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Upcoming Changes to APJ

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | [Music]
00:00:04.000 | Hello, APJ listeners. Thanks for spending so much time with Pastor John and me over the years. We're
00:00:08.960 | honored that you're along on this ride of what God has done and continues to do through this podcast.
00:00:14.080 | It's bigger than us, and we know that. So thank you for being a part of it. And it's just me today
00:00:19.600 | with an update for you about a few new programming changes to be aware of.
00:00:23.600 | And the first change coming up is an announcement, actually. It's an exciting one for us here at
00:00:28.320 | Desiring God because we're now offering a brand new John Piper sermon podcast. It launched in
00:00:34.880 | mid-April. Likely you already heard about it. It's called Light in Truth. Light in Truth. Be sure to
00:00:40.400 | subscribe to the new podcast feed to enjoy sermons from Pastor John's pulpit ministry.
00:00:44.560 | Classic sermons, new sermons, five days a week, all curated in a new podcast hosted by Dan
00:00:51.840 | Kruver. He's doing a great job. It's going to be a great addition to your podcast feed.
00:00:57.040 | And with the addition of the new podcast come two changes to Ask Pastor John, this podcast.
00:01:03.280 | And the first is that we're going to bring sermon clip curation Wednesdays to an end. So Wednesdays
00:01:09.920 | we would play sermon clips. That was a lot of fun. And you all sent me tons of great clips over the
00:01:14.880 | years. Thank you for your emails. Thank you for sharing those clips with me and sharing your
00:01:18.720 | memories too. So many of us have stories about unforgettable moments or seasons of life when a
00:01:25.440 | sermon from Pastor John just met us in a moment of need. And you've been sharing that with us on
00:01:31.280 | the podcast with those clips. But sermon clip Wednesdays will end and it's going to end in May.
00:01:37.040 | So instead of sermon clips, those of you who want to listen to curated John Piper sermons,
00:01:41.280 | subscribe to the new Light in Truth podcast. You'll find it there. And that brings me to
00:01:47.040 | change number two. In removing the Wednesday slot, APJ is moving to two times per week.
00:01:53.200 | Two times per week. We'll be publishing now two episodes per week on Mondays and on Thursdays.
00:01:59.040 | For a number of years now, we've been publishing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,
00:02:03.520 | taking the Wednesday slot out. And now we're going to publish new APJs on Mondays and Thursdays. And
00:02:09.440 | that change will begin in June. I just wanted to give you a heads up on that. It's coming.
00:02:15.760 | And I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for listening, for supporting us, and for sending
00:02:22.400 | us your incredible questions. Keep those coming, which you are. We have no shortage of questions
00:02:27.520 | ahead of us. In fact, already we have May and June and all of July and most of August already
00:02:34.480 | scheduled out with themes and emails. It's as busy as ever here for us. And Pastor John continues to
00:02:40.400 | love investing his time in APJ, which is great. In fact, we're just reviewing his schedule for
00:02:46.080 | the next year ahead and his ministry commitments. And he said to us, "APJ remains a deeply satisfying
00:02:53.600 | investment of effort, and it's probably the hardest thing I do." I know what he's talking
00:03:01.920 | about. It's not easy work answering your hard questions, but it's deeply satisfying work.
00:03:07.680 | And I love working on this podcast alongside him. We have much work ahead of us in this second
00:03:13.760 | decade of the podcast now. So those are the updates. Subscribe to Light and Truth today,
00:03:20.000 | and APJ moves to Mondays and Thursdays in June. I'm your host, Tony Reinke.
00:03:26.480 | Thanks for listening to the Ask Pastor John podcast. See you soon.
00:03:35.420 | [BLANK_AUDIO]