00:10:18.900 | Yeah.
00:10:19.900 | I think it is that sort of, it's the connection to the insula and the disconnection from the
00:10:24.060 | PCC that I think is, is doing it.
00:10:26.860 | Yeah.
00:10:27.860 | Is there anything that I should pay attention for today?
00:10:31.540 | No, I, I don't think so unless you stay, does it still feel strange or is it?
00:10:36.060 | I feel cohesive.
00:10:37.060 | Oh, good.
00:10:38.060 | Okay.
00:10:39.060 | So you can turn it on, you can turn it off and that's the messages you get.
00:10:42.660 | That's internal, right?
00:10:43.660 | Yeah.
00:10:44.660 | Yeah.
00:10:45.660 | That's internal.
00:10:46.660 | You can do it.
00:10:47.660 | And the fact that your back feels better now is a side effect.
00:10:48.660 | Yeah.
00:10:49.660 | Yeah.
00:10:50.660 | That's good.
00:10:51.660 | Yeah.
00:10:52.660 | There's something I can't, yeah.
00:10:53.660 | I remember saying something about my shoulders, but the.
00:10:54.660 | You said your shoulders for the first time felt level.
00:10:56.340 | Yeah.
00:10:57.340 | I've always got a little bit of a tilt this way and yeah, it felt like it felt level.
00:11:00.740 | Good.
00:11:01.740 | Good.
00:11:02.740 | Thank you.
00:11:03.740 | You're welcome.
00:11:03.740 | [inaudible]
00:11:04.740 | [inaudible]
00:11:05.740 | [inaudible]
00:11:06.740 | [inaudible]
00:11:07.740 | [inaudible]
00:11:07.740 | (upbeat music)
00:11:10.320 | (upbeat music)