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What's next for AI agents ft. LangChain's Harrison Chase

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00:00:00.000 | I'm delighted to introduce Harrison Chase.
00:00:05.640 | You know, one of the reasons I was really excited to come back today was because I think
00:00:09.800 | it was a year ago at this event that I met Harrison, and I thought, "Boy, if I get to
00:00:14.420 | meet super cool people like Harrison, I'm definitely going to come back this year."
00:00:18.760 | Quick question.
00:00:19.760 | How many of you use LangChain?
00:00:20.760 | Yeah.
00:00:22.760 | Okay.
00:00:23.760 | So almost everyone.
00:00:24.760 | Those of you that don't, you know, pull up your laptop, run pip install LangChain.
00:00:26.600 | If you aren't using LangSwift yet, I'm a huge fan.
00:00:29.200 | And Harrison works a massive developer community.
00:00:31.600 | If you look at the pip, you know, PiPi download stats, I think LangChain is by far the leading
00:00:37.200 | generative AI orchestration platform, I think.
00:00:40.180 | And this gives us a huge view into a lot of things happening in generative AI.
00:00:43.800 | So I'm excited to have him share with us what he's seeing with AI agents.
00:00:48.400 | Thanks for the intro.
00:00:49.400 | And thanks for having me.
00:00:50.400 | Excited to be here.
00:00:51.400 | So today I want to talk about agents.
00:00:53.980 | So LangChain is a developer framework for building all types of LLM applications.
00:00:57.560 | But one of the most common ones that we see being built are agents.
00:01:00.900 | And we've heard a lot about agents from a variety of speakers before.
00:01:06.200 | So I'm not gonna go into too much of a deep kind of, like, overview.
00:01:11.160 | But at a high level, it's using a language model to interact with the external world
00:01:16.360 | in a variety of forms.
00:01:19.040 | And so tool usage, memory, planning, taking actions is kind of the high level gist.
00:01:25.160 | And the simple form of this you can maybe think of as just running an LLM in a for loop.
00:01:30.280 | So you ask the LLM what to do.
00:01:31.880 | You then go execute that.
00:01:33.360 | And then you ask it what to do again.
00:01:34.880 | And then you keep on doing that until it decides it's done.
00:01:37.440 | So today I want to talk about some of the areas that I'm really excited about that we
00:01:42.240 | see developers spending a lot of time in and really taking this idea of an agent and making
00:01:48.480 | it something that's production ready and real world and really, you know, the future of
00:01:54.200 | agents, as the title suggests.
00:01:56.100 | So there's three main things that I want to talk about.
00:01:57.920 | And we've actually touched on all of these in some capacity already.
00:02:01.380 | So I think it's a great roundup.
00:02:02.880 | So planning, the user experience, and memory.
00:02:06.800 | So for planning, Andrew covered this really nicely in his talk.
00:02:11.880 | But we see a few...
00:02:12.880 | The basic idea here is that if you think about running the LLM in a for loop, oftentimes
00:02:17.960 | there's multiple steps that it needs to take.
00:02:20.280 | And so when you're running it in a for loop, you're asking it implicitly to kind of reason
00:02:24.760 | and plan about what the best next step is, see the observation, and then kind of like
00:02:29.640 | resume from there and think about what the next best step is right after that.
00:02:35.880 | Right now at the moment, language models aren't really good enough to kind of do that reliably.
00:02:41.080 | And so we see a lot of external papers and external prompting strategies kind of like
00:02:46.200 | enforcing planning in some method, whether this be planning steps explicitly up front
00:02:53.360 | or reflection steps at the end to see if it's kind of like done everything correctly as
00:02:58.440 | it should.
00:02:59.560 | I think the interesting thing here, thinking about the future, is whether these types of
00:03:03.760 | prompting strategies and these types of cognitive architectures continue to be things that developers
00:03:09.320 | are building or whether they get built into the model APIs, as we heard Sam talk a little
00:03:14.120 | bit about.
00:03:15.640 | And so for all three of these, to be clear, I don't have answers.
00:03:18.560 | And I just have questions.
00:03:19.560 | And so one of my questions here is, are these planning, prompting things short-term hacks
00:03:25.240 | or long-term necessary components?
00:03:30.680 | Another kind of like aspect of this is just the importance of basically flow engineering.
00:03:35.120 | And so this term I heard come out of this paper, Alpha Codium.
00:03:38.440 | It basically achieves state-of-the-art kind of like coding performance, not necessarily
00:03:42.240 | through better models or better prompting strategies, but through better flow engineering.
00:03:45.700 | So explicitly designing this kind of like graph or state machine type thing.
00:03:51.440 | And I think one way to think about this is you're actually offloading the planning of
00:03:55.040 | what to do to the human engineers who are doing that at the beginning.
00:03:58.920 | And so you're relying on that as a little bit of a crutch.
00:04:03.000 | The next thing that I want to talk about is the UX of a lot of agent applications.
00:04:06.720 | This is actually one area I'm really excited about.
00:04:08.440 | I don't think we've kind of nailed the right way to interact with these agent applications.
00:04:13.520 | I think human in the loop is kind of still necessary because they're not super reliable.
00:04:19.960 | But if it's in the loop too much, then it's not actually doing that much useful thing.
00:04:23.760 | So there's kind of like a weird balance there.
00:04:26.040 | One UX thing that I really like from Devin, which came out a week, two weeks ago, and
00:04:32.920 | Jordan B kind of put this nicely on Twitter, is the presence of a rewind and edit ability.
00:04:39.480 | So you can basically go back to a point in time where the agent was and then edit what
00:04:44.720 | it did or edit the state that it's in so that it can make a more informed decision.
00:04:48.400 | And I think this is a really, really powerful UX that we're really excited about at LingChain
00:04:53.560 | and exploring this more.
00:04:54.640 | And I think this brings a little bit more reliability, but at the same time kind of
00:04:59.840 | like steering ability to the agents.
00:05:02.880 | And speaking of kind of like steering ability, the last thing I want to talk about is the
00:05:06.920 | memory of agents.
00:05:08.960 | And so Mike at Zapier showed this off a little bit earlier where he was basically interacting
00:05:13.960 | with the bot and kind of like teaching it what to do and correcting it.
00:05:17.360 | And so this is an example where I'm teaching in a chat setting an AI to kind of like write
00:05:22.200 | a tweet in a specific style.
00:05:24.040 | And so you can see that I'm just correcting it in natural language to get to a style that
00:05:27.280 | I want.
00:05:28.280 | I then hit thumbs up.
00:05:29.560 | The next time I go back to this application, it remembers the style that I want.
00:05:33.440 | But I can keep on editing it.
00:05:34.480 | I can keep on making it a little more differentiated.
00:05:37.040 | And then when I go back a third time, it remembers all of that.
00:05:39.480 | And so this I would kind of classify as kind of like procedural memory.
00:05:42.840 | So it's remembering the correct way to do something.
00:05:45.320 | I think another really important aspect is basically personalized memory.
00:05:49.680 | So remembering facts about a human that you might not necessarily use to do something
00:05:54.100 | more correctly, but you might use to make the experience kind of like more personalized.
00:05:58.720 | So this is an example kind of like journaling app that we are building and playing around
00:06:02.480 | with for exploring memory.
00:06:04.340 | And you can see that I mentioned that I went to a cooking class, and it remembers that
00:06:07.360 | I like Italian food.
00:06:08.440 | And so I think bringing in these kind of like personalized aspects, whether it be procedural
00:06:13.460 | or kind of like these personalized facts, will be really important for the next generation
00:06:17.780 | of agents.
00:06:19.960 | That's all I have.
00:06:22.280 | Thanks for having me.
00:06:23.280 | And excited to chat about all of this, if anyone wants to chat about this after.
00:06:26.040 | Thanks.
00:06:27.040 | [APPLAUSE]
00:06:27.040 | [END]
00:06:28.040 | (audience applauding)
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