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Stanford CS25: V2 I Strategic Games


20:53 The multi-agent perspective
22:26 The NLP perspective
36:39 Value-based filtering

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | So it spent sometimes like two months training the bots on thousands of CPUs, terabytes of
00:00:14.320 | memory sometimes.
00:00:15.320 | But when it came time to actually play against the humans, they would act almost instantly.
00:00:20.160 | It was just a lookup table.
00:00:23.080 | And the humans when they were in a tough spot, they would not act instantly, they would think
00:00:28.400 | they would sit there and they would think for five seconds, maybe five minutes if it
00:00:32.000 | was a really difficult decision.
00:00:33.800 | And it was clear that that was allowing them to come up with better strategies.
00:00:38.320 | And so I wanted to investigate this behavior in our bots, like if we could add this to
00:00:43.240 | our bots, how much of a difference would it make the ability to instead of acting instantly
00:00:48.400 | to take some time and compute a better strategy for the spot that the agent was in.
00:00:56.400 | And this is what I found.
00:00:58.760 | So on the x-axis here, we have like the number of buckets, the number, you can think of this
00:01:03.120 | as like the number of parameters in your model.
00:01:04.840 | And on the y-axis, we have distance from Nash equilibrium.
00:01:07.120 | So this is basically like how much you would lose to worst case adversaries.
00:01:10.080 | So the lower this number is, the better your poker bot is.
00:01:13.840 | And you can see as you scale up the number of parameters, your performance improves.
00:01:16.840 | And as you increase the number of parameters by about 100x, your exploitability goes down
00:01:23.080 | by about half, and indeed, you're getting a much better poker bot.
00:01:26.880 | But you can see the blue line here is if you don't have search, and the orange line is
00:01:30.080 | if you do add search.
00:01:32.200 | And you can see just adding search, adding the ability to sit there and think for a bit,
00:01:36.520 | improve the performance of these models, it reduced the exploitability, the distance from
00:01:41.080 | Nash equilibrium by about 7x.
00:01:44.160 | And if you were to extend that blue line and see how many parameters would you need in
00:01:48.560 | order to be comparable to adding search?
00:01:52.800 | The answer is you would need to scale up your model by about 100,000x.
00:01:58.640 | So this was pretty mind-blowing to me when I saw this.
00:02:02.160 | I mean, over the course of my PhD, the first three or four years of my PhD, I managed to
00:02:07.680 | scale up these models by about 100x.
00:02:13.480 | And I was proud of that.
00:02:14.480 | I mean, that's like a pretty impressive result, I think.
00:02:17.840 | But what this plot was showing me was that just adding search was the equivalent of scaling
00:02:23.400 | things up by about 100,000x.
00:02:25.160 | And so all of my previous research up until this point would just be a footnote compared
00:02:29.280 | to adding search.
00:02:32.560 | So when I saw this, it became clear this was the answer to beating top humans in poker.
00:02:36.600 | And so for the next year, basically nonstop, I worked on scaling search.
00:02:41.500 | Now there's a question that naturally comes up, which is why wasn't this considered before?
00:02:45.500 | There's a few factors.
00:02:46.500 | First of all, I should say search had been considered in poker before, and it's actually
00:02:50.600 | quite natural to say, well, if you had search in chess and search in Go, why would you not
00:02:56.400 | consider search in poker?
00:02:59.400 | There's a few reasons.
00:03:00.400 | One is that culturally, the poker research grew out of game theory and reinforcement
00:03:04.840 | learning.
00:03:05.840 | And so it wasn't really from the same background as the people that were working on chess and
00:03:08.800 | working on Go.
00:03:11.680 | When you scale search, scaling test time compute, it makes all your experiments much more expensive
00:03:15.840 | and just more unpleasant to work with.
00:03:19.800 | And there were just incentive structures.
00:03:21.560 | People are always thinking about winning the next annual computer poker competition, and
00:03:24.520 | the ACPC limited the resources that you could use at test time.
00:03:26.960 | So search wasn't really possible effectively in the ACPC.
00:03:32.240 | And I think the biggest factor is that people just didn't think it would make such a huge
00:03:34.760 | difference.
00:03:35.760 | I mean, I think it's reasonable to look at something like search and think like, oh yeah,
00:03:38.400 | that might make a 10x difference.
00:03:40.640 | You probably wouldn't think it makes 100,000x difference.
00:03:43.760 | And so there were some people working on it, but it wasn't really the focus of a lot of
00:03:46.920 | people's research.
00:03:51.180 | So anyway, focused on scaling search, and that led to the 2017 Brains vs. AI competition,
00:03:57.040 | where we again played our bot against four top poker pros, 120,000 hands of poker, $200,000
00:04:03.760 | in prize money.
00:04:04.760 | And this time, the bot won by 15 big blinds per 100, instead of nine big blinds per 100.
00:04:10.320 | This was a crushing victory.
00:04:13.120 | Each human lost individually to the bot, and four standard deviations of statistical significance.
00:04:21.200 | We followed this up in 2019 with a six-player poker AI competition.
00:04:26.240 | The big difference here is that we figured out how to do depth-limited search.
00:04:28.720 | So before in the 2017 bot, it would always have the search to the end of the game.
00:04:33.720 | Here, it only had to do search a few moves ahead, and it could stop there.
00:04:37.640 | And so this time, again, it won with statistical significance.
00:04:41.120 | And what's really surprising about this bot is that, despite it being a much larger game,
00:04:45.680 | the six-player poker bot, Pluribus, cost under $150 to train on cloud computing resources.
00:04:52.720 | And it runs on 28 CPU cores at inference time, there's no GPUs.
00:04:57.000 | So I think what this shows is that this really was an algorithmic improvement.
00:05:02.600 | I mean, this would have been doable 20 years ago if people knew how to do it.
00:05:09.620 | And I think it also shows the power of search.
00:05:12.880 | If you can figure out how to scale that compute at test time, it really can make a huge difference
00:05:17.960 | and bring down your training costs by a huge amount.
00:05:20.800 | Anyway, yeah.
00:05:21.800 | So I wanted to say also, this is not limited to poker.
00:05:26.400 | If you look at Go, you see a similar pattern.
00:05:28.800 | So this is a plot from the AlphaGo Zero paper.
00:05:31.680 | On the x-axis, we have different versions of AlphaGo, and on the y-axis, we have EloRating,
00:05:34.920 | which is a way of comparing different bots, but also a way of comparing bots to humans.
00:05:39.700 | And you can see if-- OK, so SuperHuman performance is around 3,600 Elo, and you can see AlphaGo
00:05:48.060 | Lee, the version that played against Lee Sedol in 2016, that's right over the line of SuperHuman
00:05:51.940 | performance.
00:05:52.940 | AlphaGo Zero, the strongest version of AlphaGo, is around 5,200 Elo.
00:05:58.540 | But if you take out the test time search, if you just play according to the policy net
00:06:03.500 | and not do any Monte Carlo tree search in AlphaGo Zero at test time, then the EloRating
00:06:08.260 | drops to around 3,000, which is substantially below SuperHuman performance.
00:06:15.020 | So what this shows is that if you take out Monte Carlo tree search at test time, AlphaGo
00:06:21.420 | Zero is not SuperHuman.
00:06:22.420 | And in fact, nobody has made a SuperHuman Go bot that does not use search in some form.
00:06:29.420 | Nobody has made a raw neural network that can beat top humans in Go.
00:06:35.100 | And I should say also, this is just if you're taking out the search at test time.
00:06:38.180 | I'm not even talking about taking it out of training time.
00:06:40.280 | If you took it out of training time, it wouldn't even get off the ground.
00:06:44.900 | Now there's a question of, OK, well, surely you could just scale up the models, scale
00:06:48.420 | up the amount of training, and you would eventually surpass SuperHuman performance and match the
00:06:53.700 | performance if you added search.
00:06:55.640 | And that's true, yes.
00:06:56.640 | If you scale up the models and if you scale up the training, then you would eventually
00:07:01.180 | match the performance with search.
00:07:02.860 | But there's a question of how much would you have to scale it up by?
00:07:06.020 | Now a rough rule of thumb is that in order to increase your EloRating by about 120 points,
00:07:10.380 | you either have to double the amount of model size and training, or you have to double the
00:07:13.740 | amount of test time search.
00:07:16.500 | And so if you look at that gap of around 2,000 Elo points, and you calculate the number of
00:07:20.620 | deadlines that you would need, the answer is that in order to get the raw policy net
00:07:24.100 | from 3,000 Elo to 5,200 Elo, you would need to scale your model and your training by about
00:07:28.900 | 100,000x.
00:07:29.900 | OK, so why is this important?
00:07:37.220 | I think you look at what's happening today with large language models and transformers,
00:07:41.980 | and you see something similar.
00:07:42.980 | I mean, you're getting huge-- there's a question of, what do I mean by search?
00:07:49.340 | There's specific kinds of search, like multicolored tree search, the ability to just plan ahead
00:07:53.100 | what you're going to do instead of just acting instantly based on your pre-computed policy.
00:07:58.240 | But really what I mean by search more broadly is the ability to scale the amount of computation
00:08:03.540 | to get better performance.
00:08:06.140 | I think that's the real value that search is adding.
00:08:09.240 | Instead of just acting according to your pre-computed-- front loading all of your computations, so
00:08:15.500 | you're doing everything, all your computation ahead of time, and then at inference time,
00:08:19.860 | acting basically instantly, could you get a better solution if you had five minutes
00:08:25.020 | to output an action instead of 100 milliseconds?
00:08:31.580 | So yeah, I think you look at-- no, sorry, there's a question.
00:08:37.900 | Does a transformer with a search circuit count as search, or do you mean hand engineering
00:08:41.340 | search algos?
00:08:43.540 | I don't want to get bogged down into the details of how to do this, because the answer is nobody
00:08:48.580 | really knows yet.
00:08:50.360 | Nobody really has a general way of doing search.
00:08:52.240 | And all the domains that we've done search successfully, like Poker and Go, it's done
00:08:56.420 | in a fairly domain-specific way.
00:08:59.500 | Go used this algorithm called multicolored tree search.
00:09:04.100 | And yeah, you could think of beam search as one simple form of search, but it does seem
00:09:08.080 | like there should be better ways in the future.
00:09:14.500 | So anyway, where I'm going with this is you look at how large language models are being
00:09:18.560 | trained today, and you're seeing millions of dollars being thrown at pre-training.
00:09:25.620 | I wouldn't be surprised if we see a large language model that would cost $100 million
00:09:30.980 | to train.
00:09:31.980 | We might even get to $1 billion.
00:09:35.220 | But the inference cost is still going to be very small.
00:09:40.140 | And so there's a question of, could you do substantially better if you could scale the
00:09:46.020 | amount of inference cost as well?
00:09:48.340 | Maybe that could amortize some of your training cost.
00:09:54.280 | So there's this lecture called "The Bitter Lesson" by Richard Sutton that says the biggest
00:09:59.760 | lesson that can be learned-- and so it's a really great essay.
00:10:02.060 | I recommend reading it.
00:10:03.060 | But one of the big takeaways is, he says, the biggest lesson that can be learned from
00:10:05.640 | over 70 years of AI research is that general methods that leverage computation are ultimately
00:10:09.480 | the most effective.
00:10:11.000 | The two methods that seem to scale arbitrarily in this way are search and learning.
00:10:15.820 | Now, I think we've done a great job with generalizing search-- sorry, generalizing learning.
00:10:21.380 | And I think there's still room for improvement when it comes to search.
00:10:24.620 | And yeah, the next goal really is about generality.
00:10:29.960 | Can we develop a truly general way of scaling inference compute instead of just doing things
00:10:33.840 | like Monte Carlo tree search that are specific to a better domain, to a specific domain,
00:10:38.680 | and also better than things like chain of thought?
00:10:43.900 | What this would look like is that you have much higher test time compute, but you have
00:10:48.780 | much more capable models.
00:10:50.720 | And I think for certain domains, that trade-off is worth it.
00:10:52.740 | Like, if you think about what inference costs we're willing to pay for a proof of the Riemann
00:10:56.940 | hypothesis, I think we'd be willing to pay a lot.
00:11:00.480 | Or the cost of-- what cost are we willing to pay for new life-saving drugs?
00:11:05.140 | I think we'd be willing to pay a lot.
00:11:07.580 | So I think that there is an opportunity here.
00:11:10.140 | OK, anyway.
00:11:12.380 | So that's my prelude.
00:11:13.380 | I guess any questions about that before I move on to Cicero?
00:11:16.140 | By the way, the reason why I'm talking about this is because it's going to inform the approach
00:11:30.060 | that we took to Cicero, which I think is quite different from the approach that a lot of
00:11:36.060 | other researchers might have taken to this problem.
00:11:38.140 | Someone asked, can you give an example of search?
00:11:42.100 | Well, multi-column tree search is one form of search.
00:11:44.460 | You could also think of breadth-first search, depth-first search, these kinds of things.
00:11:49.420 | They're all search.
00:11:50.420 | I would also argue that chain of thought is doing something similar to search, where it's
00:11:55.900 | allowing the model to leverage extra compute at test time to get better performance.
00:12:02.060 | But I think that that's the main thing that you want, the ability to leverage extra compute
00:12:05.300 | at test time.
00:12:08.180 | What's the search-- what's the space that you are searching over?
00:12:10.940 | Again, in a game like Go, it's different board positions.
00:12:14.820 | But you could also imagine searching over different sentences that you could say, things
00:12:20.580 | like that.
00:12:24.620 | There's a lot of flexibility there as well.
00:12:31.220 | So now I want to get into Cicero.
00:12:33.220 | So first thing I should say when it comes to Cicero, this is a big team effort.
00:12:42.860 | This was like-- this is actually one of the great things about working on this project,
00:12:45.660 | that there was just such a diverse talent pool, experts in reinforcement learning, planning,
00:12:49.860 | game theory, natural language processing, all working together on this.
00:12:54.220 | And it would not have been possible without everybody.
00:12:58.460 | So the motivation for diplomacy actually came from 2019.
00:13:01.260 | We were looking at all the breakthroughs that were happening at the time.
00:13:04.140 | And I think a good example of this is this XKCD comic that came out in 2012 that shows
00:13:10.140 | like different categories of games, games that are solved, games where computers can
00:13:12.900 | beat top humans, games where computers still lose to top humans, and games where computers
00:13:16.140 | may never outplay top humans.
00:13:18.100 | And in this category, computers still lose to top humans, you had four games, Go, Arima,
00:13:22.300 | Poker, and StarCraft.
00:13:24.180 | In 2015, actually one of my colleagues, David Wu, made the first AI to beat top humans in
00:13:31.700 | Arima.
00:13:32.700 | In 2016, we have AlphaGo beating Lee Sedol in Go.
00:13:36.660 | In 2017, you have the work that I just described where we beat top humans in Poker.
00:13:41.340 | And in 2019, we had AlphaStar beating expert humans in StarCraft.
00:13:48.580 | So that shows the incredible amount of progress that had happened in strategic reasoning over
00:13:53.540 | the past several years, leading up to 2019.
00:13:57.100 | And at the same time, we also had GPT-2 come out in 2019.
00:14:01.500 | And it showed that language model and natural language processing was progressing much faster
00:14:06.020 | than I think a lot of people, including us, expected.
00:14:10.580 | And so we were thinking about what after the six-player poker work, I was discussing with
00:14:14.940 | my colleagues, what should we work on next?
00:14:17.580 | And we were throwing around different domains to work on.
00:14:22.860 | And given the incredible amount of progress in AI, we wanted to pick something really
00:14:27.500 | ambitious, something that we thought you couldn't just tackle by scaling up existing approaches,
00:14:32.700 | that you really needed something new in order to address.
00:14:36.260 | And we landed on diplomacy because we thought that it would be the hardest game to make
00:14:39.860 | an AI for.
00:14:42.060 | So what is diplomacy?
00:14:44.860 | Diplomacy is a natural language strategy game.
00:14:47.940 | It takes place right before World War I.
00:14:50.700 | You play as one of the seven great powers of Europe-- England, France, Germany, Austria,
00:14:54.700 | Russia, and Turkey.
00:14:56.500 | And your goal is to control a majority of the map.
00:14:59.860 | In practice, that rarely happens.
00:15:01.880 | If you control a majority of the map, then you've won.
00:15:04.900 | In practice, nobody ends up winning outright.
00:15:08.680 | And so your score is proportional to the percentage of the map that you control.
00:15:14.700 | Now what's really interesting about diplomacy is that it is a natural language negotiation
00:15:19.460 | game.
00:15:21.200 | So you have these conversations, like what you're seeing here between Germany and England,
00:15:24.580 | where they will privately communicate with each other before making their moves.
00:15:27.540 | And so you can have Germany ask, like, want to support Sweden?
00:15:30.860 | England says, let me think on that, and so on.
00:15:35.900 | So this is a popular strategy game developed in the 1950s.
00:15:40.740 | It was JFK and Kissinger's favorite game, actually.
00:15:44.500 | But like I said, each turn involves sophisticated private natural language negotiations.
00:15:49.220 | And I want to make clear, this is not negotiations like you would see in a game like Settlers
00:15:54.740 | of Catan, for example.
00:15:58.980 | It's much more like Survivor, if you've ever seen the TV show Survivor.
00:16:04.020 | You have discussions around alliances that you'd like to build, discussions around specific
00:16:09.180 | tactics that you'd like to execute on the current turn, and also more long-term strategy
00:16:15.580 | around where do we go from here, and how do we divide resources.
00:16:19.780 | Now the way the game works, you have these negotiations that last between 5 and 15 minutes,
00:16:24.700 | depending on the version of the game, on each turn.
00:16:28.900 | And all these negotiations are done privately, otherwise in negotiation.
00:16:32.020 | Also, I think that you are not muted.
00:16:34.860 | OK, thank you.
00:16:36.980 | And then after the negotiation period completes, everybody will simultaneously write down their
00:16:41.020 | moves.
00:16:42.100 | And so a player could promise you something like, I'm going to support you into this territory
00:16:45.540 | this turn.
00:16:47.220 | But then when people actually write down their moves, they might not write that down.
00:16:50.480 | And so you only find out if they were true to their word when all the moves are revealed
00:16:54.300 | simultaneously.
00:16:58.780 | And so for this reason, alliances and trust building is key.
00:17:02.400 | The ability to trust that somebody is going to follow through on their promises, that's
00:17:05.920 | really what this game is all about.
00:17:07.540 | And the ability to convince people that you are going to follow through on your promises
00:17:11.340 | is really what this game is all about.
00:17:14.940 | And so for this reason, diplomacy has long been considered a challenge problem for AI.
00:17:19.060 | There's research in the game going back to the '80s.
00:17:21.140 | The research really only picked up-- it picked up quite intensely starting in 2019 when researchers
00:17:27.980 | from DeepMind, ourselves, Mila, other places started working on this.
00:17:33.660 | Now a lot of that research, the vast majority of that research actually was focused on the
00:17:37.940 | non-language version of the game, which was seen as a stepping stone to the full natural
00:17:40.900 | language version.
00:17:41.900 | Though we decided to focus from the start on the full natural language version of the
00:17:46.500 | game.
00:17:47.500 | So to give you a sense of what these negotiations and dialogue look like, here is one example.
00:17:55.460 | So here, England, you can see they move their fleet in Norway to St. Petersburg.
00:18:02.720 | And that occupies the Russian territory.
00:18:06.140 | And so this is what the board state looks like after that move.
00:18:08.980 | And now there's this conversation between Austria and Russia.
00:18:11.580 | Austria says, well, what happened up north?
00:18:13.900 | Russia says, England stabbed.
00:18:14.900 | I'm afraid the end may be close for me, my friend.
00:18:17.260 | Austria says, yeah, that's rough.
00:18:18.260 | Are you going to be OK up there?
00:18:19.600 | Russia says, I hope so.
00:18:20.600 | England seems to still want to work together.
00:18:22.580 | Austria says, can you make a deal with Germany?
00:18:24.280 | So the players are now discussing what should be discussed with other players.
00:18:29.140 | Russia says, good idea.
00:18:30.140 | Then Austria says, you'll be fine as long as you can defend Sevastopol.
00:18:33.420 | So Sevastopol is this territory down to the south.
00:18:35.220 | You can see that Turkey has a fleet and an army in the Black Sea in Armenia next to Sevastopol.
00:18:41.140 | And so they could potentially attack that territory next turn.
00:18:44.660 | Austria says, can you support/hold Sevastopol with Ukraine and Romania?
00:18:49.580 | I'll support/hold Romania.
00:18:50.580 | Russia says, yep, I'm already doing so.
00:18:52.980 | Austria says, awesome.
00:18:53.980 | Hopefully, we can start getting you back on your feet.
00:18:57.300 | So this is an example of the kinds of conversations that you'll see in a game of diplomacy.
00:19:01.180 | In this conversation, Austria is actually our bot, Cicero.
00:19:05.040 | So that kind of gives you a sense of the sophistication of the agent's dialogue.
00:19:10.620 | OK, I'll skip this for-- OK, so I guess I'll go into this.
00:19:17.900 | I don't want to take up too much time.
00:19:20.580 | Really what makes diplomacy interesting is that support is key.
00:19:23.200 | So here, for example, Budapest and Warsaw, the red and the purple units both try to move
00:19:28.660 | into Galicia.
00:19:29.660 | And so since it's a one versus one, they both bounce back.
00:19:32.260 | And now they're boosting to the territory.
00:19:34.340 | In the middle panel, you can see Vienna supports Budapest into Galicia.
00:19:37.700 | And so now it's a two versus one.
00:19:40.140 | And that red unit will indeed enter Galicia.
00:19:43.300 | And what's really interesting about diplomacy is that it doesn't just have to be your own
00:19:46.300 | units that are supporting you.
00:19:47.620 | It could be another player's units as well.
00:19:50.300 | So for example, the green player could support the red player into Galicia.
00:19:53.740 | And then that red unit would still go in there.
00:19:57.300 | So support is really what the game is all about, negotiating over support.
00:20:01.380 | And so for that reason, diplomacy has this reputation as the game that ruins friendships.
00:20:05.580 | It's really difficult to have an alliance with somebody for three or four hours and
00:20:08.960 | then have them backstab you and basically just ruin your game.
00:20:14.940 | But if you talk to expert diplomacy players, they view it differently.
00:20:18.420 | They say diplomacy is ultimately about building trust in an environment that encourages you
00:20:21.980 | to not trust anyone.
00:20:24.860 | And that's why we decided to work on the game.
00:20:26.580 | Could we make an AI that is able to build trust with the players in an environment that
00:20:30.700 | encourages them to not trust anybody?
00:20:33.140 | Can the bot honestly communicate that it's going to do something and evaluate whether
00:20:39.700 | another person is being honest when they are saying that they're going to do something?
00:20:44.940 | OK, so why diplomacy?
00:20:48.220 | It sits at this nice intersection of reinforcement learning and planning and also natural language.
00:20:53.340 | There's two perspectives that we can take on why diplomacy is a really interesting domain.
00:20:57.680 | One is the multi-agent perspective.
00:20:59.380 | So here, all the previous game AI results, like chess, Go, poker, these have all been
00:21:06.100 | in purely zero-sum, two-player zero-sum domains.
00:21:10.020 | And in these domains, self-play is guaranteed to converge to an optimal solution.
00:21:15.380 | Basically what this means is you can start having the bot play completely from scratch
00:21:18.340 | with no human data, and by playing against itself repeatedly, it will eventually converge
00:21:23.180 | to this unbeatable optimal solution called the minimax equilibrium.
00:21:27.500 | But that result only holds in two-player zero-sum games.
00:21:30.300 | That whole paradigm only holds in two-player zero-sum games.
00:21:34.420 | When you go to domains that involve cooperation, in addition to competition, then success requires
00:21:39.480 | understanding human behavior and conventions.
00:21:41.660 | You can't just treat the other players like machines anymore.
00:21:44.440 | You have to treat them like humans.
00:21:46.420 | You have to model human irrationality, human suboptimality.
00:21:51.780 | One example of this is actually language.
00:21:55.540 | You can imagine if you were to train a bot completely from scratch in the game of diplomacy,
00:21:59.660 | like the full natural language version of the game, there's no reason why the bot would
00:22:03.140 | learn to communicate in English.
00:22:04.700 | It would learn to communicate in some weird, gibberish robot language.
00:22:07.820 | And then when you stick it in a game with six humans, it's not going to be able to cooperate
00:22:11.360 | with them.
00:22:15.600 | So we have to find a way to incorporate human data and be able to learn how humans behave
00:22:20.740 | in order to succeed in this game.
00:22:27.660 | There's also the NLP perspective, which is that current language models are essentially
00:22:32.720 | just imitating human-like text.
00:22:34.560 | Now, there's been some progress with things like RLHF, but that's still not really the
00:22:41.040 | way that humans communicate.
00:22:42.640 | They communicate with an intention in mind.
00:22:44.320 | They come up with this intention, and then they communicate with the goal of communicating
00:22:47.240 | that intention.
00:22:48.240 | And they understand that others are trying to do the same.
00:22:51.540 | And so there's a question of, can we move beyond chitchat to grounded, intentional dialogue?
00:23:00.920 | So Cicero is an AI agent for diplomacy that integrates high-level strategic play and open
00:23:05.920 | domain dialogue.
00:23:07.520 | And we used 50,000 human games of diplomacy acquired through a partnership with the website
00:23:10.880 |
00:23:14.480 | So we entered Cicero in an online diplomacy league.
00:23:17.080 | Just to give you the results up front, Cicero was not detected as an AI agent for 40 games
00:23:21.600 | with 82 unique players.
00:23:24.040 | There was one player that mentioned after the fact that they kind of made a joke about
00:23:28.880 | us being a bot, but they didn't really follow up on it, and nobody else followed up on it.
00:23:33.400 | And they later accused somebody else of also being a bot.
00:23:35.840 | So we weren't sure how seriously to take that accusation.
00:23:38.960 | But I think it's safe to say it made it through all 40 games without being detected as a bot.
00:23:42.760 | And then we-- in fact, we told the players afterwards that it was a bot the whole time.
00:23:47.040 | These are the kinds of responses that we got.
00:23:49.780 | People were quite surprised-- pleasantly surprised, fortunately.
00:23:53.760 | Nobody was upset with us, but they were quite surprised that there was a bot that had been
00:23:59.320 | playing this game with them the whole time.
00:24:02.960 | So in terms of results, Cicero placed in the top 10% of players.
00:24:07.600 | It's a high-variance game.
00:24:08.600 | And so if you look at players that played five or more games, it placed second out of
00:24:14.120 | And it achieved more than double the average human score.
00:24:16.640 | So I would describe this as a strong level of human performance.
00:24:19.400 | I wouldn't go as far as to say that this is superhuman by any means.
00:24:24.000 | But it is currently quite a strong result.
00:24:27.920 | Now, to give you a picture of how Cicero works.
00:24:35.480 | So the input that we feed into the model is the board state and the recent action history
00:24:41.960 | that's shown on the top left here, and also the dialogue that it's had with all the players
00:24:46.600 | up until now.
00:24:49.440 | So that's going to get fed into a dialogue-conditional-action model that's going to predict what Cicero
00:24:56.160 | thinks all the players are going to do this turn and what they think we will do this turn.
00:25:06.440 | These lead to what we call anchor policies that are then used for planning.
00:25:11.880 | Now, planning here, again, this is like the part where we leverage extra compute at test
00:25:20.720 | time in order to get better performance.
00:25:23.360 | So essentially, we take these initial predictions of what everybody's going to do, what are
00:25:26.160 | called anchor policies, and we improve upon these predictions using this planning process
00:25:32.600 | called pickle, where basically, we account for the fact that players will pick actions
00:25:38.400 | that have higher expected value with higher probability.
00:25:40.920 | We're essentially adding this rationality prior to all the players to assume that they're
00:25:45.240 | not going to blunder as often as the model might suggest, and they're going to pick smarter
00:25:49.280 | actions with higher probability than the initial model might suggest.
00:25:52.800 | And what we find is that this actually gives us a better prediction of what all the players
00:25:56.200 | will do than just relying on the raw neural net itself.
00:26:03.560 | This gives us the action that we actually play in the game, and it also gives us what
00:26:07.800 | we call intents.
00:26:09.560 | So intents are an action for ourselves and an action for the dialogue partner that we're
00:26:13.200 | speaking to.
00:26:17.840 | So we have this dialogue model that conditions on these intents.
00:26:21.120 | So the intents are fed into the dialogue model, along with the board state and action history,
00:26:26.360 | and also the dialogue that we've had so far.
00:26:29.240 | And that dialogue model will then generate candidate messages that are conditioned on
00:26:35.240 | those intents.
00:26:38.240 | These candidate messages go through a series of filters that filter out nonsense, grounding
00:26:42.040 | issues, and also low expected value messages.
00:26:46.640 | And ultimately, we get out a message to send to our dialogue partner.
00:26:52.240 | Now every time we send or receive a message, we will repeat this whole process.
00:26:59.880 | So there's actually a lot that is quite novel in Cicero.
00:27:04.360 | And I'm going to try to talk about the contributions as much as possible.
00:27:08.400 | I might go through this a little quickly, just so we have time for questions.
00:27:12.640 | The first one is a controllable dialogue model that conditions on the game state and a set
00:27:16.600 | of intended actions for the speaker and the recipient.
00:27:19.360 | So we have a question, what is the action space here for the model?
00:27:28.960 | The action space for the action prediction model is like all the actions that you could
00:27:33.800 | take in the game, that a player could take in the game.
00:27:37.160 | For the dialogue model, it's like, you know, messages that you can send.
00:27:44.280 | Okay, so we train what we call an intent model that predicts what actions people will take
00:27:53.680 | at the end of truthful turns.
00:27:55.080 | Basically, what we're trying to predict, what are people intending to do when they communicate
00:28:00.840 | a certain message.
00:28:03.800 | And then we use this to automatically annotate the data set with basically what we expect
00:28:10.120 | people's intentions were when they sent that message.
00:28:12.880 | And we filter out as much as possible lies from the data set, so that the text in the
00:28:21.720 | data set is annotated with the truthful intention.
00:28:29.160 | And then during play, Cicero conditions the dialogue model on the truthful intention that
00:28:33.560 | it intends to take.
00:28:34.560 | And the goal then is that, the hope then is that it will generate a message consistent
00:28:39.520 | with that intention.
00:28:41.480 | And that is then fed into everything else that's, you know, sorry, that the intentions
00:28:47.920 | that we generate through planning are fed into the dialogue model.
00:28:54.880 | So to give you an example of what this looks like, this gives us a way to control the dialogue
00:28:59.040 | model through a set of intentions.
00:29:02.000 | Like here, we are Cicero's England in pink, and their action is to move to Belgium, among
00:29:10.040 | other things.
00:29:13.080 | And so if we feed this intention into the dialogue model, then the message that might
00:29:16.600 | get generated is something like England saying to France, do you mind supporting me, do you
00:29:21.240 | mind supporting Eddie to Belgium?
00:29:25.760 | On the other hand, let's say Cicero's action is to support France to the Belgium.
00:29:33.960 | Then if you feed that into the dialogue model, then the message that's generated might say
00:29:38.040 | something like, let me know if you want me to support you to Belgium, otherwise I'll
00:29:41.040 | probably poke Holland.
00:29:46.600 | Now what we find is that conditioning the dialogue model on these intentions in this
00:29:49.640 | way, it makes the model more controllable, but it also leads to higher quality dialogue
00:29:54.120 | with less nonsense.
00:29:55.880 | So we found that it led to dialogue that was more consistent with the state, more consistent
00:30:00.640 | with the plan, higher quality, lower perplexity.
00:30:03.760 | And I think the reasoning for why this is the case is that we're relieving the dialogue
00:30:08.560 | model of the burden of having to come up with a good strategy.
00:30:14.040 | We're allowing the dialogue model to do what it does best, to focus on what it does best,
00:30:18.040 | which is dialogue.
00:30:20.480 | And we're relieving it of the strategic components of the game, because we're feeding that strategy
00:30:25.520 | into the dialogue model.
00:30:28.840 | Okay, so that's one main contribution, this controllable dialogue model that conditions
00:30:34.520 | on a plan.
00:30:36.680 | The second is a planning engine that accounts for dialogue and human behavior.
00:30:43.080 | So I mentioned that a lot of previous work on games was done using self-play in two-player
00:30:52.600 | zero-sum settings.
00:30:54.700 | Now the problem with pure self-play is that it can learn strong policies, but it doesn't
00:31:02.040 | stick with human conventions, and it can't account for dialogue.
00:31:05.280 | It's just going to ignore the human data and the human way of playing if you just do self-play.
00:31:12.120 | So that's one extreme.
00:31:14.240 | The other extreme that you can go is to just do supervised learning on human data, create
00:31:20.280 | this model of how humans play, and then train with those imitation humans.
00:31:27.120 | And if you do this, you'll end up with a bot that's consistent with dialogue and human
00:31:32.040 | conventions, but it's only as strong as the training data.
00:31:36.020 | And we found that it was actually very easily manipulable through adversarial dialogue.
00:31:41.100 | So for example, you can send messages to it saying, "Thanks for agreeing to support me
00:31:44.520 | at the Paris," and it will think, "Well, I've only ever seen that message in my training
00:31:49.840 | data when I've agreed to support the person at the Paris, and so I guess I'm supporting
00:31:53.640 | them at the Paris this turn," even though that might be a terrible move for the bot.
00:32:00.240 | So we came up with this algorithm called Pickle that is a happy medium between these two extremes.
00:32:08.380 | The way Pickle works is it's doing self-play, but regularized toward sticking to the human
00:32:18.520 | imitation policy.
00:32:20.360 | So it has a KL penalty for deviating from the human imitation policy.
00:32:27.560 | So we have this parameter lambda that controls how easy it is to deviate from the human imitation
00:32:35.920 | policy.
00:32:36.920 | At lambda equals zero, it just ignores the human imitation policy completely and just
00:32:41.780 | does pure self-play.
00:32:44.100 | And so we'll just do self-play as if from scratch at lambda equals zero.
00:32:49.220 | At lambda equals infinity, it's just playing the human imitation policy and not doing self-play
00:32:55.380 | at all.
00:32:57.620 | But for intermediate values of lambda, what we find is that it actually gives you a good
00:33:00.420 | medium between sticking to human conventions and performing strongly.
00:33:08.420 | So you can kind of see this behavior emerge here.
00:33:11.500 | Sorry, there's a question.
00:33:15.360 | Is this similar to offline RL or also incorporates exploration?
00:33:18.260 | So I would say there's actually a lot of similar work on having a KL penalty.
00:33:25.500 | And so yes, I would say that it's very similar to a lot of that work.
00:33:30.060 | And this has also been done actually in AlphaStar, where they had a KL penalty.
00:33:33.540 | Though that was more about aiding exploration, like using human data to aid exploration rather
00:33:38.780 | than trying to better imitate humans.
00:33:41.960 | So I think what's interesting about the pickle work is that one, we find it imitates humans
00:33:45.740 | better than just doing supervised learning alone.
00:33:49.300 | And two, we are doing a bit of theory of mind where we assume that the other players are
00:33:55.660 | also-- we're using this as a model for our behavior, what we expect other people to think
00:34:01.420 | our behavior is, in addition to modeling the other players.
00:34:05.020 | So it's like a common knowledge algorithm that we're using here.
00:34:17.940 | So the kind of behavior that you see from this, you can see here, let's say England
00:34:22.260 | agrees-- sorry, so let's say we're in this situation.
00:34:25.180 | This actually came up in a real game, and it inspired a figure from our paper.
00:34:31.180 | So England and France are fighting.
00:34:35.100 | France is the bot.
00:34:36.700 | And France asks if England is willing to disengage.
00:34:42.620 | And let's say England says, yes, I will move out of English Channel if you head back to
00:34:48.540 | Well, we can see that Cicero does, in fact, back off, goes to NAO, and the disengagement
00:34:56.060 | is successful.
00:34:57.220 | And so this shows that the bot strategy really is reflecting the dialogue that it's had with
00:35:02.020 | this other player.
00:35:05.660 | Another message that England might send is something like, I'm sorry, you've been fighting
00:35:08.900 | me this whole game.
00:35:09.900 | I can't trust you that you won't stab me.
00:35:12.380 | And so in this case, Cicero will continue its attack on England.
00:35:16.140 | And you can see, again, this is reflective.
00:35:17.860 | It's changing its behavior depending on the dialogue.
00:35:20.060 | But you can also have this kind of message where England says, yes, I'll leave English
00:35:26.920 | Channel if you move Kiel to Munich, get Holland to Belgium.
00:35:29.260 | So these are really bad moves for Cicero to follow.
00:35:33.060 | And so if you just look at the raw policy net, it might actually do this.
00:35:40.620 | It might actually do these moves because England suggested it.
00:35:44.220 | But because we're using pickle, that incorporates-- it counts for the expected value of different
00:35:48.620 | actions.
00:35:49.620 | It will actually partially back off, but ignore the suggested moves because it recognizes
00:35:53.380 | that those will leave it very vulnerable to an attack.
00:35:57.460 | OK, I'll skip this slide for time.
00:36:08.780 | Another thing I should say is that we're not just doing planning.
00:36:11.780 | We're actually doing this in a full self-play reinforcement learning loop.
00:36:16.660 | And again, the goal here is it's really about modeling humans better than supervised learning
00:36:21.940 | alone.
00:36:22.940 | And we found that doing this self-play reinforcement learning with pickle allowed us to better
00:36:26.340 | model human behavior than just doing imitation learning.
00:36:30.900 | Finally, we have an ensemble of message filtering techniques that filters both nonsensical and
00:36:35.820 | strategically unsound messages.
00:36:40.060 | So to give you an example of what these filters look like, one that we developed is value-based
00:36:44.460 | filtering.
00:36:45.620 | So the motivation for this is that what we feed into our dialogue model is a plan for
00:36:52.340 | ourselves and for our speaking partner.
00:36:55.380 | But it's the entire plan that we have for ourselves.
00:36:58.460 | And so we might end up feeding into the dialogue model the fact that we're going to attack
00:37:02.540 | the player that we're speaking to.
00:37:04.660 | Now the dialogue model is, to be honest, kind of dumb.
00:37:08.220 | And it doesn't really know that it shouldn't be telling this player that they're going
00:37:14.180 | to be attacked this turn.
00:37:16.140 | And so you have these messages that might be sent, something like the second one shown
00:37:19.740 | here, where England says to France, we have hostile intentions towards you.
00:37:23.180 | You must be wiped from the board.
00:37:24.620 | Please provide a croissant.
00:37:26.540 | So this is actually a message that the bot sent to a player.
00:37:29.420 | Not to a player.
00:37:30.420 | This was preliminary testing and kind of motivated this whole approach.
00:37:36.780 | So we don't want the bot to send these kinds of messages if it's going to attack a player.
00:37:39.460 | We want it to send something that's like, you know, not an outright lie necessarily,
00:37:43.660 | but just something either not send a message or something that's much more bland.
00:37:49.620 | And so we filter out these kinds of messages by looking at the value.
00:37:54.140 | Like what we do is we generate a bunch of candidate messages.
00:37:58.040 | And then we see if we were to send this message, what is the behavior that we would expect
00:38:04.020 | the other players to take?
00:38:06.420 | Like what actions will we expect them to do after we send this message?
00:38:10.220 | And what do they expect we will do after we send this message?
00:38:14.000 | And then we see what is the expected value of the action that we intend to take given
00:38:20.560 | the prediction of what everybody else is going to do.
00:38:23.460 | So if our intention is to attack France, then we can see, well, if I were to send this message
00:38:28.940 | to France, then they're going to get really defensive and defend against an attack from
00:38:32.740 | us and our attack is going to be unsuccessful.
00:38:35.340 | And so therefore, I probably shouldn't send this message to them.
00:38:41.620 | And so in this way, we can actually filter out messages that have low expected value.
00:38:44.780 | And we found that this worked surprisingly well.
00:38:51.380 | Dialogue examples.
00:38:52.380 | I'll go through one just for the sake of time.
00:38:57.680 | So here we have Cicero's France, and France is conversing with Turkey, who's a human player,
00:39:07.520 | and they're debating over who's going to get Tunis, this territory circled in red.
00:39:11.440 | You can see they both have fleets next to the territory.
00:39:14.840 | If they both go for it, neither of them are going to get it, and so they need to work
00:39:17.240 | out some sort of deal.
00:39:19.280 | So France says, I'll work with you, but I need Tunis for now.
00:39:21.720 | Turkey says, nope, you've got to let me have it.
00:39:24.840 | France says, no, I need it.
00:39:26.640 | And then France suggests, you can take these other territories instead.
00:39:30.600 | You have Serbia and Rome to take.
00:39:33.720 | Turkey says, they're impossible targets.
00:39:35.760 | And then Cicero suggests specific moves that would allow Turkey to capture these territories.
00:39:41.940 | So Cicero says, Greece to Ionia, Ionia to Tyrrhenian.
00:39:46.800 | Turkey says, hmm, you're right, good ideas.
00:39:48.840 | And then France says, then in the fall, you take Rome and Austria collapses.
00:39:51.700 | And so that allows Turkey to make progress against Austria.
00:39:55.860 | But conveniently, it also allows France to capture Tunis, because Turkey will be using
00:40:01.700 | those units for something else.
00:40:06.500 | So limitations and future directions.
00:40:08.580 | Intent representation is just an action per player.
00:40:11.300 | So there's a question of like, the intentions that we're feeding into the dialogue model
00:40:15.380 | is an action that we're going to take for this turn and for the next turn, for ourselves
00:40:18.900 | and for the other player.
00:40:20.660 | But ideally, we would have a richer set of intentions, we will be able to condition on
00:40:25.220 | things like long term strategy, or style of communication, or asking questions.
00:40:32.980 | That's one of the limitations of this approach.
00:40:34.740 | Now, of course, the richer you make the space of intentions, the more room there is for
00:40:39.740 | things to go wrong.
00:40:40.900 | And you also have to then train the model to be able to handle these wider space of
00:40:44.700 | intentions.
00:40:45.700 | There was a question, do you think the dialogue model is learning an internal world model
00:40:52.940 | to be so good at predicting moves?
00:40:55.500 | No, this is arguably why we're conditioning on intentions.
00:41:02.180 | We're relieving the dialogue model of having to come up with a good world model, because
00:41:06.980 | we're telling it like, these are the moves that we are planning to take this turn.
00:41:10.260 | And these are the moves that we would like this other player to take this turn.
00:41:13.140 | So we're able to have the world model separate from the dialogue model, but condition on
00:41:21.620 | the output from the world model.
00:41:26.940 | Another limitation is that Cicero's value model doesn't condition on dialogue.
00:41:30.940 | And so it has a limited understanding of the long term effects of dialogue.
00:41:39.020 | This greatly limits our ability to plan what kind of messages we should be sending.
00:41:47.400 | And this is actually why we always condition Cicero's dialogue generation on its truthful
00:41:53.360 | intentions.
00:41:54.860 | You could argue that there's situations in diplomacy where you would want to lie to the
00:41:59.020 | other player.
00:42:00.780 | The best players rarely lie, but they do lie sometimes.
00:42:05.760 | And you have to understand the trade off between like, if you lie, you're going to not, it's
00:42:14.020 | going to be much harder to work with this person in the future.
00:42:17.500 | And so you have to make sure that the value that you're getting positionally is worth
00:42:22.020 | that loss of trust and a broken relationship.
00:42:25.780 | Now, because Cicero's value model doesn't condition on dialogue, it can't really understand
00:42:32.380 | this trade off.
00:42:34.020 | And so for this reason, we actually always condition it on its truthful intentions.
00:42:40.700 | Now, it is possible to have Cicero's value model condition on dialogue, but you would
00:42:47.620 | need way more data, and it would make things much more expensive.
00:42:50.820 | And so we weren't able to do it further for this bot.
00:42:58.020 | And finally, there's a big question that I mentioned earlier, which is, is there a more
00:43:01.780 | general way of scaling inference time compute to achieve better performance?
00:43:06.020 | The way that we've done planning in Cicero is, I would argue, a bit domain specific.
00:43:10.500 | I think it's like the idea of pickle is quite general, but I think that there are potentially
00:43:14.560 | more general ways of doing planning.
00:43:22.340 | Somebody's asking, looking forward to the next two to three years, what criteria will
00:43:26.140 | you use to select the next game to try to conquer?
00:43:28.860 | Honestly, like I said, we chose diplomacy because we thought it'd be the hardest game
00:43:32.740 | to make an AI for, and I think that that's true.
00:43:36.060 | I don't think that we're gonna be working on games anymore, because I can't think of
00:43:38.460 | any other game that if we were to succeed at that, it would be truly impressive.
00:43:46.060 | And so I think where the research is going in the future is generality.
00:43:53.260 | Like instead of getting an AI to play this specific game, can we get an AI that is able
00:43:59.180 | to play diplomacy, but could also play Go or poker, or could also write essays and stories
00:44:05.460 | and solve math problems and write theorems?
00:44:09.720 | I think what we will see is games serving as benchmarks for progress, but not as the
00:44:18.740 | goal.
00:44:19.740 | It'll be part of the test set, but not part of the training set.
00:44:21.880 | And I think that's the way it should be going forward.
00:44:25.300 | Finally, I want to add that diplomacy is an amazing testbed for multi-agent AI and grounded
00:44:31.880 | dialogue.
00:44:33.940 | So if you are interested in these kinds of domains, I highly recommend taking advantage
00:44:38.960 | of the fact that we've open sourced all of our code and models, and the dialogue and
00:44:43.940 | action data is available through what's called an RFP, where you can apply to get access
00:44:48.900 | to the dialogue and data.
00:44:54.660 | So thanks for listening.
00:44:55.660 | To wrap up, Cicero combines strategic reasoning and natural language in diplomacy.
00:44:59.660 | It placed in the top 10% of human players.
00:45:01.900 | And the paper is in science and code and models are publicly available at this URL.
00:45:06.660 | So thanks.
00:45:07.660 | And for the remaining time, I'll take questions.
00:45:09.380 | Great.
00:45:10.380 | Thanks a lot for your talk.
00:45:11.900 | So we've also opened some questions from the class, but you can finish their Zoom questions.
00:45:17.020 | So if anyone has some questions, I think, Noam, you can answer those.
00:45:20.660 | Yeah, there's one question, are you concerned about AIs outcompeting humans at real world
00:45:24.780 | diplomatic strategic negotiation and deception tasks?
00:45:28.820 | So like I said, we're not very focused on deception, even though arguably deception
00:45:33.180 | is a part of the game of diplomacy.
00:45:36.420 | I think for diplomatic and strategic negotiation, I don't feel like, look, the way that we've
00:45:43.700 | developed Cicero, it's designed to play diplomacy, the game of diplomacy specifically, and you
00:45:48.940 | can't use it out of the box for other tasks.
00:45:52.100 | That said, I do think that the techniques are quite general.
00:45:56.060 | And so hopefully others can build on that and to be able to do different things.
00:45:59.880 | And I think it is entirely possible that over the next several years, you will see this
00:46:04.700 | entering into real world negotiations much more often.
00:46:08.620 | I actually think that diplomacy is a big step towards real world applicability compared
00:46:13.320 | to breakthroughs in games like Go and Poker.
00:46:19.380 | Because now your action space is really like the space of natural language, and you have
00:46:23.020 | to model human behavior.
00:46:24.020 | Do you think in the future, we could appoint an AI to the UN council?
00:46:30.300 | Oh, hopefully, only if it does better than humans, but that would be very interesting
00:46:34.580 | to see.
00:46:35.580 | Great.
00:46:36.580 | I'm also curious, like, what's like the future things that you're working on in this direction?
00:46:41.260 | Like, do you think you can do something like AlphaGo Zero, where you just like, take this
00:46:44.880 | like pre-built model, and then maybe just make it like self-play?
00:46:48.240 | Or like, what sort of future directions are you thinking for improving this sort of box?
00:46:52.760 | I think the future directions are really focused around generality.
00:46:55.680 | Like, I think one of the big insights of Cicero is like, this ability to leverage planning
00:47:00.840 | to get better performance with language models and in this strategic domain.
00:47:06.520 | I think there's a lot of opportunity to do that sort of thing in a broader space of domains.
00:47:10.680 | I mean, you look at language models today, and they do token by token prediction.
00:47:17.020 | And I think there's a big opportunity to go beyond that.
00:47:19.320 | So that's what I'm excited to look into.
00:47:20.800 | I'm also curious, like, I didn't understand the exact details, how you're using planning
00:47:23.960 | or Monte Carlo research with your, like the models that you have.
00:47:29.200 | So is it like...
00:47:30.200 | We didn't use Monte Carlo research in Cicero.
00:47:33.800 | Monte Carlo research is a very good heuristic, but it's a heuristic that is particularly
00:47:40.240 | useful for deterministic perfect information games.
00:47:45.200 | And I think in order to like have a truly general form of planning, we need to go more
00:47:48.960 | abstract than Monte Carlo research.
00:47:51.380 | We use this algorithm called PICL, it's based on a regret minimization algorithm.
00:47:56.520 | I don't really want to go into the details of it because it's not that important for
00:47:59.240 | the class.
00:48:00.480 | But the idea is like, it is this iterative algorithm that will gradually refine the prediction
00:48:05.360 | of what everybody's going to do and get better and better predictions the more iterations
00:48:07.760 | that you run.
00:48:08.760 | And that's similar to search.
00:48:09.760 | Yeah.
00:48:10.760 | Sure.
00:48:11.760 | Go for it.
00:48:12.760 | You're unmuted.
00:48:13.760 | Okay.
00:48:14.760 | So yeah, my question is like, when we were talking about generalizability, how does the
00:48:30.620 | communication between different modules of the model look like, particularly when we're
00:48:36.320 | talking about the dialogue model?
00:48:38.800 | Like how do you send information from the policy network to the dialogue model?
00:48:41.600 | And in the future, if you have a model that's good at different tasks, are we going to have
00:48:46.160 | like a really big policy net that learns all of them or like separate language modules
00:48:51.060 | for all of them?
00:48:52.060 | Like how do you break it down?
00:48:54.120 | So we actually convert the policy, the action for ourselves and for our dialogue partner
00:48:58.240 | into a string, natural language string, and just feed that into the dialogue model along
00:49:03.560 | with all the dialogue that it's had so far.
00:49:06.120 | So it's just all text in, text out.
00:49:11.000 | And that works great.
00:49:13.480 | And then what was the second part of your question?
00:49:18.560 | Something like, are we just going to have like one giant policy net trained on everything?
00:49:22.240 | Yeah, it was like, so if you're only using text first, doesn't it limit the model?
00:49:28.120 | And if you're using it for different games, like, are you thinking like, when you say
00:49:32.720 | in the future, you will work on generalizability, are you thinking about a big policy network
00:49:37.560 | that is trained on separate games or is able to like understand different games at the
00:49:41.960 | same time?
00:49:42.960 | Or do we have like separate policy networks for different games?
00:49:46.680 | And yeah, like, doesn't this like text interface limit the model in terms of communication?
00:49:52.040 | Like if you're using vectors, it might like, yeah, it might be a bit of a bottleneck.
00:49:58.520 | I mean, I think ideally, you go in this direction where you have like, you know, a foundational
00:50:02.680 | model that works for pretty much everything.
00:50:07.200 | Does text I mean, certainly, just like a text in text out that like limits what you can
00:50:10.480 | do in terms of communication, but hopefully, we get beyond that.
00:50:16.360 | I think it's a reasonable choice for now.
00:50:20.400 | Thank you.
00:50:21.400 | I think we have more zoom questions.
00:50:26.280 | Okay, so there's a question in the chat, I'd love to hear your speculation on the future.
00:50:30.480 | For instance, we've seen some startups that are fine tuning LLMs to be biased, or experts
00:50:34.580 | in say, subject X versus subject Y.
00:50:39.920 | This seems like a pretty general question.
00:50:46.520 | I don't have strong opinions on this.
00:50:53.720 | I yeah, I mean, like, I'm not I'm not too.
00:51:03.160 | I'm not too focused myself on, you know, fine tuning language models to specific tasks.
00:51:10.000 | I think the direction that I'm much more interested in going forward is, you know, like the more
00:51:14.960 | general forms of planning.
00:51:16.620 | So I don't think I can really comment on, you know, how do you tune these language models
00:51:25.540 | in these ways.
00:51:27.900 | So what sort of planning methods are you like interested in looking at, like, like MCTS
00:51:32.900 | is one.
00:51:33.900 | So let me, so I got to step out for just one second.
00:51:40.340 | Got this switch rooms, excuse me.
00:51:43.460 | Okay, nevermind.
00:51:44.460 | We're all good.
00:51:45.460 | Sorry.
00:51:46.460 | What was the question?
00:51:47.460 | Oh, yes.
00:51:48.460 | I was thinking, I was just asking, like, what sort of planning algorithms do you think are
00:51:51.100 | very interesting to combine?
00:51:52.100 | So you think like, we have like, so many options, like we have like planning kind of stuff,
00:51:56.260 | or RL, there's like MCTS, there's like the work you did with Cicero.
00:51:59.740 | So what do you think are the most interesting algorithms that you think will scale well,
00:52:03.780 | can generalize?
00:52:04.780 | Well, I think that's the big question that a lot of people are trying to figure out today.
00:52:08.900 | And it's not really clear what the answer is.
00:52:11.660 | I mean, I think, you know, you look at some of the chain of thought, and I think there's
00:52:16.100 | a lot of limitations to chain of thought.
00:52:17.860 | And I think that it should be possible to do a lot better.
00:52:20.540 | But it is really impressive to see just how general of an approach it is.
00:52:25.540 | And so I think it would be nice to see to see things that are general in that, in that
00:52:33.780 | way, but hopefully able to achieve better performance.
00:52:37.700 | Awesome.
00:52:38.700 | Also, when you say like, Cicero is like an encoder decoder model, in the sense that encodes
00:52:46.900 | the world, and then you have the dialog model, which is trying to decode it.
00:52:50.940 | It was an encoder decoder model.
00:52:53.140 | I don't think that that's necessarily the right choice.
00:52:57.180 | But that's what we used.
00:53:00.180 | Any questions?
00:53:01.180 | Okay, I think, yeah, we're mostly good.
00:53:05.940 | But yeah, thanks a lot.
00:53:08.220 | Okay.
00:53:09.220 | Well, yeah, and if there are any questions, feel free to email me reach out, I'm happy
00:53:13.660 | to chat.
00:53:14.460 | Thanks.
00:53:17.460 | [BLANK_AUDIO]