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E95: Winter is Coming, Europe's energy crisis, Kim Kardashian's new PE firm & more


0:0 Bestie intros: Luxury brand influencers, Birthday Party stories and more!
3:34 Jason reflects on the final Kara Swisher-hosted Code Conference, All-In media and hit piece requests
12:53 Passing of Queen Elizabeth II
15:39 Winter is Coming: Europe's energy crisis, potential fracturing of the Western Alliance, how we got here, endgame, and more
53:3 Kim Kardashian's new PE firm, content as the dominant distribution channel, what will mega-influencers do to legacy brands
63:46 Overprescribing of amphetamines to children

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.240 | point of privilege sax wore this hat last week what's this brand is this a montclair hat yeah
00:00:07.760 | and actually did you see that that tweet people it's trending it started trending after i wore
00:00:13.280 | it so it's sold out dude you sold out the montclair hat so we have no advertising we i feel
00:00:19.200 | like if we're not going to do any advertising on the show we should at least get free clothes we
00:00:23.520 | get to pick through them wear what we like i know where's my cut where's my cut as an influencer the
00:00:28.880 | tweet basically said that i name dropped laura piana and sent it through the roof and then sax
00:00:33.040 | they've dropped montclair both brands obviously are italian both entrepreneurs we know very well
00:00:39.200 | uh and so i asked nat i said nat can you basically send this tweet over to them so maybe they can
00:00:43.840 | give us free clothes let's get the griff going boys now we're talking now we got some bestie
00:00:49.120 | griffin i know you speak in my language yeah this is his cup of tea speaking of griffs i do like
00:00:54.080 | montclair the way that chamath likes laura piano just so you guys know at the birthday jason they
00:00:57.760 | were the best in the world i mean i'm not saying that they're the best in the world but i'm saying
00:01:01.920 | that they're the best in the world i mean i'm not saying that they're the best in the world but i'm
00:01:04.880 | saying that they're the best in the world i mean i'm not saying that they're the best in the world
00:01:07.520 | but i'm saying that they're the best in the world i mean i'm not saying that they're the best in the
00:01:10.080 | world i mean i'm not saying that they're the best in the world i mean i'm not saying that they're
00:01:12.320 | the best in the world i mean i'm not saying that they're the best in the world i mean i'm not saying
00:01:14.640 | that they're the best in the world i mean i'm not saying that they're the best in the world i mean
00:01:16.800 | i'm not saying that they're the best in the world i mean i'm not saying that they're the best in the
00:01:20.480 | well you know what kevin hart showed up give us the best one liner which one landed oh no
00:01:24.720 | jay kyle you have no idea these guys roasted me it was incredible but the best of it was at the end
00:01:31.440 | kay hart gets up with no preparation and skewers everybody free birds i mean what do you think of
00:01:39.120 | like kevin's race they were harder he was so funny he's like my wife walked in here and she looks at
00:01:44.720 | me and she's like these these guys it was so funny bleep my out nick but it was so funny
00:01:53.200 | he dropped a line after course well he's a ringer he's a professional
00:01:57.440 | well he's maybe the funniest person in the world and then sax had to come after him yeah exactly
00:02:02.560 | xander i don't know why xander was the mc but because i was gonna save kevin hart for last
00:02:09.040 | but instead he calls up kay hart in the middle sax was so tilted
00:02:12.480 | okay so wait so
00:02:14.480 | i i couldn't make it because i had burning man xander does the emceeing then kevin hart you were
00:02:20.960 | saying is just to fill in the audience here so they can understand it kevin hart comes in he gives
00:02:27.280 | this incredible ad lib roast and then sax has to go after him yeah xander did it first of all
00:02:33.680 | xander's is funny that's a great sandbag what a sandbag it's a root canal xander's as funny as a
00:02:38.720 | root canal he should not have been the mc so yes we did miss you jay cal you should have been the mc
00:02:43.680 | second kay hart should have been left for last obviously of course but xander you know xander
00:02:49.840 | being a good liberal couldn't censor me outright so he had me go after kay hart that's like the
00:02:56.160 | next best thing did you steal his documents did you steal all his jokes and put them in your i
00:03:00.800 | just threw i had all these like jokes written i just threw them out the window because i can't
00:03:04.080 | what am i gonna do i'm not gonna deliver jokes after kevin hart so i just told a story you know
00:03:09.120 | kevin hart like killed i mean the room was i mean that's like that's like getting punched by mikey
00:03:13.680 | tyson being like oh my god that hurt it's like yeah it's mike tyson
00:03:21.520 | we were at the the code conference we had the poker game it was the last one after 20. big shout
00:03:40.640 | out to gary swisher big shout out to karen just i want to say uh to
00:03:43.520 | you to the people who are watching this video and to the people who are watching this video
00:03:45.520 | um because they did the conference many years together congratulations on a 20-year run
00:03:48.960 | uh they're not going to do it oh cara's not going to do it next year but my friend jim bankoff who
00:03:54.240 | runs vox is going to run it next year uh so congratulations to him and cara for a great
00:03:59.200 | run and all things d they you know they they they had steve jobs at the first one first speaker and
00:04:04.240 | um you can look it up i got to ask him a question jay cowell i don't know if you remember this but
00:04:07.920 | you and i were there when uh gates and jobs uh did that speech together
00:04:13.360 | together unbelievable what what what an incredible legacy that she documented
00:04:16.960 | code is incredible like i mean the number of the amount of memories i have from that place
00:04:21.520 | is incredible that's great and so we'll see where the poker game goes next year probably
00:04:24.720 | the only summit i think the all-in summit could have been that it's it's heartbreaking it's
00:04:29.520 | heartbreaking i'm not saying that i'll be hosting the code conference next year but you know they're
00:04:34.080 | looking for an impresario this is the problem with this pod is we're drawing too many high
00:04:37.040 | profile people in now um but uh interestingly freeberg and i uh we now have uh the press
00:04:43.840 | wants the the the press are trying to do a profile of the pod and so we had three or four
00:04:48.480 | different press outlets now i won't say which ones but have all asked us to do like a sit for
00:04:53.920 | a profile we've said no uh but uh just because i said why don't we do a profile of them who's to
00:05:00.320 | make them the media you know well i mean exactly our competitors our competitors want to do a piece
00:05:06.720 | on us why would we cooperate with the audience you know it's going to be a hit a hit piece it'd
00:05:11.120 | probably be a hit piece yeah of course because we're we're stealing influence and clicks and
00:05:16.960 | views away from them it's definitely besides they're ideologically motivated anyway so they're
00:05:22.640 | they're message police you don't think you're ideologically motivated listen if you contract
00:05:27.760 | the official narrative then they write a hit piece about you that's how they try to enforce
00:05:31.760 | discipline it's true actually but not all i like the independent ones i do have to say like this
00:05:37.680 | whole you know sub stack movement in independent artists or independent journalists becoming
00:05:43.840 | even more indie in fact kara swisher is more indian now she left the new york times
00:05:47.440 | uh specifically because they were you know giving her a hard time about certain guests or certain
00:05:52.160 | conversations and now she's you know doing her podcast independently uh with vox publishing it
00:05:57.200 | for her so you're seeing more and more of the voices go independent new republic is doing a
00:06:00.880 | hit piece on me right now i have no idea why it's the same thing email me and i cc them and i was
00:06:06.160 | like here's my official comment i can't wait to visit sax when he's in the white house in 20 years
00:06:11.040 | and the guy's like so you're saying sax is writing for a president i'm saying no i'm saying that you
00:06:15.120 | don't understand a joke that was a joke yeah and then and then after you copied me then they're
00:06:20.480 | like oh yeah we were reaching out to david too to get in no yeah and they hadn't reached out to you
00:06:25.600 | yet right i hadn't reached out anyway yeah so they were going a little sneaky sneak they were trying
00:06:29.440 | to get me i don't have time to talk to them no republic's a nice that would be a nice profile i
00:06:35.760 | think
00:06:36.000 | nobody reads it it's not what it used to be if it were if it were michael kinsley running the new
00:06:40.800 | republic i'd be happy to you know take the time but it's not that anymore it's just another left
00:06:46.000 | wing rag that's into policing speech um you know they asked they sent us a bunch of questions
00:06:51.680 | like you know why well i don't i don't have them in front of me but they're like they're
00:06:56.720 | basically like why did you support the recall of jason boudin stuff like that
00:07:00.400 | and my you know pr person got back to him and said have you seen the all-in pod have you read
00:07:05.680 | david's like twitter because he explained this like abundantly for the two years he was advocating
00:07:11.920 | every week we talked about it we talked about this there's about a thousand words sitting
00:07:15.680 | there in the transcripts right he's like oh he talked about in the pod he the guy didn't listen
00:07:20.400 | to the pod he's like he tweeted about this no he just thinks i'm like some right-wing donor
00:07:26.080 | who was like trying to get chase it kicked out that kind of narrative you know
00:07:31.360 | so i'm like this is a total waste of my time go read all my tweets go watch the all-in pod
00:07:35.280 | and then come back with any questions that haven't been answered that's this lazy reporting on the new
00:07:39.440 | republic's part why would you do a profile if you didn't actually i got better two of you are having
00:07:44.000 | a serious conversation while freeberg is around with his background what is his background
00:07:49.600 | what is that it's a future city in saudi arabia who else is planning on doing a hit piece about us
00:07:54.480 | okay so the information uh reached out and we said no are you going are you saying this
00:08:01.760 | actually on the show right now i guess i think this is where we should deal with all the
00:08:04.960 | all inbound press inquiries is we'll tell them no and then discuss it on the pod yeah because they
00:08:09.760 | want to quote if they want to quote listen to our pod and then transcribe what we say on this pod
00:08:15.200 | or reverse it my quote for the new republic is that if michael kinsley were still the editor
00:08:19.840 | i'd be happy to spend my valuable time talking to you but you feel they've not they feel like
00:08:25.600 | it would be a fair profile of course it's not going to be fair there are the speech police now
00:08:29.440 | and the fact that you didn't even know the fact you didn't even know that i wasn't just a donor
00:08:34.640 | on the chase of budin thing i was the first person that i'm aware of at least within silicon valley
00:08:40.800 | who called out chase abudin for the horrible job he was i mean that was bipartisan by the way
00:08:45.360 | it's not like david sachs is one of the three percent of san franciscans who are republican
00:08:51.520 | like he's not able to vote for the 69 of people who voted chesa budin out so like you can't spin
00:08:58.240 | that one you're categorizing me as like just a partisan that's not really how i come at these
00:09:02.720 | issues can we talk about the fact that you're a partisan and you're a partisan and you're a
00:09:04.320 | can we go back to your quotes so uh that was your comment for new republic jay cal do you have a
00:09:08.480 | comment for new york times and then uh well no it started with eric i gotta get fair eric newcomer
00:09:13.120 | who's awesome who worked at the information started his own sub stack um which is really
00:09:16.880 | good by the way and he comes on my other pod um he's awesome and so i'm gonna be a guest on his
00:09:22.480 | pod because i promised him and he does my pod but i'm not gonna be a guest my philosophy is i told
00:09:26.560 | him i said you can have me as a guest but it can't be more than ten percent all in because
00:09:30.160 | i don't want it to become an all-in profile we agreed as a group we're not doing an all-in profile
00:09:33.760 | right now so up to ten percent can be about all in but the other ninety percent's gotta be my other
00:09:39.040 | projects and he said totally fine um he understands but he has first and actually i would be inclined
00:09:43.520 | to do with him because he's if we were gonna do it but then um what do they need i mean like we create
00:09:49.280 | like hours and hours of content and the drama is out here for everybody to like i don't understand
00:09:54.400 | like what is what what do you need our cooperation i think you want to no you want to maybe frame
00:09:59.440 | uh and get a couple of sleep no you want you just want to get a couple of
00:10:03.200 | a couple of quotes that are unique so that it's worth reading these two guys have shoved their
00:10:08.640 | heads off each other's asses it's like a serpent a number ending serpent you're clear up here
00:10:14.160 | clean bill of health sacks uh so anyway eric newcomer asked and then the information asked
00:10:20.160 | and then kevin ruse no the new york times just asked right kevin ruse okay he was a nice nice
00:10:25.120 | friend make your comment my comment in their times is uh yeah enjoy the pod while it lasts we're trying
00:10:32.640 | to get it together i mean i'll say the other big issue is i got approached by a couple of um by two
00:10:36.800 | different people who want to who want to represent the pod they say they're seven and a half million
00:10:41.680 | dollars in advertising we're leaving on the table by the way 150 a week good okay and that and
00:10:48.080 | literally that was i want that number to grow to 10 million to 20 million you guys are killing me
00:10:53.280 | you realize i would have a plane if you guys just let me sell the heads on this thing
00:10:57.200 | i could get like a million and a half dollars in jets yeah you would have a plane if you just did
00:11:01.040 | one other thing you're doing a hundred different things just do one thing i'll tell you what it is
00:11:05.680 | you'd have a plane if you're smarter that's not that's not nice sex that's not nice i would have
00:11:13.360 | a plane if i got luckier i will say whoever said this is going to help our core businesses and
00:11:17.840 | that's the reason i think it might have been you tomorrow i am raising my fourth fund i
00:11:23.440 | am doing it 506c which is public i tweeted about it i had 1200 people
00:11:30.480 | who are going to sign up for the webinar and this means i might have to increase the size of my
00:11:38.160 | fourth venture fund because so many people listen to this pod and want to hang out so thank you to
00:11:43.680 | everybody who listens to the pot i think for you bro i'm proud well i mean it's just nice you know
00:11:48.480 | i you know i struggle to raise the first couple funds you guys backed me but like i couldn't
00:11:52.640 | break through as a solo gp with the with the big lps but i'm hoping to get one big lp this time and
00:11:59.120 | you know it's i'm going to be oversubscribed with all the
00:11:59.920 | high net worth individuals and everything but i'd like to get like a memorial salon
00:12:03.360 | catering or somebody doing cancer research just to feel good about it you know i just want to say
00:12:07.120 | that i supported jcal as a friend in fact i was the first lp check in your fund but that does not
00:12:12.320 | mean that i endorse it in any way in any way that anybody else should come in i mean whatever you're
00:12:18.800 | i don't want to say the performance but um you're doing okay uh let's leave it at that yeah and i
00:12:24.160 | would like to say that i was not the first but i was the biggest yeah you did you did pretty big yeah
00:12:29.360 | absolutely and i will say that i'm still waiting for that moment to join you guys in jake house
00:12:34.480 | yes exactly uh yeah and i'll just keep coming to your lp meetings and entertaining your lps thanks
00:12:40.880 | pal entertaining wait is jacob an investor in production board no uh we have done we've done
00:12:46.640 | a syndicate together you are my smallest investor you're bill lee i don't know how that happened but
00:12:52.400 | yeah let's get to work guys do you guys want to talk about the queen the passing of the queen
00:12:56.000 | real quick before we start or is that i would like to yeah i was born in sri lanka i was raised in
00:13:00.560 | canada so and now i live in the united states obviously i've been a citizen of all three
00:13:04.560 | countries so two of the three countries i've been a subject to the queen i mean i'm part of the
00:13:13.760 | commonwealth and i just want to say it was really sad for me like these last couple days when i saw
00:13:18.720 | that she was sick and then she had passed i gotta be honest with you like it really touched me she is
00:13:24.000 | an incre i can't describe to you guys for someone who is part of that realm how important she is as
00:13:32.640 | a person and then you know if you've seen you know the the show on netflix it kind of romanticizes a
00:13:40.880 | little bit but you know she has seen 17 prime ministers she's seen so many presidents she has
00:13:47.040 | seen the history of the world uh the modern world being made in front of her so yeah i'm a little sad
00:13:53.840 | and i think she's an incredible person and even if you don't agree necessarily with monarchies in
00:13:59.040 | general i think you have to be super positive or the history of imperialism there's a lot of people
00:14:03.280 | that are kind of using this moment to be negative right jamaica wants to become a republic australia
00:14:08.960 | wants to become a republic they'll prosecute that in due time but for right now i just think that we
00:14:15.040 | have to celebrate this incredible woman who lived to an incredible age who saw incredible things
00:14:21.520 | and who dedicated her entire life
00:14:24.320 | to the public service and lived it totally neutrally which in today's world nobody else does
00:14:30.640 | everybody else takes the point of view everybody else everybody else tries to basically like
00:14:35.760 | you know create a schism she never did that in 70 years as the queen yeah like very stoic very stoic
00:14:43.040 | and a symbol of service not a symbol of dictatorship right i mean there seems to be a very
00:14:47.200 | different role that she's taken as a monarch than i think what yeah has maybe historically been the
00:14:52.400 | role of the monarch and i think that's what she's been doing for the last 20 years and i think that's
00:14:53.200 | what she's been doing for the last 20 years and i think that's what she's been doing for the last 20 years
00:14:53.280 | which is incredible pretty profound right it's extraordinary that somebody would put 70 years
00:14:58.240 | of service and be that diligent uh and i think stoic and and there for her people and to the
00:15:03.840 | people who are you know suffering and and grieving you know that word you said really resonated with
00:15:09.280 | me like diligent is such a great word because it's like you're disciplined you put in hard work
00:15:15.200 | you're focused on a long-term goal and then you're selfless
00:15:17.760 | yes not many people not many people jay cowley you know this exhibit that at all
00:15:23.040 | but then definitely don't exhibit it over 70 years it's it's extraordinary and you know it's i i know
00:15:29.360 | a lot of people are grieving right now so you you have somebody as a citizen of the monarchy i am
00:15:33.840 | of the commonwealth brother i am bro queen elizabeth and it deeply saddens me to see
00:15:38.640 | that she passed away all right listen we got to talk about uh winter is coming i'm not talking
00:15:42.320 | about game of thrones let's talk about something serious that's going on here um and we you know
00:15:45.840 | we don't like to be too repetitive here but i think we correctly um predicted that you know this
00:15:52.800 | is going to be a very uh very difficult year for us to see the world go to war and for you to see
00:15:58.400 | that we're going to be in a very difficult time for us to see this world go to war and for you to see
00:16:02.640 | that this is going to be a very difficult time for us to see this world go to war and for you to see
00:16:06.880 | that you know we're going to be in a very difficult time for us to see this world go to war and for
00:16:11.440 | us to see that you know we're going to be in a very difficult time for us to see this world go to war
00:16:16.720 | and for you to see this world go to war and for you to see this world go to war
00:16:22.320 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:16:26.320 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:16:30.320 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:16:34.320 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:16:38.320 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:16:42.320 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:16:46.480 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:16:52.080 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:16:56.080 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:00.080 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:04.080 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:08.080 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:12.080 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:16.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:18.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:20.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:22.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:24.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:26.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:28.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:30.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:32.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:34.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:36.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:38.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:40.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:42.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:44.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:46.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:48.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:50.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:52.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:54.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:56.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:17:58.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:00.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:02.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:04.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:06.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:08.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:10.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:12.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:14.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:16.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:18.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:20.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:22.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:24.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:26.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:28.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:30.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:32.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:34.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:36.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
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00:18:40.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:42.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:44.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:46.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:48.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:50.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:52.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:54.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:56.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:18:58.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:00.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:02.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:04.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:06.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:08.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:10.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:12.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:14.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:16.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:18.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:20.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:22.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:24.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:26.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:28.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:30.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:32.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:34.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:36.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:38.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:40.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:42.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:44.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:46.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:48.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:50.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:52.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:54.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:56.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:19:58.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:20:00.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
00:20:02.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
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01:14:16.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:18.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:20.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:22.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:24.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:26.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:28.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:30.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:32.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:34.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:36.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:38.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:40.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:42.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:44.240 | and for you to see this world go to war
01:14:46.240 | We need to get merchies, our back
01:14:48.240 | I'm going all in
01:14:49.740 | I'm going all in