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E64: Antitrust standards & enforcement, tech repricing, lab leak obfuscation, E63 reactions & more


0:0 Cold Open
0:25 Besties react to last week’s All-In E63
21:50 Implications of FTC Chair Lina Khan’s approach to enforcing antitrust
42:21 “Superbubble,” Multiple compression, Fed interest rates, Peloton & Netflix valuations
71:4 Sacks explains the NIH’s coordinated effort to downplay the lab leak hypothesis
92:1 Friedberg’s new company Cana
93:47 Learning loss from COVID school closures

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.320 | is chamath in a room with his pr crew right now like rehearsing and practicing and this pod is
00:00:06.320 | ruined let your winners ride brain man david sacks
00:00:15.920 | hey everybody so i just wanted to make sure based on last week's pod it was absolutely clear
00:00:29.760 | i care about human rights many of you know my origin story but for those of you that don't
00:00:34.640 | i was born in a country that's no stranger to civil war and religious and political persecution
00:00:40.160 | growing up my family and i felt those effects it affected our safety it's in part what led my
00:00:46.160 | family to file for refugee status and stay in canada so this is a real part of my lived
00:00:51.040 | experience that said you know i realized that what i said last week lacked empathy particularly
00:00:57.280 | towards others who are dealing with
00:00:59.520 | persecution in this case the uyghurs and based on what i read this week i think what's happening
00:01:04.800 | to them in western china is a terrible situation i also want to talk about this idea about nobody
00:01:11.760 | caring look if we take a step back and replace uyghur with other really important issues like
00:01:17.120 | the conflict in yemen the potential war in the ukraine gun control school shootings healthcare
00:01:22.720 | equity we're faced with horrible events every day however the unfortunate state of the world today is that
00:01:29.280 | we've also normalized this routine of being confronted with something tragic or horrible or
00:01:33.280 | unjust and being allowed to react with thoughts and prayers and this was the real intent of what
00:01:38.720 | i was trying to get across so when i talk about my line it's not about whether something matters
00:01:43.760 | or not it's about which issues of all the important issues we face every day where i
00:01:49.120 | have the expertise and i believe i have the ability to have a real impact even if just by a little
00:01:54.480 | for me those areas happen to be climate change life sciences and deep tech
00:01:59.040 | but just because this is where i spend my time it's not to take away from any of the real work
00:02:03.840 | any of you are doing in other areas and then lastly i just wanted to explain to people who
00:02:08.960 | may be new to the pod because of last week that this is a place where four of us four friends
00:02:14.400 | talk about a whole wide range of things we explore our curiosities we try to learn from
00:02:19.600 | each other we challenge each other but we've always done it in a really supportive space
00:02:23.760 | and i hope you keep that in mind as you listen and watch going forward and hopefully it can you
00:02:28.800 | can bring some of that to your own conversations that's all i have to say well said uh sax i mean
00:02:35.920 | i know you have something to say but i'll say um i got a lot of messages this past week after
00:02:40.720 | the show where um which which i felt a little bit hurt by and mischaracterized and maybe it
00:02:47.120 | was simply i said the wrong thing at the wrong time um and so i want to just be very clear
00:02:54.720 | about a couple of points if i can take a minute that's all right with you guys yeah so i said
00:02:58.560 | um i just wanted to i was going to actually send this out on twitter and i decided it was better
00:03:02.080 | just to address it on the pod so to be clear i strongly believe in and support absolute freedom
00:03:09.520 | of all people and this means de facto i strongly disagree with the suppression of free speech
00:03:15.520 | denial of religious freedom imprisonment harm capital punishment slavery and genocide
00:03:21.200 | i thought this was obvious when we were having our conversation i did not know
00:03:25.200 | i needed to be you're not in favor of genocide i'm not in favor of genocide
00:03:28.320 | aside i'm not in favor of slavery or capital punishment or suppression of religious freedom
00:03:32.800 | i thought this was obvious the conversation i tried to have was the wrong conversation at the
00:03:38.960 | wrong time which was to trying to talk about the broader china v us narrative that is swelling and
00:03:45.600 | will continue to swell this decade i think that the primary function of civilized society or any
00:03:51.600 | advanced social system is to take care of and protect those that cannot take care of or protect
00:03:58.080 | those that are not in favor of the government and this is usually done by government but when
00:04:01.920 | government fails and government is in fact the oppressor i think it is the responsibility of
00:04:06.000 | other governments and other peoples to step in and have a voice and to take action and so that is um
00:04:11.840 | that is kind of my moral framework i think it's important i don't deny any of the harm being done
00:04:16.800 | to the weaker population in china i don't agree with it on a principled basis and i don't think
00:04:21.600 | that what the chinese government is doing is right and the point that i was trying to make during our
00:04:27.840 | conversation with the president is that what the chinese government is doing is right and the point
00:04:31.360 | that i was trying to make during our conversation with the president is that what the chinese government
00:04:32.400 | is doing is right and the point that i was trying to make during our conversation with the president
00:04:34.480 | is that what the chinese government is doing is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:04:36.320 | our conversation with the president is that what the chinese government is doing is right and the
00:04:39.040 | point that i was trying to make during our conversation with the president is that what the
00:04:41.440 | chinese government is doing is right and the point that i was trying to make during our conversation
00:04:43.520 | with the president is that what the chinese government is doing is right and the point that i was trying
00:04:44.720 | to make during our conversation with the president is that what the chinese government is doing is right
00:04:48.000 | and the point that i was trying to make during our conversation with the president is right and the point
00:04:50.000 | that i was trying to make during our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was
00:04:52.000 | trying to make during our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying
00:04:52.560 | to make during our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make
00:04:53.280 | during our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:04:54.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:04:55.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:04:59.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:01.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:04.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:07.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:10.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:14.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:18.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:21.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:25.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:29.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:33.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:37.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:40.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:43.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:44.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:48.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:52.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:05:57.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:01.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:05.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:10.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:14.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:18.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:22.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:26.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:31.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:35.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:44.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:48.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:52.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:06:56.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:00.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:04.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:08.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:12.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:14.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:18.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:22.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:26.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:30.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:34.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:38.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:44.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:48.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:52.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:07:56.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:00.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:04.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:08.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:14.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:18.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:22.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:26.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:30.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:34.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:38.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:42.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:44.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:48.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:52.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:08:56.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:01.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:05.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:10.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:13.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:18.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:22.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:26.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:30.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:34.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:38.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:42.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:43.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:47.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:51.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:55.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:09:59.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:03.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:08.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:13.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:17.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:21.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:26.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:30.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:35.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:39.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:43.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:47.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:51.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:55.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:10:59.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:03.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:07.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:13.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:17.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:21.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:25.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:29.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:33.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:37.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:43.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:47.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:52.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:11:58.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:02.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:06.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:13.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:17.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:21.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:25.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:29.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:33.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:37.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:43.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:47.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:52.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:12:56.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:01.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:06.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:10.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:13.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:17.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:21.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:25.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:29.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:34.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:38.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:43.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:47.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:51.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:55.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:13:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:07.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:17.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:22.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:26.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:30.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:35.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:39.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:43.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:50.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:55.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:14:59.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:03.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:07.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:12.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:17.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:33.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:42.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:46.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:51.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:55.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:15:59.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:03.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:07.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:12.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:16.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:20.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:24.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:28.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:32.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:36.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:42.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:46.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:50.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:16:56.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:00.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:05.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:09.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:12.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:16.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:20.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:25.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:30.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:35.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:42.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:46.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:51.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:55.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:17:59.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:04.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:08.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:12.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:16.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:19.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:22.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:35.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:42.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:46.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:50.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:55.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:18:59.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:04.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:08.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:12.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:16.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:20.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:25.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:33.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:37.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:42.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:46.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:50.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:54.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:19:58.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:02.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:06.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:12.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:15.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:20.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:24.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:28.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:32.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:36.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:42.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:20:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:12.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:15.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:19.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:23.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:27.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:31.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:35.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:39.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:41.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:44.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:48.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:52.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:21:56.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:00.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:04.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:08.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:11.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:14.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:18.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:22.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:26.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:30.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:34.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:41.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:44.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:48.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:52.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:22:56.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:00.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:04.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:08.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:11.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:14.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:20.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:26.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:30.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:34.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:41.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:44.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:48.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:52.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:23:56.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:00.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:04.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:08.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:11.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:14.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:18.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:22.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:26.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:30.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:34.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:38.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:41.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:44.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:48.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:52.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:24:56.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:00.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:04.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:08.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:11.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:14.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:17.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:20.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:23.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:26.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:30.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:34.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:38.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:41.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:43.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:45.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:47.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:50.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:53.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:56.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:25:59.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:02.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:06.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:11.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:15.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:17.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:19.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:22.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:25.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:29.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:34.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:45.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:48.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:51.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:26:57.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:01.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:05.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:11.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:19.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:24.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:28.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:32.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:37.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:40.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:45.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:52.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:27:57.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:01.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:05.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:10.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:14.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:18.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:21.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:25.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:29.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:34.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:40.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:44.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:49.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:28:56.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:01.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:06.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:10.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:14.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:20.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:33.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:37.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:40.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:44.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:48.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:52.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:29:56.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:00.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:04.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:10.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:13.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:17.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:20.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:24.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:28.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:32.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:36.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:40.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:44.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:49.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:30:58.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:03.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:07.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:10.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:14.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:18.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:22.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:26.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:30.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:34.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:40.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:44.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:48.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:53.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:31:57.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:02.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:06.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:10.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:14.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:20.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:25.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:30.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:34.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:40.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:44.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:49.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:32:58.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:02.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:10.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:12.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:17.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:22.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:25.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:30.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:34.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:40.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:42.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:45.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:49.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:52.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:55.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:33:58.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:02.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:06.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:09.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:14.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:18.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:22.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:27.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:31.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:36.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:39.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:43.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:48.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:52.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:34:57.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:02.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:06.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:09.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:20.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:29.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:34.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:39.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:43.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:47.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:51.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:55.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:35:59.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:03.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:09.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:13.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:17.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:21.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:25.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:29.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:33.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:39.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:43.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:47.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:51.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:55.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:36:59.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:03.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:09.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:13.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:17.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:21.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:25.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:29.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:33.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:39.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:43.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:47.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:51.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:55.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:37:59.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:03.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:09.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:21.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:25.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:29.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:33.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:39.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:43.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:47.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:38:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:12.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:16.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:21.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:25.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:28.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:33.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:39.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:42.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:46.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:50.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:54.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:39:58.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:03.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:08.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:12.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:20.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:24.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:29.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:34.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:38.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:43.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:47.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:52.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:40:56.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:00.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:04.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:08.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:11.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:14.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:19.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:24.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:28.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:34.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:38.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:41.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:49.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:52.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:41:57.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:01.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:05.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:08.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:11.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:13.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:16.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:20.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:24.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:28.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:32.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:38.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:42.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:46.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:50.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:54.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:42:58.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:02.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:08.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:12.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:16.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:20.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:24.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:28.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:32.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:38.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:42.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:46.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:51.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:43:55.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:00.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:04.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:08.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:12.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:16.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:20.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:24.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:29.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:33.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:38.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:42.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:46.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:50.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:44:56.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:00.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:05.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:08.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:12.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:16.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:20.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:25.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:29.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:38.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:42.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:46.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:50.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:54.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:45:58.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:02.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:08.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:12.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:17.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:21.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:25.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:29.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:34.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:37.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:41.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:45.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:49.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:53.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:46:57.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:01.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:07.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:11.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:15.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:20.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:23.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:27.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:31.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:37.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:41.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:45.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:50.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:55.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:47:59.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:04.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:07.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:11.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:15.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:19.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:23.920 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:27.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:31.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:37.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:41.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:45.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:50.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:54.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:48:59.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:04.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:07.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:11.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:15.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:19.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:24.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:29.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:34.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:37.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:41.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:46.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:50.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:49:55.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:00.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:07.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:11.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:15.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:20.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:24.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:29.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:37.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:41.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:53.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:50:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:07.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:11.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:15.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:27.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:41.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:44.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:49.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:53.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:51:56.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:01.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:07.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:14.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:19.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:22.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:26.080 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:29.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:32.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:36.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:41.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:45.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:51.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:52:56.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:02.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:06.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:10.960 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:15.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:20.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:24.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:28.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:32.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:36.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:40.880 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:44.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:49.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:53.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:53:58.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:02.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:06.720 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:10.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:14.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:19.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:24.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:29.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:36.640 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:39.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:43.840 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:47.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:51.680 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:54:56.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:01.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:06.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:09.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:13.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:17.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:21.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:27.600 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:31.040 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:36.480 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:39.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:43.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:47.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:51.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:55.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:55:59.520 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:06.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:09.440 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:12.560 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:18.000 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:22.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:26.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:31.760 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:36.320 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:39.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:41.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:44.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:47.360 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:50.800 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:54.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:56:58.400 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:02.160 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:06.240 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:09.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:11.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:13.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:15.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:17.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:19.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:21.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:23.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:25.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:27.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:29.280 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:39.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:43.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:47.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:51.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:55.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:57:59.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:01.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:03.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:05.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:07.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:09.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:11.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:13.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:15.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:17.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:19.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:21.200 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:58:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
00:59:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:00:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:01:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:02:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:03:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:04:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:05:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:06:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:07:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:08:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:09:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:10:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:11:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:12:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:13:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:14:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:15:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:16:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:17:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:18:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:19:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:20:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:21:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:22:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:23:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:24:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:25:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:26:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:27:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:28:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:29:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:30:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:31:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:32:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:33:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:57.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:34:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:01.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:35:59.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:03.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:07.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:09.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:11.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:13.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:15.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:17.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:19.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:21.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:23.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:25.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:27.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:29.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:31.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:33.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:35.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:37.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:39.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:41.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:43.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:45.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:47.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:49.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:51.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:53.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:36:55.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during
01:37:05.120 | our conversation with the president is right and the point that i was trying to make during