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How Do I Test My Interpretations of the Bible?


0:0 Intro
0:30 Who loves to write
1:0 Not many should become teachers
1:30 God calls some
2:30 Proverbs
3:0 Beware
4:0 Proof Texting
4:30 Test All Things
5:0 Test Everything
5:30 Avoid Eccentric Views
6:0 Analogy of Scripture
6:30 Weird Interpretations
7:0 Old Truths
7:30 Accountability
8:0 Writing
8:30 Prayer
9:0 Conclusion

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Dan Block, a listener in Kansas City, Missouri, writes in to ask this, "Pastor John, you
00:00:05.000 | write a lot of books, you speak often, and your words reach many Christians around the
00:00:08.600 | world.
00:00:09.600 | But how do you make sure that what you're saying and writing is in line with God's desire,
00:00:13.840 | His will, and His heart?
00:00:15.280 | You influence so many people.
00:00:16.880 | So how do you make sure that your interpretations of God's Word are in line with God's intention?"
00:00:22.500 | The first thing I do is take this question seriously, and I have taken it seriously for
00:00:26.480 | about 50 years, and the reason I take it seriously is because the Bible takes it so seriously.
00:00:32.400 | A person like me, and I've been this way for a long time, who loves to write and needs
00:00:39.640 | to write in order to know what I think, and then also loves to share what I've seen and
00:00:47.600 | what I've discovered with others, a person like that needs to be aware of the warnings
00:00:55.520 | that the Bible gives about the dangers in front of me, him.
00:01:01.340 | For example, James 3, verse 1, "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for
00:01:08.880 | you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
00:01:16.160 | For we all stumble in many ways, and if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he's a perfect
00:01:22.760 | man, able also to bridle his whole body."
00:01:26.200 | So when James says, "Not many should become teachers," he's admitting God calls some people
00:01:32.680 | to open their mouths and explain the Bible and write some things down that might be helpful
00:01:39.280 | to other people in understanding God's Word.
00:01:42.580 | So the point of James 3, verse 1 is not that it's wrong to be a teacher, it's just risky,
00:01:47.720 | really risky, and nobody should rush into it.
00:01:51.080 | So there's a trembling that this question should give to me and others.
00:01:56.520 | I've wondered along the way whether the verses in Ecclesiastes and Proverbs should keep me
00:02:03.860 | from writing and speaking so much.
00:02:07.720 | Ecclesiastes 5, 2, "Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter
00:02:13.800 | a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth.
00:02:18.000 | Therefore let your words be few."
00:02:20.000 | I've written millions of words.
00:02:21.960 | That doesn't sound like few.
00:02:23.360 | Or Proverbs 10, 19, "When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever
00:02:29.980 | restrains his lips is prudent."
00:02:34.320 | Those passages should give a person like me pause, and they have, but after they have
00:02:39.520 | given me pause, what I think they mean basically is, in the presence of God, don't think you
00:02:47.720 | will be heard or impressive for your many words.
00:02:52.520 | And in conversations, beware of people who blather away with endless words, who never
00:02:59.600 | get to the point and create a fog rather than clarity, and dodge the issue with many words
00:03:07.660 | and smooth talk.
00:03:09.520 | Watch out.
00:03:10.520 | Don't be one and don't get sucked in by one.
00:03:14.760 | In other words, the abundance of words in prayer and the abundance of words in conversation
00:03:21.040 | can be a sign of hypocrisy and that your heart is wrong and something's being hidden.
00:03:28.780 | So my first strategy in answer to the question is beware and be aware of the dangers of speaking
00:03:37.940 | and writing and teaching.
00:03:39.680 | Second, I have tried to develop the mindset that measures intuitively, instinctively,
00:03:47.640 | that measures virtually every truth claim and every attitude by the Bible.
00:03:54.400 | I try to treat my mind like a concordance.
00:03:57.880 | And when I'm faced with a question about what I should think about something or what I should
00:04:03.080 | feel, I type on the keyboard of my mind relevant words or ideas, and I push the button and
00:04:09.660 | start the concordance running to see what passages or verses in the scripture will come
00:04:14.800 | up that will shed light on this.
00:04:17.600 | I get real nervous about people who are so opposed to proof texting.
00:04:21.400 | They never think in terms of texts.
00:04:24.320 | I think exactly the opposite should be drilled into people.
00:04:30.000 | Test all things, hold fast to what is good.
00:04:33.000 | I don't know any way to test all things except by verses in the Bible that teach truths in
00:04:40.320 | the Bible.
00:04:41.320 | If you try to abstract truths from the Bible and disconnect them from verses because you're
00:04:46.200 | so averse to proof texting, you know what's going to happen?
00:04:49.440 | You won't have truth in the end.
00:04:51.080 | You'll have vague general ideas that you can massage to fit your own ideas.
00:04:55.640 | It's verses, it's concrete statements from the Bible that help us.
00:05:01.540 | So I've tried to make my mind a concordance and test everything by the worrying of that
00:05:07.560 | hard drive in my brain.
00:05:09.760 | Third, I've tried to develop over the years a very intense and rigorous and detailed and
00:05:17.040 | attentive habit of reading scripture closely and carefully, not loosely, flippantly, carelessly
00:05:24.680 | proof texting my preferences, but really test my thoughts by thinking the thoughts of the
00:05:32.780 | biblical writers after them by a rigorous, intense, close, careful, detailed attention
00:05:41.080 | to the train of thought that they develop in their writing.
00:05:45.300 | Fourth, I've tried to avoid taking positions that are eccentric.
00:05:51.780 | I don't mind using eccentric language like Christian hedonism, but oh, I really abominate
00:05:58.340 | eccentric positions, viewpoints, because I don't think that isolated verses and peculiar
00:06:09.060 | interpretations and eccentric viewpoints are safe.
00:06:15.300 | It is sometimes called the analogy of scripture that I try to follow, meaning that when you
00:06:20.940 | see, you think you see something in the Bible, you test it.
00:06:24.980 | Is it contradicted anywhere else in the Bible?
00:06:28.480 | Is it a viewpoint that is out of step with the rest of the Bible?
00:06:32.940 | So I've tried to cultivate the habit of not giving verses weird interpretations to support
00:06:39.780 | weird positions that put me on the periphery of Christianity.
00:06:44.340 | I want to stay near the center, which is very much like number five.
00:06:50.980 | I never want to propound any new truth, ever.
00:06:56.900 | I only want to propound old truths.
00:07:00.980 | I am very suspicious of newness and chronological snobbery, C.S. Lewis called it.
00:07:08.460 | The Bible is an old book and it is a sufficient book and it is very likely that any claim
00:07:15.640 | to new truth, except maybe in the discoveries of the hard sciences, are very likely distortions
00:07:23.100 | of reality.
00:07:24.100 | I love to take my cue from Jeremiah 6.16, "Stand by the roads and look and ask for the
00:07:31.700 | ancient paths where the good way is."
00:07:35.700 | Finally, no, no, next to last, 6.
00:07:40.180 | Over the years and even in these later years, I have tried to surround myself with people
00:07:46.620 | whom I am accountable to morally and in my ideas as well as my attitudes and behaviors.
00:07:55.540 | I don't think anything I write goes public before someone else at Desiring God reads
00:08:02.940 | it except for my tweets, which are almost all straight scripture anyway.
00:08:09.740 | Everything else I write by way of articles or books, I suppose sermons also.
00:08:14.900 | I preach, but then after I preach them, everybody hears them and the guys can call me to account
00:08:21.220 | if I said anything weird.
00:08:23.740 | Before they're posted at the website, they get a rigorous going through by the team at
00:08:28.460 | Desiring God.
00:08:30.140 | Not just wanting to be in sync with history and not do anything new, but wanting to be
00:08:35.820 | tested by responsible, close associates.
00:08:40.500 | The last thing I would say is I pray constantly that God will lead me into truth and in paths
00:08:48.660 | of righteousness and that he will keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking
00:08:53.980 | deceit.
00:08:55.500 | Or to use the words of Psalm 19, I pray, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation
00:09:01.740 | of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."
00:09:08.140 | I pray finally often, pretty much every time I go to speak at least, I pray that when anybody
00:09:15.340 | reads or hears me, what I've written, what I've said, they will be given a heart by
00:09:22.260 | the Lord to believe what is true and to be protected from any mistakes I've made.
00:09:29.820 | Amen.
00:09:30.820 | Thank you, Pastor John, for these words on the hazards of Bible interpretation.
00:09:36.300 | For more details about this podcast or to catch up on all the episodes we've released,
00:09:40.660 | about 950 to date, or to subscribe to the audio feed or send us a question of your own,
00:09:46.020 | go to our online home at
00:09:47.900 | I'm your host, Tony Reinke.
00:09:52.220 | Pastor John and I will be back on Monday.
00:09:54.420 | We'll see you then.
00:09:55.260 | [End]
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